Scenes from Gentle Yoga

Each month we offer an hour-long Gentle Yoga class before the Meditation Circle. The first half of class is comprised of slow, soothing movements designed to stretch, lengthen and massage the body and calm the mind. Then in the second half of the class everyone finds a restorative position (or two) of choice and remains there for an extended period. Here are a few scenes from the latter part of class of our most recent Gentle Yoga session held on Dec 19.

IMAG0181So as you can see there are range of positions and we have help apply props to facilitate your relaxation experience.

IMAG0184So come join us for a wonderful evening of relaxation and recuperation. Our monthly evening of Gentle Yoga and Meditation Circle is usually the third Thursday of each month at Christ Church Parish Hall. Gentle Yoga starts at 6p followed by the Meditation Circle at 7p. Come for one or both. For the exact date of the next Gentle Yoga & Meditation Circle, please refer to our calendar.

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