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Smoothies here we go…

Ok – so the Smoothie Challenge is officially off and running…

First we hear from Lori who now resides up in PA:

My husband and I have been making green smoothies every day since December. It’s great! I have to admit that I have more of a sweet tooth than he does, and sometimes I have a hard time with the ones that have more green than fruit, especially the ones with broccoli and carrots, but overall it’s been wonderful. My favorites are simple: spinach, avocado, soy/almond milk or water, frozen fruit. He likes kale, broccoli, spinach, cucumber, carrot, apple, pear, blueberries, chia seed, kiwi, water – pretty much whatever fits in the blender!

Thanks Lori for sharing your very creative and healthy tips with us…

Next, Amanda checks in with her mainstay – as well as how she sneaks some extra fruit into her husband’s diet:

I make smoothies now and then. A good way to sneak some healthy fruits into John’s diet since he loves ice cream : -) I tend to do them on the sweeter side and I like to keep ’em really simple. Yesterday’s was strawberries, one ripe banana, a splash of apple juice, and about 1/2 cup of vanilla yogurt. So good!

Thanks, Amanda – I think most of us enjoy a sweet one.

Also Mark lets us know how daughter Maddy gets hers going:

Maddy just got her new bullet. Smoothie every morning  – Mixed fruit 2 scoops favorite yogurt and OJ.

Maddy Smoothie

Look forward to hearing your special approach and favorite way of making a smoothie…


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