
Interaction For the Ages: Mountain Lion & House Kitty

Interaction For the Ages: Mountain Lion & House Kitty

Let us know what you think is going on…

Kindly give your take on the situation or choose from the quiz answers below:

What is transpiring in the above scene?
(a) Kitty is seeing his true self
(b) Kitty is protecting his domicile
(c) Kitty is calling for back-up (hence the orange cat behind him)
(d) Kitty is scared stiff
(e) or you tell us what Kitty is up to

Your answer / reply in the Comments section below (please)…


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    1. Well-analyzed Mary Stuart!!!

      Fairly amazing he feels so courageous, unless all his bravery is rooted in that pane of glass separating him from the mountain lion.

  1. I agree, that kitty is courageous because of the glass. I wouldn’t be going out anytime soon if I was either of those cats. That Mountain Lion knows where they live.

    1. I am right there with you Merinda….

      The only safeguard is that in the video the mountain lion seemed more intrigued and genuinely curious than anything else. The lion never took on any type of attack stance – but without the window who knows what would have happened…..

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