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Music Seminar Recap – Audio File

Wonderful to have everyone out for yesterday’s Music, Movement, & Meditation seminar. With Anthony Malatesta’s intuitive and dynamic music – playing his guitar in the style of a sitar (podcast below) – all gained opportunity to experience their practice in a new way. The afternoon featured yoga nidra, traditional asanas, deep breathing and relaxation, meditation and pranyama, and ideally the space and place to explore further.

Below please find a 12 min 37 sec sound file comprised of a collection of  1 – 3 minute excerpts of Anthony’s playing from yesterday’s seminar. Play or download for your listening pleasure and contemplative journeying.

Also listen to Anthony’s playing from last summer’s gathering.

Thanks again to all who ventured out yesterday for the occasion…

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  1. As usual, this was one long oasis of bliss! Thank you Satyam and Anthony for providing us with the perfect setting and guidance!

    1. Great having you there Annie!

      Now we just need to work on stringing these oasises together – I am counting on you to figure that out!!


  2. As I was leaving, I felt as though I had been on a journey. In just 2 hours, not sure where I went exactly, transformations were taking place. Letting go of “holding ons”, and restoring deep within, my life’s purpose has been renewed. Satyam’s stories and gentle expressions (explanations) of breath, movement, and mudra, and the beautiful music by Anthony created a space for expanding consciousness, relaxation, and the connection to all that is. A wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon! Thank you both:)

    1. Hi Susan,

      Thanks for sharing such a kind contribution; it is wonderful to hear you had such a positive experience -thank you for coming and being such an important part of the seminar.


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