
Student Spotlight: Katie

Come see, hear and meet Katie as she is our latest student spotlight. Watch her short video and be sure to listen to her podcast below…

Katie as you will hear in her podcast (below) has a lot going on in life, but you would never know it by her practice where she is the essence of  “calm, cool & collected.” Katie is a regular in our Yoga for Strength & Fitness classes in Galesville, and when not totally immersed in life’s callings, she has been known to go to Bermuda to visit family…

Listen to Katie’s below podcast, hear her tales, and find out what she is hiding within…

(See & hear our other Student Spotlights…)

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One Comment

  1. Congratulations, Katie! How exciting! Looks like Satyam needs to start a “Mommy and Me” yoga pretty soon to accomodate the next generation!

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