
The Yoga Connection: Cool Grandma’s & Their Young’uns

Wanna be a cool grandma / grandpa – do yoga! That is the trend these days – just see!

Actually we have a lot of “hip” grandparents in class these days. These grandmas and grandpas bear no resemblance to the grandparents I had as a kid. This is a new era where the grandparents are as fit as every other generation of the family. And I hope we can highlight as many of our grandparent – grandchild combinations as possible. Hint: Best will be just to calmly come forward and volunteer otherwise I will have to employ my own techniques. 

Here we present one such combo or dynamic duo. See how “rad” this grandma is in her yoga poses. First Merinda is doing a very solid crow pose:


And next Merinda puts her excellent balance on display with extended hand to big toe pose – “Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana”.


So these are two technical poses that yesterday’s grandma could never do – but Merinda represents a wave of cool grandma’s who really have it together and can live and practice with the best of ’em.

But sometimes no matter how cool, rad, or hip a grandma or grandpa you are, it is just not possible to be as cool as your grandkid. See exhibit “A” below…please meet Olivia – Merinda’s first granddaughter:


Ok, now it is time for the rest of our resident grannies to step forward and take this challenge to task…

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