Q & A on Outdoor Yoga

Due to the unseasonably cool weather, we had a lighter turnout than usual for our inaugural outdoor yoga session for 2015.

However, none should fall prey to misconception and think we were just hanging out in the snowbanks. To dispel any potential confusions, here is a little Q & A to set the record straight.

Question #1:

What is this?


 Answer #1:

This is the sky at 7p as viewed from shvasana (corpse posture), towards the very end of our yoga session. See how nice out it was!

Question #2:

Why did someone bring their grandfather’s old organ to outdoor yoga?


 Answer #2:

They didn’t –  that is not grandpa’s old organ.


How come those two young children are under a blanket at outdoor yoga?


Answer #3: 

Because they were playing with our inflatable outdoor solar lantern (shown below) and it was so sunny out that they could only see the light if they were under the blanket.


 Question #4:

Where is the proof the children came and did yoga and did not just huddle under a blanket the whole time?

Answer #4:

Here below is the proof…

Kids at outdoor yoga

Look forward to having everyone at the next outdoor yoga session!!

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One Comment

  1. LOL -I thought the kids were in a tent! You just need to start stocking Manduka long underwear and we’ll all be there next time!

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