
Goal Challenge: May 2017

Goal Challenge: May 2017

Here is a time to catch-up on, complete, and achieve particular aims – those short-term goals that are very attainable.

Ok, so procrastination (diirghasutrata) is something we never do. Nonetheless there may be some things we’ve been meaning to do or thinking to do, that just did not get done. In that case, the May Goal Challenge is the perfect remedy.

GoalHere we are not talking about huge, looming, lifetime goals like going to the moon or climbing the highest mountain on every continent etc. Rather we are referring to those very attainable achievements that just did not get done, for whatever reason. The beauty of completing those goals is that it creates the momentum for greater forward movement in life, and brings a sense of accomplishment.

On the practical level, what are we referring to? Perhaps a (short-term) goal is to put in that new flower bed, or jog an 8 – 9 minute mile, or implement a relaxation routine, or read a particular book, or attend a special lecture. This short-term goal is anything you’ve been meaning to do but simply haven’t. It could be (a) something quite mundane and ordinary, or (b) a psychic endeavor, or (c) the fulfillment of a dream, or (d) an aim that is spiritual in nature. It also could be something that you do with someone else, such as visiting a park or museum together.

The yogis say the life should never be a goalless voyage. So this month we will focus on manifesting those very achievable goal, that simply have yet to be attained.

Naturally we would like to hear about your short-term goals, photos welcomed. 


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