Stay-At-Home Yoga #8: Hips, Twists, Balance & More
Stay-At-Home Yoga #8: Hips, Twists, Balance & More
Podcast: 1 hr 09 min 30 sec
In this practice, we kind of do it all: (a) deep, slow poses, (b) standing series, & (c) balance – with plenty of twists & turns along the way.
The Podcast / Practice
This unscripted, unedited free-flowing podcast guides you through a slow extended seated warm-up to a standing balance series, and an engaging array of poses to keep you toned, focused, and relaxed.
Sequence: Here is the basic overall flow of the practice:
Seated forward fold / twists / side bends / seated breathing / oyster / bound angle / seated ball / matsyendrasana / glut stretch / hand to toe hip opener / log roll (rock the baby) / diagonal twist / down dog / table / puppy dog / down dog (leg variations) / uttanasana / utkatvrajasana / half-utkatasana / swan dive / neck & shoulder rolls / utkatvrajasana / leg back balance / half utkatasana / lateral balance / uttanasana / down dog / triangle / warrior I / pyramid / dancer / down dog / plank / makarasana / extended shalabasana / cobra / child / low lunge / wide angle (split) / supine / hip opener & glut stretch / quad stretch & twist / personal practice / shavasana
Music courtesy of: Healing Music
This is my favorite by far…very peaceful for the mind and spirit but also a calm, deliberate stretch for the entire body…just perfect…
Thanks Annie!!
Your reviews and reflections are always helpful to hear and help greatly in improving the overall quality of the podcasts…
I agree with Annie. Was a nice Friday session and I am ready for the weekend!!!!!! Thank you so much for these wonderful gems! I feel like I’ve finally gotten my practice back on track.
That’s the best news Tina – so glad the podcasts have served you well…wonderful to know they are of use!!

A new tool is arriving today which I am eager to try out as it may enhance the sound quality – look forward to getting more podcasts recorded!!!
Absolutely love this podcast. I keep coming back to it when I need a reset. This one really does have it all, and my low back, hips, and legs feels so much better when I’m done. Thank you for this!
Hi Stephanie,
So glad to know that this podcast works so well for you!!