Sprouting: Quinoa & Mung Bean

Sprouting: Quinoa & Mung Bean

My first go at sprouting quinoa, along with an old mainstay, mung beans…

The other day I was privy to talk with a local Washington lawyer about “trade secrets”, and he mentioned that the nutritional value of sprouted quinoa was so off the charts that it almost had to be classified as a different food from regular quinoa (which itself is a “super food”), and ultimately subjected to different international trade laws. Hearing that, I thought, “I’m in!”

Within hours, dozens and dozens of pounds of dry organic quinoa was on the way to my doorstep. And here are the very startings of this project.

Soaking & Sprouting

Yesterday was day one, soaking the quinoa side by its buddy, Mr Mung Bean, who was on day 2 of the sprouting process.

Quinoa Arising on Day 2

After soaking the quinoa a solid 8+ hours, I started the process of rinsing the grain (technically it is a cereal) periodically through the day. Here below is the quinoa at daybreak on the morning of day 2.


Mung Bean at Daybreak

Oh, and don’t worry, I did not abandon its buddy; here below is the mung bean, albeit with a bit of yellow glare, on the beginning of day 3….

Addendum 3/22 (two days later): Look how nicely the mung beans developed….

And here are more photos of how they developed….

Quinoa: Vision of a Finished Product

And when all is said and done, my quinoa sprouts should look something like this….

And yes, it will be one of the more nutritious (and tastiest) foods on the planet with its inherent nutty flavor.

Sprouted quinoa contains all nine essential amino acids, with roughly 14-15 grams of protein per 100 grams. Moreover, it’s packed with, fiber, iron and antioxidants, making sprouted quinoa a super nutritious and tasty food.

And here is a full report on the health benefits of quinoa.

Our Sprouting Store

If you would like to try sprouting organic quinoa, we have plenty in stock at $3 per pound, which is half the retail price, as most health stores offer it at $5.99 a pound.

Feel free to visit our sprouting store


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