Oh Those Trees!

Does this not look like “Land of the Lost”? (For those of you who grew up in the 70’s.) The reality is that Sharon was kind enough to send us pics of her family’s recent trip to Costa Rica.

Here we see 3, 20-something year olds and they look like dolls in the foreground of this massive, massive tree that is 400+ years old. Remarkable what can grow out of the earth!

To gain a perspective, check out the tree roots that are sticking out of the ground. When was the last time that you saw a tree root emerge from the earth that was half the size of a human being??


Here is another really neat shot of mother-daughter striking a pose together in the forest:


Do you recall those tree roots I was talking about – well try this on for size…


Thanks Sharon & family for sharing these wonderful pics – very inspiring and very humbling indeed!!!

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  1. Wow! These pictures are amazing. Costa Rica is one of my favorite places! Thanks for sharing!

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