Twist Workshop: Photo Journal

Twist Workshop: Photo Journal

Had a great Twists & More workshop last night, as part of our Yoga Skills series.
We covered a lot of ground…

Thanks to all who came out and made it such a successful session!!


Universal Approach: At the outset we discusses the universal properties of twisting postures. Namely, what are the absolutes or constants. And with that foundation we proceeded to twist away.

Benefits: Twist are essential for maintaining one’s vitality and range of motion. Twists furthermore play an essential role in detoxification as they squeeze and massage the major organs of the body.

Practice: We organized the workshop into numerous categories: all based on the twist. Those categories were: (a) seated, (b) table / low lunge, (c) downward dog, (d) pigeon & prone poses, (e) standing, (f) balance, (g) wall & chair, (h) supine.

Photo Journal

Here is a small sampling of what we covered:



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    1. Great having you there for all three evenings Krissy!! You helped make them engaging and lively sessions. All your photography work was well appreciated too – thank you!!!

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