Calm Challenge: Dec ’18

Calm Challenge: Dec ’18

Here are ways to stay relaxed and stress-free over the next four weeks – and it only takes 2 minutes per day….

WeeK #1: Dec 3 to Dec 9

Sit upright in a L-shape on the floor, with the legs extended in front of you. Place a rolled yoga mat behind you length-wise with one end touching toward your tailbone. Lie back on the mat so your entire spine runs along your yoga mat. Place a neck pillow or rolled towel beneath your neck. Spread your arms out wide. Breathe slowly. Remain in this position for 2 minutes – or as long as you wish.

Week #2: Dec 10 – 16

Sit in silent meditation. Use a chair, sit pillow, or other prop as needed to get in a comfortable seated position. Then simply breathe slowly as you physically feel your mind relax. Remain here for 2 minutes – or as long as you wish.

Week #3: Dec 17 – 23

Practice corpse pose or shavasana in silence – no music or surrounding sounds as far as possible. Remain here for 2 minutes – or as long as you wish.

Week #4: Dec 24 – 31

Since this week tends to be filled with family gatherings and get-togethers that often feature larger meals or lots of finger food etc, for this week put down your fork or spoon in between bites, and be sure you have thoroughly chewed and swallowed your food before reaching for another hors d’oeuvre.

Looking for more options?

The main idea is to remain centered, steady, calm, and tranquil as we together close out the year and usher in a Happy New Year!!



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