Your Story: Yoga As A Cure or Remedy

yoga as a medicineNoted below is one man’s story how he avoided major, major back surgery by taking up the practice of yoga.

While there is certainly a time and place for traditional medical intervention, many are finding that yoga helps relieve and even cure them of both minor and major health concerns.

Here we would like to invite you to share your experiences: How has yoga acted as a remedy in your life?

As we all know, yoga can help in so many ways, on so many levels: Physical, mental, social, emotional, existential, spiritual, and more. And there is no gimmick aspect to it. When you bring yourself – your constitution – into balance and alignment, naturally you will feel better, and verily be better.

So in a phrase, a word, or a series of sentences, do tell us, “How have you experienced yoga as a cure or remedy?”

Was it back pain relief (as I regularly experience)? headaches gone? inner connection made? How has yoga brought the phrases “pain-free” & “feeling good” back into your life.

Looking forward to hearing your tales and stories…

Read this well-written account of how yoga helped keep one man off the operating table, cure him of a serious back condition, and welcome so many other health benefits:

Yoga, Business and the Secret of Everlasting Youth

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