Revolved Challenge: Jan ’19
Revolved Challenge: Jan ’19
For the month of January 2019 we shall explore all kinds of revolved poses….
As we embark on a Happy New Year and commence the journey of revolving around the sun yet another time, it seemed the ideal moment to explore revolved poses.
Revolved poses create a challenge, bring forth a great twist, offer many benefits – and are a lot more accessible than you might think.
Each week in our classes we will focus on and highlight one or two revolved poses that are appropriate for your class. And throughout the month we shall detail select poses on this blog for home practice and further study.
Looking forward to revolving with you all month long!!
A Dozen Revolved Poses To Explore this Month
- Revolved Abdomen Pose (Supine)
- Revolved Half Chair Pose (Standing)
- Revolved Half Lunge (Kneeling)
- Revolved Wide Angle Fold (Standing)
- Revolved Half Gomukhasana (Seated)
- Revolved Urdhva Ardha Hastasana (Standing Balance)
- Revolved Head to Knee (Seated Wide Angle)
- Revolved Downward Facing Dog (Standing)
- Revolved Triangle (Standing)
- Revolved Pigeon Pose (Prone / Seated)
- Revolved Side Angle (Standing Lunge)
- Revolved Half Moon (Standing)