
Stay-At-Home Yoga #8: Hips, Twists, Balance & More

Stay-At-Home Yoga #8: Hips, Twists, Balance & More

Podcast: 1 hr 09 min 30 sec

In this practice, we kind of do it all: (a) deep, slow poses, (b) standing series, & (c) balance – with plenty of twists & turns along the way.

The Podcast / Practice

This unscripted, unedited free-flowing podcast guides you through a slow extended seated warm-up to a standing balance series, and an engaging array of poses to keep you toned, focused, and relaxed.

Sequence: Here is the basic overall flow of the practice:

Seated forward fold / twists / side bends / seated breathing / oyster / bound angle / seated ball / matsyendrasana / glut stretch / hand to toe hip opener / log roll (rock the baby) / diagonal twist / down dog / table / puppy dog / down dog (leg variations) / uttanasana / utkatvrajasana / half-utkatasana / swan dive / neck & shoulder rolls / utkatvrajasana / leg back balance / half utkatasana / lateral balance / uttanasana / down dog / triangle / warrior I / pyramid / dancer / down dog / plank / makarasana / extended shalabasana / cobra / child / low lunge / wide angle (split) / supine / hip opener & glut stretch / quad stretch & twist / personal practice / shavasana

Music courtesy of: Healing Music


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  1. This is my favorite by far…very peaceful for the mind and spirit but also a calm, deliberate stretch for the entire body…just perfect…

    1. Thanks Annie!!

      Your reviews and reflections are always helpful to hear and help greatly in improving the overall quality of the podcasts… 🙏

  2. I agree with Annie. Was a nice Friday session and I am ready for the weekend!!!!!! Thank you so much for these wonderful gems! I feel like I’ve finally gotten my practice back on track.

    1. That’s the best news Tina – so glad the podcasts have served you well…wonderful to know they are of use!! 🙏👍🙂

      A new tool is arriving today which I am eager to try out as it may enhance the sound quality – look forward to getting more podcasts recorded!!!

  3. Absolutely love this podcast. I keep coming back to it when I need a reset. This one really does have it all, and my low back, hips, and legs feels so much better when I’m done. Thank you for this!

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