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The Mom Recovery Blog Post – Part 2

The Mom Recovery Blog Post – Part 2

Here is the continued and ongoing journal of mom’s recovery from
emergency open-heart surgery.

Here is part 1 ==> Oct 19, 2020 to Feb 17, 2021

Here is part 3 ==> Sep 26, 2001 to Present

The Central Figure: Mom

Most of you know mom, but for those who don’t, here are some of her tales and adventures including her workout routine when turning 90 in August 2019.

Mom’s health remained this same basic level until the weekend before her hospitalization on 19 October 2020. Yes, THAT year -2020.

The Timeline

Here is continued timeline of mom’s recovery from emergency open-heart surgery at the age of 91 (note: she outlived her aorta). This is part 2 which started on 18 Feb 2021; the newest entries are at the top…

Here is part 1 ==> Oct 19, 2020 to Feb 17, 2021

Here is part 3 ==> Sep 26, 2001 to Present

Please continue to follow mom’s recovery:

Part 3 – Sep 26, 2021 Onwards

Sun, Sep 26 (6am) – … “Not Fragile Anymore” …

After yesterday’s (Saturday’s) workout, mom and I were reflecting a bit in the car, and about her progress she declared, “I am not fragile anymore.” The fact that she practically feels a change in her overall condition and sees the gains she is making on a daily basis makes it easier to get to the gym even when you do not want to go.

We started yesterday’s routine with balance – lots of it, and intense practicums as well. One of the things we focused on the most was stepping up and down, and having the feet on different levels. The gym has modules for creating steps, and we put those to good use yesterday. We spent about 25 minutes on balance and then went up the back industrial staircase to the track, and mom promptly cranked out 10.5 laps, despite not having her workout shoes on. She then did her Nu-Step for 12 minutes and over 700 steps, and we closed out with her ten rises from the chair with a 4 lb ball. The entire workout took 75 – 80 minutes, and by that time the gym was starting to shut down for the day — and we were done too. So we relieved ourselves of the core workout. Balance is our main area of concentration these days, and mom is making great strides.

Fri, Sep 24 (11:50pm) – GO, GO, GO…

Mom’s days can get downright busy….

While she had a fairly relaxed morning, her afternoon was packed. A little before 2p, mom and I went to the gym, and upon arrival mom looked at the treadmill and said she would like to try that today. So instead of going up to the track to start our workout, mom jumped on the treadmill and did half-a-mile. She maintained the same pace throughout her session….

After the treamill, mom went through the rest of her normal workout: Nu-Step level #5 (12 min / 700 steps), 10 rises from a chair with a 4lb ball, core work, and a good, dynamic balance session. Mom’s balance is really getting better and better. And she knows it. When discussing it today, she mentioned how getting out of the shower is much easier these days. So she feels a greater confidence in her balance. And we are doing more intense balance exercises in our training.

After he balance practice, we did go up the industrial staircase to the track and do a few laps, and the came back down and departed the gym. On the way home, talked about her treadmill exercise and we both concluded, as I think we have in the past as well, that free-standing walking is better for her as it is a greater challenge, as on the treadmill you can hold onto the bar in front. So maybe we will use the treadmill for cardio or speed, but she will still have to do the free-standing walking.

We got back from the gym just in time for her alley meeting, which had an excellent turnout. Mom stayed for a while and then excused herself as she had to get ready for a group dinner engagement out on the town. Here is mom doing her best Hollywood / red carpet pose just before getting into the car (her friends were picking her up) for a night out on the town….as one of her best friends was having a birthday celebration.

Thurs, Sep 23 (11:50pm) – Delightful Weather + OT Driving Assessment Scheduled

The weather was just wonderful today, and mom and I had had a busy morning dealing with various documents, so we both looked at each other and said, “How about if we just go for a walk today.” And that is what we did. Mom and I walked up and back to the mailroom, and she made short work of it. She used the rollator some, and walked most of it by herself, without any PT belt or anything. While that is a big improvement from weeks ago etc, it is not a replacement for going to the gym. At the gym we work on various modalities and techniques, and she works hard – harder than on a walk to the mailroom. No doubt, we all need an easy day every so often, but as a matter of course, we get more work in at the gym, and it is those gym workouts that make the outdoor walks so accessible. If on the other hand, during our outdoor walks, we practiced getting up and down various curbs and uneven slabs of concrete, that’d be one thing, but mostly we just walk on smooth surfaces without doing any training per se, especially so if her preference is not to wear the PT belt.

So while we had a very nice day of it today, and saw some friends, I think we will be heading off to the gym tomorrow.

After a tip from a neighbor, I got mom a referral for and an appointment with UNC’s OT division that specializes in driver simulation. It is a 90-minute appointment comprised of two written tests and a mock driving session in their virtual screening room. So there is no actual driving per se, just they make an assessment based on her ability to do what is needed in order to drive. It will be interesting to hear what they say. We go on Oct 5.

Wed, Sep 22 (11:50pm) – 14 Laps!! + More

When we first go in the car to go to the gym, mom seemed a bit low energy, and I asked if she was ok and if she was ready to go, and she said she would prefer to stay home but that we should go anyway…so I figured we would do a little walking and return back.

Well, we go to the gym and made our way up the big staircase to the track and mom cranks out eleven laps before she heads to a chair for a bit of a respite. I ask if she is ok, and she says that she just needs to catch her breath. She sits down for a minute, maybe 90 seconds, and then gets up and does 3 more laps – for a grand total of 14!! Now, the day before we had done lots and lots of balance and hardly any walking; that was by design. So the plan was for today to do more walking and perhaps less of other things. So much for that.

After mom did her 14 laps (About 3/4 of a mile), she went over to the Nu-Step and did over 12 minutes and 717 steps on level #5. She then said let’s go downstairs to the next station, and in that way we completed the rest of her entire workout: 10 rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball, our standard core routine, and some really good work with balance. I think we were there for over 80 minutes in all. So mom had a really good workout today – all done on a day when she was not even keen to go to the gym!!

Wed, Sep 22 (10:35am) – New Routine

So yesterday, Tues 9/21, we did things a bit differently. When we go to the gym we went straight back to the yoga studio to work out on balance. Typically, we would do balance at the end when she is a touch tired and ready to go home. So yesterday we did the opposite and gave balance our all right out of the gate and the results were impressive. Within a matter of a few short sequences of poses and positions, mom was seeing dramatic improvement. She was smiling and shining beneath her mask because she could distinctly see her gains within a matter of minutes. All in all, we spent about 30 – 40 minutes on all kinds of balance and footwork endeavors. And for anyone who has done balance before, they know that is a good while. In the midst of that span, we did climb the stairs to the track, do a quick loop around, and descend back down to continue on with our balance. We then closed out our gym session with a 15 minute go on the Nu-Step level #5. And that was our entire session. And it was a good experiment.

When we do today, we will probably ease off the balance and maybe instead focus on a maximum number of laps around the track – we will see….

I think switching up the routine at this point will keep things fresh and enable mom to make particular gains in an intended discipline / arena.

Mon, Sep 20 (11:55pm) – Awning Life + Gym Rats

Mom spent part of the morning enjoying her company under the awning….it still gets a touch hot out, so really the awning’s main use is just about to start….fall should be nice. But now for mom to go in and out is pretty easy. So having that access should come in handy.

Mom did get to the gym today, but clearly we are going to have to up her numbers. She did her 10 laps like it was nothing, and same with her 700 steps on Nu-Step #5. It was all well within her range. While making her laps, we did look down and catch these two gym rats beneath us…

Mom finished up her gym routine with here 10 rises from a chair with a 4lb weight, and Andrew (above left) commented that she almost does that easier at the gym than at home. So those numbers we might also adjust, but there is some hint that she is not supposed to lift more then 3lbs. We have to check back on that. Mom did well at core and we upped the ante with some balance engagements. Here again mom did well, and it seems like we might start doing more balance, perhaps even starting the workout with it and see where it takes us.

Alas, mom bid goodbye to Jeff and the team today….a very fine visit it was….!!!

Sun, Sep 19 (11:40pm) – The Mother of All Walks

There are walks – and there ARE walks. Today, mom went on one of the latter types. And she did great with it, though I wasn’t there and only heard about it!! Mom and our visiting family members hiked it up all the way to see the Fearrington farm animals – the famed belted cows, goats, and chickens. It had to be nearabouts a mile round trip, in 88 degree weather no less. Mom came back red-faced and in fine spirits!! She really outdid herself. More than half of the walk was done free-standing on her own power, and the rest was done using her rollator. Through it all, she was keeping the pace. So this was no relaxing Sunday stroll, but a veritable outing!!

The rest of the day was spent eating home-cook meals, visiting, making group phone calls, and watching the full moon rise!! What else are Sundays for….

Sat, Sep 18 (9:40pm) – Return to Form at the Gym 

Mom did a nice job at the gym today – her first day back after a two day layoff. And the prior two days before that were below her norm at the gym. But today mom cranked out her ten laps without any issue – just smooth sailing the whole way through. Then she did just fine on her Nu-Step Level #5 (12 min / 700 steps), and her 10 rises from a chair today with a 4 lb ball were smooth and efficient. Core exercises were standard, and she worked on some new things during our balance session.

One thing new around the house is that mom is much more mobile. Just on her own she will walk out the front door and go stand on the sidewalk and look around and then come back in. In contrast, that front door used to be a major issue and a daunting task for her. Going out took some real mojo, but now she does so effortlessly and seems to really enjoy her heightened mobility.

Also, in follow-up to her stellar doctor’s visit the other day, we got her lab results back, and all her blood work was excellent. Her doctor is keen to write comments on the top of each report, and she was clearly pleased!! So the good news just keeps rolling in!!

Finally, at the end of another successful week, here is mom kicking back watching her favorite BBC mystery…

Fri, Sep 17 (11:55pm) – Get Your Walking Shoes On

With family in town visiting we did not get to the gym, but mom did walk all the way up to the village for lunch and then make the return trip. It was a “casual” outing for her that was utterly impossible 1 month back, and actually I was not exactly in favor of doing it today, but mom made easy work out of it….

Then there was a great turnout for the alley meeting with lots of connections made….

And of course you can’t dome down south without having all the fixins for fresh butter beans…

Thurs, Sep 16 (10:48pm) – Stellar Dr’s Report

“Oh my goodness, you are walking down the hallway – I can’t wait to see you!!” Those were the words of mom’s lovely primary care doctor as she was heading to a quick lookover of another patient before meeting with mom. Mom had a great appointment today. Her doctor is just so engaging and interested, and they were so very impressed by mom’s appearance and overall state of health. Mom pulled off a BP of 112/68 with a pulse of 54. Those are near-about triathlete numbers. Plus she checked mom from head to toe: saw the chest scar which looks great, as well as the foot which is also in fine shape. She was duly impressed with mom’s entire being. Mom scored an A++.

After the last two days of a touch of a struggle at the gym, we felt that mom would do well with a rest day – so that’s what we did. Ahhhh…..

Some very dear family members rolled into town this evening. So we prepared a mini-feast. A five-green (at minimum), farmer’s market fresh salad wherein everyone was at liberty to apply their own topping (if desired), and then we had a Chinese noodle veggie stir fry (asparagus, broccoli, yellow squash, red pepper). The items not shown were 2 zucchini breads, and a large tray of peanut butter et all energy bar, all home prepared of course.

Wed, Sep 15 (4:28pm) – Slight Lull, but OK

Well, yesterday (Tue) and today (Wed), mom has been in a bit of a lull. On the one hand, she’s been working hard on the homefront doing loads of laundry etc, yet at the gym she has been of lower energy. Yesterday, she did 8 laps around the track, with a short sit down break along the way, then did very well on the Nu-Step (12 min / 700 steps) and then we went back on the track to get her final two laps done. We did our 10 chair rises, but did not do core yesterday – we experimented on the tread mill instead – and then we did most but not all of the balance routine. Today, like yesterday, mom did 8 laps with a rest along the way, then did Nu-Step (12 min / 700 steps) and went back on the track for just one more lap. Then mom did 9 rises from the chair with a 4 lb weight after making multiple attempts to get up at the beginning. She seemed a bit fatigued after 9, and we just left the gym at that point, skipping both core and balance. Not sure if this is a phase or if mom needs rest days. Will just have to watch this over the course of the next week or so…

Wed, Sep 15 (4:12pm) – Look Who’s Back on the Mill!!

Yesterday, Tuesday, mom did a slightly longer tryout on the treadmill. I put her on at 1 mph, and within seconds she was pushing the button up to 2 mph!! Here she is looking pretty good!!

Tue, Sep 14 (10:45am) – Laundry Cart

This is one of the main uses of the rollator these days. Mom really stays on top of her laundry – and a typical load is how many articles she can balance on the rollator at once.

Yesterday’s (Mon) workout was par for the course. It did seem that mom was breathing a bit heavier than usual, but she assured me everything was fine. She did her 10 laps, 700 steps on Nu-Step level #5, her 10 rises from the chair with a 4 lb ball, and a nice array of core work and balance exercises. No other major news to report, other than mom blew up the internet with her photo of Sunday, Sep 12.

Sun, Sep 12 (10:10pm) – Beautiful Sunday

Mom got all dressed up for a luncheon today; they met up for a threesome at a local restaurant. Mom enjoyed it from beginning to end: from getting ready to her return home. This photo (appended below) was posted to IG, and mom got a load of dazzling comments.

Thereafter she had a casual afternoon, and then we went for a late afternoon stroll around the neighborhood. But we did not bring the rollator and she did not hold onto anyone at all. This is new – just going for a walk with nothing at all. We did not go far; that was not the point. Just we wanted her to go out and be completely on her own power. She was wearing the PT belt as that is the best way to prevent any mishap, but it was never enacted. At one point we got to a relatively high curb where she had to step up. She hesitated, and was not keen to advance. But once she attempted it she pulled it off effortlessly. And that is what we are after. She has done so much training in the gym that her ability level and balance are much better than she realizes. So we are just trying to put those assets into practice every opportunity we get. That should give her greater confidence and independence outdoors.

Sat, Sep 11 (4:10pm) – Perfect 10 + Treadmill

Mom just probably had her best outing at the gym to date. She easily did a new high of 10 laps around the track. That translates to more than a healthy half-mile. And she did it quickly too – a brisk pace around the track with no sitting breaks and and very few stops. She easily could have kept going. Then she went right over to the Nu-Step level #5 and was so efficient at that that she did not even realize she surpassed her 700-step mark before the 12 minute juncture.

Then came the biggee. Mom and I have been eyeing those treadmills – one of her faithful friends from the past. Since I am not familiar with treadmills, we asked one of the staff to do a quick overview, and then in a matter of moments mom was up on the treadmill and using it easily at a rate of 1 mph. We were only on it for a minute maximum – we just wanted to see how viable this was for mom. And we got our answer! Very viable. We will have to weigh how we shall mix-n-match the laps around the track and use of the treadmill. Both have their benefits.

Then mom did a very short core workout before going in the yoga studio of balance practice. And mom’s balance is really coming along. We spent extra-time on this and she is becoming more much more deft in her movements. We work on stepping on uneven surfaces, lateral balance positions, stepping up levels, side movements and more. And mom scored high today!!

And here are the shoes that have made it all possible. As mentioned the other day, directly below is the latest pair of Billy Footwear that mom has gotten. This is pair #3:

Here below is a panoramic shot of mom’s three pairs of Billy Footwear. When we go to the gym then mom wears the white shoes.

Sat, Sep 11 (11:40am) – Glorious Day

The weather today is absolutely perfect and mom spent the morning sitting outside in the village with her friends. Just a delightful morning to be outside.

Yesterday (Fri) mom breezed through her routine. She sped through her nine laps, and did her 700 steps on Nu-Step level #5 with relative ease. And her other three stations were also well done: 10 rises from the chair, core work, and balance exercises. It was an easy day for her, and I warned her that we are now ready to bump up the numbers. And that is what we plan to do either later today or at the start of the new week on Monday.

Thurs, Sep 9 (11:25pm) – Grit

We had a rainy morning, but it let up by the time mom and I went over to the gym at 2:30pm or so.  After the eight lap mom said here legs were tired so she stopped and went on the Nu-Step machine where she did very well and got her 700 steps in the allotted time. Then, showing her grit, mom did her last lap around the track to give herself 9. Here work in the downstairs of the gym went well: 10 rises from the chair with a 4 lb ball, and one with a 6lb ball. And today we got both our mat-table work (core) and balance exercises done. She is much lighter on her feet – when she wants to be. All in all, a fine showing!!

Wed, Sep 8 (11:55pm) – Two-Day Wrap-UP

Circumstances had it that mom and I neither went to the gym today nor went for an extended walk outside. We did however meet some of her good friends for lunch at the community college, and mom displayed some excellent dexterity and balance. She also gets some credit as she beautifully described her entire gym workout to her friends. They appreciated what they heard and recounted in awe mom’s days of training for her Patagonia trip just a few short years ago. The below photo captures the two of us heading back to the car after lunch. Of note, our third pair of Billy Footwear arrived today. Spoiler alert: They are very nice; watch for photos tomorrow.

Yesterday (Tue), mom and I did go to the gym, and mom persevered through a challenging go at it. She did her nine laps, as well as her 700 steps on Nu-Step level #5, although it did take her longer than usual. After that she did her 10 rises from the chair with her 4 lb weight, and we went over to the mat-table for core work, but mom’s back did not feel right so we skipped that aspect of the workout and went in the back for her balance training, but only did the first exercise before taking an early leave from the gym. But even on a “down” day, mom got her major work in so that was good.

Mon, Sep 6 (11:25pm) – 5000% Improvement

A pretty casual day around the house for mom. Then in the mid-afternoon or so we went for a walk (gym closed for Labor Day), and mom did absolutely great!! First off, she did the bulk of the walk free-standing (we made it up to the mailroom) while I pushed the rollator. And her pace was solid with very few missteps. So this was a big, big improvement from yesterday. It was a few degrees cooler, but I think the main thing is that she gained her confidence in that terrain. Needless to say, we will have to continue this on a regular basis. So we will use the gym to increase her cardio and endurance, and, side by side, we will have to engage in a bit of cross-training by walking outside multiple times a week.

Sun, Sep 5 (11pm) – Walking Outside

Mom had a wonderful morning of sleeping in, reading the Sunday paper, and sitting outside on the front porch; it was delightful porch-sitting weather and she was out there for hours!

In the late afternoon we went out for our walk. We deliberated bringing the rollator or not. Mom and I had not been outside for a walk in weeks, and after all our gym workouts I somehow thought that she and I would just cruise around the neighborhood for a while and then return back. Ultimately, we decided to take the rollator and that sure was a good idea. Mom and I did make it up to the mailroom and back – not an easy task on an 88 degree afternoon. So that was good. But at the same time, there did not seem to be a monumental shift from our outdoor walks of old. Mom is as stable as can be with the rollator, and then for stretches I pushed the rollator and she walked freely as I spotted her with the PT belt. While she did well, I was thinking that she was going to be at a higher level. The thing is walking at the gym is easy – there are no surprises, whereas outside there are so many bumps, stones, cracks etc. So it really is more challenging for her. Anyway, we will just have to take it as we can. Tomorrow we will give it another go…

Sat, Sep 4 (9:40pm) – Closed Down the Gym

Mom “closed down the gym”, that’s to say mom got her full workout completed and done shortly before they shut down for the holiday weekend. Mom did her 9 laps, 700 steps on Nu-Step #5, 10 rises of chair with 4 lb ball, full core workout, and a solid array of balance exercise. Things seems to ebb and flow, and at present mom seems to be making the greatest strides with her balance. Though, other people we see at the track are quick to point out how much faster mom has gotten. Whatever may be, progress is being made. That much is certain.

We did go to the gym yesterday as well, and did our 9 laps, 700+ steps, and 10 rises, but skipped on the core and balance as we were behind schedule and we wanted to get back for the alley meeting.

The gym is closed the next two days, and it is not quite as hot out these days so mom and I have great plans to do some outdoor walking, something we have not done in quite some time.

On the appetite end of things, mom is eating plenty and has a good amount of energy. She hardly ever sleeps during the day at all anymore. She is also in touch with more and more people – calling, writing, sending out cards, etc. And as she says, the days go by very speedily, “It is 5:30pm, and I do not know where the day has gone!”

Finally, today I was about to throw away a pair of pants I had torn some weeks back, but decided to show them to mom first. And lo’ and behold she stitched them back together!!

Thurs, Sep 2 (9:50pm) – Our Approach

For the last few months, our main approach has basically been to get mom stronger and more capable at the gym, and then in due course she will apply that to daily living. Well, on the way back from the gym today, I asked mom if she felt she was getting better and improving. She replied in the affirmative and then casually mentioned how she put her shorts on today without sitting down. She just felt she had the ability and confidence to do it and  – voila. There we no plan or practice; it just happened.

And in the gym too we see the results. Today she did her full workout with ease: 9 laps, 12 min & 700 steps on Nu-Step level #5, 10 rises from the chair with 4 lb ball, full core workout, and solid balance in the yoga studio. At the gym, there are a lot of capable older folks, and it is quite impressive to see; but, I am not sure any of them are mom’s age coming off of open-heart surgery. She certainly attracts attention. Today, when I was getting the weighted ball from mom, a woman on a machine asked me in surprise and amazement, “Does she come every day?” Then she wanted to know more – I think she thought I was her trainer / helper. I usually dress in full yoga garb so I look like a gym trainer save for the long (thinning) hair and shaggy beard. Anyway, she was very surprised to hear I was her son. Here the point is that mom is the model of consistency at the gym, and folks are taking notice!!

It was cooler today so mom spent much of the morning on the front porch visiting with reading her book and visiting her neighbor.

Wed, Sep 1 (11:25pm) – Muscle Memory in Action

Today, mom had a fantastic workout. Since she had an appointment in Pittsboro at 2:30pm, we did half of the workout before the appointment and half after. She started out with her laps and this time we did 9 – a new high for her. And mom did it fairly smoothly. First off, there is no question of her falling; she is very stable on her feet when on the track. Second, her rate was better; and, third, she did just a few short standing rests. 9 laps is a solid 1/2 mile. And we are just building up her stamina. We shall continue to push onwards towards her ceiling. Then directly after that, maybe with a one minute rest, mom did the Nu-Step at level #5, and she did 766 steps in just over 12 minutes. After that we walked down the steps and went to Pittsboro.

Upon our return, mom easily did her ten rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball. Then she did her full abs / core workout, and then we did her balance exercises where there has been significant improvement. She is much more nimble on her feet, and her dexterity has greatly improved. Her body is incorporating in what she did the previous day and building on it. Typically, during our balance segment we are doing anywhere between 6 – 8 different initiatives. And when we are done, mom is ready for it to be done, and she declares, “Let’s go home now.”

All else is well on the home-front; mom moves around the house as she sees fit and is engaging in more of her office work and light chores etc.

Tue, Aug 31 (11:45pm) – Getting Stronger

Mom had an excellent workout today. She really plowed through it with relative ease. Her standing rests while walking were much shorter and less frequent, and, also of note, is the near effortless manner in which she did her rises from the chair using the 4 lb ball. Also, she is much lighter on her feet during he balance exercises that we do. And yes she hit the 700 step mark on the Nu-Step, and engaged in a full core workout. So it was a solid outing at the gym.

Monday was also good, though we did an abbreviated core section yesterday. The rest of her workout was fine – we went late in the day and were pressing to get the workout done by 6pm only to realize that they closed at 6:30p, not 6p!

The overall conclusion is that mom has agreed to up the numbers in her routine. Probably, the first thing we will increase is the number of laps around the track. Beyond that mom passes her days in her normal sweet disposition, and today she had her home office going in full force moving from her computer to her kitchen table where she had papers spread out everywhere. As she put it, “I did a lot of work today and went through a lot of papers!!”

Sun, Aug 29 (11:20pm) – Birthday Wind-down

After a full two days of festivities and visits, mom had a veritable wind-down day – totally relaxing. She had breakfast in her private quarters, lunch outside under the awning, and dinner in her e-z chair. Her big appointment of the day was a joyous, casual 30 minute Zoom call with family. Mom is ready to crank back into it tomorrow!!

Here is a shot of this evening’s very simple dinner…

Sat, Aug 28 (11:40pm) – Birthday Surprises

The joys of mom’s birthday overflowed into today as she had a quite unexpected, yet very much welcomed, visit from her niece and her family of four as they just happened to be traveling back north from South Carolina. That was a real treat on many levels, and especially so because mom loves to see her boys. She might even adopt the younger one!! So mom felt as if the celebrations were ongoing. Some family members left, while others rolled in.

Today also happened to be our first skip day of the gym. They close early on Saturdays, and mom just had a lot going on. While we would have gone if we could have, mom was just as happy to have had a day off – and be free of the “taskmaster”, as she so kindly puts it 😊

Fri, Aug 27 (11:20pm) – Birthday Celebrations!!!!

Mom is officially 92. Year 91 had some bumps and pitfalls, and we took our lumps and bruises. But mom made it through – and lived to celebrate it and carry on strong into the next year. So there was much to be grateful for, at the same time taking nothing for granted.

So before any mention of the word birthday was recited in a jovial manner, we made tracks over to the gym. And mom cranked our her entire workout (see yesterday’s entry for what that entails). We got back from the gym a touch before 3p, and mom hadn’t eaten lunch yet. So she had some food and relaxed in her e-z chair for a bit.

Meanwhile a grand alley gathering was in the works for a 4p start, unbeknownst to mom. Kudos to Carol and Janet for really being the big movers and shakers on this one. And my oh my did the neighborhood (and then some!!) come out for it. And mom sure was surprised!! Here is a video and photo journal of the gathering…

One of the things I heard most from folks was how mom walked out of the house unassisted in any way. At the gym she walks like that all the time, and to some degree in the house as well, but when she goes for neighborhood walks – which are few and far between nowadays as it is so hot – she goes with her rollator. So some of the folks did not even know she could move around on her own power.

Thanks to everyone from all over for making mom’s birthday such a special one!!!

Thurs, Aug 26 (11:55pm) – Back in the Saddle + B-Day Flowers

After two lower energy days, mom was right on target today at the gym. She did her usual: staircase, 8 laps around the track with no seated rests, 12 min on Nu-Step level #5 for 700+ steps, 10 rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball, full core workout on the mat-table, dynamic range of balance endeavors in the yoga studio.

Mom had a fine pre-birthday evening dinner (sorry no photos) – with two sons – the menu was: farmer’s market fresh arugula salad with home-grown tomatoes, steamed asparagus spears, farmer’s market fresh butter beans, Israeli couscous with Italian basil, followed by a freshly baked zucchini bread / cake for dessert. Mom cleared her plate!!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes that are rolling in. And if you are reading this and in the area, there is a surprise gathering (shhhh!!! 🤫 🤫 🤫) for mom on Friday at 4pm in the alley. That’s right it is a total surprise – and it shall remain that way as mom has never read even one entry from this blog. 😂 😂 😂

Wed, Aug 25 (10:50pm) – Eye-Okay

Mom went to the ophthalmologist and everything checked out just fine: Eye-okay, as they say. So it was a “see you next year” kind of visit. I think we are running out of body parts to check, and nobody can find any problems anywhere. We’ll take it!!

We switched our scheduling around today and ended up going to the gym earlier than usual. For the second day in a row mom was a touch low energy at the gym, but also this was the second day in a row that we went to the gym under time constraints. We shall aim to rectify this problem going forward.

So here is what we did do at the gym: stairs, 8 laps at the track, 1/2 of our usual Nu-Step regime level #5, 10 rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball, no core work today, and about 40% of our usual balance workout. So while it wasn’t a washout, we did not get to everything either. But, as we all know, some days the body just does not want to perform at peak level. We will try to both push through this and respect our limitations at the same time, i.e. perseverance with patience.

Tue, Aug 24 (11:45pm) – Out for Birthday Dinner

The day kind of got away from us and we ended up getting to the gym a tad bit later than usual. Mom did do her 8 laps without taking a seated break and then did her 12 minutes on the Nu-Step. She did level #6 the first 6 minutes and then level #5 for the final 6 minutes. So that was all quite positive. Mom seemed a touch low energy after that, and we were a bit pressed for time as she had a 5:30pm pick-up for her evening out. So we called it a day, and settled for this somewhat abbreviated workout / training session today, but we will back at it tomorrow!!

Mom’s actual birthday is Friday, but tonight was the night she was going out with some of her core group of friends. She got herself all ready for the outing and off she went (photo below). Not surprisingly, she had an absolutely wonderful evening with her friends – no doubt an auspicious start to her birthday week celebrations.

Mon, Aug 23 (11:50pm) – Record-Setting Day

Mom started the day with an in-person visit with a longtime (since his birth!) family friend, and then had a zoom call with her 90 year-old brother-in-law. The energy from those interactions seemed to set her course for the day. They were duly impressed with the state of mom’s recovery, and, verily, wherever I go people see me and wish mom well. And it is working because she is doing great. Each day at the gym she reaches new heights. Today, she did 8 laps around the track without taking a seated rest, and her walking was done at a pretty quick pace, and that gets us pretty close to the half-mile range. Then on level #5 of the Nu-Step she got her 700 steps in – it took a tad bit over 12 minutes. The up and down of the staircase was fine, but then she went to do her rises from the chair and easily cranked out ten of them carrying a 4 lb ball. When she saw how easy that was for her she said, “I am getting better!” Her core work on the mat-table was standard fixings- a solid go at it. And then we went into balance exercises in the back room and mom showed some remarkable improvement in her footwork, dexterity, and agility. So that was all very impressive. We are in a phase where it seems like each day brings new rehab records!!

Sun, Aug 22 (9:10pm) – Day of Repose + Birthday Week

Mom had a mostly relaxing day today. It was burning hot and then rainy so for  a while there it did not seem like we would get out at all. Then we caught a nice little weather window in the evening so mom and I went for a little jaunt around the neighborhood (photo below). So that made for a pleasant evening, and it got mom up and moving.

This is mom’s b-day week with a variety of outings and plannings in the works. Some are pre-announced affairs, and some are percolating below the surface. So we will just have to wait and see how things unfold. That said, we really are not a big birthday family. They are generally modest affairs. At the same time, her 91st year on this planet proved to be quite the humdinger. But she seems to have made it through with flying colors – and that should be honored. When the year officially comes to a close on Friday, we shall look forward to a far less tumultuous experience for year #92!!

Sat, Aug 21 (11:55pm) – Runaway Train

Mom was out and about for an outdoor coffer outing with friends after breakfast. After a mostly relaxing morning and a lunchtime meal, we headed out to the gym. Mom climbed the steps moderately well, then promptly zipped around the track 7 times without needing to sit to rest, just standing breaks. What is noteworthy is that mom saw her neighbor, also a regular at the gym, and mom was so excited to see her that she reversed course on the track and like a runaway train headed over to greet her, did not apply the brakes, and essentially rammed into her. Mary basically caught mom, and I grabbed onto her PT belt from behind. It was a humorous event, but betrays what we have been noting that mom lacks a fluidity and ease of movement. That is not something easy to train for or teach. No doubt she has improved, but the hope is that with more and more walking and footwork and balance endeavors mom will regain that finer sense of control.

As for the rest of the workout, it went great: 12 minutes on level #5 of the Nu-Step and mom easily reached her 700+ step goal. After going back downstairs mom did ten rises from a chair with a 4 lb ball. So that was a new mark for her. We also got back into some core work and mat / table endeavors after mom’s short hiatus due to her morning slip / fall on Thursday. Mom’s balance work in the exercise room was quite solid.

Fri, Aug 20 (11:50pm) – So Much For Fatigue

Climbing the steps to the track at the gym to start her workout mom seemed a weary and she said she was tired. Then she promptly did 7 laps around the track without taking a seated break – and she was going at a pretty good clip too. Now, to increase her stamina we are focusing on taking standing rest breaks when needed. So mom’s workout got off to a great start. Then she did 12 minutes on the Nu-Step and notched it up a level going at level #5 for the first time. And she got her 700 steps in!! When we  went down downstairs mom did ten rises from a chair, but started with embracing a 4lb ball for the first five, and then a 2lb ball for the final five. So that also was a step up. Because of yesterday’s fall, he glut is still a touch sore so we skipped her core work on the mat table. She actually did get on the table but did not have the power of facility to manage much so we just got off of it and headed to the yoga studio for the solid balance work. Mom did six or eight different balance and coordination endeavors. All in all, a very fine workout for someone who said she was too tired!!

And when she got home, she went straight out for her alley meeting – she was right on time, actually her chair was the first one out there. And in due course they had a gathering of 8 or 10. Mom cleared her plate at every meal today so she is both burning the calories and packing them in. A solid way of living!!

Thurs, Aug 19 (10:34pm) – The Fall & The Rebound

I was just starting my 8am meditation class when suddenly mom’s bell starts ringing incessantly. Either she was either inadvertently leaning on it, or the unthinkable. I immediately put the class on hold, and ran to mom’s bathroom, and sure enough she was on the ground. This was her first fall since her surgery on Oct 19. She’s been bathing independently for some months now, but today when finishing up her shower she stood up from her shower chair, grabbed the handrail and somehow lost her footing and fell or slid to the floor, all the while holding the handrail – and she could not get up. We do have a call button in the bathroom, but it is wrapped around the handrail of the toilet. So mom had to slide herself over there, a few feet, in order to alert me. Fortunately, she could do not, and in just a second or two I was able to get her on her feet and check her out – no injuries, no pain. But it was a wake-up call. By and large, we have a very good showering / bathroom system that makes it mostly safe for mom. The missing component is not having a call button around her neck, which we shall do going forward.

Throughout the day, I checked in with mom to ensure she was not having any pain or soreness. And she said she was fine so we did end up going the the gym. She did six laps around the track with one short seated rest break, and she did crank out 12 minutes on the Nu-Step and reach the 700 step mark. So that was all good. She also completed her ten rises from the chair holding a two-pound ball, albeit with a tad bit of difficulty. When we went down to the table mat it became apparent that she had some type of muscular bruise from her fall so we skipped that section entirely, and then closed out with a variety of balance exercises and initiatives. All in all a very solid go at it; a very solid rebound from the morning’s event.

The rest of the day went smoothly for mom, and we checked her out in the evening and she has no visible bruising. The chief residual effect seems to be that her right glute has some muscle soreness, and hence loss of power. Hopefully, in a day or two that will resolve itself.

As for the fall, it does not seem like this is the start of a downward trend as she is doing so well, but it is a cautionary tale so we cannot just write it off as a “one-and-done” type of event. Tomorrow, we will do a “dry-run” through the showering process to see if we need to add anything more to make it easier / safer for her. She already has two or three bombproof handrails, a shower chair, two grippy mats, and now we are adding the call button around her neck. So we will see. One good thing though is that she did not suffer any loss of confidence or become panicked. She just made a no-nonsense bounce-back.

Wed, Aug 18 (10:15pm) – Steady & Sure

Mom’s workout today was a good one: her standard. She walked 7 laps in the middle lane around the track – she did sit down for 1 min 24 sec after lap #4. She is really stable moving around the track; there is no question of any near-falls or stumbles. She just goes steady at her pace. For the second day in a row she cleared 700 steps during her 12 minute jaunt on the Nu-Step at level #4. Also, I have noticed that when some people do the Nu-Step their range of motion or the length of their stride is quite minimal, but with mom we have her set-up for a nice long leg extension, so those are good, solid steps that she is taking.

Thereafter, she did her 10 rises from the chair embracing a 2lb ball, good core work on the mat / table, and some excellent balance in the yoga studio. All in all, it was about a 75-80 minute workout. We are still working on mom’s fluidity of movement and desire to reach and hold onto things as she walks.

Here below is mom reading her book outside under her awning this morning after breakfast.

Here are a few dinner shots from this evening:

The green salad is farmer’s market arugula & celery leaves, along with organic italian parsley from the store.

This potato pancake was from a meal a few days back – it was a new invention….

Wed, Aug 18 (6:45am) – Building Mileage

So yesterday, Tuesday, we were very keen to get a clear and careful count. Mom walked 7 laps – all in them middle lane. After 4 laps her legs felt tired so she sat for approx 40 seconds. Then she got up and did the remaining 3 laps. Now, there are three lanes on the track and 17 times around in the outside lane is a mile. By doing 7 laps in the middle lane mom is walking a solid 1/3+ of a mile. So little by little she is building her base.

She also did her 12 min on level #4 of Nu-Step, 10 rises from a chair with a 2lb ball, and a variety of core engagements on the mat table. We did not get into the yoga studio for our regular balance endeavors as I had a dental appointment and we ran out of time. I thought, “Well, at least the balance we can do at home” – which we could, but we didn’t. The golden rule: What workout we want to do – do at the gym.

All else is well. Mom is getting more adept and adjusted with using her phone to control the sound going directly into her hearing aids for watching TV. And her appetite remains quite strong as she puts away a good amount of food each day. She also sleeps remarkably well through the night. Generally, she is in bed between 10pm and 10:30pm and sleeps until 7:30am or 8am – rarely does she have to get up in the middle of the night for natural call etc.

Mon, Aug 16 (11:30pm) – Dispute!?!

Did mom walk 6 laps or 7 laps- we still do not know. I think six (though I admit it is more difficult than you think to keep an accurate count). But, whatever may be, one thing that is indisputable is that she did it without taking any seated breaks at all. And her pace was pretty good. I think we will start timing it just to get a sense of what her rate is.

Mom’s overall workout was very solid. She did her 12 min on Nu-Step at level #4, and then we went downstairs to seal the deal. Mom did ten rises from a chair while embracing a 2lb ball. I had her start with a 4lb ball but it was a no-go. Hopefully, we will get there soon enough. Prior to her open-heart surgery she was doing it with a 12 lb ball. Mom concluded with her core work on the low bench and then balance work in the yoga room / studio. All in all, it was a very strong showing, and she can feel her stamina and and endurance increasing.

This all comes on the heels of a rather relaxing Sunday. Mom did get out for a walk, but it was a short one as we just beat the rains and got back to the house in the nick of time.

Sat, Aug 14 (5pm) – Two-Day Gym Update

On Friday, mom did her stairs, 6 laps of the track (with one short sit-down rest), 12 minutes on level #4 on Nu-Step, and she got back into some basic core work, and we did some balance poses as well.

Today we upped our ante just a tad bit. Mom climbed the stairs, and did 7 laps around the track with a short sit-down break at 5.5 lap mark. Then she directly did her 12 minutes on the Nu-Step machine at level #4. We then went downstairs and saw her personal trainer, and I told him that we are getting her ready for the pass-over to him. We touched base a bit about mom’s current regimen, and he gave his approval.

Mom and I were discussing the need for her to work on getting up from a chair, and she told me she would show me what she used to do. We went over to the low mat-table (to the right in the below video), and mom sat down and requested me to bring her the “green” ball, which is 12 pounds. And she said that she used to bear hug the green ball and get up and down from that low platform ten times!! Wow!! She tried it today and could not do one…

…So we amended it a little. We switched her over to a typical chair, which is a bit higher than the low mat table, and gave her a 2lb ball. She promptly did ten rises from the chair. That means getting up and down ten times without using her arms. In the below video mom is doing her tenth one.

We will incorporate this into our daily routine; my guess it that mom should be able to increase her strength and abilities fairly rapidly.

We closed out today’s session with some basic core work and challenging balance exercises and poses. Tomorrow is an off-day as the gym is closed, but I am sure we will be able to substitute it with something around here!! Stay tuned for more progress.

Thurs, Aug 12 (7pm) – Progress is Systaltic

Mom got up, showered, made her breakfast, read the paper, and then took some quiet time in her room. We then took her vitals: A BP of 113/59 with a pulse of 68. Lookin’ Good!!

The big work we did this morning was getting her TV hooked up to her hearing aids. This has two chief benefits: (a) mom gets the sound directly into her ear and can control the volume on her phone, (b) the rest of the room can remain completely quiet while she watches TV with full volume. That makes for a win – win situation.

Mom’s gym workout today was a good one. She climbed the stairs in a mostly facile manner, and then did really great on her walk. She was walking at a crisp pace – all told she did 6 laps, but did sit down for a brief rest after 4 laps. And that is normal and fine, as these days I have taken to running (after a long, long layoff), and I know how some days it feels easy and others more difficult. So we just go with how mom is feeling in the moment. Mom did great on the Nu-Step easily doing the 12 minutes on setting #4. When we went downstairs to do core work she seemed to no energy or strength in her back – something I can also relate to as some days I get a similar feeling. So we skipped it entirely, and hope to pick it up tomorrow. To close out, we went into the exercise room and did a bunch of new and old balance initiatives, and mom did just fine in that department. So, all in all, a good day of activity, but as you can see progress is systaltic. No problem – we shall just ride it out and get back at it tomorrow!!

Wed, Aug 11 (11:30pm) – Six Laps, No Rest

We are on the up-and-up. Six laps around the track without taking a seated rest, then 12 minutes on the Nu-Step at setting #4, plus our usual of stairs, core, and balance. Then it was off to the village bookstore where mom perused the various titles until she settled on one.

Wed, Aug 11 (8am) – Gym Gains

Nearly everyday at the gym we see some modest gains. Yesterday (Tue) it was arriving at the gym, climbing the 20 steps to the track, and then doing 5 laps around the track without having to sit down for a short rest break. She might pause while standing for a moment to catch her breath, but yesterday was the first day she could do 5 consecutive laps without taking seat. While a full reconditioning is on the agenda, the open-heart surgery definitely has affected her stamina / wind. But she has come a long, long way with that, and our aim is to extend that progress for months to come. To continue, when mom finishes her five laps it is not that she is tuckered out, rather she goes directly on the Nu-Step and cranks out another 11 minutes at setting #4. This would have been unheard of even just two months ago. Mom did do her core and balance work yesterday as well. All in all, it took us our usual 70 – 75 minutes.

At this point, mom has become a regular and known face at the gym. She sees some of her friends and neighbors there, and the front desk and greater gym community now view her as a “regular”. All else is well.

Tue, Aug 10 (11am) – Busy, Busy, Busy

Yesterday (Monday) I had to go to Costco to pick-up a new accessory for mom’s hearing aids so the TV sound can go directly into her ears, and usually mom would go with me. But she was all too happy to stay at home and arrange her affairs. She was busy as anything doing her laundry and attending to various things around the house – quite pleased to have it all to herself. I asked if she wanted me to get any lunch ready for her, and she said she would get it herself when she was hungry. Just a few short months ago leaving mom on her own was a bit precarious and all sorts of planning and arrangements had to be made, but now it is not a big deal at all. Whatever happens, she can take care of it, or at the very least remain safe. That said, her peanut butter and pre-packaged pears in a cup is not what I would call an ideal lunch but she was very happy with it!

Spent part of the afternoon trying to connect the hearings aids to the TV, and while all the basic connections were made there still seems to be an issue with the settings. Hope to get that cleared up today.

Yesterday afternoon mom and I did get to the gym for about 70 – 75 minutes. She did her 5 laps at the track, 11 minutes on Nu-Step setting #4, core work on the low platform, and balance in the studio – along with an up and down of the industrial staircase. That is her basic workout at this point. The main difference now is that I really do not need to spot her at all. I am watchful of her on the steps, and near her the rest of the time, but she does not need any hands-on support. She is basically safe and stable on her own. That said, she still has the habit of reaching to hold on to anything that she can, but we are trying hard to overcome this tendency.

All else is well. Mom is off to a fine start on this Tuesday, just being independent and moving through her morning…..

Sun, Aug 8 (9:15pm) – Testing Out the New Shoes

First off, if you did not get to see mom’s working video at 8x speed from last Monday, you might want to scroll down and see entry: Mon, Aug 2 (10:20pm) – Back At It: Workout Videos

Yesterday, her 2nd pair of Billy Footwear arrived – go to 8/7 entry to see how they zipper open – so we thought we should take them out today for a test drive – a casual Sunday stroll, even though it was 90 degrees. So the first step was to put them on – unlike the first pair these have laces – and the fit seemed pretty good from the start. In general, Billy Footwear seems to make stiffer shoes so they feel even better as they get broken in.

Anyway, mom and I went for a short Sunday stroll and spent some time talking to neighbors outside, and mom felt fine when all was said and done. So we seem to be off to a solid start with her new pair of shoes!!

Note: Since the gym is closed on Sundays we did not head over there today.

Sat, Aug 7 (11:45pm) – Bounce Back Day

Mom’s morning outing for an outdoor get together with her friends was a washout, but the day picked up from there.

After polishing off a good lunch and giving time for digestion, mom put in a solid hour plus at the gym. She climbed the industrial stairs to the 2nd floor and walked over a 1/4 mile free-standing on the track (5 laps), and then went directly over to the Nu-Step machine for another 10 minutes of work on level 4 resistance. Mom then descended the steps and did a bunch of core work on the low tables / workout station, and then we went into the back room for balance. It was a solid outing, and mom said she felt like she got a really good workout!!

So we had a pretty active week, and mom’s right foot looks absolutely perfect. It seems the Billy Footwear shoes are truly working for her – no blisters and no signs of shearing etc. And now we got a second pair that arrived late in the afternoon today. These are sporty lace-ups, with the special zipper opening, the signature feature of every Billy Footwear shoe.

Fri, Aug 6 (11:15pm) – The Dreaded Day

C-y-s-t-o-s-c-o-p-y….has mom ever been dreading this. We almost canceled it ten times and even two minutes before it was about to be done mom was still considering whether it should be a GO or not. But, alas, it was done, and it went much more smoothly than anticipated. And, on the top, it came back negative. This was basically a side issue that was separate from everything else, but we figured we should know about it. And now mom is free and clear. Yes, she still has microscopic particles of blood in the urine, but whatever is causing it (possibly a stone) is not something to be concerned about. So now mom really has no more medical appointments until her customary semi-annual heart exam / CT scan in January.

So check this out: She will be 92 later this month and has a perfectly clean bill of health. No meds, no wound care issues, no follow-up visits, no PT, no ointments or creams, no nothing. The only thing on the agenda is our ongoing reconditioning in advance of the 2024 Olympics.

Post cystoscopy they told us no caffeine, no alcohol, and no carbonated beverages for 2 – 3 days. None of this is really an issue for mom; she usually has 3/4 cup of coffee in the morning and drinks seltzer all day, but she can easily do without as well. That said, we did pick up some special organic juices for her to have over the weekend. With all the stress and build-up around the cystoscopy, we opted to take it easy in the afternoon and forgo the gym workout. But we will be back at it tomorrow!!

Thurs, Aug 5 (11:30pm) – Mrs. Clean

After mom cooked and ate her breakfast, she went directly into cleaning mode and spent 90+ minutes cleaning and scrubbing the kitchen to her satisfaction. This is the first major cleaning project I have seen her do since her recovery began all those months ago. She took apart the stove top and washed each piece to perfection, scrubbed out the sink, the sponge holders, and various other edges and corners. She did a beautiful job, and it was all done standing freely in the kitchen without the rollator in sight – and I was far away too! So mom was just picking up items, cleaning, and arranging  – moving all over the place. When she was finally done she was pooped, and sat down on one her couches, whic she never really sits on. This spontaneous cleaning project is a sign of a very health person on the up and up.

She then had some lunch and then went to bed to rest for a bit, complaining of a bit of chest pain – concerning. After lying down for a short while she felt just fine, and we were doing to go to the gym (after thinking we might skip due to her chest pain), but ultimately decided to go for a long walk outside, something we had not done in a while. So we walked up to the mail room and back – about half a mile. It took us just over an hour. So between all that kitchen work and this walk, mom had a fairly active day.

Her evening was smooth and tomorrow morning she heads out for her cystoscopy – hopefully to get some answers about why she has microscopic blood particles in her urine.

Thurs, Aug 5 (11am) – Getting the Newspaper

Yesterday morning (Wed) while in class I heard my emerge from her room and open the front door. From in between the cracks in my backdrop, I saw her peering out the glass door. Then I remembered that while I had brought her breakfast to her room I had forgotten the newspaper. Mom opened the glass door and walked out there in her socks. I darted out from my class and basically met her at the paper, which was 20 feet out from the house. She was bending down to pick it up and doing a great job of it!! Here we have to bear in mind that navigating the front door has not been an easy transition as the outside glass door immediately closes on you. But mom has gotten so much better on her feet that she rarely uses a rollator and can manage most doors at this point.

The rest of yesterday went fine. At our gym workout mom did 5 laps at the indoor track. Now she does not even need a spotter or anything. She can simply go around – see video below. Doing the track walking means going up and down the 20-step industrial staircase as well. Thereafter mom did 14 minutes on the Nu-Step (video below). That is a relatively easy and safe machine the helps with cardio. Mom has progressed to doing it with more resistance. Then we did some core work on the low-padded table, followed by some basic balance initiatives in the exercise room / yoga studio. All in all, it took about 65 minutes.

Mom now pretty much manages her days as needed and this morning she easily took care of getting her breakfast made. She cooked it and carried it to the table without the use of a rollator. Something we will work on in the coming days / weeks will be using her step ladder in the kitchen so she can access everything in her cabinets. By and large, she is progressing quite rapidly these days. The main thing to work on is increasing her endurance (i.e. cardio) as she still needs to pause now and again in order to catch her breath. This is no doubt due to the open-heart surgery. And the second major thing we need to work on is to make her walking more facile and fluid.

Tue, Aug 3 (11:55pm) – The Pace of Progress

We gymed it up on Tuesday and did our workout: switching out some elements and bringing in new ones. All in all, we worked out for about 75 minutes.

One other thing we did this week (i.e. Monday) was order a 2nd pair of Billy Shoes – this time with laces. Mom’s feet seem to be responding well to this footwear. We are walking and engaging and spending most of our workout time on the feet, and her feet look wonderfully healthy. So we seem to be onto something with these shoes. So long as her feet are in good shape then we remain at arms-length from the wound care clinic and can continue to get mom stronger and faster. At this point, her progress surpasses the amount of time we are spending in the gym. To my mind, that means that her entire body continues to be on the upswing. That’s akin to working out with the wind at your back. So we will just ride this out for as long as possible.

Mon, Aug 2 (10:20pm) – Back At It: Workout Videos

After breakfast and a leisurely morning mom went to the salon for a haircut – not quite the momentous occasion as when things just opened back up. The best part is that mom had a much easier time accessing the place.

Mom got back into her Olympic training regimen today, and there were some noteworthy accomplishments:
(A) Steps: Mom cranked up the double staircase going stair to stair without having to put both feet on the same step. And, she only had her right hand on the railing, as opposed to the double-griped manner of pulling oneself up the steps.
(B) Track: Mom did four laps – a medium amount – the main thing is that I did not need to actively spot her. Just I walked beside here without keeping my hand on her PT belt.
(C) Machines: We briefly explored a new machine today.
(D) Here is the abbreviated balance routine we did today in the exercise room. You can watch in 8x speed or real time.

Addendum: I should add that mom liked watching this fast video of her workout. 

When we got back from the gym mom did few loads of wash and attended to other household needs before settling in to an evening of dinner and watching the Olympics. She is ready to rest now and get back at it tomorrow!!

Sun, Aug 1 (11:55pm) – A Quiet Sunday

Other than being the start of a new month  – not a whole heck of a lot happened today. Mom was up to her usual Sunday things, and since the gym is closed on Sundays we went for a walk outside, but somehow we had mom went out there in long pants and a long sleeve shirt and did not last too long. So it was an abbreviated walk. On the way back I commented to her that this was her birthday month, and she commented that she does not need another one, but that she was glad to have it. She also mentioned that this was a year of insults to her body and that prior she had a body in very good working order. And while all that is certainly true, little by little we are making our way back to respectability – and then some!! Mom has come a long, long way and shows great potential – we feel she has a high ceiling. So we shall continue to strive onwards in regaining her old, sure-handed self.

Sat, July 31 (11:40pm) – Quick Peek + Gym Rat

A solid Saturday it was! Mom had breakfast at home and then went out to meet friends for coffee outside. But before going, she had a quick peek from behind the curtain for a quality control check!!

Actually, what was really going on was mom was in charge of getting herself out the front door for her morning pick-up as we no longer have Pastor with us, and there was a time change (9:30, not 9am) and I told mom the wrong time, so when 9am passed then she thought the pick-up might be from the other side of the house so she was checking out how to get back there. Totally my fault!! Not only that, I did not get her new shoes by the front door either so she went out with her black boot instead!! So she did a really great job of handling things on the fly!!

We did get to the gym in the afternoon and our plan of attack went like this: ascend stairs => 3 laps around the track ==> rowing machine (continued below)…

Yep, that’s right, mom got back on the rowing machine this afternoon, as this was an integral piece of her workout regimen over the years.

After the rowing machine, mom and I went to the exercise classroom / studio and did a whole bunch of balance exercises and footwork initiatives. One of the things mom really gets after these days is her lateral balance swings. We will have to get that on video because she really tears into it these days. And she likes it too!

When we got back from the gym mom had a late lunch, and the rest of the day up till the late evening was spent on the phone, watching BBC, taking dinner, and more. One thing mom did not do is take a nap so she really had a full day.

Here are some other photos of the day – namely mom’s track at the gym, and her evening meal (fresh butter beans in lemon & olive oil + a quinoa-broccoli-tomato steamed dish.

Fri, July 30 (11:20pm) – Hat Trick

A bit busy the last couple days with house guests, so let me just get you caught up.

On Thursday – after a long wait in the wound care clinic – mom did indeed complete the hat trick. They thought her foot looked great; they loved her new shoes (Billy Footwear); and, they were just so pleased with her. Apparently, in this office they see a lot of folks who are sliding backwards so they were very happy to work with mom. At the end, I thought they were going to say come back in 6 or 8 weeks; but, instead, we basically graduated as they said, “Come, as needed.” Which basically means no need to return, but if something comes up, then upload a photo and get an appointment. We do not plan on going back. So this was mom’s third graduation this week, especially when Pastor came over today to say that he is needed elsewhere and that we should call him if we need him, otherwise he would not be returning as a caregiver as mom no longer needs him.

So it has been a very positive week; plus, for the last two days we were fortunate to have family come in and spend time with us. And that was a joy!! Lots of cooking and catching up on Thursday, and yoga, hanging out, alley meeting, and out to dinner on Friday. Mom and I really enjoyed the visit.

One other thing that happened today is that mom and I went to the gym and went up to the track (i.e. 2nd floor). Mom did a great job getting up the 20 steps to the 2nd floor. And then she got the distance walking regimen going again by doing four laps and some balance engagements. This was  a solid start to a new phase of recovery.

Here are some photos from the last two days….

Wed, July 28 (10:20pm) – Two for Two; #3 Tomorrow

This week we were hoping for three graduations, and thus far we have gotten two of them and tomorrow could be the third. On Monday, mom graduated from PT. And then today, Mom and Pastor talked and decided that we would try a week without Pastor coming at all to see how mom does. It has essentially been agreed upon that mom has become independent enough that she no longer needs Pastor’s help. So that makes it two for two. And tomorrow we try and make it three for three with the wound care clinic.

Now, it may be that the wound care clinic does bring us back, but perhaps in a month or longer. So we may not get a full graduation from them, but the hope is that they will think the foot looks great and no longer needs much direct care. We also want clearance from them to start distance walking again. Let’s see how this all transpires.

Mom and I had a very productive session at the gym today. We are upping her time on the Nu-Step and also looking into the possibility of using other machines. Mom’s core and leg strengthening exercises are going very well, and we did a lot of balance work in the exercise studio. That also went well. Then we went out to the industrial staircase and did some step work. Mom did quite fine with it, but did graze her foot on the step at times. So we will aim to improve on that. Today, we just went up and down one single stair, perhaps 10 – 12 times.

This evening mom went out to dinner with four of her friends. And the five of them had a good night out on the town. Mom no longer needs the rollator when she goes with them, and they do not need to help her as much as they used to. So in all respects mom is getting better and gaining greater facility in leading her life.

Not sure when I will get my dismissal, and have been wondering what will be the deciding factor, and today I realized that Pastor will be a very good evaluator of that. So when the time comes I will lean on his assessment – and if we both agree or not. The day is not in the very near future – but it will happen. Mom will be able to live here independently, I believe.

Looking forward to tomorrow’s arrival of family visitors!!

Tue, July 27 (11:30pm) – Establishing Our Routine

Monday was our last day of PT (for more about this read Thurs, July 22 (11:55pm) – Onwards from PT), and now mom and I are getting our training regimen in gear. Today, we started out with 12 mins on the Nu-Step machine, and then spent about 20 minutes doing core and leg work, varying up the exercises here and there, and then went into the exercise room to engage in a number of balance poses and footwork initiatives. Mom did the entire routine with her new zipper shoes, but I think going forward we may have a running sneaker on her left foot and the zipper shoe on the right. We will have to experiment and see.

Mom’s balance is getting better and better, and one thing I failed to report was that on Monday they were absolutely thrilled with her at PT as she stood on one foot for 30 seconds, and then promptly did the same thing with the other foot. They said it is quite rare that they have people come through who can go back to back, switching feet, on 30 second stands.

On Thursday we head to the wound care clinic for what should be one of her last evaluations. They will be the ones to give clearance or not for our distance walking regimen. Mom is doing more and more freestyle walking around the house. So her overall confidence is rising. So she trains like an Olympian by day and then watches the Olympics by night!!

All else is well!!

Tue, July 27 (2am) – Eureka!!!…(sort of)

So we got our shoes!! They arrived mid-morning on Monday. Check’em out. Remember how I said we were looking for a shoe where one could enter into it like a helicopter landing? Well here they are – thanks to a great tip from Pam:

Here are some things to know:
(1) Mom really likes the style;
(2) The right foot, the problematic foot, feels comfortable in the shoe;
(3) The shoe feels too big on the left foot;
(4) Actually the shoes are too big on both feet, but mom feels like her right foot is very good in the shoe;
(5) These shoes are not sold in our area so we canno try them on ahead of time;
(6) Today (Monday) mom wore her running shoes on her left foot, and the Billy Footwear on the right foot.

So while not absolutely perfect this shoe is definitely a step in the right direction.

Mom went to PT today for her last and final session – they were oohing and aaahing over the shoes. Anyway, now it is just she and I in our recovery rehab. And we are good with that.

Mom and I went to Costco in the afternoon – you can see her footwear style below. The reason why we got a cart for mom is because we have been mostly keeping off her feet of late, and we have a wound care appointment on Thursday. And we want her feet looking as good as possible.

Stay tuned as we continue to explore ways to use these shoes and footwear phenomena on the whole….

Sun, July 25 (11:35pm) – “Cool Play”

Mom took in the Olympics today, and when watching a basketball game, she even said, “Cool play.” I was at my computer station and could not believe my ears. So I said, “What??” And she repeated it again. When I walked over to her she promptly described the play to me. All I can say is that mom is getting “more cool.”

Mom and I did our home workout routine today as it is Sunday and the gym is closed. We started out doing a bunch of balance poses and transitions in the kitchen as her island has a good ledge. Then we went down to her room and did a series of four arm strengthening exercises on her Resistance Chair. Then we worked on a number of step-ups using the step on the back-end of the Resistance Chair, followed by a little bit of light cycling. I thought that was going to be all, and then mom suggested we do some bed exercises so she cranked out a series of bridges, leg lifts, core twists, and more. So it was an active day.

Then we were treated by a visit from her very close friend and her granddaughter. It made for a very full and balanced day.

Mom concluded the evening with her favorite joke, “I’ll ring for you when I am ready.” That means she is going down to her room to get ready for bed, and she will press the call button for me to come down and say goodnight.

Sun, July 25 (2:25am) – Rockin’ the Home Gym

Mom’s Saturday began with her breakfast outing with all her lady friends. I am teaching when mom departs, but I always see her return and each week it is easier and easier for her.

I was out doing errands for a bit so mom also got her own lunch (peanut butter sandwich) and her seltzer water. Mom’s movements around the house get better on a daily basis and her free-walking indoors looks safer and safer. The main thing is that  she feels like she is in control even if sometimes it looks a bit stilted. But, by and large, she gets the job done.

It’s our plan to do workouts at the gym every day. And sure enough we headed out at 4:30pm to get our workout in only to see that the gym closes at 4pm on Saturdays and is closed all day on Sundays. So we returned home and got right on mom’s home gym – compliments of Aunt Diana. We are still building our repertoire with it and mom got some pedaling in as well as three different types of arm workouts. Then, and very important for this house, the back side of her home gym has a little step-up. Mom’s home has no steps so this step-up piece is very helpful for us, and mom did a number of those today. Best of all is that mom is discovering how this unit can be very helpful for her. Today she singled out the step-up as being a very good exercise.

A not uncommon phrase from mom these days is, “I am getting stronger.” She said it at least twice today – once while getting out of the car – as she feels firsthand how she is able to handle more and more aspects of her life in a more facile manner.

Sat, July 24 (1:55am) – Back at the Gym!!

Ok, so mom and I are on a 7-day a week gym plan starting today (Friday). Here is the regimen we started with.

(A) 11 minutes on the Nu-Step machine: This really served as a warmup — to get in motion and increase the heart rate, yet we did not max out on it.

(B) Core: Next, mom and I went over to one of the low platforms and cranked out a bunch of reps of core exercises.

(C)  Balance: Then mom and I went into the exercise room / studio  for classes that has a ballet bar, and mom went through a variety balance postures and footwork (agility & strengthening) exercises. Sorry – no photos or videos of this. But give us time though – we’ll get some!!

Let’s see how this treats us going forward….

Upon our return from the gym, mom seamlessly transitioned into the alley meeting with her friends and neighbors, and then spent the evening relaxing at the house, taking dinner, and watching the Olympics etc.

Thurs, July 22 (11:55pm) – Onwards from PT

When we arrived at PT today, our very friendly and kind therapist suggested that we wind down our sessions. There were a few issues: the need to be patient and stay off the feet, our ability to work on core and balance on our own, and the fact that our therapist herself is having a procedure done and will be out for a bit. With the confluence of these issues, we collectively agreed that Monday would be our last session. The more we all reflected on it the the more it made sense as well. And here is what we are going to do. Mom and I will head to the gym together each day. We will avoid the track until we get the absolute green signal from the wound care clinic who we see on the 29th – so for the next seven days we will focus exclusively on core, stretching, gentle balance poses, and the Nu-Step machine, which we did at PT today for a bit, and have done in the past. That should give mom plenty of engagement, and, hopefully, on the 29th we get full clearance to start cranking out laps around the track again. That, however, is also dependent upon our coming up with proper footwear as well. Hence, there are a few factors at play, but we are due for a breakthrough so let’s all think this will roll forward.

All that said, mom is just doing so very well. Her foot looks like gold – clean, pinkish, healed, and healthy. The wound care clinic did say last time that mom could walk around the house as needed, and that we should just avoid the long walks / workouts. So mom walks around some during the day to take care of her needs, and she just feels so confident in her abilities. Tonight, for instance, she was walking around free-standing holding the Chinese takeout menu and reading off the various items. This was unthinkable just a short while back. So even though we are in a holding pattern with the foot, mom feels and knows she is getting better. She is ready to get going with our gym routine, and I know she is eager to get some miles under her legs once we get the due clearance. All in all, very bright prospects.

Although mom had the Chinese takeout menu in hand, she ended up opting for veggie sushi:

This crepe myrtle is two house up the alleyway from us…

Wed, July 21 (8:30pm) – Old School 

We have been busy tidying up mom’s life in all its dimensions, including switching out her old tube TV’s for flat screens. Yesterday, we were just finalizing our last purchase and I was going to buy it online, and it would have arrived today. However, mom was keen to visit the store, see it, talk to the salesman, and then get it. After a very gentle tug back and forth, we opted for her plan. So we went today: talked to the salesman for 60 seconds; the price had gone up since yesterday; the outing took 2 – 3 hours; and, we got baked in 90 degree parking lots. Oh well 😂  😂 . An old school purchase!!

While out and about, and determined to make it worthwhile, we headed over to Nordstroms to look at shoes. Mom had been mentioning this from time to time. So we went in, tried on some slippers, looked around, and went out empty handed, save for the fact that the saleswoman told us about a store across from a Chinese restaurant called “Happy Feet” or “Good Feet” that specialized in therapeutic shoes. Aha! I knew there was cause for our outing. We mazed and dizzied ourselves through mall driveways and parking lots and found the Chinese restaurant, and across the street was….Fleet Feet!! Yikes – think deflated balloon. We had already been to the Fleet Feet near us weeks ago – and while it is a great place for running shoes there is nothing for mom there. We did not even stop or get out of the car and instead went straight home.

We had a fine late afternoon and evening here at the house, thankfully with our errands behind us.

Our Billy Footwear purchase is due to arrive Monday, and thanks to Sara’s & Pam’s suggestions, we still have a few more leads to follow-up on in an attempt to create and build out mom’s shoe empire.

On another note: mom’s appetite is just so good – she is able to put food away like I have never seen before: Fruit plates, muffins, and cereal for breakfast; variety of lunch plates & coconut ice cream; soup and noodles for dinner with zucchini bread for dessert etc.

Tue, July 20 (12:15pm) – The Space Traveler

Just finished our PT session – working on the psoas, quads, abductors, adductors, glutes & more – no standing or walking to avoid any shearing (friction / rubbing) with the third toe. The therapist mentioned the space launch and how she would not like to go. Mom promptly stated, “I would go!” Then she qualified that by saying, “Now that I have seen them go up and back twice.” So who knows, mom just might be included in the next launch. We are certainly doing all the requisite training!!

Now it is time for some veggie sushi and noodles for lunch, and then some errands.

Yesterday, was a calm, quiet day around the house after our massive rainstorm in the morning. Here is today’s fruit plate to start the day (banana, cantaloupe, & blueberries, with a dusting of ground flax seed), yesterday’s was the same save for mango slices instead of blueberries.

Sun, July 18 (11:15pm) – Chair Yoga on the Horizon

Mom absolutely devoured the NY Times from wake-up till the early afternoon. Thereafter, I’d say two notable things happened.

Mom had a fairly large load of laundry, and she went down to the laundry room (for a while), folded it all, and then perfectly balanced it on her rollator and successfully brought it all the way to her room, and put it away. No doubt, she has been in and out of the laundry room of late, but today’s go at it seemed more of a triumph as she easily took care of it all perfectly from A – Z.

Mom did very well in a short chair yoga session today. She more than kept her composure and was fairly agile throughout. So the day is not far when she will be able to rejoin our classes as she was one of the early chair yoga attendees. We also worked with two pound leg weights to active some of those upper leg muscles. And we closed out our little home exercise routine with some time on the balance board.

The foot looks great – just not doing any heavy walking with it until we get the right shoes. By and large, mom feels great, and she basically glides through the day in great spirits.

Sun, July 18 (8:35am) – Shiny New Foot

We woke up this weekend to a shiny new foot. It looks fit for a queen. As good as the wound care personnel thought it looked on Thursday, in a mere 2 – 3 days it has transformed and looks all the better now. We just want the skin to toughen itself up before we get back to cranking out laps. Yesterday, mom did go out with the team for breakfast – her Saturday ritual. And the remaining portion of the day was filled with rest, knitting, admiring and eating zucchini bread, and serving as an honorary advisory board member to the BBC’s quality programming division.

While we may not be doing laps around the track, mom’s confidence in moving around the house without a rollator is growing day by day. She is also much more active in running her house – getting things in order the way she wishes. So this is all very positive news towards gaining her independence. One of our short to mid-term goals is for mom to be fully independent within the four walls of her house. Dealing with navigating herself outside of the house is an entirely different phase.

All in all, mom is gaining steam!!

Fri, July 16 (11:45pm) – Dinner Time

Today was quite normal: sitting on the front porch, hanging around the house, going to the knitting store – and doing our best to refrain from exercising, i.e. going for longer walks, to let that third toe heal fully, yet at the same time not getting in a solid supine workout (my fault).

Mom has begun taking action in the kitchen – and she does so without the use of the rollator. In fact, that is one of her favorite things to do: walk free-standing around the house. Anyway, this evening she was quite efficient in the kitchen preparing an acorn squash dish from beginning to end, including removing all the seeds. As far as indoor living goes, the kitchen is the last frontier – everything else she has just about mastered.

So the Oofos clogs arrived today, not exactly a match made in heaven. Strangely enough, the left foot (i.e. the good one) is swimming in the shoe (in all directions), while the right one is a bit tight, not front to back but bottom to top. We focus so much on the toes that I forget that her entire foot is a touch swollen. So we are in a holding pattern on that shoe, but they arrived just in time for us to adapt our order of the Billy Footwear order that we placed today. Hopefully, this one is a winning ticket.

Fri, July 16 (1:15am) – Wound Care’s Star Pupil!!

On Wednesday morning mom’s foot looked perfect, but after all that walking on Wednesday at the hospital, by the time Thursday morning rolled around it was a touch open and red again. Even then, when we got to the wound care clinic on Thursday morning, they all absolutely loved the look of mom’s foot. I was trying to tell them it was even better on Wednesday, and they heard me, but they were so pleased with that they saw. And on the whole mom looked so healthy and vibrant to them – they were just very happy. Apparently, most of the patients they saw follow a downward trend due to so many medical complications, and the waiting room looks like that. Anyway, we will refrain from long walks to let that skin heal fully. They opted to cancel next week’s appointment, so we shall return for in two weeks.

We did show them the shoes we were looking at getting – Billy Footwear – and they took great interest. Actually, we intended on ordering a pair Thursday afternoon as we were just going to guess about the size, but the day passed us by. But it is on the books for tomorrow because this shoe thing seems to be the key right now.

We were a touch delayed at the wound care clinic so by the time we got home, it was a quick turnaround before having to head out to PT. It was a very solid session. Mom did the large bulk of her session lying on the table working on her leg muscles.

By the end, or even middle of PT, mom was tired, as in sleepy. No nap after breakfast due to the wound care appointment, and no nap after lunch due to PT, so she was keen to get back. Ice cream came before the nap.

Then mom spent much of the late afternoon arranging all kinds of things: her email, her home phone settings, cruising around the kitchen etc. She is getting more active in her home, and she enjoys moving around freely without the rollator. We are trying to exercise caution. All in all, a positive day and we shall refrain from long walks and gym engagements until that foot is sealed and solid.

Mom is happy – the other day she said, “I never thought I would get back to where I am now.” Well, her train is only halfway home; we expect major progress over the next 2 – 3 months.

Finally, mom really liked my attempt at falafel!!

Wed, July 14 (5:40pm) – CT Scan: 6-Month Review

As you all know, on 19 Oct 2020 mom had emergency open-heart surgery to fix a leaky aorta, i.e. a dissected aorta. In that surgery, they change the valve and bolstered the ascending aorta up to the arch. They did not touch the descending aorta even though it was also dissected because the dissection was manageable. And this was confirmed in the late December CT scan. Today, in their 6-month review, the vascular intervention department conducted another CT scan. Their primary focus was on the size of the dissection on the descending aorta. And they said it was just fine. They overlaid the two CT scans (Dec & today), and it looked very good. There was minimal growth of the dissection, but they were expecting this as an initial response – however, the dissection remains well within the safe range. Bottom line: They were unconcerned and said, “See’ ya in 6 months.” We did ask him about the ascending aorta, and he said the material used to bolster the aorta was nicely attached and in good shape. All this goes to show that the heart surgery was successful and is holding strong.

The other aspect of the visit is all the incredible walking mom did throughout the hospital compound. She walked really far with her rollator – far enough that there was no need to go to the gym today. And mom did quite well with it.

Upon our return home, the office did call us about further findings regarding the CT scan – which was a bit concerning, at first, as we were exchanging voice mails etc. In the end, they were reaching out to inform us that mom has a kidney stone with some swelling. Already, we’ve been following this lead via urology, but mom is asymptomatic save for microscopic blood in her urine. Here again, mom is fine and well, and if that stone is in fact the cause of the the urinary tract issue then that is great news (as the other cause could be cancer (highly unlikely)). In the due course we will find out. As her health is so good, no one seems too concerned.

Wed, July 14 (8:30am) – To The Village We Go

Yesterday, mom and Pastor set the new distance record by walking all the way up to Fearrington Village, i.e. to The Belted Goat. That has got to be around 3/4 mile round trip. So that is pretty good, and mom’s pace has increased. However, with all that walking in the morning, mom was not all that keen to head over to the gym in the afternoon. And besides, we do not want to push things too far as her foot is still technically in recovery. So the rest of the day was pretty relaxed for her. She read, watched TV, napped, ate, and did a variety of home endeavors.

This morning, her foot looks absolutely great. There is no remnant of any irritation at all. So I think we have clear blue skies on that one, and we are scheduled to see to the wound care specialist tomorrow. And hopefully she will see it, give us the A-OK, and promptly cancel our two successive appointments.

Meanwhile, today we head out in the next hour or so for mom’s semi-annual CT scan to make sure her aorta is behaving properly. We expect all will be well. The scan is without contrast so that is a relief as mom is allergic to that and we would normally have to do all sorts of gymnastics pre & post to minimize the reaction.

Oh….it looks like we have found some shoes where mom can get her foot in as if she is landing a helicopter. We are just sorting out the sizing issue for this online purchase – very difficult to speak to their reps. In case you are interested to get a look at them, they are called “Billy Footwear” – thanks Pam for yet another great referral!!

Mon, July 12 (7:30pm) – The Mom Workout Train: Full-Steam Ahead

Mom had gone for a decent walk outside this morning – a good-sized loop around the block. Medically, to the lay eye, the foot “infection” / irritation that erupted a week or so ago is now a done deal. It is sealed with healthy, pink skin and is not painful like it was. So this afternoon we thought we would head over to the gym. We arrived, walked inside, and headed over to the elevator to get to the track on the 2nd floor only to be met with a sign that said “Out of Order”. I thought our gym time might be over then and there. But instead, Mom and I did an about face and headed over to the stairs. Now bear in mind, this is a lady who hesitates and stares down a curb for a lengthy time whether going up or down, and she has no stairs in her house. Only, on occasion, we do single step-ups at PT. In earnest then, she has not been up true flight of stairs since last October or so. And this was a double staircase of 10 steps & then again 10 steps. I asked mom what she thought, and she just said, “Well, you won’t know until you try.” And sure enough we got there and she placed both hands on the metal bannister / hand rail, and in a seemingly effortless campaign she went hand over hand and cranked her glutes and hip flexors and was up all 20 steps in almost no time at all. I was jaw-dropped shocked.

When we got to the top, I thought for sure she would want to sit in one of the chairs, but instead she proceeded to do three uninterrupted laps around the track!! This was too much to believe given this was her first day back at the gym. After three laps, she sat down for a short breather, and then did a fourth lap. And that was a solid turnout for day 1 back at the gym. Then we walked down the 20 steps quite seamlessly; she was thinking it would be difficult, but she had little trouble with it. So now we are back on the ground floor, and I thought we were going to leave. Backtrack: on our initial arrival I had pointed out to mom the hand bar in the group class workout room in the back and said it would be good for balance exercises. And she had not forgotten that statement. So she led us into that room (very nice wood floor, 1 wall with mirrors, and 1 wall with that bar). And we promptly started to do a variety of balance postures and footwork exercises which she did extremely well with. I kept asking if she was light-headed or needed a break but she kept saying, “What is the next one.” We ended up being in there for 20 minutes or more cranking out balance pose after pose, interspersed with a variety of stepping endeavors. She did great, and we never would have done such an engaging routine back at the house even though we have a good place to do it. But when she gets in that gym she knows that it is time to work!! So it was a very productive outing, and it is really good that we unfroze her membership and have begun using that as a resource.

Stay tuned for more workout endeavors!! (Sorry no videos or anything – it is hard to lead, spot, and shoot at the same time. Maybe I will bring my laptop next time and just film it that way.)

Sun, July 11 (11:40pm) – “Jogging to Escape the Rain”

In the latter part of the afternoon, mom and I walked over to the gazebo. In the early days of her recovery, this was a massive trip for her, but today mom managed it just fine – just a casual affair, despite the precautions we are taking with her foot in these last few days.

While at the gazebo, the skies darkened and mom and I set our course to return. Just as we got to the driveway, the rains started. I urged mom to move forward, and before I knew it mom has pushing her rollator and jogging up the upward slanting driveway – that’s smiling and jogging!!

This place is like the land of the rabbits. Here are two we saw along the way.

Mom’s evening was as smooth as could be, and when we checked the foot as she was getting into bed, it looked absolutely perfect!! We might just have to get over to the gym tomorrow!!

Sun, July 11 (3:10pm) – “I feel gooood!”

“I feel gooood!” & “My foot is better” were the first two phrases out of mom’s mouth upon waking. And indeed she had a fine Sunday morning, and the foot / toes look wonderful!!

Here is how mom started her day…that’s right – you guessed it – powering around the house in her new soft, cozy, grippy socks. Two pairs arrived yesterday via stork delivery, and mom absolutely loves them!!

Step by step we are upping our footwear game!! Check out that high performance grip!!! These socks are not for your ordinary old lady – with socks like these you have got to cruise around!!

And indeed, once putting them on mom cruised right down to breakfast and began her nutritional day with this fruit / nut plate with ground flax seed sprinkled on top:

The rest of the morning and early afternoon have been consumed by reading the NY Times and taking a 2+ hour power snooze – after all it is Sunday!!

Even though mom is feeling great, we are not jumping back into her walking routine just yet, but hopefully soon!! We will get some gentle stretching and movement going…

Sat, July 10 (11:30pm) – Shoe Search

Mom had a very pleasant Friday and Saturday. For the most part we kept it low-key. Here are some of the highlights:

  • At this point, mom’s foot / tip of the toe looks absolutely terrific. If there was an infection, it never got the opportunity to take root. And if it was purely due to external abrasion / friction, then it is mostly healed now. So that is very positive news.
  • On Friday morning, mom sat at her guard duty spot and had a wonderful perch on the front porch, and a few visitors as well. Then in the afternoon she attended the alley meeting out the backside of the house. When the storm clouds and wind enveloped everyone at the end, there was a mad dash to get inside and take cover. Mom made it to safety in a timely manner.
  • On Saturday morning mom went out on the town with her team of lady friends for breakfast – and as always she had a great time.
  • Saturday afternoon mom and I went out to Fleet Feet to try on some shoes / sneakers. This is the third store we’ve been to, and it is getting clear that at least a traditional shoe (no matter how fancy or wide etc) just will not do. That long entry into a standard sneaker just is not tolerated well. And whenever we do get her foot into a shoe, she does not enjoy having it on – not at all. So…..
  • What we did opt for was more of a slide-in shoe (i.e. clog) which we heard about at the clinic but could not try on at the store (her size was not available), so we just ordered it online this evening. A company called Oofos.

  • I saw in the store that they were extremely well made, and we just felt that we had to start somewhere. We cannot stay in that off-loading boot forever, especially when it may be causing her issues when she exercises in them. So we will try this clog. Maybe it will only serve as a house shoe, or maybe mom feels good wearing them outside for shorter walks. We will have to see. But at least it gets the ball rolling, and in the meantime we can continue the search for a form fitting shoe, i.e. sneaker style, that mom can enter into easily, more like a helicopter landing. Mom’s new Oofos should arrive in a week.
  • With mom healing up, we may try and head over to the track in a day or two for just a lap or so to see how it goes.

These below flowers were grown from seed over the winter by one of mom’s neighbors. Everyone who came to the alley meeting was given a few.

Thurs, July 8 (11:30pm) – What Happened with the Foot

Mom knew we had to leave at 8:40am or so to get to the vascular podiatry clinic on time so she was up early, showered, and dressed by the time I saw her. Totally independent. And she was looking fancy too: a black and white outfit. And when we arrived at the clinic she was the star of the show. They were really happy to see her – the way she walked in there and what she was wearing – and they thought she looked great.

They also thought her foot looked good, BUT they clearly saw there was an issue. It seems that the somewhat scarred skin at the end of the toes cannot tolerate much chaffing or friction at this point. And it will never really regain its full elasticity. We were hitting the track and pavement pretty good and her foot has been in the boot (an offloading shoe) but with all the space inside the foot moved around a bit, and that seems to have caused the issue. The short-term solution is to refrain from going on long walks and take the antibiotic (already the drainage has dissipated to almost nil). Side by side, we have to continue to find a shoe that will support and stabilize mom’s foot when she walks. So the search is on!! We will also use thicker and possibly diabetic socks (no seams) etc.

They did say that the skin at the tips of mom’s toes should improve over the next 6 – 12 months, but it will never have the durability or elasticity as other parts of the body. The PA was amazed and awed by the overall condition of mom’s skin – let alone for a 92-year-old. She was pulling on it to demonstrate, and she was genuinely taken by how strong it was. Anyway, our current issue is not a big deal and should be able to be overcome. That said, we are going to take all precautions, including visiting the vascular podiatry clinic weekly for the next month.

We did go to PT after lunch and mom did a variety of core exercises. So we should be able to continue PT and adapt by focusing on core, balance, stretching etc.

After all that running around in the rain today mom was pleased to know that she did not have any appointments tomorrow.

Thurs, July 8 (2:45am) – Thai Station & House Things

Mom had a fine, fine Wednesday — considering we are dealing with what seems to be the early stages of a foot infection.

She showered herself (no assistance whatsoever) and got herself ready for breakfast. Thus far the antibiotics do not seem to be affecting her appetite as she had a solid breakfast: large fruit tray, blueberry muffin, smoothie sampler, and coffee. She did not have cereal or anything else because in just a few hours we were to meet up with friends for a luncheon.

After a short nap, we headed out to Thai Station In Carrboro where we met up with mom’s friends from the Literacy Council. The restaurant is a glassed in venue sandwiched on either side by old railway cars that function as dining areas. It is a very neat design. Mom and the gang enjoyed lunch, and we all had a very lively visit and conversation. It was a mid-summer collective birthday gathering. Mom had a really good time.

When mom got home she was taking it easy, and then at some point started moving all over the house – without her rollator – organizing all her office affairs. She did well with it and was determined to push onwards and finish, which she did. After dinner in the evening, mom made and bunch of phone calls (if you did not get one – then next time!). Then it was off to bed as she needs to get out of the house by 8:40am on Thursday for her visit to the vascular podiatrist. Will let you know how that goes….

Wed, July 7 (2:45am) – Important Foot Update

So we’ve been concerned about the situation with mom’s foot. We sent a 2nd photo to vascular podiatry on Tuesday morning and left them a phone message and they got back to us that afternoon. The PA had seen both photos and prescribed an antibiotic (Cephalexin) which we picked up and started taking (not a great thrill for us but shall do the needful), and they also had a cancellation for Thursday morning (9:30am) and we promptly scooped up that spot. So we will get it fully checked out and see where we stand. All in all a fairly speedy response.

Mom was definitely limited by her foot all of Tuesday. We called in to PT and told them and they said to come in anyway as we could do non-weight bearing exercises. It was an OK session. One PT expressed concern that the situation from mom’s foot came from excessive walking; we disagree. Let’s see what the doctor’s estimation is. We did a few non-weight bearing exercises at PT, but not a lot.

Mom did get out for lunch on Tuesday with old friends – and had a wonderful time! The rest of the day we kept mom’s movements limited and were sure to use the rollator to keep pressure off of the foot.

Mon, July 5 (11:45pm) – Rest Day

Mom went for an abbreviated walk in the morning, and then we coasted most of the rest of the day. We opted not to go to the gym, and just played it slow back at the house. Mom’s foot is bothering her some. The spot on the underside of the third toe was less red today and the drainage seems to have stopped. Anyway, I thought that was the spot that was bothering her, but actually that part feels fine and it is the groove between the big toe and next toe that bothers her.  And this has been a tricky spot for her all along. So we will see. She does get some fantom pain now and again, though really more like fantom feeling, as she gets the sensation that the big toe is there. Hopefully, we will hear back from the medical team in the morning and be clear with this soon. All that said, mom had a fine day at the house, visiting with a friend, calling people, eating well, and getting life in order.

Tomorrow we have PT at 11am and then mom has lunch date so she will not be lounging around tomorrow. Stay tuned….

Sun, July 4 (8:45pm) – The 4th of July

Mom was feeling a bit chilled by the AC so she went out to her patio to warm up in the sun for a moment or so, and then we pulled out the awning and she had a light lunch outside, and continued on in her reading the Sunday NY Times.

We were weighing whether to go to the gym for our walk or head outside. Ultimately, mom chose to go outside so we headed out the front door and had a moseying walk around the neighborhood. It was a bit warm and humid, and mom did ok with it. It seems she does better in the gym as it is climate controlled and she seems to be in a different mindset as she has always gone over there to meet certain goals.

One thing we do have to watch is that she now has drainage from the underside of her “third toe”. Today, I sent a photo of it to her foot surgeon just to make sure things are ok. There is some blood, and we have begun to bandage it, and there is some redness as well. This is a big change as her right foot has been looking so good lately, and mom has been very proud of it, applying moisturizer and showing it to a variety of people: at PT, at the shoe store, and, on the whole, just being more open about it. Hopefully, this new development is not a big deal, but it does give her some pain. We will get it addressed to see if it is something serious that needs medical attention, or something that is mostly superficial, yet temporarily painful.

Sun, July 4 (9:15am) – The Magic Number “6”

Mom started Saturday by showering fully independently in preparation for going out to breakfast with a whole bunch of her lady friends – the Saturday morning crew!! She said she ate a lot, evidenced by the power snooze she took afterwards. When she got up she relaxed for a bit, had lunch, and then we headed over to the gym. And mom set a new high!! She went around the track unassisted 5 times before sitting down for a rest, and then then one more lap. So 6 laps total!

After the gym mom had a knitting session with her friend in the late afternoon, and then in the early evening mom got a a family visit from her longtime friend whose two grown girls were in town – and that was a treat!! Then it was a late dinner, TV, and off to bed.

As the fruit salad parade continues, here is a look at mom’s Sunday morning fruit sampler which was followed by cereal.

Fri, July 2 (11:55pm) – The Magic Number “5”

Mom had a great day today – she weathered the big rains this morning inside, and then after lunch we went over to the gym – and most importantly the track!! Since we are not accessible the gym from the PT facility, there is a bit of a walk to the front door. Anyway, we made it to the track and mom did 5 laps. The track has three lanes and 17 times around the outside lane is one mile. Mom was on the inside track so we figure she walked about 1/4 mile, without the use of any devices. Mom took a few rest breaks and sat in a chair, and then she got up to crank out another lap or two. Along the way we did a few balance exercises as well. So a very productive visit, and it was good we renewed her pass as she likes using the track.

We got home just in the nick of time for mom to be one of the first to join the alley meeting – and mom was out there for about 90 minutes and was the last one to fold up her chair. All in all a great Friday!!

And here is how the day got started – mom and Pastor’s breakfast as I taught my class….

Fri, July 2 (7:55am) – Uneven Stand

Yesterday (Thursday) at PT mom did her laps around the track, as per the video of 6/29 11:45pm blog entry, and then she did a variety of skill tests in the main PT center. One of them was standing on uneven surfaces wherein the lower surface is a sponge block. To remain standing there all the major and micro muscles of the lengthened, weight-bearing leg have to really engage and compensate in order to keep the body balanced. So while it may not look like a lot is going on, there is a constant struggle to maintain balance.

After mom’s PT session, we were back at the house for most of the day doing typical house things. Mom was cranking out a load of laundry, eating, arranging, etc. And a dear friend came over with a bit of a family medical crisis, and mom was right in here element and at her usual best.

Thurs, July 1 (10:30am) – Back in the Gym!!

We started yesterday with two walks outside and spent the afternoon at a new knitting shop as mom hones her skills with this new sweater pattern. We also lifted the freeze on mom’s gym membership as the primary care clinic sent faxed in the requisite letter for mom’s participation. That means the indoor track is available to us, and we see that as key for mom’s rehab as the sweltering heat of summer sets in.

Nothing of great consequence transpired yesterday save for the fact that mom does more and more without the rollator. True to form, mom got herself up and into the shower this morning all on her own. It is great to see her more confident in this regard. Soon heading out for our 11am PT session. Hopefully we will have some fresh videos to share!!

Tue, June 29 (11:45pm) – Stellar Day

After her “Fine Start” to the day as documented in the prior entry, mom had an absolutely stellar afternoon. Here are a few videos from PT.

(A) This was something quite new for mom, yet what was daunting at the beginning got easier as she went.

(B) Here she is with a lower version.

(C) The main event was going over and walking at the track. Mom ended up doing three laps and she got faster and smoother with each round. The PT and I were laughing in amazement at how well mom was doing with it. I really did not think she could walk like that. This video clip is the beginning portion of her walk.

The session at the track was so fruitful that we are going to “unfreeze” mom’s gym membership, as it was put on hold due to her medical condition, so mom and I can get over to the track on a regular basis. That’s right, “the track” is the track at mom’s gym which is connected to the PT / rehab center where mom has her appointments.

After PT we went home for a snack or so and then went to Limbionics to pick up mom’s new orthotic, and then went over to the New Balance store to see if we could outfit her with some shoes. It is a not-so-straightforward situation as mom’s right foot is not yet ready to squeeze into a running shoe. The guy at New Balance was awesome, and he brought out shoe after shoe (wide, extra wide) etc, but ultimately we could not settle on anything. That said, here is what mom looks like with two running shoes on: New Balance is on her right foot and Nike is on her left foot.

Tue, June 29 (11:30am) – A Fine Start 

Mom got up, did her basic hygiene, and then set off to go cook herself breakfast. She ate and read the paper, and then took a brief rest while I taught a class. When she got up she showered, started a load of wash, and then went to go straighten up the bedroom– all done unassisted on her own initiative. She has just been a whirlwind of activity, traversing the house left and right as I sit here at the computer. Looks like a fine start to the day and that she is getting back to normal. Of note: she does have PT at 1:30p so there will be plenty more vigor in her day, and her house-helper is coming in to clean this afternoon so mom could have sat back and done nothing, but her usual method is to clean ahead of time and then join forces with her housekeeper when she arrives. So mom is once again heading towards that level.

Tue, June 29 (1:30am) – Moot Appointment

Monday was one of our appointment days and while two appointments may not seem like a lot, they somehow take a good bit of time. First off, mom went to the the local beauty salon and got a very fine haircut that she is pleased with; and, indeed it looks quite good. Mom was trying to coax me to jump in there as well!?!?

The second appointment was with the urologist, and this was just a tremendous waste of time. Already, they had done urine tests and given us a referral, and I was under the impression that when we went today they would conduct the speciality test that could not be done with the primary care doc. Instead, they just asked us a a few questions which really could and should have been handled with a phone call. What was the need to go all the way out there only to be asked a few queries and then be told to come back in August for the actual test. Just a waste of time and totally inefficient for all involved. The doc was plenty nice, he apologized twice when I expressed surprise at what the visit entailed. Just a structural snafu – nothing new I suppose for the healthcare industry.

Beyond that all is well. Mom is continuing to gain steam and power through her days with greater momentum, combined with her usual, wonderful disposition.

Sun, June 27 (11:55pm) – The Lone Horseman

What are Sundays for? Long leisurely walks outside, good food, fine conversation, and getting ready for the week ahead. And that is exactly what mom did today.

It was 86 – 88 degrees when we went out for our walk, yet mom got in a solid loop. At one point, we realized we needed a few things from the house, so I ran back and told her to keep on chugging along and that I would meet up with her. And sure enough she was up and around the bend when I got back to her.

Mom has a big week coming up with lots of appointments and engagements: medical, social, personal, and rehab. But it is all quite doable and she shall sail through.

I think mom is eating more now than I have ever seen her eat in the last 20 years or more.

Sun, June 27 (2:55am) – Some Serious Knitting

Mom started Saturday by going out to breakfast with the ladies – and she had a wonderful time, and apparently ate her fill too because when she got back all she could do was sleep & rest in bed, enjoying it all.

The only thing that got her out of bed was Jane’s pending arrival to tackle the challenges of advanced knitting with absolutely lousy directions. And boy did these two go after it – for hours and hours. We ended up calling for back-up support and guidance and have an appointment this Wednesday with a local knitting hot-shot.

In the below photo we have 187 years of life experience – and still they are as diligent as ever in getting the job done.

After the marathon knitting and apple pie (eating not baking) session was over, mom and I went out for a walk. She tried her best to convince me that it was raining or going to rain or getting dark, but we marched on unperturbed, and she got a solid walk in. The neighbors witnessed us wrapping around various blocks and were duly impressed.

The evening was spent eating dinner and taking in the BBC Saturday night lineup!! Game over!!

Sat, June 26 (1:55am) – The Final Frontier

Mom wrapped up a nice week with a fairly normal day: breakfast, a solid walk in the morning, and hanging out on the front porch till the rains chased folks away.

At her midday PT appointment mom shined brightly. Here below she kept up her balance on an unstable surface while her therapist gently nudged her in various directions in an attempt to knock her off. Mom did well at this both with the eyes open and closed. At one point, mom had to walk to the other side of the facility, and, well, mom just kept going straight out the front door and we just followed her as she walked down the covered sidewalk and around the side before she doubled back.

So mom’s PT thought she did really well and that her overall progress was essentially off the charts. When we got back mom was pretty spent, so she had lunch and took rest (not sleeping, but just being lateral for a bit), and that revived her wherein she was chargin’ to go outside for the weekly alley meeting. Mom was the first one out there and the last one back in!!

One of the main victories this week is that mom is basically independent now in her showering etc; she needs only the tiniest of help (moral more than anything) in getting out. So that is a big gain, as it means she is essentially free and clear for most of her needs. She did do some food prep in the kitchen (PB sandwich), so the kitchen stands as her final frontier. Just a matter of time as everything else is falling into place.

Fri, June 25 (7:55am) – Ahhh the Norm + Wonderful Visit

Well, we just finished up a wonderful, wonderful visit, and mom truly enjoyed and cherished every moment. Mom started yesterday with breakfast on the patio – a fresh fruit bowl, cereal, and the like. As the morning progressed, the awning came out, one neighbor went to attend to her day and mom’s niece arrived and the visiting began – attended to with a cool, fresh pot of iced tea with mom’s special iced tea maker.

As midday approached everyone came in, and we debated the options for lunch and ultimately decided on staying home. The simple yet well arranged cheese, veggie (whole & salad), nut, dried fruit, and cracker plate (not shown) passed both the eye and taste test with flying colors (phew! after we bagged going out for lunch) and we were into early afternoon.

A relatively brief nap was followed my some basic balance exercises in the kitchen and some time (i.e. quality moments) spent on the balance board. Then came the norm – which just a few days ago was our Mt Everest. Mom made the hike all the way up to the mailroom – and back. Just so you now, while this is not a marathon, it is not your little jaunt around the corner. There is some distance to be had – 1/2 mile round trip. And mom chugged along and did 75% by rollator, 19% by free-walking with a PT belt, and 6% by sitting on the rollator. So it was both an impressive and successful showing. Along the way, someone commented on mom’s rollator, “Oh how wonderful, I should get one of those in a month.” And we responded, “No problem, in a month you can have ours!!”

That jaunt called for an ice-cream and plenty of time for visiting into the early evening.

Here below is dinner which we began at around nearly 8p, which was followed by a no-bake dessert. Everyone enjoyed and ate to their comfort and health.

By the time Thursday was over, mom was all smiles. She just enjoyed the day and the visit so very much. It was all that mom had hoped for and more. Fantastic weather, warm-hearted care and conversation, and a very fine time, which was long overdue as a result of circumstances nobody could control. In the end – a true pleasure.

Thurs, June 24 (1:55am) – Walking + Carrot Juice + Night Out

On Wednesday morning mom went out for a lengthy walk – and did so at a good pace. She used the rollator for the larger first section and cruised the final section in a free-standing stride. The rest of the day for mom was spent knitting, having awesome homemade carrot juice via our new fancy do-it-all blender, eating lunch, reading, napping / resting, and getting ready for her big night out on the town.

Her dear niece rolled into town this evening (Wed) and mom got all ready for some outdoor dining. She was all dressed and ready to go, sitting on the porch waiting for her ride to arrive. And sure enough, there she was and the two of them were gone for hours!! Mom apparently held her own just fine, even making the long, few-block walk to the car after dinner. They clearly had a wonderful evening, and upon their return we all talked for a while. It was a welcomed reunion, and we look forward to doing more of the same on Thursday.

One thing mom did repeat more than a few times on Wednesday was, “I feel better.” It is really quite remarkable to see a nearly 92 year-old be on such an upswing and in such a state of regeneration.

Tue, June 22 (11:55pm) – Balance Routine & The BIG Heist

Mom and I had a wonderful balance session in the late afternoon today. First we did a variety of standing balance poses / exercises; and, we did them at a good pace to make it a bit demanding. And then we got out a balance board that I had gotten for mom a few years ago. Here is a blog post – scroll down to the middle of it – of mom using that balance board back in 2018. Anyway, we used it today for a while – and it is a great tool and should serve us very well. She had her PT belt on so I spotted her from behind – we had her bend her knees so it worked all the micro-muscles of her lower legs as well as her quads. This is something we will do more and more of – will video it next time.

As mom was wrapping up her evening in her e-z chair, we somehow got into a long, extended talk about her family’s history and all kinds of tales of her youth and early days including when she and her friend were leaving NY to go to DC when they were embarking on their nursing careers. They did not own anything. So before they left the NY hospital where they were working / interning etc, they took some silverware so they would have some to use when they moved to DC. I think that is the only thing mom ever stole in her life – a few forks and knives. She actually knew the exact number. That was the big heist of her lifetime!!

She also mentioned that when they were nursing students the hospital actually paid them because they did so much patient care. Their remuneration from the hospital was…..$8 per month. Just under a hundred bucks per year – not bad for a year’s work!!

Tue, June 22 (2:55pm) – “This is My Stuff” 

Mom seemed to get off to a slower start today in getting her routine going, and I was contemplating how mom would manage her life and the myriad of things around the house. It should also be noted that this was mom’s first weekday morning without having Pastor there to help her.

But once mom got through that initial period, she had her train going and it did not stop. She made a number of trips down to the laundry room to fold and wash her clothes, and she even took time to give the laundry room a good once over. At one point, I was either doing something or offered to do something, and she said, “This is my stuff”, which was just the perfect reply. And meaningful too – she was taking control of the situation in her house.

So that was really great to see. Typically, she would have been in her e-z chair as someone else did the laundry, and she was perfectly fine with that. But now that she is feeling better she is expanding her wings a bit and doing more for herself, as well as for the overall upkeep of the house.

The more the “This is My Stuff” mentality flourishes, the sooner she can push her recovery in the rearview mirror.

Mon, June 21 (11:40pm) – Balance Day

Mom had a fine morning that included a walk and a bunch of us hanging out on her porch.

At PT today most of the emphasis was on balance and using the micro muscles of the foot and ankle. To this end, mom did a number of the exercises and practices in her socks. That proved to be a good challenge, and most picked up to it fairly quickly. The therapist was pleased to see how quickly mom adapted to the various challenges. We have a balance board at home and will work on that in the interim period.

After PT, mom and I went in to Pittsboro to look at shoes, but it remains a bit premature to go shopping for shoes with her as her foot is too sensitive to start pressing into various sport shoes etc. On the way out of town we stopped at a fruit / veggie / juice stand and sampled cantaloupe and watermelon, and picked up a bunch of goodies.

Here’s a look at dinner: quinoa, fresh corn, cabbage,  dal (cooked split peas), lacinato kale, tomato, and spices etc.

Sun, June 20 (11:50pm) – Weekend Wrap-Up

Much needed rain along with the threat of rain kept our afternoon walk to being just a short little jaunt around the block. But at least we got out. When we got back inside, mom and I did a few laps of free-walking (just with the PT belt) from one end of the house to the other. We also did a little bit of balance work. When working one-on-one with me, mom is quick to say, “Ok, that’s enough.” There’s a ton of things we could do, but she does not view the house as her workout arena. However, she will go for longer walks so we pick it up on that end (weather permitting). And I can get her to do more balance with me when Pastor is here – and that is easier for me also as I do not have to lead and spot at the same time. For these reasons and more, it is good we have PT tomorrow (which we have 2x per week). I would have liked three, but they are busy these days, and they feel like we do a lot offsite so they think two is sufficient. And that should work fine.

Pastor is now coming only three mornings a week as mom is able to do most everything on her own. She is still wary of getting out of the shower by herself (even though it is an e-z access, disability shower stall). But that should improve with time. So Pastor comes to help with that aspect of her life.

Mom’s appetite continues to be good, and she has a lot of energy, but gaining weight is not in the cards for her at this time. One of the reasons may be her increased walking, but who knows. All other aspects of her being are so good that it is not a great concern. Her vitals and energy level are so solid – and her body seems to be able to do most or all that she asks of it given her state of recovery.

This is the 2nd night that mom has gone to bed without taking any Ibuprofen. And she seems just fine. So she is completely free of any type of medicine, analgesic, or digestive aid etc. Everything is being done and maintained on her own power.

Sat, June 19 (5:15pm) – Climbing Our Everest

Mom started the day by going out to breakfast with a veritable crew – they basically took over the joint!!

In the early afternoon, mom and I began our trek. She had suggested walking up to the mailroom, which was one of our longterm goals that just seemed so far off. I was not quite sure she would ever do it. But she has just improved so much this week that we set out at 1:50pm in 90 degree heat to attack the impossible. This was mom’s Mt Everest. And you know what – she did it. The below photo shows her seated outside the mailroom. She walked up the whole way using her rollator, and did the final 200 feet walking freely. Then she walked 90% of the way home. Just at the end mom sat on the rollator and I tugged her home. She got back just before 3p when a friend was coming over to give her a knitting strategy session.

But this was a huge feat – and in challenging heat too! I kept asking if she was ok or lightheaded, or needed to sit or rest etc, but she was determined to forge ahead. The main thing is that out of nowhere her speed has really improved, and it looks like at some point she will be tossing the rollator aside entirely. But we will proceed in a very natural, stage-wise progression.

All this not bad for someone who the hospital PT (not our favorite guy) announced back in early November that she would never walk again, and then went on to demo that if she did walk it would be like — and he then proceeded to portray the most feeble, rickety looking walk you could ever imagine (!), all done in our private hospital room directly in front of mom and I. So mom has more than beat the odds, and the most amazing aspect is that she looks like she is just now picking up speed (and she knows it) – and she is taking no prisoners, fully determined to make it to the next mountain top!!

Fri, June 18 (8:35pm) – Continued Progress

Mom extended the distance of her walk outside this morning to 1/2 mile. Most of that she does with the rollator, and some she does walking freely, without a PT belt and without anyone holding her, though we are close by as spotters. And when done, she is not wiped out, but ok to continue on with her day. So she sat on the front porch and visited with her neighbor for a while.

At 2:30p we went to PT where we worked more on mom’s walking, both with and without a cane. In particular, we practiced keeping her arms in flow with her feet. On this point, she does better without a cane.

Then we also worked on some of the micro muscles needed for flexing the foot and toes. While at PT, a woman working with one of the other therapists was pointing out and really admiring mom’s leg muscles!!

At home, we need to get going on more of the balance exercises and poses.

After PT, mom got all set up to participate in the weekly alley meeting. She was out there for two hours with a collection of her friends and neighbors.

Mom had a really great and full day. Now she is eating dinner and watching TV.

The main theme these days is mom’s rapid progress: She can tangibly feel and practically see her improvement. She is also very pleased how the right foot looks, and she is readily willing to show it to those interested. She feels really good about it. When she was looking at my open-toed sandals today she said, “Now I do not see why I can’t wear shoes like that.” She will, but her transfer into other footwear is being done very gradually and methodically, as described in this morning’s blog entry.

Fri, June 18 (7:55am) – “You Look Fantastic”

We went back to see the vascular podiatrist yesterday and met with the PA / wound care specialist, and she was so pleased with mom, from head to toe, literally. She thought the foot looked great, and that mom’s overall presence was wonderful. The fantastic term came up over and over again. And before the PA came in, the nursing staff took mom’s vitals and declared them “picture perfect”, which we knew as we take those all the time. I was thinking that this would be our last visit but we do have a follow-up in about 6 – 8 weeks. The main critical point we discussed with the PA was the sensitivity of mom’s feet. They talked about mom massaging her foot with Vitamin E oil (or a similar substance) to help ease the nerves, and she also mentioned getting a spray that has lidocaine etc. So we will have to see how that goes, as that is the chief remaining issue with the foot. And that is why mom still wears the black boot on her right foot as the loose fit, cushioning, and expanded toe box provide a sense of comfort. Squeezing and pressing that foot into a running shoe is a no-go. There are a variety of shoes we have our eyes on – some are sport shoes and some are slip-on – but we are waiting for the orthotics from Limbionics to be ready. Yet when we got to Limbionics they are going to want to fit the orthotics to the shoe. So it is a little bit of a “chicken & the egg” type of scenario. But we are getting closer.

Beyond that, things are going great. Yesterday, when we got back from the vascular podiatrist, mom and I went for a long walk, and it is impressive how much of a jump she has made in her walking distance. In one feel swoop she has tripled or even quadrupled her distance. We do the walk with a rollator and “free-standing” using a PT belt, but I never had to do an intervention when she was in free-standing mode. And this afternoon we head back to PT. So mom is getting plenty of physical engagement.

Last, but not least, mom is eating up a storm, bigger meals than I have seen her eat in years, followed by big pieces of pie etc. So her caloric intake is quite high. Here is a look at mom’s main meal from last night (this was not her largest meal, but noetheless substantial) before she devoured a big piece of apple pie. I am always trying to push the boundaries of how much I can put on her plate.

Thurs, June 17 (9:10am) – Longest One Yet + TV Swap

Yesterday, mom took her longest walk yet – up to the top of the street – more than two blocks – and then down the alley way. So it was a solid distance. And yesterday she spent the afternoon receiving some of her favorite friends and colleagues from the literacy council. So she had a full day. Not to mention the great TV swap, as we are in the midst of swapping out mom’s ancient (and heavy!!) tube TV’s for some flat screen models. We did not begin yesterday with that plan in mind, but a serendipitous series of events led to mom ending the day with a nice flat screen in her room, and the other tube TV is merely waiting its turn to get replaced. Looking modern around here!

This afternoon we are headed to the vascular podiatrist’s office. Of late, mom has been very pleased with the way her foot looks, and it will be interesting to hear what the team has to say about it today. This might just be our last visit!! Stay tuned.

Little by little we are wrapping up mom’s lingering medical issues, and entering a new mode of life. She is doing more and more for herself around the house. So all good signs!!

Wed, June 16 (2:45am) – Back in the Saddle at PT + Knitting Lesson

Looks like I missed an update or so, and will try to get caught up a bit….

Mom is definitely getting more involved around the house and being a bit more proactive. I believe it was on Monday morning where she went over to the house stereo for the first time and put some Beethoven on – and at full volume too!! But that was good to see her begin using more of her amenities. And she is certainly pleased with the new awning and has been showing it to everyone.

Tuesday was another very positive day. The main event was matriculating back into PT – our first formal PT session in nearly 3 months. So they did an assessment – even though they know mom well – because she is reentering under different circumstances. And mom did very well with it. It is evident that she is stronger than she was prior, mostly due to the fact that she is now further from her open-heart surgery date, and her body is slowly getting back to where it was. So hopefully we can really amp up in these weeks and months. I think they felt like mom now has a very good base of strength and ability, and that she can begin reclaiming much of where she was prior to Oct 2020.

Mom is now schedule for PT 2x weekly over the next month or so, and then they will reassess her. While that is going on, on the home-front we will start up our yoga balance routine and embark on some longer walks to enhance her endurance.

One other thing we did on Tuesday was make a return trip to the knitting store to pickup our supplies and get some guidance for mom. Mom had an appointment and they spent time showing her the new knitting pattern / stitching pattern. Mom worked on it and got it, and sure enough as soon as we returned back home mom got her knitting out in order to practice her new stitching technique. So that marked another return to normalcy as mom slowly regains her prior lifestyle.

The main thing is that mom just looks so good and has so much vitality. So we feel like we are in a really good position!!

Sun, June 13 (7:15pm) – Free-Stand Walking

Today mom and I did some walking up and down the street without the rollator and without the cane. She had her PT belt on and I was spotting her. We did not go far – just up a house or two, but she was somewhat smooth and I never had to do an intervention. So she kept her balance. She did say it took a lot of focus and concentration, and was taxing. Nonetheless, it was a start. And, hopefully this can leap forward.

Mom spent most of the afternoon in her new Freestyle Rocker chair, complete with shock absorbers (photo below). While mom started out alone, for most of the time she had 1 or 2 friends out there with her.

All in all, mom has had a fine day, and we look forward to moving ahead with her recovery this week with 2 PT sessions and a follow-up visit to the Vascular Podiatry clinic.

Sun, June 13 (1:55am) – A Visitor from Pre-Pandemic Life

Mom was up and ready to get out on the town on Sat morning to have breakfast with her friends. They were gone for a few hours, and as per the norm, when they returned there was a small entourage of folks to help mom get from the car to the front door. Pastor was actually doing a job up and across the street, and he dropped what he was doing and also pitched in. It’s kind of like mom’s Queen of England moment. 🙂 🙂

The rest of Saturday was pretty laid back. Mom took a solid power snooze – something she hadn’t done in a while, and then got up and had a very big late lunch.

Then came the moment she’d been waiting for: an out of town visitor in the form of her niece who just happened to be traveling up the east coast today. So she detoured our direction for an hour – a short but very sweet visit. They had not seen each other since pre-pandemic times, save for a handful of Zoom calls, though she’s had her finger on the pulse of mom’s recovery all along. So it was a long overdue gathering – and thoroughly enjoyed!

I believe I have mentioned this in the past, but here goes anyway. Mom is fully independent getting ready for bed, and then once in bed we have our own little routine before she goes to sleep. And one thing that invariably arises is tomorrow’s schedule, and if she has any appointments. Lately, she really has not had too many at all, though this coming week is a tad bit busier, but the joy and relief she expresses when I tell her that she has no appointments is quite hilarious, as if a tremendous burden has been lifted. In contrast, my days are spent busily hustling and shuffling a number of near-round-the-clock deadlines, dealings, classes, review sessions, and the like. However, when she realizes that she has no appointments the next day and gives a great sigh of relief, I too get that benefit. So it is a win-win situation.

Fri, June 11 (11:45pm) – The New Awning

No two ways about it: The day was dominated by the new awning electric awning (12 x 10) with LED lights. We waited for them to arrive. We watched them install it (they were speedy). We asked them question about it. And then mom and I experimented with the awning. It looks great – just what mom wanted. And while we did not get any daytime photos of it (we will tomorrow), we did open it up and put the lights on, and it was impressive to see just how bright it was. The below photo was taken when it was pitch black outside. Anyway, mom is very pleased with it, and certainly there will be more awning stories to come.

Thurs, June 10 (11:30pm) – The Yarn Shop & Dinner Out

Mom’s been hot to trot for a while now to get out to the yarn shop. It’s a bit of a ways away, they are by appointment only because of the pandemic. Today was finally our turn. To dress for the occasion, mom opted to wear this long cotton sweater (photo below) which she had made, and we brought the shawl (no photo) because the folks at the yarn shop had not seen the finished product. And of course, mom bought all the yarn she needed for her next project. One thing I will say is that mom was moving at a pretty good clip (rollator) down the sidewalk to the yarn store. And I have noticed she is getting speedier around the house as well.

Then in the evening, mom went out to dinner with the gang in order to celebrate their friend’s birthday #95!!! Mom had a delightful evening out!!

Thurs, June 10 (12pm) – New Territory

The highlight of the morning was mom cruising around the block for the first time without a rollator. She did the back end unassisted with a cane, and the first half or so was done with a bit of an assist (holding onto an arm).

Wed, June 9 (11:10pm) – Back in the Cane Game

After mom finished her morning breakfast routine she was headed back to her room and I just glanced over at the cane and switched it our for her rollator. And she did surprisingly well with her cane. Learning to use the cane was not easy for her a few months back, and she gained a bit of proficiency, though not enough to use it outdoors. Anyway, this morning, she was about as smooth as she was in the past with it. So that is something we will focus on using around the house a bit more; she does need a spotter with it, whereas with the rollator she can freely move around.

Today she also ventured into the kitchen and prepared her own lunch. Not the fanciest lunch in the world –  a peanut butter sandwich – but nonetheless it took a bit of agility to get it together. So that was good, and she is looking to do more around the house, which is a positive sign.

Wed, June 9 (1am) – The Home Indoor Gym is Open

After months of staring down this apparatus, today we made the big move to start experimenting with it – now that she is well enough to use it.

Admittedly, we started off slow to test the waters, but mom took interest and there are any number of engagements that we can do with it. We shall continue to explore and aim to make this a regular feature.

Morning smoothie: papaya, mango, banana, with vanilla protein powder in a blue-rimmed glass.

Tue, June 8 (5:20pm) – We Interrupt this Broadcast…

Was just cataloguing last week’s classes, and, well, someone needed to cross through the house.

Tue, June 8 (6pm) – News Flash

Mom just announced that one day she is going to fly to Casablanca and go to Morocco. Book it!!

Mon, June 7 (11:50pm) – Appointments & More

So today we got on the horn and scheduled a bunch of appointments to get this train moving forward. Although PT is way overbooked, they were able to get us in for two slots next week, which was our desire as I wanted to give mom this week off. It will be interesting to see how she responds to a full hour of exercise (though they do give her rest breaks). Whatever we do at home, it is never for an hour so PT gives us a boost as mom knows she has got to get after it, and she takes it seriously.

Next, we got mom an urology appointment – for 2022. No not 2022, not quite that bad, but it was a bit shocking to see just how backed up the urology schedule is. We pushed hard and rejected their plans for a July appointment, and got a slot in late June.

Mom got out for a walk in the morning and stopped by her friend’s place, and then passed the early evening out on the porch. Although it was a hot and humid she was out there with one of her slew of cashmere style sweaters – and feeling fine.

Just for the record, here is mom’s dinner, oh and in the morning we have been making these great papaya smoothies!!

Organic black beans (dry), tomatoes, corn fresh off the cob, lacinato kale, cilantro, carrots, romaine lettuce, chia seeds, fresh ground flax seed, nutritional yeast, black pepper, Himalayan salt, Moroccan spice mix (coriander, cumin, turmeric, nutmeg)

Sun, June 6 (11:55pm) – Strolling in the Heat

Mom never just wears a short-sleeve shirt; she always has a long sleeve shirt which is usually topped by another garment. Even on Friday for the alley meeting she had on a light cashmere type of sweater (pics below) when others had just short sleeves or more summery garments. Today, we went out in the midday sun for a walk, and I did not even consider layering her down, but there was no escape from the sun so we did have to peel down a layer. It was a bit of a tough walk as temp was nearly as high as her age, but she willingly trudged on. Her foot was bothering her as well, and finally a little more than halfway around the block she took a seat on her rollator. Her foot feels like it has a small knot on the bottom, as if part of her sock got bunched up underneath. Really hoping this is not a neuroma – it is just down from the base of one of the toes. She did end up finishing the walk. Hoping she has no discomfort tomorrow.

When we got back we did do some stand-ups from her recliner chair. The rules were: you can use the hands to stand up, but then had to sit down slowly with her arms out in front parallel to the ground. She did a handful of rounds – she said 5, I thought it was 4. Anyway, she did them very smoothly, and it is a bit of a low seat so it took some work. Her overall strength is good, but we have been refraining from any intensive work / rehab as we are trying to take it easy on the foot. But Monday morning, we will try and get her lined up for PT in the near future, just to test the waters and see what she can reasonably handle.

The evening (on her end) was dominated by a PBS Agatha Christie bio-pic murder mystery. It is fundraising season so they have different programming.

Sat, June 5 (11:45pm) – Casual Saturday

Mom began the day by going out to breakfast with a car-full of her friends. She enjoyed the outing quite a bit, yet later on in the morning noted that she does not hear everything. She spoke about her hearing loss a few times today so I think we may seek out her local audiologist to see if they might have any answers.

Mom is now bandage-free on her foot – the first time in 7+ months. So that is a positive development. Now we just need to work on footwear, however at this moment the right foot still feels best in those black boots.

Mom has been keen to get another knitting project started, but her favorite knitting store has been shut down since last March. They are not opening their shop to clients on a one-on-one basis and you have to set-up an appointment to shop. We are on the list for this coming Thursday – oh, and Friday the team is coming to install mom’s new awning in her courtyard.

All in all mom had a good day today, and spent the mid and latter part of the afternoon on her front porch – no surprises there.

Mom’s Easter Lillies have come into full bloom:

Sat, June 5 (1:45am) – Alley Meeting + Lab Results

Friday morning mom did some walking in the early morning as well as her bed exercises before coming down for a mid-morning breakfast, which segued into a mid-day power snooze. After her early afternoon lunch and some house engagements, at around 3:30pm or so mom began getting herself ready for the 4pm alley meeting, and boy did she ever outdo herself. While some just came “as they were” in shorts and tees etc, mom sported a light cashmere sweater, matching colorful beads around her neck and wrist, a little make-up, shades, and she was all-set!! We told her she could have graced the cover of any number of Southern Living outdoor magazines!!

While mom was outside for the alley get together, I spoke to doctors, on separate calls, who had contacted us about mom’s lab results. They had done a culture which came back negative so mom does not have an infection, which means there is another cause for why there is blood (not visible) in her urine. We did get a referral for a urologist whom we shall call on Monday. Needless to say we are not in any rush for any type of procedure, but we are keen to find out what is going on, or at least be able to eliminate a few of the possibilities.

We also got a referral for PT so we will be getting that into action as soon as they will take us. If we can get back into going 3x per week that would be ideal.

We also spoke to the nurse from the vascular podiatry office, and we got the green light to stop bandaging mom’s foot. So now she is just wearing a sock. That should work fine as the foot has healed nicely, but we will monitor it closely for the next few days.

So that’s right, we spoke with just about everyone under the sun concerning mom’s care: some things are moving onto the next phase, and some things need a bit more review. To be continued…

Thurs, June 3 (9:42pm) – Limbionics

The other day mom and I were discussing how she does not seem to be putting on much weight, and we are not sure why. Her appetite has been very strong – eating three solid meals a day, along with desserts and maybe a snack or two. She is more vigorous and engaging in her daily pursuits so at least all that eating is transmitting into greater energy.

The big event of the day was going to Limbionics. They specialize in footwear and accessories for amputees. When they saw mom’s foot – probably one of their smaller cases – they said they would focus primarily on making a fitting for the big toe, and leave the rest as is. Mom stepped into a mold, and they made an impression of her foot. In turn, they will essentially make an orthotic (an insert for a shoe as anyone would have) and then what makes it unique is that they will add a piece that takes up the space of the big toe. This specialized orthotic should be ready in about ten days. It works only with closed-toe shoes, so when it comes to slippers and sandals we are essentially on our own. But there are brands out there that should work quite well for mom. Apparently, the Dr Comfort website has some selections as well. But we will take it slow and go by trial and error and see what seems to suit her best, including trying on all of her existing footwear.

Mom handles all of her dressing and bathroom needs so she is completely self-sufficient in that arena. And all in all, mom passes each day in quite pleasant spirits, and she is amazed at how fast the days go by!!

One of the neighbors brought by this home-baked goodie yesterday….

Wed, June 2 (10:36pm) – Lab Results + Passing of a Dear Friend

We were at the doctor’s today and they took another urine sample, and once again the result came back positive that she has blood in her urine. The doctor did not seem too alarmed by it and offered us antibiotics (if we so desired). We declined, not just because we are tired of antibiotics having just gotten off of them, but also because mom is totally comfortable and has no symptoms of any kind. They sent the urine out for a culture, and we should get the results back by Friday. It could be due to an infection or a small stray kidney stone mom has. Will keep you posted.

Mom also got word that her longtime, good friend from nursing school passed yesterday. We had spoken with her a few times in the last few months. They met when they were 17! Mom said that when she was in her late twenties she went on a bad date and immediately called her friend, Dot, and her husband Hank. They said come on over and sleep at our place. So they were quite tight. It was also her husband Hank, a periodontist, who impressed upon mom to get braces (at the age of 28!), telling her that this would be the way she’d be able to keep her teeth into late age. And how right he was!! Mom’s teeth are all her own, straight as an arrow, and in great shape. Indeed, it was just on April 26th of this year that mom got an A+ report card from her dentist. So mom had lots of fond memories that she shared after she got the news from Dot’s daughter on the phone this evening.

Wed, June 2 (10:45am) – Great Walk + Dr’s Appt 

The weather was delightful yesterday (Tues) and mom went on a nice long walk – a little longer than usual, and then spent much of the afternoon on the front porch. As you can see, I did not hang around mom during the walk. I was often 30 – 50 feet away in one direction or another, and word on the street how mom is now going out and walking on her own!!

Yesterday (Tues), we are also due to go out and get mom some new shoes, but we put that on hold until Thursday as we scheduled an appointment on Thursday with a place called LimBionics that specializes in footwear for folks that need fillers. Apparently, they most often work with diabetics, but mom’s case is also something they can address as it is a similar type of issue.

Last week, it was looking like we had some urine issues, but then the coloration looked much better so I did not blog about it. We did end up dropping off a sample “just to be safe”, and late last night I did check mom’s chart online and sure enough the test came back positive. She does have blood in her urine, though it is not visible to the naked eye as the sample we dropped off looked totally normal. So today at 1:15p we are heading off to the doctor’s for follow-up and hopefully we can get to the bottom of this.

Here are a few shots from the part A of mom’s breakfast (fresh ripe mango & papaya) – that is, before she had her waffle. In addition to her fruit plate, we also made big tropical smoothie bowls (banana, mango, papaya, & peanut butter protein powder).

Mon, May 31 (11:15pm) – The Mighty Step

Mom has been proving her abilities around the house, as well as her ability to get around the block. Today we also worked on rises from chair to standing with arms and then descending down without arms, and back up again. Mom did well with it.

In the afternoon, mom visited her dear friend up the street – so far so good in walking that way and entering the courtyard. Then there was the smallest of steps, and mom was totally stumped. Back in March when we were in PT, mom was doing all kinds of step-ups with twist and neck turns etc. But it has been a while, and mom stopped dead in her tracks. It took more than a bit of coaxing and grabbing to get her to step up. She could do it; she just did not think she could do it. Here you have to remember that she lives in a house without a single step. Needless to say, this will be something to work on. And we might as well also get that referral going for PT so we can start that soon as well.

The tips of her toes are still a bit sore but we shall build on today and amp up her overall training. Rises from the chair, step-ups, free-walking & more all need to be done.

Sun, May 30 (10:15pm) – Sunday Best

These days around here I mostly manage the house, the meals, and mom’s social calendar. Beyond that, I mostly watch what is going on, as mom is capable of handling the majority of her daily existential needs, outside of the kitchen. Alas, we did not get any training going this weekend, but tomorrow is Monday and what better day to begin than that one.

Mom did spend time on her own getting ready for a family / community gathering at the nextdoor neighbors. And she had a really good time!! Unfortunately, I did not get a photo of her standing up before she went over there, but I did get one of her upon her return once she got into her favorite black chair. She looks quite good for a lady nearly 92 years of age, recovering from major surgery!!

Sun, May 30 (9:15am) – The Breakfast Club + A Farewell to Arms

Mom went out for breakfast with the crew yesterday morning and enjoyed every minute and morsel. She had a delightful time. So it is good that she is getting more able-bodied wherein you can go out with friends, without Pastor or I. No doubt here friends helped her a bit, but by and large mom can move around on her own.

Well, mom sure made short work of this one. Her friend loaned her a copy of A Farewell to Arms on Friday (mid to late afternoon) and by late Saturday afternoon mom had finished the book!! So much for any lack of concentration or ability to focus in the wake of the surgery. I think we have that aspect covered.

Mom did not walk around the block yesterday so we will have get back in the saddle today. All else is well, and mom has mostly a clear calendar this coming week…

Sat, May 29 (1:50am) – Community Visits + Email Back On!!

Mom did two laps around the block today (Friday) – once in the morning and then again in the afternoon. We also talked about how it was time to start a modest degree of training. Let’s see how that goes.

One of the great things is that mom likes to hang out on the front porch (we need to get her a new chair), and invariably others come by to sit, chat, and visit with mom. Today, she was out there for hours, visiting with folks, reading, and even remaining out there after everyone had gone. Only the threat of a storm, which we really needed but did not get, brought her inside.

Second, over the weeks, I have heard numerous accounts from a variety of people of mom’s legendary workouts at the gym, and in particular about her focused engagement on the inclined treadmill. They speak with awe and reverence of her efforts, especially when she was in training for her Patagonia trip. Of course, I have been witness to that as well, but it is always interesting to hear other talk about it – somehow it invariably comes up now and again.

Amidst all the loose ends and plannings that have been swirling around – and the personal work I’ve got – we had not been able to get mom’s email back up and running. Well, we put rubber to road, made the requisite techie phone calls and combined that with our own finagling and now mom is back in the driver’s seat with email. She will be checking it daily so feel free to write her. If you need her address let me know, and if it is something urgent then you are welcome to cc me / text me.

Here is the garden on one side of mom’s driveway. It really needs a good soak from the skies, but alas not to be had….

Thurs, May 27 (11:50pm) – Gaining Her Stride

One thing that seems pretty clear, the surgery of April 7th does not seem to inhibit mom’s ability to walk with a rollator. Even in this early period after getting the stitches and staples out and after nearly 7 weeks of non-ambulation prior to that, mom is quickly gaining her stride with the rollator. She may have been a touch speedier at her peak prior to the surgery, but she will invariably surpass that in the coming days. Here she is on a casual morning walk today. She is on her way around the block.

It was a pretty hot day today, but we were fortunate enough to be able to sit inside with wonderful friends who came by to visit. Naturally, everyone was fully vaccinated but still some youths continue to wear masks, and that is commendable.

Most notable in the below photo is that mom was keen to ditch the rollator for the shot. I had not seen that type of response before wherein she did not want to be associated with a supportive piece or aid. This is a wonderful sign as the urge to move past that crutch and regain full independence is alive and well. I think mom’s horizon looks quite favorable.

Thurs, May 27 (7:50am) – Situation As Normal….

Mom walked around the block again yesterday (Wed), and by and large had a fine day mostly managing whatever she needed herself, between her bedroom and her living area. We did have some concerns over the the color of her urine and I did try and drop off a sample – long story – now we have the proper container, but the color or her urine seems just fine now. Probably just a blip on the radar screen. The only other thing out of the ordinary is that in the pre-dawn hours today mom did pull off one of her patented daredevil routines. This seems to happen once a month or so. The upside is that she always seems to manage her balance fine during these high-wire acts. Purely by chance, I actually arrived during the act / or just after intermission (kind of sort of) and we took the more conventional approach to get back in bed. She had two call buttons but never pressed either of them. But again, all is well.

Wed, May 26 (8:35am) – Game Over

Yesterday morning mom walked around the block. Here the key point is that she did not hardly need to work up to it. Her foot was not bothering her so she just did it. We also put the PT belt on her so she could do some steps free-standing, and the rest she did unassisted using the rollator. And the day flowed forward from that event. Mom did what she liked, when she wanted to do it. She was accessing things around the house as per her desire because she felt like she COULD do it.

We are not even in training mode per se yet she is progressing by leaps and bounds. Her baseline of energy is excellent, and she has no concerns or worries about her recovery. She just feels like she can do much more – as if it is totally normal. So now instead of assisting or leading her around the house, we just follow, watch, or simply let her go.

Even Pastor said to her, “How much longer do you want me to come?” The sense was she needs him less and less. At present, he is here from 8am till 11am, more or less. But we shall see – there is no rush. It will be clear when the time comes.

I think the plan is to have a few days of pain-free movements with the foot before we begin to more aggressively engage in balance poses, strengthening exercises, and stamina-building endeavors – and get her signed up for PT. But it is clear that mom is racing ahead, making faster progress than she ever did in the past. The progress is just unfolding without really having to work for it, as she has a solid baseline of strength and vigor and she is no longer encumbered by injury or bodily insult. So the plan now is just to let this organically roll forward for the next few days.

Here is mom’s Wednesday morning smoothie….

Mon, May 24 (11:45am) – Wow!! Wow!! Wow!!

Mom and I had a pretty casual afternoon. She was on the front porch for a bit, as well as in her chair. It was all quite nondescript. Then I got her dinner together and told her I would be in the backroom in a meeting / class from 7:30p – 8:30p. She readily agreed to keep the TV on mute, which is not as big a deal as it sounds as she mostly reads the captions anyway. Then partway through the meeting I hear the TV going at a mild roar, then the TV goes silent and I hear mom on her phone. After her phone call then I hear footsteps marching around.

When my meeting ends, I emerge from the room not knowing what I would find. And sure enough everything was quiet and mom was exactly as I had left her – in her recliner. I thought I must have been hearing things. Then I look at her again and see that she was in her nightgown!!

She had put her shoes on, gotten up from her chair, crossed the house to her bathroom, done all her cleaning and washing for getting ready for bed, went to her bed and took off her day clothes, put on her nightgown, and then come all the way back to her recliner!!

I may not be here all that much longer – let’s see!!!!

Mon, May 24 (11:25am) – Amazin’ Mornin’

Mom woke up this morning and promptly announced that her foot did not hurt today. Not only that, after a light breakfast, she went outside and walked all the way up to the corner and back. No doubt it is not super far, but if it is much further than mom has walked in her prior outings since the foot surgery and getting the stitches / staples out. So we shall take this as a good sign! Thereafter, she took her seat on the porch and has been soaking up the morning outside.

Sun, May 23 (11:55pm) – Steady Progress

Despite having a tender foot, mom continues to make (mostly) steady progress. There were a few times today where it looked like mom was moving on the slower side, but she had a really strong finish today, as she was completely independent sitting in her recliner, getting up and crossing the house, attending to her bathroom needs and pre-bed routine, and finally getting into bed. The only thing I did in that multi-step operation was take off her shoes. All the rest she did herself.

Mom had a good in-person visit and catch-up with her old friend, and later on had a family Zoom call. So there was plenty of talk and connecting throughout the day.

Finally, in honor of the 90-plus temps today, we had a classic (or nearly so) summer dinner: steamed corn, fresh picked Russian kale and tomatoes, Indian dal delight with a bit of brown rice, and a toasted corn crispy (it is actually a taco shell). I tried hard on the ice cream as we got a BIG new supply in today, but she was not up for dessert this evening.

Sat, May 22 (10:45pm) – Trick of the Day

We changed the bandage today and mom’s foot looks very good. There is some bruising where they made all those lidocaine injections, but beyond that it looks like a foot that has basically healed and is quickly on the mend. It is still sore but that should clear up soon. Until the foot becomes pain-free, we will just do the basic walking that mom needs to do for conducting her day – no training beyond that.

The weather has been spectacular and mom spent a large portion of the afternoon on the front porch. Tucker and Co (not pictured) came over to say hello and goodbye as they are going to Lake Placid till October. Thereafter Karma (pictured below) and crew came over for a welcomed and lengthy visit.

By this evening mom was moving around the house with her rollator as she wished – I was hardly even looking her direction. She was solid and in control.

Trick of the day: Mom was standing upright freely in the bathroom – not holding on to anything – and her shorts were literally around her ankles and draped onto the floor. Mom then did a free standing forward fold, grabbed her shorts, and brought them all the way up to her waist. It was a smooth move that took balance and reach, and she did it easily.

Sat, May 22 (3am) – Fast Improvement

It is amazing to see just how quickly mom has regained her footing and abilities with the rollator. In just the first 24 hours she improved a lot. I no longer feel I need to watch her every step, and already she is getting herself out of the easy chair and up walking around with the rollator. In the morning (Fri), under supervision, she also walked out the front door and up the sidewalk (just close by to the next house). And she did walk herself out the garage to the alley meeting in the afternoon (photo below). In both instances, people came running to see her and / or gave her a big ovation. Everyone is extremely pleased to see her progress. I think some felt that she might never be out of the wheelchair again, or they just became accustomed to seeing her in that mode.

The main thing is that mom knows and feels like she can walk and she is eager to do so. Now the only question is how long will it take for her to ditch the rollator and get back to using a cane, which she hadn’t become perfectly facile with prior to the foot surgery. But we are in a new phase now – there is no recovery going on in the medical realm anymore (she is fine and all clear) – and the aim is definitely to walk fully independently again. The only thing slowing us down at the moment is that the foot is still sore and tender, but that should clear up on its own soon enough.

Fri, May 21 (7:50am) – On the Open Road

So when we got home yesterday we ditched the wheelchair, gave mom her rollator, and she marched into the house. Now, after around 7 weeks of no walking, she was not nearly as speedy or stable with the rollator as she was prior to the surgery, but just within the course of the night she improved a lot. At this point there is nothing holding mom back. No doubt her foot is tender and sore after all the work they did yesterday, but assuming she does not run into any drastic nerve issues / complications, mom should be able to roll ahead quite freely.

So this is an exciting time. Now we are truly in the phase of 100% reconditioning without any constraints or liabilities. She is not on any meds, and there is no portion of the body that is on any type of medical surveillance or alert. It is just a matter of how good she feels and how fast she is ready to move ahead. We will probably hold off a bit before going back to PT, as we will have plenty to do as mom adjusts to walking and balancing again. Theoretically, we can probably do just fine without PT, but why not take advantage of every opportunity and strategy available. So we will get after it in the due course. And for now will just ease into getting back on her feet, especially in these first few days.

I told mom that she is not to walk or move around alone as she was doing prior to the surgery – at least until she gains a bit more facility in her movements and gait. But I do not expect this phase to last long. She is eager to move, and I think she will make big strides quickly. The only real limitation we have his how painful her foot feels. But again, that should dissipate quite quickly going forward. So here we are on the open road, and it feels great!!

To celebrate, last night mom purchased that retractable awning for her patio that we’ve been looking into. She should have it up and installed inside of a month: 10 x 12, fully electric with a hood, lights, and a wind sensor. Not a bad way to get ready for  summer!!

Thurs, May 20 (4:01pm) – The Stitches & Staples Are OUT!!

Well, it was a bit of a painful experience, but, all in all, manageable, and now all the stitches and staples are OUT. And the foot looks great. Everything looks very pink and healed, and they were very pleased with the outcome.

Basically, they used a series of lidocaine injections to numb up the foot. And for mom, the injections were painful, as was the removal of the stitches and staples. But she toughed it out, and, step by step, they did one toe after another. And we were expecting the last pinky toe to be the worst, but that one went fairly smoothly. The main thing is that mom is now done with this stage. As soon as they took the last stitch out, her whole face brightened up and everyone laughed at how quickly she emerged from her woe.

They feel the foot is healed and that she can begin to weight bear on it immediately, according to her pain tolerance. For the next two weeks we will keep it dry bandaged at home, all the while she will continue to use her black boots, just to be sure. But thereafter she will be able to wear just about any shoes she wishes.

We are still in the medical office and are about to leave, but I will check in later with perhaps more details….

Thurs, May 20 (9:30am) – The BIG Appointment

Today at 2:20p mom is due to get the remaining 5 staples and all the stitches out. The plan is to numb her foot while the surgeon removes everything. Let’s see – we shall let you know how it goes!!!

Thurs, May 20 (3am) – Getting Ready for Summer

Well mom has big plans for enjoying a great summer, and we put rubber to road today by gathering estimates (and having a rep come to the house Wednesday) to put a retractable awning from the house over the patio. I remember mom first mentioned it to me a year or two back, and I encouraged her then but she did not do it, but on her own she has been bringing the point forward these days. So we have pursued it and are just about to push the green light to get things in motion.

Mom spent much of Wednesday afternoon on the front porch where she entertained neighbors and passerbys. It was a very pleasant afternoon and even after everyone had come and gone, mom soaked it up by herself for a while longer. At one point during that span Tucker came over, but that was a sanctioned visit as he was accompanied.

Earlier in the day, Tucker made a total renegade run for it and came over by himself for a little visit, house inspection, and chum time with mom on the patio (pictured below). And yes, while Tucker enjoys the sun, he was fully supportive of our decision to move ahead with the awning.

Wed, May 19 (7am) – Get Those Staples Out!!

Yesterday (Tuesday) was mostly uneventful. As a precaution, we did change mom’s dressing, and her foot looked really good, better than two days prior. So that was encouraging. And, to be honest, I do not think we were ever in any real difficulty with it in terms of infection, swelling, or puss etc. And when we had uploaded photos to the medical team, they were not concerned. All that said, mom has been experiencing more discomfort, although we still need no more than 2 ibuprofen before bed. Yet having those staples (and stitches) in for such a long period has got to be irritating, to say the least. Well, this all comes to a head tomorrow when they (better) take them all out. At this point, she has had those foreign objects in her foot for 42 days!!

Despite the greatness and clarity of her bedside clock, mom did get a bit confused when she awoke up from her afternoon nap. First off, she really has not been napping much, but yesterday she slept a solid 60 – 70 minutes and then was lying there thinking it was the early morning, i.e. before 5am when really it was before 5pm. So she had the usual queries: Why did I sleep all night in my clothes etc. And when I came in to see her she asked me why I was up so early. But she quickly got oriented relatively quickly and laughed it off.

One of the reasons she even slept at all is that her cleaning helper needed to go through the area where mom usually resides in her black chair. And when you can’t walk, the options are really limited as to where else you will go. Plus I had some computer work to attend to and she was not inclined to sit on the porch by herself. So, almost by default, she laid down in bed. Though, another reason she took rest was that she had ordered up (and devoured) a big ol’ greasy veggie burger with crinkle fries and a milkshake from the local burger shack for a late lunch and that is enough to put anyone out!!

The evening passed simply enough with soup and a good documentary.

Mon, May 17 (11:45pm) – Glimpse Into the Future

Mom made some impressive, self-supportive transfers into and out of the wheelchair wherein she stood up fully in an erect position. The only reason we do not build on this is because of the foot. We want to stay off it as far as possible. That said, when mom was in her wheelchair this evening at the bathroom sink, she did not alert me to go to the toilet and instead go out of the chair and walked there freely on her own, about 10 – 12 feet. So I think we will have a lot to work with once the foot heals fully.

Tucker came over today for a while in the late afternoon while we were on the front porch – and we played all the usual games: tag, hide and seek, run with the sock, and house inspection.

Other engagements today were: a wheelchair cruise around the neighborhood with Pastor and finding an ad for sandals in the Sunday Times that mom definitely wants to get, like ASAP. Her classic line is, “Now I do not see why I could not wear these?” And she is right – she can, but not now…

Sun, May 16 (11:50pm) – Weekend Update II

Just to put the wrappings up on the weekend. Mom spent the late afternoon visiting with her close friends – so that was a treat!

Shortly after the visit, mom started the early evening with a virtual visit via Zoom with family up the east coast. And mom thoroughly enjoyed that as well.

After all those visits, mom had built up a hearty appetite, so she took much delight in her evening meal: A Quick Whip-Up of Pasta Primavera & then some….(green & yellow squash, lacinato kale, tomatoes, cilantro, sage, thyme, black pepper, paprika, balsamic vinegar, ground flax seed, white pepper, olive oil + she sprinkled grated parmesan on her plate.)

Sun, May 16 (1:50pm) – Weekend Update

We changed the dressing on the foot this morning. The foot looked good; there is a bit of an opening on the tip of the 2nd toe, but it looks very pink and healthy. The remaining staples are quite buried, what to speak of the stitches. So we are very glad that they will do a proper numbing of the nerves when we go on Thursday for their removal.

One plus point is that when mom woke up today she did not have any pain in the foot. For the most part we only take the ibuprofen at night before bed, so it is not that her foot is in chronic pain. But, the foot is just below the pain threshold so if it undergoes any type of insult then it quickly becomes painful.

Yesterday (Sat) went well for mom. She spent much of the afternoon outside, and even sat on the porch while I went food shopping. When I got back we were both on the front porch when we got a visitor – enter Tucker!! He was so very happy to see us, and he quickly jumped up onto mom, a la the blog entry of Tue May 4. Tucker also took several tours of the house to ensure everything was in order.

This morning we did get a solid round of bed exercises and stretches done. All in all, a smooth weekend….no other news….

Sat, May 15 (7:45am) – Foot Irritation + Alley Meeting

Mom’s Friday was a fine one. We checked and redressed her foot today – the second day in a row as opposed to twice a week – because she has been feeling more pain. There was some redness, and we called it in, as we did yesterday (when we sent photos as well), and there seems to be some irritation, but no signs of infection. Whatever may be, mom has more discomfort these days. We think it is due to the remaining staples. This is a long time to have stitches and staples in, nearly six weeks!! For the last two days (Thurs & Fri) this has been a bit of an issue: calling into the doctor’s office, leaving a message for the call nurse, the call nurse gets back to us (at some point), messages are conveyed to the team, etc etc. It is a bit of a three-ring circus. Hopefully, this will all end Thursday when all the stitches and staples are removed.

Mom was out with the neighbors for a good part of the afternoon yesterday for the weekly alley meeting (photo below). She must have been out there for nearly two hours when she pushed her call button for me to bring her back in. She said she would have stayed longer but could not bear sitting in the wheelchair anymore. That is another issue: either she is sitting or lying down. But as she no longer needs to nap much during the day, she spends so much time sitting. She is not getting bed sores, but one can only sit so much. She spends huge portions of the day in her black recliner. Yet, unfortunately, that is the way it has to be until her foot is fully healed, which might be 2 – 3 weeks after the stitches and staples are removed. At present, our life revolves around stitches and staples, and staples and stitches!!

Fri, May 14 (2:40am) – Night Out on the Town

Mom was geared up all day today (i.e. Thursday) for this evening’s night out on the town. Throughout the day she was telling me what time she would get dressed, what she would wear, and how she would get ready. Can’t hardly blame her – I have no idea when the last time she had gone out for the evening.

Mom and I had one of those moderately busy hum-drum days, and we finally started getting ready sometime after 6pm (later than we planned – but then again mom threw out just about every possible time imaginable! But 6:10pm or so was when we finally came in from the front porch.) And somehow we got ourselves together. When all was said and done, Mom was fairly well decked out!!

We made it just on time to our rendezvous spot in Carrboro and so began the evening. We were meeting up with mom’s niece (Carol), or, more specifically, mom’s cousin once removed – along with her partner. And I must say mom thoroughly enjoyed the evening (as did I) and thought the whole gathering was quite splendid. It was a really nice, energizing change of pace for her. Mom hadn’t seen them in years, but they keep in touch and Carol has been very active in following Mom’s Recovery blog. Indeed, she told mom that she knew all that mom had been up to – and had no questions!! So they could really just visit.

By the time we got home and readied mom up for bed it was nearly 11pm. And as joyous as she was about the evening out, she could not have been happier to be lying down…all in all, a very successful night out on the town!!!

Thurs, May 13 (1:30am) – The Plan Is Set

We called up and left word that we did not want to come in next Thursday unless they were going to do a nerve block. A few hours later they called back and said that nerve blocks have to be done in the OR, but that they would give mom a lidocaine injection. Now if they give that lidocaine shot at the nerve that is a nerve block (as my brother tells me), so perhaps they will give the shot locally on the wound. What is certain is that the surgeon will be doing the job, not the wound care PA. So we are just taking it as a matter of course that the surgeon will do justice with it because up till this point he has been excellent. So long story short: we are dialed in to our appointment for next Thursday (5/20) to get all the stapes / stitches removed.

These days, now and again, mom does have a burning sensation on certain parts of the foot. Hopefully, with time that will dissipate and come summer the nerves will have cooled down wherein the foot is pain-free.

Just as an addendum to yesterday’s entry – Deep Blue Mental Skies – mom’s hearing does impede on her ability to follow and participate in group discussions, which would naturally make it seem like she is overly quiet or morose etc. But that is just the wrong conclusion. And she is funny about it too. A month or so back she went out to breakfast with all of her friends and I asked her about it: Did you talk much, and she said, No – she mostly listened. Yet she only heard a given percentage of what was said. Yet, she returned from the breakfast feeling quite triumphant and thought it was a grand occasion!

Finally, on the phone, mom’s hearing is what it is, and she tends to give very short, neutral answers when talking about herself or her condition. A story-teller like dad she is not. Often times, especially if it is someone she has not spoken with in a while, the person on the other end will not get a clear impression of what is going on. Mom can sometimes leave people feeling like the situation is fairly glum, when in fact there has been tremendous improvement and the future holds great possibility to be very bright. And that’s when I jump in – not to save the day, but to give a different description of what is going on. Actually, this happens both in-person and on the phone, which is why mom is always referring to me as her best PR man. Anyway, this concludes this topic. Suffice to say, mom is in excellent spirits.

Wed, May 12 (2:20am) – Deep Blue Mental Skies

A few have commented / questioned if mom is suffering from depression / melancholia, and I can say there is not a single ounce of that going on. She has a will of steel inside and carries a big stick. Sometimes mom is quiet when people gather together, and that can lead folks to be mistaken in their assessment of her. Just be assured that mom has deep blue mental skies. She is neither ruminating about the past, nor fearful of the future. She is in positive spirits all day long. Her most common answers are “delicious”, “lovely”, “how wonderful”, and the like. And she is vigorously involved in getting better and improving her overall condition. Basically, she is extremely buoyant coupled with an extremely even-keeled demeanor. She is also very, very quick to smile and laugh throughout the day. Plus more than a few people have commented that her face looks shiny. I think you get the idea – case closed.

On Tuesday, we drove to the knitting store as mom wants to start on a new sweater. Unfortunately, they have been closed since March 2020 and meet with folks by appointment only. It was a bit of a drive to get there as it is in Hillsborough. But one thing new going on is that wherever you look folks are waiting in line around the block for gas. And so many stations just have their pumps covered up entirely, i.e. no gas. NC is officially in a state of emergency with regards to fuel. Mom and I are fine as we do not need to go anywhere, and hopefully this can all get worked out soon enough.

As you can see below, there are few on the planet who can keep pace with mom in struggling to get her turtlenecks off. She really gets after it and often gets stuck in very precarious positions. Some weeks back she got into a real doozie documented here in this entry ==> Wed, Mar 10 (5pm) – Cane & a Haircut. Today also is right up there with the best of ’em. When she finally does succeed she looks marveled and amazed like a kid who just got off of a massive rollercoaster.

Tue, May 11 (10:15am) – Calming Times

Well, we casually averted yesterday’s tornado and all its warnings and were able to sit out on the front porch into the late afternoon. All in all, mom had a fine day yesterday and is off to a great start this morning. Everything is pretty stable. She has a greater desire to walk and her balance is quite solid, but we continue to keep her off her feet. We did change her dressing yesterday, and the foot looked very healthy and well. So we remain in our holding pattern with the looming storm of the stitches and staple removal set for next Thursday, the 20th. So we will do two more bandage changes before then, and today I should get a message out to the medical team to see what calculations they have made – I’d like to hear that they are not just depending upon us to calculate how much tramadol or Tylenol 3 with codeine we are going to guesstimate. Beyond that it is normal times, and off to do the recycling….

Sun, May 9 (11:15pm) – Mom Holding Court

Happy Mother’s Day!! Thanks for all the kind wishes that came rolling in via phone, text, email, shout-outs, passersby, and in-person greetings.

One of mom’s close friends texted, “Will Ruth be holding court this afternoon?” And sure enough it came to pass.

Mom had a fine, fine morning….and came out in the early afternoon to ensure I did due diligence with my running. And then she said she was going to come in. I offered that she could stay out while I showered, and she said ok. By the time I came back out one neighbor had joined her on the porch. And then there were two friends and a dog (Karma). And then there were multiple friends and two dogs (Karma and Tako). And then a car stopped by and Tucker stuck his head out to say hi and we thought he might come over, but, alas, he must have had some other things to attend to.

All in all, mom spent 4+ hours on the porch, which included some some solo time with an ice cream, and some one-on-one time with a smoothie for the ages (fresh banana, frozen banana, blackberries, soaked medjool dates, date syrup / water, and PB protein powder).

So it was a very full and pleasant Mother’s Day afternoon.

Here is mom’s black bean dinner complete with potato, broccoli, asparagus, yellow squash, walnuts, carrots, and spices and toppings galore – with a side of tortilla shells.

Sat, May 8 (11:45pm) – Wild Times on the Homefront

Before getting into the write-up of the crazy evening scene that transpired, in the early afternoon mom and I did an extended ankle weight marching session in her chair along with variety of strengthening and stretching movements and postures. Thereafter, mom went out for a little R & R in her courtyard – shown below in the prior entry.

Ok check this out: so mom sent me out to pick up her Malaysian takeout at about 5:40pm. When I left, mom was in her black recliner chair in the main living area. While out and about picking up her meal and doing a lightening quick purchase of clementines, a thought came in the mind if mom needed to use the restroom, but usually she is fine around that time so I figured all was well. When I came home, I entered in through the garage, i.e. the back, and that entry point is a straight shot to the front door. And lo and behold, mom was all the way at the other end of the house in the front hall standing off to the side of her wheelchair!!! #%^*#$*&*#(#**

Here is what happened. A neighbor rang the front door once or twice. And from the black chair, if mom cranes her neck she can see all the way down to the front door and out the windows that run either side of the door. And sure enough she saw that someone was still standing out there. So she figured she would get up, which she did, and walk around her coffee table to get her wheelchair which is parked behind her black chair. Normally, I have the wheels locked, and she is unable to unlock them as it takes a bit of pressure. But somehow she used that wheelchair as a quasi-walker and made it all the way down to the front door and was free-standing awkwardly to the side of the wheelchair in the front hall trying to figure out how she would get the front door open!!! As you know, it goes against all rules of hospitality not to answer the front door.

When I walked in on this scene, I ran down to the front hall, grabbed hold of mom, got her seated in her wheelchair and then opened the front door to greet the neighbor who was coming by to deliver fresh strawberries in honor of Mother’s Day. Little did she know that mom was transgressing every single rule of safety and recovery by making this risky and dangerous traverse of the house. And she probably saw mom inching down the hallway as she could see in from the outside. But both she and mom acted like this was all in a day’s work and that the best thing to do was to smell the strawberries, which were very fragrant.

Three or four hours later, when mom had completed her evening in the black chair (i.e. eating her takeout and watching BBC murder mysteries etc) she said she was ready to go down to her room and that she would just do it herself now that she knows she can make it!!! Noooooooooooo…..#%^*#$*&*#(#**

Sat, May 8 (1:16pm) – Soaking up the Sun

Here is mom this very minute…basking in the sun in her courtyard:

Sat, May 8 (11:40am) – Home Independence & More

Although in a holding pattern with the foot, mom is eating well with a strong appetite, and she is gaining strength. She is doing more and more and proactively managing all her movements into and out of the wheelchair. This has been a growing development, and now we mostly just watch as she does what she needs to do. And if you do not get there on time, she will move ahead without you!! So this is all quite positive and when the foot heals all this should bode well for a positive, independent future.

Yesterday, we went to Costco for our final hearing appointment, and it looks like we are not going to get the boost we were hoping for. Apparently, when the issue is with the nerves, it is not such an easy fix. We seem to be no better off than where we were before tour Costco hearing investigations began. This is not Costco’s fault – and their pricing is great; mostly, this seems to be a result of mom’s inherent condition. We might bounce back to her high-end audiologist whom she had been using for years, and see if they have anything new to say.

Since our visit to get the staples removed, mom’s foot has been a bit more raw in terms of nerve pain. Fortunately, small (and infrequent) doses of ibuprofen does relieve the pain. Hopefully, the foot will cool down a touch, and we can get this foot issue fully resolved in the next 2 – 4 weeks.

Thurs, May 6 (9pm) – Way the Hell Too Painful

Well, the main event of the day was going to the medical center and taking some of the staples and stitches out. We prepared accordingly and took 400mg of Ibuprofen before going. Mom took my hand when they were about to remove the first staple….(continued 2 paras below)

The PA wound care specialist thought the foot looked absolutely great – and to my untrained eyes I thought so too. It just looks very healthy, and there is no drainage – the skin is just very nice and pink. And when they took mom’s vitals, she had a BP of 116 / 66 and her heart rate was 74. So mom was off to a terrific start to this visit.

….(continuation from 1st para) Mom took my hand when they were about to remove the first staple, and she looked away and the PA said, “How was that?” Mom hadn’t even realized that the staple was removed. Unfortunately, that was not a sign of what was to come. That first staple was in an outlying area. When they began working on the second staple, mom was squeezing my hand very tightly, and they paused the process and soaked her foot in lidocaine for 10 minutes. When they came back they finished the second staple with some struggle, and by the time they did the third and fourth staples, mom had gripped my hand, tugged it up to her mouth, and was biting on my knuckles – through her face mask!! By the time the fifth staple was removed she was writhing in pain and just could not take it anymore, and we halted the entire process. Appointment over. She was just in way too much pain. The PA was very concerned about her extreme discomfort and was proceeding as gingerly as possible, but they just had few answers for how to address the pain then and there.

We ultimately decided to come back another day with the battle plan to change mom’s pain meds (tramadol + 2 ibuprofen and possibly a Tylenol 3 with codeine). Then they will hopefully be able to take out the remaining 5 staples, as well as the very dense conglomeration of stitches that are embedded in the wound. So the next appointment is going to be a doozie. In fact, the PA is going to confer with the surgeon as she even mentioned the possibility of using a nerve block in which case they would have to use the OR. As of now, we are scheduled to return in two weeks, but that may change.

I do not think this will set us back at all, because the plan for today was never to take out all the staples and all the stitches. They were going to do some, but I think the idea was that they would stop based on the condition of the wound, not because the patient was suffering terribly. Anyway, we are only 4 weeks out from the surgery, and we knew the recovery was 6 – 8 weeks. So we are still in the swing of things with regards to the timing. That said, it was a bit shocking that more attention hadn’t been given to prepping mom with the right pain meds before today’s visit. That topic never really came up in a serious way – or, at least not serious enough.

When we got home, we prepared all of mom’s favorite foods!!! It was a tough outing, but mom has had a fine evening, and we shall march onwards!!

Wed, May 5 (11:10pm) – Gaining Strength

Numerous times today mom made transfers exclusively on her own power into and out of the wheelchair. I think that bodes well for the future. One reason being that mom is very careful not to use her right light / foot, which makes it all the more challenging to make get up, stand, and navigate to the next position.

As far as day to day activities, mom did take up her position on the front porch today for quite a while, perhaps 2+ hours or so. The weather was great, and one of her neighbors (and her dog Tako) joined her for a while. Just to straighten out the dog thing there are three of them who come to see mom – and they look like they could be kith and kin, with the chief difference being size: Tucker (16 lbs), Karma (31 lbs), Tako (50lbs). Hopefully, one day I will be able to post a photo of all three of them side by side by side.

Mom ate very well today (waffles & smoothie // yogurt, ice cream sandwich, pistachios, scone // vegetarian sushi (9 pieces). The yogurt was meant to be a late morning holdover, as done on other days, but she counted it as lunch and went right into dessert & snack mode!

Tomorrow is a big one for us as mom is due to get some of her stitches and staples out, after which she will have to be even more careful on her foot to ensure the wound closes properly.

Tue, May 4 (though really it is after midnight) – Tuck on the Scene

Mom had a fine morning and spent the latter part of it visiting with a neighbor who popped on over. By the mid-afternoon or so, mom was out on the porch relaxing, eating ice cream, and watching life unfold before her.

After that brief lull of full on relaxation, mom began garnering more and more attention, until finally this guy showed up.

Tucker jumped up there by his own free will, but even then he was not satisfied….

Any day Tucker makes his way over is fine by us!!

Indeed, while outside, mom cut all sorts of deals – she contacted the landscaping / sprinkler crew that was out and about and got them to do a job. And a variety of other folks (& pups) stopped on in to say hello. Going outside onto the front porch began as a simple way to watch me jog up and down, and now it has turned into an outing unto itself – and we bring more and more things out there with us.

So that was essentially a microcosm of the whole day. Mom passed it quite pleasantly…things were smooth from morning till night!!

Mon, May 3 (10:30pm) – No Entry Needed

Today was quite nondescript. The most significant thing that happened is that we are 24 hours further in mom’s recovery. That said, it was a fine day, and mom ate well. At 8:30pm she said she was ready to go down and brush her teeth, but that she was not ready to go to bed. I told her that if she went down now then she would be in bed in 15 minutes. She paused. I said, “How about a small ice-cream sandwich?” She said, “A small one.” She ate it relatively quickly and has been in her recliner / TV chair since. All else is fine…

Sun, May 2 (7pm) – Porch Life

Well, we had our typical Sunday morning – the big event of course was cleaning and rewrapping mom’s foot, which Pastor did, and it looked really, really good. Normally Friday is the day we change the dressing, but this week we go to the wound care specialist on Thursday, not Tuesday, so we delayed the dressing change accordingly.

Come 2p I went our for my little run up and down the block and mom likes to sit on the porch and watch – it keeps me honest(!!) – and thus began mom’s long afternoon on the front porch. After my run and cool down, I went back in, showered, and prepared a banana / blackberry smoothie for mom and I to share on this most delightful afternoon. But that was only the beginning….

…after the smoothie, I was talking to a passerby when all of a sudden Tucker comes screaming towards us and rolls in the ground at my feet. So I grabbed him, we crossed the street together, and Tucker hung out with mom and I for 20 minutes. Tucker toured inside the house, we got some toys, and played outside…at some point I walked him back and they had no idea that Tucker had left their premises(!!)….

…Shortly thereafter two of mom’s good friends came over, including Karma (shown below & not to be confused with Tucker). And mom enjoyed the extended visit – and we went for a walk as well. By and by, mom spent over four hours on her front porch!! And the weather was absolutely perfect the whole time!! And we saw just about the entire neighborhood – and then some!!

I asked mom if she had ever spent so much time on her front porch before and she said, “No.” Usually, she would have been going to the pool, or the gym, or cooking, or visiting / helping friends, etc. So this was a new and different experience and it made for a grand afternoon and a fine Sunday!!

Sun, May 2 (9:20am) – Keeping Pace

Not a lot of new developments yesterday – medically or from a recovery perspective. However, it was a great spring day and we spent much of it outside. While mom and I were on the porch, then a newly-shaved Tucker came over with his companions, Laura & then Joe. And we quickly learned Tucker’s favorite games like chase Tucker around the neighborhood at top speed while he runs around with an old sock in his mouth. He was in luck as I specialize in old socks. Then they brought over this “two-wheeled, no-pedals” gizmo. Tucker likes to run along side it:

When it was my turn I did my darndest to set a new land speed record. Fortunately, Tucker is pretty fast and could keep up!!

Fri, Apr 30 (Time: sometime before Sat sunrise) – Spring Fever

Mom’s Friday passed just like all Fridays should be passed – joyously & swiftly.

Mom’s morning routine went normally, and took a wild turn when I went for my little run up and down the block, wherein often mom sits on the porch and watches, but this time Pastor decided to join in (with mom) and he had mom zipping up the street in her wheelchair with her hair was flying back. I can tell you this for certain as I had the best view possible as we crisscrossed when mom was at top speed!!

Mom was back in the house by 11am for an early midday snack and downtime. At 1pm she had a planned visit from a neighbor-cum-friend-cum-literacy council colleague. She hadn’t seen mom since mid-2020 or so, and they had a wonderful exchange to start the afternoon. No sooner had that ended when mom told me to open the garage and see if folks were gathering for the weekly alley “social hour” – and they were (photo below). So mom rolled right out the back at the very outset and got her spot. I couldn’t stay so we tested and put her call button around her neck so she could call as needed. I was summoned by 3:30pm, and everyone was very impressed that all she had to do was press the red button and a human being showed up within seconds. It was a nice-sized gathering and the weather was great so mom had really enjoyed herself.

Mom probably would have stayed at the alley gathering longer save for the fact she just could not tolerate sitting in the wheelchair any longer. And that really is the bane of this current period. How much sitting can a person do in one day. She just sits and sits. She is not getting sores as she shifts her weight, and we reposition her. Nonetheless, it is a lot of sitting. Especially since her napping routine has curtailed to about nil. Typically, in the mid-morning she lies down, but does just that as she doesn’t really sleep. So her supine time is much less. Mom does have a great desire to walk and can actually manage fairly well, but we dare not do it. So sitting is the defacto position until the foot fully heals. At this point we have made it through April and now just need to get into mid-May for some daylight in in this arena.

I believe it was last weekend when two friends were over and asked mom, “So what do you look forward most to doing – what will you do first – when you are back on your feet?” You can imagine the anticipated responses. Go to the park, go to the beach, head out on my own, work out at the gym, stroll the gardens etc. Well, mom gave none of those. She said, “I would like to clean some of the hard to reach places in the house.” That answer effectively took all the air out of the conversation, and they politely said, “Really.” 😂 😂 😂

Thurs, Apr 29 (10:15pm) – Mom’s Two Zingers

Mom had a couple of humdingers while closing out her evening tonight.

#1: When she turned off the TV at 9pm in order to make her way down to the other end of the house where her bedroom is she said, “Is the chair (i.e. wheelchair) free, or do you want me to walk down?” 😂 😂 😂 Hint (if needed): No one else in the house uses the wheelchair.

#2: Then just as she was getting into bed she looked at me and said, “I do not think I will be coming up for Christmas this year.” 😂 😂 😂

Mom could have made a killing in Hollywood delivering deadpan humor lines, only for her she is not trying to be funny.

Mom is doing great; she is actually feeling quite capable, but we are keen to keep her off her feet (for 2 – 3 more weeks).

Here is her big action shot of the day – getting into bed….

Thurs, Apr 29 (7:45pm) – Biding the Time

No visits or appointments today. Just a casual day at the house. Mom and Pastor went for a “walk” (i.e. out in the wheelchair) in the late morning, and Mom and I took a jaunt in the mid-afternoon. It was a great day to be outside. Now she is enjoying her Chinese takeout.

Mom is definitely gaining steam in her mobility and abilities, but we pretty much keep her off her feet. Once that foot heals, there will be plenty of opportunity for reconditioning. So no need to rush it now. That said, while mom does do a basic set of bed exercises most days, we could probably be doing more such as using ankle weights in a chair etc. But mom is eating up a storm and seems to have really solid strength right now, so we are kind of biding our time, waiting for the foot to heal. One week from today some of the stitches / staples come out. Then we will have to move very gingerly on the foot to ensure it heals properly. Anyway, we will be in this holding pattern for 2 – 3 more weeks.

Wed, Apr 28 (11:15pm) – Great Visit + Glorious Afternoon

The afternoon began with an absolutely wonderful visit with two of mom’s dear friends from the community college / literacy council. They all talked and caught up plenty – and everyone enjoyed the time spent together.

The mid to late afternoon was just perfect weather: comfortably warm, no humidity, and a good breeze. So mom and I “strolled” the neighborhood and went all the way up to the mailroom. So she got out of the house for a bit and was able to take advantage of the spring weather. Upon the return home, we sat on the front porch for a short while.

The evening passed smoothly. Mom really enjoyed her dinner and ate quite the plateful!! And just now she got in bed.

On day 1 post-antibiotics, all of mom’s bodily systems worked like a charm – so she is comfortable and well-nourished with a solid caloric intake. The only thing she takes now is 400mg of Ibuprofen before going to bed.

Wed, Apr 28 (11:30am) – Half-Way There!!

Tue, Apr 27 (10:45pm) – Right Foot Update (3 weeks post-op)

Today mom took her last antibiotic- the end of a four-week term, one week pre-op and three weeks post-op. So glad to have that hell baby behind us. Yes, it is a necessary evil and all that jazz, but glad it is over. The main ruckus it causes is diminished appetite and halted digestion.

This afternoon mom and I headed over to the wound care clinic. The PA who has been following her case and treating mom thought the foot looked amazing. In addition to the list of negatives – no infection, no puss, no bleeding, no swelling etc – there was a solid positive – clear signals. That’s to say mom is getting great blood flow down into the foot and to the base of the “toes”. So that is a major plus. In addition for the most part mom does not experience any pain or discomfort with the foot. In the days following the surgery, mom had some fantom pain, i.e. where you are experiencing sensation in parts of the foot that were removed. But the fantom pain is gone, and now mom might get a tad bit of nerve or burning pain that is easily controlled, and usually averted, by small doses of Ibuprofen. So that is the state of things now that we are three weeks post op. Next week when we go in they will begin removing the stitches and staples.

Here is mom’s multi-cultural dinner – leftovers from two prior meals. (By the time I had taken the photo, mom had already chowed down a few pieces of the veggie sushi.)

Mon, Apr 26 (5pm) – Dental Health

One of the serious concerns and pitfalls of extended hospitalizations is diminished oral health. We tried hard to ensure mom’s teeth got proper care, and that was part of our evening routine, but you never know. Well, mom had her first dental appointment today since last July, and she got an A+ report card. So we are all good on that end.

Afterwards, to celebrate we went for a stroll around the block on this glorious afternoon.

While on our walk, we noticed they were having a car show, and this one featured below won the award for best prototype for the year 2024 series of vehicles. It literally has everything you could imagine, which is why it is so long.

Sun, Apr 25 (11:40pm) – What Me Sleep??

No, this is not the title of my autobiography. Rather, mom’s daytime sleeping has miraculously reduced to almost nil. During her recovery, and up till quite recently, mom would take 2+ power naps a day, each one being 2 hours or more, napping upwards of 4 – 6 hours per day, in addition to a full night’s sleep (8 – 10+ hours). And that has drastically abated. So what does it all mean – who knows, but I think the heavy-duty recovery cycle (from the heart surgery) is winding down, and she is slowly regaining her vitality.

Another realm of improvement is her mobility. While most of her time spent is in the wheelchair, bed, or easy chair (as she heals from the foot surgery), she is making her transfers more and more smoothly. She’ll also stand up and start holding that position. So this is all very positive, and it is buoyed by her strong appetite, i.e. lots of solid food and larger meals. Speaking of which, today we used up the last of the Megestrol, but as we only have two more days of antibiotics, we will probably sit tight with everything and see how it goes.

Lastly, it was a weekend of smoothies and this one was certainly the most unique – ripe, fresh papaya, and nothing else, save for some peanut butter protein power.

Sat, Apr 24 (11:55pm) – This is Karma Not Tucker

Had a great Saturday. Mom had a solid appetite and having mom’s friends over was a wonderful treat. The pup in the photos is Karma, recently bathed and trimmed so Karma was quite soft and fluffy.

Here below are our no-bake oatmeal-peanut butter energy bars….

Fri, Apr 23 (8:45pm) – Foot Update + Canine Visitor

The main news of the morning was the changing of the bandage. That has become our Friday ritual. And the foot looked noticeably better. Mom was very quick to comment how good it looked and that it looks more like her foot. So she had a very positive take on it today, in stark contrast to Tuesday. Before the morning was over, mom and I did some bed exercises to keep the core / glutes strong.

In the afternoon Tucker & Joe came by. It did not take long for Tucker to fully complete his inspection of the dwelling by scouting out the garage – somehow he had missed that during his initial lookover last week. We had a very fine visit and Tucker felt quite at home. Though at some point, he did take up his sentinel post looking intently out the glass storm door across the street towards his place.

Here is a look at tonight’s stir fry: rice, endame, zucchini, lacinato kale, Brussels sprouts, tomato, and the usual goodies in terms of spices and toppings. She cleared her plate!! And now she is taking dessert: homemade apple pie that our dear neighbor made.

Fri, Apr 23 (2:15am) – Increased Self-Propulsion + Cleared Plate

Somehow the day went by crazy fast (as usual) – no outside appointments, no visitors, and not sure what was done, but here we are….

The main thing that happened today (Thursday) is that mom was taking more initiative and getting greater success in making her transfers into and out of the wheelchair. That entails: getting up, shifting her body, navigating into place, and safely landing. She cannot do it by herself entirely, but sometimes she comes amazingly close. For a while I was getting concerned as to why she could not support herself better, and what are we going to be left with when the foot is healed. By today’s progress, and with the expectation of more in the coming two weeks, we will hopefully hit the ground running once her right foot can fully weight bear and fit inside some type of normal shoe.

Mom’s appetite was really strong today, especially dinner. I gave her about 5 options, and she gave her own very explicit request: pasta with butter and grated cheese with black pepper. I asked if she wanted any veggies with that and she said nope. So I showed her six different types of organic pasta that we had, and she made her selection. No doubt, not a difficult meal to make, but I carefully followed through accordingly – thoroughly making the mixture over a low flame at the end – and then I put it ALL on the plate, even though I did not think she could eat it all. But I thought perhaps we will get close – or more than usual – but sure enough, she gave it the big thumbs up and plowed through it all. Seeing her plate cleared, I told her she did a good job, and she nodded and replied, “I ate a lot.” The funny thing is she never gives me specific requests like that – even when I give her lots of options etc. So I commented that she must have really wanted that particular dish, and she said it had been on her mind of late. To top if off, she ate an ice cream bar on a stick for dessert.

Only six more days of this hellacious antibiotic that we have to counteract with Megestrol (appetite stimulant) and Senna (laxative).

Thurs, Apr 22 (7:40am) –  3 Down, One To Go

Mom passed a seamless night – she is still resting – and just relies on about 400mg of Ibuprofen a day. We have now completed three of the four weeks of antibiotics. We had one for a week prior to the surgery. Then one for two weeks directly after the surgery. So both of those are now complete. Now we just have to finish the third which began a week ago and has one week left. Unfortunately, it is this one which seems to have the most insidious side-effects on the digestive system and gut. This last one seems to be the culprit for why mom is back on the Megestrol (appetite stimulant) and Senna (laxative). This inside knowledge comes to us from Dr Elise as the prescribers of the meds gave us no such insights or forewarnings. Let’s just get through this last week.

Yesterday concluded in a fine manner. After the visit, mom hung out while I did a quick shopping trip. But mom apparently got on the horn in a jiffy and called Aunt Connie over who was departing just as I returned from the shopping trip. I told mone that finally she and Aunt Connie could visit without me around!! All else was fine into the evening and night…let’s see what today brings. Nothing on the schedule for mom as of yet….

Wed, Apr 21 (5:30pm) – Afternoon Visit

Mom had a lovely early afternoon visit with friends who live here in Fearrington; the gentleman was also mom’s colleague at the literacy council / community college. Mom had a great time catching up – and talking to someone other than her son!!! Since going out is not much of an option for mom these days, afternoon visits are greatly welcomed. If you too would like to come over to see mom, please contact us to arrange a visit.

This wonderful flower bouquet is interspersed with mint for extra fragrance, not to mention its medicinal properties.

Wed, Apr 21 (1:15am) – Surgeon’s Review + New Hearing Aids

Today was a day of appointments, and they essentially went very well. By the late morning we were with our surgeon getting the foot examined and dressed. He thought it looked great; mom was not on the same page as he was. Last week, mom thought it looked better than she expected and found it quite healthy looking. She was not too pleased by the sight of it today. But medically, the foot is in excellent shape (no infection, no puss, no swelling, no bleeding), and the skin is quite pink.

Actually the surgeon has taken a liking to mom and he called her inspiring today. Mom had asked when she would be back on her feet, and he said that he knew she wanted to get back to her active lifestyle. Then he started talking about how smart, aware, and mentally acute she was (not necessarily those exact terms), and motioned about some simple bed exercises. And we said,  oh we do those and much, much more. The guy is a thousand times busy and overbooked, so I asked his permission and if I could show him mom’s 90th b-day workout video (I had my laptop with me). He said sure. And he watched it and was jaw-dropped stunned. He had no idea what kind of shaped mom was really in and I said what you saw there is how she was just before the weekend prior to Oct 19 as well. He called over his assistant and with tremendous interest watched mom flawlessly go through her workout routine. Then we scrolled down further through that blog post (I had forgotten the cooking section was beneath it), and he and his assistant both exclaimed, “Plant-based diet — I knew it.” He then recounted his story of how although he grew up in India and never ate meat he had been taking a lot of dairy. And then a year or so ago he gave up dairy and promptly dropped the 30 lbs of extra weight he was carrying, and he said he has never felt better, and that he has much more energy and can work all day without getting tired. He motioned to his assistant, and she said, “I know, I am doing that the moment I get my own place.” It was great to see just how truly taken he was by mom’s abilities, and he understood that that was what we had our sights set on.

Our appointment at Costco to pick up mom’s hearing aids was far more staid. We got the new hearing aids, and will test them out for the next few months and see if they make a difference. But it is not like there is a night and day difference for her at the outet. No doubt, Costco’s pricing is incredible, but we were really seeking that qualitative shift in performance. So now we will experiment and see if there are finer enhancements.

All else is good – more visitors coming on Wed afternoon…!!

Tue, Apr 20 (6:30am) – The Spirometer Sorcerer + Ho-Hum Dermatology 

Everything went smoothly yesterday, and mom did not have any pain in her foot. Even then, she did take 400mg of Ibuprofen last night before going to sleep.

Pictured below is a spirometer. This is an important tool for increasing one’s lung capacity and essential for most anyone who has had heart surgery, especially open-heart surgery. Mom has had one for months, since her days in the ICU and Thoracic Step-down Unit. They would always say, “This is your best friend in your recovery. Do ten every hour.” For months mom has had a very casual, if not distant, relationship with this important tool. Consequently, her abilities with it have been a bit lackluster. In fact, by watching her, it seems damn near impossible to do. In the Thoracic Step-Down Unit they were giving them out like candy, and I have been kicking myself for not snagging one. Lately, as we have made our rounds to the various foot doctors we have been asking for another but they do not have them. Anyway, I wanted one for myself just to see how hard this thing is. Mom makes it look like trying to climb Everest with your eyes closed in a bathing suit.

The gentleman who visited yesterday took one look at mom’s spirometer and his eyes lit up. And he had some very great words of wisdom. And, as we all know, wisdom comes most often from experience and insight. You see, this guy absolutely mastered the spirometer in his day. He took it as a mission – a personal challenge that gnawed at him – and he got victory. He reached the point where he could regularly hit the very top. I was amazed. I did not think it was humanly possible. I immediately equated it with swinging those massive hammers at those old carnivals and making the weight hit the bell at the top of the pole. And he said, “Exactly!” Indeed, by listening to him talk about it in a sage-like manner, it became clear one could do it as he discussed the strategy, technique, and trials with it. Mom NEEDED to hear this!! Yesterday, after the visit, she picked up the spirometer with renewed interest. Hopefully, this will be the spark she needs to master it. Stay tuned….

In the late afternoon, we went to the dermatologist. The yogis talk about how the skin is the largest organ of the body and how it is an indicator of what is happening inside. While the yogis do, on occasion, embrace the use of topical creams, more often than not they see the skin as a weather vane for addressing imbalances inside the body. That is very fascinating. But anytime I have had to go or accompany someone to the dermatologist’s office, I have never been terribly impressed. Yesterday’s visit also fell in that category. Mom will be putting your basic moisturizer on her back etc. Ho hum. One day before I leave this earth, I hope to experience the full power of a visit to the dermatologist where they say things like,  “This rash is related with a deficit in the kidney”, or “This ulcer is due to a lack of secretion by the pancreas” etc. Maybe one day…

Mon, Apr 19 (3:45pm) – Yay!! More Visitors!!

Mom had a wonderful visit with a couple who lives right up the street. It was just a very lively, upbeat, and joyous gathering!! A bright spot in mom’s day…..

And they brought “the goods” also!! Homemade sourdough bread!!

Now, as we know, every Tom, Dick, and Harry jumped into sourdough bread baking during the pandemic. And let’s just say there were more failures than success. If you do not believe me, then go scroll through Twitter.

In this case, we are talking about the real deal. She has been a sourdough bread baking instructor for three decades. And her bread is nothing short of fantastic!! Taste, texture, chewiness, crust, consistency etc – and baked with love. Five stars in all categories!!

Mon, Apr 19 (1am) – Entering a New Week

Mom really enjoyed the having her friends over on Sunday, and the good news is that more are coming Monday afternoon!! It is a warm community, and as I walk around people always ask about mom’s welfare and recovery. And now we have come to the point where I “book” appointments for visitations with mom as well!! And nothing could be better. Although theoretically she could get out and about more in her wheelchair, somehow that does not always seem that appealing, until we actually do it!! Whereas per mom’s perspective, having someone come over is always a welcomed treat!!

A busy week of professional appointments is upon us including the dermatologist on Monday afternoon, and the wound care specialist on Tuesday morning, and the audiologist to pick up her new hearing aids on Tuesday afternoon. So we will be doing a bit of running around.

Mom’s appetite has diminished so before she went to bed tonight (i.e. Sunday evening) we started up with the Megestrol again. We have been off of it the past 2 1/2 months, but it served us well when we needed it, and hopefully it does the trick this time also. It is just so hard to evaluate mom’s overall condition at this point, but it does look like she will have a good bit of conditioning to do once we do get her back on her feet. Everyone around here remembers her as being vigorously active, and hopefully she will be able to regain most of that back. The runway for that could be thought of as going from mid-May to October. Till then, let’s speed through April!!!

Sun, Apr 18 (12:45pm) – Ahhhh Friends!!!!

Mom is having a wonderful afternoon visiting with friends….

Sun, Apr 18 (5:15am) – Saturday Wrap-Up

The back half of Saturday was more like Friday’s lull than the bright start we had to Saturday. Her foot felt fine, and she did not have any pain, though at 12:40am (Sun) she did call me for some Ibuprofen (her first dosage in over 24hrs). But for much of Saturday mom had a bit of malaise. She had a good lunch and was in her black chair for much of the afternoon until she had to take rest. She was in bed from 5:15p to 7:45p, and the main motivating factor for her getting out of bed was when I reminded her that it was Saturday and that all her BBC shows were on, most notably the mystery at 8pm. So she did the big hustle and got there in time. And she watched another show after that till almost 11pm when we did her pre-bed routine and went to sleep for the night. But during those hours that she was awake I could not get her to eat anything. I heated up her Chinese food – nope, offered her an ice-cream sandwich – nope. She did drink a fair degree of water, took her antibiotics, and that was it, complaining of a slightly queazy stomach when going to sleep. We talked about how taking the antibiotics on an empty stomach could be the cause of the queasiness, but she did not want to eat and I am not comfortable foregoing the antibiotics. So it is a bit of a catch-22, if in fact that is the cause of her unsettled stomach. And that of course leads up back to using the Zophran, which we have yet to do. Just a weird cycle. Mom tends to eat more during the daytime hours and less in the evening, and her strength and vigor definitely dissipate at the end of the day (unsurprisingly). We just need to get through this month of inactivity and non-ambulatory life, and then reevaluate her overall state of health and strength. Things are a bit skewed at present.

Sat, Apr 17 (1:30pm) – A-Okay

Mom is feeling very good today – a big step from yesterday’s lull. Specifically, her foot feels better (no ibuprofen since last night), and her digestion is proper again. So she is back to her normal self. An indication of this is that mom has been keen to make the various transfers into and out of the wheelchair by herself – they were not necessarily totally smooth, but the fact that she feels she can do it and has the impetus to try is a very positive sign. Also, mom and I did do a solid bed workout routine in the mid-morning.

Fri, Apr 16 (11:55pm) – New Bandage + Photos

Well, it wasn’t long after breakfast that we got mom’s bandage changed. It was not a difficult job, and I can say that with first-hand experience as I watched Pastor expertly do it. We were just careful when we undid the prior bandage to see what they had done. Then we used our new purchases – which were the exact type of medical supplies they had – and mom was all set. The first layer is a vaseline mesh bandage; the second is an ABD bandage; and, the third is the ace wrap that they had on.

Today, mom spent a large portion of time in bed. At one point she got the chills so we had to warm her up. We did take her temp and it was 98 so no problem there. I think part of the issue is that when a person is non-ambulatory then the options are limited, especially when the leg has to be up. She can either be in bed or be in her black recliner chair. There are not millions of places to be nor thousands of things to do. In this regard, it will be a bit of a long 6-weeks. But mom’s spirits are good. It was only when she kept telling me that she was watching a black bug on the wall (hint: there was no bug) that I forced her to watch TV while in bed. She did emerge from bed in the early afternoon and was then up till 10p so she did have her day. But truth be told, this healing period cannot go by fast enough.

Here are few pics from the last 48 hours or so….

First we have Israeli couscous with lacinato kale and asparagus. This was mom’s dinner tonight, followed by one of our energy balls – see photo from April 11.

Next we have mom’s picture-perfect vitals from yesterday. We were especially impressed by her standing heart-rate of 71.

And this is a meal from earlier in the week: quinoa, dal (Indian bean sauce), and mixed veggies.

Thurs, Apr 15 (11:50pm) – My Guy in Durham

In preparation for tomorrow’s big at-home bandage change, I had to rely on my special contact in Durham. All the CVS’s, Walgreens, Harris Teeters, and the like of the world did not have what we needed – nor did they even know what I was talking about. And the same was the case with a few other stand alone stores. But when I called my guy in Durham and asked him about the supplies we needed, without even a split second delay, he gave the classic textbook description of each item, as well as all the size options and box, bulk, and single serving offerings. Just a real pro. And when I made the trip over there this morning Mr Gurley did not disappoint. That’s right, we are talking about Gurley’s Medical Supply (Durham, NC). The guy has it all and knows absolutely everything about each item. So we are all set for tomorrow morning’s bandage change.

For mom, the day passed well enough – thanks in large part by the two visits that buoyed her, one in the afternoon and the other in the evening. Mom was on minimal pain meds, but did take some before sleep tonight just to be safe. And again, here we are talking about 1 – 2 doses of 400mg of Ibuprofen in a 24 hr period. All else was fine including her Chinese takeout dinner.

Thurs, Apr 15 (3:10am) – Off-roading to the Pergola

Gave mom some Ibuprofen about 15 minutes ago. It came with a wide-eyed warning, “You better go to sleep; it is almost 3am.” I told her I was fine. And her concern immediately diminished. I had a short catnap earlier – so all good. Actually, the warning she should have given me was, “Give me the pain meds when I say so!” She asked for some before going to bed, and I asked her if she was in pain, and she said, “No.” So I told her let’s forgo because she always sleeps through the night. I was off on that one. She seems to need 400mg of Ibuprofen one time in a 24 hour period, which is a meager amount.

Mom and I went out Wednesday afternoon for a wheelchair cruise around the neighborhood. Said hello to a few folks along the way – neighbors, longtime family friends, and then detoured towards Tucker’s house on the return. Joe was outside and immediately invited us around the side to see and enjoy the new pergola. So mom and I off-roaded it to get there. Our hosts were very keen to ensure mom had a smooth journey, and Tucker took great interest as well. We had a wonderful visit in their new outdoor seating area, and for the large bulk of that time Tucker sat upright on my lap. Sorry, no photos this time. But since they had essentially designed and built their new pergola, we got to talking about Dad’s wonderful craftsmanship, hence the photo below.

All else is well around here. Mom is ready to be done with this non-ambulatory wheelchair period, but, alas, still a solid month to go. So we shall just make the best of it. It is a critical period to be off the feet so the wounds heal and seal.

Mom’s appetite has been decent – many thanks for all the locals who have been stopping by with baked goodies (blueberry muffins, apple pie) for mom!!! Before the apple pie arrived, I made a 2nd round of the date / almond energy balls (see Sunday’s entry for photo of round 1.)

Wed, Apr 14 (9:10am) – Great Start: New Bandage

Mom slept very well last night without any pain medicine. She did take a 400mg of Ibuprofen when we first got back from the medical appintment early yesterday afternoon, but nothing since. She says she can feel it slightly on occasion, but it is not very bothersome. So that is a positive start.

Yesterday, mom enjoyed a fine visit with longtime family friends; that was a real treat. They were very, very impressed with how well mom looked.

All in all, And mom is feeling great and time is flying by. For instance, at 8:40pm yesterday evening she was just kind of hanging around waiting for the 6p news to start. Actually mom still lives in that old school era: “I’ll just see what the 6p news.” The fact of the matter is that by the time the 6p news begins, mom knows enough about the various headlines to be one of the broadcasters!!

All else is fine: mom had a good appetite last night after saying she wasn’t hungry, but she ate a solid dinner and readily accepted the offer for dessert – ice cream sandwich, as if she had never eaten one of those before!

And this morning has been “same old, same old”. Up and out of bed at 7:30a, breakfast and newspaper reading finished by 9:10a, and now time for a nap!!

Tue, Apr 13 (4:15pm) – Stellar Review: Shiny Foot

The BIG visit happened today at 11am, though they called us in a tad bit late. Mom had her bandage removed. The first ones to lay eyes on the foot were a couple of intake nurses and mom and I. They thought it looked good, and marveled at how this particular surgeon always manages to save as much of the good tissue as possible. They liked what they saw, and to the common eye it looked fine as well: clean and healthy. Then came the wound care specialist, and she did a touch of swabbing here and there, and she thought the foot looked as good as could be expected. The skin was pink and clean; there was no puss or active discharge; it was not overly swollen; the foot was warm, but not hot. The foot passed all the tests, and she was quite pleased with it. Then the surgeon came into the room, and he gave it a good examination, and he felt the situation was really positive. He said that he had done a culture of the remaining tissue and that the findings were negative, i.e. no infection. This was a sort of double-check to ensure that the infection was wholly limited to the removed portions. So mom got a total A+ score – thanks to the surgeon’s nifty stitching work.

Going forward we will be returning for weekly visits with the wound care specialist. For the next 3 – 4 weeks, mom is to keep off the foot as far as possible. They want to see a nice seal of the wounds, and that means not putting pressure on the foot. Basically, we have a 5 – 6 week recovery ahead of us, but we are off to an excellent start!!

Tue, Apr 13 (3pm) – Rogue Element

(Just now getting the opportunity to write this as it has been a very busy day.)

Before reading this, please be sure to read the prior entry of 2:05am….

…So I was up for another hour last night. I contemplated lying down in mom’s room as I was doing a few days earlier but mom was sleeping peacefully and deeply and it looked like she would make it right through to the morning. So I went down to the other end of the house and took rest at about 3:20am or so. I got up at 7am and took a few minutes before going down to see mom, as she often sleeps till 8am anyway. When I did make it down to mom’s room she was awake but laying there comfortably and at ease. She was quiet.

I asked her how she was doing, and she began to explain how she got up at 5am. I was expecting her to say that she went back to sleep, but instead she indicated that she tried and ultimately relieved herself. I immediately felt the bed pad and sheets and they were dry. So I said to her that maybe she only thought she went to the bathroom. Then she said, “No, I went. I am surprised you did not see it. I stood up next to the bed and urinated.” And sure enough, I looked at the new grippy, padded floor mat that we got for her, and it was wet and had a puddle on it. I was quite shocked that she had gotten out of bed by herself and stood up, but I figured she just went back to bed thereafter.

I asked mom if she had pushed her call button (which she wears around her neck) to alert me. She said she did not. So I gingerly picked up her floor mat / pad and brought it into the shower for cleaning. While in the bathroom I noticed a disposed article of clothing by the toilet and I saw that the toilet had also been used. I went back to mom and asked if she had gone to the bathroom / toilet by herself. She said she did and that she had been unable to unlock the wheels of the wheelchair. (Note: For the last week mom’s rollator has been parked in the garage.) I asked how she got to the toilet and she said she walked. And by a series of questions and using basic investigation techniques, it became known that when done in the toilet / bathroom she traversed her bedroom to get a fresh garment, and then made it back to bed. No cane, no rollator, no shoes, no wheelchair, and who knows which lights she was able to get on or not. And she never pushed the button to call me – as she said she did not want to disturb me at that hour.

I could go on and on but I think you get the picture. Mom did a totally outrageous stunt of free walking on slippery floors without shoes where she would be out of arms reach of the wall and counters. I was quite expressive (use your own synonym) with her that she totally risked her entire recovery as well as her future to ever live in this house – had she slipped and fallen and broken an elbow, jaw, or hip.

By about 7:50am or so, the whole situation had been pieced back together, and things were more settled. Pastor arrived about 15 minutes later and I quickly briefed him on what had been going on.

As crazy of a daredevil act this was, it also shows how high mom’s ceiling is. When her foot heals, she could really become a force of nature. My only objection is that we should get there by a series of safe decisions, not rogue activities!!!

Tue, Apr 13 (2:05am) – Out of the Frying Pan & Into the Fire

Skin irritation gone. Nausea gone. Foot pain gone, or almost all gone. Obstruction here.

Mom was pretty uncomfortable for most of the mid-afternoon up to the late evening due to the impaction caused by the pain meds. Getting out of the chair, down the hall to the bathroom, and onto the toilet is no joke. Two people are needed. We are getting pretty efficient at it, but how many times are you going to do it in one day. At one point, I did go out to the store to pick up a bottle of “Senna Laxative” to go on top of / in addition to her stool softener. But for a number of hours we were just going back and forth (family room chair to bedroom bathroom), and it was uncomfortable and taxing for her. And nothing was getting evacuated. She was exhausted, and we got her in bed at around 9 or so. My little jog / run kept being put on the backburner through all this so I finally went when she went to bed. We both thought we would have a window of downtime. When I got back she was soundly sleeping, and so I went to bathe / shower. And sure enough about halfway through I heard her call button go off. So I ran down there half-dripping wet in a towel, got mom out of bed, and helped with the transfer to the toilet. She was uncomfortable and sore, and nothing was coming. Through a brief interaction, we both decided that an intervention was needed, and I brought her a rubber glove. I do not know how long it went on for (mom was doing it herself) but by the end she had gotten a modest degree of success. We were very thorough in our clean-up and finally got mom back in bed and she was comfortable, and has been sleeping soundly ever since. And hopefully we are now through this episode. Moreover, if she can sleep the entire night without any meds (her last was at noontime) then that is a big win. Time to get all these meds (and their side-effects) behind us.

Mon, Apr 12 (12:05pm) – Seamless Sleep and Fine Morning

Well mom had a perfect night’s sleep with our reduced pain med program. As noted below, she took 600mg of Ibuprofen at 11p and nothing else. And this lasted all the way to the very end of the morning. That is a wonderful progression. So we decided to apply the pain meds on an as needed basis only. And just five minutes ago mom indicated that she was having a slight burning pain, and that she wanted a Tylenol 3. So that was administered, but she is sitting there quite comfortably so clearly her overall pain level is subsiding and we will just have her inform us when she needs something. So that is a really solid reduction. Also, we have stopped the nausea med (Zophran) as mom is on day #2 of no nausea.

A double order of yellow roses arrived today!! Thank you…..

Sun, Apr 11 (11:45pm) – Unexpected Tucker Rendez-vous

Today was such a stunning day that I was trying to get mom out, but she was a bit standoffish about it. Finally, we did get out , and she just loved it. It was warm (80 degrees), no humidity, and a gentle breeze. We wheeled over to the gazebo, just a block or two away, and returned to the house – and mom suggested we sit on the front porch. So we did.

And then after we had been out there for a bit, take a look at who shows up!! Good ‘ol Tucker!! (Hint: he’s the one in the front.)

Tucker was extremely grateful for the rendez-vous, as were we – and he stayed and sat upright on my lap for a solid 15 – 20 minutes. And when it was time to go then he just remained there. He even did a little scratch on our front door (as if to say let me in), but alas, all meetings do not last forever, and he went off to his abode, across the street and 4 houses down.

Bye Tuck….(for now…) – for more about Tucker please refer to the entry on April 9 at 9:20pm

Mom’s ability to get up from a chair and into standing position has increased a lot. So she is managing well, and she is very much looking forward to getting the bandage changed on Tuesday.

After speaking with Dr Elise (our trusted cousin), we have decided to shift off the Tylenol #3 (with codeine), and go with just the Ibuprofen (or regular Tylenol) going forward. So we tried that tonight before bed, and let’s see how it goes.

Sun, Apr 11 (3:15pm) – Some Positive Developments

Mom had yet another great night last night, and a fine Sunday morning. Two solid developments to report. One is that mom’s itching / skin discomfort, for which we were using a lot of Sarna, has all but vanished. To the eye there was nothing, but it was itchy, especially at night. The cream worked well, but since the surgery we have not had to use it at all, and mom has been very comfortable. Have the pain meds had an impact on the skin condition? Or has the universe simply decided “one issue at a time”. Whatever may be, we’ll take it. The other thing is there has been no feelings of nausea today, and generally if it was going to come it would have happened by now.

Jumped into the kitchen and quickly whipped up these date energy balls based off of a scant recipe – played around the with ingredients and here they are – come on over!!

Sat, Apr 10 (11:50pm) – Healing Away + Food Silence

Mom had a grand day today: joyous visits, a gifted outdoor plant, solid footwork in the bathroom, power naps, and yet another pain-free 24 hrs, with minimal nausea.

Like yesterday, mom’s day was filled with good cheer from her friends and neighborly visits. That brings a wonderful buoyancy to her being.

Before all the visits began, mom had a lounge-style breakfast, fully stretched out. Here she is just taking in the very last portions of her breakfast.

As comfortable as mom looks above, essentially her entire day passes in this manner. She is feeling very good most of the time, with the only stain being a modest, transient bout of nausea, generally in the late morning or early afternoon, never later in the day. Today it surfaced late morning or so, but then mom’s next-door neighbor came over, and they had a vibrant conversation, and the nausea was quickly gone and forgotten, never to be heard from again. Mom then wondered if the nausea was just in her mind, and I assured her that it wasn’t, but certainly having a psychic diversion that is positive in nature can help dissipate minor physical afflictions. And I think that is what happened here.

Regarding the below flowers, as mom so aptly put it in her thank you text, “Thank you very much…the front of my house is very grateful!”

This next topic was going to be an inside job only. Then mom spilled the beans, and now I am going to spill them further…

Yesterday, someone asked mom, “How is his (pointing to me) cooking?” That query was met by an absolutely damning and extended silence, followed by some very unconvincing words that were saturated in hesitancy. And the inquirer more than picked up on it, and we kind of joked about it as I walked her out. Later that night, I really laid into mom with a volume 10 voice box combined with some serious finger wagging. I told her: “When someone asks you about my cooking then immediately you have to say, ‘It is good….and the nutritional value has yielded perfect blood tests / lab work, and an excellent BP to nurture my recovery, though certainly if I were preparing my own food I (mom) might do a few things differently’.” I furthermore explained, that, “You have to respond in a quick, decisive, and definitive manner and put the matter to rest – not linger the conversation, or shroud the topic in dark clouds. And certainly if there is anything you do not like you can tell me, but why should you spread such misleading doubts around town.” In a full-throated voice this is what I told mom – both what she had to reply and why she had to say it. This was going to be our plan.

So then when Aunt Connie & Maggie were over today, when I walked out of the room, I heard her spilling the beans and conveying the entire plan to them. So naturally, I went back into the room and explained what led to this plan being hatched in the first place. Then I said to her, “Look, you like many of the dishes I prepare for you.” And she said, “That’s true.” And I said, “You like probably 70% of what I cook for you.” And she said, “More than that, I’d say 85%”. This was all going on in front of Aunt Connie and Maggie so you can ask them for verification. And I said to them, “Look at her, she looks as vibrant and healthy as can be” – under gunpoint they readily agreed. And I added, “Look no one can cook every meal for months on end for any person wherein they like every single meal.” They corroborated this as well.

Ultimately, we role-played how mom would respond when someone asked if she liked my cooking. And sure enough, when the query was posed, she hesitated and then gave a fairly decent reply – but not with proper tone or substance. But the damage was done. Immediately Aunt Connie called her out on it and said, “You have to reply more rapidly than that!!” So we all had a good laugh about that.

This is the only food photo I took today. This is the side portion of sweet potatoes that accompanied mom’s miso soup that featured very finely shredded carrots and ginger. This was her lunch. Breakfast offered among other things her daily award-winning smoothie. And dinner was Israeli couscous with asparagus with a couple dollops of homemade Indian dal mixed in, followed 30 min later by an ice-cream sandwich.

Oh and by that way, we are collecting the names, photo ID’s, travel records, SS #’s , and covid vaccination cards of all those who ask about my cooking….proceed at your own risk!!

Fri, Apr 9 (9:20pm) – An Afternoon of Visits + Tucker’s Inspection

Today was most notably marked by afternoon visits: mom’s longtime friend, a new friend with Tucker, and a neighbor.

Mom looked great and comfortable all afternoon in her easy chair, and somehow it did not dawn on me to get a photo of her. Even more remarkable is that I did not get a photo of Tucker, a 20lb golden doodle service dog who lives across the street and then some. You see, a week or so ago, mom and I were sitting on the front porch and we got into a staring / whistling contest with a small dog that was about 100 yards away. So when the homeowner and the dog went for a walk, then we called out to them and they came over, and then I went to their house the next day for a visit etc. They moved in over the past year or so – the pandemic year. Anyway, Tucker is a trained service dog and they came over today for a visit. Tucker was extremely well-behaved – calm and collected. But first things first: In the most respectful way imaginable, Tucker gave himself a thorough tour of the house, methodically going in and out of every room, inspecting everything in a very sensitive manner without really touching or moving anything. Once done, he came over and sat with us, often crossing his paws and listening intently. Oh, and if you happened to sneeze, he will bring you a tissue: pulling it out of the box and delivering it to you without getting it soggy!! So Tucker’s visit was a bright spot, and yes, we enjoyed having all the humans over as well. Our new friend was quite taken by just how good mom looked. Since everyone who came by was double-vaccinated, the visits were done without masks.

Mom has been pain-free, even declaring when she woke up today, “I feel perfect!” While the pain is indeed under wraps, mom still goes through an occasional bout of queasiness, sometimes triggered by positional changes, such as sitting up. Naturally, when the queasiness comes that dampens the appetite. But mom has had a solid caloric intake today, so we really do not have much to complain about given she is just two days post-op.

Fri, Apr 9 (Noontime) – Cruising Along

Had a great night again last night – a solid breakfast, a shower, and by and large things are just rolling along….

Thurs, Apr 8 (11:45pm) – Crossing Hurdles

Today, we gained a lot of momentum!! And momentum comes from solving problems. And that is what happened today.

Problem #1 – Nausea: Going into breakfast we were great, and breakfast went down great. Perfect. But breakfast did not stay down. Nor did her gifted midday ice-cream bar. We took Zophran (anti-nausea med) 20 minutes before lunch, and mom was wary and queasy afterwards. We were debating about taking another Zophran before dinner and decided against it as the prescription states it should last for 12 hours. Mom was totally great with dinner. She enjoyed her meal, and her stomach was just fine.

Problem #2 – Mobility: In the last 36 hours, mom’s ability and our understanding of her ability has grown a lot. Tonight before bed, we did a variety of maneuvers in the bathroom, and mom could stand and pivot nicely. And she got into bed essentially on her own. After yesterday, I was thinking we were in for a long month on this point. No longer. I can see we are gong to make rapid strides. No doubt we have to let the wound heal. But we are not going to sit on that. Tomorrow we shall start experimenting with getting her out of the wheelchair and onto the rollator to do some basic walking (using just her heel on the right side). We will also aim to get in a vigorous bed exercise routine.

So with those two problems mostly or fully solved  – and with the pain completely under control – we are in a solid space for advancement.

At one point this evening, mom and I were discussing her upcoming doctor’s appointment on Tuesday. And then she wanted to know about Monday, and she was so glad to learn that she had no appointments that day and that she was free. I let her just enjoy the moment. I did not tell her that she is also free Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!! 😂

Here is mom standing up at the sink at the end of the day to floss her teeth.

Thurs, Apr 8 (9:40am) – Wonderful Night & Pain-free Morning

Mom had a great night as she slept through perfectly. I stayed in her room and kept up with the meds. She was commenting, “I do not have any pain”, and just by looking at her face I could see she was in a state of ease. That med combo is great – i.e. alternating 400mg of ibuprofen with a Tylenol 3 (i.e. Tylenol with codeine) every two to three hours – and they are not heavy hitters. So that is also a plus. The main thing is that she is pain-free. It is very reassuring to know we have a successful regimen wherein she is very comfortable, lucid, and looking very much like herself. She got out of bed at 8:30a, went to the bathroom, and is now putting the finishing touches on her breakfast.

Wed, Apr 7 (9:55pm) – Do You Page? + Pain Issues

Well, we had a little bout of discomfort this evening. Actually, thought it was all going to go downhill, but we had a nice turnaround, and now mom is sleeping peacefully.

We had to do a review / adjustment of pain meds so I had to page the doctor. I paged him three times over the course of a few hours and did not hear anything back. Not sure, but I think this was the first time in my life I called a pager – was not really into that type of technology back in the 90’s. I followed the proper protocol for paging – but no response. Finally, I told Andrew to try it and he did the exact same process as I did and voila – the phone call from the doctor came rifling back, and he told the doctor to call me. By this triangulation, we were able to make the necessary adjustments, and mom feels much more comfortable. Through the night, we will aim to try and stay ahead of the pain. Hopefully, we will get success. At present we are alternating 400mg of ibuprofen with a Tylenol 3 (i.e. Tylenol with codeine) every two to three hours. We also have some heavy artillery stuff (percocet) and anti-nausea (zophran) for pick-up in the morning – just in case. Oh, we also took the ace bandage off that was covering the dressing as the doctor said that it is possible that that extra pressure was contributing to the pain.

When I get a free moment I will Google paging & MD. Maybe you have to have a medical degree in order for the page to go through?!?

Wed, Apr 7 (3:55pm) – Home Sweet Home

Mom and I rolled out of the front door of the hospital at 12:20pm. Record timing! They all thought she did great! And the recovery staff could not believe she was 91. Mom looked just like a peach after surgery, as if nothing had happened at all.

On the way home we stopped to pick up pain meds (as needed) and antibiotics (2 weeks) and were home by 1pm or so. We are learning how to transfer her from car to wheelchair, and from wheelchair to her favorite black chair and / or bed. Mom weight bears on her left foot and uses her right heel. They were thinking that she would wear her black shoes, but when I took one look at the bandage they put on that foot (photo below) I told them there was no way she could get it in the shoe. So we are using extra large hospital socks.

Anyway, upon our return home, mom had some apple and peanut butter followed by couscous and asparagus. Both items were winning tickets as she ate a fair bit and had seconds of both. And that was followed by a So Delicious ice cream bar on a stick. Shortly after eating, mom went down to her room where she is sleeping soundly.

These next few days will be challenging as mom has clearly lost some of her independence as there was so much she was doing by herself (going to the bathroom at night, dressing, most of her daily needs), and now that just won’t be possible. However, in the near future – 4 to 6 weeks – she will be far better than before. That is the aim.

The bandage mom has on her foot will remain on till next Tuesday when we return for a follow-up visit. So there are no home dressing changes at this point.

All in all, the day has gone as smooth as silk. Could not have asked for a more simple or efficient hospital visit. The surgeon was just totally on top of it. He knew that foot so well that he could get right after it and seal the deal. And the folks in anesthesiology made all the right calls to make it as easeful as possible. A winning combo!!

So now it is time to heal and keep active with chair and bed exercises. Thanks so much for all the tremendous support we received today!!!

Wed, Apr 7 (11:45am) – Mom Looks Great!!

dx coming soon….

Wed, Apr 7 (11:05am) – Recovery Nurse Call

The recovery nurse just called me and said that mom looks great and is alert and coherent. They are just taking a few x-rays of mom’s foot and getting her ready for discharge. She too gave a very positive report on how mom is doing…

Wed, Apr 7 (11:00am) – Surgeon’s Report

Just finished talking to the surgeon, and he was extremely pleased with the way everything went. The big toe was removed at the joint (i.e the entire toe) as was expected, and he said that as there was no infection in the other four toes he was able to keep much of the toe (think half or so). He also said that mom’s skin was in good shape so he was able to make a good closure on those toes. In short, there were no surprises or hiccups. Apparently, the minimal amount of anesthesia suited mom just fine so there were no problems on that end either. All in all, a very favorable report. I could see by the way he was talking that he was very comfortable with the way things had gone. I should see mom in 20 minutes or so….

Wed, Apr 7 (10:35am) – The Big Day (cont)

Just got a text message from UNC that mom is headed to the recovery area. Hopefully, I will be able to see her soon.

So the procedure took about 1 hour and 4 minutes.

Wed, Apr 7 (9:31am) – The Big Day (cont)

Just got a text stating that this moment they have actually begun the procedure. Today on paper they guesstimated it would take 90 minutes, while two days ago they told us it would be 43 minutes. Anyway, we saw the surgeon today, and he is well aware of mom’s foot so he will be as swift and as careful as possible….whatever it takes….

Wed, Apr 7 (8:46am) – The Big Day

So the strategy was for mom to sleep in her sweats so we could get up and go. And the tactic worked like a charm. I got mom up at 4:33am. She was really sleeping soundly, but was alert and ready quite quickly. She brushed her teeth and did her bathroom needs, and off we went by 5:17am. We were due to arrive at 6am and mom and I were registered by 5:50am – we got one of the first numbers of the day!!!

After doing the sign-in in the lobby, we headed up to the 2nd floor, and checked-in with the receptionist in the pre-surgery suite. She thought that mom was so cute and could not stop giggling as she got mom ready. Then we got settled in our room:

Once in the room, mom and I got her out of the sweats and into hospital garb, and we did the full body wipe down of antibacterial wipes. Then for the last 2 hours or so we have been in contact with our nurses, anesthesiologists, and surgeon. Everything has been very thorough and clear. They went over her medical history numerous times, and as they were doing the pass over from one to the next, one of the nurses commented, “Can you believe we have a 91-year-old here who is not on any meds.” And the doctor replied, “Yes, just remarkable.” They also described her as “spunky”.

When the anesthesiologist was going over the possible pitfalls wherein it gets in the bloodstream and they need to take greater measures, mom pointed and wagged her finger at him and said, “You better not let that happen.” He took it in the right spirit, and assured her that he would be most careful. They are going very lightly with her, a simple IV sedation on top of the nerve block.

One thing is certain: we are definitely doing this at the right time. The big toe has opened up a bit more, the bone is infected, and it has become smelly. These are all telltale signs that it is a goner.

Here is mom just before she went back for the procedure at 8:30am. She was feeling very good and focused on the job at hand.

Tue, Apr 6 (5:45pm) – The Eve Of + Surgery Schedule

Mom and I just got back from my 2nd Moderna vaccine – she chose the take the afternoon drive with me to Siler City (20 min). We joked how the way to get out these days is to go accompany your friend to their covid shot.

Now let’s get to the real deal: mom’s surgery schedule. We got the phone call today with all of the details.

Mom has to be at the hospital tomorrow at 6am. That means we have to leave at 5:15am; that means we have to get up at 4:30am. So it will be an early start!! As we understand it, the actual surgery is due to begin at 8:30am. And as noted in yesterday’s entry, the duration of the surgery is expected to be 43 minutes. By that timeline, we will hopefully leave the hospital by 11:30am or noon.

Mom is mentally set and ready to move ahead, and the hope is that this can spring us forward in her overall recovery. By the end of May, we aim to be in high gear, getting her fully reconditioned from head to toe. The next 4 – 6 weeks will be relatively slow going, with mom off her feet for the next 4 weeks as we wait for the wounds to heal.

So here’s to a successful surgery!! Thanks so much for all your support – in so many forms and pathways!!

Mon, Apr 5 (11:20pm) – What’s Behind the Blue Door

Well today was our big day of pre-op appointments. Let’s see what’s behind the blue door….

Our first stop was the cardiology department in a brand-new building. Mom’s vitals came up picture perfect: 97% O2 saturation, 80 pulse, 122 / 65 BP, 101 weight (with shoes & clothing etc). They did an EKG and it was completely normal (sinus rhythm). When the cardiologist came in he really liked what he saw and gave mom a solid report and thumbs up for the surgery. He listened to her heart, and really had little more to add medically other than she was in good shape. He did field numerous questions including whether mom’s BP was lower because of the anesthesia from the Oct surgery (as mom was thinking), but he said those meds wear off in and day or two and that her BP was due to her current lifestyle. He did say that her years of a slightly elevated BP most probably did contribute to her aortic leak. All in all, he was quite satisfied with mom’s current state of health. So we were all set from the cardiology side.

Here is what a hallway of blue doors looks like….

Then we headed off to an outdoor, drive-thru covid testing site. It was a remarkable maze-like route where we went station after station while personnel & thousands of cones pointed us through to the end. Mom bore the high nasal swap in stoic fashion and off we went to the next spot.

Our third and final medical appointment was a tag-team event where we got general pre-op instructions about arrival, bathing, eating / drinking etc. At some point, the anesthesiologist came in and explained how mom would be on a nerve block with an IV sedation (so no general anesthesia). She also told us that the surgery is tentatively scheduled for a 10am start on Wednesday and the expected duration is 43 minutes.

Before parting ways from this office, mom had a chest and foot x-ray done, and the person was a real pro and it was impressive to see all the equipment and tools they had to properly support mom’s body in the needed positions.

So all three medical appointments went very well, and we know what we have to do in the next 36 hours before mom’s surgery.

On the way home we stopped to pick up some veggie sushi for mom and did some general food shopping. It was a long day, but when we returned the cows were all lined up to greet us!!

We capped off the day with a late-afternoon haircut in the village which mom said she really wanted…

Mom does not have anything scheduled for tomorrow – just a day of r & r before her surgery. Though it is possible she goes out with me in the late afternoon when I get my 2nd Moderna vaccine.

Sun, Apr 4 (11:50pm) – Gaining Momentum

Mom is doing all the right things before her upcoming surgery: eating well, practicing her heel walking, getting sufficient rest, cranking out some heavy-duty bed exercises, and keeping a good attitude and positive vision.

Most everyone around here (or so it seems) is well aware that mom is going back in for surgery, and all you have to do is mention the s-u-r-g-e-r-y term around here and support flows in: house visits, food drop-offs (soups, freshly baked muffins, homemade bread, & more), stunning flowers, and cards etc. So mom is well-loved here in Fearrington and has a lot of local support. And we are most grateful for everyone’s kindness and gracious offerings.

Tomorrow (Monday) is a big day as we do all our pre-op visits: cardiology, covid testing, anesthesiology – and the all-important haircut at 4p. As mentioned earlier, the surgery is Wed, Apr 7, and on Tuesday we should be informed of the exact time.

Here are a few photos from today…

Mom enjoying the great weather (74 degrees) on her patio with the Sunday Times.

Here was her view…

Here is a plant that was just gifted to us – it flowered just a day or so after we got it. From Wikipedia:

Lilium longiflorum, often called the Easter lily, is a plant endemic to both Taiwan and Ryukyu Islands.

Sat, Apr 3 (11:50pm) – Like Flower Petals

Mom did her bed exercises early on, had a casual Saturday morning breakfast, took in a fine nap, enjoyed a lovely visit with two of her close friends who stopped by, and stayed up to 11pm soaking up all murder mysteries and other BBC programming.

Both of her friends thought that mom looked very well – not like a patient, but like a healthy person going in for a procedure. One commented that, “Oh you had lovely toes. I used to love looking at them at the pool – they looked like flower petals.”

This morning mom had her last antibiotic pill, completing the 1-week regimen in advance of her surgery.

Fri, Apr 2 (11:30pm) – Gaining Momentum

We had a pretty quiet Friday. There was talk of a possible alley get together, and mom went to her dressing room and got herself all ready for it, and she had me go outside three times to see if anybody was out there, but it was just too chilly and windy. So that was a bit of a letdown. But one of the neighbors stopped by to visit with mom later on in the afternoon. So that was a treat. And she remarked a few times how good mom looked, and that she does not look sick at all. Indeed, if you spend any time with mom you will see she is quite vibrant.

Even though we are in a bit of a pre-surgery holding pattern, mom has been showing great signs of independence and mobility around the house. She criss-crosses the place as per her need, keeping in mind that she should be on her feet as little as possible. Just before going to sleep this evening, she was easily powering and adjusting herself around on the bed, and she confidently said, “I feel stronger.” And her various movements and abilities point in that direction. I told her that we just need to manage this situation with the surgery and then come June 1 she will make gains by leaps and bounds. So there is not an ounce of gloom or doom around here regarding the upcoming procedure. We just view it as a necessary step in her recovery and rehab.

Thurs, Apr 1 (11:55pm) – Costco: Hearing Aids Round 3

Mom and I made our 3rd trip to Costco today in pursuit of new hearing aids. To keep her off her feet we used the wheelchair we got from Fearrington Cares yesterday. As for the hearing aids – we got them; BUT, mom did try on a demo model that was adjusted with her hearing and we walked around Costco, and mom found no discernible difference between her old hearing aids and this new pair. However, this needs more experimentation so we purchased the hearing aids with the understanding that we had 6 months to return them for a full refund. We go back April 20 to pick up mom’s new Phillips hearing aids and begin that 6-month trial period.

After criss-crossing Costco’s for nearly 3 hours by pushing mom’s wheelchair with one hand and pulling our cart with the other hand, both mom and I were more than ready to leave when all was said and done. And it was mostly a relaxed evening upon our return.

Thurs, Apr 1 (2:15pm) – Prep Work

Never did the Wednesday update but things have been a bit slow anyway. Just getting things lined up for her surgery and rehab. Yesterday, we picked up a wheelchair from “Fearrington Cares” (Remember this place?? See ==> Mon, Dec 7 (6pm) – She’s Coming Home!!), and today we had a phone appointment with her substitute primary care doctor. So everything is in order at this point. And in a short while, we shall make our third and final trip to Costco to get mom’s new hearing aides arranged. But as discussed, it is an unknown how much of an improvement they will be. (For more info scroll down to ==> Tue, Mar 23 (11:40pm) – Costco Crusade.)

Here was today’s breakfast: A smoothie for the ages (bananas, strawberries, raspberries, almond milk, ground flax seed, peanut butter protein powder, water) and wonderful homemade blueberry muffins (courtesy of Sheila).

Tue, Mar 30 (11:45pm) – Heel Walking or Hell Walking

One of the concerns mom has about the upcoming surgery (see Thursday & Friday March 25 & 26 for details) is how she will walk on her heels for that first month after her surgery. She was thinking that was just impossible. So lately she has begun practicing walking on her heels. Think little kid arms outstretched in front imitating some gruesome goblin. Well maybe not quite like that, but mom is trying to master this heel walking. Then today it dawned on her that she need not do it with both feet, just one. So she was feeling like it was a bit more doable. And before bed tonight she said that maybe they have a slanted shoe to wear. Anyway, I feel she will do just fine with the heel walking.

Today we did go through all the dos and don’ts and appointments that we have to attend to this week, and I think we have it all in check.

If anyone wants a good burn, check out the supine routine mom and I are doing. It really gets the glutes, hip flexors, lower back, and more. I am impressed that mom can even do it. So she is determined to go into the surgery in good shape and keep herself strong that first month post-op.

In the late morning mom spent some time outside in the sun in her courtyard. There is still a bit of a nip in the air so she goes out there fortified with blanket and a hand-warmer.

Mon, Mar 29 (11:30pm) – Maintenance Routine

Today mom and I did some chair yoga and strengthening exercises as well as her bed exercises. She has a solid base of strength which we want to maintain as far as possible during the lead-in to the surgery, as well as for the four weeks she will be off her feet after the surgery. That is the challenge that confronts us at the moment.

Mom has been keeping an even keel and is keen to keep up with the requisite exercises. We also reserved some time to sit outside on the porch in the late afternoon to catch up on a little sunshine. It was not the warmest day, but getting outside does one a world of good, as we all know….

Sun, Mar 28 (9:30pm) – Bed Workout #1 + Day in Photos

Today we entered into bed workout mode. She cannot do weight bearing exercises for the foreseeable future (think late May or so), hence we will take our exercise to other avenues i.e. bed and chair. No doubt mom has been doing bed exercises on and off over the weeks, but today we spiced it up and bit, and we will continue to do so. Take a look at how well mom did in following along!!!

Now we come to the photo section of today’s entry….

Here below is mom’s vegan waffle (not from scratch) with a homemade blackberry sauce that included organic protein powder (peanut butter flavor), and yes she still got maple syrup with it – and of course her large freshly made clementine-papaya-banana smoothie with organic vanilla protein powder.

Next, take a look at these numbers – the time was actually 11:38am – but that is the only wrong number on the below screen. Mom’s BP has been great for months, and today it was 115 / 69 (no BP meds), and what we really like is her resting heart rate of 74.

Here below we have mom devouring her Sunday NY Times.

I gave mom a solid-sized serving (below is the entire pot) of our pasta cum asparagus and summer squash (green & yellow), cooked in a sauce that has way too many ingredients to enlist here – that was dinner while watching her favorite BBC murder mystery…yes that’s right the same exact episode that the BBC broadcasted the night prior. Mom always watches it twice, back to back, just to make sure the mystery gets properly solved – just don’t ask her to explain it. But she watches it like a hawk.

Sat, Mar 27 (4:30pm) – The Runway

We have officially entered the “runway” into mom’s surgery date of April 7: daily antibiotics, no weight-bearing exercises, no long walks etc. We will aim to get some chair and bed exercises going.

Mom did get up and go to breakfast with the ladies this morning. They came and picked her up at 9am and mom was home by 11 or so. Upon her return (photo below), mom took a great 2-hour power snooze.

Thanks so much to everyone for the cards, texts, words of support, and wishes – mom receives and appreciates them all!!

Note: Yesterday when the tech was doing the ultrasound on mom he said, “I never would have thought she was 91!”

Fri, Mar 26 (8:30pm) – Surgery Scheduled

Today, mom walked into the medical office and scheduled her surgery for Wed, April 7. The time has yet to be scheduled, but all the satellite appointments are in place: covid test, anesthesiologist, heart review, x-rays etc.

So mom will lose her entire big toe and have essentially stumps as the other four toes. For the first 4 weeks post-op, Mom will have to stay off her feet – only walking on her heels. They figure by 6 – 8 weeks she should be “back in action” and ready to rehab in a more strenuous manner. The main thing is to wait for the sutures to seal, heal, and fully close the wound in a strong manner. So that would basically bring us into June. During the first 4 weeks or so, she will need her dressing changed on a regular basis, but it should be a much more simple process from what we (i.e. Pastor) is doing these days. We also raised the concern about fantom pain and neuromas, and the wound-care specialist really did not think those would come into play. At this point, I think they view this as a fairly necessary and straightforward procedure. Soon, we will get the antibiotics for mom to ensure the current infection does not spread before the surgery date.

They did indicate that when mom gets back in action then she will use regular shoes that are mildly altered to suit her. So while mom will be going through a down period, the hope is to come back stronger than ever. And during the down period, we will set up a routine of non-weight bearing exercises to keep mom active and strong. Between now and the surgery date, mom will be laying low: no PT, no extended walks, no balance exercises, just basic movements for her existential needs.

Thurs, Mar 25 (10:31pm) – Moment of Truth: Feet

The big deal of the day was going to see our wound-care specialist, and in point-wise fashion here is what transpired:
(a) They examined mom’s big toe – as that one had become the most painful – and there was a lot of granulation (new connective tissue and microscopic blood vessels) which was positive, but there was now an opening between that granulation and the black, necrotic part of the toe.
(b) They pried into that space and fluid emerged which they thought was joint fluid from the “knuckle” of the big toe; they could also touch the bone directly.
(c) Their assessment was that the big toe is infected – and infections can spread.
(d) They told us last time and again this time that the tissue of the big toe beyond the knuckle is dead and will not regenerate.
(e) So that brings us to the the option of the amputation of the big toe. It is not an emergency, and mom is thinking about it, but acting swiftly is in our best interests because infections can spread. And if the foot, or ankle, or leg, let alone the new foreign bodies (valve etc) in the heart get infected – Dr. Elise’s grave concern, then there is a lot at stake.
(f) The big toe is the only open wound on the right foot. However, the tips of the other four toes are also necrotic, and they may open at some point. Since mom is 91, and operations on a 91-year-old are taxing, the basic plan would be (when mom gives the green light) to do all five toes at once. It would be a non-emergency, out-patient procedure with a nerve block (i.e. local anesthesia).
(g) If mom chooses to move ahead – something we feel she should do – then she would probably lose most of the big toe and more than half of the other toes. The doctor would take as little as possible, but he needs to close the wound with good tissue. That is why even though only the nails and tips are affected of the 4 smaller toes, the end result is that mom would lose more than just the tips.
(h) Really speaking, it is an emotional, yet very straightforward decision. By waiting, and going on antibiotics, there is nothing to gain (just delaying the inevitable) and much to lose because if that infection spreads then it could cost us the entire foot or even the entire leg(!) – and that would be a whole different ballgame.
(i) Most of our balance and power stems from the ball of the foot and mom would have that. Losing the toes would not affect her balance, practically speaking. I know many climbers who lost toes, and they manage fine.
(j) The plus side is that the recovery from the amputation would be a month, and then mom could really move ahead with her rehab. She could wear regular sneakers and get rid of those black Frankenstein shoes. Indeed, by losing the toes and getting rid of the Frankenstein shoes, the outcome would be a net positive as those shoes severely hinder her abilities. If we do not go through with the amputation, mom would be married to those black shoes for the foreseeable future.
(k) Tomorrow, we are going for an x-ray and ultrasound, and then we will go back and see the wound-care specialist. If mom gives them the green light to proceed, they would act swiftly and try and have her in the OR within a week or so. Then it would be a 3 – 4 week recovery, changing the dressing every few days, and then the saga with the feet would be over (ideally!). Then it is pure rehab and recovery.
(l) We will discuss with them about possible neuromas and fantom pain etc, and naturally the hope is that there is not a big risk for either of those outcomes.
(m) So that is the whole enchilada. We have given the feet 5 full months to recover, and I think we gained back far more than what folks were initially expecting. But we have now come to a crossroads with it – backed into a corner where our hand is forced. The delay tactic is really no longer an option.
(n) Stay tuned for mom’s “final” decision and potential surgery dates.

Two side points:
(a) We did ask if they had a bigger chair so mom would be comfortable during the appointment, but this was the biggest one they had. After some deliberation, we opted to settle for it. Fortunately, mom did not feel too squished during the visit.
(b) When leaving the building, I pushed the disability button to get the double doors to open, and I walked through towards two squirrels playing on the sidewalk out front. A few seconds later I look back and the doors are both closing on mom and they hit her rollator and she lets go and regains her footing and grabs back onto the rollator as the doors reopen. By that point, I was by her side. But those are some dangerous doors – they are old doors on a timer and do not have a sensor so they automatically shut even if someone is in that space. Could have been a big problem, but mom’s natural instincts and abilities served her well. Tomorrow when we go through those doors we will be carrying a big stick!!

Wed, Mar 24 (11:55pm) – Ride Home

Mom put in a good effort at PT today. Because mom’s foot was bothering her, the physical therapist did more seated core work, balance, and step-ups etc in order to protect and spare the sensitive foot.

At some point in the afternoon it warmed up to about 70, and mom suggested we go for a walk, (which we were going to do anyway!!). But because of her foot pain, we did not make it all the way around the block. So mom got a “ride” back for the final portion…good thing we bumped up that appointment with the wound-care folks to tomorrow (Thurs, Mar 25).

Tue, Mar 23 (11:40pm) – Costco Crusade

Well we went back to Costco today in hopes of getting mom’s new miracle hearing aids. Before getting into the hearing aid aspect, suffice to say mom hung in there as we criss-crossed the store (sometimes with me a bit too far ahead), but she really worked hard navigating the massive square-footage that we traversed. After that haul, no need for any more exercise the rest of the day.

So we arrived at Costco a tad bit late yet we did get the full hearing test done, but not the trial and fitting of potential new hearing aids. However, our hopes did dampen a bit on two fronts. First off, when we showed him mom’s current hearing aids (Siemens) then the audiologist was taken aback a bit as he felt they were quite modern and technologically advanced, though he was not sure how old they were, nor were we. Yet this was the same guy who last week boldly pointed to a new set they had on display, stating that mom’s could not touch the new pair he had on display. But today, he no longer sounded quite so sure about that. Second, when they completed the hearing test, he told us that mom’s hearing loss was moderate to severe, and, more significantly, that mom’s deficit was not the type that is remedied by hearing aids. That’s to say, hearing aids amplify sound and direct it into the ear canal, whereas mom’s problem primarily occurs during the processing and transmission of sound to the brain. And there is not a hearing aid on the planet that solves that issue.

Nonetheless, with the hearing test completed, we are scheduled to go back next Thursday (Apr 1) to try out their hearing aids and see if they work better than what mom has, with the option to order a pair personalized for her. The good thing is that we can buy them and get a full refund if they do not meet her needs / expectations.

The rest of the day went as normal. When I went in to see mom as she was preparing to get to bed, I remarked on how independent she was in managing her needs, and she said, “I’m trying.” And indeed she is. She is very cognizant of the fact that independence is the goal, and that she is not quite there yet. So she more than takes on the responsibility of trying to get there. She really is trying, and hopefully in due course we will get there.

Tue, Mar 23 (8:50am) – Resting Heart Rate

Oops…forgot to get this up last night…

The very welcomed development yesterday was that throughout her PT session mom’s resting heart rate was in the upper 70’s, while her active heart rate was in the low 80’s. This stands in contrast to her resting heart rate being in the 80’s and active in the 90’s. This is something we have been closely monitoring at PT the last 2 weeks or so. We check her 6 – 8 times during the course of her hour session, and mom consistently tested in that lower range yesterday. So her exercise routine and heart-healthy lifestyle are paying dividends.

Here are some videos from yesterday….

Yesterday, we had a wonderful visit with Larc and Rich. What a lovely occasion it was!! Most of the time mom was seated on a couch, but in navigating herself there at the beginning and when getting up mom was using her cane. So her movements were done in a supported manner. Then when saying goodbye I handed mom her rollator and she immediately began speeding around like it was a dune-buggy, and Rich said, “Oh!!! Hey!!!”

Here the point is the mom is fully independent and fairly speedy with her rollator. No human support is needed at all. And we are currently in the midst of trying to gain that same facility with a cane, with greater goal of walking safely and fully unassisted in the due course. So while I do not post her using her rollator, just know she cruises around the house with that thing like lightening (almost!)….

Mon, Mar 22 (1:25am) – Finding Our Rhythm

Mom wrapped up a fine weekend with a solid Sunday. For her at this point, life has become fairly predictable and stable, yet still dynamic wherein she is making steady progress. We did make it around the block again today (Sunday), but even though it was sunny she found it a bit brisk so we did not do more than that. We did get some walking done with the cane inside though, and two things are happening. First is that she is eager and keen to use the cane – and get good at it. Second is that she is finding her rhythm with it where the cane enables her to walk in a natural manner safely, as opposed to just being an awkward accompaniment / encumbrance.

Mom seems to become mildly philosophical before going to bed – but never a paragraph worth, just a sentence or two. And she said that when I leave after she is in bed, then her room becomes an oasis and she is able to go to sleep right away. By and large she is extremely comfortable – physically and mentally. She is in a good place. Yes, her big toe is bothering her, and we are going this Thursday to get it checked out, but hopefully that is nothing more than a fleeting period of discomfort. The other event this week is her getting fit for a new set of ears on Tuesday. I hope that is a game-changer for us.

No photos or videos today, but as I am sure you know, there will be plenty more of those….

Sat, Mar 20 (11:52pm) – Breakfast Out + Home Training

Well, mom and her two great lady friends hit the town for breakfast today. Mom was really looking forward to going. In preparation she showered, and when I asked her how her shower was she said, “It was delicious.” This is mom’s normal way of talking, but an outsider might have thought that she was so excited about going to breakfast that she described her shower in ways one might characterize breakfast. Mom came back in the late morning and enjoyed every moment of her outing.

At some point in the late afternoon, mom and I took a stroll around the block. I did not time it, but mom did it swiftly and easily. Our plan was to meander around but it was a touch chilly out so we ended up just hightailing it around the block. Had I known that was what we were going to do I would have timed it. Anyway….all fine.

When we came in from our walk we went right into our balance regimen. Here are a few excerpts. When Pastor is not around then I need to spot her and am thus not able to stand in front of her to guide her through the session. So it is a bit trickier as mom responds well to my bodily cues. That said, mom hung well with it….

Just before going to bed, mom said, “What time do I have PT tomorrow?” And I just said, “S-U-N-D-A-Y”, and she was so happy, and said, “Oh good!” Her joy was like that of a kid who just found out that there was no school because it was a snow day!! It was funny to see how she views PT as this dark, looming entity that hangs over her head!!

Fri, Mar 19 (11:45pm) – Walking, No Pausing

In follow-up to yesterday, we did get that wound care appointment moved up to next week – just to make sure things are A-OK with the right big toe, which looks fine but has been painful of late.

Mom put in some good work at PT today, and her walking with a cane is improving. In the below clip, the aim was not to stop, which mom has a tendency to do. Walking and balance are the key points to her independence so that is what we are working on. The heart is fine; no other medical issues. So we just gotta get that walking set….

Thurs, Mar 18 (11:55pm) – Scheduling a Foot Review

While mom’s feet look good, and the body is reclaiming more of the toes, the underside of the big toe has been bothersome for her,  but it has zero sign of infection or anything. I have been wavering back and forth as we have an appointment upcoming (mid-April), but I will call them tomorrow to see if they can squeeze us in early next week. We went out to the Honda dealership today as there was a recall on a part on my car, and upon our return mom and I attempted to walk around the block but we only made it 1 house up the street before we had to turn around and head back. When the pain in the foot is hindering our ability to do the conditioning we need, then I suppose that is a sign to get it looked at.

At the dealership, we did see this neat little 2-cylinder Honda:

Here is more about the car….

Wed, Mar 17 (10:55pm) – Car Driving (Almost) + Cone Slalom

Mom always goes to bed extremely happy – totally pleased to be under the covers. Just before retiring for the night, we were going over tomorrow’s schedule, and I told mom that I was taking my car to the shop in the afternoon as there was a recall on a particular part. She said, “Ok perfect, we’ll take two cars over there so you don’t have to wait!!!” 😂 🤣 Good thinking, but we are not quite there yet. One of the concerns is that her clunky shoes could get stuck and / or hit both pedals at the same time. Not to mention, she needs further physical conditioning. When we do cross that bridge we will go through the proper channels of DMV etc.

Here are some action videos from today’s PT session:

Tue, Mar 16 (10:45pm) – Mom Conquers Costco + New Ears

Mom totally took over Costco today!! She crossed and zig-zagged her way through the entire store – she used her rollator and was completely independent.

Now,  the reason why we went in the first place was we got wind that this WAS the place to get hearing aids. Indeed, a dear family friend has been wearing hearing aids for 50+ years, and he just got his first set of hearing aids from Costco a few weeks ago. He gave a glowing report of their testing process, their sound-proof room, their money-back guarantee, and their remarkably low pricing. Hearing his testimonial, we jumped into action. We scheduled a hearing aid appointment for 3/23, but had to go there once before then to open an account and get checked for any occlusion (10-second job), and that is why we went there today. Naturally, while there, we checked out their organic produce and were duly impressed. In so doing, mom cruised the entire store!!

Toward the end our visit, mom sat herself down on her rollator while I attended to the final portion of our paperwork. And lo’ and behold, all the ladies at the customer service desk became completely enthralled with mom. They were watching her from about 25 feet away, “Oh look, she is putting her mask back up”, “Did you see her smile”, “Look how cute she is” etc. I did not even know all this was going until I picked up on all their giggling and joy and then realized they were talking about mom. It was reminiscent of the days in the hospital and rehab facility when all the nurses and staff became enamored with mom within 5 minutes of meeting her!!

Well, we did not spend the entire day at Costco. Rather that was just the mid-afternoon.

Here below is a short video playing on 4x speed of our balance session that we did at home today….

Tue, Mar 16 (2:10am) – PT Balance

The days have become (mostly) more consistent. Mom did well in PT today (Monday) – it was all manual, no machines. She worked on getting up from a chair using a cane as well as slaloming with a cane, and then an array of balance exercises, some similar to or the same as things we do at home, and they had some new initiatives as well.

Sun, Mar 14 (11:45pm) – Sunday Walks Inside & Out

Mom is definitely getting up and engaging in more adventures around the house. She may not do the laundry per se, but she will go down to check and see how things are going with it. And in her bedroom / bathroom she is quite independent. So little by little, mom is getting more adjusted with the house.

Today, we went out for a walk and stopped in for a house visit with mom’s old friend. Mom did well navigating the curb and the front steps. And after our visit, we continued on up the street. Basically, all our walks outside are done with the rollator, though we had mom’s PT belt on as well so we used that for going in and out of the house. The intention was to do some free-standing walking as well but that did not get incorporated.

But one thing we did work on in the house was smoothing out mom’s gait when walking with a cane. And we seemed to make strides with that today. Mom has taken a liking to the cane so one short-term goal is to become full independent with the cane.

Add in a solid power snooze, some TV watching, meals, and a snack, and that was basically mom’s Sunday – oh, and course, the Sunday Times.

Sat, Mar 13 (11:30pm) – Ladies Luncheon & More

Mom had a grand Saturday starting with rising early, having breakfast, showering, and taking a mid-morning rest in anticipation of going out with her good friends for lunch in Pittsboro. These are her longtime friends, neighbors, traveling companions, and more, and they were all able to get into the same car together without masks and have a great midday meal together, followed by a car tour of some of the locale. Very well deserved after a year of hibernation.

I spent the late morning gathering info from Max about Costco hearing aids and scheduled an appointment for mom. It sounds like these will be a vast improvement – it is a two-step process followed by a short waiting period to have them in hand. We expect to have it all wrapped up by mid-April.

After mom got up from her post-lunch nap, we went for a solid walk. Mom was noticeably faster and more energetic, and we walked the furthest distance yet. So that too was a very good sign that we are gaining on our path back towards normalcy.

Here below is mom all dressed and ready to go out for the luncheon.

Fri, Mar 12 (11:10pm) – Alley Gathering + PT Clips

There was a shin-dig in the alley today from 2pm to 4pm, and it turned into quite the block party. The photo below was taken at the very beginning, but it mushroomed into 20+ with lots of milling around, all convened under blue skies and 78 – 80 degree temps. Mom had a wonderful time, and when she showed up and sat down they all gave her a rousing ovation.

FYI, for those curious, everyone at the gathering was double-vaccinated except for one gentleman who had had only one shot, but he appeared to be wearing an N-95 mask. There were a few masks around, and some not – but this is a crew that has been in strict hibernation these past 12 months so we should be all good on that front.

One of the attendees had moved in last year and really had no opportunity to meet the neighborhood all these months. There were many conversations and tales in all directions, and mom stayed till the very end and thoroughly enjoyed herself. She stayed in her seat the whole time (lower right corner). I was on the phone for most of it – a 50-minute call for an article to appear in Yoga Journal (May-June) about whether yoga should be an Olympic event. The freelance writer sought me out because he knew I had “expressed strong aversions to this”, and I gave him a blistering rebuke that he recorded from beginning to end. Let’s see where that goes. After the call, I did join folks for a bit and was masked up.

In the morning today, we were at PT and here is a glimpse into what mom was up to…..

Thurs, Mar 11 (10:30pm) – Sunny Day Walk

Just a stunning day today, and tomorrow should be nicer. In the morning mom did her bed, chair, and balance exercises. So it was an active start to the day. When we went out for our walk in the mid-afternoon we kept the stopwatch at bay. To begin, mom just wanted to sit on the bench on her front porch and watch the day go by. And once we got going on the walk, we spoke with various neighbors along the way – masked up of course. It was a meandering, moseying walk around the block plus a little bit extra. By the end of it mom was tired – mostly in the legs. But she also needed water. So going forward we will always have her renyoga stainless steel thermos with us.

Other points of note: Mom is getting more accustomed to walking with a cane, on select occasions. If she is doing something by herself then her only option is the rollator. Tonight, mom did her entire pre-bed routine by herself. And she is working hard towards gaining independence. That is definitely on her radar. So that is the shape of things.

Wed, Mar 10 (5pm) – Cane & a Haircut

Mom is progressing with her use of a cane, and today we went out a bought one for mom. So now we will aim to practice with a cane more and more so she can become more fluid and proficient with it – and independent. At this point, when she is using a cane, she still needs to be spotted, just in case. Whereas with the rollator, she is free to go as she pleases around the house. That said, it does lead to tricky situations. For instance, this morning, she was in the kitchen and had forgotten to put her hearing aids in so she went down to her room to get them. I remained in the kitchen. After a while, I went down to mom’s room to see what was going on. And I found her standing up in the room with her rollator in front of her and relatively close, but she was trying to put on a turtleneck and it was really tight, and it was wrapped (stuck) around her head from her chin to her crown and she had both arms up in the air pulling on the shirt and it wasn’t budging. Not a great position / situation to be in. So we still have to watch for events like that.

The crowning moment of the day happened at 12:30pm, just after lunch, when she went and got her haircut!!

Mom  was very pleased with the outcome – and they were happy to see her after such a long time!!

Because she had her haircut at 12:30pm, we had PT at 9am this morning, and here is some of the work she was doing there:

Tue, Mar 9 (11:55pm) – Foot Care Extraordinaire

By far, the biggest thing that happened today was going to our appointment with the wound care specialist (PA) at the vascular clinic. We had to wait a while, but it was worth it. She spent quite a bit of time debriding the wounds. And as mom noted at the end, there was no bleeding. The specialist was careful, patient, and deeply involved. She used all sorts of tools to clean, cut, smooth, and examine the foot. At one point, she did use the doppler and found good strong pulses at the base of all of the toes. All in all, she was very pleased with what she saw.

She also felt the home-care mom was getting was excellent (kudos to Pastor), and she kept saying again and again the this is a marathon – not a sprint. She was concerned by a cracking / separation in the pinky toe, and she actually called the vascular surgeon in and he was quite casual about it. He too felt the foot looked good and had improved a lot. Although it is mostly a wait and see type of event, the wound care specialist did indicate that the portion of mom’s big toe above the joint would probably be lost. But again and again, they said that nothing would be done unless mom started having symptoms (fever, red / hot foot, separation, pain etc).

Once again, mom was shot down in her request to wear other types of shoes. But the good thing is that after the specialist was done, when mom put her shoes back on her feet no longer hurt. So that was a very positive and tangible outcome, that nicely impacts mom’s day to day life.

The rest of the day went well. And tomorrow mom is getting her haircut – the other big event for this week!!

Mon, Mar 8 (11:45pm) – Cane Progress + My Vaccine

Mom did well at PT today and walked quite a bit with a cane. While she does need a spotter she can mostly move independently with a cane, and we plan to buy one tomorrow.

In the late afternoon, I went and got my Moderna vaccine – probably the first person on the planet to get it on a fasting day. So far so good. While I was out, mom and Pastor walked around the block, but I think it was an untimed walk.

Tomorrow, we have an 11am appointment with the vascular / wound care team. And mom told me she is going to talk to them about a pair of Birkenstocks at Nordstrom’s. Then she snuck in the zinger, “I have it saved on my phone.” I did not know she knew how to do that!! The point is that mom is keen to get rid of these shoes. She always says, “I’ll just walk barefoot”, or “Go in my closet and bring out my slippers”, or if we are at PT and she sees someone wearing sport sandals etc, she says, “See now I could wear something like that.” So mom had all kinds of ideas of ditching the shoes. I asked her this evening if the shoes will be put on the trophy shelf or be burned, and she said burned. All that said, my guess is that we are not yet in the clear, but let’s see what they say tomorrow.

Here is mom at PT today….

Sun, Mar 7 (9pm) – Shattered Record + Food Plates

The big news of the day – and you may have gotten lots of alerts and highlights about it – is that mom shattered her record. Yesterday, mom went “around the block” in 12min 25sec, and today mom totally shattered that mark by doing it in 9min 04sec. Probably by now you have seen the replays on ESPN and CNN etc, so as a mere formality I announce this here.

Beyond that, Sunday was a day of naps, a neighborly visit, and various food plates shown below.

Sun, Mar 7 (2:11am) – Record Keeping + Home Practice

Mom enjoyed a Zoom call / visit today (Saturday), and we did two things for conditioning. We did a home balance session (video below), and for the first time we timed our walk around the block, which is not really a walk around the block, but a walk around half that block as mom lives half-way down the street. Her time today was 12min 25sec – I had to pause it twice when mom stopped for a quick check-in with a neighbor. But at least we have something to go by, and can build on this as we aim to quicken her pace.

Fri, Mar 5 (11:55pm) – Where’s Dad + Vaccine Aftermath

We started off the day at 6am with a bit of confusion over where dad was. Actually mom had gotten up to go to the bathroom and did not tell / call button me, but fortunately I was already at the computer and could hear that something was going on. Mom was managing safely, but was a bit confused about dad wherein she even asked if I would go check the garage to ensure both cars were there, just to ensure dad hadn’t driven back up to New Rochelle. There is a bit more to the exchange, but suffice to say that with a bit of prompting it was resolved and mom went back to sleep until 8am.

In the morning, mom could feel a little bit of soreness in her arm from the vaccine and experienced chills, but by 10:45am, being the trooper that she is, we were out the door for PT, and mom did well with it. One of the things they worked on was mom’s perpetual stopping when walking even though she has the ability to continue walking. It was a solid session and the video here shows some of the quad work mom was doing.

We did a few quick errands afterwards, and upon returning home mom ate her vegetarian sushi which we had picked up, followed by an ice cream sandwich. She then did a power snooze from 2:15pm to 4:15pm. She got up by herself and did not call me, and I heard something and went down to her room and saw she had left her bed, gone to the bathroom, left her rollator in the bathroom and was now walking unassisted across her room in socks on a slippery floor carrying various articles of clothing. This is totally dangerous – one fall in the scenario and the gig is up. So we had a little debriefing about that. The thing is that when everything goes smoothly in the bathroom then she pushes the call button, but if things do not go smoothly then she starts trying to rectify the situation on her own which only stands to put her in a deeper ditch. Hopefully, this is now resolved.

After that mom did get back in bed as she seemed to be feeling some of the aftereffects of the vaccine, and then got up for the late afternoon and evening. Aunt Connie had come by when mom was in bed after the bathroom ordeal, and they had a nice visit talking and catching up.

Just as an FYI, I switched my vaccine from J & J to Moderna / Pfizer, though it was not that straightforward. I had double-booked myself for the J & J, so had to call up and reschedule anyway etc. Mostly, I am just glad that they are giving it to me given that it is not the time for my age group. Just on an anecdotal account of my role as caregiver, they were willing to schedule me.

Fri, Mar 5 (1:25am) – Covid Vaccine Part 2 + Home Balance

The main event of Thursday was that mom got her second covid shot (Pfizer). And thus far she has not had any side effects at all. We were going to try and go through the whole process using the rollator, but it quickly became apparent that we would have to use one of their wheelchairs. Everything went smoothly – very speedy and well run. The nurse took great interest in my getting a vaccine – actually of late I had just given up on it. But she kept telling how there were a lot of shots available and that I should call on the way home. And wouldn’t you know, I am now scheduled for the Johnson & Johnson shot on Monday.

Here is our home balance routine from the day….

Thurs, Mar 4 (1:10am) – Tale of the Toe + PT Examination

So this is all about Wednesday….

…something monumental happened today with the toes. And I am going to share a photo of the foot (for the first time on this blog), but this is NOT NOT NOT the foot that was badly affected by the surgery. The left foot suffered a fairly minor insult, and we were never really too worried about this left foot. Though, some of the toes of the left foot did become purple / black. And now here below is the first incident where a toe has wholly shed itself of all remnants of blackness and become completely pink, albeit with the temporary loss of the toenail. Take a look at the 2nd toe – that is the winning ticket. The point here is that if we can somehow replicate this on 7 more toes we are in fantastic shape. And thus far, we have always gotten clean pink skin when any black portion fell from the foot / toes. Big shout out to Pastor on this one!!

Now let’s get into the PT stuff, which is quite self-explanatory. The only thing I will say is that today ended our first month so mom had to get retested on some key aspects of her overall fitness. By and large, she demonstrated marked improvement in just about all activities. And we are all set-up for another month of PT.

So mom did very well at PT. And here below is mom posing with Connie. Look at how they are inversely matching!!! Now go ahead and just try and tell me that they did not plan this the night before.

After PT, mom had lunch, took a big power snooze yet woke up oriented (she loves the clock! – see 2/25 entry), and then she and I went for a short walk outside without a rollator or cane etc. Just mom and her PT belt. She was on her feet for 10 – 15 minutes and I hardly ever had to make an intervention.

After all her hard work today, mom enjoyed and ate every morsel of her pasta and fresh veggies dish.


Tue, Mar 2 (10:30pm) – Home Balance Video + Beard Tale

Mom did not have any appointments today but nonetheless had an active day. She and Pastor walked up to the corner and back without the rollator. That was in the morning, either just before or just after the balance session – see below video. Then in the afternoon mom and I walked around the block – she was using the rollator – and we worked on picking up our pace. I will start using a stopwatch because just as we are interested in increasing her range, speed is also a veritable factor. When she is ready to go out with friends she will want to be able to keep up.

Mom is more mobile and independent around the house. She made the coffee this morning, pulled up the shades, and did her entire pre-sleep routine on her own. And she feels that she can do more. So that is all quite positive.

Here’s mom’s balance routine from the morning. She generally gives me about 8 – 10 min, and we mix up the routine a fair bit from day to day:

Incident of the day: When mom and I were walking this afternoon we exchanged pleasantries with a woman walking the other direction. Then about 45 seconds later she comes circling back and says, “Ruth, Ruth is that you? I did not recognize you with your hood up and your mask on. But I saw your son’s beard!!!” Ha! Mom is now known around town by my beard!! Trimming is certainly out of the question.

Mon, Mar 1 (11:45pm) – To Cane or Not to Cane

One of the things we discussed and experimented with at PT today was whether to use a cane or not. It came up because mom has a tendency to reach out to every available piece of furniture, counter top, wall, desk etc as she walks. Clearly she feels she needs support. The only question is whether that has just become her habit or whether she is really unable to properly balance. Personally, I think it is the former. So when we got home we worked on walking in a straight line without reaching for anything, just keeping balanced using her hips, core, and shoulders, as well as making careful steps. When she does this she can move at a faster rate as well. I spotted her from behind with the PT belt, and she hardly needed any support. The conversation about this is still open, and it is really not a big deal if we do use a cane for an interim period or long haul. I just want to ensure mom really practices free-stand walking. Heck, when we got back from PT and had lunch, she went down to her room for a nap, and when I got there she was walking around her room, without her rollator, trying to arrange her belongings. That was a big no-no, as she needs a spotter. But the point being that if she feels ready and confident to engage in that daredevil act then I think her reaching out for support pieces is to a strong degree grounded in habit or desire, rather than actual ability and need. Let’s see.

Here is mom doing some good side-stepping at PT today.

Sun, Feb 28 (11:45pm) – 78 Degrees & Beautiful + Reality

After an overcast morning, the skies opened up and mom and I enjoyed a fine walk in the mid-afternoon…but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Here is a very quick peak at some of the balance work we did today at home – this includes some basic stretching and some lateral footwork series as well….it is playing at 20x speed so you can quickly see….mom’s lateral leg swings were particularly good today (20 sec to 27 sec mark)…this video was taken with the laptop so for some of it I am blocking the view and other times I am off to the side which makes it more difficult for mom to follow along. Other than having a 4th person on hand to video it I am not sure how to resolve these issues….

Then mom had some lunch, a quick nap, and she woke up just in time for a walk during the best part of the day. Here is that blue sky and 78 degree weather….

Here is mom cruising down the street, though we are not breaking any speed records (more about that below) so suffice to say here that this is mom chillin’ down the street.

We did make it to the gazebo again today, and here below is mom making the grand descent from the gazebo.

Thereafter mom did an hourlong Zoom call, had a pre-evening nap, and had a fine wrap-up to her weekend.

Reality: When I was down here in June 2020, mom was doing hospice care for a friend who actually died while I was down here during that June visit. And mom would pop over to her house on the spur of the moment numerous times a day. Mom did not consider going over there a walk, just part of life. When it was time to walk we would cruise the sprawling grounds of Fearrington. The point here is that Linda’s house is just over halfway to the gazebo. So walking to the gazebo is not some grand hike, it is a relatively short distance, something mom could have done carrying a 25lb box before her surgery. It is a place mom could have walked there and back in 7 minutes (maybe less) before. And now it takes us an hour. I just wish to put that out there as a point of perspective – as during a phone call tonight that was not clear to the person until it was put in these stark terms. So while mom is getting better and better, the walks we go on now do not compare to the walks we went on before, lest anyone get the wrong impression. But being on her feet for an hour and pushing through it is great for her circulation, cardio-vascular system, and overall stamina. And if we keep going and keep at it, hopefully we can shave a few dozen minutes off of our time!!!

Sat, Feb 27 (11:30pm) – Home Weekend Routine

Mom had an active Saturday. Breakfast, short morning nap, and then we delved into a balance routine. I had the laptop all set and ready to go on the counter to record it Zoom style, but mom took one look at it and saw herself and shot it down. Too bad as she did really well in her balance routine today – a routine we are constantly changing and mixing up. When shooting videos or photos with the phone then she does not mind, but I think the bigger screen combined with the fact that she could clearly see what was being filmed was a bit much. I will try it again the next time though because it is worth videoing.

Anyway, after her balance routine (8 to 10 minutes is all she allows me) it was lunchtime – a grand salad: chopped green kale, small cubed tomatoes, water chestnuts, finely grated carrots, pine nuts, chopped almonds, ground flax seed, herb infused balsamic vinegar, tahini, nutritional yeast, black pepper, sea salt – with toasted, organic taco shells (broken up) which she really enjoyed!!

After digesting lunch and taking a nap, we went walking. We moved at a moderate clip…

…but we did make it out to the gazebo (which is tied with the farthest we have walked) where we stopped for a short rest and chill session.

After all that walking, mom got settled in for her late afternoon routine, and had this to snack on.

She got Chinese takeout for dinner and was primed and ready for an evening of her BBC murder-mysteries, but alas the programming was changed due to a special fundraising show and mom missed out. So she went to bed – even then it was still around 9:30pm or so.

Fri, Feb 26 (10:20pm) – “I’ll Go by Myself”

Sometime after mom had gotten up from her morning nap, both Pastor and I were in her room, and Mom called out, “So who is going to PT with me today?” And before either of us could answer she said, “I’ll just go over there by myself.” 😂 😂 Mom’s “can do” spirit is to be appreciated, and hopefully by late spring she can make it over to her gym herself. (The gym is on the backside of the outpatient PT center.)

Well, here are a few of the things mom was up to at PT today…

All in all, mom had a fine session…but one other thing that happened at PT is that at some point I just could not hold it anymore and I sat down in a chair and dozed off a bit, tilting my head back into the wall or window blinds, and mom thought that was just hilarious.

When we got back at 1:45pm, mom felt like having some soup before going for her nap. And I did not have any made. So I quickly jumped into action and in 15 minutes had this all set from scratch – and mom, who is not that easy to please palate-wise, raved on and on about the quality of the broth. So here is the secret ad-lib recipe that emerged today:

Pot of water, add your favorite miso as a base, fresh grated ginger (plenty), black pepper, cubed tofu, finely grated carrots and zucchini that can almost dissolve upon boiling, larger zucchini slices, pine nuts, ground flax seed, nutritional yeast, and I think that just about wraps it up…

Thurs, Feb 25 (11:45pm) – Wegman’s Tour + Thank You’s

Around mid-morning, mom and Pastor walked around the block, and when mom returned she still had not shed herself of cabin fever, so she and Pastor hit the town. After a quick lunch at the local Malaysian hotspot, mom toured the new Wegman’s and mom was duly impressed. I think this was the first time mom had actively gone shopping. They mostly window shopped and checked out the facilities, but that itself made it a good outing as mom walked plenty in this giant store and gave a full report on all they offered. So it was a double-benefit. Cabin fever gone, and more exercise done.

When mom got back in the early afternoon, she soon went in for a nap – it was around 2:15pm. Before she went to sleep, we had a talk how this was Thursday afternoon and that when she woke up it would still be Thursday afternoon and she should not think that she slept all night in her clothes etc (for more about this see Mon, Feb 22 “Freaky Monday” entry). While she was sleeping, her new clock arrived (thanks for the referral Pam!), which I set up by her bed, and this is the time she got up (more or less).

The hope is that this will help mom get quickly oriented upon awaking. Mom likes it, though it will be a helping tool and will not work wonders as despite my forewarning, mom still thought she slept all night in her clothes. Then I told her to look at her clock and get it all figured out, and together we got things sorted out and I reminded her of my warning to her etc. Nonetheless, she is a fan of the clock and it should help.

Two great things happened before dinner. First, mom delved into “Thank You” card writing. That is a sure sign of anyone’s feeling better. She had been promising to do it for days, and we had ordered a massive set of cards etc, but she never quite felt up to it. Plus her right hand has been hurting her since the surgery, though that too seems to be getting better. And today she embarked on the process and wrote the first half-dozen or so. I was impressed with her handwriting and length of the cards – no I did not read them just glanced at them from afar. So that was a positive development. Secondly, I felt comfortable enough to leave her alone while I went out shopping (I told you she mostly window shopped at Wegman’s!). So I put mom’s life-link strap around her (she has not worn this in months as at night she always just wears her in-house call button) and we talked about what maneuvers she could take in the house while I was gone – no daredevil moves allowed! And sure enough, upon my return, mom was well situated and watching the news. When I left, she was still at the kitchen table working on her cards.

After all that, it was a quick evening of tostadas and then off to bed!!

Oh, does this look like someone who is happy to be in bed?!?!?

If there are no BBC murder mysteries on, then this is a fairly normal time to hit the hay!! Verily, a successful day!!!

Wed, Feb 24 (10:35pm) – Home Office + More Than a Football Field

After finishing breakfast and taking a morning nap, mom hit the books and attended to some domestic business affairs at her home office…

Once done tidying up her affairs we headed out to PT.

Today’s PT was a toughie. First off, we did not bring the rollator. So she walked into PT, and then we had to walk over to another building (i.e. mom’s gym!!) in order to start our PT on the track. And once on the track, mom did a timed 6 minute walk wherein she cranked out about 360 feet – that’s right, more than a football field, not including all the walking it took to get there.

And here are other things she did at PT today…

After her session she was more tired than usual…she put in a good workout, never opting to rest. Her afternoon nap was well-deserved, as was her evening meal, and her sleep. She seemed to have no power left in her glutes when she got out of her black chair in order to head down to her room for bed.

Here is mom’s evening meal – homemade refried beans (lots of spices & goodies), broccoli & cilantro, and crackers – followed-up by the usual ice cream bar.

Tue, Feb 23 (11:50pm) – To The Gazebo & Beyond…

Directly after lunch mom and I set up and broke our distance mark on a walk, reaching the Gazebo. The more mild weather – more than anything else – is what enabled us to extend the distance of the walk. Though, you would not know it given the way mom is bundled up. With the coming of spring we are looking forward extending these horizons.

Once we got there, we decided we would sit and enjoy the view for a few minutes.

But that was not our only exercise of the day…

We also did a home yoga balance session (10 – 15 minutes) and her chair PT exercises. And in between those two we went for this short evening walk (6:15pm), which was done on a whim….

Mom had a fine evening and usual nighttime routine. As she was lying in bed we were going over tomorrow’s schedule, including PT at 12:30pm. I told her we needed to talk to the therapist about extending because next Wednesday is our last scheduled session. And mom said, “And then we are done with PT?” By her question, I could not tell if she wanted to be done with it or not. So I asked her if she wanted to continue. And she said, “I want to do anything that will make me stronger.” And on that note, our day concluded.

Mon, Feb 22 (11:45pm) – Balance PT + Freaky Monday

Mom did her usual morning routine and we went out for our regular PT session at 12:30pm. There was no work with the machines today, instead mom engaged in an array of balance and weight-shifting exercises. It took a lot of effort to do that for an hour as she was on her feet nearly the entire time, yet mom did quite well with it.

When we got back from PT, mom had her lunch and then went for a nap at 2:45pm. I was on an editing call till 3:30pm. For the last number of days my sleep had been quite sparse (think going to bed after 3am and waking up before 7am) and could not bear it any longer so I took a (rare) nap also. I woke up at 5:20p or so feeling really great, but also thinking I should see what mom was up to. I quickly went down to her room and she was in her closet picking out clothes for the day. When she saw me she said, “Oh, you are up so early.” Over the next 20 to 25 minutes I had to convince mom that it was not morning and that it was afternoon. It only happens after these kind of naps that she gets quite so disoriented about the day.

I came to learn that mom woke up at 5pm and saw the light coming through the door and thought that it was a new day, but she was also thinking that it could not really be 5 and that her clock was wrong so she had walked all the way down to the kitchen to check and see if the time was correct – and it was. So she went back to her room to get her day going. And in that process I showed up, and we began rehashing the course of events from last night to this morning and back and forth, and still she was thinking it was time for her to go down and get her juice and coffee. Eventually, we got it a bit more clear in her mind. And she walked down to the main part of the house to watch TV and have some tea.

This was the longest mom had been unattended for in the last 6 months. No one else was in the house, I was asleep, and she was on her own to do as she wished. My plan was that I would lie down for twenty minutes and catch her before she woke up, and I also considered napping in her room, but neither of those two options came to pass. The plus point is that mom was capable of keeping herself physically safe. She had her rollator and was moving around with no shoes on. So nothing bad happened per se, she was just really disoriented about what time of day it was – 5am or 5pm. And as we discussed the situation, at some point she thought she had slept from 11pm Sunday night to Monday afternoon, once she had accepted that indeed it was 5pm. She thought she never gotten into her pajamas, even though each evening we have a very specific pre-bed routine.

Then we slowly filled in the gap that yes Pastor had been there that morning, and that yes Kim had come to clean the house that morning, and that yes, she had gone to PT in the early afternoon. This type of confusion only seems to happen after naps, and usually when she gets up from a nap then I immediately start talking to her and get her oriented as to what time of day it is and what is gong on etc before she has scope to get so disoriented. But this time she had nearly half-an-hour by herself so she had it really cemented in her mind that it was morning. The plus point is that this type of disorientation only happens when waking from a nap.

Soon we were into our evening routine and mom was quite well-adjusted with the course of events. Here is the soup that she had this evening — which she really enjoyed!! Well deserved after a long day & a long nap!!

Mon, Feb 22 (12:45am) – Late Night Weekend

Mom was up to her old tricks with the BBC on both Saturday and Sunday night, staying up late (late for her) and sleeping in.

Today we did some balance poses and footwork training at home, and got out for a walk as well. And the rest of the day was spent napping, reading the Sunday Times, and arranging things around the house. Pretty normal, hum-drum stuff.

Mom continues to be very happy and buoyant (never irritated or distraught), and pleased with her recovery. And just before bed she said with full feeling, “I am just so glad to be here.” And I was not sure exactly what she meant – whether it was literally in bed (which she always finds joyous!! 🛌 ), or more on an existential level. But then without my asking she qualified her thought by stating, “Instead of being dead somewhere.” And I think that is one of the key parts to her ongoing progress. She is genuinely happy with life and wants to keep on going.

Sat, Feb 20 (8:40pm) – Not An Off Day For Us

Mom woke up today very pleased that she had nothing scheduled for the day. But in the morning we got some solid balance work in at the house…

Thereafter mom cruised down to her room for a nap, but it was a short one, and not one of her patented 2+ hour power-snoozes.

In the afternoon, we drove the furthest two people have ever driven for “fresh” bagels. Mom could not recall the name of the place but knew how to get there. But eventually we made it. And when we got back mom and I bundled up in moderate winter gear and walked around the block, and as mom said, “It was done in record time!” Indeed, her speed and strength are increasing, and when the temps warm up a touch we shall increase our distance.

Now mom is seated in front of her favorite BBC murder-mystery with her pasta primavera in hand (angel hair pasta, broccoli, green kale, carrots, asparagus, & tomato – ooops, just realized I forgot to add the cilantro!)

Fri, Feb 19 (7:50pm) – Scrumptious Friday

Mom really enjoyed her simple, yet tasty, dinner of couscous and asparagus. The ingredients were really good so it would be really difficult to mess this meal up!!

Fri, Feb 19 (6pm) – Fearless Friday

Mom has been doing really well. Today, we shall just let the videos speak for themselves….

I think we will probably just skip the poles going forward. They just encumber her as she walks so much more smoothly without them, as evidence by the second half of the below video.

Mom and I were determined to get out today, and not remain in the house the whole day. So we got bundled up from head to toe and made our walking tour around the block. Here below she cruises down the steepest hill in Fearrington!!

After our little outdoor jaunt, mom kicked her feet up for a little R & R and defrosting with some hot tea!!

Thurs, Feb 18 (6:15pm) – Weathering A Cold Soupy Day

To make things clear, we are not suffering the horrific weather patterns that are hitting other parts of the country. Nonetheless, for NC, this is unseasonably cold and wet etc. Here is how we managed the day thus far.

First, we set the new norm for making BLT’s since that is one of mom’s favorite sandwiches. Here are some of the upgrades we made from the one made at a local, greasy diner. Normal white bread was upgraded to whole grain seed bread; mayo was upgraded to avocado; limp white lettuce was upgraded to fresh, crunchy kale; conventional tomato was upgraded to organic, ripened-on-the-vine tomato; and, bacon (pig loins / belly) was upgraded to smart bacon (plant-based), which also saves lots of time as it cooks up quickly. And here is the final product – btw, mom promised she would only have half, but ended up eating the whole thing!!

The next thing we did was get out and face the weather rather than be cooped up by it. Now, true enough, we did not walk far, but we got outside, saw the sky, breathed the air, and cleared the mind.

Like many, mom enjoys a good pair of slippers. And just about every day, with a sparkle in her eye she calls me over to her bed and says, “Now I want you to go in the closet and bring me a pair of slippers.” (Note: she has a few different pairs). And I always respond in the same way, “We do not have clearance from the medical team to wear slippers.” And she always responds, “Well ok, are you sure?” – and in a gentle resigned tone accepts the denial. Well today, mom took a big power snooze for 2.5 hrs and I was checking on her now and again, until one time I went in there and I saw she had taken matters into her own hands: she had gotten out of bed by herself, was standing in the middle of her room in her socks, and was moving out with the below slippers loaded on her rollator!! When we met, she said, “I think I’d like to wear these slippers today.” Unfortunately, mom was once again overruled and met with a rejection. We go back to the vascular clinic in early March for a case review – let’s see.

Mom has had some pain in her feet recently, and today we noted that in some places where the black portion is shrinking (good news) some cracks have developed (painful), but there is no sign of infection, and we are trying to further buffer some of those tiny cracks so mom feels more comfortable.

Thurs, Feb 18 (2:55am) – We Got This

Mom had a really great day on Wednesday (2/17/21)…as you can see we have started a second blog post detailing mom’s recovery. The first post contains nearly 45,000 words, countless photos, and dozens & dozens of videos.

….as it is quite late right now, we shall just present this first entry of part 2 via these four videos from her PT session.

Note: Video #2 is a medley that includes clips from several different exercises.

Here is part 1 ==> Oct 19, 2020 to Feb 17, 2021


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  1. Hi! I’m so glad everything continues to improve for your mom. I think of you often and am happy to read your “Mom Blog” updates. It’s amazing that her feet are recovering so well. Wow!

    1. Thanks so much Sara for checking in – and keeping mom and I in mind. Fortunately, we are still on the up and up – aiming for a high plateau!!

  2. Sounds like your Mom is doing great and will be perfectly prepared for her surgery next week!
    She is quite an inspiration 😊

    1. Thanks Sharon!!

      Mom is trying hard and keeping an even keel – hopefully it plays out as a recipe for success!!

  3. Satyam, sending your Mom our thoughts, prayers and Healing Energy !

    She’s remarkable – from the greatest of Generations.

    Through her we see the attributes of a life of Truth and Beingness.

    Peace and Love,
    Take care
    Greg and Cathy

    1. Thank you Greg & Cathy!!

      Very much appreciate your kind thoughts and loving support!! I am sure that will help pull us through!!

  4. Glad to hear the surgery went well and recovery is advancing perfectly! You can cook some healthy meals for me any time Satyam!

    1. Thanks for following along with mom’s recovery!!

      Yes, we should organize a healthy feast at some point!! Appreciate your words of culinary support!!

  5. I continue to enjoy your pictures and stories. I cried when I read that your mom’s toes had to be amputated but now, a few weeks in, it sounds like everything is going well. I’m so impressed with your mom’s wonderful attitude and her vigor. And I’m impressed with your continued dedication to her health and wellbeing.
    Sending love, Sara
    ps – Your spring flower pics are making me jealous. We are still at the no-leaves-just-daffodils stage.

    1. Very moving to read your heartfelt words Sara…especially your reaction to mom’s toes.

      Your empathy and keen following of mom’s trials and tales shines true. It has been quite the recovery and she and I both appreciate your support!!

  6. Happy Birthday! to your mom. She looks so surprised and happy at the neighborhood gathering. You’re a good son. I hope if I ever need it, my sons will step up for me like you have for her.

    My birthday was yesterday, I’m 20 years behind your mom and I hope I will be doing as well at her age – I hope I make it to her age.

    I miss you and yoga. I cannot wait until life is normal again. Thank goodness I live in a state where our leaders are sane.

    Take care. Praying for the best for your mom and you.


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