
We’re Moving: Our New Friday Home

We’re Moving: Our New Friday Home

In the coming weeks we will be changing the location of our 9a Friday Yoga Flow class. Watch for an exact moving date…

Our first day of classes at this new site will be Friday (9am), October 4, 2019. 

10750 Town Center Blvd, Dunkirk, MD 20754

Our class is moving just up the street to the Giant / Walmart shopping center in Dunkirk. If you stand on the sidewalk and face Giant (i.e. the supermarket) then we will be the first storefront to the right, i.e. towards Walmart.

~ New Home of our Friday 9a Yoga Flow Class ~

There are numerous benefits to the move:
(A) It will be a newly-remodeled space – a complete renovation.
(B) The matted flooring will be all new. Say good-bye to those old mats.
(C) The parking will be easier and safer.
(D) There are greater amenities in this shopping center.
(E) The space is deeper and more private.
(F) There is a traffic light on Rt 4 so that whether you are traveling from the north or the south you can gain entry into the parking lot. No more u-turns on that dangerous roadway.

By and large I think it is a winning situation. Our first day of classes at this new location will be Friday 9a, October 4, 2019. 

Thanks so much and I am looking forward to sharing this new space with all of you!!

Photos of our last class at the old BBA


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    1. Hi Cheryl,

      Anyone is welcome to attend anytime – so all good on walk-ins.

      It is $50 for a 5-week session or $12 walk-in.

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