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Top Ten Reasons To Attend Bhagavad Gita Workshop

Top Ten Reasons To Attend Bhagavad Gita Workshop

Sit back and listen to a great tale, review key themes related with yoga,
and discover why this account has been handed down orally for thousands of years….

 ~ The Bhagavad Gita ~

Thurs, Feb 20, 6:30p – 8p
at Christ Church Parish Hall
$15 walk-in or monthly pass

Here are the top ten reasons to attend the Bhagavad Gita Workshop:

10. Hear the overall narrative of one of the greatest stories ever told.

9. Learn where this took place and what the archaeological findings tell us.

8. Discover how this serves as a pillar of yogic thought.

7. Explore how this is related with modern, daily living.

6. Understand the metaphorical meaning of the Gita.

5. Learn Sanskrit terminology related with the text.

4. Investigate western scholarly reviews of the account.

3. Enjoy the very positive takeaways.

2. Gain a greater perspective of the early beginnings of yoga.

1. Bask in the universality of this grand battle.

Bhagavad Gita (Feb 20, 6:30p – 8p) – $15 walk-in or monthly pass

Dive into the storyline, themes, and timeless teachings of this ancient classic. Part of the great epic of the Mahabharata, the Bhagavad Gita serves as a window into yogic thought.


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