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RenYoga U: Becoming A Dharmika (Mar 24 – Apr 7)

Presenting our RenYoga University Class (#004):

Mar 24 – Apr 7 (2022), Thursdays, 7p – 8:15p EST

In this course, we will investigate the nuances of dharma and apply those principles towards personal growth, life perspectives, and daily living practices….

 ~ Registration Info Below ~


What is it that makes a person great? Well, the yogis have a pretty convincing recipe – as well as a solid track record. And they call such a person a dharmika, i.e. one who abides by and is a living embodiment of the codes of dharma. And what is dharma? For a functional understanding of what this course is about, we can say dharma is that which promotes the cause of universal welfare. However, to truly understand any term, we also have to know what it is not, as well as what are all its secondary and tertiary meanings and applications. 

So, in this course, we will fully investigate dharma in all its landscapes and avenues. It is a term that carries an ocean of meaning, yet at its core is so very simple. And we will apply it to the practical sphere. We will come up with real life scenarios from the ordinary (daily life choices) to the extraordinary (dramatic world events) to the sublime (spiritual pursuits), and determine where the compass of dharma points. From there, we will dive into becoming a dharmika. What are the characteristics, wonts, and qualifications. You will be given all the tools to dive in fully. Be ready to roll up your sleeves and dig in.

For example, the first quality of a dharmika is dhrti or patience. So we will practically learn: how do we cultivate patience; how do we apply patience in the face of adversity; when does our patience demand that we become speedy, engaging, or forceful; and, what should be the outcome of being patient. We will apply this formula to our personal relationships, our individual growth and development on the path, situations beyond our control, and situations seemingly within our control.

More than ten years ago I posted this list of the ten qualities of a dharmika and to this day this remains one of the most popular posts on my site, sometimes garnering a few hundred views in a 24-hour period. But that was just a list, and this course helps bring that list to life. What do those points mean, and how can we manifest them.

While we shall explore numerous Sanskrit terms that are central to yogic philosophy and thought, this class will be far more about practicality than theory. We are going to apply the qualities of becoming a dharmika to our individual lives – all done in full confidence. So there will be both an open collective discussion and a private individual journey intertwined into the same course.

Verily, this class is literally for anyone and everyone interested in personal growth and development, yogic philosophy, daily living skills, conflict-resolution, and so much more. Come join us for this great dharmic adventure. 

This course fulfills Continuing Education credits with Yoga Alliance
as Satyam is an E-RYT 500 and a Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider.


Each participant will get opportunity to:
(a) gain a fully comprehensive understanding of the yogic ideal of dharma and all its nuances;
(b) develop a more expansive view of yoga and how to enhance their practice off the mat;
(c) explore their personal lifestyle choices from the perspective of dharma;
(d) become confident in applying the properties of a dharmika to all events, personal and societal.

Class Times & Replays:

The course will be comprised of 3 live online classes with replays freely available for all registrants. All times are EST.

Thurs, Mar 24: 7pm to 8:15pm
Thurs, Mar 31: 7pm to 8:15pm
Thurs, Apr 7: 7pm to 8:15pm

Questions & comments will be welcomed anytime via email (or here) and extra Zoom sessions will be conducted by the instructor to answer particular questions. These Q & A Zoom sessions will become part of the course catalog and be made available to all attendees.


– A welcome packet and course materials will be sent to registrants a few days (or so) before the course begins.
– The three live classes will be a combination of lecture, discussion, and Q & A. The game plan is to begin each class with a presentation of information (30 – 45 min), followed by a Q & A and open discussion.
– Weekly emails will serve as a bridge between classes.
– Questions will be accepted and replied to throughout the duration of the course.
– All registrants will have access to Zoom replays of the classes.

Note: For those who do not register, each class will be available a la carte for a rental fee of $25. The course materials will also be available for $15, but you will not have access to the weekly emails.


Tuition for Live: $55 by Mar 21, 2022 // $65 after Mar 21, 2022

Tuition for Replays Only: $50 (full course) // $25 per class & $10 per Q &A (a la carte)

Register today to reserve your spot!

Tuition may be paid via:
– Venmo: @RenaissanceYoga
– Paypal: Request an invoice or find us renyoga@gmail.com
– Check: RenYoga c/o Nicholson, 1192 Fearrington Post, Pittsboro NC 27312


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    1. Hi Maria,

      Yes, that is all you need to do. Once you Venmo me then you will be on the list and receive registration confirmation and updates about the course as the start date nears….

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