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Soup Challenge: Nov ’22

Soup Challenge: Nov ’22

As we bear our sights on late fall we are entering soup season!!

Overview: For the month of November 2022 we shall engage in the Soup Challenge. The aim here is to create homemade, plant-based soups wherein you stir yourself into a whirlwind of creativity. And, besides, let’s face it, to make a good, decent soup is pretty easy. Grab your favorite spices, collect some edibles, make your broth and voila – soup. That’s basically what I do. At the same time there may be some of you who create really refined, extraordinary soups – hats off to you! Whatever your soup fancy may be, we’ll take it.

A Few Ideas: Here are some ways to make your broth. Since it is fall, one of the easiest things is to use your favorite winter squash (butternut, acorn, delicata etc) and boil / blend it into a comfortably thick base. Then if you sprinkle some diced red pepper (or other goodies) on top then that may be your entire soup. Another easy way to create your base is to use miso – even if you are not making miso soup per se. Try it out! Then of course there are those who save their vegetable cuttings and boil them up to make a hearty base. Finally, you can blend up some beans as a base or add them in whole, as you prefer. Then of course you can simply Google a veggie-based soup recipe – there are probably millions of them, or go with the ol’ family tradition. Look forward to see what you come up with…

Send Us Your Soup: Send us photos / recipes of your soup creations, and we shall compile & display them.

Homemade Gallery

Here are a few of my many soup creations over the past year or so….


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