
Quote Challenge: Jan 2017

Quote Challenge

Share a quote that best reflects your hopes, wishes, and aims for 2017 – or share any quote that you feel others would enjoy….

Welcome to the Quote Challenge of January 2017. Here is how it works:

(a) Select a quote. It might be from a famous person, someone unknown, or even yourself.

(b) Share the quote by emailing it to me or reading it in class.

(c) You are welcome to offer an interpretation of the quote, and / or explain what it means to you or why you selected it.

(d) Over the course of the month, we will collect all the quotes on this site so you may browse through them.

(e) When you submit your quote you are welcome to send a photo of yourself, if you wish. You could be in a favorite yoga pose, or outside in nature, or wherever. Or you may just share your name, or remain completely anonymous. It is entirely up to you.

Look forward to having you on board for the Quote Challenge and seeing what you bring forth…Here is an ongoing compilation of the quotes we’ve received thus far.

Pennie #2 Photo Challenge


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