The Mom Recovery Blog Post – Part 3
The Mom Recovery Blog Post – Part 3
Here is the continued and ongoing journal of mom’s recovery from
emergency open-heart surgery.
Here is part 1 ==> Oct 19, 2020 to Feb 17, 2021
Here is part 2 ==> Feb 18, 2021 to Sep 26, 2021
3/7/24: Please follow mom’s continued progress on her new
Mom Thriving Lifestyle blog post….
The Central Figure: Mom
Most of you know mom, but for those who don’t, here are some of her tales and adventures including her workout routine when turning 90 in August 2019.
Mom’s health remained this same basic level until the weekend before her hospitalization on 19 October 2020. Yes, THAT year – 2020.
The Timeline
Here is continued timeline of mom’s recovery from emergency open-heart surgery at the age of 91 (note: she outlived her aorta). This is part 3 which started on 26 Sep 2021; the newest entries are at the top…
Here is part 1 ==> Oct 19, 2020 to Feb 17, 2021
Here is part 2 ==> Feb 18, 2021 to Sep 26, 2021
3/7/24: Please follow mom’s continued progress on her new
Mom Thriving Lifestyle blog post….
Sun, Mar 3, 2024 (10pm) Solid Numbers
Well, mom has certainly had a relaxing weekend: sleeping in late both days, visiting with friends, sitting on the front porch, and eating well. But before the weekend started, she put up some fine numbers. On Thurs (2/29), we did our walk out the front door to the top of the block and came back down the alley, and this time I timed it – a 35 minute jaunt where mom has to be on her feet the whole time.
Then on Fri (3/1), mom was at the gym and did this:
.55 miles total on treadmill (20 min 16 sec) // .30 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
3 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
Thurs, Feb 29, 2024 (9:30am) Great Start to the Week!!
We have had a very productive first three weeks of the week. On Mon (2/26), we walked outside and mom used her ski pole – and for the most part I linked arms with her on the other side – and we walk out the front door to the top of the block and then all the way down the alley and then back to the front porch. I did not time it, but mom was probably on her feet 40 – 45 minutes or so, and she was darn glad to be seated on the front porch when it was over. Tues (2/27) was a casual stay at home day as most Tuesdays are given my schedule.
Then yesterday (Wed, 2/28) mom had a really great gym workout:
.75 miles total on treadmill (26 min 21 sec) // .52 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
3 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
Today is bright and shiny and mom is till in bed, but the aim is to get out and about for a walk or something later on…
Sun, Feb 25, 2024 (10:10pm) Home All Weekend
Mom was up quite early on Saturday – showered and dressed by 8am – and on Sunday she really slept in and lounged around in her warm bed till nearly 1pm!! We had some regular and surprise visitors on Saturday, and just hung around on Sunday. Not much else to report….
Fri, Feb 23, 2024 (11:50pm) Outdoor-Indoor
All is well here. On Thurs (2/22), mom gave solid go of it up the street and then turned around due to the chill. The ambient temp was 57, but the wind was a bit much. She was on her feet though for about 30 minutes or so.
On Fri (2/23), mom had a good start on the treadmill – .38 miles in 13 min 26 sec – with just a short rest break but we abandoned ship due to natural call. Thereafter we transferred upstairs to the track where mom did 6 laps without stopping. And, naturally, mom got her steps in: 20 up and 20 down. So we had a Mon-Wed-Fri week at the gym!!
Wed, Feb 21, 2024 (8:50pm) The Racehorse
Mom has had a great start to the week at the gym – check out her numbers….
Wed, 2/21/24
.70 miles total on treadmill (24 min 52 sec) // .45 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
2 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
Mon, 2/19/24
.50 miles total on treadmill (17 min 31 sec) // .34 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
4 laps around the track
Seated Rest
2 laps around the track
Seated Rest
20 industrial steps down
On Tue (2/20), mom was mostly at home and then she did a bunch of laps (back & forths) in the house in the evening before dinner.
Sun, Feb 18, 2024 (11:20pm) Sleepy Weekend
Can’t say that a lot happened these past few days, but mom is happy and well and that is enough.
On Fri (2/16), mom was outside for nearly two hours for the alley meeting. She is not a great participant and does not always follow the conversation, but she seems to enjoy being out there and seeing everyone. Sometimes I think we should just spend the time at the gym, but this does keep here connected with the local folks.
On both Sat & Sun, mom had a good time sleeping in, especially on Sunday!! She did not get out of bed until after noon, and did not make it down for breakfast until 2p or so. On Saturday she made it down for breakfast at just about noon. Both days, dear friends stopped by to visit with mom so that was nice.
One thing I have not been writing about much is that when mom is awake but still in bed she might start calling me “Helen”, which is the name of her younger sister who passed away in 1986 or so. But on Saturday especially, she was really keen on it and was repeatedly saying, “You are Helen, my baby sister!” She was very happy about it. But when she got out of bed – but still in her pajamas – she said I was her son. So this Helen thing comes up now and again in those moments just after she has awakened. It is never any other name…just Helen.
Thurs, Feb 15, 2024 (6pm) Beautiful Spring Day
On this gorgeous spring afternoon of nearly 70 degrees, mom and I walked up and the street from the front door to a bit below the turn in the road and then back down. It was not a particularly long walk, but a good on. We were without mom’s ski pole so we mostly walked arm in arm. All in all, it might have been a 20 – 25 minute jaunt. Mom was fairly steady on her feet, and she enjoyed being outside.
Here is mom’s gym workout from yesterday, (Wed/ 2/14):
.67 miles total on treadmill (23 min 49 sec) // .38 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
4 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
Both Mon (2/12) and Tues (2/13) were pretty mellow days for mom around the house…
Sun, Feb 11, 2024 (11pm) Fine Weekend
On Sat (2/10) mom slept in and enjoyed a late breakfast and was finally ready to mobilize herself by 3:15pm wherein she and her good friend walked over to the gazebo for a bit and returned back. And on Sun (2/11) mom got up and showered early (8:30am), and then spent hours in her room eating breakfast in her chair and reading the Sunday paper, and finally down to the main part of the house in the mid-afternoon. All in all, a pretty low-key Super Bowl weekend. No mom did not see even one play.
Fri, Feb 9, 2024 (9pm) 4-Day Wrap Up
Mom has had a very solid few days, though today she really enjoyed a rather luxurious afternoon, doing the unusual of getting under the covers again and again into the mid-afternoon. But it was well deserved, and she was enjoying herself so much.
Yesterday (Thurs 2/8), mom walked up to the top of the alley and then looped around to the front side of the house. It was a good outing. At the beginning she walked independently with her ski pole, and then we picked up the pace and walked arm-in-arm.
On Wed (2/7), mom was at the gym for her late afternoon workout and put up these impressive numbers:
– .61 miles total on treadmill (22 min 33 sec) // .50 initial miles without stopping
– 20 industrial steps up
– 3 laps around the track
– 20 industrial steps down
Here it should be noted that at the very beginning on the treadmill she was complaining that her right foot was bothering her and we even stopped after a few steps to fix her sock – only to fully refresh and start again wherein mom proceed to walk an entire half-mile without stopping. It was a gregarious outing on the treadmill as many stopped over to chat and say hello, and mom kept right on going!!
On Tue (2/6), mom was around the house most of the day – it was her free day to hang around.
Mon, Feb 5, 2024 (8pm) Back in the Gym
Mom put in a good showing at the gym today – and boy is she ever hailed by everyone while she is there!!
.51 miles total on treadmill (18 min 56 sec) // .36 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
5 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
Sun, Feb 4, 2024 (1:25pm) Lovely “Winter” Weekend
The weather has just been a wonderful reprieve from the bitter cold of January. On Fri (2/2), mom sat outside with her friends for more than two hours for the alley meeting. Then on Sat (2/3) mom took a nice walk from the garb and then encircling and finally back to the front of the house where she sat for another 45 min or so soaking up the sunshine. On her walk, mom just used the ski pole and was quite steady and stable throughout. And now today, Sun (2/4), mom seems to have settled in for a relaxing Sunday afternoon.
Thurs, Feb 1, 2024 (7:50pm) Five is the Magic Number
Lots and lots of 5’s today. First and foremost, this marks the 5-day point after mom and I were exposed to covid, and we both tested negative today. (Note: Neither of us had any symptoms so this was mostly a precautionary measure.) So that was a great outcome!! Secondly, to celebrate the end of our self-imposed lockdown, we went to the gym, and mom did .55 miles on the treadmill as well as 5 laps around the track. So it was a day laden with 5’s. Here are her workout totals:
– .55 miles total on treadmill (20 min 10 sec) // .34 initial miles without stopping
– 20 industrial steps up
– 5 laps around the track
– 20 industrial steps down
Yesterday, (Wed, 1/31), mom did very well with a walk around the gazebo. She just used her ski pole and was quite steady and independent throughout the walk. On both Monday & Tuesday (1/29 & 1/30), mom was mostly around the house as we were pretty keen not to come in contact with others, even though we were fairly certain we were not infected. But now we are free and are ready to burn up the track at the gym!!
Sun, Jan 28, 2024 (11:50pm) Indoor & Outdoor Walks
Mom has had a joyous and relatively mellow back half of the week. On Thursday (1/25) we were around the house most of the day, and on Friday (1/26) we took advantage of the warm weather and headed out for a solid walk outside around the gazebo, and mom navigated the whole walk quite well using just her ski pole, no rollator. On both Sat (1/27) & Sun (1/28) mom did about 20 minutes of walking / laps inside the house. So while it was not a super active 2nd half of the week mom got some basic exercise each day. All in all, she is holding up very well – eating and sleeping plenty – and we look forward to getting a solid gym day in tomorrow!!
Wed, Jan 24, 2024 (10:35pm) Gym Days
Here are mom’s two recent gym days. Both time she had only a modest amount of energy, but she did get her standard 1/2 mile completed…
Wed – 1/24/24
.50 miles total on treadmill (17 min 45 sec) //.30 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
1 lap around the track
20 industrial steps down
Mon – 1/22/24
.50 miles total on treadmill (19 min 06 sec) //.33 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
3 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
On Tues (1/23/24), mom was around the house all day….
Sun, Jan 21, 2024 (11:35pm) Hibernation & Visitation
Mom did not get out of bed until after 1p today – quite the relaxing Sunday!! And yesterday mom did not get out of bed until after 11am!! So she has had quite the restful weekend. And with the frigid temps mom has not been out at all the last four days!! She had been doing some walking in the house to keep the ol’ legs active. And on both Thurs (1/18) and Sat (1/20) mom had some visitors, and she greatly enjoyed those occasions!! Beyond that we hope tog et back to the gym – we need it!!
Wed, Jan 17, 2024 (8:15pm) Solid GO on the Treadmill
We generally get to the gym on Mondays, but it was closed on Mon 1/15 for MLK day, and Tuesday is my Farmer’s Market Day, so there was a great need to get to the gym today and mom did not disappoint.
– .71 miles total on treadmill (25 min 25 sec) //.46 initial miles without stopping
– 20 industrial steps up
– 2 laps around the track
– 20 industrial steps down
Sun, Jan 14, 2024 (11:15pm) The Gamut
Mom went through the full range of engagement over these last four days. On Thursday (1/11/24) we went to a much needed podiatrist appointment to get her nails cut. I bought a fancy nail clipper to do it but just wasn’t feeling up to the mark; it seemed like we needed a professional. So that was a great need that was finally attended to. And we will go back in July for another go round.
On Friday (1/12/24) we handled and finalized some much needed banking work at our local branch here in Fearrington. Then we went straight to the gym, but mom was just not having it. She did a whopping .13 miles (5 min 23 sec) – with 2 or 3 rest breaks. It was just one of those “no-go” days. Then we took the elevator up to the track as the stairwell is still be redone and mom did a whopping single lap around the track. And that was the totality of the workout. I think this was just a one-off, but let’s see how we do that next time we go to the gym.
On Sat (1/13), after a morning visit with friends, mom’s granddaughter was over (from out of town) and during the visit mom led us on a walk outside on a very windy day. And mom just forged ahead and led us on a great walk. At one point she said, “How far are we going?”, and we said, “We are just following your lead”, and she said, “Ok then, let’s turn around then.”
But we were out and about for a while so it was a good outing.
And today, (Sun, 1/14), mom was just around the house all day enjoying herself. We had a home-cooked lunch with our granddaughter (i.e. my niece).
Wed, Jan 10, 2024 (10:15pm) Good Workout
After attending to some relatively basic affairs at the bank, mom and I headed over to the gym. Here is what mom did for her workout today:
– .65 miles total on treadmill (22 min 27 sec) //.55 initial . miles without stopping
– Elevator Up (The stairwell is being renovated)
– 2 laps around the track
– Elevator Down (The stairwell is being renovated)
So as you can see – she finally go her wish to take the elevator up to the track. She always says to me, “I do not understand why we do not take the elevator, as we invariably head to the staircase.”
Tue, Jan 9, 2024 (10:30am) Bright Smile
I walked into mom’s room this morning at around 10am and as per norm she was waking up with a great smile. The outside arena is gray and dark, but she is rising with great hope and light.
Yesterday (Mon, 1/8), we did get to the gym and mom did the following workout. She did not have her usual energy as she tuckered out a little early, but she still put up some decent numbers.
– .46 miles total on treadmill (17 min 43 sec) // initial .20 miles without stopping
– 20 industrial steps up
– 3 laps around the track
– Seated Rest
– 20 industrial steps down
On Sunday (1/7) mom got up at around noon and had some friends visit at 2p or so. She was around the house all day.
Sat, Jan 6, 2024 (8pm) Dark Day But Great BP
Today has been like nighttime all day long with lots and lots of rain so mom and I have been at the house all day. As per normal, I did have a yoga class in the morning, but as not per normal mom appeared on site just as the class was starting. Here is that interaction ==> Watch on Instagram
Took mom’s vitals today and her BP was 117/67 with a pulse of 65. So those are some pretty sterling numbers. Remember, she is not on any BP medicine.
Yesterday (Fri, 1/5), mom did get to the gym and she did the following workout:
– .67 miles total on treadmill (24 min 08 sec) // initial .44 miles without stopping and was going strong but needed a bathroom break.
– 20 industrial steps up
– 2 laps around the track
– 20 industrial steps down
Thursday (1/4) ended up being a home day around the house.
Thurs, Jan 4, 2024 (9:50am) “Queen of the Gym”
Yesterday, Wed 1/3/24, was a very solid gym day. A great first workout of the year:
.51 miles total on treadmill // initial .37 miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
3 laps around the track
Seated Rest
3 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
Now when we go around the track mom uses the inside lane so she can use the railing to balance herself as needed. For the last few years we always used the middle lane so she had no handholds etc and had to keep balanced with her lower limbs and core. Now, however, since we do the treadmill first to the point of fatigue, it seems safer and reasonable to use the inside lane where mom can hold on as needed.
Workout aside, mom garnered so much attention and so many compliments at the gym. One person anointed her as the “Queen of the Gym”; another person mouthed to us, “She is so cute”; and one couple said that mom is “the most beautiful woman they ever met and that she just shines”. So that is quite a round of compliments in a short time period. The main thing is that mom went to the gym and put the work in. And the proof is that it is nearing 10am and she is still sleeping!! Getting a good rest after a strong workout is a must.
On Tue (1/2), mom was around the house most of the day as we were busy with things, but she did have a visitor or two along the way.
Mon, Jan 1, 2024 (11:30pm) Happy New Year!!
Mom had a fine weekend and New Year’s Day. And, no, she did not stay up to midnight on New Year’s Eve. But it seemed like she was prepping for it as a few nights ago she was up until 1:30am. But, alas, last night she went to bed at 11pm.
On Saturday (12/30) and today we took modest walks outside. The temp was brisk but not freezing, and it was good for mom to get out and walk a bit. Today, we had some two of mom’s close friends and their grown kids who were in town stop by for an afternoon visit so that was a nice treat.
All in all, mom is in good shape and ready to roll into the New Year!!
Thurs, Dec 28 (11:30pm) Keeping it Consistent
Mom was in the gym today for a great but curtailed workout. Mom got on the treadmill and did:
– .70 miles total on treadmill (25 min 26 sec) // initial .63 miles without stopping
Unfortunately, we did have to cut our workout short as we had a pressing bathroom issue.
Tue, Dec 26 (10pm) Back with a Vengeance
Mom was back in the gym today for a short but potent workout. We only had time for the treadmill and mom certainly made the most of it:
– .77 miles total on treadmill (27 min 17 sec) // initial .56 miles without stopping
Mon, Dec 25 (11:15pm) Holiday Relax
On Sat (12/23) mom and I went for a good walk around the gazebo island. She had only her ski pole and was doing ok (but not great) so I walked arm-in-arm with her just to be safe. We may have to use the rollator going forward. The rest of the holiday weekend mom was at home enjoying.
Here she is barging through Chair Yoga class on Sunday (12/24)!! And on Friday (12/22) and today (12/25) mom was just hanging out at the house.
After this holiday weekend we are due back at the gym. So we have that on tomorrow’s schedule.
Thurs, Dec 21 (6:55pm) Low-Energy Gym Day
In stark contrast to yesterday, mom was up and already in the shower by 7:30am, which is 5 or 6 hours earlier than yesterday.
Also in stark contrast to yesterday, Mom was definitely low-energy at the gym today. She did .1 miles on the treadmill and then said that her right foot was bothering her, which is strange because that has not been an issue in months. So we took the shoe off etc, and then put it back. Then she did another .15 miles on the treadmill before calling it quits.
Here are our totals:
– .25 miles total on treadmill (9 min 47 sec)
– 20 industrial steps up
– 3 laps around the track
– 20 industrial steps down
The olive baguettes (with sun-dried tomato) came out of the oven today…
Wed, Dec 20 (11:15pm) Solid Workout
Today, mom slept past noon!! And she would have kept going if I did not wake her up at 12:15pm. By the time breakfast was over it was nearly 3p. Despite the late start to the day, we did get to the gym and mom did:
– .65 miles total on treadmill (24 min 16 sec) // initial .40 miles without stopping
– 20 industrial steps up
– 3 laps around the track
– 20 industrial steps down
– Nu-Step 500 steps (10 min 25 sec) level 5
So mom had a really good showing at the gym today. Yesterday, Tue 12/19, mom was hanging around the house…
Mon, Dec 18 (11:55pm) Curtailed Workout
We got to the gym today and mom did:
– .51 miles total on treadmill (18 min 54 sec) // initial .32 miles without stopping
– 20 industrial steps up
– 1 lap around the track
– 20 industrial steps down
Then we had a bit of a bathroom emergency and had to abort our workout and get home.
Sun, Dec 17 (8:55pm) Casual Weekend
On Fri (12/15), mom was outside for 2 hours for the alley meeting; she was nicely bundled up so she was able to handle the chill that began to settle in as the sun got lower in the sky. On Sat (12/16), mom had some late morning visitors, and then had a 3p Zoom call with the whole family, and the rest of the afternoon slipped by before we got out for a walk. And Sun (12/17) was just a rainy day from beginning to end. On days when mom is unable to get outside or head to the gym, she does do somewhere between 5 and 15 lengths inside the house just to get the body moving a bid. That said, we definitely need a gym day tomorrow, though it is supposed to be relatively warm and sunny so maybe we got a long outdoor walk instead.
Thurs, Dec 14 (8:20pm) Meeting at the Gym
Today mom had a solid go at the gym. We initially got there at 4p for a meeting with a trainer, and that really was just a talk / follow-up session because of her fall a week or two back. They want to ensure that we are following best practices (which we are) and this was really more about their liability than actually training mom. But they were quite nice and friendly about it, and things should go quite smoothly going forward. Some of the time was also spent going over mom’s history and the numbers of her present-day workout and they are definitely duly impressed!! Overall, the meeting did take about 40+ minutes which sort of cut into our workout time as it was getting late in the day. But mom did do her workout, and here are the numbers:
– .54 miles total on treadmill (18 min 51 sec) // initial .39 miles without stopping
– 20 industrial steps up
– 2 laps around the track
– 20 industrial steps down
Thurs, Dec 14 (9:30am) Really Cruisin’
Yesterday (Wed, 12/13) mom had a really great workout at the gym, especially for someone who did not want to go in the first place!! But once there she put her track shoes to work!! Here are the numbers:
– .75 miles total on treadmill (27 min 29 sec) // initial .60 miles without stopping going at 1.7 mph the whole time
– 20 industrial steps up
– 3 laps around the track
– 20 industrial steps down
On Tues (12/12) mom was around the house the whole day, hanging around and doing some short walks inside the house before meals.
Mon, Dec 11 (6:50pm) Sleeping In + Gym Workout
Today, mom slept until a little after 10am but did not get out of bed until 12:30pm!! She was enjoying being under the covers – happy and warm. Breakfast did not start until 2p and did not end until 3p. Even with that tardy start to the day, we got our engined going and wend to the gym. And here is that very successful workout:
.63 miles total on treadmill (23 min 47 sec) // initial .45 miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
1 lap around the track
Seated Rest
1 lap around the track
20 industrial steps down
Sun, Dec 10 (11:30pm) Domestic Weekend
On Fri (12/8), mom spent the afternoon outside for the alley meeting with her friends. And over the weekend mom was determined to demonstrate her sleeping prowess. On Sat (12/9) she slept till 10 and did not come down for breakfast until nearly noon. Some of her friends came over for their Saturday morning visit, and mom did a Zoom call that afternoon with family. Then on Sun (12/10) mom slept in till almost 11am, and did not get out of bed until 11:30 or so. Safe to say, mom enjoyed her weekend. Tomorrow, we need to get back in the gym!!
Thurs, Dec 7 (8:30pm) Making Gym Routine
Got to the gym again today, just trying to string more and more days together:
.51 miles on the treadmill (19 min 26 sec) – with 3 25-second rest stops
2 Full Rounds of obstacle course
20 industrial steps up
1/2 lap around the track
20 industrial steps down
Next Thursday, the gym is giving us a complimentary 1-hr tutorial with a trainer to go over mom’s routine, workout, and use of the machines.
Wed, Dec 6 (6:15pm) Successful Gym Workout
Mom had a nice recovery day at the gym – safe and sound. No Falls!! Here was her workout:
.50 miles on the treadmill (18 min 51 sec) – with 3 25-second rest stops
20 industrial steps up
3 laps around the track
Seated Rest
20 industrial steps down
5 min session of core work and leg lifts on the mat table
Mom did not develop any bruising or stiffness from her fall on Monday. In fact, it was as if she did not fall at all. So that was really good. Actually, no one really saw her fall, and I tend to think that she just kind of slid down onto the ground, but who knows.
On Tuesday (12/5) mom had a casual, hang-around day at the house…
Mon, Dec 4 (7:15pm) Aborted Gym Workout: Fall
I was really keen to have mom get on the treadmill today to see how she’d do after Friday’s strong showing. I put the usual step-up piece on the floor so mom could get up on the treadmill as it is a rather big unit. At some point, I turned my back and was looking towards one of our friends who was a few feet away, and when I turned back around mom was on the ground (face down), in between two machines. I quickly got her up and some gym staff and trainers came over, and we got her seated in a chair. We sat there for a bit, and an old, retired Indian physician came over and checked out mom’s legs and knees. From her side, mom was as strong as can be and was immediately ready to go on the treadmill, but she did say she hit her knee. The Indian doctor seemed satisfied that things were more or less in order, and mom seemed ok. One of the trainers took her BP (112/58),and ultimately we stayed at gym for another 10 minutes, keeping an eye on her knee. Then we left the gym and walked to the car. I have no idea how mom fell, but we basically got off easy. Naturally, we will check it before bed and in the morning…
Sun, Dec 3 (5:45pm) Great Week of Exercise
Although the title is a great “week” of exercise, specifically we are talking about a 3-day period. And we shall proceed in reverse order and get to the best news first. On Friday (12/1) we headed over to the gym for just a short workout and mom got on the treadmill and went all the way to .55 miles without stopping – normally we do .5 miles and she needs 3 rest breaks to get there – moreover mom went all the way up to .75 miles. So that was a groundbreaking and eyeopening day for use. I was thinking that mom’s stamina had nearly topped out, but we are on the rebound here and increasing her range. After her treadmill work, mom did some stand-ups from a chair holding a 2 lb ball.
Thursday (11/30) was another unexpected display of stamina in that mom made it up to the mail kiosk and back, just to qualify she used her ski pole 90% of the way there and then pushed her rollator the rest of the way, and then used her rollator the entire way home. But she was moving at a solid clip and while at the mail kiosk she did not sit down or rest at all. So that was a really good outing. She had not made it up and back to the mail kiosk – walking the entire way – in months.
Then on Wednesday (11/29) mom had the following workout at the gym:
.50 miles treadmill
Balance Exercises
20 industrial steps up
2 laps around the track
Seated Rest
1 lap around the track
Seated Rest
20 industrial steps down
So those were her three main days of exercise. We were pretty much around the house on Mon (11/27) and Tues (11/28). After those two days of rest when she was going to bed on Tuesday evening she told me that I should also go to sleep soon because, “We have energetic days”
Sat (12/2) & Sun (12/3) were warm, soggy days and mom was hanging around the house and had some good friends stop by for their weekly Saturday visit.
So that was mom’s week – all in all pretty good. She is a good sleeper and eater, and her overall health and day-to-day wellness are remarkably stable and consistent.
Sun, Nov 26 (7:45pm) Thanksgiving Weekend
Mom had a fine Thanksgiving holiday; she was home for most of it and had some wonderful visitors to liven things up. Thursday morning our neighbor visited with mom for a good, long while, exchanging plenty of stories, tales, and laughs. Friday was a casual day around the house, and then on Saturday two of mom’s good friends visited her in the late morning, and then in the afternoon family from the west coast stopped over for a joyous visit. I think they thought that mom looked quite good for her age(!!) – and mom really enjoyed have them over. Sunday was a quiet day at home.
The weather is changing and the late afternoons can have a bit of a chill. On Saturday, mom and I went out as the sun was setting, and she hung in there for a short walk around the block.
Wed, Nov 22 (10:30pm) Solid Gym Time & Dental Visit
Mom had a solid gym workout today:
.56 miles treadmill (21 min 43 sec)
5 stand-ups from chair w/ 2 lb weight
2 full rounds – obstacle course
20 industrial steps up
1.5 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
The main thing here is that she did not have to struggle much to do more than half-a-mile on the treadmill. She took a few 20 second stops, and then was quickly ready to go.
Yesterday, (Tue, 11/21) mom was around the house much of the day. And on Monday, (11/20), mom went to the dentist for a check-up and got a very good review. In particular, they commented on how good her gums looked. By and large, she does quite a fine job on her oral hygiene.
Sun, Nov 19 (11pm) Great Medical Week
As noted in the prior entry, on Mon (11/13) mom was given a clean bill of health regarding her heart, and on Thurs (11/16) mom’s kidneys got a stellar review by the urology dept. So with both those key organs, mom’s scans and tests were all normal and clear. That said, mom does have a good-sized stone in her kidney, but she has no pain from it and that stone has remained as is for the last several months. The long and short of it, mom’s vital organs are in great shape.
On Wed (11/15), mom did get to the gym and did this routine.
.41 miles treadmill
20 industrial steps up
1 lap around the track
Seated rest
1 lap around the track
Seated rest
1 lap around the track
20 industrial steps down
On Fri (11/17), mom sat outside with the neighborhood crew for her weekly alley meeting, and today, Sun (11/19), mom walked to the gazebo with two friends for an afternoon visit. And, in a nutshell, that was mom’s week, highlighted by two semi-annual visits with cardiology and urology.
Mon, Nov 13 (9pm) Great Heart Valve
We went to cardiology today and they did an echocardiogram – which hadn’t been done in 2 years – and the results were basically perfect, no issues whatsoever. Specifically, they were checking the aortic valve that was put in during her open-heart surgery in Oct 2020. So she basically got a clean bill of health on that front. And the chief nurse who conducted the appointment whom we see every year confirmed with us again and again that mom is just one the one, single med – the blood thinner at the lowest level. Since there was nothing really to go over with the nurse, it was a fairly short appointment, and the whole time mom was like, “Ok great, so are we done?” She was keen to leave from the getgo!!
From the 9th to the 12th, we had family visiting so there was lots of cooking, baking, and eating, along with some neighborhood walks. Mom was often on her feet for an hour plus, as was the case on Wed (11/8) when mom and I hiked over to the gazebo. On Monday (11/6) and Tuesday (11/7) mom and I were busy around the house and dealing with car inspections etc.
Sun, Nov 5 (11pm) Beautiful Days
The last few days have been great, great weather. That said, today (Sun, 11/5) mom was inside all day, somehow it just happened to us. On Saturday (11/4), mom did get out for a short neighborhood stroll, and that morning she had some friends stop by for a lovely visit. On Friday, 11/3, mom spent the afternoon from 2p – 4p at the alley meeting. And when it was all said and done and I went to get her to bring her in, I asked her if she had a good meeting, and in front of all her friends, she said, “Well, it really wasn’t much of a meeting!!” Then they all said, “Well, it was a gathering.” They all understood mom’s intent, i.e. that there was no agenda per se!! And on Thursday, Nov 2, mom guarded the house while I made a Costco run. All in all, the back half of our week went quite smoothly, but I am afraid we really did not do too much….
Wed, Nov 1 (6pm) The Gym Workout
Mom had a solid workout at the gym today (Wed, 11/1). She did .5 miles on the treadmill (20 min 15 sec), and since they were painting the 2nd floor & track we could not go up stairs so we go on our old friend, the Nu-Step machine. And mom did 500 steps on Nu-Step level 5 (10 min 30 sec). So we had a short, yet efficient gym workout. It was late in the afternoon and we had to get back for a 5pm Zoom call with family.
Yesterday, Tue (10/31), mom went to see her primary care doctor, and everything seems to be well in order. Mom’s overall standard of health has been very stable, and all her bloodwork came back quite normal. So no health surprises on any fronts.
Monday (10/30) mom was out for a walk in the neighborhood. We did not go far but she was on her feet for nearly an hour and a half as she was looking over everyone’s gardens and talking to her neighbors. And, ultimately, she looped around to the front of the house and spent the rest of the afternoon on the front porch.
Sun, Oct 29 (11pm) The Regular 1/2 Mile + Tea Party
Today, Sunday 10/29, was a wonderful day in the mid-80s or and mom and I walked over the the gazebo to meet up with a friend for a while. Beyond that it was a mostly lounge-around Sunday. The rest of the week had some action – detailed below. Here first is mom’s return from the gazebo:
Yesterday, Sat 10/28, mom created Noah’s Ark in her bathroom as her shower extension was leaking and it got all over the bathroom floor, and the part of the afternoon that would have been spent going for a walk was instead used in installing a new shower extension and finagling it with extra washers so that became completely leakproof. While I was going back and forth to a neighbor’s house seeking and getting his expertise, mom got up from her chair on the front porch and began sweeping the sidewalk in her socks!! Yikes!! She had made it a good ways up the sidewalk before I realized what was going on.
On Friday 10/27, mom broke the record for the longest alley meeting ever!! She stayed outside at the alley meeting for 3 hrs and 45 min!! Various people cycled through the meeting over that span, but mom was the only one who was there from beginning to end.
One of the great highlights this week was the tea party we hosted on Thursday afternoon (10/26) – we had three of mom’s friends come from the literacy council. Below is a collection of the home-baked goodies we served and shared at the tea party.
And here are more images and description from the tea party.
As has been the case in weeks past, we made Wednesday (10/25) our gym day. Here is mom’s workout:
.50 miles treadmill
6 rounds obstacle course
20 industrial steps up
1.5 laps around the track
Seated rest
20 industrial steps down
And you can watch videos of mom’s workout here.
So that brings us to Tuesday (10/24) which passed uneventfully, and mom spent the latter portion of the afternoon on the front porch while I went to the farmer’s market. And on Monday, (10/23), mom and I took a short walk around the neighborhood. And that was our week!!
Sun, Oct 22 (10pm) From Vaccination Blues to The Mail Kiosk
Yesterday (Sat 10/21), on a glorious afternoon, mom walked all the way to the mail kiosk using only her trusty ski pole as her helpful tool. I believe it took us about an hour to get there. I pushed the rollator (just in case), and after taking a rest at the mail kiosk, mom started walking back using her ski pole, and after a few steps walked with the rollator, and shortly thereafter she sat on the rollator and I push her most of the way back. She walked from the final corner home using her ski pole. All in all a very good outing.
The week began (Mon, 10/16) with mom getting her covid vaccination in the afternoon, and she was fine the rest of the day, but on Tuesday morning (10/17) woke up with almost no appetite. She barely touched her breakfast and then went back to bed. By the late afternoon / evening she was back to her normal self.
On Wednesday (10/18) mom hit the gym and did this workout:
.38 miles treadmill
20 industrial steps up
1 lap around the track
Seated rest
2 laps around the track
Seated rest
1 lap around the track
20 industrial steps down
On Thursday 10/19, mom and I took a modest cruise around the neighborhood (see photo below). I had pretty much given up on getting to the mail kiosk with mom, but she was out and about on her feet for a solid 45 minutes or more. And it was nice to see that two days later mom did in fact make it all the way to the mail kiosk, but for the time being making roundtrip journeys seem a bit out of our reach.
On Friday (10/20), mom’s alley meeting experienced a rainout so mom was around the house most of the day, as was the case with today, Sunday, (10/22).
Directly below is mom on her Thursday afternoon walk….
Below we have our jalapeno pepper / sun-dried tomato home-baked rustic “rolls”.
Next, we have mom’s Sunday evening main course – a colorful squash soup with greens and more….which was preceded by an arugla and walnut salad…
Sun, Oct 15 (9pm) Very Successful Week + A Fall
Let’s start with the bad news that turned out ok. Yesterday, Sat 10/14, mom’s call bell went off at 9:20am, towards the send of my yoga class. I knew this was not a good sign so I immediately took leave of the class and sure enough mom was lying on her side on the bathroom floor, just by her vanity. Fortunately, we had recently re-outfitted the bathroom with 5 call buttons, one of which hangs right down the vanity so mom was able to easily and quickly contact me. Naturally, it is highly disconcerting to see her on the floor (this is her first fall since July 9, and the time before that was 19 months prior towards the end of 2021) and need to assess things. So I got on the floor with her and rolled her towards me so she was now in a reclining position leaning on my chest, as if we were making a train. And we just sat there together for a few minutes to let the shock wear off and see if we had any injuries. Fortunately, mom was quite composed and injury-free so I lifted her up onto her feet and helped her over to her shower chair so she could continue her morning routine. And yes, I returned to conclude the yoga class – and everyone was still there. In all, I was gone from the class for four minutes and twenty seconds – we have it on film. And mom seemingly closed out her morning bathroom routine uneventfully. That said, she did tell me that she fell again in the shower abd that she could not call me but a doctor had come and helped her up. We spoke about it, and she said it was different from the fall when I came. I am going with the notion that she fell just that one time as there are three call buttons in the shower and my class had ended just a few minutes after her initial fall and I was checking up on her periodically in the bathroom. So let’s call it a single fall morning, which is one more than we would have ever wanted.
The week leading up to that event was quite positive. Mom went for a solid walk on modest walk on Monday (10/9) and was mostly around the house on Tuesday (10/10). Then on Wednesday (10/11), we hit the gym and mom did 1/2 mile on the treadmill (19 min 41 sec) and then she climbed the 20 industrial steps to the track and did 2 laps and then descended the steps. So that was a solid outing.
On Thursday (10/12), mom walked 90% of the way to the mail kiosk. So that was a great job, and then she walked much of the way home, but not all. We started the return with her seated on the rollator, and then she walked for a good bit, and then the final portion she was seated on her rollator. When she is walking she is just using her ski pole, and I push the rollator as our back-up plan. On Friday (10/13), the weather was gorgeous and mom was outside with her friends for much of the afternoon for a well-attended alley meeting. Yesterday (Sat 10/14) was the day mom fell in the morning, from which she recovered nicely – actually she emerged from it totally unscathed both physically and mentally – and some of her friends stopped by as mom was eating breakfast. We have decided that mom would take a hiatus from going out for breakfast on Saturday mornings, and her breakfast buddies now come over for a visit after they go out. And that worked out very well.
Finally, today (Sun 10/15), mom and I went on a big walk around the block, which is about 3/4 of the way to the mail kiosk – and we did not bring the rollator. Mom was very independent for the first 70% of the walk, and then for the last 30% I made sure that I had my hand gripped to her jacket as she was a bit fatigued and tends to fall forward as she walks when she is tired. I did not time it but mom was on her feet for probably 80 or 90 minutes.
So that was our week!! Again, I hope to get back to making daily entries this week….let’s see!!
Sun, Oct 8 (11:45pm) 2-Week Recap
Somehow I have gone from daily entries to semi-weekly entries to weekly entries to bi-weekly entries…so let’s see what we have here. First off, the highlight over this period was the last weekend’s visit by our “Montana Family”. All five of them came: mom, dad, and the three girls aged 6, 8, & 10. It was just a lovely time, and mom thoroughly enjoyed having them.
Last Saturday (9/30/23), inspired by our Montana family, mom walked all the way up to the mail kiosk with her ski pole and no other support. She had not made it that far since before summer. She also walked back 75% of the way using only a ski pole before she needed to sit on the rollator and get pushed home. By and large mom’s outdoor walking is still quite solid and trustworthy, but her stamina and speed have both seemed to have declined. This fall will be the time to see if we can regain either of those. Of the two, I think we are more likely to improve in the arena of stamina.
We did get to the gym on 10/4/23 and did the following:
20 industrial steps up
4 laps around the track
Seated rest
2 laps around the track
Seated rest
20 industrial steps down
Mini-Obstacle course
Most days mom has been doing casual walks around our local neighborhood so she does get out regularly, and she spends time outside sitting on the front porch. All in all, mom’s days pass very comfortably and in extremely good spirits, yet we do (as we have since long) suffer from bouts of confusion, which really do not affect her mood, but nonetheless do crop up. Her sleeping and eating are both excellent.
Sun, Sep 24 (10:15pm) Weekend Life
Between Saturday’s rain and Sunday being Sunday, we really did not have much of an active weekend. Mom was outside a lot on the front porch, which she enjoyed. She is great at grabbing passers-by and having them join her for a few minutes or more. Of late, she has had an all-star cast out there with her!! Today was the actual official closing day of the outdoor pool. Here’s to a great week at the gym!!
Thurs, Sep 21 (11:30pm) Back to Back Gym Days
On Monday (9/18), mom walked up to the top of the alley and then back down, and then curved around to the front of the house. It was still warm so this decent, but shortened walk is acceptable
On Tuesday (9/19), mom and I cruised over too the gym for a quick workout before the farmer’s market, and we just focused on doing laps, of which mom did six:
20 industrial steps up
3 laps around the track
Seated rest
2 laps around the track
Seated rest
1 lap around the track
20 industrial steps down
When I went to the farmer’s market mom was sitting on the front porch, and when I came back from the market mom was broom-in-hand sweeping off the sidewalk. Fortunately, she had not been at it long, and I was able to get her back in her seat and take up the job myself.
On Wednesday (9/20) we started with about 10 stand-ups from a chair. Mom had some really strong ones, and on others she used the chair for support. At the end she did them holding a 2-lb ball. Thereafter, we set up our famed obstacle course in the back studio. At first mom was hesitant about the ups and downs and the multi-level work, moreover she could not get her strides proper for the ladder walk. But after a few rounds mom did better and better – gaining confidence on the multi-level rises and acing the ladder walk. So that was good to see. We closed the session with the 20-step rise to the track, did two laps, and decended back down.
Today, Thursday (9/21), mom and I had a casual day around the house, and we went for a short walk up the street. Since mom slept in till 10:15am and came down for breakfast at close to noon, we had a shorter type of day.
Sun, Sep 17 (11:30pm) Casual Four Days
On Thursday (9/14), mom and I walked outside but it was a bit slow going and still kind of warm out. While the Wed gym session was encouraging, we will have to see if mom is again able to make it all the way to the mail kiosk this fall.
On Friday (9/15), mom was outside for hours: 2 hours on the front porch and then 2 hours out back for the alley meeting. Then the weekend (9/16 & 9/17) came and went with normal type of activities – breakfast with friends and general engagements around the house as Sunday was mostly overcast and somewhat rainy.
Wed, Sep 13 (10:30pm) Back in the Gym!!!
After more than a month’s long hiatus, we got back to the gym – and mom was determined. We got up to the track, and she promptly said that 17 laps is a mile but that she was not doing more than 10. And indeed she did exactly 10 laps today, and she was very pleased about her effort, and promptly added: “Well, tomorrow I will do 12 and by the end of the week I will be up to 17.” (Note: Since her surgery in 2020, she has never done 17 laps around the track, but she is not concerned or limited by that!!)
Here is the tally from the day:
20 industrial steps up
5 laps around the track
Seated rest
2 laps around the track
Seated rest
2 laps around the track
Seated rest
1 lap around the track
20 industrial steps down
As we get back into our gym routine, we will add more balance and multi-level routines.
Sun, Sep 10 (11:30pm) Pool and Pool Washout
Somehow these updates have become weekly events – hopefully that is just indicative of our normal lives. This was a hot, hot week – high 90’s the whole way through. And mom and I soaked it up at the pool the whole way through. On Monday (9/4) the pool was a happening place for Labor Day, and the following three days were much quieter but no less hot. Then we went on Friday (9/8) and the fast onset of roaring thunder and the flashes of lightening cut our visit short. And that really may have wrapped up the pool for us. It is open for two more weeks but with the heavy rains we’ve gotten coupled with the dropping temps that may be the season. And maybe we are ready for a change.
On Sat (9/9), mom and I went for a walk to the top of the alley and back, and mom’s stamina just is not what it used to be. So it is probably time we get back to our walking and gym routine. That is more of a workout wherein mom gets tired and has to push herself a bit. Stay tuned for our upcoming gym reports.
All else with mom is quite good – steady and consistent….
Sun, Sep 3 (11:00pm) Outdoor Walking
This week we got a few days of outdoor walking in, and while mom did well with it, we can definitely improve with regards to stamina. As we switchover from swimming to gym / outdoor walking, that will be part of our focus. Mom did spend Friday (9/1) afternoon at the pool, and we expect to spend much of this week at the pool as well given the upcoming high temps.
We were fortunate to have family visitors this weekend, and that made for a very wonderful Sunday evening.
Sun, Aug 27 (11:30pm) Birthday Week – 94!!
Mom had a wonderful birthday week. Thanks so much to all who helped us celebrate through cards, phone calls, Zoom sessions, home visits, flowers, care packages, local gatherings, restaurant meals, and overall well-wishing!!
Mom had a fine outdoor gathering with her alley mates on Friday afternoon and culminated the weekend with a brunch outing.
So mom has been blessed to have a very full week of visitations and celebrations. In addition, she was able to get to the pool four times this week and really enjoyed her pool time. All else is remarkably consistently well.
Sun, Aug 20 (11:50pm) A Very Fine Week
In a nutshell, here is mom’s weeK: Mon (8/14) – pool, Tues (8/15) – home day; Wed (8/16) – pool; Thurs (8/17) – short walk outside; Fri (8/18) – pool; Sat (8/19) – pool; Sun (8/20) – pool. The final tally is: Pool Days = 5; Walk = 1, Home = 1. So the pool has been a big thing for us this summer, whereas last year we spent probably half of the summer at the gym, as well as taking long walks. I suppose the big experiment will be how does the pool time transfer to her walking stamina and gym workouts. In the coming weeks we will gain insight into that.
At the pool, mom gravitates towards all of the toddlers etc. That is just an automatic, and fortunately, generally, the families are very receptive to mom’s presence so it ends up being a good match. With the coming heat wave this week it looks like we will have more pool days ahead of us.
Mon, Aug 14 (11:20pm) 4-Day Swimming Streak
Mom has lived at the pool the last four afternoons: Fri, Sat, Sun, & Mon. The weather has been super hot, and mom has been spending typically 70 – 90 minutes in the pool those days. She has not been doing a lot of floating or swimming per se, but does quite a bit of walking around in the pool in water that reaches her upper abdomen or shoulders. Just being in the water for that duration is very beneficial for her. So it has been a solid streak, and she is extremely happy being in the water. On the home front, mom has been eating up a storm!!
Last Thursday, Aug 10, was mostly a stay at home day.
Wed, Aug 9 (11:20pm) Gym Workout + Neighborhood Walk
Today, we were planning on going to the pool, but we never quite got there. However, we did get a late afternoon workout in at the gym:
Treadmill (.44 miles // 17 min 27 sec)
8 rises from a chair (4 – arms in front, 4 – holding 2lb ball)
20 industrial steps up
3 laps around the track
Seated rest
20 industrial steps down
Standing Balance Work
When mom started on the treadmill, I was standing right next to her, but was looking in another directly, and the I noticed she cranked the speed up to 3.5 miles per hour, and she actually started jogging!! I immediately dialed it down. She reasoned that, “Maybe I should start jogging.” Next time, we might pursue that in a more planned manner, and see what she can actually do at a higher speed.
These days, mom has been busting into the yoga classes quite a bit. Here she is doing a class inspection, and here she is adjusting her pajamas.
Monday (8/7) was a stay-at-home day, but on Tuesday (8/8) mom and I did do a long walk through the neighborhood.
Sun, Aug 6 (11:15pm) Pool Weekend & Friday Walk
We were just about 90 degrees on both Saturday and Sunday so we hit the pool both days. The week prior the pool temp itself was 90 degrees, but has since dropped down to about 80 – 81 degrees. Mom does like that warmer pool temp, but she made her way into the pool this weekend and enjoyed it thoroughly once she was able to get in. On Friday, the weather was cooler and mom took a solid walk around the neighborhood. All else is well. She sleeps great and has a strong appetite. In exactly 3 weeks she turns 94.
Thurs, Aug 3 (11:30pm) Gym Time
We made it over to the gym this afternoon, and here is our workout…
20 industrial steps up
3 laps around the track
Seated rest
3 laps around the track
Seated rest
2 laps around the track
Seated rest
20 industrial steps down
Standing Balance & Agility work (15 min)
Thurs, Aug 3 (11:10am) Hematologist & More
So it has been bit of a slow week. On Monday we were mostly around the house involved in various home works. On Tuesday, we went to the hematologist, and there was no major news on that end. I was wondering if we could get down to a quarter dose of Eliquis but there is no precedent or studies on that. So the plan is to continue as is. He was pleased with mom’s bloodwork (from a month or so back), and it was all in all an uneventful visit. Yesterday (8/2) was going to be a pool day but it never really heated up so mom and I opted for a walk around the neighborhood instead. Today, we may aim to head to the gym in the afternoon.
Here is mom modeling her new Italian, decorative scarf….
Sun, July 30 (11:25pm) Weekend Round-Up
A fairly straightforward weekend: Both Friday and Sunday were big pool days, while Saturday was a loaf around the house day.
Fri, July 28 (8:20am) Smiling Doctors Leave Immediately
On Wednesday (7/26), mom went for her CT scan and follow-up with the vascular center, and the head doctor came into mom’s room with his entourage and was just smiling. He said, “Well, next month you turn 94, so I’ll tell you what, I will see you back here in two years when you are turning 96!” The basic explanation was that they checked and her entire aorta is in great shape. What they fixed – the ascending aorta and valve – two years ago is holding plenty strong, and what they did not fix – the descending aorta that had some dissections – is maintaining just fine. The biggest dissection (.4mm) at the most proximal point of the descending aorta is plenty safe and has not grown at all in two years. Not only that, the check-in nurse was amazed at mom’s stellar BP and could not believe that mom is not on any meds. The tiny dose of Eliquis she is on is preventive in nature, i.e. so she does not get a stroke / clot. So all her systems are fine, and the doctors and medical staff could not have been more pleased with her.
Yesterday (7/27) was a pool days as temps hit 97 or so. And mom did plenty of floating and really enjoyed the pool. And we should hit the pool again today as temps will once again be in the high 90s! And yes, we have an out-of-town visitor (yesterday and today) and mom is enjoying every minute of the visit. We will all go to the pool together this afternoon…
Tue, July 25 (11:35pm) Gym & Pool
We spent the early to mid-afternoon at the pool, and mom got in for her 45 – 50 minute endeavor, and here is mom’s gym workout from Monday (7/24):
20 industrial steps up
4 laps around the track
Seated rest
2 laps around the track
Seated rest
1 lap around the track
Seated rest
20 industrial steps down
Mini obstacle course / ladder walk
Standing stretches & balance
Mon, July 24 (7:25am) Quiet Weekend
We had a mostly quiet weekend around here. On Saturday (7/22) mom went out for breakfast and then spent the later four + hours of the afternoon and evening outside, from 4p – 6p back in the alley, and then from 6p – 8:30p on the front porch. She was talking and mixing with all kinds of people. So she had a great time and the weather was quite conducive. Yesterday, turned out to be a great pool day weather-wise, but we were not planning on it and had other things on our agenda so we did not make it over there. Hopefully, we get there plenty this week!!
This did come out of the oven on Sunday morning:
Sat, July 22 (11:30am) Pool Day
The pool has just been a great boon for us this summer. We spent a good portion of the afternoon at the pool yesterday (Fri, 7/21). Mom always enjoys going in the water, and she seems to be moving around more and more in the pool. All told she spent about 45 min to an hour in the pool. It is just a great medium for her as she is fully independent in the shallower waters, and then we do some floating and kicking in the deep end.
Fri, July 21 (8:10am) Swimming + Gym + Eyes
On Tuesday (7/18) afternoon, we did get to the pool, and mom was in there for a solid hour. It was really hot and we got there in the early afternoon, and the pool was mostly empty. Despite the strong heat, mom always loves being in the pool, and on this particular day, she crossed the entire pool twice. Sometimes I am pulling her with her noodle or supporting her beneath her back etc, but she definitely had to engage herself as well. So she had quite an active day in the pool.
On Wed 7/19, we were quite busy but were able to get a gym workout in:
20 industrial steps up
4 laps around the track
Seated rest
2 laps around the track
Seated rest
2 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
Yesterday, Thurs (7/20), the bulk of our afternoon was spent at the ophthalmologist, and we are very pleased to report that mom’s eyes are in excellent shape. There are no medical issues: no signs of macular degeneration or glaucoma, and the power (2.5) of her reading glasses can remain as is. Back in the late 1990s, mom did have cataracts surgery and got new lenses, and it is wonderful to know that those eyes will last us for the foreseeable future and beyond.
Today is going to be a real scorcher, and the aim is to get to the pool in the early afternoon…
Tue, July 18 (10:30am) Incredible Bounce Back!!
With the update / redesign of the site, I was absent in making entries so let’s get caught up a bit…
Of primary importance, mom had a great week of recovery from her Sunday fall on July 9. On Thursday (7/13) we got to the pool for the third day in a row – and we arrived just in time for pool Zumba!! So mom got a solid hour of pool time, though admittedly she kind of faded in and out of class. And at one point she said, they should do this with music!! Well, with her hearing aids out, she just could not hear it. And to be honest, the music is not very loud and I even strain to hear it. Anyway the pool worked wonders for mom’s recovery and rehab. On Friday (7/14), we did a big walk around the blog, and on Saturday (7/15/) we did this workout at the gym:
20 industrial steps up
3 laps around the track
Seated rest
2 laps around the track
Seated rest
2 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
Sunday (7/16) was a long pool day, perhaps 2.5 hours or 3 hours. Mom did all sorts of walking, bending, and floating in the pool. And she even tried to do some face-down swimming, but I have to grab her and life her upright!! So in the successive 7 days from her fall, we had 1 day for x-rays and a checkup, 4 pool days, 1 outdoor walk, and 1 day at the gym. So mom bounced back like a rubber band. She has some bruising under her arm, but no real pain and her shoulder range of motion has return and her limp has disappeared.
Yesterday, Mon (7/17), mom was mostly hanging around the house as I went to Costco. Today should be a barn-burner and we hope to get to the pool. That is the aim anyway….
Wed, July 12 (11:25pm) Cool Pool Days
Mom and I were at the pool both yesterday and today. Given the great (hot) weather and mom’s rehabilitation after Sunday’s fall, the pool was definitely the way to go. Both days she was in the pool moving around and floating for about 45 min to an hour. The low impact movement was good for her muscles and recovery.
We got off easy; she is basically pain-free and gaining her mobility and range of motion. Bruising has appeared on the inside of her left arm, but it is not painful. So we are doing fine, and mom loves her new shower mats!!
Mon, July 10 (5:50pm) Free & Clear
Mom went to the local urgent care center (UNC), and her vitals were perfect and the x-rays of both her hip and shoulder were negative. So she has a clean bill of health. They want her to use her shoulder as much as she can, and she is encouraged to weight bear on that left hip as per her comfort level. We are going to head to the pool the next few days to get some mobility work in. The urgent care center was great. Very easy to get to (1o min from the house); we parked right in front; the facilities were top-notch; and mom’s room was right by the front door. So it was very easy access, and the staff was great with mom. We were in and out in an hour and that includes having the x-rays sent and read by a radiologist at UNC main hospital. And we returned home with peace of mind and a clear plan going forward.
Our new, heavy-duty shower mats are due to arrive tomorrow. We did have a person that was supposed to come this morning to help mom shower, but mom got up and showered herself despite my turning over the shower chair etc. I had told her not to shower by herself and put some obstacles in the way, but she plowed through them all and showered herself by 8am!! So i just cancelled the staff person who was scheduled to arrive at 10am.
Sunday, July 9 (7:50pm) Shower Fall
Unfortunately, we had a fall in the shower this morning. This was mom’s first fall in the house in 19 months, which was also a shower fall. It was slippery and wet, and she went down, but was able to push the call button that hangs from one of the shower railings. So I ran down and got her up relatively quickly. She was calm and poised, and not in any acute pain. But it did shake her up a bit, and she went back to bed for a few hours – sleeping soundly. I got her up a noon, and she got dressed and came for breakfast. She does have some discomfort in her left hip when she weight bears on it, and walks (using her rollator) with a bit of a hitch / limp. We will see how she is tomorrow, but we may need to get her checked out. The bathroom is about as decked out as possible for safety, but I did order some very large, 3-D grippy shower mats for the shower floor, and tomorrow we do have someone coming to help mom shower in the morning. We will probably have her supervised in the shower for the next few days, until we are confident she can do so safely on her own. Needless to say, for the rest of the day we just took it easy around the house. She has been comfortable in her chair. Her appetite was distinctly less today; will monitor her appetite / food intake tomorrow. So let’s see how this plays out, and what kind of shape she is in tomorrow.
Here is mom’s gym workout from yesterday (Sat, 7/8):
20 industrial steps up
4 laps around the track
Seated rest
2 laps around the track
Seated rest
2 laps around the track
Seated rest
1 lap around the track
Studio step-work & balance
Fri, July 7 (5:30pm) A+ at the Doctor’s Office
Yesterday, Thurs (July 6), mom had a stellar doctor’s visit. Here BP was 116/72, and her heart rate and other vitals were solid. The doctor thought her foot looked wonderful, and her bloodwork was all normal. So there were no surprises and no red flags. Today should have been a pool or gym day, but we got bogged down at home and opted for the alley meeting only to see it never materialize due to the high heat index.
The week started strong with mom getting in a solid walk on Monday, despite the heat. And on Tuesday, July 4th, mom was at the pool all afternoon and did a nice job floating around. Wednesday was a scheduled home day to take care of odds-n-ends. That was our week in a nutshell. Not as active as we would have liked, but passable…
Sun, July 2 (10:55pm) Sunday at the Pool
While Saturday was a quiet stay at home day, although mom did get out for her regular breakfast with friends, Sunday afternoon was spent at the pool. Mom did do floating and a decent amount of walking. All told, she was in the pool moving around for about 40 minutes. She certainly enjoys it…
Fri, June 30 (5:55pm) Zumba in the Pool & More
So we’ve had a good week of engagement, though it started a bit slow. On Monday, we went for an abbreviated walk outside that got cut short due to excessive heat. Tuesday was a busy skip. Now here comes the strong finish. Both Wednesday and Thursday were pool days. On Wed, mom was in for about 45 min walking and cruising around the pool, and on Thursday mom was in the pool for a full hour including the final 35 minutes in a pool Zumba class!! Mom wandered a touch during the class, but she also followed along plenty.
And here is our gym workout from today:
20 industrial steps up
4 laps around the track
Seated rest
3 laps around the track
Seated rest
1 lap around the track
Seated rest
1 lap around the track
20 industrial steps down
Ladder step work & step ups
At present mom is outside for the alley meeting…
Sun, June 25 (11pm) Sunny Pool Day
Mom and I spent a solid 2 hours at the pool today. As usual, she spent the first segment reading her newspaper under an umbrella, and then she got in the pool for a good 30 minutes. But I could not get her to venture away from the steps!! But she had a grand time and really enjoyed it. A great way to spend the afternoon on a 91 degree day!!
Saturday was a casual day around the house, and a friend came over for a visit.
Fri, June 23 (6pm) Rainy Week + 2 Gym Days
Mom did get out this afternoon for 1/2 an alley meeting before the thunder and rains washed the second half of the alley meeting away. In fact it has been raining all week, but mom did get two gym days in. And here is what she did:
On Tuesday (6/20) mom did the following:
Treadmill (.6 miles // 21 min 15 sec)
Standing warm ups
Intensive step-ups
Then on Thursday (6/22) mom did:
20 industrial steps up
4 laps around the track
Seated rest
2 laps around the track
Seated rest
2 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
Mat table routine (glutes & core work)
Step ups
As for the rest of the week, Monday was a shopping day, and on Wednesday we hosted a luncheon with mom’s financial advisor / investor.
Sun, June 18 (8:45pm) Weekend Wrap-Up
Mom had a very fine weekend visiting with the granddaughter of her longtime friend. She came to the pool with us today. At the pool, mom did not get into full-on float mode, but was in up to her shoulders and she walked around and toured the pool. Yesterday, on a warm afternoon, we took a modest walk around the neighborhood and stopped in at the gazebo for a bit.
Fri, June 16 (9:45pm) First “REAL” Pool Day
We’ve had a good week. While today was our third day at the pool, this was the first time mom went all the way in and cruised around the pool. She did a nice job floating around here and there. From a floating position she (for the most part) cannot get herself upright again so she needs some spotting, but really she was quite independent in the pool. And she stayed in for a good while and commented how much she was enjoying it. All told we were there for upwards of 2.5 hours or so.
Yesterday (Thurs, 6/15) we went to the gym and did this workout:
– Basic warm-ups
– 10 rounds obstacle course with variations
– Dome balancing
– 20 industrial steps up
– 2 laps around the track
– 20 industrial steps down
Here is the obstacle course we put together…
On Wednesday evening mom went for a casual walk around the neighborhood…even then mom was on her feet for at least an hour. So while she does not move very quickly, with her ski pole she can independently and safely walk for 2 + hours, taking a 5 – 10 minute rest at the halfway point
Sun, June 11 (10:45pm) Pool Time
Mom and I spent the afternoon at the pool today. Mom spent a solid hour or so reading her magazine under our pool umbrella. The pool water (77 degrees) was cool to touch at the beginning, but was fine once you got in. Mom made in up to her waist today. She also saw lots of friends at the pool. In total, we were there for about 2 hours and mom found it quite pleasant. It also gives life a new dimension in terms of environment and friendships etc.
On Saturday afternoon, mom and I met friends at the gazebo and then went for a solid walk around the community. And on Friday mom was outside with her neighbors for the alley meeting. Below is the sourdough that came out of the oven on Friday.
Thurs, June 8 (9:45pm) 2nd Gym Day in a Row
With the air quality still in question – though no visibly apparent, we opted to head to the gym today. And here is what mom did:
– 20 industrial steps up
– 5 laps around the track
– Seated rest
– 3 laps around the track
– Seated rest
– 1 lap around the track
– Nu-Step Level 5, 300 steps (6 min)
– 1 lap around the track
– 20 industrial steps down
Thurs, June 8 (10:25am) Costco Chase Scene & More
On Monday, mom got out for a solid 75-85 minute or so walk. Just good to get up on her feet for that duration. But it has also been a week of 2pm appointments so that has interfered some. While at our Tuesday 2pm hearing aid appointment at Costco mom got into a wicked chase scene. I was talking to the audiologist, and when I looked over to check on mom I saw her seat was empty and she was way down the aisle and turning to the corner to go up another aisle. She was chasing after a guy and trying to get his attention. He has sunglasses in his carriage, and mom mistakenly thought those were her sunglasses so she made a mad dash after him!! After a big rumble / scuffle, we got it all worked out. Truth be told, the guy never seemed to know that mom was after him, but other shoppers were quite amused by it all.
Yesterday (Wed, 6/7), mom got her 2p much-needed haircut and then we had lunch in the village before heading to the gym. With the air quality affected on the micro-level due to the Quebec fires, we will stay inside till this all blows over. We did a shorter gym session yesterday, but at least mom did .5 miles on the treadmill in 16 min 16 sec, which was four minutes faster than on 5/28, and then we did 20 standing step-ups and a variety of other balance endeavors. It was about a 45-minute gym workout, so on the shorter side but at least she got in there to move for a bit. The aim is to go back again until the air clears. It is not at all smoky or smelly etc, but they mention the term micro-particles. So we will take caution.
Sun, June 4 (11:40pm) Hit the Pool
So yesterday, Sat (6/3), mom and I hit the swimming pool. They redid the place with brand new umbrellas and all new pool furniture so it is all quite spiffy. For the first hour mom was lounging and snoozing on the new chaises etc. Ultimately, after a few beckonings, she did make her way over to the pool and got in up to her waist. The outside temp was as high as 89 degrees and the water was 80, a touch on the chill side for most but quite fine once you got in. Apparently, earlier in the week the temp of the pool water was 69 degrees so it has really warmed up of late. Mom really enjoyed being at the pool, and of course we saw plenty of friends: pool people, neighbors, and community acquaintances etc.
Today, mom and I were out and about for a solid walk (at least 70 minutes or so) and then she sat on the front porch for another hour. And on Friday, mom was outside in the late afternoon for the alley meeting and was the last one to leave. She found it so peaceful and lovely that she just wanted to sit there for a while longer.
All in all a fine weekend – mom ate plenty, went for breakfast with her friends on Saturday morning, and mom is doing just fine. Below is Mom on today’s Sunday walk.
Fri, June 2 (11:34am) Yesterday’s Gym Day
Mom had a really solid session at the gym yesterday, Thurs (6/1). She did ten rounds of our obstacle course as well as a bunch of step and balance initiative using the ladder and ballet bar. She closed out the session by climbing the steps to the track, doing 2.5 laps, and descending down the steps. All in all, a very strong showing that took about 75 minutes.
Wed, May 31 (11:30pm) Washout to Roundtrip
On Monday (5/29), mom and I got caught in a downpour while on our walk. She did well with it and took it all in stride. Today, mom made it all the way to the mail kiosk and back. It was about a 2+ hour roundtrip. At one point, she put forth that suggestion that she would circle back, and then she reasoned that she had gone that far so why not continue all the way to the mailroom. So she persevered onwards and even felt pretty good at the end of it. With temps beginning to rise, we may aim to get to the pool before too long.
Sun, May 28 (11pm) Weekend Workout
With rain all over the forecast and the gym closed on Memorial Day (Mon), mom and I got out to the gym on Saturday for a rare weekend gym workout. Here was her routine:
– .51 miles on the treadmill in 20:02
– 10 rises from a chair (supported, arms in front, with 2lb ball)
– Intensive ladder work (forward, side-steps, weave steps etc)
– 20 industrial steps up
– 3 laps of the track
– 20 industrial steps down
All in all a solid workout.
Today (Sun) turned out to be a bit of a washout, and hopefully tomorrow we will get a rain break for some walking…
Fri, May 26 (11:25pm) New Sneakers & Busy Friday
So mom was out and about all afternoon. She went with a friend to an afternoon tea party, and then returned back just in time to join her alley meeting Memorial Day cookout, which turned out to be a huge gathering of 20 – 25 “alley cats”. So mom was quite the social butterfly. And she did it all in her new Hokas, which we purchased yesterday.
Thurs, May 25 (10:15am) Half-Week Update
Went out for solid walks on Monday and Tuesday – not quite all the way to the mail kiosk – but about 70% of it. It is enough to get out and about for an hour or so. Yesterday (Wed, 5/24) we were at the gym, and our routine was:
– 10 stand-ups from a chair (2 supported, 4 with arms in front, and 4 with 2 lb ball)
– Several rounds of mini-obstacle course – about 20 minutes total.
– 20 industrial steps up
– 5 laps of the track
– 20 industrial steps down
Mom seems to need to take more rest breaks to catch her breath while walking, but nothing that is too severe.
One good news we had was that the urologist got back to us about mom’s kidney scans, and he was satisfied with the findings wherein all we need to do is go back in 6 months for a follow-up scan. And that is far, far better than the other option which was a surgical intervention to remove the stone. So we are all quite happy about that. Again, mom is not at all in any discomfort, the stone would have needed to be removed if it was having an adverse effect on the kidney, which it is not. So we just have to monitor that with semi-annual scans / ultrasounds.
Sun, May 21 (11:30pm) Low-Key Weekend
Mom, Fitz, and I did get out for a walk today. The weather has been coolish, though it did get warm when the sun was out. Mom spent time on the front porch. Basically, all is well. Mom is stable and consistent, no surprises…
Fri, May 19 (11:45am) Obstacle Course & More
Yesterday, Thur 5/18, was a gym day. Mom did 8 rounds of a fairly intensive obstacle course, among other endeavors. Here is the listing:
– 10 rise from a chair (2 supported, 4 with arms out in front, 4 with a 2lb ball)
– 8 rounds obstacle course
– Standing balance and side stepping initiatives
– 20 industrial steps up
– 3 laps of the track
– 20 industrial steps down
So mom had a solid workout. On Wed (5/17), we took a short stroll around the neighborhood, and mom spent time on the front porch. And today, mom is finishing up her morning and heading out to lunch with friends at 1pm.
Tue, May 16 (11:40pm) Getting the Week Going
Today, mom was a fixture on the front porch for hours, taking in the world. She spent the whole mid to latter part of the afternoon on the front porch. Yesterday, we did get out for a solid walk up to the mail kiosk. After the first two houses she said her foot was bothering her and she thought she should go home, but she ended up making it all the way up to the mail kiosk and back. I did not time it exactly, but I believe it took us around 2 hours or so, maybe a touch under.
Sun, May 14 (5:40pm) Quiet, Sunny, & Peaceful
I said to mom that is it quite nice out here and asked if she was having a good afternoon, and she said it was “quiet, sunny, and peaceful”. So there you have it….
Sun, May 14 (2:40pm) Stellar Days
The weather has been fantastic the past few days, and mom has been enjoying it. On Friday, the small alley meeting was transferred to someone’s patio / courtyard, and mom had a fine time over there. On Saturday, we went for an afternoon walk, and mom was refreshed by sun shower as she opted to go solo and finish out her walk by going to the front of the house. She then spent the next few hours on the front porch enjoying the late afternoon and talking to those passing by etc. And today, mom has been great. She slept well, had a good homemade breakfast, and is sitting with her feet up – relaxing.
Thurs, May 11 (11:15pm) Gym Day
We had a solid afternoon at the gym today:
– .5 Miles on the treadmill (18 min 39 sec)
– Stand-ups from chair (hands on thighs, arms out in front, holding a 2lb ball) – Approx 3 or 4 rounds of each
– Multi-level step-ups + Walking the ladder (forwards and lateral)
– 20 industrial steps up
– 2 laps around the track
– 20 industrial steps down
All in all, a very successful outing….
Thurs, May 11 (Noon) Marathon Walk
Yesterday, mom and I walked to the mail kiosk. We left a few minutes after 3pm and returned home a few minutes after 5p – TWO HOURS. We did not walk that far, about .66 miles, but we get an aware for endurance and duration. Mom did sit down for ten minutes or so at the mail kiosk, but beyond that she was on her feet the whole time without any help from anyone – just her and her ski pole. So that counts for something. She stops and looks around a lot which accounts for some of the timing. But she was quite keen and adamant to make it the whole way – never a doubt in her mind. Hopefully, this afternoon we are able to get out to the gym…
Wed, May 10 (2:55pm) Appointments
We’ve had a busy start to the week with appointments. We were at the dentist on Monday (5/8), and unfortunately have to go back next Wednesday to have a small cavity drilled and filled. And yesterday we had a kidney scan, as a follow-up, precautionary measure from our appointment of 4/19. Mom has a stone (which does not bother her at all), and they just want to ensure that this large stone is not doing any damage to the kidney. The scan revealed that there has been no major change with the stone, but we need to hear from the urologist. There are two possible outcomes. If the stone is having a detrimental effect, then they will have to do surgery to remove it. And if the stone is not causing any issues, then we will just live with it. Obviously, we are hoping for option #2. Let’s see…stay tuned.
Sun, May 7 (11:30pm) Walking Weekend
Yesterday (Sat, 5/6), mom, Fitz, and I walked to the park and down the path to the bench by the pond. Mom did well handling the uneven terrain. And today we just did a short loop around the neighborhood.
Fri, May 5 (11:00pm) Alley Meeting Day
The weather was spectacular today and with the “summer hours” now in effect wherein the alley meeting starts at 4p, as opposed to 2p, folks really came out for it. I thin they topped out at around 18 or 20 or so. And they were laughing up a storm. I could hear them easily from afar. And mom was the last one to leave.
Thurs, May 4 (6:10pm) Active Week
This afternoon Mom, Fitz, and I walked up and back to the mail kiosk. Mom was her usual independent self while Fitz and I cruised the landscape.
Yesterday (Wed, 5/3), mom was at the gym and cranked out the following workout:
– 10 rises from a chair (2 supported, 4 arms in front, and 4 with a 2 lb ball)
– 6 rounds of the obstacle course (photo below)
– 20 industrial steps up
– 5 laps around the track with short seated rest
– 20 industrial steps down
And on Tuesday (5/2), mom went for a short little tour around our neighborhood.
Everything is stable, and all is well…
Mon, May 1 (9:45pm) Solid Start to May
As usual, mom polished off three solid meals today, along with a few snacks. And she drank plenty of water and slept well last night. These are all quite standard events for her. Today we took a mid-afternoon walk to the mail kiosk. Mom handled it just fine. I had forgotten the key and had to go back for it so mom made the last portion of the walk up there solo. She and her ski pole are a trusty combination!
Sun, Apr 30 (11:10pm) Weekend Wrap-Up
Today was quite the rainy Sunday, and mom was in the house all day doing indoor types of things. Yesterday (Sat, 4/29), mom did get out for a modest walk and spent a good part of the evening on the front porch. On Friday (4/28), the weather was quite good through the early afternoon, and mom spent nearly 2.5 hours outside at the alley meeting with all of her neighbors.
Mom’s physical health seems to be quite remarkably stable, and she lives in her days with great consistency. We did however have a few hiccups in our routine that grew out of a sense of confusion. But those turned out to be fairly momentary, and the next day she was back into her norm.
Thurs, Apr 27 (11:45pm) Another Gym Day
We got to the gym on this rainy day and put in a solid showing, though admittedly we did not do as many laps as I’d hoped.
10 rises from a chair (3 regular, 3 with arms in front, 3 with 2lb ball)
Multi-level stepwork
20 industrial steps up
3 laps around the track
Seated rest
2 laps around the track
Standing balance
20 industrial steps down
Yesterday, we walked all the way up to the village for lunch, and then began our return trip when we have to abort due to moderate rain and a complexity etc. So I ran back, got the car, and drove up to get mom.
Tue, Apr 25 (3:45pm) Back in the Gym
We got back in the gym today!! Mom did seem bit more short of breath than usual, but we were able to put some work in:
(a) About 9 rises from a chair: 3 with hands on thighs; 3 with arms in front; 3 holding a 2lb ball.
(b) A variety of one-footed stands and heel-to-toe balancing.
(c) Multi-level step-work (multiple rounds and configurations).
(d) 20 steps up industrial staircase.
(e) About 5 laps around the track 2 or 3 stops in a chair. (This is where her shortness of breath seemed to kick in. It was not too blatant, but she felt the need to rest and catch her breath.)
(f) 20 steps down industrial staircase.
Anyway, despite all this talk about shortness of breath, mom did walk and up back to the mail kiosk yesterday. She used her ski pole and was a bit tuckered by the end. Nonetheless she made it, and that is a sizeable walk.
Sun, Apr 23 (11:25pm) Weekend Update
Mom was very excited to have some renyoga visitors yesterday! That was a real treat for her!
Both Saturday and Sunday we got out for modest walks. Admittedly, this was not the greatest week as far as exercise, but we hope to be better this coming week.
In the next day or so we are going to try and get some Hokas – a wide-body, therapy type of sneaker with a big toebox. This has been on our minds for a while now, but mom discomfort in her old sneakers has made this a priority.
Fri, Apr 21 (9:25pm) Urology & Amazing Weather
Today, mom was outside at the alley meeting for quite a while, maybe 2+ hours. The weather was absolutely, picture-perfect phenomenal. And the last few days have been similar.
It has also been a busy week of appointments and comings and goings so our exercise routine has been topsy-turvy. On Tuesday, we got out for the shortest of walks to return a book to a neighbor. On Wednesday, we did some walking in and out of the urology appointment. Now, this was an appointment that I thought of as purely a follow-up. But somehow there was more to it than that. Even the doctor could not track exactly how or why that appointment had come about. But with mom’s existing kidney stone – that has not presented any problems for her – and some blood results, there is the outside possibility that she may need a procedure to have it removed. We go back in a month or so for a follow-up visit. So we shall see.
All else is well. Mom looks and feels great, and as usual she has been tearing through the yoga classes – this time, tickling my feet. Here is the video…..
Mon, Apr 17 (8:55pm) Perfecto!!!
We had our follow-up with our Mohs surgeon today. The initial surgery was on Feb 8, and that guy took one look at mom and gave her the full green light. She healed beautifully. No more band-aids etc and no restrictions in terms of swimming or exposure to sunlight etc. She is all good!! It really was an impressive case of healing. The wound was about the size of a 50-cent piece and now it is fully closed and healed. Mom did a great job of caring for it, especially in the beginning. And her hard work paid off with wonderful cellular regeneration as the wound healed completely all on its own, without any stitches etc. So that was our home run for the day!! The doctor and his team were quite pleased and impressed with the outcome!!
Sat, Apr 15 (9:15pm) Surprising Walk
Mom went for her usual Saturday breakfast with friends, and in the afternoon she was sitting on the front porch. We decided to go for just a short walk, or so I thought. But once we got going mom just kept cruising on and on. So we unexpectedly walked up to the mail kiosk and back – and mom did the whole thing quite easily without her ski pole. She definitely seems faster without the pole, and she was quite stable, as I was mostly keeping an eye on her from afar. So that was a good outing.
Along the way, a bunch of Canadian geese, followed by a few chickens, took over the roadway, including this one that opted to sit in the puddle, even though there is huge pond just on the other side of the road. Ultimately, it became our duty to clear them from the road as folks could not drive through.
Fri, Apr 14 (8:45pm) Local Walks + Aunty Visit
This week (Tue, 4/11 & Wed, 4/12) mom and I did some new walking routes in our local area, as opposed to going up to the mail kiosk. We talked down the other direction and cruised over to the park and walked down to the pond and watched the ducks snooze and perform some awesome water landings.
Then Wed evening to Fri morning, my aunt was in town for a visit with mom. That visit included sitting and visiting on the front porch, dining out each night, and catching up on all fronts. It was a fantastic visit and the weather cooperated. Before this morning’s deluge, the weather has been sunny and 80s.
Tue, Apr 11 (10:15am) Bone Scan + Hairy Escalator
Yesterday (Mon, 4/10), we wait to the main UNC hospital and down into the basement for a bone scan. Mom did just fine with the hike over as we parked in the main garage and then had a solid walk to the hospital. So despite the hospital visit, we got some exercise in as well as a few flights of steps. Not only that, there was a big, speedy escalator that we accessed at the hospital. I think it was mom’s first escalator in years. Staff asked if we could manage alright – we were taking it down – and I said we’d be fine. Mom did not hesitate at all and got right on (kind of). I am not sure exactly what happened but my heart rate jumped for a second as I thought we were headed for a mishap. Alas, things stabilized and as we sped down, I was hyper-alert for mom’s smooth dismount. And she did fine.
Anyway, about the bone scan, mom has definitely lost some bone mass, but it does not seems to be anything too unusual. I suppose that is expected for a soon-to-be 94-year-old. Will write mom’s primary care doc for her professional assessment.
Sun, Apr 9 (11:30pm) Sun…..At Last
Mom and I enjoyed the bright, sunny day and got out for a fine, Sunday afternoon walk!! In contrast, Friday and Saturday were non-stop rainy days. There were no breaks in the weather, and the 2-day stretch was also witness to a 7-hour power outage on Friday morning into the afternoon. On Thursday, mom did spend nearly the entire afternoon hanging out on the front porch.
Wed, Apr 5 (10:30pm) Wonderful Endurance Walk
On a glorious 85 degree day with a gentle breeze, mom and I ventured out to the mail kiosk and quickly found our way to the gazebo where we sat for 20 minutes or so, just enjoying the day and talking to a friend who was walking her dog. Then mom and I continued our walk up to the mail kiosk and back home. All in all, it must have taken us 2 hours or so, but mom was quite strong throughout, managing it all independently with her trusty ski pole. When we got home she was plenty happy to have a seat and relax in her chair. Beyond that, all else is well in these parts!!
Tue, Apr 4 (1:00pm) Yesterday’s Gym Day
Mom had a strong and varied day at the gym yesterday, Mon (4/3):
(a) 20 steps up industrial staircase
(b) 5 laps around the track
(c) 20 steps down industrial staircase
(d) 10 rises from a chair with a 2 lb ball
(e) Basic leg warm-ups using bar in studio
(f) Intensive obstacle course in studio – 6 rounds
(g) Tread Mill: 6 minutes cool down workout
Sun, Apr 2 (11:40pm) Fine Weekend + Dizzy Spell
Shortly after lunch today mom had a dizzy spell while she was in her black recliner. Everything was spinning; she was perspiring; and, she felt a bit overwhelmed, even suffering incontinence. So she went down to the bathroom, got all cleaned up, and lied down in bed for a rest. At that point, we took her BP and it was very normal (135/69), which is a tad high for her these days, but as we were concerned about her having a low BP, that was all well and good. She slept on and off for perhaps two hours, and then, to my surprise, got up and wanted to take an evening shower. After that she was feeling as good as new – i.e. energetic, happy, and buoyant, and she had an excellent evening and is just now getting ready for bed. So she had a great bounce back.
Beyond this highly unusual event, mom had a really good weekend. She went out to breakfast with friends on Saturday, met up with other friends on Saturday afternoon at the gazebo, and for most of Sunday had a really relaxing and fine day around the house.
Fri, Mar 31 (8:30pm) Very Solid Week!!
On Tuesday (3/28), mom went to her family doc and got a clean bill of health. Her BP was a sterling 118/66, and her blood results all came back looking quite good. Most important of all, mom feels good. Her biggest complaint is about her right food, but, as has been the case all along, the blood flow to the foot is excellent. Mom’s main issue is sensitivity – which for the 1000th time I will say we need to work out.
On both Wed (3/29) and Thurs (3/30), mom trekked up and back to the mail kiosk. Armed with her trusty ski pole she is an indomitable force. She is very safe and stable and proceeds at her own pace. Going up there and back is a very independent undertaking for her. These walks up and back are good workouts for us.
Today, Fri (3/31), mom went to a luncheon with two friends in celebration of a birthday. That was a nice change of pace for mom and she had a really good time. As the weather was overcast and slanting towards rain, we did not get out for an afternoon walk. Since it will be rainy again tomorrow, maybe we will get out to the gym – let’s see…
Mon, Mar 27 (11:30pm) Back in the Gym
Mom had a solid workout at the gym today:
– 20 industrial steps up
– 5 laps around the track
– 20 industrial steps down
– 10 rises from chair with 2 lb ball or arms out in front
– Standing balance heel to toe
– Mini-obstacle course step-ups and soft standing platforms
– 1 leg standing
– .25 miles on treadmill at 2 mph
Sun, Mar 26 (11:30pm) Thunder Sunday
Huge thunder this morning followed by a very pleasant afternoon where mom could be found out on the front porch. Mom made a guest appearance in class today – a fairly common occurrence these days.
Yesterday (Sat, 3/25), we did walk up to the mail kiosk and back. It has become a lengthy journey for us. On the one hand we are slow, and on the other hand mom has to demonstrate some good endurance as she is on her feet for over 1 1/2 hours!!
Fri, Mar 24 (10:30pm) Summer Time!!
Forget about spring – we had a lovely summer day today, topping out at 88 degrees with dry air, sunshine, and a breeze!! Mom was outside at the alley meeting for 2 hours with the gang!!
Yesterday (Thurs, 3/23), mom and I spent a solid 90 minutes walking up and back to the mail kiosk. We are not speedy, but we get there safely. Mom uses her trusty ski pole. That makes her quite solid, and she feels very sturdy with it. What we lack in speed, we make up for in endurance!! That is a long time for a 93 year-old to be on her feet. She does sit at the mail kiosk for a few minutes. Yesterday, we also participated in this photo shoot (black & white portraits) with our neighbor who is in a photography club. Do check out the shots!!
On Wednesday (3/22), we were mostly doing things around the house – basically a home, catch-up day. Though we did get out for a Chinese dinner…
Tue, Mar 21 (11:15pm) Neighborhood Stroll
It was a comfortable spring day today, and mom and I took a nice little stroll around the neighborhood. It was good to get out and walk again as the last few days we have been a touch less active. But mom got out there and held her own just fine. And before going out walking, she put some “miles” on in the house doing a solid number of loads of laundry.
Sun, Mar 19 (11:30pm) St. Patty’s Day Weekend
Mom really enjoyed attending a St. Patrick’s Day gathering on Friday evening. These were neighbors from the front side whom mom knows a little and has seen around, but she is not nearly as familiar with them her neighbors from the alley side of the house. Anyway, mom drew rave reviews from some of them for how well she looked. The rest of the weekend was mostly uneventful, just smooth sailing.
Here are three breads we baked on Sunday for a fundraise for our local food bank: olive herb; cranberry-raisin-walnut; and, sourdough.
Thurs, Mar 16 (9:30pm) Strong Walk II
Today, mom had another strong afternoon walk up to the mail kiosk. With the ski pole she is really solid and stable. I stopped to talk to a friend for a while and mom just kept on chugging along, until she was completely out of sight. At the very home stretch she was a touch tired, whereas yesterday she was full steam all the way back. All in all though, a solid outing!!
Thurs, Mar 16 (1:30pm) Strong Walk
Yesterday (Wed, 3/15), mom really held her own (as she always does) on a walk up to the mail kiosk. She has become more adept at using the ski pole. It seems not to slow her down as much, and during one stretch really kept up a noticeably swifter pace.
Monday (bad weather) and Tuesday (general busyness) did not find us at the gym or walking outside. But at least on Monday mom did do a fair bit of laundry!!
Sun, Mar 12 (11:20pm) Activity Not Fashion
When it is time for a workout, we do not worry too much about which garments we are wearing. Mom just wants to get after it – even if that means going to the gym in an Icelandic sweater and blue jeans!!
Sat, Mar 11 (4:20pm) Hat Trick
Yesterday (Fri, 3/10), we got our 3rd gym session in of the week. That has not happened in a while, and we had a really good session, and afterwards mom felt she had a really good workout. We began with rises from a chair with a 2lb ball and then done freely with her arms out. Thereafter we went into the studio and did about 6 rounds of our obstacle course; mom did noticeably better with her step-ups as we progressed. And we did a bunch of other core and balancing postures. Then we climbed the steps to the track and did 2.5 laps and made the descent down and home. Mom really felt like she got something out of it. So we will continue to pursue a more varied routine, rather than just straight walking.
This morning mom went out for breakfast with friends, and the afternoon has been a relaxing stay-at-home experience.
Thurs, Mar 9 (11:25pm) At the Gym (Again!!)
Ok – so two out of three at the gym.
We started out with a series of stand-ups from a chair. We used to do 10 rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball. We are not there right now, but mom did a bunch with her arms out in front, as well as some where she pushed off with her arms. So we have some work to do in this department. Then we set-up a mini obstacle course in the studio. At first mom was rusty, but she quickly regained her abilities. Here again, this is something we need to pursue. Lastly, we climbed the 20 steps to the track and mom did 8.5 laps without stopping, which is a solid 1/2 mile. We descended the 20 steps and returned home. It was a good outing at the gym, and we need to continue to work on particular exercises and skills, not just walking.
Wed, Mar 8 (11:15pm) Strong Outing
After spend much of Tuesday on the front porch getting some sun, reading, and visiting with passers-by, mom did the hike up to the mail kiosk today with her trusty ski pole. And she did very well with it. She was able, sturdy, and wholly independent.
Mon, Mar 6 (11:30pm) Return to the Gym
After a bit of a layoff from the gym, we made our grand return, and mom put up some decent numbers:
Treadmill – .6 miles // 22 min 44 sec
20 industrial steps up
1 lap around the track
Seated rest
1 lap around the track
212 steps / 5min level 5 on Nu-Step
20 industrial steps down
Sun, Mar 5 (7:30pm) Back to the Mail Kiosk
While we did go for solid walks on Thursday (3/2) and Friday (3/3), mom made it all the way to the mail kiosk yesterday, (Sat, 3/4). So that was good to see that mom could get there and back. She did use her trust ski pole, which makes her much more stable. However, it does seem to slow her down as well. So for short periods I would hold it so we could pick up a little speed.
Aside from walking, mom’s two wounds have healed tremendously well. The left toe has basically healed, and I did not even dress it the past two days. And the forehead wound from the Mohs procedure only needs the smallest of band-aids. It too has nearly healed. So mom is veritably a healing machine.
Her appetite has been really strong as she consistently clears platefuls of food. She has three solid meals a day, and a few snacks as well. So she is in a solid state of health.
She did get out to breakfast with her friends on Saturday morning, and she circled up with all the neighbors on Friday for an indoor version of the alley meeting. All told, mom is in great shape.
Here is a small sample of some of the many things we have been eating lately…
Thurs, Mar 2 (10:15am) “Things Are Looking Good”
“Things are looking good.” Those are the words mom spoke while getting into bed last night. Her left foot (the non-amputated foot) had a sore toe which has healed wonderfully, and the wound from her Mohs procedure is shrinking and getting noticeably better by the day. So mom is feeling really good and positive about her state of health and well-being.
We did get solid walks in both on Monday (2/27) and yesterday (3/1). We did not make it all the way to the mail kiosk, but have developed a new loop that is still a solid walk. With a ski pole, mom seems to be quite safe and independent.
Really, no major news or developments to report. All is well or getting well.
Sun, Feb 26 (8:10pm) Afternoon Walk
So we did get our for a walk today, and mom seemed quite comfortable on her left foot which we have been treating (see prior entry). We did not go all that for, just getting out for 30 minutes was quite positive, and a good start on getting back into our routine. The ski pole continues to be a helpful piece for mom, as it gives her a bit more stability – keeping potential falls at bay.
Sun, Feb 26 (2:40pm) Long Gap – Healing Well
I think this was the longest gap between entries since I started this series nearly 2.5 years ago. Things however have been going smoothly, just not a lot going on in the way of exercise. We did go on a walk last Wednesday which mom did pretty well with, but had some discomfort. As you may recall, mom has had some irritation with the toes on the left foot which has been the main reason why we have been laying low lately.
We did get to the foot and ankle doctor on Thursday (2/23), and by that point mom’s second toe on the left foot (i.e. not the foot that had undergone amputation) was definitely irritated and red, with a modest cut from the nail of the big toe. So the doctor dressed it and showed us how, and in the three days since the toe has improved a lot. It is nearly all healed. We got back Mar 20, and mom should certainly be good by then.
Side by side, it is coming up on three weeks since mom had her Mohs surgery, and she has been doing a great job of dressing and attending to that wound. That too has been healing up nicely and is just a fraction of the size that it once was. Great to see mom’s skin healing so well at this late age.
On Friday (2/24), one of the more beautiful days of our February summer where temps have been in the mid to high 70s, even cracking 80, some cousin family members were in town, and we had wonderful visit in our courtyard / patio. The temperature was ideal, and the awning worked just great.
So while we have not been pounding the pavement for big miles or cranking out big reps at the gym, we have been active in getting all healed up. And, fortunately, that is going well. Soon, we hope to be back at our regular routine!!
Sat, Feb 18 (11:20am) Saturday Catch-Up
At the moment, mom is out to breakfast with her friends. It is a chilly, brilliant day outside and I know mom was happy to get out and go.
Last night (Fri, 2/17), mom really enjoyed a big family Zoom call with around 8 or 10 attendees. She was very happy and surprised to see everyone. Yesterday, we also got to the gym and did the following workout…
20 industrial steps up
5 laps around the track
300 steps / 6min level 5 on Nu-Step
4 laps around the track
Seated rest
20 industrial steps down
So that was good to get some work in. We have been laying low lately as her left foot has some type of minor issue. But hopefully that will be resolved soon as on Thursday (2/16) we secured an appointment with a foot and ankle specialist, the result of seeking out a podiatrist. So we go this coming Thursday (2/23) – let’s see what they say. Nothing is critically wrong, but she does have one toe partially on top of another toe on her left foot and the toenail seems to be irritating the toe which is riding up on it. And while we are there, it will be interesting to hear their assessment of mom’s right foot, which she is perpetually worried about even though it is quite stable. Maybe, they can convince mom to work on home desensitization treatment.
Wed, Feb 15 (8:30pm) Enjoying Spring
It seems we need to find and get to the podiatrist. She has a visible mark / indentation on one toe from pressure of a neighboring toenail. And it hurts her when she walks – and this is her good foot.
That said, we did get out for a solid walk on Monday (photo below), and mom enjoyed the spring-like weather on both Tuesday and today by sitting out on the front porch for a good portion of the afternoon. Today we walked to the gazebo and back, not a far walk at all. But at least she got a few steps in. But really, until we get to the podiatrist, long walks seem out of the question. Hopefully, we can find a good practitioner and get in quickly.
Sun, Feb 12 (11:30pm) Chilly, Rainy Weekend
After getting spoiled with spring-like weather, we faced a moderately chilly weekend. Fortunately, Saturday was dry so mom and I were able to get a solid walk in up to the mail kiosk and back. Today was rainy and cold all day. Mom did get out to breakfast with friends in the morning, and thereafter was basically homebound reading and eating.
Aiming to get to the gym a few times this week…
Fri, Feb 10 (11pm) Pain-Free & Healing Well
In the two days since the Mohs procedure, mom has been doing very well. She has not needed any further pain medication, and she has become self-sufficient in bandaging herself. Mostly likely, it will take 6 – 8 weeks for her wound to heal, so she should get plenty more practice.
Today, she was outside with all the neighbors for her weekly alley meeting. It was quite warm and comfortable so they stayed out there for a while.
Wed, Feb 8 (9pm) The Mohs Marathon
We got to the Mohs clinic on time, just before 7:30pm, and got all checked in – and that began our marathon day. We would not leave until 8 hours later!!
In total, mom had three rounds of treatments until she was all clear. Basically, you go back for a round of scraping and then you wait an hour or so for the results of the biopsy, and then go back again as needed. By the time mom finished her three rounds and got the final biopsy results it was 12:30pm. That took 5 hours. Then we needed to go back for the sutures. The wait time for that was a few hours!!
Finally, we got called to go back for the sutures. And when they evaluated the situation they gave us three options because due to the nature of the wound (i.e. its width – about the size of a quarter) they would be unable to close it with simple stitches. So our three options were : (A) do a major surgery to fold nearly the whole forehead skin (No Thank You), (B) have a skin graft and deal with two wounds (No Thank You), or (C) let it heal naturally (Yes Please).
The surgeon thought we would get a fine outcome with selection (C) so that is what we did. Indeed, all that waiting for no sutures – but that’s okay. We finally left there at 3:30pm.
And really I cannot complain: Somehow mom and I commandeered the only private office / alcove. Everyone else was in the large waiting room area with just a chair, albeit a comfortable one. Whereas, mom and I had our own little palace – and no one seemed to mind. So if you are going to have to wait, this would be the way to do it. We had all kinds of electronics, newspapers, food (which we brought), and I was even able to do a few local errands as there were some key stores in that same shopping center which housed this satellite building of Duke Medical. Despite the length of the day, it definitely could have been worse!!
Here is the deluxe office where mom passed our day:
And here is mom shortly after we got home.. This photo was just to document the pressure bandage (which we keep on for 24 hours) so do not be perturbed by her blank stare. She had a fine and comfortable evening and ate a big dinner. And now she is getting ready for bed.
Wed, Feb 8 (6:20am) Up & Heading for Mohs Surgery
Mom and I are up and showered and leaving soon to check-in for our 7:30 mohs surgery. We will be there anywhere between 4 and 10 hours. Yikes. Hopefully, we are leaving there by noon or so. Let’s see…
On Monday (2/6), mom got out for a good, solid walk. Fitz join us, and yesterday (Tue, 2/7) mom spent the afternoon visiting with a dear friend on our front porch.
Sun, Feb 5 (11p) Evening Walk & Visit
Mom, Fitz, and I got our for a late afternoon walk. It was not a super long walk, but it was a decent outing just to get moving a bit before the day ended. On the return trip we stopped in for a visit with friends.
Sun, Feb 5 (9a) Yesterday’s Walk + Wed Mohs Procedure
On a chilly afternoon, we did get out for a walk – and Fitz came too. At first, I thought we would just stroll around the block to get moving, but mom made it all the way to the mail kiosk and back. Though towards the end she did get a little “punchy”, i.e. less stable and falling forward as she was walking. We did not have the ski pole but that would have been the remedy. So next time we will be sure to bring the pole. Beyond that, all else is well.
This Wednesday (2/8) mom’s goes in very early for a mohs procedure. I do no think that procedure is a big deal, but any change in our routine is. So early to be on Tuesday and very early to rise on Wednesday. We have to leave the house by 6:45am at the latest. That means getting up at least 1.5hrs to 2 hours before then if mom wants to get her morning shower and some semblance of breakfast.
Sat, Feb 4 (1:55pm) Early Weekend
Mom had a fine outing with friends for breakfast this morning. And yesterday (Fri, 2/3), mom walked all the way up to the village for lunch, and made the return trip on foot as well. Thursday (2/2) was primarily a domestic day, where mom was taking care of some of the particulars around the house.
Wed, Feb 1 (11:15pm) Gym Day
Mom had a solid outing at the gym today cranking out 12 laps total. She had gas in the tank to do other things thereafter, but we had some other appointments to attend to. Here are mom’s gym numbers:
20 industrial steps up
7 laps around the track
Seated rest
5 laps around the track
Seated rest
20 industrial steps down
Mon, Jan 30 (9:15pm) Long Walk
Mom was out for a long walk today. We went up to the mail kiosk and back – so no further than usual. But there were two factors that made it a long walk. First, her left (good) foot was bothering her (not sure why) so that made her a bit slower than usual, and, secondly, we saw many people and mom stopped and talked here and there. In total, she was out and on her feet for about 1 hour 40 min, without taking a seated break. When she got back she was fatigued and ready to sit down!! All in all, a good endurance workout. And the spring-like weather was just delightful. Plus, this guy came with us:
Sun, Jan 29 (9:15pm) Community
We have not been exercising a whole lot the past few days, but on Friday mom was there for the alley meeting, and then on Saturday morning she went out for breakfast, and that afternoon we went to a memorial service for a great neighbor. Sunday was a hang-around-the-house affair and a dear friend stopped by for a visit. So mom has had a meaningful few days, and tomorrow has got to be a gym day.
Thurs, Jan 26 (11:45pm) Great Walk
Mom walked up and back to the mail kiosk without taking a seated rest at the kiosk. When I offered her a chance to sit and rest, she looked at me incredulously and said, “I thought we were going for a walk!!” And mom easily made it back and was not tired at all – rather she wanted to go visit with a friend. So it was a fine outing.
Thurs, Jan 26 (10:45am) Sunny!!
It is a bright, sunny day so mom and I are aiming to get out for a walk in the early afternoon. Meanwhile, here is how the earlier part of the week has gone.
Yesterday (Wed, 1/25), mom got back in the gym and managed well the following workout.
20 industrial steps up
6 laps around the track
Seated rest
5 laps around the track
Seated rest
Nu-Step 10 min, 500 steps, level 5
20 industrial steps down
And on Tuesday (1/24) mom was mostly around the house doing some light housekeeping and arranging.
Mon, Jan 23 (11pm) Gym Day!
After some time away from the gym – i.e. a missed week – mom did well getting back into the routine:
20 industrial steps up
5 laps around the track
Seated rest
5 laps around the track
Seated rest
20 industrial steps down
6 rounds of obstacle course
Sun, Jan 22 (11pm) Casual Weekend
Mom had a nice breakfast outing with friends on Saturday morning and the rest of the weekend was pretty casual with all the overcast skies and consistent rains. All the more reason to double-down on the gym tomorrow. We had slow exercise week this past one, due to my own schedule. Mom is ready run with it though starting tomorrow!!
Fri, Jan 20 (9pm) Slow Week / Long Walk
From Mon to Wed of this week, mom and I did not get out at all – neither to the gym nor for walks. We just had too many classes, appointments, and dealings.
Yesterday, Thurs 1/19, we did grab Fitz and got a solid walk in around the neighborhood and got home just as the storm clouds were gathering. Then today, on a bright yet breezy and nippy day, mom and I walked all the way up to the village for a soup and sandwich. Mom enjoyed her lunch with a grand view of the local fields and pastures, and then we walked all the way back. It was a bit of a haul and mom was a touch “punch-drunk” by the end, but we got home just in time for the alley meeting. And mom joined right in…
Sun, Jan 15 (11:15pm) Strong Walk
Mom had a great walk up and back from the mail kiosk today. She easily made it up and back, and was not at all tired or slow at the end.
Sat, Jan 14 (7:15pm) Exercising + Hearing Aid Drama
Alright, so let’s get a little caught up here….and patch up the last four-day gap. We shall start with the most recent….
Over the course of the last two days (Fri and Sat), we were able to resolve our moderately epic hearing-aid drama involving multiple-tech support calls and trips to Costco on back to back days which infringed on our exercise routine. We did get a friendly visit from Tucker today!! He and Joe came by with some peppermint ice cream for mom…
On Thursday (1/12) we did get to the gym and got the following routine done:
20 industrial steps up
6 laps around the track
Seated rest
3.5 laps around the track
Seated rest
1.5 laps around the track
Seated rest
20 industrial steps down
6 rises from chair with 2 lb ball
2 rises from chair with 4 lb ball
One of our holiday gifts in the form of bulbs opened up and flowered for us this week…
Below is our special coconut milk soup with collards and other special greens – and fresh, ripe avocado.
On Wednesday (1/11), mom and I walked to the mail kiosk and back – and Fitz came with us – and we were under the canopy of this active sky!!
Basically, all is well!!
Tue, Jan 10 (11:25pm) To Pole or Not To Pole
Mom made it out for a little cruise around the neighborhood. Sometimes she used a ski pole and that seemed to slow her down and get her leaning in that direction, and when she didn’t use the pole she seemed to be a bit more swift. Apparently, this remains a work in progress. The main thing is that we got out and walked for 40 minutes or so.
Yesterday, (Mon, Jan 9) we did get to the gym and did the following:
20 industrial steps up
7 laps around the track
Seated rest
1 lap around the track
Seated rest
20 industrial steps down
Stretches and Balance Work in Studio
Rounds of obstacle course
Sun, Jan 8 (11:45pm) Weekend Wrap-Up
On Friday, mom had a fine time at the alley meeting and enjoyed seeing everyone. On Saturday, mom and I ventured out for a walk a bit too late in the afternoon and came home in the dark. It was cold and dark but mom was dressed for it and navigated the dark roads quite well. When we reached the mail kiosk mom sat for a few minutes as usual, and then our neighbors drove up and asked if we wanted a ride home. Despite the failing sunlight and dropping temperatures, mom unhesitatingly stuck to her guns and motioned that we’d walk home. Overall, we enjoyed our outdoor explorations, and mom has really taken to using a single ski pole when walking. I think it gives her that little bit of stability to make her a whole lot safer. It seems to be the right tool at the right time. Sunday was a casual day around the house.
Thurs, Jan 5 (11:25pm) Two Days of Walking
On Wed, Jan 4, we did not get to the gym as planned, but we did have a visit from a dear friend, and then did go for a walk. Fitz came with us. Mom did fine on the walk but did get a touch fatigued toward the end. We went to the mail kiosk and back. But it was late in the day, and mom did not have much for lunch. That evening, I had a text exchange with someone who likes to walk with a ski pole, something mom and I had tried in the past but did not get much success with. But after that text exchange I figured we should try using ski poles again.
So today, Thurs Jan 5, when we went for our walk – along with Fitz – we employed two ski poles. But we quickly went nowhere as mom was not sure how to coordinate it all, and the feet just weren’t moving. So I took the poles, and we walked for a short while. And then I offered her the poles again, and she requested just one. And that actually worked fairly well. Mom used it for the entire rest of the walk. And we were out for a while, and she felt that it gave her a bit more stability. Towards the end of the walk mom was hanging around and talking to folks, which can be tiring after a walk. But she did well with it and showed no signs of fatigue. So it was a good walking day (to the kiosk and back).
Tue, Jan 3 (11:45pm) Unplanned Gathering
Mom has had a pretty casual couple of days of hanging around the house. Tomorrow is definitely gym day. Mom did however really enjoy hosting an impromptu gathering at our house today. We thought a single friend was coming over for a visit, and instead she had organized 5 folks over. So we were 7 in all: 4 from the upper generation and three from the next generation. As one noted, while all our moms range in ages all of us “kids” (think 50s) are within 2 or 3 years of each other. We had a grand visit. And tomorrow it is pumping iron at the gym!!
Sun, Jan 1 (6:45pm) Happy New Year!! (Cont)
Mom, Fitz, and I cruised up and back to the mail kiosk. Fitz and I were one team, and mom was fully independent getting up there and back without a hint of any shortness of breath or fatigue. The weather was a delightful 61 degrees with clear skies. Fitz met and played with many canine friends along the way so everyone enjoyed the walk.
Sun, Jan 1 (2:10am) Happy New Year!!
Mom went down to close out her evening and was in bed at about 10:15pm. When I told her that it looked like she would not be making it to midnight as she planned, from beneath the covers she said, “Well, it is not over yet. I can still watch TV.” I basically told her to forget about it, and all too readily she happy to be going to sleep!!
Fri, Dec 30 (11:25pm) 70 & Sunny
Mom really enjoyed the last alley meeting of 2022. Mom is finishing out the year strong. She is in excellent health and holding her own…
Thurs, Dec 29 (11:25pm) Hearing Aid Drama + Awesome Walk
Yesterday’s (Wed, 12/28) exercise was mom’s walking into and around Costco in order to sign off on a replacement hearing aid. We could not find the left hearing aid for over a week and we literally had to go to Costco as mom needed to sign a form.
Today, the weather brightened up quite a bit so mom and I headed out for a walk – and we had good, ‘ol Fitz with us for the ride. As we approached the mail kiosk, mom called me over to her and showed me what she had found in the pocket of her vest: the missing hearing aid. I immediately called Costco, but, alas, it was too late. They had already started the process for the free replacement, and there is no turning back now. So we will have to go back in mid-January to get the replacement, have it adjusted, and hand over the hearing aide we just found.
Hearing aids aside, mom did so well on the walk today. I was with Fitz and mom powered up and back without any difficulty. There were no signs of fatigue toward the end. Just all positive!!
Tue, Dec 27 (11:40pm) Walkabout II
Like Sunday, today’s outing was just a simple walkabout the neighborhood. We went late in the afternoon, catching the tail end of end sunshine and the beginning of the sun setting. The temp was well manageable at the outset, and then without that direct sunshine it chilled down. The main thing is that mom got dressed up and outside for a while today.
For the last several days, we have been down a hearing aid. Fortunately, it is under warranty so we may well head out to Costco tomorrow to set the wheels in motion for getting a replacement.
Mon, Dec 26 (11:20pm) 13 Laps Total!!
Here is the breakdown of mom’s gym time today. As you can see we’ve been really focusing on walking – and today she did very well with it!!
20 industrial steps up
6 laps around the track
Seated rest
5 laps around the track
Seated rest
2 laps around the track
Seated rest
20 industrial steps down
Sun, Dec 25 (7:20pm) Walkabout
We had a wonderful clear, sunny, cold day so mom and I ventured outside at peak temperatures, around 37 degrees. We did not walk far – just kind of looped around the block. So at least we got out today for a short spell. Tomorrow the aim is to get back to the gym.
Fri, Dec 23 (10:55pm) Braved the Cold
Mom and I “braved the cold” and forged out to the gym today. Mom did her six laps at a good clip and then took a rest, only to have the urge of natural call. So we headed back down, and ultimately closed out with 10 minutes on Nu-Step level 5 (479 steps).
Thurs, Dec 22 (10:25pm) Free At Last
It has been a long week of procrastinating the completion of the holiday cards and gifts etc. Today, mom finished them!! And guess what, we got back to the gym the moment they were done!!
20 industrial steps up
4 laps around the track
Seated rest
3 laps around the track
Seated rest
1 lap around the track
Seated rest
20 industrial steps down
Sun, Dec 18 (11:45pm) The Visitors
Just a little catch-up here…
On Friday (12/17), mom had a “crick” in her hip (which quickly went away) so she used her outdoor rollator when we walked to the mail kiosk with Fitz. On Saturday (12/17), mom worked hard on getting about 60% of her holiday cards done. And on Sunday, mom hung around the house, and on both Saturday and Sunday we had some esteemed visitors featured below….
Thurs, Dec 15 (11:50pm) Back to Back at the Gym!!
We made it to the gym two days in a row. I think we’re finding out winter routine.
Here’s what we did today:
20 industrial steps up
6 laps around the track
Seated rest
3 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
Bar stretches in studio
Wed, Dec 14 (9:50pm) Productive Gym Outing
Mom had a fine session at the gym today. This might be the first time ever that mom did 10 laps around the track non-stop. Thereafter she put in a solid showing on the obstacle course….
20 industrial steps up
10 laps around the track
Seated rest
20 industrial steps down
6 rounds of obstacle course
Here is a look at today’s obstacle course:
Yesterday (12/13) was a stay at home day….
Mon, Dec 12 (11:00pm) Cool Walk
We bundled up a bit and walked to the mail kiosk – and Fitz came along with us. Mom was generally a good ways away from Fitz and I. And she just plugged along at her pace and easily made it up and back.
Sun, Dec 11 (Noontime) Totally Fine
Mom slept great last night, woke up and did her morning routine, had a full breakfast, and is now comfortably seated with her coffee reading the Sunday paper. So all good – no lingering effects for yesterday morning’s bug.
Sat, Dec 10 (10:10pm) All Better
Mom was basically in bed till 4p today. She did get up at around noon or so to have some juice, raisin bread, and coffee, but was back in bed 30 minutes later. She was suffering from chills and fatigue. When she got up at 4pm, she was pretty much herself again, and she stayed up until 9pm or so. She had dinner, watched TV, and was feeling all better. So let’s see what the morning brings, but it seems like she had some type of 8-hour bug and hopefully it is completely behind her.
Sat, Dec 10 (10:45am) Dizzy Spells
Mom has been great. On Thursday (12/8), mom, Fitz (the panda dog), and I went up and back to the mail kiosk. Since I have to keep Fitz a little ways away from mom, and since Fitz and I did some running and side explorations, mom was more independent than usual (though she always walks on her own power), and she was fine up and back. Then yesterday (Fri, 12/9) mom joined the crew for the alley meeting. And mom has been clearing hear plate three times a day and feeling great.
This morning (Sat, 12/10) mom woke up at 8:30 and was very perky. She spent the next 80 – 90 minutes getting ready to get picked up to go out for breakfast, and at around 9:50 she told me she was not feeling great and that she had been having some dizzy spells. So she did not join her friends for breakfast and instead went back to bed. She had some water and is sleeping now. This is quite unusual for her, and hopefully it is nothing serious.
Note: At the alley meeting yesterday, our neighbor was there and he husband had been suffering from the flu of late, and she sat a little bit apart from everyone else, but they were sharing photos etc and hopefully mom did not catch anything.
Wed, Dec 7 (8:55m) Ten Laps Today
Mom seemed to have a relatively easy time today cranking out 10 laps at the gym. It was a soggy day so perfect for getting in some gym time.
20 industrial steps up
7 laps around the track
Seated rest
3 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
6 rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball
Sun, Dec 4 (6:30pm) Bundled Up
Mom and I got bundled up (comparatively speaking) and walked to the mail kiosk and back. Mom was good the whole way and hardly took any rest at all in the chair at the kiosk. On the way back, there were periods where mom was walking too fast by leaning and falling forward, as opposed to proceeding at a well-controlled pace where she was more upright and stable. It was probably due to fatigue.
Fri, Dec 2 (8:10pm) Sun in the Afternoon
It has been pretty chilly the last 24 hours, but mom and her alley mates had a solid burst of sunshine this afternoon so they could gather comfortably for their alley meeting. Mom was fortified with a hand-warmer and blanket.
Fri, Dec 2 (12:10pm) Yesterday’s Gym Day
Mom had a fine outing at the gym yesterday, (Thurs, 12/1).
20 industrial steps up
5.5 laps around the track
Seated Rest
20 industrial steps down
6 rounds of the obstacle course
5 minute cool-down on treadmill
Here below is the obstacle course that mom did…
Wed, Nov 30 (11:40pm) Beauty Salon
We got to the beauty salon to get a haircut, and mom left there looking great, but we were unable to get to the gym as well.
Tue, Nov 29 (11:55pm) Some Gym Time
We seem to be getting to the gym on Tuesdays when there is a yoga class so we are unable to create our obstacle course. We will have to adjust our timing. Anyway, here is what we were able to accomplish today:
20 industrial steps up
4 laps around the track
Seated Rest
4 laps around the track
NuStep 10 min / 500 steps / level 5
20 industrial steps down
Mon, Nov 28 (11:35pm) Fitz Joined Us
When mom and I walk to the mail kiosk this is where we go. And look who joined us today!! Mr Fitz himself!! We had a good walk together. And mom did very well. She was even ready to walk back without taking her customary seated rest at the kiosk. Mom was steady on her feet throughout, though perhaps a touch slow – hard to say. And she even withstood Fitz bumping up against her on one occasion.
Sun, Nov 27 (6:05pm) A Walking Weekend
On Friday, mom and I took a casual stroll around the neighborhood, and on Saturday we walked to the mail kiosk and back. Sunday, which has become the norm, was a simple rest and relaxation day around the house, not to mention it poured much of the day. Mom did get to go out for breakfast on Saturday, and she did a few video calls with friends / family. And that was essentially her holiday weekend.
Below is the view during our Saturday walk – still foliage around here!!
Thurs, Nov 24 (11:45pm) Happy Thanksgiving!!
Happy Thanksgiving!! Mom had a wonderful day celebrating the occasion up the street with some friends. They gathered together at 2p, and mom returned home in the late afternoon.
Yesterday, Wed (11/23), mom seemed to be under the weather as she went back to bed in the early afternoon and had some chills and fatigue. But by the mid-afternoon she got out of bed when one of our relatives arrived, and mom seemed to do better as the day progressed. She stayed up till nearly midnight, and sure enough felt fine when she got up today.
Tue, Nov 22 (11:45pm) Gym Day
So today we were able to “squeeze” in some gym time in between a welcomed yet unplanned visit from a neighbor and heading off to the farmer’s market. Here’s what we did at the gym:
(a) Treadmill: .55 miles / 19 min 27 sec
(b) Stand-ups from chair with a 4lb ball = 9.
(c) Steps-ups by building a step in between the “handlebars” of the weight room / station.
Mom definitely put some work in. It was no easy for her, though the first 13 minutes of the treadmill she was cruising along effortlessly. Here’s to a great close our of 2022 at the gym – we need it.
Yesterday, mom did a local walk around the neighborhood.
Sun, Nov 20 (10:45pm) Casual Sunday
If there ever was a casual Sunday, this was certainly one of them. Absolutely nothing to report other than mom enjoyed her day.
Sat, Nov 19 (7:50pm) Great Walk!!!
So we had a great walk today – no real mention of pain in the foot and mom’s pacing was quite solid. We made it up to the mail kiosk in solid time, and she sat down there for all of a minute before she said let’s go back. We returned also at a solid clip, and at the end mom was not at all weary. So she had all pistons firing today!! As per usual, mom went out for breakfast with her good friend.
Here are other things of note from the past day or so:
– Mom’s covid lab test came back negative.
– On Thurs (11/17) mom went in for a kidney scan. And while she has excellent kidney functioning, the ultrasound did show “a stone in the interpolar right kidney with resulting mild hydronephrosis”, as well as “multiple hyperechoic lesions within the spleen measuring up to 0.9 cm”, which are most likely benign. So we will probably going to urology just to make sure.
– Friday (11/18) was a bit chilly so no one came out for the alley meeting. Mom and I did get a modest walk in around the neighborhood – and this guy (below) joined us:
Wed, Nov 16 (11:30pm) A Little Too Speedy
Mom walked up and back to the village (which is just beyond the mail kiosk) for lunch today. And, believe it or not, she was a little too speedy. Sometimes she was going safely at a decent clip, while other times she was almost falling forward as she walked so we really tried to focus on her posture, control, and speed. That said, we made good time up and back!!
Mom also got a covid test today – the real test that gets sent to the lab. Mom has been feeling great – no symptoms at all – but last Friday at the alley meeting mom was seated next to someone who was, unknowingly, covid positive. But they were outside, and it was windy, and ultimately the alley meeting ended early due to rain, so we expect that all is well. Again, mom feels in tip-top shape, but we got the test just to make sure. By tomorrow or Friday we should have the results.
Yesterday (Tue, 11/15) was busy and rainy. We neither went to the gym nor went for a walk. Mom just hung out at home and that was perfectly fine with her.
Mon, Nov 14 (9:30pm) Solid Gym Day
Mom had a solid day at the gym – here are the numbers….
20 industrial steps up
6 laps around the track
Seated Rest
2 laps around the track
NuStep 10 min / 573 steps / level 5
20 industrial steps down
Multi-level step-ups
Sun, Nov 13 (11:45pm) Casual Sunday
Up till quarter to one the night before so mom slept in till 11am today. And when I mean “slept in” I am not talking about casually resting in bed for a lazy morning. I mean power sleeping like a log until 11am. Breakfast was done by 1pm, and we did not even consider the possibility of exercising today. It was all about the Sunday paper, casual laundry, meals, phone calls, and TV mysteries. Yep, it was a Sunday, and she relished every moment of it.
Sun, Nov 13 (9:40am) Walking…But Foot Issues
Mom has had foot issues lately that has been infringing on her ability to walk comfortably. I do not know if some nerve pain has flared up, but one thing is certain: We have to do the desensitization treatment on a daily basis (which she really does not like to do). There does not seem to be anything wrong with the foot medically, just a matter of sensation. For instance, while walking she complains that the sock is rubbing against her toe, but no matter which special socks we wear and how we adjust it, the discomfort does not dissipate. Clearly, it is not a sock issue, but a foot issue. So we have to get after that nerve pain through desensitization.
All that said, yesterday, mom did walk up and back from home to the mail kiosk. She was a bit on the slow side, especially on the return trip. But she was stable and mostly steady throughout. Here she is yesterday with that active sky.
In contrast, on Friday, mom and I aimed to go to the mail kiosk but the going was so slow it just seemed like an impossibility. We took a slightly new route and got as far as this wonderful persimmons tree (and were gifted 3 pieces of fruit), and then we turned back. Mom was not really up for the journey given her foot discomfort, plus it was getting close to the start of the alley meeting and mom was keen to join in. And the alley meeting started well and good until the rain swept in with big drop, fairly ferocious drops!! I had just gone out to get mom, but ultimately we were the last ones to disperse and get inside so we soaked up a bit of that rain – no harm.
Thurs, Nov 10 (11:05pm) Back in the Gym Again…Finally
Because of all the great weather, doctor’s appointments, shopping, et al., it had been awhile since we were at the gym. But we got there today – here is the list:
Stretching and step-work with ladder
Bathroom break
20 industrial steps up
5.5 laps around the track
NuStep 12 min / 627 steps
1 lap around the track
20 industrial steps down
Given our layoff etc, it was a fine day back at it. We might have been able to do a little bit more, but mom was keen to go out for lunch.
Of utmost importance, mom’s early afternoon case of shortness of breath on Tuesday seems to have been an isolated incident.
Tue, Nov 8 (11pm) Pursed-Lip Breathing
Mom experienced some shortness of breath today at around noon – it was not too pronounced, yet present nonetheless. We debated going to the ER etc, but ultimately opted to wait it out. And, sure enough, it passed, and mom had a fine rest of the day. Her vitals were good throughout so hopefully it was nothing too serious, nor anything we need to contend with in the future.
Mon, Nov 7 (11pm) Passed with Flying Colors
Mom had her cardiology appointment today, and she passed with flying colors. To be clear, the cardiology dept is not in charge of her open-heart surgery review, which is done by the vascular surgery team. Rather, the cardiology dept came on board after mom had a pulmonary embolism and her a-fib last January. Nonetheless, they thought mom looked great, and they were amazed that mom is not on any meds save for the smallest dose of Eliquis, a blood thinner. The cardiology team said they usually like to monitor folks every six months, but they said we need not go back for a year.
When leaving the appointment, mom and I climbed the stairs of the parking garage. Folks saw us doing this and called out to us as we reached our level that there was an elevator. They laughed heartily when we yelled back that we were getting our workout in.
Sun, Nov 6 (11:45pm) Stunning Days & Marathon Walk
Here is a three-day wrap up that has been highlighted by absolutely stunning weather. Indeed, it was so warm on Friday, that the alley meeting, which has switched to its winter hours start time of 2p (from 4p), had to be conducted in the shade! As always, mom really enjoyed getting together with everyone.
Then on Saturday, mom went out for breakfast and in the mid-afternoon we walked to the mail kiosk. It took us a while to get up there and back. It was a bit of a marathon effort. In all, mom was on her feet for a solid hour. She was pretty wiped out by the end – yet also recovered nicely from it. That said, while walking on the the way up there she commented how confident and balanced she feels.
Homemade blueberry pancakes and leisurely reading characterized mom’s Sunday. Tomorrow we have an early afternoon appointment with the cardiology team for a regular check-up. We do not expect them to find anything unruly.
Thurs, Nov 3 (11:15pm) Tow Walks: Timed & Timeless
On Wed (11/2), mom walked up and back to the mail kiosk in around 22 minutes each way. That was not super fast, but it was solid and respectable.
Today, our walk started out against time, but then it just became a race with time, and time, and time. First off, I went to get Fitz, and instead of continuing on her walk, mom remained standing as she was waiting for me. Then it just turned into a longer experience. Ultimately, mom was on her feet for about 75 minutes, save for a few minutes she rested in the chair at the mail kiosk. So it turned into a test of duration, and mom passed it.
The weather has been extraordinary which is why we have been keeping it outside.
Here are more photos with Fitz
Tue, Nov 1 (11:25pm) Pearly Whites + Gym Rat
Yesterday, Mon (10/31), we headed to the dentist for mom’s 6-month check-up. First thing is that she nailed a BP of 108/58. And the rest of the check-up went great too! Though there was a bit of a food trap in the upper, left rear which we shall keep our eye on. All in all however, they were very impressed with mom’s overall dental hygiene. So mom got a solid review.
Today we went to the gym and mom did this:
20 industrial steps up
5 laps around the track
10 minutes / 500 steps level 5 Nu step
20 industrial steps down
Bathroom Break
20 industrial steps up
2 laps around the track
Seated Rest
1 lap around the track
20 industrial steps down
Sun, Oct 30 (11:15pm) Weekend Update
On Saturday (10/29), mom made a solid walk up to the mail kiosk – and I timed her so now we have a baseline of expectations.
19 min 10 sec (home to the kiosk)
5 min 10 sec (seated rest)
20 min 14 sec (kiosk to home)
So basically she got two 20-minute workouts in, which is not bad. We’ll take it. And she is walking exclusively on her own power, and I am anywhere from 5 to 35 feet away.
Today (10/31), mom hung around the house and ate freshly baked cranberry, raisin, walnut bread and read the newspaper. Back at it tomorrow!!
Fri, Oct 28 (11:50pm) Gym Day
Twice in three days to the gym!! We started out on the treadmill where mom did .6 miles in 20 min 49 sec. So that was a good solid start to the workout. Then we went in the back room and set-up an obstacle course, pictured below. Generally, we do six rounds, and today we were just finishing up our fourth round when we had to bail due to natural call. We ended up going home, and then mom spent the latter part of the afternoon outside at the alley meeting. She was a touch chilled by the end of it, but I think she really enjoyed being at the meeting.
Thurs, Oct 27 (10:35pm) Speedy Gonzalez
I will really have to start timing out walks to the mail kiosk and back. Today, mom was speedy going up and back, and while there she took less than a minute rest. She was stable, powerful in her own way, and independent. So it was a really good walk.
Mom also met up with her literacy council friends today for lunch at the community college. It was outdoor seating, and mom had a really good time with everyone. It was a table of 7.
Yesterday (Wed 10/26), mom and I did get to the gym (finally!!) and she did 5.5 laps around the track (about 1/3 of a mile) and then did six rounds of a fairly adventurous obstacle course. We always have her strapped up in a PT belt as she needs to be stabilized now and again, and yesterday she was really weaving and bobbing all over, and then got better as she went. It was a challenging course and we need to do more of that. And we closed out with a couple minutes of balance initiatives.
Today was the first non-blue sky in a long while. The autumn colors though have finally reached Carolina.
Tue, Oct 25 (9:55pm) Halloween Gathering
This evening mom spent two hours at the neighborhood Halloween gathering complete with a grand buffet and plate after plate of desserts etc. It was all her neighbors and more, probably upwards of 35 to 40 people. Beyond that both Sunday (10/23) and today (Tues) were stay at home days – lots of laundry and newspaper reading etc.
On Monday (10/24), a cloudless day of perfect blue sky and upwards of 78 degrees, mom walked up and back to the mail kiosk. And, while slow, mom easily made it up and back.
Tomorrow, the we have it fully on target to get to the gym.
Sat, Oct 22 (11:40pm) Elation, Depletion, & Normalcy
On Thursday (10/20), mom’s dear ol’ nursing friend, 20 years her junior, stopped in for the afternoon. She actually got off the plane in NC and drove the rest of the way to GA just so she could spend half of the afternoon with mom. It was a great visit, and mom could not have been happier.
On Friday (10/21), mom got her 3rd booster and later that afternoon walked up and back to the mail kiosk and then participated in the alley meeting. So after three days of not walking and not going to the gym, we at least got a solid walk in.
Then this morning, mom went back to bed after her wake-up call and was totally late for her breakfast pick-up. Her friends patiently waited for 1/2 and hour in our driveway as mom aimed to get ready. But getting mom ready was no joke. It was like trying to push a glacier. She was so sluggish. Ultimately, she made it out to breakfast and came up and slept in her black chair on and off for a few hours – just totally groggy. Then her friend texted me and said mom did not eat at breakfast and was “low energy”. Then it dawned on me that mom was getting walloped from the vaccine. I had been out of sorts yesterday from the vaccine, while mom was fine. So she had a delayed reaction. Through the mid to late afternoon she progressively returned to form, and by the early evening was totally normal.
Thurs, Oct 20 (9:40am) Crashing Classes
Mom has been cruising through classes all week – here is one snapshot:
A little quality control on a Monday morning to ensure the classes are up to par. Here our resident inspector is performing a standard walk-through. She brought her newspaper to show she means business!!
Note: I had put the paper in her room / suite so she could read it there as per normal. Instead she ventured across the house, paper in hand, to read it where I was teaching!!
Wed, Oct 19 (9pm) Mrs. Luncheon
Well, mom has been to back to back luncheons. What a life! Yesterday, Tue 10/18, mom went to the film club mega luncheon at a fancy Italian restaurant. Mom really enjoyed it and had a great time. And today, mom met up with two dear friends for a quaint luncheon at a grand abode (see Fri, Apr 22 entry) out in the country. And if life is not busy enough, tomorrow a longtime friend is coming in for an afternoon visit during her stopover en route to some southern destination. So it has really been a full week for mom. On Monday, we did walk up and back to the mail kiosk, but I am afraid to say that we have not done much since. Though, today she did have to climb and descend a full flight of stairs at that house out in the country. And mom passed with flying colors – so that was good to see!!
Sun, Oct 16 (1:10pm) 3 1/2 Day Wrap-Up
Thursday, (10/13) was a stay at home day, visiting with a friend. On Friday (10/14), mom walked up and back to the mail kiosk. She was not tired per se, but here pace seemed to be slower than it has been in the past. Yesterday, (Sat 10/15), mom walked up to the mail kiosk at her seemingly slower pace, but she was confident and it was never in doubt on whether she would make it or not. Then due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to drive back from the mail kiosk yesterday. And that’s about it. Mom is fine and well – she did get out to breakfast with her friends yesterday, and today she has been laying low around the house. All quite ordinary stuff.
This just came out of the oven:
Wed, Oct 12 (11:05pm) “I’m Glad We Went”
Yesterday (Tue, Oct 11) mom did a solid 25-minute walk in and around our neighborhood. And today mom did this 65 minuted workout at the gym:
20 industrial steps up
4.5 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
Mat table – 5 core exercise sets of 15
6 rounds of the obstacle course
Mom sleeps great, eats three solid meals and a snack, and is basically calm and happy from morning till night. Can’t ask for more than that….
Mon, Oct 10 (11:50pm) “I’m Glad We Went”
We got back in the gym today, and on our way out mom said, “That was good; I feel better. I am glad we went.”
Here is what mom did while we were there…
– 20 industrial steps up
– 2.5 laps around the track
– 20 industrial steps down
– 6 rounds of the obstacle course
– Mat table – 5 exercise sets
– Treadmill 5 minutes
– Standing Balance – two drills
Sun, Oct 9 (11:45pm) What Can I Say
Mom had her blended smoothie and hot, fresh blueberry pancakes at around noon, her lunch plate medley at four, and her grand chick pea curry at 8pm. Then it was bed at 11:20 or so.
Yeah, that’s right, we hit the gym hard tomorrow!!
Sat, Oct 8 (11:05pm) Piece of Cake
Yesterday (Fri, 10/7) and today mom made it up and back to the mail kiosk quite easily – nicely stable and not out of breath. Nor did she voice anything about her legs being tired. And we do not walk side by side; I am either 20 or 30 feet ahead or behind. Yesterday, mom also stopped in on her friend and was outside for the alley meeting (83 degrees, sunny, very gentle breeze). I think yesterday’s weather was the last great, warm day of the calendar year. Today when we went for our walk mom was pretty bundled up, even though it was not all that cold, but quite brisk in comparison to yesterday.
Here is mom on yesterday’s walk….(yes, wearing gloves even on the warm day)
Here she is doing her Saturday night laundry with her trusty hand truck.
Thurs, Oct 6 (10:45am) Long Walk to Lunch
Yesterday, Wed 10/5, mom and I walked up to the village and back. That is an extra 200 yards or so from the mail kiosk. And mom held her own nicely throughout. We took one short pitstop on the way up, and she made it all the way back without issue. She walked completely independently, and was steady and stable. So it was a fine outing, and all else with her is quite good.
Tue, Oct 4 (11:50pm) Off-Roading
Mom and I took a different route today. Mom is not all that fond of off-roading but she did well with it. Every so often she would express herself about “all the rocks”, but she could handle it. All told, we were out walking for a solid 35 – 40 minutes or so. And when we returned home mom sat on the front porch for a while. I headed off to the farmer’s market and mom easily got herself back in and settled.
Mon, Oct 3 (8:50pm) Nailing the Obstacle Course
Mom had a fine session at the gym today. I would like to expand our circuit. Here’s what we did today:
– 20 industrial steps up
– 4.5 laps around the track (about 1/4 mile)
– 20 industrial steps down
– 10 rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball
– 6 rounds of the obstacle course
At the end of the obstacle course, mom did nearly crash, but the PT belt is a great tool for stabilizing someone, so it did not even get close to becoming an incident. All in all, mom feels very good about her progress.
Sun, Oct 2 (9:15pm) 4-Day Update
Pardon me, as I have been a bit lax in providing updates of late. Since Thursday (9/29) was the last day we’ve been to the gym, let’s start there. Here is what we did that day:
– Climbed industrial staircase to the track
– 4.5 laps around the track to warm-up
– Descend the industrial staircase to the yoga studio
– 6 laps of the an intensive obstacle course
– A short spell on Nu-step (the equivalent of a short cool down)
It was a solid session. That day I did speak with our “hero” (see entry of Wed, Dec 29 (11:55pm)), who has done quite well in rehabbing from her broken femur and is back in action and lapping everyone on the track. Back in Dec I guesstimated that she was 10 – 12 years younger than mom. Much to my amazement, on Thursday I found out that she is a year older!! She’s 94 and made a tremendous comeback from a broken femur. Absolutely amazing!!
Friday (9/30) was our tropical storm day, and mom was inside all day. On Saturday, she went out to breakfast with friends, and the rest of the weekend we’ve basically been at home as it’s been wet and dreary. So there you have it. We look forward to picking things up this week both at the gym and outside as the weather should be quite good.
Wed, Sep 28 (11:25pm) More Great Health News
Mom’s blood work came back today and all her numbers were stellar!! She is the epitome of good health!!
Now with summer behind us, mom easily cranked out the walk up and back to the mail kiosk. And here she is at “her chair” outside the kiosk.
Tue, Sep 27 (11:45pm) Clean Bill of Health
Mom went to her primary care doctor today and was given a clean bill of health. Her vitals were excellent, and, most importantly, mom’s doc thought that she looked great. She also looked at the foot and gave it a thumbs up. So that was all positive. Then in the early evening mom went out for dinner with some of her best friends….
Mon, Sep 26 (11:50pm) Back to the Gym – FINALLY
Ok – after a long layoff we are back at the gym!!
Here is what we did today:
– Climbed industrial staircase to the track
– 2.5 laps around the track to warm-up
– Descend the industrial staircase to the yoga studio
– Basic standing balance warm-ups & stretches
– 6 laps of the below obstacle course
– 300 steps on the Nu-step (the equivalent of a short cool down)
So not a bad re-entry to the gym. All told we were there over an hour….
Sun, Sep 25 (10:50pm) Three-Day Wrap-Up
It has been a series of slow news days in these parts….which basically means all is well.
On Friday (9/23), I had an afternoon dental appt and mom had her 4p alley meeting and that was basically the day. Here, you have to understand that breakfast does not end till nearly noon or so, maybe 11:30. So we have a short window in the afternoon to get our exercise in, which did not happen. It was, however, an ideal day weatherwise for the alley meeting. So that was good. And the other thing is that while I was out at the dentist, mom did not just remain in her black chair but got up and went out and sat on the front porch. So that was a good show….
On Sat (9/24), mom went out to breakfast wearing her slip on loafers that have a decent sole, and then much to my surprise she was able to use those same loafers to hike up and back to the mailroom. Mom was solid on the walk and is able to keep well-balanced on the walk. I am rarely within 20 feet of her, unless we go “off-roading” from the sidewalk to the street.
On Sun (9/25), mom was mostly in and around the house just doing typical Sunday stuff.
As I say, it has been a series of slow news days around here. And we’ll take ’em.
Addendum: Oh wait, here are two new exciting devlopments. A big clock so mom knows the time, date, and temp (“how cold it is”) while watching TV.
And, alas, a sourdough bread….
Thurs, Sep 22 (11:45pm) One-Way Ticket
Mom and I walked all the way up to the Belted Goat (approx .4 miles) in 93 degree temps (there was a breeze) for an outdoor lunch. And then the sky darkened and the rains came so we shifted inside and I went back and got the car, and mom and I drove home. It was a fine outing. So we have done quite a bit of walking this week. And yep, you got it, we need to switch gears and get back to that gym. The higher temps now seem to be behind us so we will focus on technical abilities while at the gym and aim to continue our outdoor walking with the coming of the fall weather.
Thurs, Sep 22 (7:45am) Hot Streak, Hot Spell
During this spell of hot weather of 90+ degree weather, mom has been on a bit of a hot streak. Each of the last three days she made it up and back to the mail kiosk, yesterday doing it with relative ease in 93 degree weather, and also insisting on visiting her friend at the very end before going home for a cold drink. So her stamina and abilities are solid. I thought we might head to the pool one of these days, but the prospect did not interest mom. And with the pool formally closing on the 25th, our swim season seems to be done, though it was a very successful one. Transitioning from only walking outside to incorporating some gym work is the next step.
We did get a medical update. The skin growth on mom’s forehead is indeed malignant (basal cell carcinoma) so we have had that referred for removal. Nothing dangerous for mom – she’s had this done before. It is very slow growing, but something nonetheless that should be attended to. Outside of that, we have a routine check-up with her primary care doc next week and a routine follow-up with the cardiologist in November.
Essentially, at this point, mom is solid, sturdy, and fully ready for fall.
Sun, Sep 18 (9:15pm) Weekend Update
The weather continues to be just absolutely stunning. Mom did well on the walk to the mail kiosk on Saturday – so that was a positive (since on Friday we had to abort the mission), though we still have some work to do in the gym this fall.
And today mom had a casual day around the house, and then started getting dressed at 4p for her good friend’s birthday shin-dig. Mom was over there all evening and had a grand time with their extended family.
Fri, Sep 16 (11:35pm) Fluctuations
After two grind-out days of walking on Tues and Wed, mom made a nice little jaunt up and back to the mail kiosk yesterday, Thurs (9/15). And it also seemed like she had not had any serious toe / foot pain in a while.
Then today, we headed out on our walk and after going a mere 4 or 5 houses mom wanted to go back saying that her legs were tired. So we did an about face. While she does need to stop and catch her breath from time to time when we walk, the main issue seems to be leg strength. We have not been at the gym – that means to stair climbing etc – because the weather has been so stunning. But clearly the walks are not enough at the moment so we will have to get back in the gym and figure out what leg work we should do.
Wed, Sep 14 (11:55pm) Splendid Day for a Walk
Just a grand day for a walk…and mom did well with it. We went up and back to the mail kiosk. The sun was pretty strong on the way back, and mom once again hung in there. She was getting a bit fatigued toward the end. She did not have the balance / slope issues of yesterday, just she felt tired in her legs. With all the great weather we have been walking outside, but we will aim to cure that muscle weakness once we get back to the gym.
Tue, Sep 13 (10:45pm) Dermatology & Sunshine
Yesterday, Mon 9/12, we went to the dermatologist because mom had a rash on her left underarm that was bothering her. The dermatologist asked if there were more patches of it. All told, mom had three presentations of it on the left side of her body. The dermatologist was not at all concerned and prescribed some generic cream. Then mom brushed aside the hair on her forehead and said, “What about this?” It was a scab or mark mom had had on her forehead for months. I was going to ask her GP about it at our appointment later this month, but it had totally escaped me to as the dermatologist about it as I was so focused on mom’s rash. Anyway, the dermatologist took one look at it and her whole mood changed. She immediately took a biopsy and began to assure us it was a very slow-growing cancer, but we should wait for the biopsy results to learn more. So good on mom for remembering to show the dermatologist.
Today, Tue 9/13, mom and I walked up to the mail kiosk. Her walking was very good on the way up, though perhaps a touch tired at the end. The return trip was a bit different as mom seemed to be floating along according to the angles and slope of the street instead of being more assertive and walking with a purpose. So we will have to monitor this. On the upside, upon returning home, mom had a lovely late afternoon lunch and reading session on the front porch.
Sun, Sep 11 (10:45pm) Walking Between Raindrops
Today, with overcast skies looming, mom and I braved the elements and made it up and back to the mailroom. There were intermittent sun showers and some rain, but nothing too daunting. And a neighbor saw us in her car and gave us an umbrella, just in case. We used it for a bit. Mom did well on the walk. Here balance and steadiness are pretty solid. I do not spot her at all. She does have a tendency to shuffle / scrap the soles of her shoes. That is a work in progress to get her into a consistent heel-toe stride.
Yesterday, Sat (9/10), was a stay at home day as the rain was pretty steady…
Fri, Sep 9 (5:45pm) What We Couldn’t Do Yesterday, We Did Today
Yesterday, Thurs 9/8, we aimed to walk to the mailroom, but mom got a weird pain in her chest and we circled back around the block and down the alley. We got back and took her vitals (127 / 77 with a pulse of 75) – and we just chalked it up as being one of those days.
Today, Fri 9/9, mom cranked it up to the village and back – the thought of having lunch at The Belted Goat seemed to be the extra motivation. So mom did a solid 3/4 mile walk with a stopover for lunch and did just fine. And wonderful weather for it…
Here is last night’s dinner: Quinoa, garbanzo beans, zucchini, yellow bell pepper, tomato, plus loads of daikon radish and broccoli sprouts. Then of course we added our favorites toppings!!
Wed, Sep 7 (11:45pm) Back at the Gym
After a busy holiday weekend, we finally got back to the gym today, and mom did quite well with it:
20 industrial steps up
7 laps 15 min 38 sec
Chair rest 3 minutes 10 seconds
3 laps 7 min 44 sec
Chair rest 4 minutes 45 seconds
1 laps 2 min 36 sec
20 industrial steps down
Two Rounds of Multifaceted Obstacle Course
On Monday, 9/5, the gym was closed for the holiday so mom and I went out for a walk only to get turned back by the rain. And on Tuesday (9/6) we just had too many comings and goings to carve out a proper amount of time for a workout. Those are our early-week excuses. Today, we turned over a new leaf.
Sun, Sep 4 (11:45pm) BIG walk & Silence
Today, mom cranked out a BIG walk up to the bookstore and back – in 85+ degree weather!! We had some company this weekend, and mom was keen to get the kids books. So from the day of their arrival we had it planned that we would go to the bookstore on Sunday so they could pick out a book. And right in the smack middle of the afternoon we ventured out for this endeavor. The sun was not quite so strong a first, but it seemingly shined brighter and brighter as we went. Mom hung in there though and sealed the deal. She made it up and back!! Once home, we did opt for her to remain in place while the rest of us went out for a late afternoon swim. Most importantly, mom had a great great weekend visit with her very dear “Montana grandchildren” aged 9, 7, and 5. Oh, and she enjoyed seeing visiting with their parents as well. The weekend was filled with tales, blueberry pancakes, doggo visits, wonderful conversation, Chinese noodles, homebaked breads, & much more.
So what have we been up to since the last entry – and all that silence. Yesterday, Sat 9/3, mom did go to the pool with the whole gang. But for the first time this summer she did not get in the pool at all. Instead, she was too busy the whole time counting her Montana grandchildren – ensuring they were always accounted for. She did however lead the way on a late, evening walk in the dark and literally plowed the pathway for everyone to visit with mom’s lifelong good friend.
On Friday (9/2), mom and I were at the house doing home things. We did get our for a short walk, and she enjoyed an extended visit from her dear neighbor. On Thursday, 9/1, mom and I went to the pool and mom spent a solid hour navigating herself around the pool. And we met some at nice person at the pool who showed mom some good exercises she could do with her noodle. We will use those next time at the pool.
On Wed (8/31) we had it in mind to get to the gym, but it did not happen. We instead got caught up with some issues on the home front.
So that is our five day wrap-up. Not quite a great deal of physical activity, but it was a decent stretch capped off with a tremendous visit on Sat and Sun with her Montant grandchildren.
Tue, Aug 30 (3:50pm) Back At It!
Our first day back at the gym since all the birthday celebrations. And mom cranked out 11 laps at a pretty good clip. Here is the workout.
20 industrial steps up
6 laps 13 min 20 sec
Chair rest 1 minutes 40 seconds
4 laps 9 min 55 sec
Chair rest 5 minutes 0 seconds
1 laps 2 min 40 sec
20 industrial steps down
Three step ups onto foam
Yesterday (Mon, 8/29), mom and I started to go on a walk but turned back due to the heat, and instead we spent yesterday afternoon at the pool.
Sun, Aug 28 (11:35pm) Great Birthday Weekend
Mom just had a great birthday weekend filled with family, friends, dinners out, cards, packages, gifts, deliveries, and so much more. She just had a lovely, lovely weekend. Thanks to all who made it so wonderful for her.
Well, now that her 93rd year is complete, we are onwards and upwards towards 94. That means, up and at ’em tomorrow and have at it. Off to the gym we shall go. Though, I have to say, after all was said and done, we did get a solid walk in this evening.
Fri, Aug 26 (11:40pm) Alley Birthday Gathering
Today, we had a very wonderful birthday gathering in the alley to celebrate mom’s #93 – one day early. Many from the actual alley showed up, and then some of mom’s really good friends from other places made their way over as well. In total, I think around 25 – 30 people came out for it. Indeed – a fine afternoon, and mom really enjoyed it!!
Earlier in the day, mom, my aunt, and mom’s dear old friend all got together.
My aunt arrived yesterday – Thurs (8/26) – and we shared an evening meal of farmer’s market ingredients (red and yellow bell peppers, okra, fresh black-eyed peas, and arugula) along with a homemade sourdough bread that was move than 2 days in the making…
Wed, Aug 24 (11:50pm) Almost Missed Two Days in Row – Almost…
Well, the birthday celebrations have begun so this is going to be a tough week for us in terms of workouts. Yesterday, Tue (8/23), mom went out for a birthday lunch with two dear friends. And with everything we had going on, mom did not go for an extended walk, or a gym workout, or go to the pool.
And then with everything going on today, it seemed like we might miss a second day in a row – but alas it was not to be. We did get mom to the ophthalmologist for her annual exam – which went very successfully – and then as soon as we got home mom and I headed out for a walk to the mail kiosk. The temp was 89 / 90, but there was some shade and some breeze, and mom held strong with it. So at least we got our walk in. Lastly, when mom was getting into bed today we were talking about what a great day she had, and in her exuberance she blurted out, “Yeah, and I did not have to go to the gym!!” She revealed her true colors. And with family coming in the next three days for mom’s birthday, it is really hard to say when we might make it back to the gym. That might end up being her biggest birthday present!!
Mon, Aug 22 (11:35pm) Power Walk
Mom made a clean journey up to the mail kiosk and back (.6 miles). She is sturdy and sure-footed in her walking these days. She may not be the fastest, but she safely gets where she needs to go.
We knew our voyage was going to be an auspicious one when we came across this guy on our third step…
Sun, Aug 21 (11:45pm) Weekend Wrap-Up
Today, mom and I cruised the neighborhood for our weekly Sunday stroll. It was a solid loop that was about 2/3’s of the way to the mail kiosk. Mom was solid, though tried to turn around after going only 2 houses, and then tried just to sit and hang out at the gazebo, and ultimately did the whole route without taking a break.
On Saturday, we got to the gym and did the following workout – not quite our 10 laps, but a respectable 8 nonetheless.
20 industrial steps up
4 laps 10 min 12 sec
Chair rest 1 minutes 50 seconds
2 laps 5 min 30 sec
Chair rest 2 minutes 20 seconds
2 laps 5 min 12 sec
20 industrial steps down
Multi-level Stepping in Yoga Room
All in all a fine weekend: Mom went out to breakfast with friends on Saturday morning, and had her good friend over this afternoon for a visit.
Fri, Aug 19 (10:15pm) Sturdy Walker
Thought today was going to be a gym day, but by the time we were ready to exercise it was already mid-afternoon, and the alley meeting was at 4p. So mom and I trekked to the mail kiosk and back. She is quite independent these walks as I generally am 15 yards away or so. As it turned out, it was misting / drizzling on the way back so there was no alley meeting.
Thurs, Aug 18 (8:35pm) Mean Mama
With the cooler temps (mid to low 80s) and lower humidity, mom nailed a walk in the middle of the afternoon up to the mail kiosk and back. She handled it like a pro. She was all business, making good time up and back, only taking a very short rest in the chair at the mail kiosk. As for her outfit, she wore her hat low, sported dark sunglasses, and donned a turtleneck – just in case. Taken all together, she was a lady to be reckoned with – and all malevolent forces kept their distance.
Wed, Aug 17 (10:05pm) Costco Conquered
Today, mom and I went to Costco for a quick hearing-aid adjustments. Thereafter, mom cruised the perimeter of the store as we picked up a few key items. And I have to say that mom held her own in Costco just fine. Then, in the afternoon, we went out for a solid walk. We traversed through the gazebo and then about 2/3’s of the way to the mailroom. Despite the modest heat and humidity, mom did well and was ready for her black chair upon her return.
Tuesday (8/16) was a busy day, but mom and I did get over to the gym for a basic workout. It is great that ten laps has become her norm.
20 industrial steps up
5 laps 11 min 21 sec
Chair rest 2 minutes 5 seconds
5 laps 12 min 45 sec
20 industrial steps down
Mon, Aug 15 (10:50pm) Cranking around the Track
Mom experienced phantom pain today for the first time in a very long while, maybe a year or more. It came on strong and then was gone in two minutes. Essentially, she was experiencing severe pain in a toe that she does not have. It really speaks to how pain is really more of a psychic phenomenon than a physical one. It also serves as a remind how important it is for mom to work on her desensitization treatment, which has been terribly neglected.
All that said, mom was cranking it around the track today. I felt certain we were going to break our record until mom had the urge to go to the bathroom so we left the track after 8 laps and went back downstairs. Here is the outline of today’s workout.
20 industrial steps up
3 laps 6 min 20 sec
Sock fixing
5 laps 11 min 20 sec
Chair rest 2 minutes 15 seconds
20 industrial steps down
6 min treadmill
3 rounds obstacle course
This is Mom’s third and final round of the obstacle course… Which was the last thing of her workout…. And as you can see she just left the room entirely she didn’t want to negotiate about doing an extra round or not….
Sun, Aug 14 (11:20pm) Casual Sunday
Mom walked over to visit with her good friend today and that was a fine get together. Then mom and I cruised through the gazebo and over to the park where we did a partial loop on the pebble path (not mom’s favorite surface, but it is good practice for her). And then it was back to the house. We did not complete our loop in the park because mom says her legs get tired. So we are going to tweak her regimen a bit. In the evening, mom and I went out and she got a soft taco at a local spot.
Sat, Aug 13 (11:50pm) Dressed Up for Home
Mom began the day by going out to breakfast with friends, and then spent the latter part of the afternoon at the pool. Mom had a fine pool outing, though today the ambient temp (mid-80’s) was a bit lower as was the temp of the pool (down to 82 from its typical 90 or so). For the first time all summer, folks were feeling a bit chill when they got out of the pool. The water was refreshing and mom enjoyed it. We got back at 6p, and typically mom would have just gotten into her sleep clothes after her post-pool shower. Instead, she was very keen to head out and got a bit dressed up – even putting on open-toed shoes for the first time!! However, I had a meeting so we were forced to stay home, which she readily accepted.
Fri, Aug 12 (9:15pm) Saved by the Alley Meeting!!
It was on the agenda to go to the gym today, but mom was employing her best stall tactics. Finally, we decided that we would head out at 3:45pm, but were a touch delayed. We went out back at 4:10pm and lo’ and behold there was an alley meeting just beginning. And mom immediately declared, “I am going to the alley meeting!” And that was that. (Aside: The alley meetings meet at 4p Fridays during spring / summer etc, but it has been so hot lately the meetings were essentially cancelled. So mom was especially keen to go today.)
Yesterday was a day of social visit and my dental appointment so we did not get to the pool or the gym, though the weather would not have cooperated in getting to the pool anyway.
Here is the Friday alley meeting:
Here is the Friday evening meal: coconut milk vegetable soup, steamed okra, and homemade rustic bread.
Wed, Aug 10 (10:30pm) Our New Record!!
Before we present our new record that occurred today, just want to say that yesterday (Tue, 8/9) we went to the pool, and mom spent over an hour in the water. We do not have any type of routine so she just floats about here and there, and then moves around or walks as she likes. Just going and keeping active is good. Plus she really likes it.
So the big news of the day is mom cranked out 11 laps today. Here is the breakdown of here workout.
8 laps 18 min 08 sec
Chair Rest 2 min 15 sec
3 laps 7 min 30 sec
10 rises with the 4 lb ball
3 rounds obstacle course
2 minutes of standing balance exercises
By the end she was ready to go home. Here were should add that each workout includes going up and down the industrial staircase – 20 steps each direction. There is an elevator to the second floor that many people use – but not mom!!
On the way home, mom commented how she would like her walking to become more fluid. So that is something we will aim to improve upon.
Mon, Aug 8 (11:05pm) Tearing up the Track
Mom wore her running shoes to the gym today and she was tearing it up at the track!!
8 laps 17 min 50 sec
Chair Rest and sock fixing 3 min 20 sec
2 laps 5 min 10 sec
10 rises with the 4 lb ball
7 minutes on obstacle course
Sun, Aug 7 (11:10pm) Look Who’s in Running Shoes
It has been on my mind recently that mom should try putting on her running shoes – something we could never do in the past, hence all the zipper shoes she’s been wearing. But those zipper shoes offer little support and are just a basic shank, with no cushion or sole to facilitate heel-toe walking. Not only that, all summer mom has been squeezing her foot into her neoprene shoes for the pool. So then why not running shoes? We tried today and voila!! Perfecto!! She easily got her foot in the shoe. And we immediately went for a 1/4 mile walk outside in 90 degree weather. Mom was not accustomed to all the cushion and arch support, but she did fine with them anyway. And I think with time and practice she will be speedier and more capable in them. As good as the zipper shoes have been for us, as I watch her slap them down on the track at the gym, I can only think the running shoes will make a world of difference for her.
On Saturday, mom and I were at the pool for two hours of soaking, floating, and kicking (mom was in the pool for at least half of the time). As usual, she was all smiles and loved it.
Here was our Sunday evening meal: five or six types of recently harvested farmers market potatoes ranging from purple to golden; two different types of fresh summer squash; one eggplant; tomatoes; garbanzo beans; diced green chili; spice is like cumin, coriander, black pepper, Himalayan sea salt, and herb de Provence; toppings like hemp hearts, fresh ground flaxseed, nutritional yeast. Very simple….very delicious….very fresh…
Fri, Aug 5 (11:15pm) Amazing Consistency
It has become the norm for mom to do ten laps around the track. And that is what she did today. Check out the amazing consistency between mom’s numbers today and Wednesday. Most remarkable of all is that we are not doing a timed two-minute rest, rather mom just gets up when she feels ready to go again, and both times that occurred at the two minute mark. I was timing it but she had no idea.
6 laps 15 min 25 sec
Chair Rest 2 min
4 laps 10 min 50 sec
After she completed her laps she did 8 rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball, and then we did some standing balance: heel-toe & 1 legged stands.
On Thursday, mom and I went to the pool where she did both a lot of walking and a lot of floating.
Wed, Aug 3 (11:45pm) Solid Showing + Breakfast Foods
Mom did 10 laps again in the middle lane at the gym (remember 17 laps in the outside lane is a mile). Here is how the breakdown went:
6 laps in 15 min 40 sec
Chair Rest 2 min
4 laps in 10 min 30 sec
Now, there are a few things to remember. Many folks take the elevator up to the track; instead, mom and I always walk up and down the double industrial staircase (20 steps) – even though sometimes mom says, “I don’t understand why we don’t take the elevator.” So mom puts in a solid showing.
After doing her laps, mom did some balance exercise (heel-toe & 1 legged stands) in between the bars of one of the gym machines. Then mom did a few laps of the below obstacle course in the yoga studio. All in all, about a 50 – 55 minute workout.
The last few mornings mom has started breakfast with very large platefuls of watermelon. Today, she had a small service of watermelon with two fresh figs – all of which came from the farmer’s market.
This below cranberry-raisin-walnut bread also came out of the oven just in time for breakfast.
Tue, Aug 2 (11:15pm) Beating A Barn Burner
We knew today was going to be wicked hot, without any threat of thunderstorms, so we had it in mind to head to the pool after breakfast. For us, that essentially meant arriving at the pool by 1pm. And that’s what we did.
So mom spent much of the early afternoon floating around the pool. She has developed her skill nicely wherein she can float and then get back on her feet without me making any intervention or drowning prevention. So mom had a very lovely day of floating, talking to friends, and encouraging toddlers. It was a great outing.
On the way back, I asked her: What do you like better the pool or the gym? She replied, “The pool.”
The reason is that at the gym we really get after it and work hard, whereas at the pool she has been able to defeat by militant ways and thus turn it into a relatively lollipop type of experience. I figure, just her being in the water for 45 – 55 minutes means she will be getting enough engagement by walking, treading water, and chasing kids around that that is good enough.
And she does really enjoy it!!
Mon, Aug 1 (11:50pm) TEN Laps!!
We did TEN laps today – although, not really, according to mom. And I appreciate her die-hard sentiment. You see, we climbed the industrial staircase to the track at the gym, and right off the bat mom did 7 laps (16 min 55 sec) and then she took a seated break for a few minutes, and then she did 3 more laps (7 min 50 sec). So all told mom did 10 laps in about 24 min 45 sec, but as mom pointed out they were not done consecutively with no break. Still, she put in a good track showing. Thereafter we did a modest array of footwork exercises in the yoga studio, and then did some standing balance work using the handles of one of the gym machines.
Here is mom’s dinner which she absolutely devoured…(4 – 5 types of purple and golden potatoes, garbanzo beans, zucchini, yellow tomatoes, hand peppers, and carrots, cooked with cumin, coriander, black pepper, balsamic vinegar, nutritional yeast, ground flax seed, sprinkling of Himalayan salt, and hemp seed hearts – and surrounded by fresh cukes.) All veggies from the farmer’s market. The serving size was good bit larger than the photo portrays.
Note: We have been cooking a ton this summer but just have not been posting the dishes…may do so more regularly…
Sun, July 31 (11:30pm) National Treasure
Mom and I did take a short walk in the afternoon sun. It really could have been a pool day, but mom was comfortable at home, I was busy in projects, and the weather app predicted thunderstorms for much of the day – but the weather held. So we were home most of the day.
Mom always asks me about going out for dinner or getting takeout, but I always have editing calls in the evening. Tonight’s call was a bit abbreviated so mom and I went out. And she was so very pleased to be out on the town. She thought that was really wonderful. She ordered a monster Johnnie Walker Black that she downed with half of her mombo grilled sandwich. As I helped mom rise from her chair after the meal, a gentleman came over and called mom a national treasure. Mom assured him that she was not, but the greater point is that wherever mom goes she always attracts positive attention. Despite the half-a-gallon of scotch, mom (mostly) held her own getting back to the car.
Sat, July 30 (6pm) Walkabout
Today, mom and I were hemming and hawing about what to do, and somehow we got the idea to go for a walk. So off we went in the late afternoon. Initially we thought of doing a very short, half-block walk, but despite the 90 degree weather mom wanted to head up to the mailroom. We went a bit more than halfway to the mailroom when we thought best to head back home via a different route. Mom was feeling heated and we took off her extra top and she made it home just fine. It is impressive that she has the stamina to withstand the heat. Mom spent the morning going out to breakfast with two of her good friends.
Yesterday, mom and I passed much of the afternoon at the pool. She really enjoys being in the water, walking and floating around. That has been a real plus point this summer. What I really need to do is capture some photos and videos of her in the pool. Also of note: Last night before bed, we had a missing hearing aid episode which got solved this morning when we moved mom’s footstool. Alas, balance was restored to the cosmos.
Fri, July 29 (1:30pm) Solid Workout
We made it to the gym in the last afternoon yesterday, Thurs (7/28), and mom put in a good showing. First off, we climbed the industrial staircase to the track and mom immediately went into her laps, not needing a rest after reaching the top of the steps. So that was an auspicious start. Unfortunately, I forgot to time it, but using the middle lane mom cranked out 8 laps without needing any real rests. Then she sat down for a minute or two and then did two more laps around the track. So she did a grand total of ten, and then she went onto the Nu-Step machine for 10 minutes and did 523 steps on level 5. Then we did a half-lap around the track, descended the steps to the yoga studio, and mom faired well on the multi-level balance course that we set up.
Mom spent the later part of the morning today with our nextdoor neighbor who stopped by with her coffee to visit, and we have hopes to get to the pool this afternoon.
Wed, July 27 (10:45pm) B-I-N-G-O
Finally, we got it right. We went to the pool when there was some thunder. When we got there the chairs were all wet, the place was empty, and the pool was closed, but due to open in 10 minutes. More thunder came but the pool guy had ear buds in and did not hear the thunder. So the closure time was not extended. We got in the pool – then after some time rain drops. And then the afternoon opened up to perfectly blue skies and bright sunshine for the vast majority of our stay. We were at the pool for 90 minutes – and mom really loved it. She was moving around the pool with and without her noodle. And then when it was time to leave, the clouds closed up the sky. We got our due, after all those false starts last weekend.
Yesterday (Tue, 7/26) was a home day for a variety of reasons – no gym, no pool.
Tue, July 26 (8:48am) Switch-Up at Gym + Half-Eliquis
So yesterday, Mon (7/25), we switched things up a bit at the gym. We walked right by the treadmills and climbed the industrial staircase to head up to the track. And we started our laps. Since, in general, it is too warm to walk outside, we figured using the track would be a good idea. And for day one mom did fairly well with it. We used the outside lane where 17 laps equals a mile, and mom did 7 laps in around 18 minutes. Endurance-wise, that is solid as it takes a lot more energy to walk than to use the treadmill where she holds on most of the time. Mom’s walk was a touch speedy and wild, sometimes almost lunging forward and other times (once or twice) brushing up against the wall, but she was definitely getting herself around the track. We took a few standing rests to allow her to catch her breath. That is definitely the limiting factor. Ultimately, she sat down after those first 7 laps. After a brief rest the plan was to do three more laps, but mom did one more lap (3 min 10 sec) and was done. So in total mom did 8 laps (almost half-a-mile) in around 21 minutes of walking time. A fine day one. She found it to be more challenging than the treadmill and is ready to pursue it further.
After the track, we came down the industrial staircase and did a series of one-footed balance endeavors which mom did very well with – and that was followed by a few wall stretches. Then we left.
Yesterday, we also got clearance from the hematologist to taper down the Eliquis from 5 mg morning and evening to 2.5 mg morning and evening. We have a trusty new pill-cutter that slices it right down the middle so this morning mom will begin her new regimen. It is good that they feel mom is well enough to half the dosage, and now the co-pay of $100 a month for the meds will last us a second month – so we get to save a bit as well. I think that if we actually got 2.5 mg pills the cost would have been the same as earlier (which is bizarre) so it is good that the doctor is allowing us simply cut the pill in half.
Sun, July 24 (11:40pm) Holy Hail Storms & More
Here’s a little bit of a wrap-up from the last few days…
On Friday, we did get to the gym and mom did .6 miles (19 min 40 sec) on the treadmill. It was a medium type of day for her, but even then she put in a solid showing. Then we went into the back yoga studio and did a bunch of balance and stem challenges, and mom did quite well with that, especially when she took her time.
On Saturday afternoon, we went to the pool, but before we could even get our big toe in a non-forecasted storm whipped through with sideway rain and a menacing sky, and by the time we got our of there our car was being pelted by hail. The rat-tat-tat was like machine-gun fire on the roof and side of the car.
Sunday was also a comedy of errors. We were talking about going to the pool for a while, and by the the time we got the the thunder began bellowing. The rule at the pool is no swimming for 30 minutes after the sound of thunder. And if more thunder comes then the 30-minute countdown starts anew. I’ll spare you the details, but suffice to say that once again we did not get into the pool.
However, fear not, our weekend was not a complete disaster, but rather quite glorious as we were fortunate to have one of mom’s nieces with us, and it was a lovely visit.
Thurs, July 21 (11:50pm) Noodling Strides
Mom and I spent a good portion of the afternoon on Wednesday (7/20) at the pool, and mom is definitely getting the hang of using her noodle. Now she can float around on her back and kick, and then get back to an upright position again. So that is a nice advancement. At the pool, folks are always keen to know her age; they ask me. They like the fact that at her age she is keen to get in the pool and move around etc. And mom does like it – she is always pleased to be there. We have yet to able to manage to get to the gym on the way to the pool. Hopefully one day.
Then today, mom and I drove to Raleigh to meet her old friends for lunch. That took a bunch of hours in the middle of the day. So not gym or pool (bad weather anyway). All else is well…
Tue, July 19 (11:40pm) Short Day
Between a late wake-up and a very early dinner, our day was quite short, and we spent most of it at home. I gave mom the option of gym or pool, but she was keen to chill out at home. Mom had an early 4:40pm pick-up for dinner – that meant getting ready at 3:30 or so – and she was certainly ready for it.
Mon, July 18 (8:40pm) Nice To Be 93 (Almost)
Ahhh….sleep in till 11…..finish breakfast at 2p…..mosey over to the gym at 3p….lunch / snack at 5p….dinner at 7:30p….enjoy a relaxing evening. Think about and piling up clothes for laundry before breakfast – and never getting to it!! Must be nice to be almost 93!!!
At the gym, mom did do .8 miles on the treadmill in around 25 minutes. For a long stretch she was cruising along at 2.2 mph. Thereafter, we did a some multi-level step work and balance endeavors in the back room.
Sun, July 17 (11:45pm) Successful Noodling
After considering going to the pool on yesterday (Sat, 7/17) but backed off after seeing some threatening clouds, mom and I got to the pool in the early afternoon today. We had since purchased some noodles (flotation pieces), and mom seemed to find it quite helpful. This way, if she loses her feet beneath her, she doesn’t sink. Now, she cannot get herself upright again either, but at least she can keep her head above water and breathe. So that is a plus point. As for exercise at the pool, we are not doing too much. But by getting into the pool for 20 min or half-an-hour, mom does some walking and paddling etc. So it is something. The main thing is that mom really enjoys going and getting in the water – though it takes her along time to get in. Today, mom was spending so much time on the ladder everyone thought she needed help, but mom was just hesitant as she gets accustomed to the water temperature. But once in, she really likes it.
All else is good. Saturday afternoon was spent hanging around the house, and mom is holding strong: eating well, sleeping well, and keeping in her usual fine spirits.
Sat, July 16 (11:25am) “You don’t know how fast I can be”
After a bit of indecision, late in the afternoon yesterday (Fri, 7/15), mom and I did get to the gym. Despite the late hour, mom did get in .66 miles (21 min 54 sec) on the treadmill, and then we went up the industrial staircase, did a lap-and-a-half around the track, descended the double staircase, and went home. Not bad for a busy day. Earlier mom and I had gotten our 2nd booster shots and did some errands etc.
So this morning mom was due to go our for breakfast. I saw her at 8am and she was up so I did not check on her again at 8:30 before I started teaching my next class. Anyway, I go back into her room at 9:37am and she is all wrapped up in bed – sound asleep. And she was due for at 10am or so pick-up for breakfast. I told mom just to put water on her face and get dressed to go. But she insisted on taking a shower, which for her is usually an hour-long proposition. I told her she would miss her breakfast outing if she showered. And that’s when she dropped the line: “You don’t know how fast I can be!”
And she proved herself right. While she was not ready right when her ride got here, she was ready within a reasonable time-range, and off she went to breakfast!!
Fri, July 15 (8:05am) Here We Go Again
Well, we did it again yesterday (7/14): we somehow left the house at 4:20pm for a walk. We had some delays in our day, and at that late afternoon hour, we had not yet done anything. And it was too late to go to the pool; the gym was a solid option, but mom gave it the thumbs down; and, then mom gave the option of walking to the mailroom, and off we went. It was not a blistering hot day, just mid 80s. But it was a day when others were not keen to walk. A neighbor driving to the gym saw us and raised her eyebrows when we told her what we were doing. Another neighbor driving by saw us and said, “I heard you walked to the mailroom the other day”, and we were like, “And we are doing it again now.” He kindly replied, “Well, you two sure are keeping each other healthy.” Anyway, we did it – mom did it. And she did it with gusto. Though when we pit-stopped at the gazebo (which is close to our house) on the way back, she said, “I think this is out of my range.” It isn’t – we just need to be in the gym on these days!! Let’s see if we learn from this one. Though I must say, mom really charges through it – we get up there and back in fairly decent time!!
Note: The damaged mailroom is now safe and open to the public as repairs are being made. See July 1 entry.
Here is mom at the gazebo…
Wed, July 13 (11:40pm) Hot Walk
On Tuesday, 7/12, we mostly had a casual day around the house – no gym, or pool, or walk. Today, in the early afternoon, mom was sitting on the front porch, and we were discussing our options: pool or gym. Mom said it was not hot enough for the pool, and she did not seem keen on the gym. So I suggested we walk to the mail kiosk. And that is what we did, and about 30% of the way through it began to heat up. But mom hung tough and managed to get all the way up there and back. The mail kiosk still is not fixed, but the guy doing the construction is very accommodating, and if you give him the key he will go in and get the mail. So it is a workable situation.
On another note, mom and I signed up today for our second booster, which we will get on Friday.
Mon, July 11 (11:45pm) Mail Kiosk Hit
Today, mom and I took a late afternoon walk to the mail kiosk and back, as the weather was quite agreeable. Mom did well with it, even though she said she was a bit fatigued on the way up there. Sometimes she needed a moment to catch her breath, and on the way back she said her legs were tired, but there was never any doubt on whether we would make it or not. We left and 4:20p and got back at 5:30p. So mom put the time in, but it had been too much of a gap since our last walk. I think going forward some days at the gym should be free-walking around the track. That is something we have gotten away from.
Anyway, when we got to the mail kiosk, there was a vehicle wedged in the entranceway and one of the pillars had been knocked out. Not only that, the front wall of the mail kiosk had been slammed. Below is a photo of the scene just after they got the car removed. The place was deemed unsafe, but one of the construction guys offered to go in and get our mail. Coming onto this scene was definitely the surprise of the day.
Our morning had started out slow, and mom just mostly moseyed through the day, sitting on the front porch. The plan was to go to they gym but that plan kept getting delayed. Finally, when I suggested we go for a walk to the mail kiosk, that hit home and off we went. Little did we know what we would find there….
Sun, July 10 (10:55pm) Visiting An Old Friend
Mom and I went to Raleigh this afternoon where she visited an old friend – her hallmate from Columbia graduate school. That friend introduced mom to dad. Not only that, mom’s friend knew all of Dad’s family and had lots and lots of humorous tales and remembrances. Mom enjoyed the visit, as did I.
Sun, July 10 (7:55am) Recap: Bad Timing to Hearing Aid Issues
Ok, so we seem to have veered off from daily updates, though that was not the intention.
On Thursday (7/7), we did indeed get to the gym, but our timing was off. We went too late in the day, yet still mom had not eaten lunch. It was just a discombobulated day scheduling-wise, and it impaired our gym workout. Plus mom was tired before we even went. The end result was a somewhat down yet still respectable .63 miles on the treadmill (20 min 06 sec), and we only did a few balance and step exercises before heading home.
On Friday (7/8) mom and I arrived at the pool in the early afternoon – it was good but not ideal weather so it was quite empty. Mom spent a solid 30 minutes or so wading, walking, and jogging in the pool. She really enjoyed being in the water, and attempted a few different swim strokes for a few moments before I had to intervene and get her on her feet. We got back from the pool in time for the 4p alley meeting, but mom had not yet eaten lunch. By the time she finished lunch the alley meeting was breaking up. Still suffering from bad timing.
Yesterday, (Sat, 7/9), mom had two notable events. In the late morning, she attended the end of life gathering for her dear friend Jane who recently passed away. Since the covid numbers are rising, mom and her friends sat in the back row and came straight home after the service. Then in the afternoon, mom and I went to Costco as her left hearing aid had not been working. Part of the problem is that I noticed it by seeing that she was not getting sound from her TV through that left hearing aid, and also because it was not charging properly. Mom seemed to be mostly unaware of the issue. So we do not know exactly when it stopped working. We thought it was a battery issue, and Costco confirmed that at our 5pm appointment. Since it is a lithium batter and Costco heads of state do not allow stores to stock them for fear of fire, they kept mom’s hearing aid and will ship it back to Philips on Monday. So for a week or two mom will be functioning on half-power, which she has probably been doing for a week or so anyway. The main problem is that now we cannot get any TV sound at all through the right hearing aid, which previously was getting sound even though the left was out. We have tried every trick in the book, but to date have been unsuccessful. Hopefully, we get this resolved. The problem is that although the right hearing aid is paired up, still the system is looking for the left hearing aid, and it gets caught in a never-ending loop.
Today, mom and I are off to visit one of her oldest friends, i.e. her graduate school hall mate who introduced her to Dad. She and her husband live in Raleigh, and mom has not seen them in a few years.
In Memoriam: Here is a photo of Jane coming over last summer (2021) to knit with mom – and lend some moral support – while mom was picking up (and struggling with) a new knitting project.
Thurs, July 7 (9:30am) Wow – Feels Like 109!!
Yesterday (Wed, Jul 6) was a real barn-burner. You could feel the heat enveloping you – and burn too. Mom and I headed off to the pool in the mid-afternoon and had a great swim. The water temperature was 90 degrees plus, like bath water. And for mom that is just perfect. While others find it a tad on the warm side, for her it is just right. Mom did a lot of moving around in the water and tried her hand at some swimming too. All in all, a successful outing at the pool, and mom is so pleased with her pool footwear and how protected her feet / toes are.
Tuesday (Jul 5) was a gym day and mom cranked out a solid .86 miles on the treadmill (28 min 09 sec), and thereafter we did a bunch of balance endeavors and stepping initiatives. In particular, we used the rope letter (set along the floor) for making nice clean forward steps (along with lots of variations) and then we worked on stepping up onto stacked foam platforms. That was a good challenge. Finally, we did 10 rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball.
Today also we expect to head to the gym…stay tuned!!
Mon, July 4 (10:20pm) Swimming (& Sinking)
Today, mom and I spent a good portion of the afternoon at the pool. Mom was in the pool for a while: sometimes talking with friends, sometimes walking through the water, and other times trying to swim. During the course of her time in the pool, she tried a few different strokes, just able to keep herself afloat for a bit, but wholly unable to regain a standing position. Since her swimming forays were unannounced I would have to always keep an eye on her because she gets stuck in the swimming position and slowly sinks. Needless to say, it takes a lot of courage to keep trying!!
While mom was talking to some of her pool friends, one of them said, “I had no idea you were sick.” And mom replied, “Well, I wasn’t really sick, I just had open-heart surgery.” And they were like, “What?!#?!#?!” They were quite impressed by mom’s understated approach.
Yesterday was a casual day at home for mom and in the early evening she went out for dinner with her longtime friend and son.
All in all, mom really enjoyed her 4-day weekend.
Sat, July 2 (6:40pm) Pool Life!!
Spent the latter part of the afternoon at the pool…
Sat, July 2 (2:40pm) The MILE Club!!
Yesterday (7/1), mom did what she’s had her sights set on for a while. She did a full mile on the treadmill (1 mile / 30 min 33sec)!!! So that was a BIG accomplishment for us. When we first started working with the treadmill, we were pleased to do a quarter-mile. Yesterday, mom got off to a solid start and held her pace of 2.0 mph virtually the whole way through. We did not have to slow it down much for her to regain her breath. She held her own the whole way through – and really seemed quite vibrant when she finished. After a short break, mom traversed a step & balance course (appended below) numerous times.
Now this all comes on the heels of mom’s gym experience on Thurs (6/30) which was a downer. After having a big luncheon at a Greek restaurant we went to the gym later in the afternoon and mom was taxed on the treadmill (.44 miles in 15 min 30 sec) – and she was really gassed by the end of it. Then we went up to the track and did only 1 lap. And earlier in the week also mom had a less than stellar showing on the treadmill. So I was wondering why mom’s stamina was suffering. Then lo’ & behold, yesterday mom cranks out her mile with full gusto.
This morning (7/2) mom went for breakfast with her friends, and shortly we are headed out to the pool….
Thurs, Jun 30 (11:45am) Out to Lunch
Well mom got up in time (just barely!!) and got ready for her luncheon….
Thurs, Jun 30 (9:25am) Life Schedule
Well, life’s schedule has kept us off of our regular schedule. That’s to say, we were not able to swim or get to the gym on Tues or Wed. On Tuesday evening (6/28), we did get out for a moderate walk – not too far – but we did stop of for an outdoor impromptu gathering of neighbors, and mom was on her feet for a while talking, and weathering the storms of the various dogs that were jumping up and glad to see her. And then as mom expressed, “Well, we have to leave and go on our walk so that I can go have my dinner.” It was around 8pm or so, and everyone kind of looks at me and declares just what kind of regimen do you have her on!! But, really it is not that strict.
Yesterday, mom spent the mid-afternoon visiting a dear friend who is in an end of life scenario, wherein yesterday was seen as the last opportunity for a visit. Jane has been a stalwart all he way through, and really sharp. Among their many ventures and travels together, last summer when Jane felt mom needed some support she would come by and knit with mom and mom initially struggled with her new knitting project. She was truly a good friend and will be missed.
Today, mom is heading out for a luncheon with a pick-up at 11:15 am. And at present, she is sound asleep, so I really should go over and wake her from her slumber so she has time to get ready. Last night, we joked how she will be going out for lunch at the time that she normally has breakfast!!
Before signing off, I really have to comment on how good mom’s walking and balance has been. This has been on my mind the last few days, as now she casually goes out to the front porch to sit on her own. In the past, navigating the screen / glass door was not so easy for her, but now she cruises in and out like it is nothing. The same is the case with step-ups and step-downs from the curb. And now when we walk, I do not even spot her at all. So her overall balance and stability on her feet has really taken a nice progression.
Finally, mom is really enjoying summer’s farmer’s market bounty…here is her dinner from last night which she loved and devoured.
Mon, Jun 27 (11:10pm) Gym Time
Headed into the gym today and mom did .56 miles (17 min 58 sec), when I thought she was on pace to crank out more. But she wanted out, so instead of resting as we are want to do after the treadmill we just walked right on over to the Nu-Step and put in a little more work. Mom did 601 steps at level 5 in 11 min 27 sec. That gave us the solid 1/2 hour of cardio we were looking for. The back studio room was being used for a meeting, so mom and I spent the next 15 minutes or so doing some rises from the padded tables, footwork with the ladder and sponge platforms, and some other gems. Then to close out we went up and down the industrial staircase. When we left I asked mom if she works harder at the gym or at the pool, and whatever her reply was the essence said, “What are you crazy, much harder at the gym” (not a direct quote). Bottom line: we need to get to the gym. The pool is gravy.
Mom spent the evening (2 + hours) on the front porch and a number of folks stopped over and visited.
Sun, Jun 26 (11:45pm) A Cool Pool Weekend
Mom had a solid weekend at the pool, though it got off to a trying start. On Friday, we had it all planned to go to the pool in the early afternoon, but she was not feeling well so she rested for a bit and took it easy. By around 4p she was noticeably better and she eagerly joined everyone out back for the alley meeting.
We did get to the pool both days of this weekend. On Saturday mom mostly walked in the pool (don’t think she ever dunked her head). We tried to do some kicking while holding on to the edge of the pool, but apparently her water shoes fill with water, making that difficult. Mom did keep active. Today we again hit the pool and after being in for a while mom got into one of the empty lap lanes. With full gusto she went after it – and by three strokes (crawl) she was done (as her arms hurt), but could not get herself upright again – she was kind of floating face down with all limbs draped towards the bottom of the pool. So I grabbed her and got her up and asked her if she was scared and she said no (I would have been). She made a valiant effort. Then she did a little elementary backstroke and faired better. All in all, she generally spends a solid 45 minutes in the pool. And she is very independent moving around the pool deck, accessing the various ladders, and getting herself in and out. The main thing is that she likes going, cooling off, seeing all the kids, and visiting with friends.
And yep, you guessed it, tomorrow is a gym day.
Mom has also been very active in our yoga classes – with more appearances that are yet to be publicly posted!!
Thurs, Jun 23 (11:55pm) “Would you like to join me?”
Today, for a variety of reasons, we did not get to the gym or the pool. Then just as we were settling in to our evening routine, mom said at 6:40pm, “I am going to walk up to get the mail – would you like to join me?” So off we went, and it is just becoming so clear how good mom’s walking has become. She is quite balance and stable and does not really need any spotting. Although it was early evening and we did not have to do with too much direct sun, the temp was still 87 degrees, but mom charged right on up there. Only at the tail end of the return trip did her pace dwindle down a bit. So she has really come a long way.
On the way up she got hot so we took off her sweatshirt / sweater and instead of carrying it I slung it over a tree branch wherein we would pick it up on the return trip. When mom saw me do that she said, “I hope I remember to get it.” And I told her not to worry. At some point on the return trip mom mentioned something about looking for her sweater. Needless to say, we had gone past it, by a fair bit. I ran back to get it, but at least one of us remembered otherwise it would probably still be there.
Wed, Jun 22 (10:15pm) 3-Day Wrap-Up
Ok – so mom has had a pretty good start to the week:
MONDAY (6/20): After a short hiatus we made it back to the gym and mom did .80 miles (26 min 50 sec) on the treadmill. Mom also did very well in the backroom on a stepping, multi-level obstacle course I made for her. (Should have taken a photo of it.) While mom did well on it, I could only get her to do it “there-n-back” twice – so it took as much time to set up as it did to practice on it. Then we went up the back staircase and did a 1.5 laps around the track and descended the front industrial staircase and went home.
TUESDAY (6/21): This was a pool day. We spent a good amount of time in the pool, but it took mom a while to get fully wet and then she was not as assertive as last time in trying to swim. But she was in the pool for 30 min and we did some running and jumping and moving around. And she certainly likes being there. And yes, mom slept in till 10am today – I had to go in there and wake her up to see if she was ok. She was sound asleep, but of course she said that she had been up since 7am.
WEDNESDAY (6/22): We were back at the gym today, and mom did .58 miles on the treadmill (18 min 28 sec) and then she just ran out of steam. We got there a touch later and mom seemed a bit fatigued. Even then, not bad for a down day. We did about 10 rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball and called it a session. Mom was fine with it as we were heading out for a late 3pm lunch.
All in all, mom seems more stable and confident on her feet. Her stride could be longer and smoother, and we will continue to work on that as she is very open to enhancements. Other than that, mom has an excellent appetite – eats and sleeps regularly – and is in a very solid state of health.
On this hot day, even the rabbits gave in to the heat.
And look what arrived in the mail yesterday – fresh from FLA!!!
Sun, Jun 19 (10:15pm) Swim Team
Late Saturday afternoon was another solid pool experience. Mom ventured around the pool more freely but she definitely needs a spotter. She can get into a swim stroke (elementary backstroke of the crawl), but she does not go that far or float that well, and most importantly she is not able to get herself back into an upright position. All that said, she really enjoys it, and she will improve. And now that I got my membership all set, we will be going regularly, and she will gain greater facility in the pool. There are also lots of young kids in the pool, and mom enjoys seeing all of them also. So we will see how we are able to balance the pool and the gym this summer. One possible option is to go to the gym and get a solid session in on the treadmill and then head right on over to the pool. We have not yet incorporated a lot of aquatic exercises in the pool but we have done a touch of jogging in the pool. But we shall develop a workout routine for the pool.
Today was a hangout day at the house, and mom spent a good portion of the afternoon on the front porch and folks came by. Then mom and I did just a short walk around the block and we stopped in and visited with one of her dear friends. All in all a very good weekend, and the main thing is that mom’s overall health is so good, and she seems more stable on her feet. I rarely need to spot her when we walk.
Sat, Jun 18 (2am) Big-Time Swimming + Power Back On!!
The Fearrington community lost power from about 6p Friday evening to shortly after midnight Saturday. Mom did just fine with it. She ate her dinner by cell phone flashlight, and ate cold watermelon slices on the front porch with our dear neighbors – Tucker’s parents (and Tuck came over also) – who came by with this wonderful delicacy.
On Thursday, we went to the pool – only too late in the afternoon – and had to get out after we had been in for 8 seconds a thunder boomed in the sky. Friday we got there earlier and mom did so well. Somehow her walking just seems much more dependable these days so she walked in and out just fine, and was quite assertive and courageous in the pool. She was going underwater without really able to get her feet beneath her again(!!), moving around in the pool, and trying out various swimming strokes. Plus we did some resistance running in the shallow end. It was a very successful outing and quite the step up from the initial time last Saturday. So long as we can come to an agreeable resolution to my membership status (long story), we will be regular visitors to the pool this summer.
Wed, Jun 15 (11:45pm) Super Sleuth + .9
Today, mom called me into her computer room and said, “Look who’s coming for dinner tonight.” And sure enough she was right!! She had found the boyfriend of one of our relatives online. We had never met him, but mom used her super sleuth skills to identify him!! So that was pretty funny and highly unexpected!!
We did get to the gym today, and mom topped her all time best by doing .9 miles on the treadmill in 31 min and 45 sec. She reached .70 holding her 2.0 mph clip. Then while in slow-mode a friend came over and detailed a medical situation so we had to slow it down even more as mom listened. Ultimately, mom was able to dial up the speed again and reached her mark. So that mile barrier is coming into focus!! Thereafter, we did some balance and step work and ten rises from chair with a 4 lb ball.
Here is one of the challenges mom was successfully navigating today during our workout. Mom traversed this both directions multiple times. I merely spotted her.
Tuesday (6/14) was a busy-life day, and we did not make it to the gym or pool – nor did we get a walk in. Though mom did spend a good bit of time on the front porch yesterday.
Mon, Jun 13 (11:40pm) Almost Miracle Mile
I really thought mom was going to make the mile on the treadmill today. The main thing is that she held her 2.0 mph clip until she reached the .60 mile mark which is nearly double than usual. Then she dropped the speed, regained her legs and breath, and then began amping up again. Ultimately, she wrapped up at .85 miles (28 min 02 sec). So it was a fine showing. Thereafter we did some core work on the platform tables, balance and step work in the back room, and 10 rises from a chair with a 4 lb weight. So mom got her work in.
Sun, Jun 12 (11:25pm) Weekend Round-Up
First, here is a video I put up on IG the other day of mom out walking – in case you haven’t seen it yet.
So we had a fine weekend and broke new ground as we went to the pool on Saturday afternoon. Mom really enjoyed being in the water, talking with friends, and watching all the kids. For this first time back, mom basically walked around in the 3 – 4 foot deep sections. And the pool shoes we got for mom worked perfectly. She felt her foot was nicely protected, and she was able to move around well in the pool. She found it quite refreshing and it was apparent this will be a new element of summer life this year. She also vowed then next time she’s swimming laps. Let’s see how that goes.
Today was a hang around the house day, and in the late afternoon we went for a walk. We just kind of cruised around, no particularly far, but we were out and about for 40 minutes so that worked for a Sunday. All else is well; no major news except for major heat coming our way this week. Good thing we have the pool and the gym!!
Fri, Jun 10 (11:30pm) Back in the Gym
After a two-day layoff, we got back in the gym. And up onto the treadmill we went. Mom was going at a good clip and then at the .50 mile marker she wanted to stop, but we used our ongoing technique to slow it down to gather her breath and leg strength, and then she gradually made it faster until finally she stopped at .71 miles (25 min 35 sec). So she had a solid showing. As per our norm we sat and rested for a few minutes, and then we spent another 25 minutes or so doing balance work and step exercises. She did well in that department also, especially with the rope ladder, which we lay out across the floor and she has to traverse it box by box. We are almost ready retire it as it is too easy, so we spice it up with adding some more challenging steps etc.
When we got back, mom ate quick late-lunch and then joined the alley meeting, which garnered a solid turnout of 12 – 15 people. As usual, mom really liked it and all else went smoothly.
Thurs, Jun 9 (11:25pm) Blunder & Un-Blunder
On Wednesday (6/8) mom got in the car to go to the gym and before we closed the door she said she preferred to go on a walk, and I acquiesced. This was early afternoon, and it was baking outside. BLUNDER – for the second time as this happened once earlier. Anyway, we made it to the mail kiosk and back and snaked our way through as many shady streets as possible. From now on we go to the gym or the pool – period.
Today was a busy day on a variety of fronts so we did not get to the gym or the pool, but at least we had the smarts to take an evening walk, and it was absolutely delightful. We made it to a local park a few blocks away. Here is mom waving to you from her seat on the bench.
Tue, Jun 7 (11:50pm) Gym + Farmer’s Market
Mom had a very solid gym workout today. She did .70 miles (25 min 37 sec) on the treadmill and then did a bunch of footwork and balance endeavors. As there was a yoga class in the back room we used open gym space with some of the same props and some new ones. Then we went up the stairs to the track – did a lap – and made our descent and exit. All told it was 75 – 80 minute workout.
Here is a glimpse of our local Fearrington Farmer’s Market that is held every Tuesday afternoon.
Mon, Jun 6 (11:40pm) Passed with Flying Colors
Mom did great on her ultrasound circulation test, which by the way had nothing to do with her January hospitalization but was instead ordered by the wound care specialist as a basic background and follow-up. They took her BP twice over the course of the appointment and both were stellar. Actually, the technician looked at her and said, “Would you like to trade?” The final analysis was that mom seems to be in the clear for a good, long while!!
Sun, Jun 5 (11:45pm) Perfecting the Tuck & Roll
The last three nights mom has perfectly execute the famed “tuck & roll” move when getting into bed. I saw it with my own eyes. Basically she stands with her back mostly towards the bed and launches herself up into the air and onto the bed and she lands on her back all the while drawing her knees towards her sternum and shifting her hips and ultimately extending her legs the length of the bed. By this awesome maneuver she arrives nicely towards the center of her large bed and her body in a straight position. And she is very proud of her abilities. I have been telling her on and off for months not to get into bed like an old lady wherein she half crawls into bed and ends up lying on the very edge, nearly on the floor. But for the last three nights she has been quite perfect in her tuck and roll procedure.
The weekend was a relaxed one. Mom spent hours and hours on the front porch on Saturday and on this evening mom and I went for a casual stroll in the neighborhood, and mom held her own very nicely.
Tomorrow we go for an ultrasound to test her circulation as a final piece of her January hospitalization.
So simple…so tasty….When the ingredients are so wonderful, there is not much else to do. Base: quinoa; Salad: big leaf spinach, daikon radish greens, arugula, heirloom broccoli shoots; Added Extras: walnuts, avocado, cranberries; Toppings: tahini, balsamic vinegar, ground flax seed, hemp hearts
Sat, Jun 4 (12:15pm) Triathlete Training Here We Come
Mom had an excellent day at the gym yesterday (Fri, 6/3): She did .80 miles on the treadmill (25 min 50 sec) and after a short rest did 12 rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball and then she was very smooth with her footwork in our balance / stepping routine in the yoga studio. So it was a good workout and then we left and went to the pool to get signed up for the season. We had no plans to swim but did bask in the lounge chairs for a few minutes. But now that she is a member again (she took last summer off) we are all set to get her aquatics training in gear.
This morning mom got herself all ready and headed out to breakfast with friends at 10am, and now she is back home hanging out at the house….
Thurs, Jun 2 (11:55pm) Fortitude in the Heat
It was basically in the mid-90’s for most of the day. In the mid to late afternoon, mom and I were on the front porch without any plans of going anywhere. There was solid cloud cover and a steady breeze so it did not feel hot out. So we decided to walk up to the mail kiosk. After about 2/3’s of the way there, the breeze stopped and the cloud cover dissipated. But mom held steady, and we walked in the shade wherever possible. Mom had enough in the tank to give her the fortitude and confidence to know that she could do it, yet after we got back she said, “I am not walking on 90 degree days any more.”
We did make inquiries at the pool and hope to have mom’s renewal done tomorrow.
Wed, Jun 1 (11:25pm) “Ways I am better…”
Before going to bed tonight mom was listing the ways she is better: more stable, stronger, and her foot is better.
So we are on the up and up…
We did get to the gym today and mom did a .51 miles (17 min 33 sec) on the treadmill, and then we went to the back and did a bunch of footwork and balance exercises for 20 min or so. After that we went up the industrial staircase to the track and did a lap and a half and went down the steps – finito. A short, reasonable workout.
The last thing we did at the gym was purchase a pair of water shoes because mom is keen to join the outdoor pool, and the wound care specialist told mom to have shoes for the pool. So now we are set!
Here below is a photo of the walnut sourdough bread that came out of the oven today….
Tue, May 31 (11:50pm) BP Revival (We Hope)
Mom still has a dissected descending aorta; they only fixed the ascending aorta. However, the dissection of the descending aorta is still within the range of manageable. An elevated BP puts her at risk. Mom’s blood pressure has been great for months and then all of a sudden, seemingly out of nowhere, her BP went up a bit to 142 / 85. We got three readings in that range. Then this even mom pulled off a picture-perfect 113 / 62. Hopefully, she can hold court there going forward. Note: At present mom is not on high blood pressure medication, after having been on it from 1980 to 2020.
Weather-wise it has been H-O-T. Yesterday, mom and I took on that heat directly by going on a fairly typical length walk outside at 3:30pm. Mom held strong but was gritting it out by the end. The aim was to get to the gym today, but my busy schedule prevented that, but when it came time to go walking we did not repeat yesterday’s mess. Instead we went out at about 7:45 just for a short trek, but immediately Tucker found us so we gravitated to Tucker’s place and mom circumnavigated their house by using their new stone footpath. I was spotting her from behind, but mom did an awesome job and hardly needed any help.
Here is a shot of the heirloom broccoli shoots we picked up at the farmer’s market today.
Sun, May 29 (11:45pm) Beautiful Day – 2
Another spot-on perfect day, and once again mom spent a large portion of the afternoon and evening on the front porch. Not exactly the most active day, but an enjoyable one. Tomorrow we hit the gym!
Sun, May 29 (9:15am) Late Night – Still Sleeping
Mom was bright-eyed late last night watching old movies and tinkering around with laundry. I knew she had no idea what time it was. So when I told it was nearing in on 1am, she was shocked and said, “I am going straight to bed.” Now she is still sleeping….let’s see how long this goes on for.
Sat, May 28 (11:25pm) Beautiful Day
Warm temps, but not hot, and low humidity. Mom and I walked to the mail kiosk and back in the early to mid afternoon, and then she spent the next 5 hours or so out on the front porch: having lunch, reading, and visiting with passers-by.
On Friday (5/27), we did get to the gym and mom did .42 miles (15 min 13 sec) on the treadmill. Then we went to try another machine which looked like it might be interesting. Over the weeks, I had seen one woman just cranking out on that machine, and I thought mom should give it a whirl. I worked with the trainers to get mom set-up on it but it was a total no-go. So mom and I went in the back and did some of our manual exercises and balance endeavors. Because of the big rains there was no alley meeting.
Thurs, May 26 (9:20pm) Outdoor Walk Transformation
Our somewhat cool and cloudy overcast afternoon transformed into a sunny, warm experience so off came mom’s Icelandic sweater and neck scarf / band over the course of our walk to the mail kiosk and back. Mom held her own nicely throughout the walk. It is good to see mom do that walk with relative ease and confidence. She walks entirely on her own, and I am usually a bit ahead.
Here’s mom’s dinner plate for the evening, which prompted her to comment, “You do some nice things with food.” My response: Phew.
Base: Basmati Rice & Chick Peas (Garbanzo Beans)
Salad: Arugula, Big Leaf Spinach, Broccoli Shoots, Sunflower Microgreens, Carrots, Neighbor’s Garden-Fresh Herbs
Toppings: Tahini, Balsamic Vinegar (Herb Infused), Ground Flax Seed, Nutritional Yeast, Hemp Hearts
Sides: Halved Taco Shells, Ripe Avocado Slices
All ingredients organic and / or from Tuesday’s farmer’s market.
And since I haven’t posted a bread photo in a while, I’ll share this one which came out of the over just in time for mom’s breakfast: Cinnamon-Raisin-Cranberry-Walnut….(this was a monster size loaf!!)
Wed, May 25 (11:45pm) Hump-Day Workout
So we got our gym workout going today. Mom felt worn out after .50 miles (17 min 51 sec) on the treadmill today, so we offloaded, had a rest, and went into the back studio where we did some basic stretches and foot work before we set-up a grand obstacles course: walking the floor ladder, stepping over yoga mats and blocks, and doing step-ups and descents. Then we closed on on a machine that vibrates and massages muscles, and we use to for stepping up (one leg) and holding a balanced stance. It was a solid hour workout, though we are invariably there longer.
Wed, May 25 (11:15pm) Career Options
When mom is talking to medical personnel, nurses, and doctors, it does not take long for them to realize that mom too was a professional in the field. She is low-key all the way, but her assessments and terminology are dead giveaways. Now and again, doctors say to her, “Well, if you are ever looking for a job, let us know.” And the doctor said that to mom yesterday – twice. And mom was seriously weighing her options.
Tue, May 24 (11:47pm) The Hematologist
Today we went to the hematologist; it was our first time to this office and the final medical appointment in follow-up with mom’s January hospitalization. Our main aim from the appointment was to get a reduction of the amount of Eliquis (blood thinner) that she is taking due to her a-fib (slight history) and pulmonary emboli (which should not be all cleared up). Anyway, the doctor was very congenial and took a solid amount of time to get the full history, even though he had clearly reviewed mom’s medical records before coming to see us.
After weighing the variables and risk factors, he determined that in mid-July, by which time mom will have been on the regular dose for 6 months, mom would be a candidate for a reduced dosage. Right now, she takes 5mg in the morning and then again in the evening. In mid-July, they are going to reduce mom’s dosage to 2.5 in the morning and then again in the evening. So it will be cut in half, yet that still should be sufficient to ensure mom does not suffer from a stroke etc.
Yesterday, Mon (5/23), mom went to the gym and did .75 miles on the treadmill (25 min & 18 sec), and then mom cranked up 12 rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball. It was a bit of a shortened workout out, but mom did well with the aspect we did do. We did not get to the gym today due to our doctor’s appointment, but mom did walk from the main building to the parking area – as opposed to me bringing the car around – and mom had to climb two separate staircases and the proved to be her workout for the day.
Below is a photo of our evening meal compliments of the weekly, Tuesday farmer’s market.
Sun, May 22 (11:25pm) The Stone Path
Mom and I had a stay-at-home weekend. As noted in the prior entry, she went out to breakfast with friends on Saturday morning, and we were home the rest of the day. This evening (Sunday) we went outside – and I am pretty sure mom was the only person in North Carolina wearing an Icelandic sweater. The temps were still quite high, but there was a bit of a breeze and she felt she wanted the sweater – and she was glad to have it. We were not outside long before we see Tucker charging toward us, so we talked in the street a bit and then went on over to Tucker’s house. They themselves had laid down their own stone path (a rather nice job) and mom did fine navigating the stones. She insisted on doing it, and she rose to the occasion.
Here below is mom’s Sunday morning breakfast: pancakes (vegan of course) with wonderful fresh, farmer’s market strawberries on top, and it was accompanied by mango / clementine smoothie, and she had some dried fruit and nuts on the side. She ate everything.
Sat, May 21 (1:25pm) Three-Day Update
On Thursday (5/19), mom and I walked up to the village (just beyond the mail kiosk) to purchase a gift for her friend’s 96th birthday. It was mom’s suggestion to walk there, and she did well with it, but it was high heat so I went back and got the car for her return home. Then mom went out with friends for that birthday gathering at the senior residential home.
Then the heat really hit us yesterday (Fri, 5/20) so mom and I went to the gym. Mom did .62 miles on the treadmill in 22 min 34 sec. She is getting better at pacing herself and slowing it down when she needs to catch her breath as opposed to shutting it off entirely. She still has her sights set on that miracle mile, but we are not quite there yet. The rest of the time mom and I practiced footwork and balance through a number of different initiatives. And mom had a pretty smooth session.
When we got back from the gym preparations were going on for a BIG alley meeting as they were welcoming a new family to the neighborhood and bidding adieu to another couple. Despite the high heat of 96 or so, everyone stayed for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. There was shade, fans, and lots of refreshments – along with 24 – 30 people. Mom enjoyed the gathering – photo below.
Today, Sat (5/21), mom got up and went out for breakfast with friends, and now she is just hanging around the house. We shall see what the rest of the afternoon holds….
Wed, May 18 (11:45pm) Back in the Gym
My trip to MD from Sunday to Tuesday was very effective and jam-packed, and I was able to attend to all that I needed to get done. During that period, mom had virtually 24-hour care, even though that was done more out of precaution than necessity.
So we got back to the gym today and mom did .60 miles on the treadmill (21 min 38 sec), and then as per normal we sat down. When back in action mom nicely cranked 12 rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball. Then we went to the yoga studio in the back for some footwork and balance training. All in all, a good return day to the gym.
Thereafter, mom spent part of the evening sitting out on the front porch….
Sat, May 14 (11:55pm) Like Bullet, But Alas + MD Trip
Yesterday, Fri the 13th, Mom got on the treadmill hoping to make short work of the project, and she was out like a bullet racing along at 2.5 mph. That’s the speed she was doing on the below video….
This morning, Sat 5/14, mom went out to breakfast with her good friends, and then she was mostly around the house for the remainder of the day.
Tomorrow, Sun 5/15, I am heading up to Maryland to take care of some personal affairs. It will be my first time back since I came down here in Oct 2020, and I shall return to NC on Tuesday 5/17. We have near round-the-clock coverage for mom during my time away; in addition, mom’s friends will pop in on her, and mom’s househelper will be here Tuesday afternoon. So there should be no shortage of people around.
Thurs, May 12 (11:20pm) Cancelled Opera + Chasing the Mile
On Wed, May 11, mom spent the morning getting ready for her noontime departure for the opera. She dressed to the nines, had her breakfast, and got herself all ready. She left at noon and was due back by 5p, but instead returned at 1p as there was a technical glitch and the opera was postponed for a week. It was a gorgeous day so in the afternoon we walked to get the mail. Mom was a touch on the slow side and complaining of back pain, but she did make it up to the mail kiosk. However, once there, she stayed in the chair, and I went back and got the car and drove her home. That was a first. The rest of the day passed uneventfully.
Today, mom had a pretty relaxing morning around the house. It was quite gray out and a touch rainy, and she was not keen to go to the gym. But we went, and she was ready for it. With her silent determination she did .81 miles (27 min 55 sec) on the treadmill as she continues to chase after that elusive mile. After that, we spent about 20 minutes or so in the studio working on balance and footwork. It was a good gym outing, and mom was glad she went and satisfied with her accomplishments, but said she was still gunning to crack a mile.
Wed, May 11 (5am) Monday / Tuesday Recap
Mom passed her cardiologist Monday afternoon (5/9) visit with flying colors. Actually, they did not do anything other than lay eyes on her and take her vitals. No test, no measurements, no nothing. It is actually a nurse pracitioner who sees mom, and she is very nice and knowledgeable. But they really just lay eyes on her. This was our second time at this office, and it all stemmed out of her January hospitalization for pulmonary embolii. She did say that in her opinion after being on Eliquis (blood thinner) for the past few months she expects that all the embolii have been dissolved. I asked about halving her dose of Eliquis, and she said it is a possibility as mom passes some of the criteria for that. Basically, mom is on the Eliquis for two reasons: (1) pulmonary embolii, and (2) A-Fib. So with the embolii basically gone and her A-Fib quite minor, it would seem that her dosage could be lowered. Actually, the nurse had shown mom’s 2-week readings from her monitor (back in Jan) to the top doctor and as here A-fib was quite minor they would not have recommended any meds at all except for the fact that mom had a history of going into A-fib during both of her hospitalizations. We actually are going to the hematologist later this month and that doctor will make the final call on whether mom’s dosage can be halved. Of course, the concern is that the Eliquis is safeguarding mom from strokes etc. All that said, they thought mom looked great and was in fine shape.
On Tuesday (5/10) we did make our return from the gym, and mom was a touch low energy, but not bad. She did get .61 miles in on the treadmill (20 min 54 sec). Mom struggled to rise from the chair with a 4 lb ball so we settled for doing only 6, not our regular 12. Since there was a yoga class going on in the studio, mom and I climbed the industrial staircase (20 steps) to the track to use the Nu-Step machine up there. The industrial steps were challenging for her but she managed it. We might start doing this more. Once on the second floor mom did the Nu-Step at level 5 for 14 min 39 sec and did 701 steps. She descended the industrial staircase nicely. All in all a fine gym session.
She did not have much of an appetite for any of her meals on Tuesday so we will have to see what her food intake is like today….
Sun, May 8 (11:05pm) Ready for the Cardiologist
We had a pretty laid back Sunday. It was a bit chilly outside, and mom was knee deep in laundry dealings and watching her Sunday evening mysteries.
When going to sleep last night, she asked one of her usual questions, “Do I have any appointments tomorrow?” I replied that tomorrow was Sunday so she was free all day, but that on Monday afternoon she had an appointment with the cardiologist. Her first response was, “Well, it’s about time!” (Note: She sometimes feels that they do not pay attention to her heart, but they monitor it every six months etc.) Then she added that going to the cardiologist is not a big deal because (b) she checks her pulse regularly and it is fine and in proper rhythm, and (b) she feels very well. So there you have it: Tomorrow’s cardiologist appointment will be a piece of cake.
Note: While I have been doing all the kitchen work, it was not long ago that mom was still whipping up creative dishes in the kitchen. Take a look what she served up when I visited in June 2020, my last visit before her medical episode.
Sat, May 7 (3:05pm) Useful Tool: Car Cane
We are always keeping an eye out for things that might enhance mom’s quality of life and / or make life easier. We’ve had this car cane for about a week now, and mom finds it very useful and practical. As you can see, it fits right into the door well and is incredibly strong. Mom uses it as an assist to get in and out of the car. That is its main utility. That said, it also quadruples as a flashlight, windshield breaker, and seatbelt cutter. We hope to never have to use these other features save for the flashlight.
Sat, May 7 (2:50pm) Great Gym Day
Yesterday, Fri May 6, mom and I did indeed get to the gym, and she did some solid work. She did .75 miles on treadmill (24 min 46 sec) so she was going at a good clip and has figured out how to smoothly adjust her speed when she needs to regain her breath. Then she easily cranked out 12 rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball, and then she did some balance and footwork drills in the back. We also got on a new machine that is supposed to enhance blood flow. Mom put her foot on it as it vibrates. It is a high step up so for mom it is a good balance challenge as well.
This morning mom went out for breakfast with friends, and the way things are going it does not look like we will get to the gym as it closes at 4pm. Funny how that works. We generally go to the gym in the early afternoon and are alwyas home well before 4, but with mom going out to breakfast on Saturdays we never seem to get there, which doesn’t upset mom at all.
Fri, May 6 (1pm) Outside-Inside
On Wed May 4, at about 2pm in approximately 85 degree weather, mom did a nice job of going to the mail kiosk and back. We took the shadiest route possible both directions. And mom held her own. And that was her exercise for the day.
Yesterday, May 5, was a gym day. Mom did .68 miles on the treadmill in 25 min 08 sec. Thereafter she did 12 rises from the chair with a 4 lb ball, and then we went into the back room and did an array of balance and footwork initiatives.
We are doing a minimal amount of desensitization work – just a few minutes a day, if that. We really need to do more, but it is not one of mom’s favorite endeavors. All that said, the sensitivity of her foot has dissipated. She complains about it much less, if at all, and she is able to tolerate more greater stimuli. So we are fortunate in that the little that we are doing is yield solid results.
At present, mom is having a little unannounced snooze in her TV chair, and the plan is to go to the gym shortly.
Tue, May 3 (11:40pm) On & Off
Mom had a decent re-entry to gym life on Monday (5/20). She was looking good on the treadmill but topped out at .60 miles. At that point she just felt too tired. But we’ll take it if even on a low energy day she gets in a brisk half-mile plus. Then we went to rest in some chairs as we normally do after the treadmill. And after a bit of a break, mom began her rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball and could hardly do one. Then she began cranking them out like they were nothing, and we did 12. So that was good. And then we did some footwork and steps in the back yoga studio using the lifts and ladder. All in all a good gym day.
Today, mom had an appointment in Pittsboro and she got involved in doing the laundry so we were unable to get to the gym. So we will have to work extra hard tomorrow. Mom did have a fine evening on the front porch – she was out there from about 6:15pm to 7:45pm.
Sun, May 1 (11:20pm) Relaxing Weekend
Mom had a fine and fairly low impact weekend. She went out for breakfast with her friends on Saturday morning. And then rest of Saturday blew by with scattered showers. Mom did some basic chores around the house and caught her favorite shows. Sunday was also pretty casual. Breakfast and the newspaper followed by a few hours out on the front porch where she read, ate lunch, and enjoyed the fine weather. People were not out and about so she did not get visitors. In the late afternoon, mom had a Zoom call with family. So it was a very low impact weekend, mostly hanging around the house, and no extended walks outside.
Here is mom’s Sunday morning breakfast: Homemade clementine and mango juice, homemade raisin-cranberry-walnut bread (one slice with PB and one plain), dried apricots and figs, mixed nuts, and Just Egg (yep, plant-based).
Fri, Apr 29 (11:35pm) Flying High: New Record
Mom was cranking along on the treadmill, and at the .53 mile-marker she said, “Today I am gonna do a mile.” And she came oh so close. Her best ever (post open-heart surgery) was .80, and today she did .87 miles (28 min 31 sec). Not only that, at the .80 mile-marker she increased the speed. So it really looked like she was going to make it. The good thing is now she has her sights on it, so it is only a matter of time. After that impressive go on the treadmill, she easily nailed 12 rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball. Then we went in the back (yoga studio) and did a variety of footwork and balance exercises. All in all, it was a high-flying gym day.
After the gym, mom joined the already-in-progress alley meeting, and then we went up to the village for a haircut / salon. So mom had a busy, on-the-go afternoon. It was a perfect way to roll into the weekend!!
Finally, the Fearrington village was alive and jumping this afternoon, as they are now back to outdoor music on Fridays with brick over pizza. The place had a very festive feel, and it was really packed with people hanging out on the lawn and all the tables filled – just hope it was safe for everyone.
Thurs, Apr 28 (11:40pm) Solid Gym Day
Mom was much peppier on the treadmill today: .70 miles in 23 min 45 sec. She also did 10 rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball and about 20 minutes worth of balance footwork engagements. So it was a good bounce-back day!!
It is strawberry season here in NC, and this afternoon we were gifted a pint of dark red berries, which we are looking forward to digging into in the morning!!
Wed, Apr 27 (6:40pm) Dental & Workout Updates
Yesterday, Tue (4/26), mom had a fine dental visit. Her teeth are in amazingly good shape for a 92 year-old. They are keeping their eye on something beneath one of her crowns, and they will evaluate that again in 6 months. After the dental visit we did a quick stop-off at the gym on the way back and mom hopped on the treadmill. She was doing find, so I went to use the restroom and when I came out mom was standing still on the treadmill and pushing all the buttons. I could not rescue the situation, but from point forwards she did .40 miles, and what she did previous to that is lost forever. So who knows.
Today at the gym mom did well, but she does seem to have more pronounced stamina / shortness of breath issues. She did do .60 miles (23 min 15 sec) on the treadmill to start, but it was not a free and easy go at it. We had to really play with the speeds and pretty much squeeze her for all she had to get that far. Whereas in the recent past she was getting up to .7 just as a matter of course. So this is something to monitor.
Then we did rises from a chair with a 4lb ball. Here again, mom used all her energy just to do 7 of them, when in our recent past mom had cranked out 12 fairly easily.
Thereafter, we went in the back and did a bunch of balance and step initiatives. Here too shortness of breath came into play. Below the final event that we did. Mom did the course 2.5 times, with the second round being her best go of it.
Despite all the struggles, mom was a willing and able participant, and is keen to keep at it. A few times I asked her about her endurance, and she said, “It is not getting any better, but it is not getting any worse either.”
As we were leaving the gym today, mom looked at the chart (below) and voluntarily offered, “I am a number 5.” (The yellow bar.)
In the car driving home mom said, “I am getting stronger.”
Mon, Apr 25 (11:45pm) Wound Care Follow-Up
The wound care clinic had phoned us for a follow-up visit, and today was our day for that. They had some staff turnover so the intake nurse had never seen mom before, and she was completely taken with how well mom looked and said she hoped she looked that good at 92! By and large the visit went quite well. The wound care specialist thought the foot looked really good and gave mom clearance to join the pool this summer as mom is really looking forward to going swimming!! The only condition she offered was that it would be good to get some kind of pool / beach shoe to protect the toes from any potential rough spots on the bottom of the pool. Unquestionably the most critical point of the visit is that they could not get a strong pulse on the top of mom’s foot, whereas in the past they could. There are three pulses they check for on the foot, and two of them came in nice and strong, but not the third. It was not a big point of concern, but we opted to have an ultrasound / circulation check done – so we go back in June for that. It can’t be too critical as they are clearly not in a rush to have it done.
Here’s mom having a casual read of the paper as she awaits the wound care nurse.
Sun, Apr 24 (8:45pm) Weekend Update
Mom slept in and did some tidying up of her room / bathroom etc so by the time she came down for breakfast it was after 11am – and while walking down she said, “I feel soooo good!!” And indeed, mom’s overall health and wellness seems quite high, as is her ability to really enjoy her days.
Yesterday, mom and I walked to the mail kiosk (.6 miles or so), and we stopped and talked with neighbors at a few points along our trek. I do not have a definitive timing, but between our slow pace and long talks, I think mom was on her feet for 90 minutes or more, and that’s without a rollator and in 83 degree weather. Now, mom did have a seat at the mail kiosk for a short spell, and we did stop at the gazebo and sit on the return trip, but all in all mom did quite well.
Above is mom cruising along on our Saturday walk, and below is the cranberry, raisin, walnut bread that mom enjoyed at this morning’s meal – fresh out of the oven.
One thing that does come up from time to time, and primarily in the mornings, is that mom gets a tad bit confused. It always revolves around the same theme: Is this her house and where did she live before this. And then it generally fades away, and she gains her normal rhythm and flow. While certainly of concern, it is not distressing per se as mom is not in a state of panic or anything. And she comfortably works through it. That happened to us on Saturday (no big deal), but this time it was combined with two other points. Mom was reflecting on how her short-term memory is not always dependable and also considering the notion of possibly needing a nursing home. And that was new for us. Up till now, she has been living free and easy, taking things as they come. And today passed in that spirit as well. However, yesterday morning she was pondering future possibilities. Needless to say, we are not even close to considering nursing homes as she is doing just fine with the current set-up, and, for the most part, thriving with it.
Fri, Apr 22 (6:15pm) Stamina? + Lunch in the Hills
Today, mom and I went to a wonderful destination for lunch, but first let’s get to yesterday’s work out….
Mom did .63 miles on the treadmill in 21 min 44 sec. And while that is solid, mom seems to be trending a touch downward. At that point she was quite tired. Then we went to the back area and again seemed to get out of breath a bit more quickly than usual. She did do some decent balance stances and some really food footwork with the rope ladder laid on the floor, but it seems mom is mom hampered somewhat by shortness of breathing and less stamina, nothing too major – but more prevalent than has been the case.
Today, we went out to mom’s friend’s house which is in the Carolina backcountry. They are on 20 acres, and it is about a 20 minute drive to their place. The house has windows on all sides and numerous exits, and is surrounded by the wilds. And the inside is just what you would expect it to be – comfortable and earthy / rustic. Five of us met up there for the gathering and it was just a wonderful get together – and yes! – we brought one of our breads!!!
Thurs, Apr 21 (10:40am) Desensitivity Success
Yesterday, Wed (4/20), mom and I did not get to the gym as we has our 2nd and final neuro PT appointment. And, actually, the desensitization therapy is working quite well. As previously noted, the TENS UNIT was never really adopted by the therapists, and instead they opted to go with desensitization, which is simple in practice and remarkable in theory. We just apply different textures (towels, socks, Q-tips, felt, wet fabrics) to the toes and apparently the brain learns that these things are not dangerous – not painful. In one week, mom’s threshold has improved a lot. She can tolerate much more engagement with the foot, and we are hoping that this translates to greater overall comfort. So we shall continue with this treatment at home for some time and see where it takes us.
Tue, Apr 19 (11:25pm) Agility & Nimbleness
Mom had a solid day as the gym. She did .60 on the treadmill (20 min 56 sec), and then she went on the Nu-Step machine on level 5 and got 471 steps in in 10 minutes. Then we went in the back and did some stretches and balance work. And then we closed out with a new one. We worked on mom’s agility and nimbleness by laying down a rope ladder on the ground and having her step through it in various ways to enhance her footwork. She did well with it.
Tue, Apr 19 (12:40pm) Wardrobe Malfunction
Yesterday (Mon, 4/18) we got to the gym and experiences a wardrobe malfunction. Mom was on the treadmill when she told me she did not have a belt on, and every so often her jeans were falling down. We paused the treadmill as I tried to get the PT belt around her in a snug manner, but we never really got it right. It would have needed a little more fixing, but we were under a time crunch as the pause on the treadmill is only 30 seconds and if you do not start it up at that point then it will close out your stats. And I wanted to keep the stats active and continue. So there was a lot of finagling going on. In the end, mom did .43 miles in 14 min 48 sec. To make up for that, mom went on the Nu-Step and did another 12 minutes worth of cardo, getting in 584 steps on level 5. We also did a basic balance and step series in the back studio, and mom did 12 rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball. That was all yesterday.
What we did not do yesterday was anny desensitization treatment with her feet. Just now I did a timed 3 minute session using her teri-cloth socks. It is definitely raw for mom but she seems to be tolerating it better now – or maybe just my imagination.
Here below we had a simple dinner of quinoa on the left and “cauliflower rice” with kale on the right.
Sun, Apr 17 (11:10pm) An Outdoor Day
Mom spent nearly the entire afternoon on the front porch – she even ate her lunch out there. Some folks came to visit her, and others stopped to chat while passing by. But mostly mom was out there by herself reading, looking at the trees that are leafing out, and listening to the birds.
Mom and I also went for a walk in the park. In the below photo mom is making her way to the gazebo and after passing though then the park is another block and a half away. On the return trip mom was somewhat tired, saying that her legs were fatigued, and sometimes she needed to catch her breath. Yet, this walk was well within her abilities. So we will see how her endurance goes this week.
Sun, Apr 17 (9:15am) Solitude
When mom pressed the call button to alert me that she wanted to come in from the Friday afternoon (4/15) alley meeting I went out there only to find her sitting there all by herself. Typically, when I go get her everyone else is packing up and exiting etc. But this time she was all by herself. So I asked her what was going on and where was everybody, and she said that they left a while back and she just was enjoying the late afternoon climate and was listening to all the birds. So she had a fine Friday afternoon – and was outside for nearly 2.5 hours.
Earlier on Friday (4/15) mom and I went to the gym and she was a bit low energy. Even then she did her .70 miles in 23 min and 15 sec, plus we did a bit of balance in the back area. Finally, we climbed the industrial staircase to the track – did half a lap – descended the steps on the other side, and made our “escape” from the gym.
Yesterday, Sat (4/16), mom went out to breakfast with her friends, and then spent the rest of the day hanging out around the house, being a bit sedentary. With regards to her desensitization work, Mom is not real keen on massaging the foot etc. So I have jumped in a bit and try and get a few minutes in both morning and evening using a Q-tip and last night a sock as well. There are parts of the foot that are still quite raw so mom can’t wait for me to be done with it. At maximum, she has been able to handle 2.5 minutes at a time – and we are supposed to be doing 2 rounds (5 minutes each) every day. Needless to say, we are not meeting our quota, but we are building up little by little.
Mom has showered this morning, will have her breakfast shortly, and the plan is to take an afternoon walk over to the park.
Thurs, Apr 14 (11:15pm) Delightful Early Evening Walk
Mom and I were hanging around the house all day involved in various things and finally made the trek up to the mail kiosk at around 6pm. Mom was a touch low energy, but she had some really good spurts. But it was never really in any question if she could make it or not. So given the fact that it was so late in the day, mom did a good job with it. In many respects, she is as good as she was late last fall when she was at her peak. Hopefully, we can keep the momentum going!!
Wed, Apr 13 (6pm) New PT Session + Truckin’ Along
When mom got on the treadmill today, she quietly stated, “I am going to go a mile today.” Well, she did not quite get there. She did .73 miles in 26 min and 12 sec. So it was not her best day ever on the treadmill, but she was cruising along for a while at 2 mph, and then we had to slow it way down while mom regained her breath. So she did not quite have her “A” game today, but it was not for lack of effort. She broke out a decent sweat, and we will certainly take a 3/4 mile workout any day. Thereafter we do some balance work for 10 – 15 minutes, but no multi-level work, and then mom did 12 rises from a chair with a 4lb ball. So it was a fine session, just some days we do not have the energy that we have on other days. And if our fall back is 3/4 of a mile, we are good with that.
Yesterday, (Tue, 4/12), we did our first of three neuro PT sessions that focus on desensitization. It really is a fairly simple process with a pretty wild theory behind it: Basically, we introduce different sensations to the foot with aim of convincing the brain that the foot is not under threat, or in danger, or in pain. Mom winced and withdrew her foot pretty quickly when they brought over some battery / electric vibrating device. So we started with the basics of mom massaging her foot with her hand. She has to do this for a full five minutes morning and evening. And she can introduce other textures as well like a dry wash cloth, a wet towel, corduroy, cotton etc. Over time, weeks or months, the foot should be able to withstand more and more engagement so that in normal, day-to-day life, the foot does not react negatively to stimuli. So this is really a home therapy more than anything else. We will try and be diligent about it, and hopefully it yields good results.
Last night, before bed mom was really feeling good and stating how much better she was doing. She was saying it with such gusto you would have thought that the two of us were now ready to jump onto a couple of Harleys and hit the road to Tijuana or something.
Mon, Apr 11 (11:30pm) Closer To the Miracle Mile
Mom is inching her way toward that Miracle Mile that we are gunning for. Today, she hit the .80 mile marker, and it took her 25 min and 32 sec. After having a seated 5 minute or so rest, we did about 10 – 15 minutes of balance work in the yoga studio. And then mom climbed the industrial staircase to the track, did a half-lap, and then descended the industrial staircase on the other end fo the building. From there our workout was over and we made our exit.
Mom had Thai rice noodles, peanut sauce, and veggie stir fry for dinner.
Here below is a Pom-Pom tree from one of our weekend walkabouts….
Sun, Apr 10 (9:15pm) Look Who We Caught Up With
Mostly it was a lounge around Sunday, but we did get out for a real casual evening stroll, and we were fortunate to begin our outing with some quality time with Tucker (pictured below). After hanging out with Tucker, we basically looped around the block – it was just enough to get the blood moving etc. And tomorrow, we have a big day planned at the gym….
Sat, Apr 9 (11:15pm) Chilly Weather – Great Walk
Mom totally nailed it on our brisk walk up to the mail kiosk this afternoon. No rollator, no real shuffling of feet, no real rest stops. Both her gait and speed were more normal. It used to take “all afternoon” to go there and back, and today it was a much more reasonable amount of time. Going forward I will have to time it. When we got back she was not even tired. So her endurance and confidence have come a long way.
Sat, Apr 9 (10:20am) Early Weekend Check-In
So on Thursday, mom was more keen to go out to lunch than go to the gym so we made a deal. She would do her treadmill work (and not other gym engagements) and then we’d head out to lunch. And on that agreement mom walked her .70 miles in 21 min 59 sec. So at least she has that as her baseline. And yesterday was filled with visits with friends. They went to see their good friend in a support care facility, and then mom had the alley meeting. And guess what – there were only two people at the alley meeting – mom and someone else. And while she missed the gang, that type of one-on-one interaction was very engaging for mom. In a larger group she mostly fades into the background. So this was a nice change of pace. And when she came in from the alley meeting, this nice, hot, oversized loaf was ready for her (photo below).
Just now mom went out for breakfast with friends, and the the aim is for us to walk to the mail kiosk (we haven’t done that in a while) or go to the gym today.
Thurs, Apr 7 (7:45am) Cruising
While mom has not been advancing her distance, her rate is getting faster and faster as yesterday she did nearly her entire time on the treadmill at 2.1 mph. So yesterday mom did .71 miles in 22 min 07 sec. And as usual, mom began at a slower speed (like 1.4) and managed it without holding on. That also seems to be getting easier for her. Thereafter, she did her ten rises from a chair with a 4 lb weight, and some stretches, balance poses, and step-work in the back yoga studio. So it was a good session and becoming the norm.
It was just a grand evening yesterday, and mom spent much of it on the front porch, and passerby greeted her and our neighbor came and sat down for a good while to talk.
Tue, Apr 5 (11:55pm) Back to Back at the Gym
Here are the stats from the last two days:
Mon .71 miles // 26 min 19 sec
Tue .73 miles // 23 min 53 sec
Mom can now easily get to nearly 3/4’s of a mile. We always start at a slow speed where she has to walk the first minute plus without holding on. And then she progressively amps up the pace. Today she walked nearly the whole time at 2 mph. So she is doing very well, even calling today’s endeavor on treadmill “easy”.
Both days after the treadmill we did balance and stepping initiatives in the back room. Plus today mom did ten rises from a chair carrying a 4 lb ball. So things are going well, and we are slowly setting out sights on the miracle mile!!
Today was my first time back to the farmer’s market in a good while. And there were lots and lots of greens available – so we got them all!!
Here below is a plain rustic loaf – hadn’t made a plain loaf since day 1 or so.
Sun, Apr 3 (11:50pm) Casual Stroll
It was a fairly relaxing Sunday for mom. Around mid to late afternoon, mom and I did get out for a moseying walkabout. No rollator was used, but we were not exactly speed demons either has mom was keying in to the birds, trees, ducks, and all the sights and sounds of nature. We stopped at a variety of benches to sit and watch and take in the scenery. The weather was ideal, and it was a pleasant outing.
Sat, Apr 2 (11:50pm) What Rollator?!?
Mom and I confidently strode out of the house for the intended destination of the mail kiosk without even hardly considering using or bringing the rollaor. Mom got up there quickly, and then sat down only for a minute and was then back up on her feet. Whereas on other days we walked up there the chair was a real life preserver for her. Towards the end of the return back mom’s foot was bothering her so she was slowed a bit. But all in all just a tremendous leap forward. Her stamina and stride (when her foot feels good) are much improved. We talked with folks along the way so the outing took a solid hour, and save for a minute or so seated in the chair mom was on her feet the entire time.
Yesterday, we met up with one of mom’s friends for a bring your own lunch at the community college. Between that and the weekly Friday alley meeting, we did not get to the gym or go for a walk.
Thurs, Mar 31 (11:50pm) To The Races
After yesterday’s blip mom was back in the saddle today and did very well on the treadmill: .71 miles in 24 min 52 sec. In addition, mom did the first minute or so without holding on. During that time I set it at 1 mph and mom bumped it up to 1.4 mph and she could still do it without using her hands. Then for the bulk of the walk mom went at 1.8 mph. Perhaps the main thing is the ease with which she did it. Seeing these gains today and this week has been highly motivating for mom. I told mom that she is doing better on the treadmill, and she replied that she is “getting better at everything.” And true to form mom nicely held her own in our balance segment in the yoga studio. We did about 20 minutes of balance practice.
Wed, Mar 30 (11:15pm) Dizzy Spell
After sleeping in, getting ready for the day, and eating a near midday breakfast, mom and I had our eyes veered toward the gym. Then while sitting at the table, mom called out, “I am dizzy.” I went over and mom could hardly keep her head up, her face was flushed, she was perspiring, and there was grave concern. I called Andrew and we went through some queries and got her vitals, which were normal. After a touch and go span of 10 – 15 minutes, mom seemed to be getting steady. She ended up going back to bed – as we were satisfied that medically she was ok. She remained in bed resting and snoozing for 2 – 3 hours, and when she got up she was completely normal. Needless to say, we just hung around the house the rest of the day, and that episode seemed to be an isolated occurrence (we hope).
Tue, Mar 29 (9:15pm) Packing the Heat!!
Had a bit of a chill today, but mom was packing the heat in the gym!! She got on the treadmill and did the first minute or so without holding on at 1 mph, and then she held on and cranked it up to about 1.7 mph and then 1.9 mph, and she pretty much kept it there the whole time. I was concerned that she would burn out quickly, but she was of firm resolve that she would be fine. Lo’ and behold she did .67 miles in just over 23 minutes. So while we did not get the full time duration of yesterday, her rate was quite a bit better (about 25% faster) and she did nearly the same distance. I could have pressed her to get to .7 miles but she felt she was done so she just stopped, which is fine. So these are all positive steps we are seeing.
After her treadmill work, we went into the yoga studio and did about 20 – 25 minutes worth of balance endeavors. All in all, a fine day at the gym. Then we went down to Pittsboro and to get onto the sidewalk mom had to take a massive step up (the equivalent of 3 steps & there was a bannister) and mom just sprang right up there. Her mobility is really getting much better – and she can feel the difference. So she is quite confident these days.
Tue, Mar 29 (10:45am) Endurance
Mom’s seems to be gaining traction in her workouts. Yesterday, (Mon 3/28), she did .7 miles (29 minutes!!) on the treadmill, and nowadays we do the first few minutes at a slower speed like 1 mph where mom does not hold on at all. Then we increase the speed to about 1.4 mph or 1.5 mph and she does the duration at that pace. She can go 2 mph, but she tends to burn out at that rate, and at this point in time our aim is endurance / length of time. One good outcome is that mom’s shortness of breath really seems to be a thing of the past.
After the treadmill we ascended the industrial steps to the track upstairs. That was challenging for mom. We rested once she got to the top and then did a lap around the track and made the descent back down. As the center was conducting their annual fitness assessments we could not get into the back room / yoga studio for our balance exercises. But we did a few balanced endeavors when we were up at the track. And that was our workout for the day.
Sun, Mar 27 (11:45pm) A Walk in the Park
Mostly a casual Sunday around the house, though in the afternoon mom and I did get out for a good walk around, and did not even bother bringing the rollator. We went out through the gazebo and made a nice loop through half of the park. Mom did a fine job navigating the pebble trail. It was a fine Sunday stroll that kept us out for about an hour, though we were not walking the whole time.
Sat, Mar 26 (11:30pm) Windy Walk
Mom got all decked out to go to the opera for a noontime start. It was going to be a 6-hour opera – Don Carlos – but the plans fell through for a variety of reasons. Well, mom stayed in her opera best all day long anyway saying that she was comfortable!! (Photo below.)
In the early afternoon, the wind was really blowin’, and mom cranked out an excellent walk up to the mail kiosk and back – no rollator. She was speedy and strong on the way up, and steady and solid on the way back. Her foot bothered her at the end so she used the rollator for the last two houses. So she did really well, and if we can address this nerve pain she will be in great shape.
Fri, Mar 25 (9:30pm) The TENS Unit Experience
This afternoon we went to our long awaited appointment with one of UNC’s rehabilitation clinics that specializes in all kinds of therapies including the TENS treatment. We met with a PT whose specialty is in neurology / neurological issues. And from the outset she was very intent on getting a thorough history and review before embarking on a TENS treatment with mom. She even expressed doubt that this was the modality for mom, and furthermore stated that if it was, then we would be doing it primarily at home after she showed us how to do it and bought one on Amazon. She was very kind, sharp, and clear about expectations and not having any delusions that we could simply come in, and in a few times and expect the results we wanted. Ultimately, she did bring out a TENS unit – two of them – and mom could not feel it at all, and that was the end of it. Instead, the PT switched us over to a new course of action. We are going to pursue a 3-part plan of desensitization where different textures and sensations are gradually introduced to help the nerves become adjusted to touch. She had identified / mom told her of two key spots on the foot that bothered her, and those points have little to nothing to do with pressure, and everything to do with touch sensation. Even though we have three upcoming appointments with them, the PT was very clear that mom’s success depends primarily upon home therapy. So once they show us what to do, we will aim to run with it. I think this is the final option that western medicine has to offer for alleviating mom of her hypersensitivity. So we will be all in on it and see where it takes us.
When we returned from the PT there was a big alley meeting going on and mom joined right in!!!
Fri, Mar 25 (11:20am) Record Shattering Day
Mom had a record-shattering day at the gym yesterday (Thurs, 3/24). She got on the treadmill and did not get off until 27 minutes later after which she had walked .66 miles!! Not only that, she did most of it at a 1.5 incline, which is not steep but not flat either. Plus at the beginning we did a short spurt of no-hands while going at 1.2 mph, and then she did the rest of the time at 1.5 mph, holding on with her arms. Then we went to the back yoga room and did a bunch of different balance endeavors including some multi-level stepping. All in all mom had a very solid session. And she has been commenting that her foot has been feeling better.
Momentarily, mom and I will be headed out to the TENS unit for electric pulse therapy on her foot to try and ease the nerve pain that she is experiencing. This was recommended to us by the wound care clinic and was supported and prescribed by mom’s primary care doc. Some in the yoga community have derived very positive effects from this treatment, and hopefully we will as well.
Wed, Mar 23 (11:45pm) Treadmill Norm
Well, we got to the gym in the late afternoon, on a day we nearly skipped going. So we got there – and mom went on the treadmill and cranked our her .5 miles at 1.5 speed, and it took her just over 20 minutes. Towards the end we tried doing it with the hands off the bar, and she managed it for a few steps but couldn’t hang in there with it. So that is what we will also try and incorporate, but earlier on in the session. After the treadmill we went in the back and did some basic balance and stretching for 15 – 20 minutes. I asked mom if she wanted to go up the steps, but this was just not our day for a long workout. And that was fine since we got there so late. But I like that mom is able to do 20 straight minutes on the treadmill.
Tue, Mar 22 (11:50pm) Beautiful Day
Mom and I walked to the mail kiosk and back. I was not sure if we would need the rollator or not, but it is good we had it. Mom used it more than usual (though not a lot) and started with it early. Lately she would walk up there on her own power, but not today. Anyway, she went up and back and got her exercise in….
Here is a look at our evening meal….
Tue, Mar 22 (8:50am) The Famed 1/2 Mile
Yesterday, Mon (3/21), mom had a really productive gym day. We started out on the treadmill and mom did .5 miles, which I think is the most she has ever done. It took her just over 21 minutes. The thing is that on the treadmill mom has to keep on going. From her days of old when she was a fast walker mom will regularly go at 2 miles per hour or faster, and that is still her tendency or inclination today. However, that burns her out, and we want duration to help her cardiovascular system, so we are setting the rate at 1.4 miles per hour and she just went non-stop. And that is really good.
When she walks outside it is .6 miles to the mail kiosk, but she takes a few standing rests along the way, and she sits in a chair at the mail kiosk for a few minutes. Now, walking outside is more difficult because of the uneven ground and she is not holding on to anything, unlike the treadmill where she uses the arm bars etc. But, when on the treadmill she has to keep going and keep the heart pumping. So both outdoor walking and the treadmill have their challenges etc. Anyway, getting the half-mile point on the treadmill is a bit of a milestone for us, and maybe we can start practicing it with her hands by her sides.
After her treadmill work, mom and I spent another 20 – 25 minutes on balance endeavors in the back room, including multi-level tasks etc. And we closed out with 12 rises from a chair with a 4lb ball. So all in all it was a very productive session!!
Sun, Mar 20 (11:40pm) Wonderful Family Weekend
Mom and I had a great weekend spending solid blocks of time visiting with family from NY. We did get out for walks on Saturday (short) and Sunday (longer), and mom looked particularly good on Sunday. She also displayed a really good appetite all weekend, but that really is not an issue for her. Mom puts away 3 solid meals a day regularly. Mom really enjoyed all the visiting and catching up, and when they left late Sunday afternoon, mom quickly transitioned and went out with her squad – a longtime plan – to celebrate a friend’s birthday. So mom really had a full weekend, and seemed all the better for it.
Here is our spread from Sunday lunch:
(A) Lacinato kale salad with yellow peppers, cilantro, tomato, and shredded beets topped with nutritional yeast and hemp hearts.
(B) Thai rice noodles and lightly steamed asparagus with special homemade peanut sauce.
(C) Indian dal (split pea) with diced tomatoes and chopped red pepper cooked with cumin, coriander, black pepper, ground flaxseed, nutritional yeast.
(D) Home baked olive bread with herbs de Provence.
Fri, Mar 18 (8:40pm) Alley Meeting
After all the running around yesterday, mom stayed closed to home today and spent much of the afternoon in the alley with all of her neighbors.
Fri, Mar 18 (11:45am) Dr Visit and X-Ray Results
Yesterday, we spent the better part of the afternoon engaged in medical visits. We started with mom’s primary car physician at 1:30pm though we did not get to see the doctor until closer to two. She was very pleased with mom’s overall presentation and vitals etc, after going over some moderate successes of our daily routine we dove into the issue of mom’s foot and how that is holding her back. The doctor did a good lookover of the foot and thought it was healthy and well from a medical perspective, but understood we needed some follow-up. She had already set us up with the TENS unit (electrical therapy) for next week and we will try that for a few weeks. Failing that, she will give us a name of an acupuncturist. And most immediate, she ordered x-rays of the foot. So after we left the primary care office we drove towards Pittsboro where they are in the midst of build an extensive shopping mall / city where UNC has three centers. We went into all three before find the one that actually does the x-rays. And we got the results this morning that they were negative. So mom does not have any type of bone infection etc. That leaves us with the notion that the pain mom is experiencing is nerve pain. Hopefully, the TENS unit gets can help with that.
The primary doc did go over mom’s patch results and short episodes of a-fib and noted that mom will have to stay on Eliquis at least until our follow-up with cardiology at the end of May. Speaking of which, mom’s shortness of breath is a thing of the past and a forgotten entity. So that is one plus point of consequence as that was what led mom to the hospital back in January.
Wed, Mar 16 (11:05pm) Our Low Impact Routine
While we did not get out to the gym yesterday, mom was a workhouse at home managing her laundry and bookkeeping affairs – generating the needed compilations for her taxes etc. And today we did get to the gym where we are pursuing our low-impact routine until we can relieve mom of her foot pain. Mom did 20 min / 1000 steps on Nu-Step #5. Then we went into the back room for some balance endeavors and stretching. We have not been doing our multi-level initiatives. Today, we did walk up the double staircase to the track. Mom was pretty tired by the time she got to the top. Then we did just one lap around the track and made the descent dow to the main floor. Then mom did 12 rises from a chair using a 4lb weight, and then we got on the mat tables (something we have not done in months) and did some basic core work, and we will do more of that while we continue with out low-impact walking regimen. By and large, mom is very happy and well.
We do have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow (general check-up), and we did communicate with the nurse from the cardio ward (or whatever that dept is called that gave us the results of mom’s patch) and they basically feel that given mom’s history and episodes, she will probably remain on the blood-thinner medication (Eliquis).
Tue, Mar 15 (8:50am) Tough Cookie
Yesterday (Monday), mom and I were going to go to the gym, and then it became apparent that her foot was bothering her too much to walk so we were going to stay home. Then she came down with her various bags of foot pads, and we rigged a small cushion that did not seem to be doing much help, and mom pronounced, “OK, let’s go to the gym.” Once there, we tried to stay off the foot and began by doing 20 minutes and 1000 steps / presses on the Nu-Step machine at level #5. Then we did some slightly less impactful balance work in back yoga studio and closed out with 12 rises from a chair with a 4lb ball. So we got some work in – mom toughed it out. The main thing is that we really need to discover why her foot is giving her so much problem these days. We have two appointments in the next 10 days to hopefully gain some insight into this.
Yesterday, we also got the report back from mom’s patch, and mom is indeed going in and out of a-fib for very short periods. Stay tuned for more about that.
Sun, Mar 13 (9:50pm) Chilly, Cozy Weekend
Today was much more manageable than yesterday in terms of weather so mom and I got out and did our .6 mile round trip jaunt to the mail kiosk. She was relatively speedy and not tired from it, though she did use her rollator a touch more than usual. On the way back I was ahead of her with the rollator and as she was walking on the sidewalk she clipped her toe / foot on sidewalk and lunged forward a few steps – she held strong for a couple of half-step jogs and I was able to turn around and stabilize her. While we work on posture and lifting her hip flexors (high stepping), she at times can quickly revert to a modified shuffle, which can easily result in tripping. So she really is not a fully independent walker at this point.
By and large a fine weekend, and mom was in her usual good spirits the whole time.
On Saturday, mom enjoyed her piping hot cinnamon-raisin-cranberry-walnut bread (photo below), and directly below is mom’s one-pot dinner from this evening: Indian split-pea dal, tomatoes, and quinoa, cooked with cumin, coriander, ground flax seed, nutritional yeast, and a hint of salt, surrounded by raw carrots, and finally topped with raw green kale and hemp hearts. Directions below.
(Directions: First cook the dal with your cumin and coriander and another spices you wish to add. Be sure to have plenty of water, as it become 90% cooked then throw in your quinoa (add more water if needed), wait a bit then add your diced tomatoes, and once it is all nicely cooked and the consistency you like add ground flax seed, nutritional yeast, hint of salt – or anything else you wish to add. Serve on a plate, add your choice of raw veggie slices like carrots, red peppers etc and top with chopped greens of choice and hemp hearts, or whatever else you wish to add. This can be served with tortillas, halved taco shells, flat bread, or a side of your choosing.)
Fri, Mar 11 (11:15pm) Symphony Stairmaster
Well on Thursday mom and I conserved our energy throughout the day as we knew we had a big night ahead of us – and mom did not disappoint. We went to the symphony, mom did well on the walk from from parking spot to the concert hall, and then, unlike last time (see Feb 20 entry), mom skipped the elevator and climbed the series of staircases all the way to the back row of the balcony. I really should have counted the steps but I think it must have been 80+. As for the concert, mom really enjoyed the Beethoven piano concerto – indeed, the soloist was quite remarkable.
On Friday, we headed out for the alley meeting but it was too chilly and folks were not there, but as the afternoon advanced it got warmer out and mom made it out onto the front porch for a few hours. She had her book her tea, and that was well and good. The fact that her neighbor came over and sat and talked for a while made it all the nicer.
So mom had a good couple of days even though we did not do any training per se.
Wed, Mar 9 (8pm) Gym: Our New Normal
As we get back in the swing of things at the gym mom is really getting back her mojo. We are basically doing three stations. We spent 30 minutes doing balance work which mom is clearly progressing in. And we do a primary focus on multi-level transitions, i.e. step work. Then today she cranked out 12 rises from a chair with a 4lb ball – mom did that flawlessly and effortlessly (a big improvement from 2 days ago). And then she did her .35 miles on the treadmill at a faster rate than Monday. So she is building upon each gym workout. She sees and feels the positive results.
Also, I measured the walk to the mail kiosk, and the round trip is just over .6 miles.
Wed, Mar 9 (12:50pm) Catching Our Stride
Yesterday (Tue, Mar 8) mom had a really solid walk to the mail kiosk and on to the bank, and then all the way home. I think she touched the rollator for half-a-minute or so, thus she essentially did the whole thing unassisted. The more meaningful aspect is that she was able to keep a steady pace and was not dog-tired by the time we got back. Her foot was bothering her on the way back, but she was able to keep her stride and not revert to shuffling. Once we enter shuffle mode the trip becomes an epic outing. Fortunately, we averted that yesterday and make pretty good time.
The plan is to get to the gym this afternoon, and with any luck I will get an update later on the blog today, rather than reporting everything one-day late as has been the case lately. Fortunately, we are not in dire straits, and just proceeding through our normal living patterns so one day late is not big deal.
Tue, Mar 8 (8:10am) Excellent Gym Day
Mom had an excellent gym day yesterday (Mon) – she is regaining her footing and stamina. We started with 30 min of very engaging balance endeavors without taking any real rest breaks, and mom succeeded nicely on just about all fronts. In particular, she is progressing in multi-level / stepping initiatives. After the balance part, mom did 10 rises from a chair with a 4lb ball – something we have not been able to do in a long while. And then, maybe most surprisingly of all, mom was on the treadmill for just over 15 minutes, cruising at 1.4 mph (which is on the slower side for her), and she was able to complete .35 miles. Here we wanted to build her stamina and keep a consistent stride so this was a big win. Since her January hospitalization, the few times we did get on the treadmill did not amount to much, so yesterday was a big step up. Best of all, mom felt really good about her workout and understood the gains she has made – and is ready to do more.
Sun, Mar 6 (10:30pm) Secret Tonic
So mom and I did get out for our walk this afternoon, and as soon as we were outside I thought I saw some mascara (or something) a little clumped up on her cheek, so I told her about it, and she said, “That is my sunscreen so I do not get wrinkles.” Gotta respect it – there are not too many soon-to-be 93 year-olds who can say that in good faith.
Mom walked up and back to the mail kiosk entirely on her own – she grabbed the rollator for all of 50 feet or so. She seems to prefer not to have to push it. I will say though that the last 25% of her walk we were moving quite slowly. She was taking some breaths here and there, but the greater problem seems to be her foot. Anyway, here below is a glimpse into mom’s open-air walking these days….
Here is the bread mom and I enjoyed with our quinoa-Indian dal (split pea)-veggie dish.
Sun, Mar 6 (1pm) “I’m Gonna Wear Shorts”
Yesterday, Friday (Mar 5), mom was busy with various outings: out to breakfast with friends until the late morning and then a mid-afternoon visit to a friend in a nursing home. So we did not have an exercise session per se. Mom was keen to go for a walk to get the mail in the late afternoon, but I was on a conference call and I was not ready to have her go alone. All in all, mom had a fine day yesterday and when she heard it was going to be 80 degrees today she firmly declared, “Tomorrow, I am going to wear shorts!” (Note: We seem to be topping out at 75 so I am not holding her to her proclamation.)
The aim is to get an afternoon walk in today….
Fri, Mar 4 (11:20pm) Some Gym Time
Mom and I got to the gym just after midday. Mom was not keen to walk as her foot was bothering her so we went on the Nu-Step. And mom did 700 steps on level 5 which over the course of 12 min 36 sec. Then we went in the back studio to work on balance. And mom did quite well with it. We spent a solid 25 minutes doing different stretches, footwork, steps, and balance endeavors. While we were doing it mom was working hard, and then we had an interruption and then mom wanted to leave. So we did not quite finish, but it was basically sufficient. We need to get back anyway so she could eat and get outside for the alley meeting.
Thurs, Mar 3 (7:20pm) Glorious Day
We were going to go to the gym, but with a dry, sunny, 82 degree day outside, we opted to walk to the mail kiosk. Mom really enjoyed walking in the warmth of the sun. So much of the time she is struggling to stay warm so this was a welcomed change. She walked all the way up there unassisted, and essentially made it all the way back unassisted as well, using the rollator twice for extremely short stretches. On the way back we also stopped and talked with a neighbor for a solid 10 – 15 minutes. All in all, mom was on her feet for well over an hour, save for a 5 minute rest in the chair at the mail kiosk.
Wed, Mar 2 (9:47pm) Front Porch Weather
Mom and I were going to go for a walk on this gorgeous 75-degree day when I went to go lock the front door (as our plan was to go out the back) and saw Tucker across the way – and that was the end of that. He came running over, and ultimately mom and I had a wonderful time hanging out over at Tucker’s place under their pergola. Even then, it was our plan to go for a walk, but we only got as far as going back to our house, which is all of five houses away. So mom relaxed on the front porch while I went up to the mail kiosk.
Last night mom went to bed at midnight, and she was very pleased at how she had the stamina to stay up late!! That said, on occasion mom may doze off in her TV chair for a few moments here and there, but the days of her naps and power naps are now long behind us. So she does a good job of persevering through the day.
Tue, Mar 1 (8:55pm) Milestone
For the first time since her hospitalization in January, mom walked up and back to the mail kiosk without a rollator. Now, there is a chair at the mail kiosk which mom was keen to sit in for a while, but all her walking was done 100% independently. So that was great progress, and she did not seem to get winded. Rather, the main stumbling block was her foot pain, as today was one of those days when her foot was bothering her. Hopefully, we can find a workable solution to that soon.
Mon, Feb 28 (10:50pm) Canadian Travelers
It was a wonderfully sunny afternoon, around 60 degrees, and mom and I got out for a solid walk. Since I had already been out and had gotten the mail, we were free to walk wherever we wished!! So we headed on over to the park. We circled the lake, saw many known and friendly faces along the way, and had a great outing. It was mixed terrain – walking on pebbles – and mom did well with it, nearly doing it all unassisted. Then for the final 1/3 or 1/4 way around the lake / pond, mom used the rollator. But that is no easy feat on all those pebbles etc – if anything it may have been harder!! All told we were out and about for 80 minutes or more. So mom did a lot of walking and standing, and she had the endurance to handle it all.
Across the lake you can see the Canadian geese who are here for a short stopover…
Here are a few closer shots of our Canadian passersby….
Sun, Feb 27 (11:55pm) Chill & Chilly Weekend
After Friday’s blast of warmth, we had a fairly chilly weekend. So after mom’s Saturday morning breakfast outing with the gang, mom kept it chill at home for the duration. That was also in part due to my busy schedule, so we neither walked outside nor got to the gym. Mom did some laps in the house and attended to some domestic chores – and relaxed!! Looking forward to a more active week coming up….
Fri, Feb 25 (11:50pm) Graduated from Home PT
The PT manager came today to do a final assessment of mom, and he was quite pleased with what he saw. The home PT sessions (about 5 in total) were good this time around so we applied a week or so back for an extension. It looks like that was denied, which was probably the right decision as mom is able to get out of the house and pursue PT – which medicare will pay for but we will not do. Rather, mom and I will just morph ourselves into total gym rats. That seems to suit us well. Yet, that is also something we need to do as we have been amiss of late as mom had afternoon meetings the past two days.
The weather is becoming more and more mild. Here is a photo of the 2hr alley meeting which transpired today…..
Thurs, Feb 24 (9:50am) False Alarm + Long Walk & Talk
Yesterday’s very busy day began with mom saying that she had blood in her stool. This is not a new thing for us (though she had it in her urine, not stool), and has not been view as a big deal, but mom said this was different. She was averse to taking her blood thinner (though she did take it), and I said I had to see it. However she had already flushed. Then she went again later in the morning, and I got a look at it – and knew exactly the issue. Mom was correct in that it was darker and more red than prior episodes, and was not just that bland rose-colored tint, but the substance was not blood, but beets!! On Tuesday night, we ate a very red dinner thanks to some wonderful, organic beets. Situation solved.
Mom went for a long walk yesterday. We just went to the mail kiosk and back, but we had several extended conversations along the way, mostly on the way up. So mom was on her feet for a good while. She walked up there freely, and used the rollator for part of the way back. Actually, the rollator had some mechanical issues, and we saw Tucker and Joe and they said to swing it on by. So after our long 90+ minute outing, I brought the rollator over to the shop and got it fixed. Mom’s foot was bothering her and she was walking slowly home, which also made out walk long. At the end of March, we do have an appointment with the TENS unit to see if electric currents can help ease her nerve pain. As fate would have it, Joe did TENS unit research for years and he gave us a few gadgets to try. So it was a very fruitful visit.
Finally, I did mail back mom’s patch yesterday so they will be able to determine if she was in a-fib at all over the past two weeks. Will keep you posted.
This morning is proceeding as normal. Fresh juice (cantaloupe, banana, orange) and other goodies at breakfast. And this afternoon mom will be visiting her friend who recently moved out of Fearrington and into assisted-living.
Tue, Feb 22 (10:10pm) Great Visit + Afternoon Fatigue
We had a wonderful visit this morning with a relative visiting from California – that made for a great start to the day…And before that this scene took place at yoga. There is something about Chair Yoga where mom loves to make guest appearances. It has happened 3 times in the last 2 weeks. This is from this morning….
Yet Again….first lurking in the background opening all the shades (and letting the light in) and when she ran out of shades she made a bee-line to the kitchen.
I said to her, “Oh you forgot I had class today.”
She replied, “No I remembered, but it was 9:30 so I knew you were almost done.”
Here the key, operative term is “ALMOST”….
Mon, Feb 21 (9:23pm) Back at IT!!
Got back to the gym today, and this was the first time this calendar year that we could see some marked daylight. As you may recall, mom went “down” on Jan 2 and while we had been to the gym twice (I believe) since her January hospitalization, those visits were more of a reminder of how far mom had to go. Today we got to see what she could do and how much she will be able to gain.
In total, we spent an hour at the gym. We began with a 20-minute balance segment which mom did well with. Most importantly, she was active in pursuing our stepping routine. She is not where she was, but it is easy to see how she could get back to that height. Then she went to the Nu-Step where she did 15 minutes on level 6, and 766 total steps. Then we went on the treadmill where mom walked for 6 minutes at a 2 mph clip. Naturally, we want to see her have greater endurance there but getting in .20 miles in at a good pace after having already worked out for over half-an-hour is ok. And then before we left we did 8 rises from a chair without the use of the arms. We tried doing it holding onto a 4 lb ball but we are not yet back at that level. But we will get there. All in all, a very fine gym session. The best thing is that now we both feel it is worth going over there so we will get there more frequently going forward.
Sun, Feb 20 (11:35pm) Concert Goers on a Mission
Yesterday, Sat (2/19), mom and I did our walk to the mail kiosk. She walked up there freely – and got a touch winded here and there – and then she used the rollator for the way back. In general, her balance seemed just a touch off, but by and large it was a decent walk. We saw many friends at the mail kiosk, and mom enjoyed that. On the way back we stopped at mom’s longtime friend’s house. To enter the house there is a single step-up. And mom was completely unnerved (yes! we need to get back to the gym!), but she ultimately stepped up just fine – i.e. once she did it.
So for today we had concert tickets and mom and her friends are season’s ticket holders and for years they have taken the very back row of the entire hall as the acoustics are good and they like to look down upon the entire orchestra. Well, the elevator only takes you to the base of the balcony. In order to get to the top row of seat you have to walk up several steps along the side of the hall. So there was concern about how well mom could do it. Mom’s good friend could not go so I became the replacement to round out the threesome. I was keen to see if mom could handle the steps. Let me just say this – she totally cranked it out!! When that lady is on a mission to see a concert there is no stopping her. Actually, she did the walk from the car to the concert hall very well, and then entered the hall and grabbed the elevator – and then it was off to the races once mom got on those steps. And when it was time to leave, we skipped the elevator entirely, and mom nicely manage the long cascade of steps that goes round and round – it must have been 80 steps down to get out of there. And mom did just fine!
And, oh, the concert was very good too!
The view to the stage is much better than this below photo portrays, but at first I was laughing at how mom and the crew take up the back row!
Here is the concert program.
Alas, here is the bread we baked (and mostly ate!) today…
Fri, Feb 18 (11:15pm) Holy Shoes!!
I did not even notice till mom got back (at 8:30pm) from her evening out she left the house wearing a pair of pre-surgery shoes. This is the first time since oct 2020 that mom has been able to wear any of her “old” shoes!!! Truly a landmark evening…
Fri, Feb 18 (7:15pm) Appointments & Gatherings
Mom woke up and knew very well that she was headed to the hairdresser today at 10:30a. She did her morning duties; I taught my classes; and, then we headed up to the village by car for her hair appointment. After that it was phone calls and lunch, and then the alley meeting at 2p. She was there till 4p, and by 4:30p mom was getting ready for her 6p pick-up to go out with friends for a birthday night out on the town. And that is where mom is right now. So we did not get a workout or exercises done, but mom led her life and was quite independent throughout.
Thurs, Feb 17 (11:40pm) Good “Off Day”
PT went well today; the therapist noted marked improvement in the motion of mom’s toes as well as with the number of muscles firing in that region. So mom’s daily regimen is paying dividends. This was supposed to be our last session, but we will appeal and they should extend it another month. Directly after PT, mom and I walked to the mail kiosk. I held onto the rollator on the way up there and mom walked the whole way up free standing. Once there, mom had a seat in the outdoor chair and said hello to folks going in and out. Mom then walked about 75% of the way home without using her rollator. She only used it for a few short spells here and there. So that was new record for us since her January hospitalization. All that said, her overall walking (stride, speed, and crispness) was not up to the mark of the prior two days as her foot was bothering her. I’d say for an “off day” mom still did pretty darn well!!
Wed, Feb 16 (10:25pm) The New Normal
Mom was speedy up and back to the mail kiosk today. Initially, I thought she was choosing to go without the rollator, but she brought it just in case. She used the rollator to get up there, and then walked back without it. She was quite speedy both directions. Her foot did not bother her so she was good to go. From head to toe mom is just doing very well. I think by watching all these Olympic event she is channelling her inner Olympian, despite the fact that she cries out to the TV set warning all the skiers and snowboarders not to break their necks.
Somehow we thought our PT person was coming today, but that is going to happen tomorrow.
Tue, Feb 15 (9:20pm) Magic
I don’t know how, but I am not going to question it either, but mom has made absolutely tremendous progress in the last 48 hrs. The main thing – but not the only thing – is that her right foot has not been bothering her. Most likely, that is also why her walking has gotten so much better. Before we went out for our walk today, mom went back across the house to get something she had left behind and she did it with such ease. And when we started out on the walk, I could see that her pace and balance were vastly improved, so I said to her that it does not seem like we need the rollator anymore. And she readily agreed and multiple times noted that she felt much stronger and more capable. Anyway, she used the rollator up to the mail kiosk, but then she walked all the way back home without the rollator. And she did it in great time. So this is just a wonderful uptick for us….
Other notable points: she has not been napping during the day; her voice is very full; and, her overall constitution is robust.
Here below is the sourdough that we baked today:
Oh, and look who stopped by for a quick visit while they were on their walk today….
Mon, Feb 14 (11:50pm) Getting the Mail (Quicker)
Mom had a great walk to the mail kiosk today (80% with the rollator and 20% free). Her stride and stamina were both really good, and most importantly, her foot did not seem to bother her. So that was a really positive development. Even then we are not going to stand pat with that. We are in the process of setting mom up with TENS treatment – “Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a method of pain relief involving the use of a mild electrical current.”
Yesterday, mom was quite encouraged by the muscle engagement she saw in her foot when we did the PT exercises. So she kept at it. Mom also made an unexpected appearance in yesterday’s chair yoga class. I had told mom we would have breakfast at 10:45am, and, sure enough, right at that time mom came marching down the hall!!
Sat, Feb 12 (10:15pm) Getting the Mail (Slowly)
Mom and I walked to the mail kiosk, and she walked about 65% with the rollator and 35% independently. But it was a slower type of outing, primarily because her foot is bothering her. We have been in touch with both wound care and our primary care doc, but nothing has been formalized, hopefully early this week. Mom and I also did some PT exercises today in order to strengthen and stimulate the movement of the “toes” on the right foot. We could see definite muscle engagement. Hopefully, those types of exercises will – in time – grant mom for freedom. We probably should get back to the gym and work on some of those seated machines just to keep up mom’s baseline cardio. We seem to be in a bit of a holding pattern. Mom was active around the house today and did not take a nap, so that was a plus sign.
Fri, Feb 11 (10:40pm) Alley Meeting
A 70-degree afternoon made for a wonderful alley meeting. Mom really enjoyed gathering around with her friends for 90 minutes or so. When it was over mom and I went for a short stroll to soak up more of the afternoon. And this evening mom went out to one of the local eateries. And mom spent the evening watching various Olympic snowboarding events before ultimately declaring that snowboarding should be outlawed.
Fitz and I went for a good little jog before he settled in at the alley meeting.
Fri, Feb 11 (1:15pm) Some Good Toe Work + Half-Pipe Commentary
At present mom is napping, gearing up for her 2p alley meeting. It is a grand day outside (67 degrees) so I am sure she will be keen to attend.
The last 36 hours have been good. Yesterday, in the early afternoon, we had an excellent PT session that focused on increasing the range of motion (or any movement) with the remaining parts of the toes on the right foot. So that was productive, and we aim to incorporate that into our routine. Thereafter mom had some veggie sushi (at home) and headed out with her friends to visit their good friend Jane who just moved out of her house and into a local care facility. That was a 2-hour outing, and mom seemed to do well with it and enjoyed seeing her friend.
Those of you on the east coast may very well have heard mom these past few evenings as she has become an expert in the half-pipe (snowboarding) at the Olympics. Mom insists on watching each run and gives a running commentary and play-by-play of the inherent dangers and warns how they are going to break their necks. Yet with each athlete, mom is keen to watch them from top to bottom. It looks like they may add her to the broadcast team in 2026!!
With mom’s right foot sensitivity, we’ve been in touch with wound care and her PCP so we will see what they come up with – at present they seem to be leaning towards some creams. At the same time, the PT has suggested introducing different tactile sensations to the foot starting with just gently rubbing the tips of the toes with cotton.
Wed, Feb 9 (7:40pm) Happy Mornings & Outdoor Walking
Mom’s Tuesday was a bit nondescript. The big news was whether mom remembered not to shower in the morning as she had to wait 24 hrs after her patch was placed on. To deter mom was showering, I turned her shower chair upside-down on Monday night, and then while I was teaching on Tuesday morning, I was not sure if I heard the shower running or not. After class, I quickly went back to see her, and she was seated in her other shower chair, the one directly outside the shower, and she was attending to her morning routine. But she had not showered. So that was good. We had a few folks in and out during the day, and really it was a pretty quiet day – and mom ate well.
This morning (Wed) mom had started the process of trying to wash herself at the sink, and when I told her she was now free and clear to shower she was quite pleased about it! On a related note, upon wake-up, I think there are few (if any) people on the planet who are as happy as mom is. Just about every day she wakes up with great delight and says how wonderful she feels – and stated with such gusto. Just a wonderful way to get the day going.
It was sunny and relatively warm today (around 60 degrees) so mom and I walked up to the mail kiosk. Mom walked about 80% or 85 % with the rollator and the other 15% – 20% unaided / unassisted [photo below]. By and large, she did well, but she was noticeably slower at the end as her foot was bothering her. We did get a note out to the wound care clinic today to see if they had any thoughts on the hyper-sensitivity mom is experiencing.
At present, mom is fine and has settled in for the evening. She has both feet in her comfy foot-warmer, and she is having a hot bowl of soup and watching her favorite newscasts and shows.
Mon, Feb 7 (8:15pm) We Are Patched!!
Mom did extremely well navigating our medical appointment today. First off, for a good part of the morning mom was going around the house organizing various things, and she was not using the rollator at all. So she is clearly getting better on her feet – though I would not classify her as “rock solid stable”. When it was time to go for our follow-up with cardiology, I asked her if we should bring the rollator and she said, “No need.” And she was right. Purely from a logistical perspective, the visit went very smoothly. Although it was cold, wet, and rainy, I dropped mom off in front and walked her in, and she waited for me while I parked etc, and basically every step of the way mom was managing just fine. It was not a big deal at all. She is just improving on her own.
We met with the RN who does most of the follow-ups from hospitalizations, and really she was thinking that mom’s case was pretty clear. She is not on any meds other than the Eliquis as a preemptive measure, and the rest of her health was A-OK. Andrew was on the phone the whole time, and while the nurse initially indicated that mom would be on Eliquis indefinitely, we again went with the idea of whether mom’s pulmonary embolii was provoked or unprovoked. Perhaps, it does not make much of a difference given mom’s current status, but we cannot come up with an event that provoked it, in which case mom would remain on the Eliquis just as a matter of course.
Anyway, just to get more data and investigate the possibility of even considering having mom off of the blood thinner, we put a patch on mom today that will monitor her heart for two weeks to see if in fact she is going into a-fib or not. We know she was in and out of a-fib during both hospitalizations (Oct 2020 & Jan 2022) and the question is was that due to the medical stress at the time or is she commonly going in and out of a-fib. Hopefully, we will get that answered in the next two weeks. The nurse listened to mom’s heart today, and her rhythm was textbook regular. The idea being that the surgeons knew very well what hardware they had given mom back in Oct 2020 and did not put her on Eliquis then so we are just investigating what may or may not have changed since. All that said, the down side of being on Eliquis is fairly minimal with the biggest danger being hitting her head on a fall. And the upside is that it can prevent more serious events like a stroke etc.
Who knows where we will end up on “To Eliquis or not to Eliquis”, but along the way we will get an idea of mom’s a-fib status.
Sun, Feb 6 (11:15pm) Casual Sunday
Mom stayed pretty true to having a relaxing Sunday – we did not veer off course. It was warm enough get outside for a walk, but it was not in the cards for us. Mom remains a bit deterred by the discomfort in her foot and is keen to stay in repose, and I did not help the situation much as I am sure we could have gotten out. Anyway, to spice things up we did have Tucker over for a visit for a bit.
Sat, Feb 5 (11:45pm) Gym Gains
Mom and I went to the gym today as it keeps us very honest. This was our second day at the gym since the January hospitalization, and while we made some notable gains we are still a ways away. Let’s start with the gains. Mom did quite a bit better with her step-ups and balance. We basically kept it to going up one level at a time and then making descents, and she did become a little more fluid with it in a relatively short period. So I think if we keep at it we can make steady gains. As mom’s foot was bothering her prior to even going to the gym we opted not to climb the staircase to the track and instead went over to the Nu-Step machine where mom did about 680 steps in 15 minutes on level #5. Every so often she had to ease up to regain her breath. So this might be a good one for us as we ease back into our gym routine. It is low impact, and mom is in a seated position. After that, mom wanted to get on the treadmill. Just getting onto it is a challenge (as it always was) as the first step is quite high. Her pace on the treadmill was very modest, about 60% what she was doing earlier, and in total mom was on it for 5min 32sec and did .11 miles. So it was a start.
The main thing is that mom is keen to improve. The other aspect is that we probably need to look into some type of pain management for her foot. It is just a big distraction for her, and source of discomfort. If anyone asks her how she’s doing, that is the first thing she talks about. So while that is not one of her pressing medical issues, it clearly weighs heavy on her mind.
Mom thoroughly enjoyed both of the below food items today…among others.
Fri, Feb 4 (11:35pm) Independence Day
Once again, mom was up and showered before Pastor arrived. So at the table Pastor said, “What do you think – do you need me anymore?” Yet again, we part ways with Pastor, but he is always around working with someone so we will see him from time to time. Mom was also sentimental about it, but then later on declared the day as, “Independence Day”. It seems we celebrated by not doing any formalized workout or exercises and had such a massive late lunch of an awesome black bean veggie burger with fries and a milkshake that mom skipped dinner entirely and was in her pajamas by 7 or so and spent the evening watching the Olympics, knowing she had gotten prepped ahead of time and could roll into bed whenever.
Thurs, Feb 3 (11:45pm) PT Evaluation
Mom did quite well in her PT eval today. All numbers aside, just by the eye-test she comes across as a completely different person from her initial PT eval on Jan 12. And yes, the numbers speak to that as well. Back on the 12th of Jan, she could do 3 rises from a chair in 30 seconds, and today she easily did 9 in just under 30 seconds, and probably could have done 10. Really though, it was the ease with which she did it that was impressive. While she did not triple her output in all areas, she did fare considerably better. As the PT said, she was mostly on par with the expected numbers, but that is the expected numbers for the 60+ age group. Had they had expected numbers for a 90+ age group she would have been the Olympic champion. Even then, she is still a fall-risk per their guidelines. However, we know this is just the tip of the iceberg for mom. She is just gaining her sea-legs, and we fully expect huge gains in the next 3+ weeks as well. Things certainly are pointing in the right direction.
Wed, Feb 2 (5:45pm) Back at the Gym!!
Ok, so yesterday we did some of the PT exercises at home, and they were good to do, but we needed more space and probably more exertion. Those are good to do, as they are very toes specific, but they would work well as a complement to a more engaging endeavor. So yesterday, we were really thinking that we need to get back to the gym.
And that is what we did today. Going there was an eye-opener. First off, just walking around outside without the rollator is a consideration, but good practice for mom. Once inside the gym (yes they were surprised to see us!!), we started to get after it, but it did not take long to see how much mom had lost. It was not that apparent when using the rollator to walk up to the mail kiosk, but doing the gym workout made it very clear. We are almost back to square 1 on step-ups and are far, far from being able to do the video type of workout we did on 12/29. After a basic run through of balance initiatives, we decided to go up to the track. I really did not think mom could make it up the steps so I started to guide her away from the steps. Then she said she could make it up the double industrial staircase, and then quickly added that we could use the elevator (which is what I was thinking to do until she said she could do the steps). So we did the steps – mom worked hard at it but made it all the way up, and then had a seat once up at the track.
Going around the track was slow and mom needed me as a spotter. We did 1.5 laps and then needed to rest. Yes, that is a far cry from walking free form for 14 laps or .5 miles outside. After our 1.5 laps we went down the industrial staircase and got our stuff and left the gym. As much as a reality check that it was, it was not demoralizing. Mom declared it a good first day back at the gym and vowed that we would make gains in a steady manner. So that is the state of the union.
Side note: Mom got up very early today and showered herself, so I told Pastor not to come. Mom must have had a powerful dream because she got up early in order to shower and pack up to go back to her house. She thought she was visiting some old family friends. I saw her after she had gotten out of the shower and it took a few minutes to get her on track that she was at home – and that this was her house. She was quite relieved she was freed of her packing duties and could relax. The rest of the day mom was clear as a bell and on task and on target. No harm, no foul.
Mon, Jan 31 (11:10pm) Walking Like A Torpedo
It was warmer and sunnier today, and less blustery, and mom again walked up to the mailroom – and a bit beyond into the village area. Mom’s pace was much, much better, taking bigger strides and using a nice heal-toe gait. She could sense that she was moving more fluidly and at a better clip. At one point I told her she was going like a torpedo, and she quietly said, “Thank you.” This is all in contrast to her other way of walking wherein she grinds her feet into the street and makes a big scraping sound. So she was very cognizant of keeping a nice clean stride and maintaining her speed.
All the the restaurants were closed in Fearrington village today – as they typically are on Mon & Tues – so when we got back from our walking expedition, mom and I headed out to a local eatery for lunch (pictured below). She often suggests with great cheer that we both go out for lunch, but it doesn’t usually happen. But today it did, and she was quite pleased about it. For the record, it was a fasting day for me so I brought my laptop. It was a fine outing…
Sun, Jan 30 (10:15pm) To the Mailroom (In the Wind)
In the early to mid-afternoon we broke out of our safe, secure, homebound routine and ventured outside for what I thought would be a short walk around the block. Once outside, mom asked if we had gotten the mail recently (day or so) and I said, “No.” So she said we should walk there. I told her to lead the way, but never in my wildest dreams thought we would make it. Mom hadn’t walked that far – or even 50% of that distance – since before her hospitalization. Plus it was chilly and blustery. But mom was determined and undeterred and set her sights on the mail kiosk, and sure enough we made it there. Not only that, mom did not want to take a rest; we just charged all the way back home. The summary is that mom easily made it there and back – with the rollator. Perhaps more impressively, I do not think we had to stop once because she was short of breath. Her breathing seemed to be well under control. So that was a giant step forward.
Sat, Jan 29 (10:50pm) Independent Walking
Mom was a spark plug this morning: showering herself (no need for Pastor to come) and getting her laundry going – and ultimately fold it and carting back down to her room. She took a relatively brief late morning nap, and then in the afternoon was back it by writing “Thank you” cards and checking things out around the house. She also did a number of things by just walking freely, without the rollator. There was no decision-making about this, she just started going around without it. This all points to her gaining confidence, trust in herself, and overall strength. Once again, we did not do any concerted physical engagement, but she was fairly active around the house into the late afternoon / early evening. She also used to rely on me to get her feet into her foot-warmer (see 12/24 11:15pm entry), but today she took over that job.
Fri, Jan 28 (9:10pm) Good PT Today
Today, we had a good PT session today. The therapist introduced some effective toe / foot exercises which we shall use to stimulate and increase the circulation to and mobility of the toes. So that will be a fine addition if we can make it a regular part of the day. At this point we are not back into full rehab / gym mode, but mom continues on her upswing journey. Her overall presentation and stature are improving daily. She can do a lot more than it looks like she can do so we are going to start tapping into that potential. The chill has kept us indoors, and we have yet to head back to the gym. The thought was she did not have the stamina to warrant going to the gym. But I think that is changing, and we can have a productive session over there. One clear sign of her progress is how many have commented how active, strong, and vibrant she sounds on the phone. Her voice is indeed back, and she is no longer tuckered just by trying to speak on the phone, as was the case when she first returned home. So we have a lot to work with, probably time to get the engines into a higher gear.
Thurs, Jan 27 (11:50pm) Dr. Appt + Getting Stronger
Mom is definitely getting stronger and more able and mobile. Today she visited a good friend involved in a big recovery, and mom was able to navigate herself through it all fairly well (in and out of the houses and cars etc), especially given it was all done without a rollator. Mom’s free-standing walking has definitely improved, even in the last few days.
In the late-afternoon we had an appointment with mom’s primary care doctor, and by all measures it was a success. She referred mom to a hematologist to watch over the clots. Apparently, the med mom is on now does not break up the clots but serves as an anti-coagulant to prevent more clots while the body works on breaking down the current ones. The big mystery remains what caused the clots, and that remains still a mystery. The expectation is that mom will need to be on this blood thinner for 3 months, at minimum.
All else seems quite fine with her. Strong, regular pulses, very good BP, and all other aspects related with her recent hospitalization are in check. We were also given the green light to exercise more fully, so long as we keep a close watch on the intensity and progress gradually. Seeing how mom seems to be gaining strength and endurance just as a matter of course is quite encouraging.
Thurs, Jan 27 (9:25am) Feeling Wonderful
Yesterday, Wed (1/26), mom woke up and her first words were, “I feel wonderful!” And this was not a one-off, most of the time she feels this way. There are two factors that create that situation: being warm and not having foot pain. And most of the time we are able to meet those aims.
Yesterday, mom had a PT session at 1p and after getting the vitals (which were perfect) the three of us went walking outside – to the gazebo and back. We worked on heel to toe walking and adjusted the height of her outdoor rollator, which is fire engine red. So it was a fine PT session, nothing earth-shattering, but quite good and solid.
Mom does seem to be gaining strength, and is more confident in her actions and dealings. Pastor was unable to come this morning, mom felt plenty ready to handle her showering etc. So she is getting her day going, and the main thing on the agenda which she has her sights on is the 4p appointment with her primary care doctor to discuss the pulmonary emboli and getting of the blood-thinner med, which we will probably need to be on for a while longer.
Tue, Jan 25 (11:45pm) Dog Fest
Mom had a fine day around the house – mostly relaxing, and not much exercise, but she did host a dog fest….which she greatly enjoyed, and then had another neighbor visit after that. So it was a day a wonderful social visits, which mom always enjoys…as you can see…
Now many of you are already familiar with Tucker – and then Bradley, Tucker’s across the street neighbor, was strolling by and Tucker saw him go by and called him inside!!
Tue, Jan 25 (11:10am) Walking Outside + Recurring or Not
Yesterday (Mon, 1/24), mom did get out for a 25 minute walk. She did ok – used the rollator, and we basically went to the gazebo and back. Not all that far, but it was good for her to get out and perhaps we would have gone further except for the chill in the air. The faster we can get through this pulmonary embolism, the better we will be. We have PT at home tomorrow and then the primary care doc on Thursday. Thinking of getting her to the gym to get on the Nu-Step machine, but I think I want to talk to the doctor first about that.
The big question about the pulmonary embolii (as she has numerous) is whether this is going to be a one-time event or not. If provoked it leans towards it being a one-time event, and if unprovoked then tends towards being a recurring phenomenon. Unfortunately, as best as we can see, mom’s occurrence seems to be unprovoked. We will talk with specialists about this.
Sun, Jan 23 (8:50pm) Garbanzo Bean Weekend
On Saturday morning, we shoveled out, and really spent the weekend taking it easy. In terms of exercise and training, it really has been perhaps too modest: laps in the house, some stand-ups from a chair, and not too much more than that. We’ve got some sunnier, warmer days ahead so hopefully we can get out and walk. We also have a doctor’s appt on Thursday, and I need to talk to her about how much exertion mom should / is allowed to have, as well as when will we know when her embolisms have dissolved.
With not a lot to show in the realm exercise, we jump into foodie mode. The first was mom’s Sunday evening meal of homemade olive bread with garbanzo bean tostadas, with both cooked and raw veggies. Mom easily cleaned her plate.
On Saturday night, we made this garbanzo bean stew (yep, you guessed it, the leftover stew served as the basis for mom’s Sunday night tostadas) comprised of dry garbanzo beans (soaked and boiled) along with cauliflower, daikon radish, zucchini, other goodies (like ground flax seed and others I can’t recall now), along with lots and lots of spices like coriander, cumin, turmeric, white pepper etc.
Finishing off the raisin-cranberry-walnut bread, making an olive bread, having a fresh-baked blueberry muffin that the next-door neighbor gifted mom, and chowing down these garbanzo bean delights were the highlights of our foodie weekend.
Fri, Jan 21 (11:40pm) Day Off + Snowy Evening
It was a cold, but dry and clear day, and our PT person did not show. Later we found out she had car trouble and the office was supposed to, but neglected, to call us. So mom had a cozy day at home with no real workout per se. I guess we all deserve a day like that.
Went out for my evening run at 10:30pm without realizing it had begun to snow. So I ran anyway, but instead of going for my usual 3 mile loop, I just ran up and down the street several times….for about 20 + min or so…
Thurs, Jan 20 (11:55pm) Into & Out of OT
The occupational therapist came today. She was great – amazing to see the high quality of home care professionals this time around after last year’s debacle. She did a full assessment of mom’s abilities as well as of mom’s life / house setup, and she said hers would be a one-time visit as mom was not in any need of her services. So that was great. She gave mom a very high score and was awed by mom’s independent way of living up till turning 91, as well as how well mom has rebounded from everything over the past 15 months. Long and short of it: OT is finished.
Mom had her dear friend and travel companion over for at visit, later on in the afternoon we did step-ups on mom resistance workout structure that is in her bedroom. On the back end of it there is a step for training. Mom did eighteen step-ups and had enough. Then she did a few lengths in the house (cold and rainy outside) and settled in for the evening.
Wed, Jan 19 (9:50pm) Great Walk Outside Today
Mom had a fine morning – shower, breakfast, nap etc – and was settling into a cozy afternoon, and then we just had to break the mold and do something. So we went out for a late afternoon walk. Earlier in the day I had picked up a “new” rollator from Fearrington Cares. It was not the style I was thinking of buying, but it serves its purpose well enough. And that is our new outdoor rollator. Anyway, we headed out the garage and my hope / aim was to be able to make 3 left turns and enter the house through the front. It is like a half a block walk on three sides, if that make sense. Walk up three houses, over three houses, back down three houses. This is what we were doing when mom first started making a reasonable degree of progress after her first hospitalization a year back. Was not really sure if we could make it or not.
So we made our first left out of the driveway and walked three houses up the alley way. Then we made our second left and went over two / three houses, and then when we reached the next street to make a left to get going towards our front door, mom made a RIGHT and asked how far should we go!! I told her we could walk as far as she wished and we would return back whenever she wanted. So we walked a good ways up the street, and then u-turned and came all the way down to the front door. Mission accomplished.
Mom did great on her first walk. She did not seem to lose her breath; she walked a solid distance; and, when she returned she was not wiped out. So really that was very, very good, and hopefully a sign of more solid progress in the future. Mom is already keen to do things without the rollator, but we have to be very measured and safe and build our base. The main thing is that we are on our way!!
Tue, Jan 18 (10:30pm) Very Solid PT Today
After her shower (described in prior entry) mom had breakfast and stayed up for a while reading the paper, and then she became absolutely exhausted. It was all she could to make it back to bed and she slept for 2.5 hours. Then she woke up in time to have some lunch and have PT. Actually, she had no idea there would be PT because the session scheduling got switched around a bit while she was napping. But she did very well at PT, easily walking the 10 lengths of the house, and could have continued. I reminded the therapist that while mom has PE, it really was not long ago (just under 3 weeks) when she was walking half-a-mile independently and doing all sorts of balance routines. So that PT feels that we have a lot to work with and she cleared mom to start going for walks outside, which we shall do. We just have to respect mom’s decreased stamina, and give her time to recover her wind and energy. The snow is basically gone, but the temps are a touch low so once the thermometer goes up a bit we will try going around the block, or maybe just walk a few houses up and back – very similar to what we did when we first started getting mom into shape way back when. So it will be a little bit of deja vu – let’s see how it goes.
Tue, Jan 18 (11:05am) Uneventful Days
Yesterday passed uneventfully. We did mom’s allotted PT exercises, which takes all of ten minutes, and she did a few laps in the house, not as regular as I would like, but passable. Once the snow and ice clear and the temps come up a bit, mom and I will start walking outside with a rollator. I am in process of getting her a new rollator for outdoor use – a tall one where the spine can remain upright.
Mom’s appetite and sleeping are normal so that is good. Yesterday, Pastor was here to help mom shower, and today mom started her shower while I was teaching and before Pastor arrived. Then he arrived to help with the 2nd half of her shower. She is gaining confidence and independence.
The two things I need to find out are when will we know when the embolisms are gone, and how much should we push her while she is suffering from the embolisms and prone to becoming short of breath.
Sun, Jan 16 (11:45pm) Our Winter Storm
Mom and I survived the storm that came our way. Actually it was quite tame, but no doubt not particularly usual for NC. The temps will rise in a day or so, and the icy snow will be gone. Mom and I just hung inside, and yes Pastor was able to make it over in the morning to give a shower assist.
We did get our PT exercises done, and mom walked a few laps in the house. Doing ordinary talks does get her winded pretty quickly, and mom has been using three pillows to sleep as it helps her breathe more easily. She is up so high that it looks like it could not possibly be comfortable, but apparently the pros outweigh the cons because mom is very keen to use all those pillows.
Sat, Jan 15 (9:55pm) Sprouts & PT
Mom showered herself today. I was teaching, and I heard the water go on, and by the time my class ended and Pastor arrived mom had successfully and safely completed her shower. Sometimes the most important thing is whether you think you can do something or not (especially when someone is an inherently cautious as mom – she is never going to do anything that is totally off the rails). And Mom felt she could do it so she did it. So that is a step in the right direction; she is feeling stronger, more self-assured, and empowered.
Then at breakfast, mom packed another punch. After hydrating herself with a big, tall class of homemade clementine / banana juice (a staple around here), mom ate a small handful of sprouted chick peas (pictured below) – a solid punch of protein. Mom was gifted a frosted cinnamon bun so that rounded out her breakfast, along with coffee. Then mom got an hour+ long power snooze and was still in bed when the PT person arrived at noon. And this PT person was really excellent. So we are living under favorable stars – we got a great home PT team for the next few weeks. So that is really, really great!!
Mom had a great lunch (two different leftover pasta dishes rolled into one with 2 sliced of home-baked cinnamon-raisin-cranberry-walnut bread. Mom did do some laps in the house here and there (once tomorrow’s storm comes and goes we will try and go around the block), and ate quinoa, chick peas (cooked), and asparagus for dinner. So after that morning nap, mom is able to take it all the way into the mid to late evening. She is still going strong at her TV chair as I type this.
Finally, I talked to mom about getting a second rollator – better model where she could stand fully upright. That way also we would have one for indoors and one for outdoors. It seems like a great idea to me, and we still may do it, but mom shot it down in a second saying, “Nah, I already have a rollator; besides, soon I am not going to be needing it anymore!!”
Fri, Jan 14 (9:15pm) Finding Our Flow at Home
At this point, the hospitalization feels like it is in our rearview mirror as mom settles into her routine at home. As usual, she sleeps like a log at night, and, by and large, she feels good during the day. We have now completed mom’s 4-day intro to the Eliquis (blood thinning medication to dissolve the embolisms in her heart), so going forward she just takes 1 pill in the morning and evening as opposed to two.
Mom’s basic routine has been to wake-up and shower around 9 or 10 depending on when Pastor arrives. Mom is mostly independent with her shower, just she is a bit hesitant getting out of the shower seat and returning to her chair that is just outside the shower. Pastor is there to ease that transition and make it safe. Fortunately, mom has a wonderful, wheelchair-accessible shower – not that she needs a wheelchair – but it is remarkably accessible for an in-home shower – as good or better as anything you would find in a care facility. So that is really very helpful. After showering mom eats breakfast and then is invariably fatigued and goes back to bed for a 2-hour power snooze. This is similar to how it was when she initially got back from her first hospitalization. But once she awakens from that sleep, she is generally good all the way till 10p or 11p.
There was an alley meeting today at one of the neighbor’s nicely maintained garage – with a couple of well-placed space heaters. Actually, mom and I thought the meeting was cancelled due to the blustery wind so we were going to walk around the block when we heard their voices and headed on over. Mom really enjoyed that gathering – it was her first real get together with her friends since her return from the hospital. And everyone was very glad to see her.
Basically, if you came over, you would think that everything is pretty much normal with mom. She feels well, has a good appetite, and is in her usual kind disposition – the only thing she cannot do is exert herself. And that is what we will have to overcome in these next few months. She’ll be on the Eliquis for 3 – 6 months and hopefully by then all the embolisms will be gone with no new ones created. We will be making the usual medical rounds in the next two weeks or so and hopefully someone will have an idea what caused all those embolisms in the first place. As I think back on it, she was getting a little slower and little more out of breath on her longer walks towards the end of the year. But who knows when those embolisms really formed. Most of the doctors seemed to think it was a relatively recent phenomenon that coincided with her more acute shortness of breath. Anyway, our sights are on moving forward and building her base as we are able.
Tomorrow, we have a PT coming to the house at noon – not the guy who came the first time but his co-worker. Those are the only two who will be working with mom so we are keen to meet her.
Wed, Jan 12 (8:15pm) Home PT Visit
The big event of the day was that the home health care service sent a PT to the house to inaugurate treatment with mom. It was mostly an info gathering / intake session etc, but the guy was very good. We had little luck with past OT / PT visits to the house, and we were ready to write this one off as well, but today’s PT made a very favorable impression, and he is one of the two PTs who will be coming to work with mom going forward. So let’s see…
Mom’s first PT assignment is to walk across the house every hour. And mom is making strides in that direction, though you can’t quite yet set your watch to it. But we all know mom will more than step up to the plate and hold up her end of the bargain.
On other fronts, Pastor came in the morning and helped mom with her showering – apparently mom is able to do most of it herself, only she is tentative getting up from the shower chair to exit the shower. But I am sure in the next few days her comfort level with that will increase wherein she’ll become more independent.
Tue, Jan 11 (11:45pm) Day 1 & Perks of Homelife
Can you say s-h-o-w-e-r? After 4+ days of no showering, mom greatly enjoyed her first shower – with an assist from Pastor, who is coming over every day at 10am to monitor the showering process till we feel it is safe and secure.
And by and large the day went smoothly. Mom did spend a fair bit of time sleeping, but she was also fairly mobile when she needed to be. Though much of the day and evening was spent in her black chair – up till nearly 11pm this evening.
All told it was an uneventful first day back – probably just what we were lookin for!!
Mon, Jan 10 (9:25pm) Home Sweet Home
Mom came home….settled into her favorite chair….had dinner….and is acting as if she never went to the hospital.
We will be building back up very slowly and carefully, and have already called in for support with her showering for the next few days. We just need to carefully evaluate what mom can do safely, and where she needs help.
Mon, Jan 10 (4:45pm) Heading Home…Shortly…
Although they had mom on heparin (a blood thinner), that was a much lower dose than was needed for a pulmonary embolism, and we did not find out more definitively whether she had a pulmonary embolism until just a short while ago – hence all the running around and guessing about what the problem was. And if we had not pushed for it, the PE would probably not have been detected at all, since mom had started feeling better, in which case we would have left the hospital without the PE meds. Anyway…all is well.
So we are heading home – soon…like within the hour…and while that is wonderful…that begins a whole new stage of how to manage home-life and get things worked out again. What is safe – what is not safe etc. So there will be an adjustment period.
The doctors on this intermediary cardio ward have been extremely responsive and personable. They gave us a lot of time. And the floor staff (nurses, office team, and support staff etc) have been just wonderful.
Mon, Jan 10 (2:52pm) They Missed It!! Pulmonary Embolism!!
From the very get-go Andrew told the ER doc to do a D-dimer and a VQ scan to check for a pulmonary embolism as that is SOP (standard operating procedure) for investigating why someone has shortness of breath. In the ER one can easily order this exam, whereas once in the main part of the hospital it usually takes more time to get it done. Anyway, the ER doc never did it – and sure enough today (the day mom is supposed to go home) they finally did the VQ scan and they found that mom has multiple pulmonary embolisms. People can die from pulmonary embolisms, and we are now finding out about it about 4 days later!!
They did a CT scan on mom in the ER, but the test was done without contrast as mom is allergic to the contrast. That CT scan with contrast would have definitively told that mom had PE. The VQ scan is less definitive, but the resident called the radiologist who was very confident that mom had multiple pulmonary embolisms. So we are going to go with it.
They still may discharge mom today (we will have to see), only now we will be on medicine (blood thinner) for some time to resolve the embolisms. Well, now we know why mom had shortness of breath.
Sun, Jan 9 (10:25pm) Lovely Friends, Neighbors, & Community
When I got home and opened the front door to get the paper, this wonderful card was there as well. The Fearrington community is second to none!!
Sun, Jan 9 (8:30pm) Winding Down Our Stay
I think the medical team here is getting ready to wrap things up with mom. They will be doing the VQ scan tomorrow to check for a pulmonary embolism, but I do not think they are expecting to find anything. They also have PT / OT scheduled to do an assessment to make sure mom is ok to go home. The nurse said she expects mom to pass that with flying colors. All mom’s vitals this evening look really good: BP 120/71; Pulse 72; O2 Sat 96. And mom seems to be gaining strength – and she certainly wants to go home – and it looks like she may get her wish, if not tomorrow then Tuesday, barring any unforeseen event.
We wanted to get the answer behind her SOB, but that may remain an unknown. So I guess the next mystery may be how much mom will be able to regain, in terms of stamina, strength, and conditioning. It looks like mom and I will be back at the drawing board on that one – and that’s fine, so long as we are not dealing with any medical issues, which have all seem to be ruled out at this point.
Sun, Jan 9 (4:55pm) Doing Better, Mystery Unresolved
So mom is distinctly better today….initially when I got here some hours back I did not think so, but she is definitely on an upswing. The nurse told me this morning she and mom walked to the bathroom with mom needing little to no help, and that then mom sat in a chair for a while. During that morning time together the nurse also learned that mom got her nursing degree in 1950, and with great awe she called mom not only a nurse but an historian as well. That all happened before I arrived.
I got here shortly before mom ate lunch, which she polished off quite readily. Then mom and I were just hanging around, and I really was not thinking there had been much change in mom as she spoke with an aspirated voice on the phone with my aunt and got winded brushing her hair. Then the nurse came in and started talking about how much better mom was doing (and gave me the above 1st para report), and that mom might be able to go home tomorrow…and I was like what??
So we began to get mom ready for the 6-minute stress test. Mom went to the bathroom and got her shoes on, and sure enough she was able to walk out of the room and go down the hallway, and remain standing as we had our stand-off / confrontation with our fellow patient Gus (there is one of these guys in every hospital) and then mom made it back to her room. In total, mom was on her feet for 10+ minutes. As you might imagine, there was a nurse by her side (not holding her), a staff member trailing with a chair, and then I was along for the ride with her IV stand. So we were a bit of an entourage, a slow moving one at that, but mom was able to ambulate and hold her own. And throughout she had an O2 saturation of 94 – 97. And when she came back they removed her O2 sat monitor. Mom has been napping pretty heartily since that exertion.
Two of her BPs this afternoon were 114/73 and 96/74, both of which are far better than the 85/53 that she was having yesterday. But until we get an answer for what was the critical cause, I am not keen to take mom home. She is still a shadow of what she was like ten days ago. And I know Andrew has zero interest in getting mom out of here until he gets some clear answers from the docs etc. So we will see.
But is mom better than she was yesterday – absolutely yes.
Sun, Jan 9 (9:50am) Still No Diagnosis
Andrew called up and spoke to the intern to impress upon them that we still have no diagnosis, and while mom looks like a lily or creampuff while sitting there in bed, with no great medical needs, this is not at all normal for her. And the a-fib – which she has been going in and out of during her hospital stay – is no explanation either. So they know they need to dig and find out the problem. Also, I do not let anyone get near mom without showing them her workout videos. They have to see how intensely involved she was in her personal training and reconditioning. Those videos are eye-opening for them as they do not expect that from a 92-year-old. They have to understand that her baseline is not being helped and half-dragged to the bathroom which is ten feet away. That may be normal for some 90+ year-olds but not mom. The videos help give them a clear vision of what she is capable of, and that they need to find out what has robbed her of this in the last week. Verily, it was just last Sunday that mom slept all day and did not eat (and prior to that she was as engaging as ever). And then from Sunday to Thursday she was progressively improving until that SOB became more acute. And since Thursday she has been declining under their watch.
Let’s see how things go forward today….
Sat, Jan 8 (11:32pm) Covid Negative
The covid test they administered to mom a few hours ago came back negative. So that is two negative results in the last 55 hours or so. I suppose it is safe to say that mom does not have covid.
Sat, Jan 8 (8:40pm) Nasal Swabbed
At about 8:30pm, someone came by and nasal swabbed mom…
…results forthcoming…
Sat, Jan 8 (6:21pm) Does Mom Have Covid?
The nurse came to do a stress test where mom would walk for 6 minutes, but mom was buckled over with SOB by merely trying to get out of bed. She never even got her feet on the ground. Then the nurse looked at me and said, “Is she covid negative?” It sounded like such an outrageous / obvious question. How could the nurse not know if a patient was covid positive or not….but her query is well-taken.
Day by day, mom’s breathing is getting worse. On Wed, she and I went to the dentist. There is no way I would even consider taking mom to the dentist (or anywhere) in her current condition. It could be that mom got a false negative on Thursday. Otherwise, how else to explain this dramatic change in her when all her major tests are coming back negative.
Hold your horses…an about face, or at least a distinct twist…
Andrew from the get-go has been wanting them to check for a pulmonary embolism, and just now he just talked to a doc who is taking the request very seriously as the screening D Dimer test for it came back quite high at 5000.
So now the doctor is going to do three things: (a) putting her on O2, (b) getting a chest x-ray (which they just came in and did), and (c) doing a repeat covid test.
Once you get the ear of the doc then things start to roll ahead. Let’s see what happens…
Sat, Jan 8 (4:35pm) The Shortness of Breath Riddle
Mom is very well situated in her room – private, clean, comfortable – and she looks very good. She has a wonderful day nurse who told me that when she first looked at mom’s chart and then came in to see mom, she was totally surprised and amazed that mom was that 92 woman from her chart. She just had lots of good things to say about mom’s overall health and awareness. So mom hit the ground running on the 3rd floor. She is also the envy of one and all for her grand rechargeable hand-warmers!! BUT, BUT, BUT…
But we really need to get to the bottom of this shortness of breath….
The nurse noted and remarked on mom’s shortness of breath and low energy. After going to the bathroom, a mere ten feet away, mom was huffy & puffy, and quite fatigued. They wanted to do a 6-minute stress test on her which entails mom walking for six minutes, but that was cancelled as mom was too wiped out to even start it. And that is exactly why we are here. Prior to last Sunday mom was easily managing hour-long workouts, and now she can hardly move or do anything without feeling completely wiped out. Even a short talk on the phone is taxing for her.
Test after test is coming back negative – no blood clots in the legs etc – so this is the riddle they need to crack.
Her BP is low 85 / 53, as she was a good bit higher yesterday, and her O2 saturation is mid-90’s, not high 90’s like yesterday. But those numbers come and go, and they are not particularly concerned along those avenues.
Sat, Jan 8 (12:30am) She Got a Room!!
Just got a call from the hospital informing me that mom got a room in the main part of the hospital. Earlier she had a room in the ER, but had graduated out of the care of the ER physicians so the people responsible for her care were in a different part of the hospital. Now that she got moved 4 floors up into the main part of the hospital and in proper department, her care will be easier to manage. Plus I am sure the room will be much nicer than the spot we had in the ER which was really more of a holding tank than an actual room. That said, the hospital was overrun and we were fortunate to have that ER room as some patients were just in the waiting room.
I left mom a few hours ago, and she was doing quite well. Steady disposition, acutely aware of what was going on, comfortable, and ready to do the needful. She also dictated to me a list of things she wanted me to bring for her. So she is on target, and hopefully we can get her home this weekend or so.
Fri, Jan 7 (2:45pm) Stable & Comfortable, Not Finding Anything
In a nutshell, they really cannot find anything wrong with mom. All tests are coming back negative – which is good. They have ruled out any issues with the heart; she definitely did not have a heart attack. And her oxygen saturation is now excellent, holding strong at 99 / 100 on room air. Her BP has been low today, whereas yesterday it was perfect. Now they are just seeing if she has any clots in the lungs, as they have determined that everything is absolutely ok with the heart. So it is a bit confounding as to what was causing her SOB (shortness of breath) and low energy levels.
She was (finally) allowed to eat and drink and she chowed down half of a very large sandwich, and she had a fig as well.
At this point, mom is stable and very alert, and not in any pain – as has been the case since she has been here. She has been admitted to the hospital for further observation, but we remain in the ER until a room opens up in the cardiac unit upstairs.
Stay tuned….
Thurs, Jan 6 (11:15pm) ER Test Results
Thus far, most everything is coming back negative. So there is not a clear explanation for mom’s labored breathing and lack of energy. The CT scan was reviewed by the various teams and they say there is no change in mom’s aortic dissection. So there is no need for surgery. And all other tests came back negative as well. The only concerning result was the troponin. It is elevated which could indicate an incident with the heart, i.e. heart attack. But it is not certain that is what happened.
Thurs, Jan 6 (9:45pm) How We Landed in the ER
Goodness…typing from the ER…
In the early afternoon, while on a video call, Andrew immediately noted that mom was showing mild / moderate labored breathing. She was just sitting at the kitchen table and getting a good breath was not easy for her – and this seemed to be a relatively new development. While Andrew and I were discussing what to do, one of mom’s cracker jack nursing friends called up. She and mom go way back, 50+ years. She had been reading this blog and wanted to see how mom was doing, and as soon as she heard mom was having shortness of breath, she whizzed into a remarkably, efficient, and thorough assessment, complete with all the latest info about the recent trial meds for covid!! Whatever may be, this shortness of breath was nothing to play around with given mom’s history. Not to mention this was day 5 of mom’s current episode of low energy etc.
Off we went to the urgent care clinic. I kept mom in the car, went inside and talked to the nurse, and the nurse came out to see mom. After assessing her and getting an O2 sat of 93, it was recommended that we go to the ER. We quickly stopped off at the house (it was on the way) to pick up a few things, and off we went to the ER. We arrived at about 2:40pm, and the first thing was to give her a covid test and I was not allowed to accompany her or remain in the hospital. Rather, they gave me a number to call for the results. They told me to check at about 4pm.
So I went back to car – and waited, and called, and waited and called. At one point they said mom had cleared and I could see her in the ER. When I got to the ER, they said no such result had arrived for mom. I again called the number and the nurse told me to stand by. Ultimately, she called me back and apologized and said she was looking at the chart from mom’s prior hospitalization. She told me still the test had not been administered. They were a bit swamped. Finally, at around 6pm I left the hospital parking garage to go home and attended to basic hygiene etc. And just as I was going to sit down at the computer, the call came from the hospital that mom was covid negative, and that I could see her.
So I arranged a few things for mom and got into the car to head back to the hospital. Fortunately, it is only a 15 – 20 minute trip. And mom was in room #5 in the ER, which is where I am right now.
So now where are we? They have drawn blood, checked her urinary tract, done a chest x-ray, and performed a CT scan. And now we are just waiting on the results. Let’s see what they find.
Mom is stable, very alert, not in pain, and holding strong. And yes, she wants to go home…but we have no intention of taking her home tonight – not without answers.
Thurs, Jan 6 (10:45am) Feeling Well, Still in Slow Mode
Mom is feeling well, and she ate a fair bit of food yesterday. We are not in exercise mode yet, but mom is attending to her daily dealings. Yesterday, she was absolutely exhausted after showering and taking breakfast and slept for a few hours afterwards from the late morning into the afternoon. But then she got up, went to her 3:30pm dental appointment and remained awake up till 11pm or so. So other than complete exhaustion in the late morning hours and lower energy levels in general, mom is feeling fine and acting like her usual self, and regaining her appetite. Hopefully, by the weekend, she is back to her old self.
Tue, Jan 4 (7:55pm) Appetite Comeback
Well, good news, mom ‘s appetite seems to be back on. Up till the evening, the only solid food mom had was one fig, though she did have some relatively substantial beverages. Just now for dinner though she ate about half a tray of veggie sushi; she ate six of the fifteen pieces. Normally, she eats not more than nine at a meal. So getting six in was good. And then she had an ice cream sandwich for dessert. She has no pain or discomfort and is acting quite normally – up watching TV in the main part of the house. So hopefully, this 2 – 3 day period of extreme fatigue is behind us.
Tue, Jan 4 (2:30pm) Low Energy
Since waking up yesterday morning, mom has been quite low energy with a decreased appetite. Yesterday was rainy weather so we were indoors all day, and while mom was moving around the house, she did not have much of an appetite, but did drink a fair bit. Both yesterday and today, mom went back to bed after showering, dressing, and eating “breakfast”. She woke up parched today and drank 2 glasses of seltzer and about 15 oz of homemade juice (clementine / banana); she also had one date. Right now she is drinking a mug full of miso. She is getting lots of fluids down, but not much solid food. She is signed up for a covid test on Friday afternoon. More than likely, she just has some type of non-covid virus. All that said, mom feels quite well, just she is low-energy with little to no appetite.
Mon, Jan 3 (8am) Up & Ready
After yesterday’s 24 hour blip, Mom was up today at her normal time, full of her usual energy, and getting her day going!
Sun, Jan 2 (8:40pm) The Revival
Ok…well mom is up (it took some effort), but she is feeling well and at the kitchen table reading the paper and drinking down a bowl of miso soup and having a cracker or two.
Note: Mom went to sleep for the night just before 10pm.
Sun, Jan 2 (6:40pm) The Shakes & Chills
Yesterday, New Year’s Day (1/1/22), mom was fine, and folks commented how well she looked on her Zoom calls etc. And she went to bed at around 10:30pm.
Then this morning, mom slept in…and in…and in. I first woke her up just before 11am, and she was shocked that it was so late. She was in a good mood, but quickly went back to sleep. I woke her up again shortly before noon with the same result. Then she got up on her own around 12:30pm. Then she showered, snoozed a touch in her bathroom chair as she was dressing, and once dressed declared that she would go back to bed, but she said she was thirsty. I told her to sit on her bed, and I would bring her juice down. Then we decided that she could come down to the kitchen. That was around 2pm. She sat at the table with her feet in her new foot warming device (see 12/24/21 entry) and her hand warmer. But she was freezing. She drank juice, a full glass of seltzer, and a few sips of coffee – half a bite of pound cake. She was cold and shaking, but otherwise alright. So she went back to her room and went to bed at around 3p or so. She quickly warmed up in bed, and her shaking stopped. And she has been sleeping since.
Hopefully, this is nothing serious…
6:42pm: Just now I went in there and she was awake in bed, with no covers on her and feeling ok. She just drank half a glass of seltzer, but has no appetite. She is not complaining of anything else being wrong. She seems comfortable and alert.
6:46pm: Just went in again and she was comment how good her foot looked.
Fri, Dec 31 (11:40pm) Happy New Year (almost!)
Mom had a fine final two days of the year. Yesterday, Thursday 30 Dec, we had some visitors – two grown children of one of mom’s best friends. They are in their 60’s now and mom used to bathe them when they were young’uns. The gent who came mom hadn’t seen since she bathed him as a 4 year-old. It was a very joyous and grand reunion with lots of smiles and stories. Mom and I did not get to the gym or walk that day.
Today, mom and I were on our way to the mailroom when we saw Tucker, and then Beth, and realized it was time for the alley meeting. So I went solo to get the mail, and mom sat outside in 70 degree weather hanging out with all the neighbors. And then this evening mom were to a New Year’s Eve dinner gathering. She had a wonderful time.
Here are the twin olive loaves that I sent over with mom to her New Year’s Eve gathering – they were a big hit!!
Here is a flower bouquet mom received in advance of the Happy New Year….
Here is mom’s dinner from 30th Dec: organic quinoa; Farmer’s Market raw spinach, pea shoots and lacinato kale salad; and steamed organic zucchini with asparagus…..
Wed, Dec 29 (11:55pm) Videos: Mom’s Step Work + Hero’s Story
Let’s start with the hero’s story. Mom and I had just entered the gym, and as we were in the reception area, a woman comes through the double doors with a cane and a thin handbag. She drops the handbag as she was stepping through, and it gets caught in the doorway and she struggles through with her cane. While this is going on, I realize it is our hero (whom we had not seen in quite a while), and I go over to her and say, “Since when do you use a cane?”, and at the same time pick up her handbag which she hadn’t realized she had dropped. Then came her response, “Since I broke my hip.”
This lady was – in our eyes – the champion walker at the gym. Speedy, nimble, and fast. She was quite petite and light, and totally no nonsense in her approach. Focused and determined, not there for small talk. And sometimes we saw her moving through the neighborhood and she was the same – a true champion.
I was stunned that this person of all people had fallen and broken her hip – but she was still moving fairly well so I was confused as to when this happened. Anyway, mom and I went to the back area to start our balance session, and the hero went upstairs to do her laps. Then just a short while later I saw her leaving the gym – a much shorter workout than she used to do. So I ran down to her to ask what happened, and express our admiration. She is friendly, but terse. She fell on October 1 and broke her hip, and now she was trying to get back at it. I know she will get back to her old self, but it was shocking to see that our hero had fallen. I think a lot of people used to look at mom in the same way from her years of 84 – 90, before her open heart surgery, when she was agile and speedy. Not sure how old our hero is – perhaps 10 or 12 years younger than mom – but I know she’ll be back.
Today mom and I started with balance as has been our custom of late. We did a bunch of warm-ups and free-standing balance starters, and then did some step work (videos below). Then she did her rises from the chair, and .47 miles on the treadmill. One thing is certain that walking to the mail kiosk (.5 miles or so at a moseying pace) does not replace technical work at the gym. And mom also understood that. So we need to be more regular at the gym, despite the fact that mom always prefers to walk to the mailroom.
Below are two videos of mom doing the culminating portion of her balance work at the gym. The first video is at 8x speed, and the second is at normal speed. This gives a small window into some of the work we do at the gym, and how hard mom tries.
It should be noted that mom is wearing a PT belt that has loops for hand holds. Most of the time that I have my hands in those loops I am not giving mom any support – just spotting her.
Tue, Dec 28 (11:25pm) Hiking Around The Village
Mom had a relaxing morning at home, and then in the mid-afternoon we left our abode to our destination points in the village: The Farmer’s Market & Mail Kiosk. We started out together and then quickly split up as I went up ahead to get goodies at the farmer’s market, and the plan was to meet up at the mail kiosk. After I finished my shopping I went to the mail kiosk and found no sign of mom and then scoured the various streets to see where she was and as I looped around again I saw her moseying up to the mail kiosk. Then we did the walk back together, and met Tucker and co along the way.
Mom’s walking is dependable but very slow – it seems to have slowed down in the last month. Or maybe it is just my imagination. Either way, when she lifts her feet then she can definitely cover more ground, but that is not her norm…working on it though…
Mon, Dec 27 (11:55pm) Monday…Monday
We had a much needed dental visit in the morning in order to repair mom’s tooth which broke over the weekend. Then in the later part of the day, as dusk and early evening were settling in, mom and I walked to the mail kiosk and back.
Sun, Dec 26 (10:15pm) Holiday Ups & Downs
We had a fine holiday weekend – real quiet and casual with some Zoom calls with family. On Saturday, we had temps around 70 and mom made the solo hike to the mail kiosk and back. She was a tad bit tired at the end, but not too bad. She sailed in just fine. Along the way she fielded many comments from folks and passersby about how I now let her out by herself!! All that said, the Saturday solo jaunt was one of the up sides of the weekend.
The down was that mom fell getting out of the shower this morning. This was her second fall over the span of some months as she last fell getting out of the shower on August 19. Here, we should note that mom has a wheel chair accessible shower in that there is nothing she has to step over to get out. And there are various mats and large hand rails, but when the floor is wet, things can happen. Fortunately, like last time, she was not hurt, and all she needed was a lift back onto her feet. She was able to alert me quite quickly as the in-house call button hangs directly from the shower railing. After she finished up her bathroom duties she did show me that she had a bump on the back of her head. Indeed, she does have a bit of a knot back there. She was alert and oriented (4x) – if they still use that system – so we basically rolled right into breakfast, and the rest of the day flowed just fine. Even though it was a glorious day outside, we did not get out at all. She probably would have enjoyed sitting out on the front porch, alas it was not meant to be.
The other thing that happened this weekend is that on Saturday mom lost most of a tooth. It does not seems to bother her, and hopefully we can get in tomorrow to have it fixed. We had a visitor this evening for a bit whose mom is cranking out her rehab for her new knee, and mom was asked if she had all her original parts. Mom nodded in the affirmative, but then added that she does have a new aortic valve. Soon, we will be adding a tooth to the list as well.
Fri, Dec 24 (11:15pm) Festive Images + Mom’s New Foot Warmer
Mom dressed for the occasion and enjoying an evening at a friend’s house…
Here with mom and Tucker…
Mom really loved her new foot-warmer…instead of feeling cold and looking blue, her feet were toasty warm and emerged perfectly pink.
Thurs, Dec 23 (8:15pm) Two Gorgeous Days
Serious blue sky the last couple of days…
Today, mom and I hit up the gym, and she did very well with a serious balance routine. We spent about 25 minutes on footwork, high-steps, 4-directional stepping, and set up a challenging multi-level platform. Thereafter mom cranked out her 12 rises from a chair, and while our aim was to do a half-mile on the treadmill, mom pulled the plug at .4, and that is ok. All in all it was about an hour-long workout.
Yesterday, mom and I did some errands, and we did our walk (photo below) up to the mail kiosk and back. Mom got a touch fatigued at the end. I think it was because we did the walk before lunch – every so often we run into this issue. All in all mom is doing well.
Tue, Dec 21 (11:50pm) Wet, Soggy Day
It was a cold, wet, soggy day, and other than bake bread, do errands, visit the farmer’s market, and make a few phone calls, not a whole lot happened. It was not walking weather, and the gym was not a great enticement in the late afternoon.
Mon, Dec 20 (11:35pm) The Half-Miler
We got over to the gym in the late afternoon due to a whole lot of bread-making and other endeavors. At the gym we did three things. Mom and I started out in the back with our balance routine which mom did a good enough job with. Then she did her 12 rises from a chair with her 4lb ball – that was a total breeze for her…no problem at all. Then when we went over to the treadmill I told her we had to do .5 miles today. I had told her this before and we could never crack .4 miles. Often she would start out too fast and tire herself out. So today she started more slowly and then got up to 2 mph and kept it there. And sure enough, she easily cranked out her half mile. She actually did just over a half-mile and was not even tired. It took her 15 min 43 sec. So we reached a new standard today. Now, when she walks to the mail kiosk that is approximately .5 miles (have to measure it), but she is not going at the pace that she does on the treadmill. That’s beauty of the treadmill: it opens up her stride, and in exchange she is allowed to hold on (with her hands to enhance her balance).
Sun, Dec 19 (9:35am) Hat Trick
Well, for the third time in less than a week – Wed, Fri, & Sat to be exact – mom hauled up and back to the mail kiosk on her own. Yesterday, Sat Dec 18, she went late in the afternoon to get the mail with somewhat looming dark clouds in the sky. Undaunted, she valiantly made the trip up and back, making easy work of it. The hope actually was to get to the gum yesterday, but that just does not hold much appeal these days; she almost always prefers to walk outside instead. But the gym is where we are able to expand her skill-set and increase her stride etc. Today is quite wet outside, and the gym is closed so we will see what transpires….
Sat, Dec 18 (2pm) Wanted: Timekeeper
So yesterday, Fri 17 Dec, was a pretty casual day around the house, at least the morning. Then at 2pm mom had her alley meeting which lasted till around 3:30pm. And mom still had not had her exercise for the day. So I suggested she go up and get the mail by herself – and she took me up on the offer. Now, here I should say two things: (1) when she went to the mail kiosk by herself on Wed she made a pretty speedy trip out of it, and (2) mom had an evening chocked full of engagements, namely a 5p gathering next door and a 5:30pm dinner pick-up.
After a while I became curious about mom as she had been gone a while. I looked out the front door – no sign of her. Then I went out the garage and sure enough, she was way up on the horizon. I tried to take a photo of her and this is how it came out…nothing, unless you blow it up.
(Note: she was there to the naked eye as a blue dot, and when I pointed her out to our neighbor across the alley, she saw mom all the way up the street by herself and just shook her head and said, “Indomitable.”)
Only when I zoomed in could I get her in the frame.
At that point, I walked up to meet her and walk back with her. It was apparent that she was just moseying along, not walking with much vigor. She probably needed a bit of water, and she did have her best shoes on. That’s on me. Anyway, by the time we got back to the house it was 4:30pm. Then she needed 15 minutes to drink and rest. She started getting ready for the evening at 4:50pm. Anyone who knows mom knows that for her to get ready from head to toe for an evening out takes time. There was no way we would be able to hold up to our evening plans. With a little pushing, we were able to get to the neighbor’s get together at 5:25pm or so. Folks were glad to see mom. Basically, she went in, said hello, sat down on the couch, got up from the couch, and went out their garage to meet up with her ride for dinner, as car of four was already waiting out back for mom to come. It was a whirlwind rush – and a bit of a mess. Fortunately, everyone understood, and mom enjoyed her evening. But the point stands that we do need a new timekeeper for mom’s busy exercise routine and social calendar.
Thurs, Dec 16 (11:10pm) Run, Run, Run
When mom first got on the treadmill today she cranked it up to over 3 mph and tried running with it, and I immediately turned it down. She said she wanted to see if she could do it, but the main theorem it seems was to finish her workout as soon as possible….but I was impressed she could even get those first two running steps done. But…yikes…
We started out with a dynamic balance series – and we built a nice, big stepping module and did all kinds of multi-level variations with it. One of the trainers and his client were watching us from across the room and he said, “We could also make something like that.” Validation.
Mom cranked out 12 rises from the chair with her 4 lb ball. Then the aim was to do .5 on the treadmill, but mom did .4, and then stopped. As for pacing, she was all over the place, and that’s ok. In total, she was on the treadmill for just over 13 and a half minutes, which is a solid workout.
Wed, Dec 15 (6:10pm) Solo Trek to the Mail Kiosk
Nothing has gone as planned…but things have gone on well. Yesterday, (Tue, Dec 14), mom and I went out for a late afternoon / evening walk – I went out first and immediately got involved in hanging out with Tucker and some of the neighbors. Mom soon crossed the road and joined in, and everyone was so glad to see her!! Mom was invited inside as they had a holiday gift for her, and we all talked and chatted, and when all was said and done, we returned home and mom had done no more than a 1/4 of a block of walking, but she had been on her feet for a good while. So that was our outing for the day.
Today, mom and I were on slightly different schedules, and I had a conference call when she was in the mood to get up and go for a walk. So – for the first time ever!!! – she trekked up the mail kiosk all by herself, got the mail, and returned home (about 1/2 mile). And it all happened so naturally. She was 10,000% confident before she left, and I felt this was as good a time as ever to try it. After all, she had I have done numerous test runs, and her stamina is up to the mark, as is her balance. Not to mention, that she was in friendly territory so help would not be far off, and I had my number pulled up on her cell phone. So mom went out and returned quite swiftly, carrying all the mail with her. I think the toughest part was negotiating the front door with mail in her arms.
So this is a new milestone for her. It was just in late October that her walking on the sidewalk was still a bit shaky, and she couldn’t really make it back without the rollator. Indeed, it was just one month back, 14 Nov, that mom went for her first walk without us even taking the rollator (as a precautionary measure, and invariably she would use it towards the end). And now she has the confidence – and ability – to cruise around on her own!! It is rather remarkable that more than a year after the main heart surgery that we are seeing such dramatic progress. March on, march on….as they say….
Tue, Dec 14 (11:28am) Monday’s Workout
Yesterday was a gym day. We built our multi-layered balance platform a little higher this time, and mom became accustomed to it and triumphed. Basically, we start these workout with about 20 – 25 minutes of short warm-ups and balance endeavors. Then we do 12 rises from the chair with a 4lb ball. And then we head off to the treadmill. Mom started off like a rocket yesterday increasing it has high as 2.5 miles per hour, and I told her to pace herself as the aim was to get to .5 miles. She toned it down a touch and was making rapid progress. As she began to tire she dropped the pace to 1.4, and my hope is that we could bring that all the way to .5 miles, but mom shut it down at .36 miles. Mondays are like that, sometimes. We shall set our sights on .5 miles on Wednesday’s session.
Sun, Dec 12 (11:50pm) Weekend Uptick
Mom had a very solid weekend. Today we went out for a fine weekend stroll and basically circled that back half of the local park, i.e. Fearrington’s “Central Park”. There were some uphills and downhills, and mom navigated it all just fine. She is sturdy on her feet and nicely independent. One of these days we really have to “air it out” and see just how far mom can walk because she does not seem to tire out. She moves at her own pace, and every so often needs to catch her breath, but beyond that when she returns home she does not seem to be any more tired than when she left. In the evening, we had a wonderful visit with old family friends.
On Saturday, we did get over to the gym, and it was one of mom’s better sessions. We started out with about 20 minutes of fairly intense balance work. Then we went over to the chair where mom easily cranked our her twelve rises with a 4lb ball. Then it was over to the treadmill where mom basically did an 11 minute sprint. She got on the machine and set it to 2.2 miles per hour, and she held it there throughout. And in that 11 minute span mom walked .4 miles. It is not the distance that was impressive so much as she was able to maintain a fairly swift pace. And that is our main aim with the treadmill: to open mom’s stride and gain some speed.
Fri, Dec 10 (11:45pm) Two Great Days of Walking
So yesterday, Thurs Dec 9, mom braved the blustery weather and walked up to the mail kiosk. Initially, she went out without a hat, so I went back and got one for her. And mom toughed out the walk despite the chilly wind. Then today, which typically would have been a gym day, turned into a great walking outside day. It was distinctly warmer, and mom and I walked all the way to McIntyre’s book store in the village. Then mom did a bunch of browsing before she opted to have a seat on a low couch. I should add that during the walk we were under threat of rain, but that did not deter mom. While in the bookstore I asked her if she could make it back and she said, “Oh yeah.” So her confidence level is really high. She thinks she can go and walk anywhere. And indeed, we made it back without any issue. And mom had some really great spurts of walking, both up and back, where she was opening up her stride and moving swiftly and silently, as opposed to shorter, staccato steps where she is grinding the bottom of her shoe into the pavement. The combination of outdoor walking for endurance and stamina and using the treadmill to work on her stride and pacing is turning out to be a winning ticket for us.
Wed, Dec 8 (10:54pm) Very Successful Gym Day
In the morning, mom and I visited one of her good friends who recently returned home after a hospitalization and a stint at rehab.
After lunch and some other endeavors, we went to the gym. Mom did quite well in the balance segment demonstrating greater proficiency in navigating step-ups and descents, and the myriad of variations. We then went over to the treadmill where mom walked for .35 of a mile. Here it’s not the distance that was novel, though it was her longest go on the treadmill, it was her pacing and endurance. She kept the rate at 2.0 mph and displayed no overt fatigue, which was a wholesale change from the last time she was on the treadmill. Finally, we closed out by climbing up to the 2nd floor, doing a lap, and coming down. Most importantly, mom could recognize that she was doing better, and was confident about her progress.
Tue, Dec 7 (11:52pm) Brisk Walk
With the sun going down, I was wondering if we would get our walk in, but sure enough mom heard the suggestion about going for a walk and declared we should go get the mail. So off we went. It was a brisk evening, but mom held her own with it, even walking back in the dark. The day got off to nice start as mom (and I) met up with friends for lunch at the community college cooking school.
And yes, yesterday (Mon, Dec 6), mom and I did get to the gym: balance challenges and time on the treadmill (.3 miles).
Sun, Dec 5 (11:15pm) No Dog Knocking Me Over
There are lots of dogs around here – and dogs do dogs things. Nearly all are on a leash, and folks are quick to ensure their dogs do not jump up on mom when we are out walking. Today, there was a smaller (but by no means mini), stocky dog (not sure of the exact type) who was completely loose around his house, and he got one look at mom and excitedly rushed up to her. I was further up the blog and was helpless to intercede. And BAM – the dog jumped up towards mom’s mid-section and slobbered on her coat, but mom firmly held her ground. She did not even sway. She said she braced herself and was ready for impact. So that was a good sign.
Mom and I did our normal walk up to the mail kiosk and back – and then stopped at her good friend’s house for a short visit. All in all, a fine Sunday!!
Sat, Dec 4 (8:15pm) Low Energy, But Even Then…
Some days are just low energy, and while mom had a great morning going out to breakfast with friends, the afternoon was more of a lull. Combine that with the fact that she is not keen on going to the gym these days, it was a bit of a struggle. But with no complaints and trying hard, mom did her level-best with her workout. We started with some balance – and mom held her own ok. Next mom did her 12 rises from a chair. Then we went to the treadmill where mom cranked up the speed and began to tire so we slowed it down, and mom hung on strong to complete her quarter mile.
We seem to be done using the Nu-Step (which is a seated machine) and have moved on to the treadmill. This will be our main cardio workout for a while, and the good thing about it is that it challenges mom’s pace. When we go outside she walks as quickly or as slowly as she wishes, but with the treadmill she has got to keep pace. The trade-off is that she need not worry much about her balance on the treadmill as she can hold on.
Fri, Dec 3 (10:05pm) Stunning Day
We took mom’s BP this morning and she was perfect: 111 / 62 with a pulse of 72. Right on target!!
Mom hung around most of the morning taking breakfast and lunch, and then went out for the weekly alley meeting. That weather was just stupendous, and they got a great turnout of 12+ people. Mom really enjoyed it – and she was out there for about 90 minutes. I asked if she said anything, and she matter of factly told me that she had nothing to say. So she listened and soaked up the companionship. Thereafter, mom and I soaked up the rest of the 70+ degree sunshine by walking up to the mail kiosk. Actually, mom stopped just shy of it as her foot was bothering her.
Mom’s feet are fine medically, i.e. no shearing or other issues, but she still does have sensitivity and weird sensations on her right foot. She always thinks that the skin is coming off on the inside of the 2nd toe. But we check it everyday and it looks great. Clearly though there are nerve issues that are affecting her comfort and performance. Really not sure what to do about that other than to wait it out and see if it dissipates. There is no visible external irritation so let’s see where this goes.
Thurs, Dec 2 (11:40pm) Efficiency
Mom had a relatively short (45min) but highly productive session at the gym today. She did very well with her various balance initiatives – we had a challenging routine of 10 or 12 endeavors and mom rose to the occasion. Then we climbed the steps to the track and mom did 2.5 laps up there, and then we cam back down and mom went directly onto the treadmill and did a 1/4 mile, her longest yet on the treadmill. So it was a productive session – and a very fine day too!!
Wed, Dec 1 (11:55pm) Trail Walking
Since mom and I had already been by the mail kiosk after we had done some errands, we opted to head the other direction when we went out for our walk today. So we went down the street and did a little trail walking – first on small pebbles embedded in the ground and then on some large loose stones. Mom did a good job of navigating the terrain. She was careful and kept her balance nicely. The last half of the walk was along the streets and pavement. It was not an very long walk but we talked with folks here and there and when it was all said and done mom had been on her feet – walking and standing – for about 55 minutes. So it was a good outing.
Tue, Nov 30 (11:35pm) “What me worry??”
The phrase – “What me worry??” – was coined by Dad (as far as I know) and true to form the guy never worried. I cannot say the same. Today, I was on an editing conference call from 2:30p – 3:30p, and while that was going on, mom, side by side, was making her own afternoon plans. My intention was that we would walk up to the farmer’s market, but before I knew it she and her longtime close friend decided (i.e. hatched a plan) they would go visit their good friend at a rehab center, about 30 min (no traffic) to 55 minutes (with traffic) away , which they had never been to before. This was the first time mom had made any plans “without me”, and I did not want to say no. Her going spur of the moment was against my better judgement, and it kind of caught me off guard, and sure enough the plan went ahead and mom walked out to the car, and off they went. When it got dark I started getting concerned: the plan was not to drive at night; they were not responding to the cell phone; neither is in great position to help the other stay balanced; and, I (nor they) had any idea about the parking and access to the building etc. All it would take was one simple misstep. But sure enough by 6:45pm, mom announced her presence (while I was teaching my evening class), and came strolling in through the garage. The two road warriors had returned: mission accomplished.
Today was also garbage / recycling day, which we always attend to in a timely manner on Tuesday mornings after my Chair Yoga class, yet mom was keen to show me she had consolidated the trash from her side of the house, and decided to give a friendly reminder that it was a garbage pick-up and recycling day!! Here it is on video tape for all to view….
Sun, Nov 28 (9:55pm) Normal, Normal
Mom and I had quite the normal and non-unusual weekend. Even then there are a few things to note. We did head out to a local shop or two on Saturday, and mom browsed the store just fine on her own. I lost sight of her for a while and was just looking around, and when I met up with mom a few minutes later she was managing nicely, negotiating the narrow walk spaces and display racks. After shopping, mom and I snuck in a quick 45 minute workout at the gym before they shut down for the day. As per our norm these days, we began with a variety of balance maneuvers and then headed upstairs for a few quick laps, and then went downstairs for the treadmill. When mom gets on the treadmill she is quick to put it up to her speed of old (when she was training for her Patagonia trip) and add some incline, but it tires her quickly. In that past she would do that for 30 minutes or so, but now just goes a few minutes and wants off. I try to tell her to slow it down a touch and increase her duration, but we are just not there yet. All told, we are off it in a matter of minutes and do about a tenth of a mile. In all fairness, by the time we got on, mom had already been at the gym for a solid half-hour or more. But I think this machine will be useful for us as we aim to increase mom’s pace. We closed out the gym session with 12 rises from the chair with a 4lb ball.
Today, mom and I headed out for a walk. She made it 90% of the way to the mail kiosk; she was concerned about her foot as she did not like its color earlier in the day. So that was on her mind and creating a bit of a block for her. She did not have any pain, and the foot is sealed tight with no signs of infection, so I think all is well. The coloring of the foot changes radically in a 24 hr period depending on whether it is elevated or not. Sometimes it can look quite dark blueish etc, and other times it looks like new-born pink baby skin. Anyway, we watch it enough that I do not think anything is awry.
Fri, Nov 26 (11:30pm) What Curb
Mom braved the chill and wind and easily made it to the mail kiosk, and in fact wanted to keep going up to the village to get a hot chocolate. We ended up going back – but it is clear that mom’s stamina is improving. But the bigger change nowadays is her willingness and confidence to step up and down curbs. Up till fairly recently, approaching a curb was akin to a child going off the high dive for the first time – long contemplation. Now mom is ready to tackle any curb – keeping help at arm’s length, but I still hold the back of her jacket just in case. But she just powers through them. It seems that all our work of step-ups and multi-level balance endeavors at the gym is paying big dividends these days.
Thurs, Nov 25 (9:30pm) Happy Thanksgiving!!
Mom had a delightful Thanksgiving with her very dear friends – and she was equally delighted to have the day off from her grueling and punishing exercise routine!!
For my part, I was in charge of transport and baking the rolls…here are those rolls and the process of making them in reverse order. Oh, by the way, the concept for how to make the rolls was good, old-fashioned brainstorming, combined with building upon my trial session from Sun, Nov 21.
Wed, Nov 24 (11:30pm) Pre-Thanksgiving Workout
Mom made it to the gym today for a solid 65 – 70 minute workout that included: 20 – 25 minutes of intense balance training, 700 steps on Nu-Step level #6, 5.5 laps around the track, and 12 rises from the chair. Mom put in a good effort, and we are really focusing on her balance, and in some of the initiatives we are seeing very strong improvement.
Tue, Nov 23 (11:45pm) To the Farmer’s Market We Go
Mom and I trekked up to the farmer’s market, which is a little further than the mail kiosk, and the unique thing is that mom walked the entire market with me – walking on leaves, stones, and uneven ground – and then made it all the way back. Here the point is that she was on her feet the entire time, whereas when we go to the mail kiosk she sits in a chair where the mailboxes are. So mom really did well. Not only that, on the way back, I took a pitstop to drop off some veggies and beat up on Fitz, and mom just continued on home, opened the garage, and let herself in. And on the way up there also I did some stop-offs etc and mom just continued on her own. I should also add that mom easily made it back; it was not that she just barely made it home etc. She easily cleared the threshold. So really her walking has come a long, long way in these last two weeks.
Mom more than deserved the big piece of raisin-cranberry-walnut bread that she had this evening, fresh out of the oven!!
Mon, Nov 22 (11:45pm) Back ‘n the Gym
Mom and I did a solid one-hour workout in the gym. She did the first 20 minutes on a variety of balance initiatives, and mom is clearly showing continued improvement in this arena. Then we climbed the steps, did a speedy 1.5 laps around the track, and got on the Nu-Step where mom was back to her old self in terms of timing – she did 700 steps on level #6 in about 12 min. Next mom did another speedy 3 laps around the track – for 1/4/ mile total – and then descended the stairwell to the main floor. And the final thing we did was 12 rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball. Upon competing the workout, mom declared, “I’m getting stronger.”
Sun, Nov 21 (7:45pm) Weekend Wrap-Up
Mom went out for a solid afternoon walk today – and she stopped and talked with neighbors towards the end. All told she was on her feet for about 70 minutes, save for a short rest at the mail kiosk. At this point, mom is mostly secure on her feet, but you would not know it when she first gets up and gets going. She still reaches out with her hands as if she will fall over if she does not hold on to something. Really speaking though, her stability is pretty good (I rarely ever directly spot her unless we are practicing balance exercises or stepping up or down from a curb etc), and her endurance has come a long way and still seems to be improving.
Yesterday, mom had a number of engagements – a morning coffee get together at the neighbor’s house and in the afternoon we attended a memorial service – so we did not get to the gym or partake in a long walk. It was more a rest day with some social interaction.
Here below was our Saturday evening stir-fry / mash-up…
Also, for the upcoming holiday, I am in charge of transport and rolls. So this weekend I went into my baking laboratory and began experimenting on ways to create rolls. Mom gave my first go-round an A+++. She really enjoyed them so at this point I will just try and recreate that come Thursday. In the below batch, I just made four rolls as an experiment, and then used the rest of the dough for a half-loaf.
Fri, Nov 19 (3:30pm) New Plateaus
Somehow, just when I thought we were not making any further gains, mom magically upped her game a level. First off, yesterday (Thurs, 11/18), mom did very well in our balance segment and is becoming more comfortable and competent in the various one-legged stands, step-ups, and weight transfer exercises that we do. One woman who we see at the gym has recently taken a liking to watching mom and I do our balance routine and expressed, “I should sign-up with you – you work her out hard!” We invited her to join in, but she watched from the side and practiced on her own. So, anyway, yesterday’s balance practice was one piece of evidence of mom stepping up her game.
The second thing is that now we are easily able to get up to the mail kiosk and back. Mom is faster, better balanced, more independent – we can get up there and back in a reasonable number of minutes, whereas as recently as last week it was a bit of an epic undertaking. And finally, when we got back from our walk this afternoon, mom grabbed the broom and swept the whole front walk. And that was great to see, and clear evidence of her improvement.
Mom and I never train for any particular task, our aim is to recoup and enhance her abilities in a more general manner through our workout routine, and then when she feels up to it she naturally gravitates to new things she feels she can handle. And a perfect example of this is her sweeping the walkway. We never practiced doing this, just today she felt it was something she could manage and she just did it. And that seems to be a very workable strategy for her continued recovery. As she regains her balance, strength, and stamina she will take on more and more endeavors.
Wed, Nov 17 (11:50pm) Plenty in the Tank
Today, mom walked up to the mail kiosk and back – without the rollator (again). So this is now her norm. She now knows she has plenty in the tank to make it back to the house, almost no matter where we are in the neighborhood, which gives her a great sense of confidence and freedom. Mom walked in the afternoon and spent the middle part of the day out to lunch with her friends from the literacy council. Their favorite spot is the local community college where you can get lunch cooked by their culinary school students. It was 70 degrees and just a wonderful day to sit outside on their lovely campus.
Yesterday, mom and I were busier with life appointments etc so we took a shorter walk, but while on the walk mom and I got into a lengthy discussion with a friend who was driving by. So mom was forced to stand on her feet for quite a while, and she did well with it. And that’s right, we did not go to the gym yesterday or today, but so long as mom puts in solid walks outside that is ok. That said we are going to the gym tomorrow – regardless!! Oh, now the only thing the rollator is used for is doubling as a laundry cart!! All photos below…
Mon, Nov 15 (11:25pm) New Gym Routine
The workout today began with balance, primarily working on standing on multiple levels and one-footed stances. Mom did well with this and we went about 20 minutes. Then we climbed the steps to the second floor, and mom walked as fast as she could for 1.5 laps, and then got on the Nu-Step. Mom was feeling pretty low energy on the machine but she got her wind with it and did her full 700+ steps on level #6. Then we half-circled the track and went back down to the main floor, and mom closed out with a dozen rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball. And then we left. It was about a 55 minute workout or so. The main thing we did not do was circle the track – no more laps, for the time being. Mom will crank out multiple long walks a week outside. So we shall see how that goes.
Oh and this morning we took mom’s vitals for the first time in a while. Her BP was 109 / 69; and, her pulse was 76. And that is with no medicine!!
Sun, Nov 14 (11:25pm) A Hearty Walk…Rollator-Free!!
On this beautiful yet brisk Sunday, mom and I went for a fairly lengthy afternoon walk. And for the first time, we did not even bring the rollator as a support vehicle!! It just stayed behind…
And mom did very well on the walk, we looped in and around the neighborhood and easily went up as far as the mail kiosk, considering all the twists and turns we made. Basically, we were chasing the sunshine!! And I really think that mom’s balance is getting better, and her strength as well. She also commented on this. Now, her pace is still a bit on the slower side, and sometimes she grinds her feet into the ground as she goes, but she does seem more stable and assure of herself. I rarely walk side by side with her. And at the end of the walk, I called out to and veered off to visit and hang out with Fitz (big Panda dog – see 10/15 entry) who eagerly joined me in his outdoor playpen, and mom just cruised on past and sailed on home, and I watched from afar as she entered the garage code and got herself back into the house. So it was good that even after a lengthy walk she felt quite confident to do that final portion (2 – 3 houses) by herself…
The prior bread we had gifted to the neighbors, and mom wanted one for the homefront so here it is. Mom had a big warm piece when she got back from her walk!!!
Sat, Nov 13 (11:44pm)
Mom spent the latter part of the morning enjoying a coffee get-together with friends at our next door neighbor’s house. With the cooler weather, and outdoor coffee no longer a greater option, this has become the new Saturday morning routine. Mom came home for a while and then we went to get mom lunch in the village, which was followed by a short walk around our neighborhood. Mom’s foot was tender so we did not walk far, but it does seem that mom’s walking has improved – better balance and confidence. As we passed through the gazebo and woman came out and motioned to us and said she had a photo of us from the Halloween party – and lo’ & behold, here it is:
Fri, Nov 12 (11:19pm) – Up & Back!!
Today, mom walked unassisted up to the mail kiosk and all the way back – she made it!! And the best part is that she never looked or felt particularly fatigued. So that was a big win. For one thing, it shows that she is still on the up and up and has not topped out in her recovery, and it also tells us that she should continue to be challenged. When she got back, she entered directly into the alley meeting that was just getting underway. So mom really had a great afternoon. Here is a shot from today’s walk – at approximately 1:40pm
Here below is a raisin-walnut bread with cranberries too that we baked for our neighbors…
Yesterday, Thurs (11/11), we did not get a blog entry in. However, we did get to the gym, and mom worked through it and did do her ten laps, but only 500 steps on Nu-Step #6, and then we did 12 rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball, followed by a productive yet shortened balance routine. It seems that mom just does not get “up” for going to the gym anymore. She is not very keen to go, and we cannot get through the full routine. She is more interested in walking outside (which is very good and certainly practical), but the problem is we are heading into winter, and we will need to use the gym. In the past, going to the gym meant a serious change in mom’s mind and she was ready to workout. But that is much less so these days – as we seem to do far better outside, which also has its benefits. Here below is yesterday’s early evening Caroline sunset sky.
Wed, Nov 10 (10:08pm) – Too Nice to Be Inside
The weather was just too ideal to go and workout indoors today so mom and I walked outside. Mom made it all the way to the mail kiosk without any assistance whatsoever, and then made it almost all the way. She only used the rollator for the final block and a half or so. It was actually looking bleak as she was getting tired when we were only halfway there, but she took a standing rest and slowly regained her stamina and then was moving along very well. She was cruising home just fine and I thought she was going to make it all the way back as well. Most importantly, mom really enjoyed the outing, saw some friends along with way, and came back and sat on the front porch to further soak up the great weather. Of course, while we were on the front porch then Tucker could not resist coming over and visiting for a bit.
Tue, Nov 9 (11:57pm) – Great Day
Gym or no gym, mom’s days pass quite smoothly. For instance, we went to the gym today and it was a bit of a dud. She did her nine laps well enough (she thought she did ten), but got tired after seven, yet persevered on for two more. Then she got on the Nu-Step and did about a third of what she normally does. The energy just was not there – and that happens to the best of us, even pro-athletes. At that point, mom and I ditched the gym and drove up to the mailroom, got our mail, parked the car, and went for a short walk in the park, which mom really enjoyed. So even though it was not a good gym day, it was still a great day.
Another part of the day consisted of getting this out of the oven (a multi-grain sourdough bread made of 5 types of flour) before going to the gym.
Mom also enjoyed this east-west, very fresh, farmer’s market (mostly) dinner.
Tue, Nov 9 (11:22am) – Haircut
The big event yesterday (Monday) was mom’s haircut. Her old hairdresser retired, but another woman in the same establishment has taken up the task and did a great job with it! So mom is looking really good these days!!
We did get to the gym yesterday, and mom did her 10 laps, 700 steps on Nu-Step level #6, 12 rises from a chair, and a moderate amount of balance work. It was a solid 60 – 65 minute workout. And now we are off to the gym shortly for today’s session…
Sun, Nov 7 (11:20pm) – Neighbor’s Remarkable Rebound
Mom had a casual Sunday with lots of reading along with an extended visit with her very good friend. So she had an enjoyable day, with plenty of sourdough bread!
The tale I will tell is that of our neighbor who is approximately 81 or so. In early 2020, she got one knee replaced, and then she got another one done in Oct 21, and now just three weeks later, she is just doing so well. The key point is that she went into it with full confidence and totally ready to handle it. So from day one after the surgery, she has been in full attack mode, ready to just crush it. And she has succeeded. All day long she is very assertive in stimulating, moving, exercising, and engaging that knee / leg. And the results have been quite stunning. So great to see!!
Sat, Nov 6 (11:55pm) – Saturgym & Saturdough
Mom had gathering with friends the past two days – alley meeting on Friday and extended coffee get together this morning. The change in the alley meeting time threw our schedule for a loop, even though we were aware of the new meeting time so we did not get to the gym yesterday. So we were focused on getting in our gym workout today. I had some work to do so I did not walk the laps with mom as I normally do (right behind her). Instead, I sat on the side with my laptop and counted her laps. Everyone was very surprised I was not trailing her, but really mom is now perfectly safe at the gym. When we first started going she really did need a spotter, but no longer. So that was good to see. And thereafter mom did her 700 steps on Nu-Step, 12 rises from a chair with a 4lb ball, and we continued our multi-level balance endeavors in the yoga studio. Mom is always hesitant at the beginning but then gains her confidence.
Note: The below sourdough looks good and tastes good, but it was a bit on the dense side as I am still figuring out how to use the starter. Fortunately, my teacher comes on over to examine my work and give tips for next time.
Thurs, Nov 4 (11:40pm) – Ten is Our Norm
We did not get to the gym until the late afternoon, but we got there. And mom cranked out her ten laps; she has it in mind again that that is the number to reach. It is a solid half-mile, perhaps a full kilometer. She also did her 700 steps on Nu-Step level #6, and her 12 rises from a chair (2nd day in row since we bumped it up from 10). Then we went in the back studio where we focused almost exclusively on step-up. Basically we build a 3 -tiered platform, and mom practices having her feet on two different levels and works on seamlessly stepping up and down the other side. At the beginning there is a fair bit of hesitancy, but she improves as she goes with it, and it becomes more fluid.
Wed, Nov 3 (11:20pm) – Time Crunch Gym Time
Another busy scheduling day but we were sure to include our gym time. And while we could not be there for as along as we would have liked, we did take advantage of the time we had. Mom did ten laps around the track at a pretty good clip, then she did 747 steps on the Nu-Step level #6, and then she did 12 rises from a chair holding on to a 4 lb ball. All in all, a fairly efficient routine. Hope to get more in tomorrow.
Tue, Nov 2 (11:25pm) – Not Our Time
Mom and I went to our local voting place today only to find out that mom does not vote until Feb for the county seats. Not voting though wasn’t the tragedy; the tragedy is that our trip to the polls canceled out our gym routine. It was a bit of a busy day so we could not squeeze in the gym later on. While at the voting place, I tried to get mom to go for a walk, as it was a very quiet, serene place and the weather was just fine. But mom was not too keen on walking around there.
I did get up to our local farmer’s market…and picked up some microgreens (broccoli and pea greens) which are featured in the small, clear, glass bowl (below), and that was accompanied by homemade olive bread, and potato – pepper (3 kinds) – kale stir fry.
Mon, Nov 1 (9:25pm) – Back to TEN
Back in the saddle at the gym, and at some point before going I told mom we need to get back to doing ten laps at the gym. And sure enough, that is exactly what we did today. It was not her speediest go at it, but she did do it without needing to sit down; she just took a few standing rests. Then she was straight onto the Nu-Step where she did her 700 steps on level #6. Here again, she wasn’t speedy, but at least she did it. But given the layoff that we’ve had – and recovery – this is all a good sign. The rest of the workout consisted of her ten rises from the chair with a 4 lb ball, and then we did a few balance initiatives in the yoga studio. I think our entire workout took 50 – 55 minutes. And that is something I have been trying to be more conscious about – the duration of mom’s workouts. The rest of the day was spent taking care of our usual types of affairs.
Sun, Oct 31 (11:35pm) – Happy Halloween!!
Well, mom had a pretty relaxing Sunday – one which I think she was pretty happy with. The big event was going across the alley to the big Halloween gala hosted by one of mom’s dear neighbors. We went with zucchini bread in hand and passed a wonderful 2-hours chatting and visiting with everyone. There was also quite the spread so that took care of mom’s dinner as well. Mom really enjoyed the party. She did not stand, mix, and mingle, which I would have liked her to try and do. Instead, she found a comfortable chair and remained there pretty much the entire time. Folks came over to say hello, and some good friends came and visited with us for much of the time. All in all, it was a great evening, and mom really felt good about going and seeing everyone.
Sat, Oct 30 (11:35pm) – Coffee Break
Yours truly completely forgot about the gym today until it was too late, as they close early on Saturdays. It was a brisk day and mom went out for an outdoor coffee session with friends in the late morning, and that was the main event of the day. After that it turned into a relatively quiet day around the house….
Fri, Oct 29 (3:55pm) – Two-Day Report
Just got back from this walk with mom (video below) to the mail kiosk. As has been the norm, mom walked all the way there completely unassisted. The mail kiosk is now firmly within her range. She may not be very speedy, but she is steady and basically safe. I do not hover around her. And she walked 70% of the way home without the rollator. And when she did use it, it was not a full-blown necessity, but just a simple point of ease. In total, the walk took about 65 minutes and served as a replacement for our daily gym regimen.
Wed, Oct 27 (6:15pm) – Setting A Brisk Pace
When mom and I arrived at the gym today she pointed to the treadmill and wanted to go on that, but free walking is a much more dynamic experience for her as it incorporates balance, whereas with the tread mill you can hold on. So we went upstairs to the track, and mom got right after it. She set a brisk pace and did not let up. In total, she did 9 laps – so we are inching back up to where we used to be. And it looked like she could have done a few more; it is not that she was totally wiped out. But she felt she had done enough so we moved on. The rest went as follows: 700+ steps of level #6 of Nu-Step, 10 rises from a chair with 4lb ball, full core workout, and solid balance work in the yoga studio. A fine gym outing.
One thing we did do differently was we went before lunch, as mom was expecting company later. And that seemed to work quite well so we will aim to do that going forward.
Driving…driving….this word comes up repeatedly now. But she has yet to get behind the wheel.
Tue, Oct 26 (11:30pm) – Dental Report Card: A+
Mom had a dental appointment today and the hygienist was “speechless” and “beyond amazed” by the overall care and condition of mom’s teeth and gums. So that was a big plus point for the day!! Because of our early afternoon dental appointment and late afternoon farmer’s market run, we were overbooked and did not get to the gym today. We’ll just call it an earned day off.
We did have a great dinner of a grand array of salad greens and salad fixins, along with fresh beans (can’t recall the exact name, but no butter beans or black-eyed peas). They were a fresh, brown bean – and they were excellent.
Then we dug into our cinnamon, double-raisin, double-walnut bread. It is great – the stuff is like CAKE!!! Mom really enjoyed it!!!
Tue, Oct 26 (8:30am) – Strong Start to the Week
Mom’s Monday workout was a good one. She did eight laps around the track at a fairly brisk pace with few (if any) standing rests. So we are getting back to where we were. She did 700 steps on Nu-Step level #6, easily manage her 10 rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball, and did well with her abs. The balance series is the most dynamic as it changes quite a bit. Lately, we have been working more on mom’s step-ups, i.e. having feet on different levels and stepping up to the next level without the help of any bannister. The gym has this great collection of modules where you can build your steps as you wish – we usually go 2 or 3 levels. Mom is often hesitant to begin, as she was yesterday, but after we do a few rounds she is much more assertive and confident with it. So all in all a very positive outing at the gym. All else is well on the home front. Nothing particularly new to report.
Mon, Oct 25 (11am) – Awning Day
Yesterday, Sunday, was a delightful awning day. The weather was great, and the awning offered the perfect shady spot – especially since we had family visiting from out of town. Beyond that mom went for a walk and did typical mom Sunday stuff. A casual day. Today, we will be back at the grind, getting over the to gym in the afternoon.
Sat, Oct 23 (11:30pm) – Ain’t No Fluke
Today (again) mom walked all the way to the mail kiosk without any support whatsoever – no rollator, no human help. And she did it quite easily. It may not have been fast, but it was steady and she was not totally sapped of energy when she got there. The proof is that she walked half-way back before using the rollator for a short stretch, and then again walking freely home. And her foot was comfortable, and it looked perfect this evening.
Here below is the olive bread that we baked today!! It was a big hit….
Sat, Oct 23 (2pm) – Yesterday’s Gym Routine – II + Visit
Mom had a solid session at the gym yesterday (Friday). She did seven laps around the track, 717 steps on the Nu-Step at level #6, and best of all she did her rises from the chair with her 4 lb ball as if it was just a breeze. She also did well – and improved a lot – in the various step-ups that we did. So it was a positive session, and mom did not experience much (or any) discomfort in her foot.
And all else is well – mom has been holding her own around the house, and she had a great time at the alley meeting yesterday. And today mom has been enjoying a visit with her eldest nephew who cam down for a visit.
Fri, Oct 22 (11:55am) – Yesterday’s Gym Routine
We did indeed make it over to the gym yesterday (Thurs), and mom walked six laps around the track, did a short spell on the treadmill, tried a new balance / massager machine, did her 10 rises from a chair, and then we went in the back for our balance routine. It was not our longest workout, but as mom says, “I felt it.” So it was enough, and it helped keep life active and engaging.
Thurs, Oct 21 (11:48am) – Look Who’s Back
Tucker came over – by himself(!?!), even crossing the road(!!) – today for a morning visit!!
Wed, Oct 20 (11:45pm) – Unassisted!!
Here is our 2-day report. Today, we did not go to the gym, but instead opted to take a walk up to the mailroom – and, get this, mom walked all the way up there completely unassisted, no rollator nor any hand-holding or human support in any way. That was really great. Mom sat in the chair at the mailroom for a short bit, and then she made it more than halfway back home without any support. Finally, in the heat of the sun, mom used her rollator for a short spell, and then completed the final section back home on her own power. It was really very well done!!
And, shortly after returning back, our wonderful neighbors – who’d been away since May – came over for a visit and we all sat on the front porch for a good while – so we got to visit with Tucker, for those of you who remember Tucker’s memorable visits from the spring. So it was a really fine day.
Not only that, mom and I were able to enjoy this scumptuous, home-baked bread that we made:
Yesterday, mom also had a good go at it. We went to the gym and while her numbers were not all-time high, we were clearly on the rebound from our hiatus. Mom did 6 swift laps around the track and 700 hundred steps on the Nu-Step at level #6. Then we did he rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball, core work, and some balance in the yoga studio.
Mon, Oct 18 (11:50pm) – Lookin’ Good
Mom had a solid outing at the gym today. She started out with 7 laps around the track – no breaks and at a pretty good clip. Then she did 700 steps on NU-Step #6, followed by 10 rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball, followed by a modest round of balance poses / exercises. The main thing is that mom looked more fluid than she has in a while, and seemed to have more gas in the tank. While mom was favoring her right leg a touch, it was very slight; only because I was looking for it carefully could I notice it. Let’s see what tomorrow brings.
Mon, Oct 18 (5:30am) – Weird Dream-Like Night
So yesterday (Sunday) was essentially a home-rest day that went smoothly, which gives me opportunity to recount what happened to us on Friday night.
I went to sleep that night (Fri) at 2am and at about 3:37am mom enters my room and wakes me up. Just to be clear, this NEVER happens. And she starts telling me how someone had come to the door and she had thought it was me, as I often run at night and she thought I had gotten locked out of the house. Then she explained how there was an armored truck with lights out front and a woman with long hair had approached her and called the fire department – and that they were on the way. Mom said that the woman saw the red button around mom’s neck and said mom must has pushed it accidentally. But the reality is that that red button only rings a bell inside the house; it does not alert emergency services. Mom has that system, but has not been wearing those alerts since I have been in the house. So from A to Z nothing really added up. Mom and I went to the front door and the night looked as still and as calm as ever. I told mom it was a dream, and that she should go back to bed. She insisted that it was not a dream and that she had talked to a woman. I did not argue, and we all went back to bed. And I was thinking two things: this was reminiscent of the hallucinations she had had in the ICU a year ago, and that if this is what we are going to be dealing with now, then that opens up a whole new set of concerns. With that idea in mind I feel asleep.
When I got up a few hours later and I checked my messages and sure enough there was a call from Life Alert (or whatever the company is) saying that they had gotten an alert and tried to call us. When no one answered, they called the local paramedics to our house. So mom was right!!! She did talk to a woman in the middle of the night, and there was an armored car (paramedic truck) out front. And the woman had called the fire department, but cancelled the call when finally mom appeared at the door.
The amazing thing is that somehow mom heard the woman knocking. Because at night without her hearing aids mom is nearly dead to the world. So that woman must have really been banging on the door!! Why she did not use the doorbell is beyond me. But she called the fire department because mom has that special outdoor key system wherein the fire department can enter without breaking down the door. So that was all quite bizarre how mom heard her and why she did not ring the doorbell, which I certainly would have heard. Note: mom’s bedroom is right by the front door and where I sleep is all the way on the back side of the house.
And the mysterious part is how the Life Alert system got activated. Mom has one necklace that has been draped over a lamp since I have been in the house, and she has a table top unit that is near her bed, but it is not that close. And mom assured me that she did not touch either of them. I asked if she was going to the bathroom and trying to get the lamp on etc, and she said no. So who the heck knows what happened. I will call them later today and find out. Either their system gave their operator a false alert, or we alerted them somehow. Hopefully, they can track it in some way as I am very curious.
Alas, after all the drama, I was glad to know that mom had all the facts right!!! Mom and I had a good time laughing about it the next morning….
Sun, Oct 17 (9:30am) – Weekend Tales
Yesterday, mom and I did not get to the gym, but we did walk up to the post box and back. Actually, mom really appreciated getting outside which we really have not been doing a lot of lately. Yes, she sits outside fairly regularly, but she has not walked outside for a while partly because we’ve been backing off of walking of late to allow her foot to heal and we’ve been at the gym trying to get that routine jumpstarted. Mom used the rollator for about 60% of the time, and walked freely the remaining portion. We saw a variety of people along the way and stopped to talk on occasion. By and large mom made good time as we were trying to push the pace a bit. At the end of the day, mom’s foot looked stellar. There really is no visible wound, she just suffers from that tightness on the underside the foot beneath the toes. And that is what we hope to address this week with the medical team.
On the baking side of life I am my first loaf solo this weekend. And while there are refinements to be made no doubt, it is a very hearty loaf and tastes really good. The main thing is that mom likes and enjoys it. And she can really put it away!! So we will be making fresh bread regularly!!!
Fri, Oct 15 (11:45pm) – Meet Fitz (Our Resident Panda)
As mom and I got back from the gym, the Friday alley meeting was just about to get underway – perfect timing!! Our dear friend Fitz (shown below in black and white) was also at the meeting…Fitz lives just a few houses away from us.
At the gym, mom did her best, but her foot is just acting up on her. In her words, the underside of her foot feels “tight”, I think as if something is pulling on it. She clearly favors it as she walks. Naturally, that impedes the wonderful progress we were making just a few weeks back. Today, mom did four laps around the track upon arrival. Then she did 15 minutes on Nu-Step #5, followed by another single lap around the track. Then we did stand-ups from the chair, and literally one balance endeavor. We we were going to do more balance in the yoga studio but they were still doing HVAC work on it. Mom’s numbers are not up to where they could or should be due to her foot discomfort. At this point, maybe we need to get back into the wound care clinic, even though mom has no visible wound issues at the moment.
Thurs, Oct 14 (11:50pm) – Vast Improvement
Mom and I had a picnic lunch at the community college grounds in Pittsboro, and then we went to the gym. And mom did much, much better. She climbed the stairs and did 5 laps to get going. Then she went on the Nu-Step machine level #6 for 14 minutes to reach 700 steps, and then mom did two more laps. Thereafter she did he rises from a chair with her 4 lb ball, and we did core work by sitting on a big ball and doing twists. Finally, we did some core work to close out. They were doing HVAC work in the yoga studio so that was closed off to us, so we did not do balance today. But by that point mom had been working our for 70 minutes and we felt that was sufficient. Her foot is still tight under the ball and across the foot at that height, but there is no indication of any medical issue. So we still need to get to the root of that discomfort. The wound that caused this whole downturn seems to be fully healed. So hopefully we are on the strong rebound!!
Wed, Oct 13 (8:10pm) – Starting Over
We actually did not get to the gym yesterday (Tuesday) as mom has been having some tightness and discomfort with her foot. The wound that initially kept us down and out is all healed now, but she is experiencing something on the underside of the foot wherein she does not like to weight-bear on that right foot. There is no swelling, redness, or sign of infection etc. It is a bit of a mystery, but it is clearly bothering her.
We did get to the gym today, and to put it bluntly, mom is a shadow of her former self of 2 weeks ago. I think we can build back up, but we have definitely been set back. It is hard to believe it is all due to having to have taken 8 – 10 days off from the gym due to the wound care. I think the discomfort in the foot is also to blame. But between the two, mom is clearly at a loss. Today we started with laps and did only two to start, and then mom went on the Nu-Step machine for 12 minutes or so. Then we did two more laps, but had to rest between the them. In total, mom did four laps, about one-third of what we were doing before. We did do her ten rises from a chair (with a 4 lb weight), and then sat on a ball for a while holding her 4 lb weight. Thereafter, we did just a little bit of balance in the yoga room. She was clearly fatigued, tired, and lacking her previous gusto.
It was a start, but clearly we have a ways to go. The most concerning aspect is the pain / tenderness that she is experiencing on the underside of her foot. Hopefully, it will go away as mysteriously as it arrived. We will probably get a note out to the wound care folks, but without photographic evidence there is not much they can do or say other than come on in. Anyway, maybe they can shed light on what is going on.
All that aside, mom was very active in the house yesterday stripping her bed, doing loads of laundry, and getting it all folded and put away. She did all that completely independently. Wearing shoes in the house seems to help address her foot pain.
Tue, Oct 12 (12:10pm) – “You Are My Hero”
Yesterday (Monday), we did make it back to the gym after our week-long hiatus due to the slight opening on mom’s toe. Now that is basically full healed. We did take precautions at the gym yesterday and did not do any distance walking. Instead, mom did 25 minutes of level #5 on Nu-Step, and then she did 15 rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball. And then we did a full core workout, including sitting on a big ball and holding a weighted ball for some core twists. In all, mom did a full hour in the gym. So that was a good first day back, got the blood pumping, and she did not feel strained or over-exerted etc.
After doing her rises from a chair, a much younger woman who had been working out with one of the trainers came over to mom to say, “You are my hero!” And she was encouraging mom and pumping her up. Mom had no idea who the person was; the person was only watching mom for a minute or so, but this type of thing happens all the time with her. Yet when I look around the gym, I do not see folks doing this to other people. But with mom, it is a regular occurrence. Not sure why – maybe it was because she was the only one in the gym wearing corduroys!!!
Anyway, we’ll take it, and mom and I are heading off to the gym shortly….
Sun, Oct 10 (11:55pm) – Ready to Start Anew
After a quiet week, mom’s foot is 99% healed, and it looks like she is ready to go. That’s not to say we are going to go to the races around the track, rather we’ll tailor her workout accordingly and do much less walking and more seated and supine endeavors. We are looking forward to going to the gym tomorrow.
The last few days mom has been talking about going to DMV and taking a road test. So we have to see how to navigate that. At the very least we shall call DMV and investigate safe ways to have her driving skills tested. Let’s see.
Here is a butternut squash and brown rice dish that we made over the weekend.
The main event this weekend was that out house was turned into a bread-baking institution. The woman who gifted us the bread (see Thurs Oct 7 entry) with the smiling sun on it came over at intervals throughout the weekend to pass on her exquisite baking skills. I can’t say we have come close to mastering anything yet – heck we haven’t even baked a loaf. But we take play a small role and get step by step guidelines as the below loaf was prepared in our kitchen. And now the ball is firmly in our hands to carry it forward.
Sat, Oct 9 (11:10am) – Not Our Week
Well, despite our best intentions, we did not get to the gym yesterday (to do core and machine work, not walking). We had it planned, and then something went awry and it could not come to pass. So we missed the gym this week. On the other hand, mom’s foot is nearly healed. So perhaps by Monday or Tuesday we are back in the saddle.
All else is basically well, though. Mom went to the alley meeting and is in her usual good spirits. She has been thinking more and more about her future living situation. And that is something we will certainly have to address. While she does take care of most of her own needs inside the house, there are too many things (minor and major) that could easily crop up for mom to live fully independently. So we will just have to see. I do not feel her recovery is complete; I think her walking and balance will continue to improve as we get opportunity to practice and train.
Thurs, Oct 7 (10:25pm) – Wound Care Review
So we sent photos of mom’s foot to the wound care specialist yesterday (Wed) morning and that evening we got the reply that mom should avoid extensive walking for about a week. So we have been gym-free now since last Friday. Over the weekend we were dealing with the after-effects of the booster shop, and Monday morning we noticed the slight opening on mom’s “toe”. So we are just monitoring it on a daily basis. The good news is that the wound care specialist confirmed our view that (by the photo) she did not think that it looked infected. She did give mom permission to engage in all kinds of daily living pursuits so mom is not on bed rest. We just can’t go on extended walks. At first, I was thinking that we just should not go to the gym at all, and now I am thinking that we should start going tomorrow and do core work, Nu-Step, and rises from a chair – and maybe try a new machine as well. I think if we avoid extended walking and our balance regime we will be ok. So we will put that on our agenda for tomorrow and see how it goes.
Just looked at the opening on her toe, and it seems to be shrinking so that is good news.
Mom had a huge laundry operation going on the other day, and I missed out on many good photos, and had to settle for this parting shot of her cruising by with her rollator loaded up with clean clothes and linens.
Also, check out the incredible homemade sourdough bread that was gifted to us by mom’s wonderful neighbor and friend who doubles as a professional bread-maker.
Tue, Oct 5 (10:40pm) – Retired Driver
The main thing we did today was head over to UNC’s Rehab Center where we met with the occupational therapist for an assessment of mom’s ability to drive. It was an extensive series of exercises that tested mom’s cognitive status as well as her driving skills. Mom performed very admirably throughout and really gave it her all, but in the end their recommendation was that she retire from driving. They were extremely clear about that – and they formally passed on that conclusion to her doctor. The department of motor vehicles has nothing to do with this. So, although mom still has a valid driver’s license, in a very calm and composed manner mom fully accepted the therapist’s assessment. In her mind it is clear: she will not drive again.
That said, mom shined brightly throughout the 90-minute assessment conducted by the occupational therapist and observed by a medical resident. They appreciated mom’s kindness and overall demeanor, and there were a lot of smiles and some laughs. At one point, mom had 60 seconds to say as many words as she could that began with the letter “f”, but was not allowed to use names or proper nouns. Anyway, one of mom’s terms was funicular. They were duly impressed and noted that no one had ever given that response before.
The assessment was challenging and thorough. They feel they have a body of evidence that offers a direct correlation between one’s level of success on those cognitive tests with one’s mental aptitude to pilot a motor vehicle. Some of the tests mom did very well on, while others presented some difficulty. Thereafter, mom went on the driving simulator. There were a number of different skills for which mom had to demonstrate proficiency. Without getting too much into it, here is mom doing the country road portion of the exam. She was supposed to hit the red button on the right or left of the dashboard whenever a red flag appeared on the right or left side of the screen.
Mom returned home in good spirits, and we talked about how her driving has no bearing on whether she can stay in her house. She is safe at home, and there are numerous avenues to fill the gap of her non-driving. So mom was feeling assured, and she did not agonize at all over their assessment. She took it in stride and is very ready to move forward with her life.
Note: Today we did not go to the gym as her small wound on her third toe has not yet healed.
Mon, Oct 4 (11:20pm) – Precautionary Tale
When I first saw mom this morning she told me her foot was an issue, and we checked and she had a pinhole opening at the end of the middle “toe” of the right foot, and there was just a touch of blood. To stay on the safe side, mom and I took this as a rest day. So there was no gym workout, and we did not leave the house. Mom was fine with that as she took care of all kinds of affairs in the morning before settling into her chair for the late afternoon and evening.
When I looked at the foot before she went to sleep it seemed that it had healed. Hopefully in the morning it is all fine.
Mon, Oct 4 (7:45am) – Back on Track
With a solid day of eating and drinking behind us, along with proper rest, we seem to be back on track and are looking forward to getting our workout going today at the gym, as well as whatever else the day brings!!
Tomorrow we have our off-road driving simulation assessment with the occupational therapy department of UNC. That will bring a whole new chapter. Stay tuned…
Sun, Oct 3 (3:25pm) – Officially Out of the Woods
Mom has had breakfast and lunch today; she has been up and about all day. She spent time reading on the porch, got a load of laundry going, and began calling people. So the wallop she took from that booster shot is officially in our rear-view mirror!!
Sun, Oct 3 (8:10am) – Fine & Well
After basically sleeping for the last 32 + hours, mom woke up today feeling wonderfully. Apparently, she got up in the middle of the night at 2:34am totally parched and walked to the kitchen to get some seltzer (note: A and I had debated whether to wake her up at midnight to give her some fluids), and then she slept till about 7:30am this morning. She has now showered, and will come down for breakfast (break-fast) after having not eaten since Friday evening. As fate would have it, yesterday was also a yogic fasting day, so we will both break fast together. The long and short of it seems to be that mom is fine.
Sat, Oct 2 (11:15pm) – Depleted and Slept All Day
Except for a few short respites of a handful of minutes, mom has slept the entire day. Literally, from 7:30am to 11:15pm mom has been in bed sleeping. She has not eaten anything all day, and has only had about 2 glasses of water. But the last two times she was awake, she was definitely feeling better. Then, shortly thereafter, she went back to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow she will be through this…
Sat, Oct 2 (3:35pm) – Bed Rest, But Much Better
Mom is still under the covers, but I can see she is feeling much, much better. She has been drinking, but still has not eaten anything. But her whole appearance and expression is much more normal now. The worst of the side-effects from the booster shot seem to be behind her.
Sat, Oct 2 (12:25pm) – Bed Rest: Booster Shot Side-Effects
Mom got her Pfizer booster shot yesterday (Friday) evening and felt fine all night and into the early morning. She woke up showered, and then went back to bed. Basically for the last 5 hours or so she has been experiencing weakness, chills, and nausea. She does not have a fever, and we are assuming that these are all the side-effects of that booster shot. When she got her first two shots back in January and March, she had no such side-effects. And when she got her flu shot (normal strength, not senior citizen strength) she was also fine. Hopefully, by evening time she will be ok. She has had a little bit of water, but nothing to eat. She has basically been in bed all day.
Yesterday, mom did get to the gym and did 10.5 laps around the track without any break, and at that point she sat down, and then did another half lap and got on the Nu-Step. We bumped her up to level #6 on the Nu-Step, and mom did her 700 steps, though at a slightly slower pace. We also did 10 rises from the chair (4lb ball) and a very short balance practice. We returned home, and mom had a great alley meeting, and it was just after the alley meeting that we went out to CVS for her booster shot.
Thurs, Sep 30 (10:55pm) – A Good Down Day
Mom had a fine morning and we got to the gym at 3:30pm and went straight into balance. We did 20 minutes of pretty intense work and mom did well with it. Then we went upstairs to the track, and mom was lagging a touch – ultimately she stopped after 3.5 laps. She just did not have the energy for it, so she went on the Nu-Step and did her 12 minutes and reached 700 steps. Then mom went down the steps and we went home. For a down day, mom still did quite well as she put in a solid 45 – 50 minutes or so at the gym. We’ll take it – and also know she is bound for a great bounce back day. Considering that we go to the gym essentially every day, she is well worthy of having a day when, “She just didn’t have it.” And even then she did some really good work…
Wed, Sep 29 (11:55pm) – Routine
Today I timed mom and it took her 2 minutes to get around the track one time, and she did ten laps. She does not seem to want to do more than ten but her pace is better. And she says she is working on her speed. And her Nu-Step is also speedier as she got in 750 (not quite as high as yesterday but still very good) steps in on level #5 in 12 minutes. Mom finished out her normal circuit of 10 rises from a chair (holding a 4 lb ball), core work, and balance.
Wed, Sep 29 (10:55am) – Enhanced Speed + Baby Aspirin
Yesterday (Tue) mom did her ten laps around the track – not her highest of all-time – but her speed and stamina are noticeably better. It does not take her long to loop around the track; she never needs to sit and rest; and, her standing rests are short and few and far between. Then just after finishing she got on the Nu-Step and did it at her fastest clip yet. She did 775 steps on level #5 in 12 minutes. So she is more vigorous in that arena as well. Then we closed out downstairs with our usual ten rises with a chair (holding a 4 lb ball), core work, and balance. We had actually wanted to start with balance, but there was a class going on at the time.
Upon our return home, mom met a friend on the front porch for a nice little visit; the weather was wonderful. And basically all else is well here.
For months and months, mom always took 400mg of Ibuprofen before bed to ease her foot pain. It is debatable if she really needed it; mostly it became more of a security blanket. At the same time, they want mom to take a baby aspirin each day to help avoid clotting as she now has a foreign body in her aorta. We did not like that as it was causing bruising, and often skipped the baby aspirin. For the last three days, we have changed the routine. We have stopped the Ibuprofen before bed, and now she takes her baby aspirin before sleep. And everything is working fine. Mom has slept great and is not disturbed by pain in the nighttime, and as of yet we are not seeing any bruising from the baby aspirin. So far, so great….
Mon, Sep 27 (11:15pm) – Onwards
Mom got right back in the driver’s seat today. She started her workout with 12 continuous laps, which is her longest spurt to date. On occasion, she stood still to catch her breath for a moment or so, but really speaking her stamina is coming along nicely. She then did 720+ steps on the Nu-Step level #5 in 12 min and her 10 rises from a chair with a 4 lb weight. Then we went in the back for balance, and that is really where the action is these days. The first phases of our workout are about building our base, and the most dynamic aspect comes in balance where we are constantly experimenting and exploring ways to challenge and enhance mom’s abilities. And she is making great strides!!
Tonight when she finished her dinner, instead of calling me, she held her plate in hand and stood up from the black chair. So that was a good show of balance and initiative. On most points she is fully independent in the house.
Sun, Sep 26 (11:30pm) – Casual Sunday
It was a stunning day here today, and mom spent the late afternoon soaking it up on the front porch, visiting with a friend and then reading into the early evening. Other than that, mom had a free day to catch up with things around the house, and talk with some folks. Between errands and Zoom calls, mom and I did not even take a local stroll today. So it really was a casual Sunday. Also, tomorrow we are back at it!!
Sun, Sep 26 (6am) – “…Not Fragile Anymore…”
After yesterday’s (Saturday’s) workout, mom and I were reflecting a bit in the car, and about her progress she declared, “I am not fragile anymore.” The fact that she practically feels a change in her overall condition and sees the gains she is making on a daily basis makes it easier to get to the gym even when you do not want to go.
We started yesterday’s routine with balance – lots of it, and intense practicums as well. One of the things we focused on the most was stepping up and down, and having the feet on different levels. The gym has modules for creating steps, and we put those to good use yesterday. We spent about 25 minutes on balance and then went up the back industrial staircase to the track, and mom promptly cranked out 10.5 laps, despite not having her workout shoes on. She then did her Nu-Step for 12 minutes and over 700 steps, and we closed out with her ten rises from the chair with a 4 lb ball. The entire workout took 75 – 80 minutes, and by that time the gym was starting to shut down for the day — and we were done too. So we relieved ourselves of the core workout. Balance is our main area of concentration these days, and mom is making great strides.
Here is part 1 ==> Oct 19, 2020 to Feb 17, 2021
Here is part 2 ==> Feb 18, 2021 to Sep 26, 2021
Keep up the good work XO
Thanks Dona!!
One amazing story!!
She has convincingly defied the odds!!
YOU are my hero. Your mom is very lucky to have you there. Hope she continues to improve.
Hi Pat,
Thanks so much for your kind words…
So sorry to hear your mom was having issues but glad that it seems she’s feeling better. I hope they are able to find the cause for her lack of energy and SOB. I know it must be distressing to not know what’s causing these problems.
You are both in my thoughts and prayers.
Thanks so very much Sandy…
Checking in, and it has been a while, I’m SO GLAD Andrew was on the case! Both you and your brother are wonderful caretakers. How frustrating that they didn’t do the tests for PE right away. Now that the doctors have determined a course of response, I wish you and your mom a speedy recovery

Thanks so much Catrina!!
YES, we are very glad to have gotten a diagnosis and have actually been involved in a bit of a back and forth with hospital personnel about this case.
Appreciate your kind thoughts and support!!