Top Ten Reasons To Attend Twists & More Workshop

Top Ten Reasons To Attend Twists & More Workshop

The Yoga Skills Balance workshop is this Tuesday evening,
and here is why you should attend….

 ~ Yoga Skills: Twists & More ~

Tue, Jan 28, 6:30p – 8p
at St James Parish, Lothian
$15 walk-in or $5 with monthly pass

Here are the top ten reasons to attend the Twists & More Workshop:

10. Twists keep the spine supple and pliable and enhance range of motion.

9. Our Yoga Skills series explores way beyond the written descriptions. There is no substitute for being there.

8. Twists help in the detox process by squeezing and massaging the major organs.

7. Twists come in all shapes and sizes and can be performed from numerous positions.

6. Revolved poses are included in twists.

5. The “more” aspect of the title enables you to bring your yoga queries to the table.

4. Great for everyday life and basic maneuvers through the day.

3. Twists are equated with greater vitality and youthfulness.

2. We will do lots of twisting and almost no shouting – unless you really want to.

1. Explore the myriad of poses that involve twisting and broaden your practice.

Twists & More (Jan 28, 6:30p – 8p) – $15 walk-in or $5 with monthly pass

Twists are key to maximizing range of motion and keeping the spine supple and vibrant. In addition, twists increase one’s energy. In this class we will do a simple and clear overview of twists, and then apply that technique to seated, standing, and supine postures. Revolved poses will also be explored. All are welcome to attend.


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