
Trip to NY: Alarming Tour

RoadTripWhen I went out to my car – it was still dark outside – I started to pull out of the driveway and noticed that the interior light was on in mom’s car. It was 6:30 in the morning; I was running a touch late on my way to teach yoga. The day was Saturday March 26.

I ran back inside, went into the room where mom was still sleeping, turned on light, found her keys – of course she asked what was going on. Don’t moms always ask that. I told her everything was fine and that she should go back to sleep.

I went out to the car – yep – the battery had died. I ran back inside and up to my brother’s room. He was meditating. I broke his meditation and told him the low down. He had to get the car “revived” while I was at yoga, because when I returned mom and I were headed to NY in her car.

AAA came while I was teaching. They jumped the car and my mom and brother then drove it to get gas and returned. When I came back from yoga then I washed up and ate and mom and I made bid our good-byes and we got into the car. Dead battery.

No problem. We jump start it with my car and off we go.

We drove non-stop to the suburbs of NYC. Stopped to visit one cousin for a short 1hr visit. Went to another cousin’s house for a short stopover and then drove to our hotel. All in all, a smooth arrival.

After dinner, we read, talked, and used the computer. Then sleep.

I awoke totally startled and was up & on my feet in flurry. It was 3:15am. “Mom, get up, the fire alarm is ringing” I said. “Quick, quick, hurry, hurry!” We were on the 4th (i.e. top floor) and I was expecting smoke in the hallway any moment.

“Come on mom – don’t grab anything – just let’s get our of here.” The alarm was loud and I had read too many horror stories in the paper that week and was leaving nothing to chance. “Mom, come on, just let’s go!”

fire alarmThe alarm was chaotic and I was antsy to get out of the room. I had no idea what to expect – would the stairwell be full of smoke?

I thought we were (finally) ready to get out of the room and mom turns to me and says, “Do you have…” and I all I heard after that was “eeeee”.

I was furious with her. “Mom, let’s go, this is not the time to go to the bathroom!!”. She repeated herself, “Do you have the key?” I checked my pockets, “Yes, let’s go”. And I grabbed her arm and we left the room.

For an 81 yr old, mom is pretty nimble. She was in her nightgown with a light sweater and I had her elbow and forearm in my grasp and we were making our way down the 4 flights of steps. So far so good – no smoke. When we made it to the ground level we headed to the door and alas – outside!!

It was 25 degrees. I looked around and could not see a fire anywhere. Others were now coming from the hotel from all exits. Despite what seemed like an eternity & being on the top floor – we were one of the first ones out of the hotel. Did I tell you it was 25 degrees? Cold, cold, cold. Mom only had on a paper thin nighty with a very light sweater and no socks to speak of. And I was jacketless.

Being the dutiful son I ran all the way around the hotel to get the car. Then mom and I would be warm. I put the key in – battery dead! “Oh my”, I said. (But don’t quote me on that one!)

I ran all the way back around the hotel and saw mom standing there. It was still 25 degrees and about 3:30 something a.m. I grabbed her and starting walking through the parking lot. There was a car running – there were three people inside, with room for more.

I motioned to them to roll down the window. In a few breaths I explained our plight. They said, “Oh sure – please come.” We got in the back seat. A motherly woman was in the driver’s seat. Her two daughters(?) – late teens perhaps were in the passenger seat and back seat. They were all extremely kind and welcoming.We sat there – warm.

Suddenly one more of their relations arrived outside the car. She saw there was no room and began to turn around. I called to her. The mother in the driver’s seat told me to stay. I got out of the car and had the young lady enter and sit next to my mom.

I was walking around for a while. There were fire trucks and people scattered all about. Not only people but dogs on leashes and cats in boxes. All wondered what was happening. I turned and looked over my shoulder, and there was mom right behind me.

I immediately marched her back to the car and told them not to let her out. They were all very kind and said, “She said she wanted to go out with you.” I told them not to listen to her and that she was to remain in the car. Mom begrudgingly got back in the car. Time passed. An overflowing toilet tripped the system. We were all allowed back in. At least 40 – 45 minutes had passed, maybe more.

We were scheduled to visit more cousins and aunts in the morning before going to see all my brothers and sisters in the afternoon. Instead in the morning we called AAA. They came and jump started our car – they do not do battery replacements on Sundays. But the tow truck driver said that it was just a short drive to Sears Auto Center.

We made the short trip over to Sears and entered the parking garage which was adjacent to a mall. It was 9:45am. Sears opened at 10am. There were 4 cars ahead of us waiting for Sears to open. We kept the car running as we did not want to risk it. Besides it was only 15 minutes or so. The time passed. The first car entered the auto center. It was 10:03 am.

Oh my – what is this I hear – it is a fire alarm. Everyone from Sears Auto Center is exiting, as is the entire mall. Cars are backing up. We do a token roll back of 10 feet or so. More time passes – our engine is still running. The fire department is now on the scene. I start dozing in the car. People are moving here and there. It is now 11am and the alarm is still sounding. Our car is still running. An hour had passed.

Ahh – finally after 1hr and 10 min, the alarm is off. Mom and I look at each other and wonder. Mom says, “It has been a real crumby trip.” She wasn’t upset – just being matter-of-fact. In due course, pretty speedily, we get our new battery installed – hooray!!

We go back to the hotel; mom is half-exhausted and I’m starving. She explains to the cousins we won’t be by and that we will catch them next time. We hang out for some time at the hotel, resting and relaxing.

Later we go over to my sister’s for a wonderful gathering of squash soup, homemade vegan pizzas (with toppings like broccoli, sliced potato, sauteed crispy tofu, spinach puree & more! – and homemade vegan baklava for dessert). Everything was great! Of course it was wonderful seeing all my brothers and sisters, their spouses, & kids. Lots of catching up, plenty of laughs and smiles, and not a fire alarm within earshot!!

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  1. I KNEW something ‘alarming’ must have happened when I didn’t see your blog last week – this explains all!

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