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Reply to Mediterranean Diet

Reply to Mediterranean Diet

Here is my super-fast, 1-minute reply reply to Friday’s (1/6/23) NYT article espousing the Mediterranean diet…

Here is some of that literature….











Here is the link to my comment on NY Times article

NYT Article, my comment and replies to it


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  1. People are just BOGGLED that I avoid olive oil.
    And one of my friends who is a highly respected scientist claims that new research supports occasional meat in our diets. She says it’s not just B12 that WFPB
    lacks. She hasn’t sent her references.

    1. Hi Catrina,

      Yes, nearly all foods have an inherent amount of oil / fat, so adding concentrated fat (i.e. oil of any kind) to your food is not needed for health. Many doctors like Dr McDougall recommend an oil-free diet, and then there is also SOS, meaning no salt, no oil, no sugar– just eat what is naturally occurring in those plant-based foods.

      From the perspective of Dr Dean Ornish, Dr Neal Barnard and certainly the yogic diet, meat is seriously detrimental to health and essentially viewed as a poison.

      Please tell your friend she can write me personally anytime and we can compare blood results and overall standards of health.

      Good for you Catrina for all the great and healthy practices you have incorporated into your food & eating regimen…

    2. Just want to add that our complex nutritional needs may indeed not be met by any single diet, including a vegan dietary regimen. But eating meat is not the way to plug those holes as you will be getting so many harmful outcomes as well. So best is to get your blood tested annually, find out the weak spots, and take supplements as or if needed. Eating meat and thinking you got your bases covered is not the way to go.

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