Recap: Year-End Seminar

“The Year-End Yoga Gathering”
~ A short reflection & recap ~

This morning we held our seminar – “The Year-End Yoga Gathering” – and it really was a very special and unique experience – those who came made it that way with their engagement, sincerity, and courage.

We started out tuning ourselves to the very moment using breathing techniques, svarshastra. The aim was to bring ourselves to the present and palpably feel a stillness of mind, savoring every moment and breath. It was a way to clear, cleanse, and massage the mind and bring the body into a place of ease. This was experienced in a lying position.

From there we transitioned into a seated meditation session with a focus on mantra and setting a spiritual ideal. As an introductory theme, we attended to the yogic treatise that physical engagements are like writing on water, i.e. they are fleeting, while our psychic gains are like writing on sand – only slightly more lasting. Whereas our spiritual approach is akin to writing in stone. It is permanent. So by our meditation we were making deposits into our spiritual account and goading the mind in that direction – towards the stance of permanence.

Our yoga flow practice of 50 minutes or so included a wide array of seated, standing, balance, and contemplative positions – with a focus again and again on remembering and cultivating a spiritual ideal. Some of the notable poses where bhavasana (ideation pose) where we embraced the cosmos, and low lunge where we rose up to victory. But really it was about a community of people moving together in their practice.

An orchestra of 18 singing bowls was next – all were invited to lie down in a position or pose of choice, using their favorite prop or support. Some elevated their knees, others their torso, and all delved within as the soothing sounds of the singing bowls filled the hall. This was the culminating aspect of our 95 minute practice before entering into a space of community sharing.

We circled up – and what ensued was pure magic, or perhaps I should say distinctly human. As a facilitator, it is impossible to predict how a community sharing will go or flow. All I could think was that we had such beautiful and kind team of 19 participants that certainly all would be well. That proved to be an understatement. The breadth and depth of sharing – intertwining personal experience with yogic thought – was astounding, heart-felt, and uplifting. Those who spoke, spoke with courage and sincerity – surrounded by a community of patient, supportive listeners. I personally found it to be a very moving experience. I had actually brought a stack of seminar evaluations – but I could not bring myself to handing out those dry pieces of paper after hearing so many express themselves so beautifully.

To be honest, I am not a big fan of New year’s per se, yet this gathering of practitioners on 31 December 2015 felt like a just and meaningful way to close out one year and transition into the next. Words cannot convey the appreciation I have for all who attended and made this such a special experience…Namaskar.

Your thoughts are most welcomed – below….

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  1. This was a profoundly moving morning…and the perfect transition to a new year. My heartfelt thanks go out to the entire Renaissance Yoga family for being such an amazing community. Happy New Year to us, one and all!

  2. After being away from Maryland for the last six months, I felt so blessed to be able to celebrate my return to my Southern community by gathering with everyone during this year-end seminar. It was filled with such an abundance of all the gifts that you share with us Satyam – the meditation, yoga practice, singing bowls and sharing within our circle. Thank you for making it possible to see out 2015 in this special way.

    1. So great having you back here with us Jeannie!! And it was a real treat to have you at the seminar – yours was a valued voice…

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