Ahh – A Restorative Recap

relaxYesterday we had a full house for our restorative yoga workshop – a way to go into deep relaxation and experience release. It is the type of program where everyone is asked to bring a modest, if not dramatic, laundry list of personal items (blankets, towels, pillows etc) and where we provide literally a car-full (& then some!) of yoga props.

Fittingly one person arrived literally with a laundry basket filled with her neatly folded towels and blankets for the program. Restorative Yoga is not the place where I generally take pictures – I feel people should be granted the personal privacy to bask within, unencumbered by the digital world. However seeing one of our participants arrive with “laundry-basket-in hand”, full of personal items, I was sort of wishing I had brought my camera. That picture I would have taken!

restorative yoga (3)Great to have everyone out for the program. With your endeavor the hall transformed into an abode of peace and sanctity.

Here are but a few of the many things participants had to say about the restorative yoga workshop.

In response to the query, the best part of the seminar was…

How I felt at the end – excellent workshop.

The second strap pose I went into a trance, both body and mind. Not sleep but something like a conscious relaxation.

The sandbags helps stretch out the spine.

Being at peace.

The support and getting lost in the moment.

– The teacher’s kindness, clear instructions and comments; the helpers’ assistance; and just resting and clearing a stressful thing that was bothering me.

Wonderful, relaxing, nurturing – thank you!

Finally, a big part of the success of the restorative yoga workshop lies with our facilitators: Annie & Sharon. With their refined sense and gentle touch, they help many go deeper into the experience.

We look forward to offering this program again in the near future!!

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