Really, We are Meat-Eaters? Our Anatomy Says Otherwise

Really, We are Meat-Eaters?
Our Anatomy Says Otherwise

The following charts provide clear evidence about what foods
our bodies were designed to consume…..

According to the yogis, our lives should be consistent with natural law. The entire philosophy and practice of yoga is based on naturally-occurring phenomena. Yoga is not a random, human invention but a copy of nature’s blueprint. Those early yogis founded the practice on the already existing eternal truths unfolding in this universe. That is why time and again we find that their intuitional discoveries from thousands of years ago are confirmed and supported by modern-day science.

Since the very inception, those yogis declared that the natural diet of humans is a plant-based regimen. See here below how this is supported by the follow scientific comparisons. Click on the charts to enlarge…

Click to enlarge.

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  1. I have never see this and love it! It’s a fascinating comparison and I hope that it will help make the case to everyone I know who is reluctant to give up being a carnivore! Thanks Satyam!

    1. Hi Jeannie,

      Indeed these charts offer quite the comparison and contrast. Thanks so much for checking in on this…

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