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Squash Challenge: Oct 2019

Squash Challenge: Oct 2019

After all that planking last month, I thought we could use a little nutrition this month…

How It Works

Why & What: In these parts, with the onset of fall, the “winter” squash are rolling in. They are numerous and diverse: acorn gold, butternut, delicata, hubbard, kabocha green, carnival, spaghetti & more. So why not take advantage, by turning it into our theme for the month – the 2019 October Squash Challenge.

Get At It: The challenge is to try something new, or drum up an old standby, and get your squash cooking: soups, stews, baked, sautéed – however you like ’em.

Share Away: And then of course, email or text us a photo and give a hint as to how you made it, and we will post your finished product and recipe for others to see and try.

Very Easy Recipe

For a quick, easy meal, side dish, or snack, I sliced delicata squash lengthwise and placed them in the oven for 45 min or so. Then removed them and sprinkled balsamic vinegar and sea salt and topped with sliced tomatoes and ground flax seed. Then popped it back in the oven for a few to bake in the flavors etc. Voila – all done!

This literally took about 5 minutes (max) of prep / cutting time. So if you are on the go or just looking for a quick addition, this is something very easy & attainable. Tasty too – and of course you can play around with the toppings and spices! For instance, the next time I steamed up a bunch of spices – ginger, cumin, black pepper, & some other goodies – and made that into a sauce to pour over the squash as they were nearing the end of their baking.

Fancier Squash Recipes

Here is a site (click on the below photo) that offers more sophisticated – yet still easy – recipes for preparing and enjoying your winter squash.


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