Podcast: Longing To Go Beyond
“Longing To Go Beyond”
A Meditative Practice
Time: 15 min 25 sec
What do you want your meditation to be about. Is it just about merely relaxing the mind? stress relief? Or is there a greater quest involved?
Take this practice as an opportunity to “go beyond”. But go beyond what? The yogis say that going beyond the unit self is the inner, ultimate aim of every seeker.
In this mediation, we hope to aawken, harness and channel that innate spiritual desire that is inherent to every human being. This is philosophical-cum-existential-cum meditative journey, completely grounded in rational yogic thought and spiritual endeavor….
Satyam – thank you for the podcast. I am grateful you freely give
your special gift of expression to others. I find you have a very
artist application in your meditations that are simple yet deep and inviting.
You are most welcome Greg – thank you for your kind reply. Look forward to sharing more…