Upcoming Courses

RenYoga U: Peace of Mind in Challenging Times (Mar 11 – 25)

By all accounts, across the spectrum and throughout the globe, we are indeed living in challenging times: There is so much struggle and strife, fighting and infighting, degradation and discord. How do we navigate this daunting and disturbing environment without retreating into our own cocoons or getting submerged in the whirlpool of events. How can we be informed, active players, yet remain hopeful and at peace with our place in the world, as well as respectful, kind, and loving with our fellow humans.  Read More/ Register

This class starts on March 11, 2024 – Register Today

Course Archive

Presenting RenYoga University Class (#009)

#010 RenYoga U: Yogic Cosmology: Oneness & the Cycle of Creation – Part I

In this course, we will explore the oneness of the cosmos and our inherent link with all, within the context of our own lives. As we develop a clearer understanding and more tangible realization of this, we may completely rethink our own concept of self as well as our relationship with the world around us… Read More/ Register

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Presenting RenYoga University Class (#009)

Life On Your Terms

Life on Your Terms means defining what success means to YOU, having the courage to walk towards it, and manifesting the life of your dreams! When you’re consciously in alignment with your passions, values, and purpose, it is here you’ll discover true joy…Read More

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Presenting RenYoga University Class (#008)

The Spiritual Science of Attachments II

In this follow-up course, we will take a wide-angle perspective on how we can heighten our happiness and health and lead a productive and long life.  Attachments are those things, i.e. bondages, that stand in our way of achieving that state of true peace…Read More

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Presenting RenYoga University Class (#007)

Longevity: Maximizing Our Lives

In this course, we will take a wide-angle perspective on how we can heighten our happiness and health and lead a productive and long life. Now, more than ever, we have both the information and resources to truly maximize our lives – qualitatively and quantitatively….Read More

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Presenting RenYoga University Class (#006)

The Spiritual Science of Attachment

In this course, we will take take an introspective journey, apply yogic principles, and free ourselves of attachments that restrict our growth and fulfillment. One of the key aspects of yoga is liberation – liberation from all kinds of binding properties, i.e. things that hold us back. In yoga, those “things” are called attachments… Read More

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Presenting RenYoga University Class (#005)

The Power of Fasting

In this course, we will (a) overview the why and how of fasting, (b) explore the great recuperative powers of fasting, and (c) hear from Larc Jaycobs who recently completed a 21-day fast at the True North Health Center in Santa Rosa, CA…Read More

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Presenting RenYoga University Class (#004)

Becoming a Dharmika

In this course, we will review the overall definition of dharma in its various forms and levels, and then embark on the journey of exploring the ten characteristics of a dharmika, the one who is the embodiment of dharma…Read More

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Presenting RenYoga University Class (#003)

Food, Diet, & health

Human beings need nourishment in all realms of life: physical, psychic, and spiritual. Food plays an important role in all three realms because the food we eat does not just affect our body, but our mind as well. In this course, we shall examine the importance of our food choices and their impact on our overall health…Read More

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Presenting RenYoga University Class (#002)

Breathing & Chakras

The yogis have long held great insight into the art and science of breathing, i.e. svarashastra. The breath serves all planes of the human experience: physical, psychic, emotional, and spiritual. By understanding more about our breathing process and how intrinsically it is linked to our overall welfare…Read More

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Presenting RenYoga University Class (#001)

The Bhagavad Gita & Mahabharata:
Essence of Yogic Life & Spirituality

The Mahabharata is one of the great epics of India, and is often regarded as the greatest and longest story ever told. Embedded within this magnificent tale is the Bhagavad Gita. Taken together, they stand as a pillar of yogic thought and spiritual insight. We shall unravel this remarkable epic and explore…Read More

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