
National Cerebral Palsy Month

National Cerebral Palsy Month

Al is a regular with us and below he shares the inspiring tale of his grandson and encourages us all to support this important issue…

Al's grandson

My hero all year!!! Jacob, my grandson!!! When I see Jacob’s persistence and breakthroughs it is very hard to get stuck in the drama of life (The I can’t, The It is too hard, The I don’t want to, The I don’t think I can, without trying, The There is not enough time, The I am not smart enough, The I am not good enough, I am to tired, I am too sore, and last but not least the it is not my job.)

Please help me honor Jacob by posting a green post from Reaching for the Stars or share my post of Jacob. Lets raise the level of awareness for Cerebral Palsy!! LETS TURN FACEBOOK GREEN MARCH 25th.

You have helped me raise $750 since the beginning of March!! The goal is $3000. Last year we did $2500. I will donate $5 for each green Cerebral Palsy post on Facebook, $10 for changing your profile picture for one week and $25 for the remainder of the month. Last year that alone created $500 worth of donations.

Please share with your friends and family. Read the Reaching for the Stars page and the little beluga page (created by Jacob’s Dad) page, to see what is happening. If you want to donate go to Reaching for the Stars and click on the donate button, put Jacob Searle in the honoree’s box. This will let me know so I can place a $30 donation for each donation placed in Jacob’s name.

Al Irey


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One Comment

  1. Al, this is such a loving tribute – Your Jacob is a cutie! I will definitely be turning my profile green – if I can figure out how to do it! As adults, many of us won’t face the challenges Jacob overcomes daily – and he is lucky to have such a great grandpa as his #1 fan!

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