
Workshops: What Do YOU Want??

Your OpinionOk – so which is it – what would you like to see  offered for our upcoming seminars?

Sept is booked for Yoga Anatomy.
Oct is booked for Live Sitar.
Nov is open for choosing.
Dec will (most likely be) Eating Healthy.

But we can fit more seminars in, plus we need to select a seminar for November. What would you like to see happen? Here are some options:

1. Restorative Yoga

2. Yoga Philosophy Forum
(This could also include the history and culture of yoga)

3. Arm Balances: A to Z

Please tell us your thoughts, suggestions, likes and /or curiosities. Waiting to hear…

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  1. As people age, I think balance becomes a critical factor. It relies on core strength and a certain degree of focus, two things that need to be emphasized in the aging population. Falls are a big source of injuries and complications among the elderly. Can we work on a balance seminar??

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