Mom’s Thriving Lifestyle
Mom’s Thriving lifestyle
Here is the continued and ongoing journey of mom’s active lifestyle in her advanced age…
The below three parts document her recovery from emergency open-heart surgery in Oct 2020 at the age of 91.
Here is part 1 ==> Oct 19, 2020 to Feb 17, 2021
Here is part 2 ==> Feb 18, 2021 to Sep 26, 2021
Here is part 3 ==> Sep 27, 2021 to Mar 3, 2024
The Central Figure: Mom
Most of you know mom, but for those who don’t, here are some of her tales and adventures including her workout routine when turning 90 in August 2019.
Tue, Mar 25, 2025 (2:15pm) Second PT Session
We had our second PT session yesterday (Mon, 3/24) afternoon, and it was another good session. We started on their version of the Nu-Step machine, and I was very curious about this because this is something we could do at the gym, but their so-called Nu-Step machine has a serious threshold one has to crack before it can be done easily so this was not very fruitful for mom. There was just too much resistance. So then we went back over to the mat table room and worked on three different engagements:
(a) Band Exercises: We did a quick redo / refresh of resistance maneuvers using the band. These focused on the legs in a seated position.
(b) Weight Training: Mom did a variety of seated arm exercises holding a 1 lb weight. She did curls as well as straight-arm exercises.
(c) Standing Exercises: Stand up, hold the bar for balance, and step one leg to the side etc. And mom did seated to standing repetitions.
All in all a very good session, and yesterday was also an accident-free day. And right now (Tues, 3/25, 2:15pm) mom is sunning herself and snoozing out on the patio.
Here is last night’s sunset:
You can see more photos of that sunset including a video in this IG post….
Sun, Mar 23, 2025 (11:15pm) Sunday, Sunday
Nothing notable today except that mom needed ibuprofen (400 mg) for pain relief in her lower right leg around the knee. Normally, if we stand up a few times it will go away, but not today. The ibuprofen worked wonders (we never ever take this) so we feel pretty certain it is a muscular / joint issue with no greater medical impact and not related to her bone problem in the foot. Other than that, mom had a fine day around the house, and she did a good job of polishing off her three meals, snacks, and desserts.
Sat, Mar 22, 2025 (10:15pm) Great Day on All Fronts
The weather was great (Sat, 3/22) – mom got out for a walk (i.e. cart) with her Saturday friends. We did our PT exercises (for the 1st time since they were assigned on Wed!!). Mom got her bloodwork back from her Dr’s visit on Thursday and the numbers are all quite favorable. Mom ate three solid meals, and we were accident-free. So there are many plus points across the greater spectrum of things.
Yesterday (Fri, 3/21), mom was mostly around the house, hanging around as we had lots of things to attend to.
Lastly, we made and donated several loaves of bread (sourdough baguettes, black pepper & herb sourdough loaf, olive baguettes, cranberry-raisin-walnut bread) for today’s annual fundraising event for the local food pantry / food bank.
Thurs, Mar 20, 2025 (5:10pm) Back to Back Visits: PT & Family Doc
Thankfully, mom woke up yesterday (Wed, 3/19) with greater strength and energy than the day prior as I was very keen for her to have a good a showing as possible at our PT (physical therapy) assessment. We arrived at the UNC PT rehab center in Pittsboro, and we were greeted by a receptionist who quickly declared that mom did not look her age, which quickly segued into others in the waiting room marveling how mom did not have any wrinkles. The actual appointment with the PT went well – the therapist was able to quickly asses mom’s abilities and weaknesses and took in mom’s medical history. She watched mom stand and walk with a rollator and gave us a series of resistance band exercises to do, all revolving around leg movement and leg strengthening. We discussed how much she felt mom would progress, and we will just have to see, but it could be that mom never really progresses beyond doing the band exercises, which would put our return to the gym in question. There is really only one machine we would use at the gym (the Nu-Step machine), and the PT place also has one of those and we will work on that next time. Anyway, we are signed up for a series of 4 follow-up PT sessions, and we will see where mom is at the end of that month-long period. At one point, mom would doing the band exercises with the therapist as instructed, and mom inquired if this was for getting her driver’s license. All in all the session went fine, and we were able to get there and back accident-free. Now, we are at the typical crux: Doing the assigned exercises at home. I think doing them before dinner may be our best option.
Today, (Thurs, 3/20), we saw our wonderful primary care doc. She has been carefully following along all that has been going on with mom the last few months, and we just filled her in on some of the details of how things had progressed and what grand effect the letter had. She was very happy to see and hear how through it all we had basically landed upright – and that mom is happy, comfortable, and ready for spring / summer. So it was really a “how are you doing / catch-up” kind of visit. She is always lovely to talk to, and she was very pleased with mom overall and laughing with mom as mom looked at the rings (engagement and wedding) on her finger and congratulated her (she told mom the wedding was 10 years ago!!) and then mom complimented her for the artwork that was on the walls, and she laughed and said how mom was just full of good cheer. Before leaving, we did get a round of blood work done, and those results should come rolling in this evening.
Tue, Mar 18, 2025 (11:30pm) Low Energy Tuesday
Mom needed a bit more elbow grease than usual today to accomplish her mundane needs like getting to the bathroom and doing basic transfers. Tomorrow (Wed, 3/19) we have our PT evaluation and I am hoping mom will be a bit more capable than she was today. She did very little walking today. On normal days, she will walk from her bed to the toilet when she gets up, and she will walk down to breakfast, always using her rollator. But today she had to sit on her rollator and I pulled her everywhere. But, but, but, when we got back from our evening stroll in her cart, mom walked (using her rollator) from the garage to her black, recliner chair. So that was good. Hopefully, though, tomorrow will be better. Mom did do a fine job of feeding herself today at all three meals – and she ate sufficient portions.
Yesterday (Mon, 3/17), mom and I rolled up to the mailroom with her cart, and cruised around some side streets. Most everything else seemed okay yesterday. We did call up to cancel delivery of the local newspaper as mom just does not get to it, and we have plenty of other newspaper sections to read given that we get the NY Times on Sunday and Friday. In the past, mom would really devour the local paper, but no longer, indeed she hardly even unfolds it.
Sun, Mar 16, 2025 (9:30pm) Smooth Weekend
We had a very easy weekend: visiting friends, cruising in the cart, baking (and eating) bread, and other endeavors. Our accident-free (daytime) streak is still intact. In that sense it has been a great week. On Fri (3/14), we took our cart across the way to show our friends and also see the beginnings of their vegetable garden, and then mom and I hightailed it up to the mail kiosk. Yesterday, (Sat/3/15), one of our Saturday friends stopped by and we carted out to the gazebo and then around to the front of the house. With the rains today (Sun, 3/16) combined with other activities, we did not get out in the cart, but this coming week should be a good one for it.
In addition to our accident-free week, we are now employing a new system of small, hot, wet towels for hygiene, and gone is the toilet paper (though we keep plenty on hand for guests!). For us, this has been much cleaner and easier, and we have a very good system in place with a newly-purchased set of towels for the job. We use dry ones for the front side. All in all, it is working very well.
This coming week should be a good one as we start PT on Wed and see our cherished family doc on Thursday.
Below are three sourdough French baguettes along with a black pepper / herbs de Provence sourdough boule. On Saturday, we baked a raisin-cranberry-walnut bread. So lots of loaves this weekend.
Thurs, Mar 13, 2025 (11:50pm) Fearless Costco Run
Mom performed admirably on our Costco run today – everything went extremely smoothly, not a hitch at all. We also stopped at the gym and extended our medical leave for two more months. By then we will have completed our series of PT sessions (which begin next week). By mid-May we expect to be back at the gym and focus on the Nu-Step machine and maybe some core work on their mat tables. For now, though, mom continues to impress with here heightened strength and overall abilities. It is probably due to a variety of factors: UTI in rear view mirror, daily amino acids intake, regular wake and sleep cycle, three meals a day etc.
Wed, Mar 12, 2025 (11:45pm) Cruisin’ Fearrington
I think it is safe to say that we got the right transport cart for mom. Today, we went cruising all over. We strapped our very full compost bucket to the cart and headed out on our trek. The first stop was the mail kiosk near the pool as mom and I dropped off our pool membership payment for this coming summer. We are keen to make it a big pool summer. Then we emptied our compost bucket at the collection station, and then we headed up and over to our own mail kiosk to pick up our mail. Then we headed home. Mom really enjoyed the tour. The temp today reached 80, and it was still comfortably warm when we did our tour in the late afternoon.
It is very clear that mom is gaining strength as she feels more confident moving ahead and can do more. And we had another accident-free day. So there are a lot of plus points these days. Looking forward to seeing how much progress we can make.
Tue, Mar 11, 2025 (11:55pm) Productive Dr Visit + Mom on her ATV
This morning we had our appointment with the vascular surgeon, and while there is nothing he is going to do for us, he was a very decent man and a good person to talk to and gain some clarity on just what we are dealing with. He does not do foot procedures as those are done by surgical podiatrists, but he is an experienced doctor with a fine disposition, and he certainly knows what he is looking at. He basically felt any surgical intervention on mom’s foot would be a 50-50 proposition at best with great risk of it not healing, in which case more of the foot might need to be removed. To put it simply, we are not going to go that route. Nor are we keen on antibiotics, especially since mom is comfortable and not suffering from any overall constitutional issues from the infection. We also asked him point blank if he considered this to be an open wound. And he said no. His guideline was that if it there are no emissions / drainage then it is sealed. And that is what we have. So then we asked about swimming, and he felt it would be just fine – and added she has to live her life – right? He thought walking around the house for her basic duties was fine, but that walking as a form of exercise was less than ideal, and preferred other pathways. So we will do the Nu-Step at the gym when we get back there. The first approach will be to go through mom’s physical therapy sessions which begin next week. Basically, the visit with the vascular surgeon gave us some clarity and confidence about how to proceed as he was a very straight shooter and very willing to share his info and expertise, and field our queries. So it was a very worthwhile visit.
In the afternoon, mom took her ATV to the farmers’ market, and we went flying over all the curbs and easily handled the terrain. It was 75 degrees and sunny, and mom loved being there so going forward she will be a regular at the market.
Sun, Mar 9, 2025 (5:45pm) Getting Stronger + More Test Drives
To be honest, mom and I have been around the house these past few days, but fortunately folks are coming by to visit. Today (Sun 3/9), one of our old, gym friends stopped by concerned because she had not seen us there in months. And mom enjoyed seeing her, and our friend was quite relieved to see mom looking so well. And yesterday (Sat, 3/8), one of our Saturday friends came by, and she was keen to see that new transport cart, which has been moved from the main part of the house to the garage. So we went to the garage and took it for a test drive around the block, and she was duly impressed. Moreover, when we got back we came in the front door and she watched mom walk across the house with me holding her from behind – and I think she may have been even more impressed with that. Clearly, mom is getting stronger and doing well. We actually start PT on the 19th for a series of 5 weeks or so and it will be interesting to see how they proceed with mom. It will be very good if we do not just do exercises, but focus on her overall mobility as well.
Today, mom and I took her new cart out for the longest test drive yet as we went to the mail kiosk. We saw some friends along the way, and everyone noted her sporty transport cart. It really is a small cart as they market it as lightweight and travel-worthy (it actually comes with a travel bag which it folds up into), but it really is quite solid despite being so petit. Every aspect of the machine is quite sturdy, and the brakes could hold back a herd of elephants. We are still working on getting the right padding so when we get on bumpy, poorly paved roads mom is comfortable. When using the old wheelchair we had a big pillow which mom sat on and she was comfortable on even the bumpiest roads. So that is the only aspect we are still working on – beyond that the new cart is great.
Thurs, Mar 6, 2025 (11:30pm) Test Drive
Mom’s new wheels arrived today, and she said it looks beautiful. We had it sitting in the middle of the house for a while, and it stood there shining in its glory. And then, of course, we just had to take it out for a test drive. It was a blustery day, but mom braved the elements and seemed to really enjoy the ride. And it is definitely easier to push, and fairly speedy as well. On bumpy roads, the arms (of the person pushing) do not shake and vibrate like they do with the lightweight wheelchair. While there is a bit of a padded seat for mom, we will probably augment that with a memory, sit pad as she could feel the shake and vibration while on bumpy roads. Let’s see how that works going forward. All in all, mom really likes the new machine, and we will continue to test and refine our use of it.
Thurs, Mar 6, 2025 (9:50am) Hat Trick
We have been accident-free for the past three days (from wake-up to bedtime) – the key is to make regular trips to the facility, every 2 – 3 hour intervals, or longer in the evening. So that is a plus point. Another solid development is that mom’s overall constitution seems a bit stronger these days. No doubt her mobility is hampered, but her overall strength seems to be on the uptick. When supported, she can hold herself up fairly well, and on some occasions she is more assertive in getting up from her black chair, though she cannot do it by herself, as she was normally doing. One place where she does not like to sit for any type of duration is when using the facility. And on more than one occasion she has transferred herself from her seated position on the toilet to the shower, using her various safety holds and support tools. So when she really wants to get up and go, she can. Her overall routine and food intake has been very good and that is certainly contributing to her rejuvenation.
Yesterday (Wed, 3/5), we took an extended walk (mom in the lightweight wheelchair) to the compost (by the pool) and from there to the mail kiosk and then back home. Mom really enjoyed being outside, seeing folks and taking in the sights and fresh air. Her new transport chair (pictured below) is coming today, and we will take that out for a spin and see how it compares to what we have been using. Our great hope is that is will be sportier and speedier, with high-end performance. If, however, it is the same as our lightweight wheelchair, we will return it. We will report back after we go for our first test drive.
Mon, Mar 3, 2025 (9pm) Letter Magic + New Buggy
More letter magic: Today, we got a phone call from the Vascular Wound Care & Podiatry office with a referral from the podiatrist to have an appointment with one of the vascular doctors / surgeons so we scheduled for next Tuesday at 11am. (Note: The Chair Yoga class will most likely be moved to 8am that day.) It will be good to go in and see what this doctor has to say. I suppose we are seeing if the foot is a viable candidate for any type of intervention (surgery or antibiotics) or not. Whatever his assessment is and whatever information he shares, we are all ears. We look forward to hearing what he has to say. That letter seems to be the gift the keeps on giving.
Last night we bought mom a new buggy to get around in – it should arrive at the end of the week. I wanted one with slightly bigger wheels, with a bit of a tilt so she can look up – and, an important element, I did not want it to look like a wheelchair or something that a sick person would use. We called around and spoke to various sales reps and went through a few top ten lists / articles before making our choice. This was the sportiest model I could find that was rugged enough for outdoor use. It is also lightweight and folds up easily. I did ask one of the reps if they make something a little faster like they do for babies where you can actually jog with them – no dice. Let us know if you approve of the selection.
Sun, Mar 2, 2025 (4pm) Hopscotch Champion + The Checkout
Yesterday evening, (Sat, Mar 1), mom was really in rare form at the dinner table with Jeff (eldest brother) and I. She was calm and relaxed (which she is most of the time, but sometimes when someone is visiting she can pepper them with the same questions over and over again in trying to get a sense of what the situation is) as well as alert and vibrant. And she ate her full meal, engaging in conversation along the way. The best part came when we were all pretty much done eating, and we asked her about her days playing hopscotch as a child. She has very vivid recollections of those games, and while mom is the last person to toot her own horn, in her own subdued, quiet way she made it very clear that she was the best hopscotch player around!! And Jeffrey and I did not doubt it!! All in all it was a grand evening, and mom was all set and in bed by 10:30pm. In the afternoon, mom and I did get out for a walk (she in the wheelchair) and participated in an informal neighborhood dog conference (Fitzi and Tucker), and Tuck jump up and sat on mom’s lap – and it was a very lovely day out. We then went in and visited with mom’s Saturday friends, and shortly thereafter Jeffrey arrived, and he stayed the rest of the day and slept over.
Fri (2/28) was a relatively quiet day around the house, and Sun (3/2) has been shaping up the same way. Mom was up and showered by 10am today, and she drank her power protein shake while I taught my class, and then had her main breakfast afterwards.
In follow-up to the Thursday (2/27) post about the podiatry visit, there is one more scene to paint: The Checkout. As we were leaving, we were doing the traditional checkout and scheduling with the front desk person. And she said the next available appointment was May 1 – nothing before then. At first it sounded far off, especially since the doctor wanted us back in a month, but as this was the last day of Feb, May 1 was really just two months away. The receptionist and I went back and forth about whether we should schedule it – she had offered to go back and talk to the doctor and I said there was no need etc. And we were just hemming and hawing a bit. Finally, I told her that maybe she should go back and check with the doctor to see if May 1 was ok or not. She was a very friendly and smiley person – and off she went. She returned with the most solemn disposition you could imagine and politely yet firmly stated, “You will be back in a month.” She created an opening in the office schedule and fit us right in there. Yes, the letter worked its magic again!!
Lastly, the podiatrist noted that mom’s foot was essentially closed up with dry skin, though it should be understood it is still clearly a wound and not a seal as we have with where the big toe was. So he said we can hold off the Silvadene and wound care wrapping so long as it was not blatantly open. So we are free from that for a while. We will wait till late spring to ask him about mom’s viability for getting in the pool this summer. As you may recall, in our initial visit the podiatrist said swimming was off limits. I certainly do not want to push it, but if he thinks we can stop the Silvadene, he might say that going in the pool is ok. Let’s see – in the due course. But yesterday, when her friends were over, I asked mom if she wanted to go swimming this summer, and she perked up and said, “Oh sure.”
So that is the state of things around here….
Thurs, Feb 27, 2025 (11:55pm) Night & Day Difference – The Letter Worked!!
Within 5 seconds of arrival for our 1:40pm appointment with Vascular Wound Care & Podiatry, it was very evident they knew about our letter. The podiatrist opened the conversation via an entirely different perspective. There was no mention of palliative care, sepsis, or end of life discussions. The tone was very congenial, and he talked how we would review the possibilities and that my brother and I would then make the ultimate decision as to how to proceed. Moreover, they had the whole team in there: the podiatrist, the clinic coordinator whom I had spoken to on the phone yesterday, and another nurse was in and out, plus the scribe. Actually, the clinic coordinator had introduced herself by her first name without giving her title, and then I mentioned to the podiatrist that I had spoken to the clinic coordinator and referenced her first and last name, and at that point the clinic coordinator was standing next to me and said, “That’s me.” A-ha. So they were ready for us, and we were all in mom’s relatively tiny exam room. The overall vibration was quite relaxed, and it was very apparent that they were bending over backwards to abide by our concerns and wishes expressed in the letter. Ahead of time, I was determined to be very calm, friendly, and non-confrontational in the visit – just hear them out, and show that although we had expressed concerns we were not “problem patients”.
Early on in the appointment, after doing a thorough checking of the foot by touch and checking for pain, they talked about doing the T-com test -> Transcutaneous oxygen monitoring. They had written me that they would do the test during the appointment (or at least that is what it seemed), but the podiatrist stated it was supposed to have been done before the appointment so that he could go over the results with us. He mentioned that the T-com test was done two floors down by appointment only. So I was under the impression we would get it scheduled for a later date, then lo and behold like magic the tech who does the T-com test showed up at our door with his entire machine and set-up, and did the test then and there. Everyone else cleared out while the tech set up his machine to measure the extent of perfusion to mom’s toes, or at least get an approximation as it is not possible to get exact results.
Then they put an O2 mask on mom and continued with the test and her numbers rose up substantially in one category, but not all four. By and by, however, it was quite evident that mom’s numbers were way down – i.e. proper blood flow was not reaching that area which would impact the healing needed if an operation was performed, or even if just a biopsy was done. She would be severely lacking the requisite healing power which would thus put her foot at further risk.
We discussed other modalities such as getting a series of monthly x-rays to monitor the bone infection, and we discussed doing a bit more walking at home or doing the Nu-Step machine, though our gym pass is still on hold. So we will aim to use the stationary machine we have at home. Anyway, throughout the visit they gave recommendations and options, and they asked us dozens of times if we had any questions or concerns, and they were overly careful to ensure we were holding the reins in terms of how her care would proceed. They even measured her foot for shoe sizes for indoor shoes, and did a short walking test in the exam room. Clearly, they had gotten wind of the letter, and they did not even hint of the end of the visit – all they would do was ask if we had any questions, and when we thanked them the visit ended. In short, they did great, and may have even over-compensated. As the podiatrist left the exam room, he gave me a friendly bump on my side and said, “See I am not such a bad guy to talk to. Next time reach out to me as that makes things much easier than the other way.” It was stated in a jovial, humorous manner – but the message was clear. They had gotten wind of the letter. After we had all cleared out the clinic coordinator said, “Well, it was good to finally meet you”, and I replied, “Yes, much better.” From start to finish, it was friendly and productive – and we all knew why.
So now we have a viable path forward to explore avenues and make decisions with them for mom’s care. Mom was quite alert and present during the entire appointment – and looked healthy and vibrant.
Thurs, Feb 27, 2025 (7:55am) Family Visits + Phone Call Showdown
The fireworks did not start until yesterday…but let’s start with the beginning of the week….
On Mon (2/24), we did get mom on the scale and mom weighed in at 82 lbs. So despite a solid weekend (& week) of eating, she did not gain a pound. Apparently, this is going to be an extended process. Beyond that, that day we were around the house – though it was pleasant outside and it would have been good to get out – and in the early evening, one of our dear cousins was traveling through and came over for a visit. Mom thoroughly enjoyed seeing her and visited over appetizer plates. So that was a wonderful spark to the evening, and later on mom did have a solid dinner as well.
On Tue (2/25), my eldest brother arrived in the late morning, just as mom was completing her bathroom and shower routine, and the two visited over breakfast. Though, both on Tue (2/25) & Wed (2/26), mom showed very little interest in breakfast, but made up for it with solid late lunches and big dinners. With The Farmer’s Market and other things going on, we had a later dinner on Tuesday, and my brother was around for that as well.
Then yesterday, (Wed 2/26), I placed calls and left messages in the morning for both the clinic coordinator of the Vascular Wound Care & Podiatry office as well as our rep at Patient Relations. They both called back shortly after midday. The call with the coordinator started off quite amicably….(to be continued soon)
…(continued 9am) So the whole aim of the phone call with the clinic coordinator was to escalate mom’s case within their office (as the coordinator had herself offered to do on a call a few weeks ago) since we were so disappointed by the outcome of filing it through the channel of Patient Relations. I began by thanking the coordinator for helping facilitate a text message exchange over the weekend with the podiatrist (the same guy we saw weeks ago who talked about palliative care) we will be seeing today (Thurs. 2/27 at 1:40pm). Thereafter, the call with the clinic coordinator gained steam. She said how she really had no way to escalate the case and that the Patient Relations division was the avenue for that. I told her that they should call that “Internal Relations” as that the patient will never know what was done or not done. I asked her if she had seen the letter that I sent to Patient Relations and she replied, “No, we do not see those communications.” I began to do a play by play of how her office had failed us – both operatively and post-operatively: open wound from the surgery, non-response to my many appeals and concerns about infection, and I asked if a particular PA wound care specialist still worked there and the coordinator meekly replied, “Yes.” Moreover, I told that this was not just my opinion, but all of this was well documented in My Chart, and finally came the heated crescendo when I said that the only reason their office is going to get off the hook for all this is due to ageism. At the point, she interjected and said that, “The phone call was no longer constructive.” And within a minute or so we closed the call and I told her that mom and I would be coming in for tomorrow’s visit. And after I finish writing this entry I will get mom up so we can do our routine and be ready for today’s appointment. All in all, invariably someone was going to catch an earful from me and the clinic coordinator is the one that got it as she is the only medical personnel that I have gotten on the phone. Mind you, she personally is not at fault, but her office is at the root cause of our problems.
After, the call with the clinic coordinator, I called my brother to tell him about the “debacle” – and he was fine with it. Rather, he began to pile on. So we felt it was needed and inevitable. And while talking with him, the Patient Relations rep called and I picked up. And what I wanted was the name of the top dog who was in charge of the Vice-Chair of surgery who was handling our complaint / case internally. And I go that name. The rep offered to ask her (the Chairperson) to call me, but I declined – whether she would have actually called is another matter. My main aim was to lodge a complaint about the way Patient Relations functions as the outcome of their work never reaches the patient. So what I may do is write a letter to the Chair of surgery expressing my concerns about this process and show her what we filed and what response we got. Who knows where this would all go but at least this way we at least this way it may fall on a sympathetic ear – and put a little bit of heat on those who have been handling our case and medical care in the Vascular Wound Care & Podiatry office.
Once again…stay tuned….off I go to get mom up and ready for this afternoon’s appointment….
Finally, great having my eldest brother over for dinner the past two evenings.
Sun, Feb 23, 2025 (8:30pm) Back Half of the Weekend
The second half of the weekend went smoothly and was quite joyous. Yesterday (Sat, 2/22), mom’s Saturday friends and longtime family friends came over for an early evening visit. It was a jovial gathering spanning three generations, and mom, though quiet, definitely enjoyed seeing everyone. And today (Sun 2/23) has been a rather routine Sunday, though mom was up at 9am – or earlier, and we headed to head to the bathroom / shower at 9:25am. So that was a great start to the day – and we are quite speedy at it. I did push back the 10am Chair Yoga class to 10:15am. Mom has had three very solid meals today, and is extending our streak of accident-free days. The highlight of the day was a late afternoon Zoom call with family, and finding out my eldest brother will be in town this week!! So we are looking forward to seeing him. Tomorrow morning we are going to weigh mom and see if she put on a pound or two – hopefully so!! Stay tuned…
Sat, Feb 22, 2025 (3:45pm) Mom Takes Over Costco + Patient Relations Call
We’ve had a quiet Saturday thus far just going through our normal routine, which has been quite smooth these days. Some basic routine highlights include: accident-free days, protein shakes, 3 square meals, and good overall clockwork. At around 5:15pm today, we do expect to have some folks over for a visit. That should be a good time for us as mom tends to snooze in the early to mid-afternoon.
Yesterday (Fri, 2/21), mom and I made an impromptu move and stormed Costco – we literally took over the joint. The store was a bit crowded, but as you can see in the below photo when mom took the wheel everyone scattered and she was the queen of the aisle!! In all seriousness, these days we have our routine proper so if I ever need to go anywhere – like the dentist or Costco – then mom can just come along and things go quite smoothly.
On Thursday (2/20), I did call Patient Relations because the letter they sent said a whole lot of nothing, and I wanted to know what was really going on. So I called our rep, left a message, and he called me back. We spoke for about 15 minutes, and really it is quite shocking how they are going to handle this. Essentially, we got that empty letter and will get nothing else. Now they have our report, and whatever they do with it we will never know. Maybe they will hold meetings with all of the departments / staff involved, or maybe they will do nothing at all. Our rep reported the case to a high-ranking hospital physician and he can use our report to address whatever issues he finds pertinent, but we will never ever know what he did. Instead of calling this Patient Relations, they should called it Internal Relations as their process is completely opaque. I expressed all this to the rep, and he said that I should do what I feel like I need to do. So we will be filing reports with outside agencies, contacting legal professionals, and knocking on the door of the Vascular Wound Care and Podiatry office. I left a message with the clinic coordinator on Thurs (2/20) and did not get a return call. So I will call her again on Monday, and every day thereafter until she calls me back.
Mom’s weight: On Thursday morning I weighed mom: 82 pounds with T-shirt, pants, and socks. We will weigh her regularly using those same garments as we are aiming to bulk her up a bit.
Below are two of the many breads we’ve been baking around here lately. The top one is a black pepper, herb sourdough boule and the bottom one is a tray of olive baguettes.
Wed, Feb 19, 2025 (8pm) Continued Success + Patient Relations Reply
By and large, we have had continued success in getting mom’s routine moving in the right direction which basically means getting up by 10am or so, and getting in three meals a day. Both Mon (2/17) and Tues (2/18), mom was awake by 10am and ready to get out of bed. The same cannot be said for today, and she slept until about 11:15am, but we are still on target to get her 3rd meal, which I am going to serve to her right now….alas, dinner has been served.
Really speaking, nothing monumental has happened, but mom did come with me to my dental appointment. I am going to her office where mom is a veritable star!! Initially, we had planned for a neighbor to come sit with mom while I went for my check-up, but there was a change and those plans fell through. So I thought that I would just bring mom with me – and it worked out great. I brought our lightweight wheelchair, and mom came right back with me to the exam room where snugly at in the corner facing me. It was a long appointment as the hygienist was very thorough (and determined!), and just when she finished mom indicated that she would go to the waiting room before the dentist came in. I clarified – waiting room or bathroom? Indeed, bathroom it was so we hightailed it out of the exam cubicle and got to the bathroom right on time, and then casually strolled back to the dental chair. Perfect score!! I am not thinking that whenever I have to go out – which is rare – that I will just bring her with me. On this point of hygiene, we have been extremely on-time and on-target of late. We really should get a prize.
Yesterday (Tue, 2/18) we finally got our reply from Patient Relation and it was just a bunch of platitudes and hot air. They did not directly address any the issues raised nor did they propose any course of action. In fact, I am not sure they did anything at all other than tend to their bureaucratic BS. Today (Wed, 2/19) was a snow day so the offices were essentially vacated so tomorrow I will begin my round of follow-up calls to the Patient Relations rep and the clinic coordinator of the Vascular Wound Care & Podiatry office. Let’s see where that takes us….
Sun, Feb 16, 2025 (10:15pm) Three Meals!!
Mom had a great weekend…of eating!! She ate three, solid meals each day. Both days she was up and ready to get out of bed when I went to get her – on Sat it was 10am, and on Sun it was shortly before 11am due to my late class. We were then able to get up quickly and do our morning routine and start breakfast within an hour-and-a-half, or less – and that’s moving at an easy pace. On Saturday, mom walked the from her bathroom to the kitchen twice. Today, mom has done less walking, and both days she had pretty good power snoozes in her black chair in the early to mid-afternoon. When mom uses the restroom an hour or two after breakfast, then she always mentions how she will now go back to bed!! But we never do, and she is at liberty to relaxe and doze in her black chair. All in all, mom was alert and active over the weekend, and she readily engaged at mealtime and ate all her food!!
10:55pm Update: Mom is in bed so we made our 11pm curfew. That aside, I do not think there is a happier person than mom when it is time to get under the covers and go to sleep. She absolutely glows. And in typical fashion she said to me, “Why don’t you get in on the other side.”
Fri, Feb 14, 2025 (8:25pm) The New Schedule…So Far
Note to self: On Thurs (2/13) a detailed account of mom’s first day on the new routine was sent to our gerontologist.
Yesterday, Thurs (2/13), mom got up at 10:10am or so, and we were down for breakfast by 11:20am or so, after having showered etc. But that day did not get off to a roaring start. She had a relatively paltry breakfast, and an ever more paltry lunch, and as not doing any walking. And she was very listless and sleeping much of the afternoon in the black chair. However, she perked up in the evening and her is my report to the gerontologist about dinner:
For dinner, I gave her a full portion of that leftover noodle dish which she was eating slowly. So I went over and spoon-fed it to her and she ended up eating most of it. Dessert was vegan French vanilla ice cream with blueberries and fudge (a gift from a bakery) with amino acid powders added in and she enthusiastically ate it all.
Remarkably, after her evening concluded, she walked all the way down to the bathroom to get ready for bed. And today, Fri (2/14), mom continued with that same great momentum. When I went to get her up shortly after 10, she was already awake and ready to go. After her shower routine, she relatively effortlessly walked to the kitchen for breakfast, and she actively engaged in her meal and ate a good amount of food. She spoke to my brother at one point during the meal, and he immediately remarked how strong and engaged she sounded. And during the meal, she remarked that today was Valentine’s Day, and her face lit up. Lunch was not huge, but she cleared her plate including multiple pieces of freshly baked sourdough baguettes. She did snooze a bit in the afternoon, and as I write this mom is doing a great job of polishing off a big dinner!!
Some of you have been worried that mom will not be getting sufficient sleep in her new routine. Well, we are getting to bed between 11p and 11:30p (the gerontologist said no later than 11) so if she gets up at 10 that is still 11 hours of sleep in bed, plus another hour or two in the black chair in the afternoon. So she is still a sleep queen, but, yes, the days of sleeping till noon or 2p are officially gone.
One solid development is that our accidents these days are few and far between with really minimal mess. And by getting out of bed at 10am, that has only added to the good news in this spectrum of life.
Yesterday, we did get on the books to begin PT as per the gerontologists referral. We start in a month. So the wheels are slowly moving forward again….let’s see…
Wed, Feb 12, 2025 (9:40pm) The Long-Awaited Gerontology Appointment
Mom did a good job with her 8am wake-up, and we got to the 10:30am appointment on-time. First we had the usual vitals taken by the nurse, and then we talked with a pharmacist for a bit, and at around 11:20am the doctor came in – and she spent an entire hour with us! Moreover, she had done her homework and had a pretty good idea of what’s been going on with mom (which has been a lot!) so the time with the doctor was well-utilized. We had a long list of items to go over with her, and I was not sure how things would proceed. Clearly, the main theme that the doctor focused on was mom’s daily routine. This was not what I was expecting, but it proved to be quite valuable. She was very clear-cut: Mom was spending too much time in bed; mom needed three meals a day; mom needed to go out for PT; and mom should have a protein shake every morning. To cut to the chase, she also said mom was frail, and she was concerned about mom’s recent weight loss, which I was unaware of. Whenever we go to the doctor, mom’s weight has been in the mid-90’s with all her clothes etc. But today her weight was 87. These are not accurate weighings because of the variety of garments, but they are indicative of a trend, and I was not aware mom’s weight had dipped like that. We have a scale (and BP machine) at home, but once those things normalized a year or two back, we stopped checking them on a regular basis. Her BP remains fine, but the weight is clearly an issue. So we will have to start weighing her on a weekly basis or so. Back to the main point, the doctor’s chief emphasis was on mom’s daily schedule – specifically having mom up and awake during daylight hours and not sleeping more than 8 hours – she actually gave the range of 6 – 8 hours. We are going to start with getting mom up at 10am every day. And two days when my schedule allows I will get her up at around 9am. We will see how that goes, and then evaluate if we can get mom up at 8am. One of the main efforts is to get that third meal in each day.
She also said we may need to lower our expectations of what mom’s baseline of health and mobility is, as well as what course of action we wanted to take with mom’s foot – surgery, antibiotics, or nothing at all. Although she did not give her opinion, I tend to think she was in the camp of doing nothing at all, as the blood flow to the toes seems compromised the potential benefits of surgery / antibiotics is highly dependent on good flow, not to mention the inherent risks and adverse effects of surgery / antibiotics. She understood we were also waiting to hear back about our case with Patient Relations.
All in all, the gerontologist was extremely patient, thorough, kind, and on top of her game. She did not sugar coat anything; she gave a very frank assessment of mom’s status (physically and mentally) in a very caring manner, clearly leaving the ball in our hands as to how to proceed. She was most forthright with regards to mom’s daily routine, and encouraged me to write her about what progress we are making. She really sounded like she wanted to receive regular updates from us, which was quite refreshing, and which I shall certainly do. So that was gerontology in a nutshell – a very worthwhile visit.
Afterwards, we stopped at Whole Foods where mom got a blueberry muffin and coffee, while I shopped for produce since our Farmers’ Market shut down this week, and the prior week no one was selling any vegetables.
Oh, and this is our new dream mobile….a tad pricey, but maybe we can get a good used one, or perhaps a variation of this….
Tue, Feb 11, 2025 (11:10pm) Lincoln’s B-day Tomorrow…& Gerontology
As mom was getting into bed this evening she looked over at her date / clock and said, “It’s Lincoln’s birthday tomorrow.” So everyone should take note. We are also going to gerontology in the morning, and when I was explaining to mom that we had a doctor’s appointment in the morning and that we had to get up early, then she wanted to know what type of doctor we were going to see. So I told her gerontology, and she started to smile. (Note: Because as we all know gerontology is a doctor for old people etc etc). So I asked mom how old she was – something we do from time to time – and she guessed 60, and was duly impressed when I told her she was in fact 95.
So we are going in the morning and I will have to get mom up at 7:30am or so, which is a big change for her considering each of the last two days she slept till 2pm!! So she will be getting up 6.5 hours early!!
Yesterday morning (Mon, 2/10), I called Patient Relations to find our the status of our case, and the guy told me that a response has been mailed out to us. Apparently, their top guy reviewed mom’s case. Well, we should be receiving it any day now. My guess is that it will be a basic letter of appeasement. Let’s see….
All in all, the last two days have just been like our new normal, making our basic moves around the house.
Sun, Feb 9, 2025 (6:10pm) Great Test Run
Mom and I took her small-wheeled, collapsable wheelchair to the compost and back on this glorious, sunny, 70-degree afternoon – and mom thoroughly enjoyed the outing. For those not aware, the compost drop-off is in the corner of the parking lot for the outdoor pool. And mom and I made there and back easily. So if we were to get a high-performance chair with rugged wheels that would make the trip even more doable. The aim of course is to get mom as mobile as possible, but even if she becomes more mobile, walking to the pool this summer will be out of reach (note: in the past we never walked there) so it is nice to know we can get there by wheelchair. Another good way to get out and about!!
Sun, Feb 9, 2025 (3:10pm) “It Looks Like I’m Going to Europe”
As she was coming down to breakfast, mom casually said, “It looks like I am going to Europe”, and I was not at all sure what she meant. I figured it was the vocalization of a disconnected thought. To find out more, I inquired where she was going (i.e which country), and she did not say. So I asked, “Why did you say you were going to Europe?” And she replied, “Because it seems like that’s how far I have to walk to get to the kitchen table.” Ahhhh…very poetic. Well, she did indeed walk all the way to the kitchen table to start her breakfast at 2:10pm.
All in all, mom is doing ok. We are finding out rhythm for getting through the day with limited mobility and minimal mess. She did get out on Friday afternoon for a brief stop at the alley meeting which was finishing up, and then we hightailed it up to the mail kiosk – mom in the wheelchair of course. Today is another beautiful day so hopefully mom and I can get outside soon for some fresh air.
In the next day or so, I will call Patient Relations and see where they are in terms of reviewing mom’s case.
Thurs, Feb 6, 2025 (10:25am) Nothing Notable (Now), Looming on the Horizon
There has been nothing notable to report from the last two days. Mom has followed her standard set of limited movements through the course of the day, and we have not heard back from any of the medical officials in Patient Relations regarding mom’s case. We do have a slew of appointments coming up this month. Next week (Wed, 2/12) we head to gerontology – an appointment we’ve been waiting on for six months. We were referred to them back in August. Of course, a lot has changed since then so the visit is quite timely, and we have our list of points all lined up to maximize the outcome. Let’s all hope the gerontologist is a good one!!
Also on the horizon this month are return visits to both the ID team and podiatry – unless there is some intervention from the medical gods. Yes, that’s right, it was those two appointments on back to back days in January that fueled our Patients Relations report, so we shall see what happens with those.
Beyond that, mom is happy and eating well; we do need to incorporate some type of movement exercises for her, which is actually much easier said than done. I might wait for the gerontology appointment to begin.
Tue, Feb 4, 2025 (10:20am) “Standard Fare”
Everything has been fine around here – we have settled in to our limited but standard approach to the day. Sometimes mom walks the length of the house to get to the kitchen or bedroom and other times I push her. It is rare for her to walk the length of the house twice in one day. She is keen to go back to bed after breakfast, but we just head to the black chair instead. I wanted to get mom outside yesterday but it just did not happen. Today will be 76 so it would be good to get out, but with the farmers’ market it was not work out. It may be too much of an outing for her to go all the way up to the market. Let’s see…
I am going to order a copy of the surgery report on mom’s foot. Have not heard anything further from Patient Relations etc.
Had a big baking day on Sunday, and this was the outcome. Mom has been doing a fine job of helping to eat everything: (a) sourdough baguettes, (b) raisin-walnut bread, (c) black pepper & herb sourdough boule.
Sun, Feb 2, 2025 (9:45am) “I Want To Get Better”
Last night, as she just got under the covers and was all set in bed, mom said, “I want to get better.” Now some may read this and think that mom is worried or down in some way. When in fact, nothing could be further from the truth. At the time, I was pumping her up a bit, not that she needed to hear it, and saying how well she is doing and how hard she is working, and her face was glowing, and then she added, “I wanna get better.” Which is funny because she already feels like she has whole world in the palm of her hands. She’ll tell my brother on the phone how strong she is, or how well things are going. She perpetually feels that she is on the upswing, and the next great thing is about to happen. Folks in the neighborhood as how is doing, and when I give my brief report, then often ask, “And how are her spirits?” And the answer is, “Totally fine, she is completely unphased by it all.” And that is exactly how she is. And she is willing to work hard as well. So now it is just a matter of if we can get a bit of daylight and regain some actual physical mobility.
All else is fine. Mom’s movements and position changes were pretty much the same as usual – though we are efficient at them and do not linger trying to get from place to place. Bed -> bathroom / shower -> kitchen -> black chair -> bathroom -> bed.
Sat, Feb 1, 2025 (7:50am) New Approach
Yesterday, two of mom’s good friends came over and stayed with her while I did my monthly, two-hour Costco run. For the last few years, I would set mom up with her dinner and go in the evening, and it always worked out ok, but I think we are past that stage now. So from 1p – 3p, she sat with her friends (and sometimes dozed a touch), and she was safe and well cared for.
Another bright spot from yesterday was that mom walked all the way down to her bedroom / bathroom last night at 11pm when she was getting ready for bed. She was fairly swift and smooth – it did not take too long. She also did well getting up from her chair. I do not know if this is some type of bounce back or not, but she certainly did well last night.
Our primary care doc messaged us and said that she was in contact with the concerned parties named in our report.
Thurs, Jan 30, 2025 (11:30pm) Wonderful Reversal
After last night’s abominable debacle, we were due for an easy evening and that’s what we got. Everything fell into place nicely. Smooth transitions, no daredevil moves, and minimal clean-up.
Mom did not do much walking at all, but her ability to help get up from chairs was on display. We did not get stuck in any position. So by and large a good day. At some point, we will have to start working in some home exercise routines.
Thurs, Jan 30, 2025 (9:50am) Beautiful Afternoon, Epic Evening + Report Submitted
Yesterday (Wed, 1/29) was an absolutely gorgeous day that reached nearly 70 degrees, and we were determined to get out for a walk. And it was a good thing we were determined because we had a variety of hurdles that kept us from getting out of the house. But we made it; instead of being after 3 o’clock it was after 4 o’ clock, but it was still bright and sunny. Mom enjoyed being out – to be clear, our walk meant mom seated in a wheelchair and me pushing. We went up to the mail kiosk and back, and if this is going to the our mode of transportation going forward then I will look into getting one of those big, padded, semi-recliner wheelchairs that has big wheels and fat tires so we can really cruise around. Due to the cold and our physical setbacks, this was the first time mom had been outside in 2025, other than getting shuttled to and from medical appointments.
Mom’s hair is getting longer and a few times we had it in mind to get it trimmed after one of the medical appointments but between the cold and all of the mobility issues we never stopped and got it done. But we will get there.
In the evening, mom ate about half of her dinner and asked to go to bed early. She ended up having dessert and going for bed a bit later, but still earlier than usual. From 9:30pm to when we finally got her in bed (11:05pm), mom and I had one epic event after another. Anyone watching would have surely wondered if she should still be at home. We struggled and made it through it all safely, and in the end mom was clean-as-a-whistle, happy, and very pleased to be in bed.
This morning at around 9:30am, I submitted our 1,100 word statement to Patient Relations. We withheld the 18-page descriptive narrative complete with photos and cited My Chart messages, and simply stated those appendices are available upon request.
Update: At 10:30am, the rep from Patient Relations called to inform me he had received our submission and that he was forwarding it to the head of vascular and one or two other medical divisions.
Tue, Jan 28, 2025 (11:45pm) Very Speedy for Someone Who Can’t Walk
Today’s transitions and movements were timely and efficient. We avoided any big messes / accidents and stalled transitions, and mom did not suffer from any hip pain which has been a problem of late. Moreover, she did not come across as a being a patient, but simply more as someone who has a bum foot. She also cleared her plate at both meals and had some good snacks in between.
My report summary statement (900 words) is done. No more rewrites (just can’t do it), just basic edits. Waiting on those tomorrow from my team of family, medical professionals.
Tue, Jan 28, 2025 (10:15am) Very Similar
Yesterday (Mon, 1/27) was just a variation on a theme of the very limited manner in which mom’s days unfold. We were able to make our basic movements and change of positioning and place with relative ease, but are unable to do much more than that. She tries really hard, but movement is just not easy.
My brother and I did have an excellent tele-health video call with mom’s stellar primary care doc (UNC system). It was about 40 minutes and we updated her about our experiences with ID and podiatry, and she seemed shocked and appalled and was very empathetic toward mom’s condition and what we were experiencing. In typical fashion, we did not have to ask her to do anything, in the blink of an eye she started rifling off communications and inquiries that she was going to make and even suggested moving mom’s foot care from UNC to Duke. So it was a very productive call, and we definitely felt heard. She is just really good at what she does.
And yes, the hope is to complete that report today or at least have it ready for review.
Sun, Jan 26, 2025 (11:45pm) Another Smooth One
We were able to make the major transfers from bed to toilet / shower, to kitchen table, to black chair, to bathroom, and back to bed in a safe and reasonable manner. Mom did walk all the way down to the bathroom at the end of the day. And we shared a funny remembrance of one of our cats from long ago that mom seemed to enjoy. Mom had a solid appetite today and polished off most of her food.
I did finish the main draft of the document for Patient Relations – and now have to work through some edits and strategy suggestions given by my cousin who is a real pro at these things. Hopefully, this will all be done and put to bed in the next day or two. What will come from it all? Perhaps nothing, but it is our duty to at least try.
Sun, Jan 26, 2025 (9:45am) Smooth Going
Mom had a very good showing yesterday (Sat, 1/25). Unfortunately, a smooth day around here means that over the course of the entire day mom and I are able to make the major transfers from bed to toilet / shower, to kitchen table, to black chair, to bathroom, and back to bed in a relatively smooth manner. Mom does hardly any walking other than a few steps. Mostly I have to lift her and get her seated on the rollator and move her to her next destination. And if that can be done in a fairly timely effort without breaking my back then that is called smooth. Mom had an excellent appetite yesterday as she cleared her plate at both breakfast (bowl of blueberries with raisin bread) and dinner (pasta with veggies and an ice cream sandwich) and had a solid snack (cashews and raw veggies) in between. When breakfast starts at around 2p (or later), it is really hard to get a lunch in…that has been the way things have been going these days.
The report that we are submitting to Patient Relations is nearly complete, and I cannot tell you how frustrating it is to write this report (reviewing and documenting the history) while looking over at mom and seeing how she is basically immobile, when in fact she has worked so hard all these years to maintain her mobility. That is the tragedy, especially when you feel things were missed in her care despite the many documented pleas for help. The report is filled with photos submitted to medical professionals, copies of messages and appeals through My Chart, contemporaneous notes, and reviews of phone calls and their official medical notes from visits.
Through it all, mom has been a real gamer and is delightful and sweet as ever. The gym sent us their official note that mom’s membership is on medical hold from 1/16/25 to 3/16/25 upon which we will revisit the matter, and I wonder if we will ever make it back there…
Sat, Jan 25, 2025 (7:45am) From the Depths to Superhero
Yesterday, (Fri, 1/24), I could not get mom out of bed. Due to joint pain and her immobility she seemingly could not be moved. I tried for over an hour. Moreover, she was talking in a different sort of way that really made me think she was losing all her vitality. So I called the master – Pastor. He was on his way home but turned his truck around and came right over. After evaluating the situation for a short bit, he was able to get mom up and showered – and got her down to the kitchen. Before he left, I did the transfer from her rollator to the kitchen table just to be certain things had normalized. Mom spent the day at the kitchen table and black chair. And then in the evening, after dinner, she said she had to use the restroom. We got her up and due to circumstances she did not want to sit down on the rollator. So mom amazingly walked all the way down to the bathroom!! Then we had to take a half shower and she stood up holding onto the bar for several minutes. She did so well!! The whole episode went so smoothly and we finished up her entire evening routine and she was all cleaned up and changed and in bed by 9:50pm!! Just a heroic performance by mom!!
Let’s see how today’s wake-up goes….
Thurs, Jan 23, 2025 (11:50pm) A Few Updates
We got the official test results from the ultrasound, and it looks favorable. There seems to be good blood flow all the way from the femoral artery down to the toes. However, we have not gone over the findings with a medical professional in vascular podiatry yet.
Second, I reviewed the appointment notes from our meeting last Thursday (1/16) with the vascular podiatrist and there are all kinds of issues and errors concerning the tone and content of their summary. The scribe mischaracterized much of the visit seemingly acting more as an advocate for the doctor than a neutral reporter. For instance, the words palliative care, death, and making final life preparations are nowhere to be found in the report but that is exactly how the vascular podiatrist opened the visit, and he carried that theme throughout. Then the scribe noted that, “Her son is unsure why they did not follow up with him [the surgeon] since then [May ’21].” As if to say, it is the patient’s responsibility to arrange all post-operative visits and follow-ups with the surgeon after amputation procedures or that somehow we skipped scheduled visits. In contrast, she did not cite how the doctor said they have no records or information about her over the last four years – i.e. since they did major surgery on her foot. Moreover they titled their notes as “New Patient Clinic Note” when in fact mom is not at all a new patient in their clinic – have they forgotten the many, many pre-operative visits we had with them and that they did the amputation?!?! And there are many other concerning issues with their notes – all of which we will document in our report to patient relations.
Third, I did reach out to patient relations, and the advisor heard my oral history of mom’s case and was very sympathetic and asked that we submit it to him in writing and he will pass it along to the medical director. At first, I thought I would just send a short para to get the ball rolling, but am now thinking to write a much more comprehensive account. Hopefully, that can be completed tomorrow.
Fourth, since the very meaningful phone call with the clinic coordinator last Friday, I have not heard back from her or her supervisor, even though she said to expect a call on Tue (1/21). I did leave a VM with the clinic coordinator stating that we look forward to hearing from them. Hopefully, that happens soon.
Now, about mom, sadly, she is hardly ambulatory at all. She is always keen to go to bed, and she makes just a few movements all day long, as I push her in rollator from her bed to the shower to the kitchen table to the black chair to the bathroom to the bed. That sequence is literally the entirety of her day. I really hope we are able to break out of this cycle.
Wed, Jan 22, 2025 (11:30pm) Ultrasound Day
We did get to UNC main today for the ultrasound, and, while tech was hesitant to give any definitive results, she did say that she got good information – i.e. information that will be helpful both for reviewing her case and information that shows she had positive results. The tech also said the perfusion to mom’s right toes (partially amputated foot) is better than the left. So that was surprising to hear. We should get the real results tomorrow morning.
Wed, Jan 22, 2025 (8:10am) So Hard To Say
Just by observing mom in a non-medical way, clearly her foot is the key issue, but one can’t help but think if there is more going on than that. Though, all her other medical tests – and there have been many – over the course of the last month indicate that otherwise she is in quite good shape. And that’s exactly how we present her case to doctors, i.e. in good shape.
Mom did put in a good showing at dinner last night so perhaps we are seeing an uptick in her appetite as those antibiotics leave her system. And while she did not have a huge “breakfast” (i.e. early afternoon meal), it started out strong as she showed great interest in eating half-a-bowl of mangoes and she did eat her raisin bread, but did not have more than that.
In the early evening she did walk back and forth to the bathroom, yet by the end of the night she was clearly spent and needed a lot of support. We head out this afternoon for the ultrasound on her foot. We are going to emphasize checking not just the main artery in the mid-foot, but all those smaller vessels at the tips of her toes – let’s see how far they are able to achieve that.
Tue, Jan 21, 2025 (8:35am) Listless…But Then…
Yesterday (Mon, 1/20) was not a great showing. Little appetite…hardly any movement…and not a whole lot of energy. From late morning till 11pm at night the day’s activities were: Bathroom / Shower -> Kitchen Table -> Black Recliner Chair. All done in a rather passive manner, though she did hold her own in the bathroom in the morning. But just watching someone go through the day like that can be quite concerning, unsettling. My brother and I spoke about it in the early evening but really we could not do or say much more than what we’ve already said and decided. It was a circular conversation and we said as much. So I was not expecting much when it was time to go down for bed, but surprisingly mom managed that with relative ease. She walked all the way down, gaining speed as she went. Then the one bump in the house – between her bedroom and bathroom – got totally smashed as mom aggressively hurled her rollator over it to get into the bathroom. And while we had some work to do in the bathroom, mom held her own. And she got in bed at about 12:30am. So she showed some vitality and spunk at the end. And of course if you ask her how she is doing at any point in the day she is as calm and polite as ever and says everything is fine. One bizarre thing going on is that even though she is not eating much she always seems to have granules of food in her mouth, as if she never really swallows it, and she goes through periods where she is drawing stretchy mucous from her mouth. All in all, sometimes I think mom is in a downward spiral from head to toe, and other times I think that this is a woman who just needs her foot fixed.
Sun, Jan 19, 2025 (11:55pm) Strong Showing
Mom walked down to breakfast (at 4pm!!) using her rollator. Then after breakfast at around 5:30pm she had hardly any ability to stand up due to pain in her hip – so she delayed it for 30 minutes. But once she did get up it seemed to help, though she would not walk the 15 feet to her black chair so I pushed her in her rollator. To ease her pain, I gave her two Ibuprofen at around 6pm. Not sure if that was the difference maker or not, but I was expecting another debacle in the late evening when going for bed. Much to my surprise, we got mom up without too much struggle and she walked all the way down using her rollator and did her nighttime routine and got into bed without much trouble.
With all the antibiotics behind us, very curious to see how this week unfolds…
Sun, Jan 19, 2025 (1:20pm) Sleeping In
Mom is still sleeping – after writing this entry I will get her up. She had a busy week of appointments, and I want her to get a full rest.
At breakfast today, she will take her last, single antibiotic pill – literally just one pill left. I hold no hope that this 10-day course of antibiotics will cure her bone infection. But maybe there will be addition by subtraction. That’s to say, with the antibiotics gone, maybe she will regain her full appetite along with some of her strength. Of late, mom has zero ability to even begin to get out of her black chair, and last night we got through her before bed routine by essentially bear-hugging each other. She had almost no ability to move on her own. I am really hoping that the antibiotics are the cause of this significant decline. Because on Sat 1/11, I videoed mom walking down to her room at night and she was moving along quite smoothly with the rollator – my brother was very impressed.
All that said, when she is seated in one place she looks and feels fine. Her Saturday friends were over yesterday, and they remarked how good she looked despite such a rough week of appointments. Likewise, my sister saw her on Facetime yesterday and was distinctly surprised and impressed by how good and wholesome mom looked. The main issue is mobility. The video call with my sister was me getting a tutorial from her about the various dressings and wound care tools that we received and how to best use them etc. And that was helpful.
Once we are done with this 3-day weekend, we will be hitting the trail hard to see the best way to get mom up and running again. On Tuesday, I do expect a call from the supervisor of the vascular podiatry department, and I have every intention of reaching out to the surgeon who did mom’s foot amputation – he has relocated to Virginia but he is a young guy and I assume he is working there and that I can track him down. We had developed a bit of a connection with him and I just wish to touch base in a gentle sort of way – just to get his thoughts and opinion, and to bring him up-to-date on where we are now.
Sat, Jan 18, 2025 (1:15am) Comeback Trail
In the aftermath of Thursdays terrible office visit, there were some basic things that needed to be attended to….
(A) Redress: I wanted to begin the process of finding out just how we got in this position. And after a phone call or two, I left a message on the VM for the clinic coordinator, and she called me back relatively quickly. We had a 10-minute call where I got ample scope to express our position, and to her credit she really listened and was not at all defensive. Rather, she was very kind, empathetic, and concerned. She offered some suggestions, and at other times was speechless. Of import, she told us that we had come in twice in 2022 as we had expressed concern about the color or mom’s feet. And when I asked her how it concluded, she said the office left it with us to “return as needed”. My response was that was too much to ask for from a lay person, and it should have been part of their protocol to pursue follow-up on an amputation that was not sealed. In the end, on her own accord and estimation, she elevated the case to her supervisor and, secondly, gave me the number of patient relations. So that was a good start as I want them to answer for what has transpired.
(B) Rescheduling: There was an ultra-sound scheduled for mid-February, but my brother felt it key to get that done sooner, and we got one scheduled at the main hospital for this coming Wednesday. That way we can get the ball rolling on assessing the perfusion / vascular condition of mom’s foot. Without a good report, any surgical intervention will not be an option.
(C) Three for Three: We had a our third day in a row with a medical appointment – this time a long-standing dermatology check-up. Mom had her torso and face checked and everything looked good, which is valuable because in the past we needed procedural interventions for basal cell carcinoma. At the end, I had the dermatologist look at mom’s foot as an added bonus, and she immediately noted that the protrusion on the second toe was bone, and then I asked her if the foot looked infected and she said absolutely not. The point being without some type of scan, it was not possible to know there was an infection.
(D) Old Photos: I did go back and look at the history and found a photo from Feb 2022, nearly a year after the amputation surgery, and it clearly showed that the second toe had not closed up. And I also found that some type of scan or x-ray was done on the foot in early 2022 that showed that the bone was not infected.
The supplies arrived for dressing mom’s foot so we shall start that on Saturday morning.
Fri, Jan 17, 2025 (1:30am) Did That Really Just Happen?
The visit to the vascular podiatrist did not go well…at all – for a number of reasons.
The overview of it is that the vascular podiatrist matter-of-factly stated: (a) mom definitely has a bone infection in the second toe, and possibly the fourth as well; (b) the second toe not only has an open wound but that is actually bone that is protruding through the skin; (c) the bone is uncapped or has no head (or whatever term he used) so the bone sticking out into the outside world is a hollow opening; (d) this should be treated as an open wound and dressed daily (i.e. wrapping the whole foot with gauze etc) after applying “Silvadene” – and this will be done indefinitely, i.e. until death; (e) he received this case as a referral from the ID team with instructions to treat this as palliative care case; (f) no walking and no swimming (when I questioned him about it); and (g) we should make plans in the event of sepsis.
Excuse me!! Really, did I hear you correctly. First, off the ID team said she was referring us to vascular podiatry to work on functionality, not as some sort of death sentence. Secondly, this guy is a non-surgical vascular podiatrist, and they have a vascular surgical podiatry wing and this is this very same office that performed mom’s foot amputation 4 years ago. Yet, we have not seen them at all in the last four years. And now it is through a circuitous chain of events that an MRI was done of her foot (my brother’s idea btw), and from that MRI this vascular podiatrist is making these statements / conclusions, all couched in the phrasing that, “Everybody dies, and we never know how or when we die etc” blah, blah, blah. So they are fine with that idea that since she is 95 this is just a palliative case, and this is how life goes. But why in the bloody hell did their office cut us loose. Why are we only seeing them now via a bizarre chain of events via an ER visit and a ID consult. She was already their patient, and they dropped the ball on it, but this guy was acting like this is a first-time review. Moreover, mom is very healthy – she is not suffering from a whole host of diseases and co-morbidities. She is an aged lady in good health recovering from a single-event. And that amputation was done in their office, by their team.
Every other part of the UNC system that performed surgery on mom or prescribed medicine does regular follow-ups with mom. Post-operatively, the open-heart team scanned mom every six months for two years and now we just see them every two years. I have every expectation that they will call us in this August for her two-year review. And the team that put mom on Eliquis (blood thinner) after she was diagnosed with PE calls us in every year just to check in. Yet this vascular podiatry department just cut us loose after that surgery with no call backs. And Dr Patel – the kind surgeon who did that procedure – left last October to practice in VA. We knew him well as we were monitoring the foot with him for weeks and weeks prior to the actual surgery. How is it that no follow-up was done.
To be honest, since the surgery, I cannot recall that toe looking any differently than it does now, i.e. an open wound. They amputated the entire big toe, and it is sealed shut and has never given us any problem. And they kept up to the mid-joint of the other four toes, but the second toe never-ever sealed cleanly – maybe they kept too much of the bone or did not have enough skin to cover. And we have taken tons of photos of that foot / toe; we always show it to our primary care doc; other podiatrists have seen it when they were cutting toe nails on mom’s left foot, and no one ever said it needed medical attention. Rather, they always said there was a strong pedal pulse and the skin looked healthy. But it needed an MRI or a scan of some sort to see what was really going on. For all we know, this bone infection has been like that for ages.
I really have to go back on this blog and see how and on what terms we left that vascular podiatry office, and as I recall they did do ultrasounds on that foot. But the whole thing is a mystery to me how we have not been continually under their care. When the podiatrist today started talking I said to him that mom has been swimming 50+ days a year every summer and that our main form of exercise was walking on the treadmill and around the track and he treated both those things as the plague. And we have told “everyone” about our exercise routine, and the entire medical establishment that we were in contact with applauded it and remarked how well mom was doing. And that podiatrist today just dumbly said that he has no info or tracking of what has occurred with that foot over the last four years, yet has extremely detailed records of that foot prior to and just after the surgery in April 2021. He did say if we wanted to explore the options for surgery now, we were welcome to, i.e to remove the infected bone. And while we are very wary of surgery, we may get a vascular / doppler test done to check the blood flow and viability. But this guy acted like mom was a new patient, and their office had no accountability or responsibility for what had transpired over the last four years. And indeed they have no single record of even seeing her – just it is all blank on their computers.
Pardon the long, repetitive entry, just I am beyond dumbfounded by what transpired at that visit.
Oh, and as he walked out the door he said, “We should be thankful to him since he got us in within 24 hours from the referral” and that going forward he wants to see mom on a monthly basis. But again, why in the hell was there no follow-up after they cut off major portions of her foot. That he did not want to discuss, and instead suggested we should see the situation for where we are at present with it.
Thurs, Jan 16, 2025 (9:30am) ID Visit Recap + See Notes Below
The long and short of yesterday afternoon’s visit with the infectious disease department was that the ID team did not want to go heavy on antibiotics, and what they recommended was to run the current course for another 3 days, making it a 10-day treatment plan for antibiotics – along with a referral to the vascular podiatry department.
They felt a longer, more intensive tenure of antibiotics would potentially do more harm than good. Not only that, they were not fully convinced that the bone infection, or perceived infection, was the operative factor in mom’s current issue. They explained that MRI’s are very sensitive – almost too sensitive – and that they did not want to go full throttle on the idea that a bone infection was the main or only problem. To their eyes, mom’s foot is compromised in a few ways, not least of which by lack of perfusion / circulation to the most distal parts of the foot.
So while they were not comfortable going forward with a full course of antibiotics (which they might have done with a 22-year-old), they also could not pinpoint what was the cause of mom’s recent, precipitous decline in mobility. The concern of course is not to fall into the mindset that this is a 95-year-old and things happen at that age and we do not want to rock the boat with aggressive treatment – which is understandable. At the same time, for mom to essentially give-up walking at this stage of her life would create its own set of health risks and problems.
The hope now rests with the vascular podiatry department – we will see if they are able to come up with some type of mechanical solution such as an off-loading shoe, or skin-care techniques (debridement), or who knows what might strike them. The aim is to get in there ASAP, and not wait a month. We will be going back to ID to follow-up with them in a month.
Part of me is relieved that we will not be pursuing a heavy-duty treatment plan of antibiotics, yet, at the same time, there has to be a greater explanation for mom’s sudden decline in mobility which has to be addressed. Hopefully, this quandary can be resolved.
Note 9:55am: I just called the vascular podiatry department and mom’s referral with them is under review, for up to 48 hours. So hopefully they will get back to us today or tomorrow. However, I did confirm with them that this is the same office / department that performed mom’s treatment and amputation back in April of 2021. But this time instead of being under the care of a vascular surgeon and associated nursing team, we will be seen by a podiatrist.
Note 10am: No sooner had I hung up with the general office staff that the scheduling team for the podiatrist called and asked if we could come in today at 1:40. So that is very good. And no, I do not think my call two minutes prior prompted their call. The ID team had an “in” with this podiatrist and they mentioned yesterday how they were “hoping” that they would give high priority to mom’s case. So we are doing there today…
Wed, Jan 15, 2025 (10:15am) BIG Visit with ID
Everything has remind relative smooth around here in that mom has been tolerating the remaining two antibiotics just fine. And today we go see the ID team for a 1:30pm appointment. And there is a lot riding on this visit. For instance:
– Will they want mom treated at home or in the hospital? Though we think it will most likely be at home.
– Will they choose to use a PICC line or oral antibiotics?
– If they want to include Flagyl in the mix then with almost certainty they will have to use a PICC line.
– What will be the length of treatment?
– What will be their telltale signs that the bone infection is gone / cured?
– We would also like to know how much mom should stand / use the foot over the course of treatment.
As things stand now, mom’s movements are very limited. When she gets us she goes to the bathroom for her various “morning” duties, and then she walks halfway down the house to the kitchen table. After 2 hours or so at the kitchen table, she walks the 15 feet over to the black chair. Then she remains in the black chair for hours and hours till the late evening, and then he walks back down to her bathroom to get ready for bed – ann that’s it. This is an absolutely untenable routine, at lease in my mind. But if really the ID team does not want mom putting pressure on her foot then at the very least we have to have her stand up every hour or two while she is down at her black chair. At this point, mom cannot get herself out of the black chair at all. I literally have to lift her out of it. She cannot even get herself forward to the front of the chair. I am not sure if that is all due to her foot or if we are losing lots of strength. That said, sometimes she surprises me and does transfers by herself from the toilet to the shower.
Anyway, all that aside, we have a lot riding on today’s 1:30pm appointment in terms of how mom’s life will be over the next month or two – and beyond. My brother will be on speaker phone throughout the meeting with the ID doctor. Stay tuned….
Mon, Jan 13, 2025 (10:30am) Same Page
Last night’s meal went fine so it seems like the current regimen of antibiotics is being nicely tolerated, and hopefully they are doing their job. I had a bunch of communications with our lovely family doc and she is fully up-to-date and on-board with what’s going on. So now it really seems like we will cruise along “as is” for the next two days until we meet with the ID team on Wednesday.
Sun, Jan 12, 2025 (4:20pm) Smooth Sailing
Since removing the flagyl from the regimen after yesterday morning’s mishap, things have been smooth sailing. Mom ate a big breakfast today and felt just fine – no issues whatsoever. And she did take her two other antibiotics this morning: cipro and doxycycline. So that is quite good news, and solid info we can report to the ID team on Wed. And if we can make it from now until Wed without any nausea / vomiting then that will be a solid win. We’ll take it. While mom may not be the fastest member of the relay team, she is living comfortably at per own pace. Indeed, her day is passing in a very normal fashion.
Sat, Jan 11, 2025 (10:20pm) Playing With Fire
Mom had a fine night of sleeping and was up, showered, and dressed by 11 or so, which is pretty speedy for us. Moreover, given all the antibiotics she’s on she’s doing really well with her bowel movements. So the day started smoothly, but unfortunately that’s as far as the smoothness went. At breakfast, mom has to take 5 antibiotic pills comprised of 3 different antibiotics. So I prepared her thicker type of juice (fresh mango and clementine) and she took all her pills and thereafter brought over one of her favorite breakfasts: an open-faced, breakfast sandwich on homemade sourdough bread (shown below). Breakfast is her favorite meal, and she eats her breakfast much, much faster than she eats her dinner. At first, I could see she was quite happy with it and was arranging it just the way she wanted. When I looked over a little while later I was surprised to see that she had hardly touched her food. It was not long later that all her mango juice came back up; aside: mom did a good job of alerting me each time so we had the trash bin ready. This was our first real episode of the side-effects of the antibiotics. I called my brother, and we sent a message to our primary care doc, and over the course of the early afternoon, my brother decided to take her off one of the stronger antibiotics called flagyl (metronidazole), which is taken 3x per day. This was actually the main back-up / exit plan he and the ID doc and primary care doc had formalized. So we were following protocol. After the vomiting / spitting up episode, mom was drained and had no interest in food or drink. She transferred over to the black recliner and was out for about 3 – 4 hours, sleeping soundly. She woke up in the late afternoon, and I was glad to see her take interest in some nuts and dried fruit, and she drank some water. Then this evening, she ate a big plate of noodles with lots of vegetables, and about halfway through her meal she took one antibiotic (doxycycline) – and seems to have not been affected at all by it. So we will experiment with this new antibiotic regimen going forward, and through this process of hit and miss over the course of the week, we should have some good data / info for the ID clinic when we go in on Wednesday.
Note: At 11pm mom easily walked all the way down to her bathroom to get ready for bed.
Here are those sourdough baguettes we’ve been enjoying this weekend…
And for those who thought icicles never form in NC, well, guess again…
Sat, Jan 11, 2025 (1:55am) At Home, On Antibiotics….For Now
First off, my apologies for not getting an update up sooner – thanks for all those who have touched base privately. Here’s what’s going on and how it happened…
The ID (Infectious Disease) team got back to our primary care doc late on Wednesday and she checked in with us on Thursday. The ID team basically said, “Come on in for an appointment.” So sure enough, we connected and set a date for next Wed afternoon (1/15). Till that time, no need to do anything as they will evaluate mom then. Well, I told that to my brother and, in short, he wasn’t having it. So on Thursday he called the office of the ID team and spoke to one of the main docs. They discussed the case and essentially agreed on the point that taking antibiotics at home for a week prior to the appointment would be beneficial and a good use of the time. But then came the caveat. The ID doctor said that without seeing the patient he was not going to prescribe the antibiotics – moreover, our appointment next week was not with him but with his colleague. So then my brother pointed his arrow in the other direction. He gave me the full report of his phone call with ID doctor and asked if I wanted to call the primary care doc. I told him this was probably his department. After all, our primary care doc had essentially deferred the case to ID, and ID wanted to wait to see the patient, and now we were going to ask our primary care doc to take over again. This was not my lane so I told him to call. He called; she was seeing a patient, but called him a short while later. My brother conveyed the antibiotics regimen that he had discussed with the ID doc, and she was in agreement. So the primary care doc stepped up and put in the prescription, and we picked them up and started taking them Thurs night. There are three different antibiotics that amount to 8 pills a day!!
All that said, these antibiotics are not magic. For bone infections, the course of treatment is weeks – even months. The alternative to pills is an IV (i.e. picc line). The side effects of these antibiotics are notorious, but in the first 30 hours or so mom has not had any issues. Anyway, we will stick with this regimen for a week and then see the ID doc in person and see what he says.
Mom did transfer from the toilet to the shower on her own today (I was in the laundry room), but by the end of the night mom just wanted to sit on the rollator to get from from her chair down to her bedroom. Her movements are slow and limited, and it is hard to see her having any type of big, fast, dramatic turnaround. I am seriously considering putting her gym pass on hold as it feels like we are in this for the long haul.
All that said, mom feels really quite good. She is happy and mostly pain-free. She faces some discomfort, but that is positional, such as when she first stands up after being seated or lying down for a while.
Wed, Jan 8, 2025 (9:50pm) No News
We are still in limbo regarding treatment plans for the bone infection – just waiting to hear their decision.
Mom went to bed last night at 10pm and woke up at 12:30pm – a solid 14.5 hours of sleeping without leaving the bed. Then she spent another 30 minutes relaxing in bed before getting up and showering. And today was a very low impact day for her around the house; mom had a very good appetite and had plenty of time to read and relax. And now she is drifting off to sleep in her black recliner. So she will head down to bed shortly…
Tue, Jan 7, 2025 (9:40pm) Sprint Turned into Marathon
Ok – here is the news: Mom has a bone infection (i.e. osteomyelitis) in two of the toes of her right foot.
Now here is how we got there: Mom did the impossible and got up at 5:55am!! She then did all her bathroom needs got showered and dressed and out the door by 7:45am. And we arrived at the imaging center exactly at 8:15am, just when they wanted us for our 8:30am appointment. They called us back at 8:30am and much to our surprise and amazement they told us they were doing both the hip and the foot, which is what we wanted but on the phone they said they would only be doing one body part, i.e. the foot. So we were off to a great start. The imaging went on for over an hour, and mom and I were back home by 10:30am. It was such a relief to have that all done as I was dreading getting mom ready for that early wake-up etc, and now it was all done. The moment (literally) mom and I walked in the door the imaging center called us, and said they needed us to come back for more imaging. I was stunned and thought that something was really wrong with mom, and I asked if there was a medical problem or if the images were not done properly. And they said the images were not done properly. So here we were – we had done the impossible and now it was all for naught!!
I could not even think about it – I was so disgusted. Mom needed breakfast, and she had a toenail clipping appointment at Fearrington Cares (within our community) at 12:30pm. After I got mom her breakfast, I called back to the imaging center and the tech explained to me what had happened. They actually had all the images of the foot, but needed to redo three of the images of the hip. She said they could get us on the table immediately if we got there between 3pm and 3:30pm. I told them (threatened them) about our afternoon pooping possibilities and they were completed unaffected by that saying that they were very accustomed to that type of thing. That took the pressure off, and I said we would be there. Mom and I again left the house for her toenail cutting with our wonderful, local nurse. By this point, mom was exhausted and was very groggy and dozing in the chair – no harm, no foul. We got back home and she had exactly an hour to relax (i.e. sleep in the black chair) before we again had to head out. When I woke her up to go back for her MRI imaging, I really was not sure if she would make it. But she summoned her energy and we headed out and got there at the right time, and they took us and did the job. They were very apologetic and explained their computer systems had gone down during the first scans in the morning, and indeed I had noticed how their wifi had shut off while I was in the waiting room. Anyway, the job was now done.
We stopped at the Farmers’ market on the way home and got back by 5pm or so. At 5:20pm, our delightful primary care doc called and she was completely shocked when she heard about our MRI drama, and was amazed we were able to get there and back – twice!! Then she told us the news that mom indeed had bone infections in her 2nd and 4th toes. She had consulted with the infectious disease specialist, and that team then requested all of mom’s foot history and scans over the last 4 years. And tomorrow, we expect the decision to be made whether mom has to be treated in the hospital or if it can be done at home. Our primary care doc said that the aim and hope was for her to be treated at home, especially since it is so localized, and mom is otherwise feeling fine. But we will find out the final verdict tomorrow.
So that is where things stand. Mom had a huge dinner this evening and now is ready to go down to her room for bed. The day started out as a sprint and turned into a full-on marathon. And mom held her own throughout!! And now, finally, we may be getting to the root cause of mom’s mobility issues. Apparently, this foot infection is completely unrelated to the UTI, and has probably been brewing for a bit, which is why some weeks back we had to give up the treadmill. My brother says that the ER dropped the ball on this one. A person comes in complaining of mobility issues, and they did not check the foot which has a history of amputation and carries an open wound – a clear-cut miss by the ER team. Fortunately, through a variety of circumstances and communications we kept the point alive and arrived at the place to get an MRI of the foot, and finally a diagnosis. It will be really great if mom truly does regain her mobility when this infection is put to rest. Let’s see what tomorrow brings!!
Mon, Jan 6, 2025 (11pm) MRI Eve
We will be getting up at 5:30 in order to get mom onsite for her MRI arrival time of 8:15am. The thing is if we are late or miss the appointment then we will not be able to get put on the calendar until mid-February. So our whole day today was geared towards being ready for tomorrow. Mom got out of bed shortly before 1pm, and she was just around the house all day. We had one hiccup which set us back a bit. But even so mom was in bed by 10pm, which is a near record for us. Hopefully, mom is somewhat responsive at 5:30am and can move ok. Even if she gets out of bed at 6am we should be able to make it on time. We need to be in the car and driving by 7:45am so that is it not a rush.
We did get the bacterial culture lab results today, but our primary care doc wanted to wait until after tomorrow’s MRI before settling on a course of action / treatment. So we got a lot riding on tomorrow. Is it something or nothing? And, most importantly, is this the key to mom getting her mobility back, or are we in our new normal?
Sun, Jan 5, 2025 (9:50pm) Bacterial Infection
Today, mom slept in until 1:30pm or so, and when she got up and sat on the edge of her bed she refused to stand up saying that her right leg / foot would not support her. This went on for about 45 minutes or so. During that period I called my sister, and she suggested advil. So mom had some peanut butter bread seated in bed and then took an advil with some water. Not sure if it was the PB or the advil, or just time itself, but shortly thereafter we made it to the toilet and ultimately showered in a fairly routine manner. Sometimes it happens when mom gets up from her kitchen chair also that she will take a long time before she will walk. Whatever may be, things normalized after that very dicey start to the day. But clearly her right foot / leg is in the forefront of her mind.
Then at 3:30pm, a very unexpected message arrived – mom and I were still finishing up her morning routine in the bathroom. It was mom’s primary care physician stating that the swab culture she took of mom’s foot on Thursday had come back positive for a bacterial infection. We will get more of the details tomorrow. But the Dr was very glad that we had an MRI set up for the foot on Tuesday, and she furthermore told that she would send us to the wound care clinic. The days of the UTI seem behind us, and mom’s walking has not improved. So in one sense this is a relief that there is a chance that if we can clear up this foot infection that mom will regain her mobility. But I suppose that is jumping the gun a bit. Our Dr ordered antibiotics for the foot, and then on Tuesday we will go super early (I really hope we can make it and we do not have an episode like today where mom refuses to walk on it) and go for our MRI. Tomorrow, I will pick-up a wheelchair to ensure we can get there by hook or by crook on Tuesday.
So that has been our exciting Sunday. Beyond that it was just the usual weekend: about 10 loads of laundry(!!), two remarkable makes of afternoon toileting, plenty of fresh food to eat, and tending to our other existential needs. Really, just doing the basics takes up her entire day!! Through it all, she is quite happy and ready for the next move. But it was a very demanding, laborious, and work-heavy weekend in and around the house.
Fri, Jan 3, 2025 (10:20pm) Near-Herculean Effort
With a big push, perseverance, and some football-style coaching, yesterday (Thurs, 1/2) mom arrived for her 9:20 doctor’s appointment at 9:16!! And the appointment went well. The aim was to look at mom’s wound on her foot and see why her walking has been so hampered of late. And it is hampered – proof being that after one of the nurses watched us walk through the various hallways to get to the patient evaluation room, and she refused to let mom walk out and insisted on us using a wheelchair. The appointment itself went well – the wound did not look infected, and the main change was based on my brother’s suggestion that we switch next Tuesdays MRI exam from an MRI of the hip to an MRI of the foot. Everyone was on board with that. In fact, we tried to get the imaging center to do both on one day but the time slot we got was only enough for one body part. So the foot it is.
After mom’s early 7:30am wake-up (about 4 – 6 hours earlier than usual) mom did come home, eat breakfast, and take a solid 3-hour afternoon power snooze in bed. That was all yesterday, and today (Fri, 1/3) has been fine. We had some visitors in the afternoon. Other than her very slow walking, mom presents as a vibrant, happy person who looks good and feels well. But until this walking thing is resolved there is no question of getting to the gym or walking outside. Oh, and as for the UTI, it seems like we are treating that as cured and a thing of the past. I asked the doctor if a follow-up UA was needed, and she said that is only done if symptoms present.
Thanks to all who sent holiday cards – we keep them up for weeks and mom reads them again and again….
Thurs, Jan 2, 2025 (1am) Starting Off on the Right Foot
New Years’s Day was spent dealing with the fundamentals of life: eating, bathing, cleaning etc. While mom is medically very stable, and her spirits are good, we are just quite grounded in how we pass our days. Doing the bare essentials takes all our time. It really seems like the right foot is the root cause of our problems. And, hopefully, we can get some answers to that soon. We have a Dr’s appt in the morning, yet mom went to bed after midnight, and will have to rise early tomorrow. Hopefully that wake-up goes smoothly….Stay tuned for how our Dr’s visit goes…
Tue, Dec 31, 2024 (11:15pm) Happy New Year!!
As 2024 winds down in these next 45 minutes, we are in fairly good shape, but still have a few things to work out. Yesterday, (Mon, 12/30), the day began with some texts with our wonderful primary care doc and two things emerged from that exchange. Her first move was to get us set-up with an MRI of the right hip which we will do next Tues (1/7); and, when I sent her photos of mom’s foot she called us in to her office. We are going this Thursday (1/2). Now the trick is that both of these appointments are set for times way earlier than mom wakes up. So it is going to be a challenge. We start with the easier one as a warm-up. The primary care office is about 5 – 7 minutes from our house and that appointment is for 9:20am with a requested arrival as 9:05am. The following Tuesday the MRI imaging location is about 20 minutes from our house, and the appointment is at 8:30 with a requested arrival time of 8:15am. Mom will have to get up about 4 – 6 hours earlier than usual in order to make it to the appointment on time!! The whole goal is to investigate why mom’s walking has become so diminished. Hopefully, we will get some answers. All else is fine – mom is eating well, and she looks and feels good. We are just not moving a whole heck of a lot.
Note: It is now 11:40pm and mom just informed me that she is going to stay up till midnight!!
Sun, Dec 29, 2024 (1:20pm) To Stand or Not to Stand
When mom completed her shower routine on Friday morning (12/27), she calmly stated, “The thought of standing up isn’t bewitching.” Yes, that’s right, her two sons had no idea what she was saying. So I asked mom what bewitching meant and she said, “Wonderful.” Naturally, I googled it right away and sure enough that answer came up as “delightful”. So I have decided to sign-up for an SAT prep course starting tomorrow!
All kidding aside, that morning I did push mom down for breakfast as she sat on her rollator. Then I messaged mom’s primary care doc to get her thoughts and see if further imaging was needed of her hips. Later that day, mom walked back and forth from the kitchen area to her bathroom twice, though in a halting manner, with a bit of a limp or drag of one leg. And verily, the last few days have been more of the same, “Is there a hip problem or not?” Mom does not complain about it, but if you ask her what hinder her in walking then she will identify her hips. More than likely, we will end up getting further imaging of her hips to know, hopefully conclusively, if there is anything there or not.
Basically, mom contemplates a fair bit before getting up to stand. That said, when she wants to she can definitely do it. I had to step out yesterday for a quick errand or two and when I got back mom was out of her chair and using the small bathroom (that I use) that is devoid of all of the safety features (yikes!!). But she had navigated her rollator in there and got herself on that seat and that is where I found her. I rarely leave her alone in the house, usually weeks go by (aside from my late night or early evening runs), and I always try to ensure she is in a comfortable spot so she will not need to move. Obviously, this strategy needs to be reconsidered. A number of neighbors have voluntarily told me that they would gladly sit with mom if I ever need to step out for a short spell. To be continued…
The other test we probably need to schedule is a follow-up UA to ensure the UTI is completely gone.
All that said, mom has been feeling well and thinks everything is going just fine – no problems at all. And she is basically quite content and happy…
Here is how are are using our fresh butter beans from the summer that we have stocked up in the freezer. We washed and blanched them and put them in the freezer for easy use all winter long.
Thurs, Dec 26, 2024 (10:30am) UTI Treatment Complete (Almost)
Today, after mom gets up and showered etc and comes down for breakfast, she will take her 14th and final capsule of her antibiotic treatment. And then we shall wait and hope the recovery continues.
On Tues night (12/24) late, as mom was going down to her room for bed, I asked her what is it that keeps her from walking more smoothly / swiftly. I was guessing and asking if it was her foot. And then she said that it was both of her hips. Now, the ER took hip x-rays and they came back negative. So I am hoping that whatever pain and difficulty she feels in her hips will gradually diminish. In an older, adult female, a UTI seems to be like a loose canon in the body that wreaks havoc in all sorts of ways. Hopefully, her slow movements are an off-shoot of that.
If I compare with the night we brought her back from the ER, essentially or exactly 1 week ago, mom has made considerable progress, and if we can get that same grade of progress over the next week or two, we will be in quite good shape. Maybe by early in the New Year this will all be behind us. Other than her slowed mobility, mom is doing just fine, and attending to her normal routine, save for the fact that we are not exercising at all. But her sleeping, eating, and reading patterns are all very normal, just like before.
Tue, Dec 24, 2024 (9pm) Foot Problems?
Both yesterday (Mon, 12/23) and today (Tue, 12/24) mom cruised through the day without needing a major power snooze. She took her catnap here and there, dozing for a few minutes, but never a long, gone-goodbye crash. Last night at the end of the evening, mom demonstrated pretty good power getting up out of her e-z chair.
At this point, mom is most of the way through her antibiotics regimen, 3 pills left out of 14. So two tomorrow and one on Thursday morning. She does seem to be through all of the UTI issues, which leaves me a bit concerned because her walking is outrageously slow. She is very cautious moving her feet, and her right way is extremely sensitive these days. The wound on the tip of her 2nd “toe” comes and goes, and today for the first time we soaked it in epsom salt, the idea coming from my sister (nurse) who got it from an off-the-grid type of aunty (nurse) in the hills of Vermont. So we tried that today.
I guess the main question is her hesitancy in putting one foot in front of the other somehow related with the UTI, or is it a different issue entirely. Now, when I got her back from the ER she was hardly walking at all so, in that sense, there has been solid progress. I guess we will just have to see. Aside, from that mom is eating well and enjoying the various holiday cards that have been rolling in – thank you!
Sun, Dec 22, 2024 (11:30pm) Slow Sunday
Mom is slowly recalibrating back to her normal rhythms, but I do wonder if really her speed and strength will pick back up. Her right foot is very tender, and she moves very cautiously on it. It is hard to think that is also UTI related. I suppose we will just have to wait and see.
Mom’s Saturday friends came for their weekly visit today, and they brought family members with them. Mom enjoyed the visit. Beyond that, mom was mostly in her black chair and taking it easy. She’s feeling ready good about things!!
Sat, Dec 21, 2024 (11:45pm) “I’m excellent”
“I’m excellent” – those were the last words mom spoke as she got under the covers to go to sleep tonight. I think those words more reflect her complete joy to be in bed than her assessment of her overall condition. But maybe not, because she feels that she is doing very well. And that goes a long way in any recovery.
Right now, we are a slow-moving train, but mom is stable and more or less gets where she needs to be. She did eat a solid dinner this evening, and she did not have to get in bed and take a nap today. She did snooze in her black chair in the afternoon, but she never got so overwhelmed by fatigue that she felt the bed was the only place she could be.
Overall, I’d day she was stronger today than yesterday. Let’s see what tomorrow brings….
Fri, Dec 20, 2024 (5:00pm) Jumping the Gun
It may be a little premature to say that mom has returned to health. She slept into the late morning and was a bit unsteady and needed a little more assistance when doing her bathroom duties and showering today. She did walk down for breakfast, albeit very slowly and gingerly as her right foot is clearly bothering her – the “toes” are extremely sensitive. She did eat her entire fruit plate of one banana, mandarin orange & apple pieces, and a variety of nuts. And then she went over to the black chair for a modest snooze, and was then watching TV. She had some coconut milk yogurt and cookies as a snack, and despite our very slow pace she made it accident-free all the way down to the bathroom. After that, she felt extremely tired and wanted to go to bed – we talked about it for a while, but she said she felt weak and thought being in bed was the safest option. So at 4:40pm she went to bed. I took her temperature and she did not have a fever, but obviously the bed seemed very enticing to her. Clearly, she is not over this UTI thing despite being on the antibiotics (morning and evening). So we will just take it slowly.
Note: Mom slept for 2.5 hours (4:40pm to about 7:15pm) and then got up and came down for dinner. Also, I just learned from my sister that it is not at all uncommon for antibiotics to make the patient feel tired, fatigued, and sleepy.
Thurs, Dec 19, 2024 (11:40pm) Almost Back to Normal
Mom had a lengthy, well-deserved nap in the black chair for much of the afternoon, and she remained there all evening. She ate a large dinner along with dessert. So we just let her rest up and eat. But she was very capable at the end of the evening in terms of getting herself down to the bathroom, doing all her duties, and getting into bed. She clearly had strength and is feeling much better. Most of her recovery is already done, and hopefully she will get stronger and stronger. The thing is who knows how long that UTI has been depleting her system, which may account for why she was struggling on the treadmill the last few weeks until we gave it up altogether. So let’s see where this all leads, but in the last 24 hours mom has had a remarkable turnaround.
Thurs, Dec 19, 2024 (1:20pm) Getting Settled at Home
Surprisingly, after the super-long day yesterday, mom got up at the “early hour” of 10:40am and wanted to get out of bed and shower. So we stood her up (with some effort) and then with some engineering sat her down on the rollator and rolled her into the bathroom. Then again we did a transfer to the toiler where she did her business. Then we used the bars to get from the toilet to the shower seat. All the the moves demanded careful coordination and a good bit of assistance. Mom had a nice shower, and to my amazement, did a solid job of powering herself over to her chair just outside the shower to dry off – the strength in her legs to keep her up was evident. She sat in that chair while she got all dry and dressed – at a very comfortable and relaxed pace. And then once dressed, she walked herself down to the kitchen with the rollator!! So that was a big, unexpected bundle of progress!!
Mom ate a solid breakfast: banana with peanut butter, diced apple, and mandarin orange. And now she is snoozing in her black, reclining chair. She was fatigued after breakfast so we sat her in the rollator and transferred her to the black chair.
Clearly, the antibiotics are active in fighting off the infection, and helping mom gain strength and recover. The results from the urine analysis arrived this morning, and after getting a good rundown of the results from my sister the nurse, this is a clear-cut case of a UTI as there was nitrite and lots of evidence of white blood cells as well as bacteria. So the ER visit was indeed needed, and they seemed to have identified and treated the problem!!
Thurs, Dec 19, 2024 (3:10am) Home Sweet Home
We got back by 2:45am. It was very generous of them to give mom a pass on that standing / walking test. I think they wanted the ER cleared out as there were no beds in the main hospital, and they saw I was eager and willing to take her. Whatever may be, we’ll take it. We rolled mom down on the rollator and scooped her right into bed. And she was certainly pleased to be in her own bed, under her own blankets.
She was a real trooper throughout, including watching the road like a hawk on the way home, reading out the signs and keeping a close eye, checking to see we had enough gas etc. So she was 1000% assertive from beginning to end.
Hopefully, in the next few days, she regains her mobility.
Thurs, Dec 19, 2024 (1:40am) ER Visit (cont) – Discharge Time!!
Mom sufficiently demonstrated that she could stand with assistance, and they are getting her discharge paperwork together so we can go home. Mom has been talking about going home and getting warm all night. And now it is going to happen!!
Thurs, Dec 19, 2024 (12:20am) ER Visit (cont) – UTI
The last two tests they did were to check for a UTI and perform a scan of the head. And the doctor just came to us and said mom tested positive for a urinary tract infection, probably due to all the incontinence she has at night and the build-up of bacteria etc. So they are giving her antibiotics for that now, along with a prescription for a 7-day course of treatment, and then they will check / test mom’s ability to stand. Assuming that goes ok, we should be able to go home. But that is a big IF. If she cannot stand properly, they may do more imaging on her hip. But hopefully, the weakness caused by the UTI – along with her diminished appetite – is the root issue. Mom’s appetite did pick-up here in the ER – and fortunately we had food for her. So maybe she will have the strength to pass the standing test.
Wed, Dec 18, 2024 (9:20pm) ER Visit (cont)
This place is totally packed with people lined up in stretchers all down the hallways, and most are seated in simple chairs packed together. Mom (and I) are fortunate as we have our own private room in the ER!! That way it is quiet, she is comfortable, and we can easily charge all our devices. Two nurses came in just now, and one of them was completely enamored with mom’s smile, and she said, “Oh my goodness, I have had such a hectic day, and it is so nice to see your bright smile! What a beautiful smile.” Then the nurse turned to me and said, “Is she always like this?” and I replied, “All day long!!”
Just now they put in a PureWick so we do not have to worry about the urine anymore and we can keep her nice and clean.
Wed, Dec 18, 2024 (8pm) ER Visit
Right now, mom is doing just fine and passing all her tests with flying colors. We still have a few more to go….let’s see….
When mom woke up today, around 11 am or so, there was no clear improvement from yesterday — still very little energy or strength to mobilize herself. I called our primary care clinic, and they put me on with a nurse who did a 25-minute interview with me about mom’s condition / history. At the end, her conclusion was that mom should go to the ER and get a workup. We were really try to find some other avenue, but with mom’s limited mobility they did not see any other options.
So again we called 911 (uggh!!), but I told them upfront that we were not in any type of life-threatening emergency. Once they came onsite, mom interviewed them (asking them their ages etc!!) as much as they interviewed her / us. Anyway, they whisked her away in the ambulance, and I soon followed in my car after packing up some food and supplies for us. When I got to the ER, mom was sitting there in the waiting room, and she seemed alert and comfortable. They warned us that it would be a long wait, but things have gone much faster than I anticipated. We did have to wait in that dirty waiting room for a little while (maybe an hour or two), but once we got called back things have been rolling right along, and everyone has been great and well-coordinated.
Thus far, all the test results have been good. Her hip scan was negative; her EKG was fine; the blood work looks good; and, her chest x-ray came back perfectly clear of all respiratory illnesses and infections. And the doctor has been by to see us twice. So now we are just waiting to do a head scan and a urine test.
So it looks like we will able to go home soon (I hope!!). When we first got here part of me was wondering if we had made the right choice to come, but I think now that really there was no other way. We had to know what we were dealing with, or at least be able to eliminate certain things. Hopefully, in the next day or so mom will regain her normal strength and vigor, and be able to manage well.
Mom has been in great spirits the whole way through!! And, while sadly, so many in the ER waiting room and even in the rooms were eating the worst of the junk foods and fried fast food, mom has been plowing through bananas, apples, and nuts. At first she was not very hungry, but now she is really eating them down. So that is a very good sign, considering yesterday she had no appetite. We are down to our last apple (and lots of nuts) now at 8:30pm so part of me wishes I had brought more food. It is hard to fathom what condition we would be in without our own food as we have not been offered a single bite the whole time, and the 911 transport crew from the house advised her not to eat or drink anything before getting on board.
Wed, Dec 18, 2024 (1:45am) Another 911 Call
Had another situation where we called 911 today, though it took hours to come to this decision, and once again — just like on 9/30/24 — we kept mom at home and did not take the ambulance ride to the ER.
(Aside: If you do not take the Ambulance to the hospital then Medicare does not cover the paramedics’ visit to the house. But it is not nearly as costly as one would think; it must get subsidized somehow. For the Sep call we were billed $250, and got a 25% discount and had to pay $187, which could not nearly cover the cost of 4 first responders and the various tests they do. Just an FYI.)
Mom woke up around (Tues, 12/17) at 1p / 1:30p, and I could see that she was very weak, and she stated she had pain in her hip. The way she was lying in bed and was all twisted it looked like she could not move her legs. I touched her feet, and she could feel my touch. With some effort, we got mom out of bed, into the bathroom, and fully showered. But she needed more help and support in getting showered. It was a much more tenuous ordeal to get in and out of the shower. She could hardly stand up on her own, and she seemed depleted of all her energy. We got dressed, and I helped her to her feet, and she was able to slowly make her way to the kitchen for breakfast. She only ate a fraction of her breakfast.
From the time mom was in the bathroom to after she finished breakfast, over the course of hours, I was on the phone with my sister (a nurse) and we were going over mom’s condition. Here vitals were ok, though her heart rate was 95 which is high for her, and as best I could judge her respiratory rate was around 30+. Her BP was fine (125/70) as was her temp (97.8). Mom just seemed so lethargic and weak, so I called Urgent Care and spoke to the front desk and nurse, and they felt they would not be able to do much for her. I told them that I was not going to take her to the ER and that I would monitor her at home. And they seemed to approve of that plan.
My sister and I continued to communicate back and forth, sometimes mom would get on the phone and sound strong and said she was ok, but at some point mom really seemed to get glassy-eyed and out of it. And I decided to call 911. Just about the entire time I was on the phone with the 911 operator, mom was dropping her head and her eyes were shutting. It really seemed like she was losing consciousness. I kept talking to her, and the paramedics seemed to be taking longer to arrive than on 9/30. Like on that day, I thought mom might be dying. The team arrived, and mom perked up, though her energy level was still extremely low, but at least she was not fading in and out of consciousness.
(Here it should be noted that mom was not aware I had called or was on the phone with 911, even though I was sitting right there with her and coaching her while talking to dispatch. So this is not like some type of attention-grabbing ordeal where mom gets better when the team arrives. Mom is the last person to call 911 – she well proved that back in Oct 2020 when she sat at home alone for an entire weekend with moderate to severe respiratory distress – only to have emergency open-heart surgery that Monday evening. And she stood firm the whole time there was no need to call 911, yet when she showed up at the UNC respiratory clinic, they took one look at her and wanted no part of it, and THEY called the ambulance and sent her to the ER.)
The paramedics did a full set of vitals, and they commented (and were amazed) at how everything was just about perfect: BP 115 / 65, pulse 79 and coming down to her regular level, and respirations and temp were quite normal. They could not find anything awry. They asked me if I could prepare a full list of the meds she was on, and they were stunned to hear she was not on any meds, save for her tiny dose of Eliquis. They hung around a bit, and we all watched as mom (with help) was able to get on her feet and slowly go over to the black chair. It seemed like a no-brainer to keep her home, and the paramedics left. Mom then slept for a few hours in the black chair, and then ate a small amount for dinner. At around 9:45pm, I got her up and seated on the rollator (we never do this, she always walks) and went to the bathroom to get cleaned up and ready for bed. I really was not sure how we would be able to manage this, but mom was able to summon the strength to stand up when needed in order to get changed, and then she was able to push the rollator from the bathroom to the bed. And she was all too happy to get in bed, and said she was ok. She has been sleeping well thus far, and we will see how she is in the morning.
All that said, mom did get to gym on Mon (12/16) and did this workout:
20 industrial steps up
2 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
Nu-Step (Level 4) – 13 min 14 sec – 500 steps
Balance Work: Alternate Leg Standing
Sun, Dec 15, 2024 (10:15pm) Joyous Weekend
Mom was around the house all weekend from Friday to Sunday visiting with friends, reading the newspaper, and engaging in a big Zoom gathering with family from around the country. All in all, she is doing very well, and we hope to get some good gym days in this week!!
Fri, Dec 13, 2024 (12:15pm) Gym Update
Well, we broke our spell and were able to get to the gym yesterday, Thurs (12/12). We needed to get at least a short session in. Mom got on the treadmill, and as has been the case of late, her right foot bothered her and she was half limping. She seems to have residual nerve pain that has again cropped up from her amputation surgery. She struggled through 5 minutes on the treadmill so we pulled the plug on it and transferred over to the Nu-Step machine where she put up these numbers:
Nu-Step (Level 4) – 13 min 06 sec – 574 steps
Thereafter, we went over to one of the gym stations where mom can hold onto some grips, and she did 15 step-ups. And we will probably aim to do more of these types of balance and stepping exercises as it seems her ability to comfortably do the treadmill is slipping away from us.
At present, mom is relaxing in bed but will be getting up soon to shower. Though she told me she could not shower today because she only has one leg. But I reminded her that she does indeed have two legs and she will be fine to shower.
Thurs, Dec 12, 2024 (8:45am) Not Much to Report
Can’t say there is much to report…at present mom is still sleeping as it is still early for her. Yesterday, (Wed 12/11), she slept into the early afternoon, which is highly unusual for her these days. I do not think she made it down for breakfast until 3pm or so. She must have really needed the rest because when I tried to get her up in the late morning she was could not even get her eyes open…just completely overcome by sleep. Both Mon (12/9) and Tue (12/10) were washouts in that our main event was basically cancelled due to accidents. Just when we were all set to go to the gym on Monday, we had an accident, and then same on Tuesday with the farmers’ market. With all of the nothing to report, mom could not be happier and she is eating well. Her basic outlook is, “Everything is going great.”
Sat, Dec 8, 2024 (9pm) All is Well
Thankfully, the weird incident we had on Fri (12/6) at 11p did not repeat itself; rather, at 11p on Sat (12/7) mom was the essence of vigor and readiness, and easily handled her nighttime pre-sleep routine. Today (Sun, 12/8) mom enjoyed a casual day around the house – reading, eating, doing a few indoor laps, and having a leisurely Sunday!!
Sat, Dec 7, 2024 (6pm) Cold Snap
It has been one of the colder weeks for us as we woke up to a 20 degree morning today. It did warm up to the 40’s, and mom did get out for a walk today until she decided that she had had enough fresh air.
If you wish to see the video version, here it is….
Last night (Fri, 12/6), we had a bit of a scare. At 11p, mom had very little energy to get out of her chair to go down to her room to get ready for bed, but she made it there. She sat on the toilet for a while, which is very unlike her as she is usually very speedy, and then we transferred her to a regular chair where she broke out into a sweat, followed by spitting up, followed by the chills. She was alert and oriented, and she was remarkably clear at assessing her own condition. Her vitals were good (123 / 69 with a pulse of 65) so although we were concerned, we felt she was probably ok. And she felt she was ok too. She went to bed at midnight, and woke up just fine today. So who know what was going on.
Mom was around the house on Friday, but on Thursday (12/5), we did get to the gym:
.11 miles total on treadmill (5 min 17 sec)
Nu-Step (10 min 07 sec, 450 steps, level 3)
20 industrial steps up
2 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
As you can see above, mom did not do much on the treadmill so we did some work on the Nu-Step machine. Lately, mom has been complaining of nerve pain / discomfort in her right foot while on the treadmill. So it may be that we skip that for a while, and instead focus on doing more laps around the track.
On both Tue (12/3) and Wed (12/4), mom was around the house as they were quite chilly days.
We did get to the gym on Mon (12/2), although it was not one of our better outings.
.28 miles total on treadmill (13 min 20 sec)
20 industrial steps up
1/2 lap around the track
20 industrial steps down
Once again, mom was complaining of nerve pain in her right foot while on the treadmill so get got off it and went up to the track where mom promptly had an accident so we made a quiet exit and went home.
When mom was served the below meal, she said, “Now, that’s a dinner!” Our local farmers’ market has a grand variety of potatoes of all colors.
Sun, Dec 1, 2024 (10:30pm) Sheltering in Place
With the cooler temps settling in on us, mom was a homebody the last few days. Her Saturday friends stopped by for a visit as per usual, and mom always enjoys their company. Other than that, mom has just been doing her normal things around the house, and we have big hopes of getting to the gym 2 or 3 days this week!!
Fri, Nov 29, 2024 (12:45pm) Great Holiday Week
Mom is sleeping in today after getting to bed a bit late last night, but she had a fine holiday yesterday and a great week on the whole….one of the main things is that we have basically been accident-free all week. And that is always good – we needed to check the cycle that we had been in.
Yesterday, (Thurs, Nov 28), mom was in the house all day for a fine, quiet holiday – and she really did a lot of different types of newspaper puzzles (numbers, crosswords, mazes etc) that I had not seen her do for such an extended period. Beyond that, we spent the day together and mom enjoyed the carrot / apple cake that we made. It was our first time making it, and we might do it again with perhaps a few design changes.
On Wed (Nov 27), mom had a great outing at the gym:
.45 miles total on treadmill (20 min 00 sec) // .25 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
2 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
On Tuesday (11/26), mom was around the house most of the day – it is a busy day for us with the Farmers’ market.
On Mon (11/25), we had our annual cardiology visit. They are the ones that initially prescribed the Eliquis for mom after her PE back in 2022 so we just have to check in with them each year. And, truly speaking, they really do not do much other than take vitals and talk to us for a few minutes. They did do an EKG, and that came out just fine. I asked if next year we could do a tele-health visit instead – thinking that they probably needed to physically see her – and to my surprise they readily agreed to it. So next November we should be able to skip the trip and do a short check-in from home instead.
Sun, Nov 24, 2024 (8:30pm) Casual Sunday
Mostly a relaxing Sunday for mom. Slept in till 11:30, had her usual morning shower, and had another round of pomegranate and mandarin oranges to start the day, and the weather was mild enough where mom was able to spend some time on the front porch watching the day go by. Other than that mom passed the time reading and watching TV. We did have to have a half-shower today in the mid-afternoon, and this needs to be addressed in some way. Tomorrow we have a routine / annual cardiology appointment in the mid-afternoon so mom will be having sweet potatoes for breakfast in hopes that we can avoid any mid-afternoon accidents. Beyond this issue, everything is smooth sailing so if we can get a handle on this we will be in the clear.
Sat, Nov 23, 2024 (6:35pm) Bumpy Ride
We’ve had a bit of a bumpy week due to a persistent issue – other than that things have been great….Have a look…
Today, (Sat, 6/23), mom was up, showered, dressed and ready for breakfast shortly after noon. She started with a pomegranate / mandarin orange bowl (pictured below), and followed that up with a heart slice of cranberry-raisin-walnut bread. But by 3:30pm, mom needed a half-shower and we just got into her pajamas for a cozy afternoon.
Similarly, we got to the gym (Fri, 6/22) and mom did the following workout:
.26 miles total on treadmill (11 min 56 sec)
20 industrial steps up
1 lap around the track
20 industrial steps down
…And when we got back from the gym mom needed a half-shower and we changed into her pajamas.
On Thurs (6/21), we had our big 4:30pm appointment at Cosco to get set-up with a hearing test and new set of hearing aids. We did all the prep needed at home including two bathroom trips and headed out early enough to get to our anticipated appointment by 4:15pm. So far, so great. Then at about 4:27pm mom said she needed to use the restroom. Within seconds, it was already too late. We had to bail on the hearing aid appointment, and instead did some shopping for some fresh fruit, and then headed home for a half-shower and change into the ol’ pajama routine.
On Wed (6/20), we were all set to go to the gym, but mom needed to use the restroom, which she did perfectly, but then was buckled over by stomach cramps. I called my brother and took mom’s vitals, and we determined that she was probably ok. Here it should be added that mom got on the phone and gave a very logical and rational assessment of what she thought was wrong. In the end, we bailed on our gym endeavour, and mom was in bed that evening at 7p (no dinner!) and slept till 9a the next morning and woke up feeling fine.
On Tue (6/19), mom was around the house all day, and by and large things were quite normal.
On Mon (6/18), mom had an afternoon dental appointment. Fortunately, we had no accidents, and the appointment went quite well. The dentist saw nothing of any concern, while the hygienist really did a great job of cleaning, even doing what seemed like a deep scaling. The outcome was that mom needs help flossing the back teeth and brushing along the insides of all of the teeth. So that is something we are going to try and proactively address.
Sun, Nov 17, 2024 (11:20pm) Quiet Weekend
Mom spent much of the afternoon on the front porch watching the world go by, and she was joined here and there by a passer-by. Yesterday (Sat, 11/18), mom’s friends came over for their regular Saturday visit, and mom spent (Fri, 11/15) around the house. So a very quite yet comfortable weekend.
Thurs, Nov 14, 2024 (7:20pm) We’re Back
Pardon the absence…let’s get caught up a bit…
We went to the gym today (Thurs, 11/4), but mom said she had discomfort and pain in the 4th toe on her right foot. We did .08 miles on the treadmill and then bailed to adjust her foot and sock. That did not help us much because when we got back on the treadmill, mom shut it down almost immediately. We did make the 20-step climb to the track and did two laps, though mom was a bit shaky. When I asked if she wanted to do a third lap, she began listing all the various things she would have to do to get to the car so she was pretty much planning her exit. So we left. She was happy and well – the foot was just not cooperating. As I write this, it dawns on me that we should have done the Nu-Step machine where she can sit and do some leg work.
Yesterday (Wed, 11/13), we also went to the gym, and she also complained of foot pain, but we were able to do our workout:
.40 miles total on treadmill (17 min 14 sec)
20 industrial steps up
2 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
And we also got to the gym on Monday (11/11):
.35 miles total on treadmill (15 min 02 sec) // .25 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
2 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
On Tuesday (11/12), mom and I were mostly around the house.
GREAT FAMILY VISIT: Thurs 11/7 morning to Mon 11/11 afternoon:
We had a great visit with family for the long weekend. My oldest brother, his wife, and one of my sisters were in for visit. We shared many meals together, and got outside a bit as the days were quite lovely. On Thurs (11/7), we all walked to the gazebo and hung out for a bit, and on Fri (11/8) they all participated in the alley meeting. And during the weekend, there was lots of time to talk, catch-up, cook, eat, and swap stories. They thought mom looked really great, and it was just a wonderful visit.
From Mon (11/4) to Wed (11/6), mom and I were just around the house getting ready for the family visit, getting projects done, and sitting on the front porch.
Somewhere along the line over the past week or so we also came to realize that mom and I totally photobombed Google. If you look at 38 Caswell (Pittsboro, NC) on “Street View” (or click on the below image) you will see this:
Each Street View photo is dated, and this one is from June 2024 – quite recent!! In contrast, the Street View image of our MD house is from 2008. So mom and I have been immortalized on Google!!
Sun, Nov 3, 2024 (8:50pm) Glorious Weather
The amazing weather has been continuing these past few days. On Halloween evening 10/31, mom and I walked to the gazebo, and we saw folks arriving in costume for a Halloween party and mom took their presence very, very seriously. She treated them as suspicious characters and had me keep an eye on them!!
On Friday (11/1), mom was mostly around the house, and on Sat (11/2) we got out for a walk a bit late in the day and she felt a touch cool so we headed back early – but at least she got outside for 25 minutes or so. Today, (Sun, 11/3), mom spent some quality time on the front porch with the sun on her face, and many passers-by sat down and chatted with her.
Thurs, Oct 31, 2024 (10:00am) Happy Halloween!!
It has been quite warm of late, reaching 80 yesterday (Wed, 10/30), and mom and I walked over to the gazebo accompanied by one of our neighbors.
On Tue (10/29), mom was around the house most of the day. And at present, mom remains under the covers, and we shall see what we do on this day of Halloween!!
Mon, Oct 28, 2024 (9:25pm) Great Workout
Mom put in a strong effort today at the gym in the early evening:
.62 miles total on treadmill (25 min 15 sec) // .37 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
2 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
She was pretty ambivalent about going, but once we got there she was strictly business!! We haven’t hit .62 miles on the treadmill in quite a while!!
Sun, Oct 27, 2024 (7:15pm) Productivity – Not So Much
Well, the last few days have been fine, but a few hiccups have kept us from getting out or getting to the gym. On Thurs (10/24) afternoon, we had a bathroom situation which kept us homebound, then on Friday (10/25) I had a bit of a computer meltdown, and then the weekend (10/26 & 10/27) came and went with mom sleeping past noon both days, and then hanging around the house most of the afternoon. So not quite as productive as the beginning of the week. That said, we are fine and well, and let’s see what the coming week brings!!
This did come out of the oven on Friday….
Thurs, Oct 24, 2024 (12:45pm) Productivity
As I write this, mom is still sleeping – an odd thing to admit since the title of this entry is “Productivity”. But mom went to be late last night – i.e. 1:30am – and getting ample sleep is being productive. That said, I will get her up when I finish this entry.
Lately, when we have been going out for walks it has been difficult to actually get anywhere. Mostly mom walks a few steps this way and that way and we do not get very far. And that is how it started on Mon (10/21) as well, but ultimately we made a push for it and walked from the garage and up the alley and around to the front door. So that was a positive outcome – and hence very productive.
On Tues (10/24), we went to Fearrington Cares for our podiatry appointment, in the wake of our awful 10/10/24 podiatry experience. So this new appointment was a big, big deal and it could not have gone better. Fearrington Cares is right next to the pool – as well as the newly implemented compost dropoff – so it is about a 2 minute drive, maybe less. The woman who comes is not an actual podiatrist, but a pedicurist who has since gotten her nursing degree, plus she has ten years of experience working as an assistant in a podiatry office. And now she comes to our area a few times a week. I had no idea if she could manage mom’s toes or not, but it was a piece of cake for her, and her overall demeanor and manner were so wonderful. This was a big boon. Now, we can stand by our vow to never return to that old podiatry office, and instead frequent this new pathway whenever it is needed. There is not a long line for appointments – and she only charged us $20 since mom just has the one foot that has toenails. The situation could not have been better or gone more smoothly.
Yesterday (Wed, 10/23), mom went to the gym and did this workout:
.40 miles total on treadmill (17 min 19 sec) // .18 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
2 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
Mom was keen to get off the treadmill, but I think that is mostly due to boredom. As soon as we start then she starts looking at the clock and asks when we will be done.
The other night when mom was going to sleep, I said my usual, “See, you have a nice, clean bed.” And usually, she just delights in that, but this time she said, “It won’t be clean for long.” And I asked, “Why not?” And she said, “Because I’ll have an accident.” While, this is indeed a nightly feature, but it is very rare (& humorous) for it to come up in this way.
Ok – now it is time to get mom up….
Sun, Oct 20, 2024 (9:00pm) Fantastic Fall Weather
The weather has been just delightful these last few days. Yesterday, Sat 10/19, mom had her friends visit in the early afternoon and then got out for a walk to the gazebo. It was a moseying, meandering walk, but she really enjoyed it and got full sun. At one point, I had gone off around the circle to pet a cat and noticed a car who slowly going by mom. So I ran back over there and the couple stopped and I said, “Have you been waiting 1/2 hour for mom?” They were were nice and quite interested in mom and had been watching her – to ensure she was ok since I was out of sight. The woman commented how they were just remarking that, “This person walks just like my mom.” She then told me that her mother was 94. Mom relies on that rollator pretty heavily these days, and moves quite slowly. She can get going on the treadmill, but less so when walking on the street. She stops and looks around a lot.
On Fri (10/18), mom was out there for the alley meeting for a little while, and since there was just one other person I was out there as well, and finally both of them came inside for some tea. Mom enjoyed being out there but was not much involved in the conversation.
Both Thurs (10/17) and today (10/20) mom has mostly been around the house, hanging around so to speak. Mom has been getting to bed a bit earlier, allowing us to start our days earlier as well. That might mean finishing breakfast shortly after noontime, as opposed to starting breakfast at 2pm or so. But last night when mom was watching TV I could see she was involved with it and at 10:30pm I asked her if she wanted to go to sleep. That was a firm “No”, followed by, “I am not going to bed now; I am going to stay up.” When it was all said and one mom went to bed at 1:30am. So she had a late Saturday night!!
Wed, Oct 16, 2024 (7:20pm) “You Can’t Say I Don’t Try”
Mom put in a good workout this afternoon:
.52 miles total on treadmill (22 min 10 sec) // .30 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
4 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
As we were walking to the car, I was telling her that she did well at the gym today, and she replied, “You can’t say I don’t try.” And that is very, very true.
One good thing is that we are getting to bed a little earlier, maybe 10:30pm or so on a good day, and that enables us to start our day “earlier”. If we can get to the breakfast table around noon, then we can get to the gym in the later afternoon as opposed to the early evening. So we seem to be in a good cycle.
Yesterday, (Tue, 10/15), mom was home most of the afternoon, and things went mostly smoothly. We had two minor bathroom type of incidents in the late afternoon and late evening which is unusual.
Tue, Oct 15, 2024 (11:35am) Right Start to the Week
Albeit a touch late – pushing towards 6pm – but we did get to the gym yesterday (Mon, 10/14) and here is the work mom put in:
.47 miles total on treadmill (20 min 23 sec) // .28 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
2 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
So that was a solid showing. And we were able to get to sleep a bit earlier last night as well, so it is now 11:35am (Tues) and mom is out of bed and showered(!!), and in process of getting dressed. That is a good start to the day for us.
Sun, Oct 13, 2024 (9:30am) “But It’s Worth It”
Our whole week (and this era) can be summed up in mom’s single answer. It was on Wednesday (10/9), when we had a bit of a challenge, and I said something to her like, “It’s not easy getting old” or “Life isn’t easy” and and she thought about it for a minute, then said, “But it’s worth it.” And that’s what allows us to keep plugging along.
Yesterday, Sat (10/12), was an absolutely beautiful day, and mom had her usual Saturday visitors in the early afternoon, and then she was sitting on the front porch for much of the late afternoon, soaking up the sun, fresh air, and passers-by, all the while reading and watching. By the time, we actually got off the front porch for our walk it was merging into evening, and a bit of a chill was settling in. But we were able to walk up the front side and a bit over towards the gazebo when mom stared to feel that chill, so we headed back home. But it was good for her to move.
On Fri (10/11), mom was again outside for most of the afternoon (2+ hours) for the alley meeting. She is always one of the very last people to get up from her chair!! She may not contribute a whole bunch to the conversation, but she enjoys being out there with the crew!!
We had a long-awaited visit with the podiatrist on Thurs (10/10). As you may recall, after the April 2021 foot surgery, mom was left with zero toenails on her right foot, and the ones on the left are not possible to trim at home. So every four months we go to the podiatrist for a basic trimming. We actually should go every three months, but it is a bit of a headache to get there so we stretch it out to four months. It is not that it is so far, maybe 25 minutes or so, but it is buried in a business park set back from the street – with poor signage – and it is tricky to remember where exactly to park. We tried to get ready the night before, and all day Thursday I was reminding mom and trying to get ourselves ready for our 3:15pm appointment, but we did get off to a bit of a late start, but made decent time driving there, only to have a horrendous experience getting to the right area to park. Anyway, by the time we walked in there we were about 14 minutes late. And they refused to see us. There was a bit of a push and pull, and in the end we were not seen. After the missed podiatry appointment, for all her tenacity to tackle all challenges, mom was rewarded with a specialty coffee (we do not drink much coffee these days) and a glazed donut in the Whole Foods eatery, while I shopped.
Yesterday, our Saturday friends reminded us that Fearrington Cares (right around the corner from us, by the pool) offers all kinds of medical services and support, including toenail trimming. So I reached out to them online, and they said to call back on Monday to make an appointment. The cash fee for the appointments is quite modest, so if this works out it will be a great alternative to that podiatry office.
On Wednesday (10/9), we got to the gym and did this workout:
.47 miles total on treadmill (20 min 06 sec) // .27 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
1 lap around the track
20 industrial steps down
Mom did extremely well on the treadmill for how inconsistent we have been at the gym. We had a quick restroom visit, and I asked her if she wanted to go home, or if she wanted to go up to the track. And she said, “Well, since we are here we probably should go up to the track.” Go Mom!! So we touched ourselves up and climbed the 20 step, double-staircase to the track and did just a single lap. But that was enough to round out our workout. When walking down the steps at our pace, mom said, “This must be terribly boring for you.” I assured her it wasn’t, and noted how it was quite rare for her to make those types of comments.
Mom was around the house all of Tuesday (10/8), and did some laps in the house that evening. On Monday (10/7), mom and I had some banking work to attend to at our local branch here in Fearrington so we did a short stroll around the village while we were there. A year or so ago, we could have walked all the way up to the mail kiosk and village area – no longer.
Sun, Oct 6, 2024 (10pm) Uneventful Week
After the scare on Mon (9/30), we have had a very calm, uneventful week. Mom was out for the alley meeting on Fri (10/4). It was a lovely day, and mom sat out there for about two hours. This afternoon, Sun (10/6), mom also ventured out onto the front porch. She gravitated to the front door all on her own and got herself out there – and then she stayed for a while. Beyond sitting outside, mom did not go to the gym or for a longer outdoor walk all week. That has got to be a first; I cannot remember the last time that happened. Now, we did have some relatives in town and we had the 911 call, and typically speaking both Monday and Thursday are days we are generally able to get to the gym. Anyway, that was the state of things this week, and let’s see what the coming week holds for us.
Wed, Oct 2, 2024 (11:20am) Totally, Totally Normal
Just a quick check-in here: Since our midday incident on Monday, things have been completely normal. There was no hangover, nor were there any repercussions from Monday’s event. So hopefully that was just a one-off ordeal, and we just continue on smoothly, as things were going prior to the episode that sparked the ambulance call.
Mon, Sep 30, 2024 (9:30pm) Ambulance Call
This morning mom woke up and seemed fine, and gradually made her way over to the shower sometime after noon. I’ll often check on her to make sure all is well, especially when I think she is going to transfer out of the shower, and when I went in there today mom seemed almost non-responsive. At best, she was mouthing her words, but as I cued in on her more she literally seemed to be slipping away from us. She was seated in her shower chair, but her eyes were glazed over with a yellow film, and she was listlessly drooping sideways off the chair – and her facial features were completely blank. Part of me really thought these might be her final moments on this earth, or perhaps she was having some type of moderate to severe neurological incident. I called my brother, and we spoke about it, while mom’s condition seemed to be worsening. We decided to call 911, and within three minutes (very speedy) or so two emergency vehicles were onsite – four people total. For the first five minutes or more while they were there mom’s condition seemed to remain the same, and then suddenly she began whispering in a more coherent manner. We transferred her from her shower chair to her dressing chair outside the shower, and the team began performing their various tests: BP 115 / 65, Pulse 72, O2 Saturation OK, and her EKG was fine and she was in sinus rhythm. So she checked out fine, and mom slowly came out from that spell, until she became fully alert, was asking meaningful medical questions, and was speaking in a strong voice, smiling, and joking with the emergency responders. They were asking if she was standing in the shower (which she wasn’t), and she thought they were asking her to stand up now. As she was wrapped in two towels, she commented that if she stood up then her towels would fall down. She was smiling, and we all laughed. She was able to recall the incident and said she had been dizzy, but did not have any pain. Ultimately, nothing was found medically, and they gave us the choice to go to the ER for further testing. We opted to remain at home, and we basically chalked up the incident to being vasovagal syncope. Maybe it was due to an overly hot shower, or who knows. The rest of the day progressed normally for mom. She ate three solid meals, and was alert throughout, reading the newspaper and watching TV etc. We took the day off from the gym, and mom seems to be doing fine. Hopefully, it was just a fluke event, but things were really looking dicey for a few moments.
Sun, Sep 29, 2024 (11pm) State of Affairs
Thanks to all who reached out inquiring how we were doing in the face of Hurricane Helene. Fortunately, our place is in central Carolina, clearly away from the wake and destruction of Helene. We had a bit of extra rain, but nothing more serious than that.
Today (Sun 9/29), we had a number of friends and family over for melons and raisin bread in the morning (photo below), and then for a grand feast in the evening. On both Fri (9/27) and Sat (9/28), mom was mostly around the house just doing normal things.
Here is mom’s workout from Thursday (9/26):
.52 miles total on treadmill (20 min 46 sec) // .35 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
2 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
On both Tue (9/24) and Wed (9/25), mom was hanging out around the house: reading, eating, walking, and the like. As noted in the prior entry below, mom had a gym day on Mon (9/23).
Mon, Sep 23, 2024 (11pm) Gym Day
Mom was around the house most of the day, and then got a late afternoon / early evening workout in at the gym. She has a tendency to want to stop the treadmill early on, whereas once she gets going she fares better. Here are her totals from today:
.38 miles total on treadmill (16 min 00 sec) // .15 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
4 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
Finally, as per our normal strategy, mom guarded the house nicely while I made a late evening trip to Costco.
Sun, Sep 22, 2024 (6:20pm) Pool Grand Finale
Today was the final day of the season for our outdoor community pool. The whole crew showed up for it. The ambient temp was 85 or so with sunny, blue skies, and the pool temp was probably around 78 or so. We knew the water temp would be too cool for mom so she did not have her suit on, but it was a lovely day to sit poolside. She had her own table and umbrella with her Sunday paper, nuts and dried dates, and ice water. A number of folks went over to mom to say hello. All in all, she had a fine afternoon at the pool, and now the goal is to stay in good enough shape over the fall and winter that we are again ready for the new pool season in the late spring! That’s the idea anyway.
Sat, Sep 21, 2024 (11:30pm) Last Week of Summer
Mom closed out the summer in grand style. Tomorrow is the last day that the outdoor pool is open so hopefully we will get over there. The temp is supposed to be in the mid-80s – ideal for hanging out by the pool. Mom has had a great last week of summer and here it is on a day-to-day basis.
Here is mom’s gym workout for Monday, 9/16/24. I was stunned by how well she did on the treadmill. It was a great showing!!
.55 miles total on treadmill (22 min 12 sec) // .36 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
2 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
On Tues (9/17), mom was around the house most of the day. And on Wed (9/18), mom went on a 50-minute walk around the gazebo and did not sit down even once. On the way back – as we were getting closer to the house – I asked her if she wanted / needed to sit on the rollator as per her request on Sat 9/14, but she just laughed at the suggestion that she would need to sit. So she had a really good walk.
We went for an early afternoon doctor’s appointment on Thurs (9/19) – and nothing could have been more casual. We went in there without a care in the world, and we left there without a care in the world. Our doctor is wonderful, and she loves to see mom. And all mom’s bloodwork was basically stellar, which is pretty much what we expected. So all good on that end of things. Later on in the afternoon / early evening, we went to the gym and did this workout:
Thursday, 9/19/24
.30 miles total on treadmill (12 min 19 sec) // .19 initial miles without stopping
3 stand-ups from chair with lightweight ball
20 industrial steps up
2 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
Not a great day at the gym, but not a bad one either. Just getting there and putting one foot in front of the other is positive.
Friday (9/20), mom was around the house most of the day and then sat outside with her friends for the alley meeting – she was out there for nearly two hours.
Today, Sat (9/21), mom’s good friends came by for a late morning visit, and in the afternoon mom and I went out for an hour plus walk, including a nice restful, seated stopover at the gazebo. It was quite warm in the sun, and mom felt it. She did a good job of handling the walk….
…And that was mom’s last week of summer!!
Sun, Sep 15, 2024 (Noon) Not a Single Wrinkle
Mom’s hair is the longest it has ever been in her adult life. And whenever I ask her if she would like to get a haircut she says she likes it the way it is. That said, we do have our issues with it. For instance, she brushes it everyday, but does not always get the underside. Hence, the other day we had to cut away a huge knot / dreadlock. Ultimately, we decided it would be best to go in for a simple trim and wash to ensure everything was alright and clean it up a bit.
On Fri (9/13), we scheduled a visit to the fanciest of beauty salons: Great Clip!! The home of the $17 haircut + $10 if you want a shampoo. So off we went, and the results are in. Mom’s hair is clean and in great shape. They trimmed off the dead ends, easily eliminated the tiny knots and tangles, and declared her all set and ready to go. Their overwhelming comment, however, was that mom does not have a single wrinkle on her face!! That they really found to be amazing.
It had been months upon months, since mom went for any type of hair care, and we will probably go back there on a fairly regular basis just to keep her hair healthy and well-kept. The other benefit of going there is that they have a good outdoor staircase so we are able to get a bit of a workout as well.
On Sat (9/14), mom had a good walk out to the gazebo. We walked around to the backside and then cut through and rested in the gazebo to set our course home. When we got back to our alley and were heading down it, mom asked to be pushed home, which is quite rare. She was tired of being on her feet so she sat on the rollator as we made the final stretch back to the house.
Today (Sun, 9/15) has not amounted to much of anything yet as mom is still relaxing in bed – it is a Sunday after all!!
Mom has been having all kinds of fruit plates as her appetizer to breakfast, and here is the one from yesterday: fresh mango, dried dates, and a sliced, cool (refrigerated) banana.
Thurs, Sep 12, 2024 (10:15pm) Back at the Gym!!
Despite being away from the gym for a month, mom really showed out!!
.45 miles total on treadmill (18 min 25 sec) // .29 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
4 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
She was really strong on the treadmill – I suppose those neighborhood walks which are slow but lengthy have been a reasonable substitute. When mom walks outside she really shuffles and scrapes her feet, whereas on the treadmill she is forced to lift her feet and make proper strides. With fall fast approaching. I think this time really does mark our switchover to gym workouts – let’s see.
Yesterday, Wed (9/11), mom had a fine evening walk, for about 30 – 40 minutes. Nowadays, and for the last several months, walking means using her rollator outside.
On both Mon (9/9) and Tue (9/10), mom was around the house…and did a few laps inside.
Sun, Sep 8, 2024 (11:30pm) Walking to Gazebo
This week was marked by walks to the gazebo. Mom made three or four walks to the gazebo: one time from the front door of the house and the rest from the garage door. Those are good walks for her as she is on her feet for 30 – 40 minutes. Admittedly, we are pretty slow, but just being upright and moving is a big plus. The early evening was quite conducive for our walks, and on some of the days we did not get to the gazebo we just toiled around up and down the alley. So mom was outside nearly every day, and even spent one afternoon on the front porch with an old family friend. So that was a treat.
With all those gazebo walks we did not get to the pool or the gym. Apparently, the pool was well attended on today (Sun, Sep 8) but for us to get there is really tough when mom stays in bed till noon. By the time we are ready to do anything or go anywhere it is 4p, and that is a bit late for the pool as it is no longer mid-summer. So that is the quandary in which we find ourselves. We are just not a fast moving ship – it takes us all day to get to where we want to be.
Since her birthday on 27 Aug, mom has been making regular stopovers at the dining room table to read and browse the collection of birthday cards. Every time she walked by she was quietly look over and pick-up various cards. Then today, she reread them all and folded them up and stacked them on her rollator. Ultimately, they ended up as a stack on the kitchen table, where she will no doubt continue to read them.
Sun, Sep 1, 2024 (11pm) Summer Winds Down
Far and away, the main thing mom and I did this summer was go to the pool and swim. Mom would typically be in the pool for an hour or so: cruising around, checking out the babies / young’uns, and sometimes I would pull her around the pool while she was floating using her noodle. But pools and phones are typically not a good mix so we did not get many photos of all those adventures. With August behind us, and September on the rise, mom’s pool days for 2024 are probably behind her – especially as I get a look at the 10-day forecast.
Beyond that, with 95 years now behind her, mom’s 96th year seems to be starting out quite fine. Mom was mostly around the house this weekend, and had some friends over on Saturday afternoon. Other than a Zoom call tomorrow, that’s the bulk of mom’s Labor Day weekend.
I shall officially dub September as Gym Month for mom.
Fri, Aug 30, 2024 (4pm) Birthday Week
Essentially, mom’s 95th birthday was celebrated from August 20 to August 27 – the day of her actual birthday. And since Aug 20 – 25 was documented in the prior entry. I will just pick-up where things left off…
On Mon (Aug 26), mom and I were around the house most of the day and went out for a walk in the evening.
On Tues (Aug 27), mom had an early afternoon breakfast of carrot cake cupcakes, and they came by with all kinds of birthday celebrations.
Both Wed (Aug 28) and Thurs (Aug 29) were hot, glorious days, so mom spend those afternoons swimming at the pool. She really enjoyed the water and seeing all the young children who were there. And here below is mom hanging out in front of the house waiting for our fresh, butter-bean delivery.
And thank you for all the cards and flowers that continued to pour in!!
Lastly, today (Fri, Aug 30) is a dark, rainy day and mom and I are just hanging out at the house. Mom is doing a few indoor laps here and there, and we realize that we need to transition back into gym mode.
Sun, Aug 25, 2024 (9:15pm) Pre-Birthday Week
Mom’s official birthday is this Tuesday, Aug 27, but my goodness she sure has had a great pre-birthday week of celebration…Check out all that has been going on….
The cards have just been rolling in – and mom has enjoyed every single one of them. Indeed, it seems like everyone knows it’s her birthday. We were at the pool today (Sun, 8/25) and as we entered the pool attendant wished her happy birthday, and mom was very surprised and inquired, “How did you know?”. And the answer of course is that everybody knows!!
And yesterday (Sat, 8/24) good ‘ol Tucker stopped by with a pint of ice cream and freshly picked flowers from his garden – and yes, he brought his two owners as well, though they are not pictured below.
Here is the alley crew circling up around mom with cards and cookies on Fri, 8/23.
One guy who could not make it in person so he made his own card….
Then on Thursday (8/22), we had mom’s very dear friends over from the literacy council for a grand afternoon of ice cream sundaes and more. Yours truly failed to get any photos but we had three types of ice cream, blueberries as topping, a farmer’s market date crumble topping, homemade coconut oatmeal cookies, and homemade peanut butter bars delight as a base. And of course everyone mixed and matched everything, and everyone went home with freshly baked bread and olive baguettes.
On both Mon (8/19) and Wed (8/21), mom and I went for an early evening walk around the neighborhood gazebo – the humidity was low and both were quite lovely evenings. And both days of this weekend (Sat 8/24 & Sun 8/25), mom and I went to the pool. Mom was in street clothes since the pool temp has “dropped” to 80 degrees due to the cooler nights. Mom was loaded up with snacks and plenty of newspapers so she enjoyed sitting poolside.
But top of all, mom has been really enjoying her pre-birthday week, and as the cards roll in we collect them on the dining room table and mom pitstops there from time to time to read and reread the cards!!
Thanks so much to one and all, near and far, who have made mom’s pre-birthday week so very special!!
Sun, Aug 18, 2024 (11:45pm) A Week of Swimming
The week started out with a real bang (literally) as mom’s house got a whole new roof on Mon (8/12). We also got new shades that day, but that was a far quieter experience. Pictured below are the shades, both the ones hanging on the wall and mom’s “1960’s summer of love” shades (& beads!!).
Mom’s friends come over every Saturday, and for the second week on in a row (Sat, 8/17) mom decided she should wear her shades inside the house. We have since decided that she is the coolest person on the block. During that visit, mom was also asked about her favorite games as a child, and mom took great interest in giving her reply. She said she played tag and hop-scotch, and with hop-scotch they had to make a new one each day they played. It also came out that she never played capture-the-flag. Another thing she enjoyed as a child was going over and sitting by the waterfront, i.e. the Hudson river which flowed through the outskirts of Hoboken.
It has been a great week for getting to the pool. We are in the midst of a 5-day streak. Mom was there from Wed (8/14) to Sun (8/19), generally going in and doing her cruise around the pool for about 45 minutes or longer. It takes her a little while to get in, but then she’ll stay in for a while touring around on her own.
Both Mon (8/12) and Tue (8/13), mom was around the house. She actually slept through most of the loudest roofing work!! And Tuesday was just a hanging out around the house occasion as that is generally a home-day for us.
Sun, Aug 11, 2024 (9:45pm) Gym & Swim
We got a whole week to catch up on here so might as well start with today (Sun, 8/11). It would have been a very fine pool day, but we did not exactly get there. However, we did get out for a moseying walk in the late afternoon. So mom did indeed see the sky today, and was not just in the house all day.
Yesterday (Sat, 8/10), our good friends came over for an early afternoon visit, and while visiting indoors, mom put on her sunglasses, which she opted to wear for quite a while. So one of her friends could not resist taking this photo. Note: For those who don’t recall, Paul Newman was the essence of cool wearing sunglasses in a dark pool hall in the movie, “The Color of Money”. Mom comes in a not-too-distant second.
This type of thing is not too atypical for our Saturday morning visits with her friends. The week prior mom was watching the Olympics before her two friends came by, and when they did arrive mom was fully focused on getting them ready for their Olympic events – offering them fruit and water, and making all sorts of plans to ensure they would be at the starting line on time!! There was quite a bit of laughter about that, not from mom though as she was pin-pointed focused on how she would cheer them on her the events and that they should be cen-per-cent ready for the competition.
After our visit, we did get to the pool and mom thoroughly enjoyed her extended late Saturday afternoon swim.
On Fri (8/9), we had an extremely late start to the day, losing an incredible 4 hours of lolly-gagging from the time of wake-up until breakfast, which concluded at nearly 4pm. Thereafter, I decided that oral prompting was not enough, and that I would be more physically involved in getting mom through her morning routine. And thus far it has been fairly effective. I do not do everything for her, but just get her going with the task at hand. Needless today, after that late Friday afternoon start, we did not get much activity in the rest of the day.
Here are mom’s gym days from Thurs (8/8) and Wed (8/7). As we have not been on the treadmill much her numbers are down but they improved over the week.
Thurs, 8/8/24
.40 miles total on treadmill (16 min 27 sec) // .21 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
3 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
Wed, 8/7/24
.26 miles total on treadmill (11 min 12 sec) // .14 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
5 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
On Tuesday (8/6), mom was around the house for the day as we had a variety of things going on.
And on Monday (8/5), mom and I went to the pool though she was not in her swimwear, rather she was just reading poolside, which she enjoyed. So on the way back we went to the gym and did a short treadmill session:
.30 miles (12 min 26 sec)
Sun, Aug 4, 2024 (11:15pm) Between the Raindrops
Today would have been a fine day for the pool but it was never in the plans for us to get there – not the way we got up!! That said, mom did get out for a good walk this evening, though did have to return back for mom’s sweater!!
Due to rain and late wake-ups, both Fri (8/2) and Sat (8/3) were home days, while mom did get to the pool both Wed (7/31) and Thurs (8/1), and mom really enjoyed her swims on those days. And both Mon (7/29) and Tue (7/30) were home days.
So, all in all, a fairly mellow week. It looks like we may be getting even more rain this week so we will not dilly-dally, but will instead aim to head over to the gym if we get rained out for the pool. Beyond that, all else is well…
Sun, Jul 28, 2024 (9:15pm) Poolside Weekend
Mom was at the pool both on Sat (7/27) and today (7/28), but she went in her street clothes and her homemade sweater – the only person at the pool with a sweater!! Yesterday was not completely hot (maybe 85 degrees) and the pool water was “cooler” (84 degrees since we’ve had so much rain) so I did not think mom would want to go in – and that was right. She was perfectly content sitting at her table, having snacks and reading the paper. So we tried the same tactic today. Indeed, mom said she would go to the pool but did not want to put her suit on. So we went with that plan. But after we had been at the pool for a while mom said she would go to the ladies locker room and put her suit on – the only problem being we had no suit. So mom was tempted to go in. Anyway, you can’t win them all, the the first bright, sunny day this week (possibly Wed) mom will have her suit on, and she will be over at that pool!!!
Fri, Jul 26, 2024 (5:45pm) A Wet, Humid Week
The temps have dropped into the 80s, the rains are sporadic, the humidity is high, and the mosquitos are on the prowl…
Today (Fri, 7/26) looks like it is turning into a hangout day around the house. Mom was in bed until almost 2p and came down for breakfast at 3:15p. Here is how the rest of the week has gone…
Yesterday, (Thurs, 7/25), we went to the gym and did this:
.33 miles on the treadmill for 12 min 46 sec (we had a wardrobe adjustment halfway through and it affected her rhythm, plus she seemed a bit low-energy)
20 industrial steps up
2 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
On Wed (7/24), mom and I went for a late afternoon walk around the gazebo. I am not sure how long that took us but she was on her feet for at least half-an-hour, probably longer.
On Tue (7/23), it was quite hot and humid so mom hung out around the house for the day.
Here is mom’s gym workout from Mon (7/22)
47 miles total on treadmill (19 min 23 sec) // .33 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
3 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
All in all, a fine 5-day period. We had no daytime accidents, and are experiments with different techniques for nighttime management.
Sun, Jul 21, 2024 (11pm) Weather Shift
With the shift in the weather – i.e. all the afternoon rain we have been getting – it is a change from our normal routine and scheduling, and we are still figuring that out.
On Fri (7/19), we did get to the gym and do this workout:
.42 miles total on treadmill (16 min 34 sec) // .30 initial miles without stopping
Mom was doing just fine on the treadmill and could have gone further – and done other exercises thereafter – but we had to abort the workoutdue to a bathroom issue. This is perhaps our biggest issue these days, and I have on the hunt for suggestions and strategies.
Mom was home for the weekend. On Saturday (7/20), a friend graciously came by – and after that it was a mostly uneventful weekend, i.e. smooth-sailing around the house.
Garden-fresh stir fry:
Thurs, Jul 18, 2024 (6pm) Basal Cell Carcinoma Treated
Yesterday (Wed, 7/17), mom had her basal cell carcinoma treated at the dermatologist’s office. What a huge difference from last time. Back on 08 Feb 2023, mom went to the Mohs clinic to get her basal cell carcinoma treated and while it worked out fine in the end, it was an all-day event and mom walked out of there with a massive open wound that took weeks to heal on its own. In comparison, yesterday mom was in the chair for 10 – 15 minutes and we were all done. And in a few days time the wound should be all healed. I am not sure why we got off so easy this time, but we’ll take it!! They did say it was very slow-growing and not a big threat, so perhaps that accounts for the grand difference. Anyway, mom did well with it, and we are on to bigger and better things!!
On Mon (7/15), mom had a nice hour-long swim at the pool, which she really, truly enjoyed. For a variety of reasons, both Tues (7/16) and today (7/18) mom was around the house most of the day. She and I did head out from the garage this afternoon for a brief walk – make that very brief as the thunderstorm clouds quickly began enveloping us and did not get too far before we had to hightail it back inside.
Mom has been starting her days with large fruit trays, and here are two of her latest ones: cantaloupe and mango, followed by watermelon and cantaloupe.
Sun, Jul 14, 2024 (9:15pm) Active Week
It has been an active week for mom on a variety of levels, but she just cruised through it at her own pace – here is the overall rundown…
Today, Sun (7/14), mom had a relaxing day at home by sleeping in, eating breakfast in the mid-afternoon, reading the Sunday paper, and hanging out this evening.
Yesterday, (Sat 7/13), we got an out-of-town visit from cousin Stephanie which was a real treat for us – moreover in late morning a local friend also came by to visit with mom. So we had a nice little gathering. The home visit was filled with stories, photos, and recollections, and in the late afternoon we went to the pool for a swim and mom was in the water for 50+ minutes. And, yes, we baked breads galore for the occasion – sorry, no photos.
On Fri (7/12), the rains came down so mom and I headed over to the gym where she did this workout:
.55 miles total on treadmill (22 min 41 sec) // .29 initial miles without stopping
Nu-Step Level 5 – 5 min / 200 steps
It was good to see that mom was still able to knock off a half-mile on the treadmill despite not having been to the gym for two weeks – not bad at all.
On Thursday (7/11), we had our new windows installed in the kitchen / eating area. The install went smoothly, and the windows look great. So we were around the house most of the day. On both Mon (7/8) and Wed (7/10), mom was at the pool for the late afternoon into the early evening, and on both days she was in the pool for an hour plus. Tuesday (7/9) was a hang-out around the house day.
On Mon (7/8), mom also got the call from dermatology that she indeed does have a basal cell carcinoma on her cheek, and we made an appointment to have it treated this coming Wed (7/17).
Sun, Jul 7, 2024 (6:55pm) Rain, Rain, Rain
After an incredibly hot and dry month of June and start to July, the daily thunderstorm season is upon us. It is wonderful for mother Earth, great for the farmers, and loved by the plants – but it does make going to the pool a challenge. If it is just raining then we are fine. The sound of thunder means everyone has to get out of the pool for 30 minutes, and that 30 minute dock starts anew with every successive sound of thunder. Once lightening enters the picture everyone must vacate the pool deck etc. I remember this routine well from years past. The mornings tend to be more stable weather-wise, but mom and I do not go anywhere in the morning so by the time we get to the pool those thunderclouds are starting to build up – and from there it is a game of tag to see how long we can use the pool. That is how this week is seemingly going to go. Now to the wrap-up…
We did indeed great high-quality pool time in on both Thurs (July 4) and Fri (July 5). Mom was in the pool for easily an hour on both of those days – cruising around the pool in her own flow, greeting people, and checking out the babies and toddlers etc. Our exit from the pool on Fri (7/5) was a sign of the things to come. (Note: You may not be able to see the raindrops but you can see the havoc they create on the surface of the pool.)
Mom has been home all weekend, Sat (7/6) & Sun (7/7). I thought I was going to catch a weather window on Saturday afternoon and went over for a quick swim, but sure enough as soon as I got there ol’ man thunder rumbled int he background and all I could do was stare at the pool and return home.
With thunderstorms on the menu for this coming week, mom and I will redirect our attention to the gym. Good thing we do not freeze our gym memberships during the summer months like so many other do.
Below is one of mom’s several morning fruit plates from this week followed by an Israeli couscous dish with summer veggies.
Thurs, Jul 4, 2024 (12:20pm) Swimming & Realty Rating
Yesterday, (Wed Jul 3), mom had a wonderful outing at the pool and she was in the pool walking around for nearly an hour. She was just moving around in her own flow, checking things out. Every so often she would go to the ladder to get out, and I would convince her to stay in for a little while longer. All in all, she had a great time and enjoyed sitting in the sun when she first got out of the pool, before heading over to her spot in the shade.
We also had a walk-through by the local Fitch realty team – four of them came – and we got an A++ rating. So that was good news. We are not selling nor thinking of selling, but are involved in some upgrades & general maintenance (windows, roof etc) and wanted to make sure we were heading in the right direction. In short, they were open-jawed about mom’s house and how open and light it was.
Tuesday (Jul 2) was a home day for mom. We got off to a bit of a late start as she did not have breakfast until about 2p or so. But she did some laps in the house. And on Monday (Jul 1), we also had a late start but made it to the pool eventually. We got there at around 6pm or later so mom just went in street clothes and read the paper, but she enjoyed being outdoors and getting fresh air at the pool.
Ands yes the plan is to spend this blistering hot day at the pool as well – hopefully we can get there by around 3:30pm or so…let’s see. Mom is all showered and getting dressed and coming down soon for breakfast.
Sun, Jun 30, 2024 (6pm) Zoomy Sunday
We had our first rain in weeks so mom and I spent the afternoon at home on Zoom calls with family, and the highlight of course for mom was hearing about the weddings and seeing the babies!!
Sun, Jun 30, 2024 (9:45am) Week of Swimming, Sleeping, & Dermatology
This morning, Sun (6/30), mom is up, alert, and happily hanging around in bed with the sun on her. But that was not the case much of the week as she was seriously power sleeping.
Yesterday, Sat (6/29), with sufficient urging mom emerged from the bed at 11:30am (not bad actually) and was ready for breakfast by the time her friends came over for their weekly Saturday visit at 1:30pm. And by a little after 4pm mom and I were at the pool. We stayed till nearly 7pm and mom was in for at least 45 minutes or so, maybe closer to an hour. It was a hot afternoon and mom really enjoyed the pool.
On Fri (6/28), we started getting mom up at 10am but she seemed exhausted and did not get out of bed until 2pm and did not have breakfast until 4pm. But she did a good job of caring for herself as I went to the pool at 6pm and got back at 7pm or so, and then I gave her dinner and went out to Costco until around 9pm or so. In total, mom was by herself for 3 out of 4+ hours and pretty much stayed in the black chair the whole time, eating dinner and watching TV.
On Thurs (6/27), we went to the gym and did this workout:
.52 miles total on treadmill (19 min 44 sec) // .38 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
2 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
On Wed (6/26), we went for a dermatology appointment. We hadn’t been for close to two years, and it just seemed like a good idea to get in there. And sure enough mom has had an active opening on her cheek which they took great interest in and did a biopsy of – results come back in a week or two. But they seemed pretty sure it was some type of slow-growing basal cell carcinoma. I mentioned mohs, and they said they would aim for a less aggressive approach if needed. We shall see.
Tuesday (6/25) was a stay-at-home day for mom, though she did have a nice visit on the porch from a great friend who went to the Farmers’ Market with me. And on Mon (6/24), mom had a great late afternoon at the pool where she ventured down to the deep end and spent well over an hour in the water.
Sun, Jun 23, 2024 (11pm) Soothing Pool Days
Mom got lots of pool time in these last three days (Fri, Sat, & Sun: 6/21 – 6/23), generally going from about 4p – 6:30p, or so. Mom was usually in the pool for an hour, give or take some. That was a great way to beat the heat, and mom felt quite comfortable and happy to be at the pool. No other real major news than that.
On Thursday (6/20), we visited a dear friend out in the country and were gifted these hand-picked flowers from her backyard.
Wed, Jun 19, 2024 (9pm) Good Gym Workout
Even though it has been two weeks since we’ve been at the gym, mom had a really solid workout today:
.56 miles total on treadmill (20 min 48 sec) // .40 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
3 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
Then we went to the pool for and hour or so into the early evening, and mom relaxed at the table and read and ate snacks.
Wed, Jun 19, 2024 (12:50pm) Runaway Mama
Yesterday evening (Tue 6/18) mom was sitting out on the front porch before dinner, and when I went out to get her for dinner I saw that her chair was empty. I looked up the sidewalk, and sure enough there was mom walking up the street in her socks and without a rollator. She said it looked so inviting she thought it would be nice to go for a walk. And indeed it was a peaceful, calm evening. For the most part mom was around the house on Tuesday, save for her runaway jaunt.
On Mon (6/17), mom and I went our for an early evening walk around the gazebo – and we sat down there for a while as well. It was still around 88 or 90 degrees at 6pm, but mom did well managing the heat and the walk.
Today, (Wed 6/19), our plan is to go swimming in the mid-afternoon or so.
Sun, Jun 16, 2024 (11pm) Lots of Swimming & More
Well here is the week in review….
Mom started out the day (Sun 6/16) with a bang by cruising through the chair yoga class. The day began quite sunny and mom enjoyed breakfast under the awning with the sun at her back (nice & warm!!), and then as the day became bit more overcast she remained inside and opted to stay home. She cracked open a book from her shelf and as best I can tell proceeded to read the first 164 pages this afternoon!!
On Thurs (6/13), Fri (6/14), and Sat (6/15), mom enjoyed extended afternoons at the swimming pool. On one of the days she was in the pool for well over an hour. Most days she would get a solid float going where she wraps a noodle around her back and lifts her feet as I pull her around the pool. And of course she enjoyed visiting with all the toddlers at the pool. Here below mom is just enjoying lounging on the top step towards the end of her pool time.
Both Tue (6/11) and Wed (6/12) were home days where time was spent on the front porch and hanging around the house. We aimed to go to the gym on Wed 6/12 but for one reason or another it did not quite come together for us. We did get these wonderful veggies at the local farmers’ market on Tue 6/11. Do you know what they are? Here is the explanation.
And the week began (Mon, 6/10) with a trip to the podiatrist for a routine trim. Mom pulled off a BP of 112/65 at the podiatrist’s office!! So with her diet and exercise her BP remains quite stellar.
Sun, Jun 9, 2024 (10:10pm) Swimming Weekend
Mom got in the pool both days of the weekend, mostly in the shallow end enamored with the toddlers, though yesterday she did get got in up to her shoulders whereas today she was not in too much higher than her hips. On Saturday, her friends stopped by for their regular visit, and by and large all is well.
Fri, Jun 7, 2024 (8:30pm) Swimming
Today, mom had a good pool outing. It was just her 2nd time in the pool this season, but the ambient temp was around 90 and the pool water was 85 so it was quite inviting for her. Mom got all the way in and ultimately floated on her back as I pulled her around the pool using her noodle. We were at the pool yesterday as well, and mom read the paper at her table.
Wed, Jun 5, 2024 (9pm) Gym-Pool Combo
Ok, so we are getting better at doing our gym-pool combo workouts and making that part of our routine. The only thing missing is that mom is not yet going in the pool – other than the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend – and she just goes to the pool in street clothes. But it is good we are getting to both spots and hopefully soon she’ll be going in the water as the temps rise. But walking from the parking lot to the pool is beneficial, as is sitting outside in a shady, open-air environment, watching the kids play in the pool as her son does his laps. We always bring snacks, water, and plenty of reading material for mom – and she gets her own table – so it is an enjoyable outing for her. Here are her gym numbers from this week:
Wed, 6/5/24
.40 miles total on treadmill (15 min 14 sec) // .28 initial miles without stopping
Mon, 6/3/24
.43 miles total on treadmill (16 min 12 sec) // .28 initial miles without stopping
1 walking lap around the pool
Note: It has been a bit of a struggle to keep her going on the treadmill as she keeps saying, “OK, that is enough, let’s stop now.” But with some strong encouragement we are able to get to a respectable distance, though really I would like to see her crack that 1/2 point and get a solid 20 minutes on the treadmill.
On Tue (6/4/24), mom was around the house and hanging out on the front porch, and here below mom is taking her breakfast (Wed, 6/5) under the awning on the patio.
Sun, Jun 2, 2024 (11:30pm) Family Visit
Mom has really been enjoying all the local and tropical fruit plates we’ve been having so when family came down on Saturday afternoon we hung out under the awning eating mangoes and clementines. All in all, mom had a grand visit and a fine weekend!!
Fri, May 31, 2024 (10pm) Double Duty
Yesterday, (Thurs, 5/30), mom and I did double duty for the very first time. First we went to the gym and mom put up these numbers:
.45 miles total on treadmill (17 min 11 sec) // .35 initial miles without stopping
And then we went to the pool. Full disclosure: It was not very hot so mom was not in her swimming attire so it was easier to convince her to first go to the gym and then to the pool; moreover, at the pool mom just sat, read, and at snacks. That said, the groundwork has been set that we can get to both places in the same day, even if it is just a basic treadmill workout at the gym without any of the other stuff.
Today (Fri 5/31), mom was outside in the back for the alley meeting for two hours, and then when it was over she came in from the back and went out the front door to sit on the porch!!
Thurs, May 30, 2024 (9:50am) Strolling
It has been a week of strolling thus far….
On Mon (May 27), it was stormy in the morning so we did not go to the pool, but the weather cleared nicely by the late afternoon and mom and I walked around the gazebo and sat down there for a while too.
Tues (May 28) was a stay-at-home day for mom – as Tuesdays tend to be – but mom did get in a few laps in the house, and yesterday (Wed, May 29) mom and I went to the pool, but she was in shorts etc, not her swimsuit, so she made a lap or two around the pool, and sat under an umbrella and read and had some dates and nuts. Not a bad afternoon!
The day for mom is just getting going, but we started off on a solid note as this morning (Thurs, May 30) – mom’s vitals before leaving the bed were: BP 111 / 64 with a pulse of 64. Yesterday, she even had a resting pulse rate in the 50s…so looking good!!
Sun, May 26, 2024 (11:30pm) The Big Plunge
We made it to the pool both days of the weekend, and when I told mom it was 89 degrees (we actually hit 90) then she said she had to get her suit on and swim. So today (Sun, 5/26) mom got into her new suit and got in the pool!! She did a lot of kid-watching, but did a bit of walking and got in up to her sternum. All in all, she was in for about 25 minutes, and for those wondering the pool temp was up to 86 degrees today. So from Monday to Sunday, we got to the pool 5 days, and the swimming season has officially started.
Fri, May 24, 2024 (9:30pm) Pool Time
We made it to the outdoor pool three times this week: Mon (5/20), Wed (5/22), & Fri (5/24). We basically went for 1 – 2 hours in the mid to late afternoon. Mom has not gotten in to her suit yet as the water may still be a touch cool for her, but today the water temp was up to 81 degrees so it is rising. On Monday, mom lounged out laterally (something we did not attempt last year) and did a few walking laps around the pool, and on Wednesday she sat partially in the sun (not a great idea), and today we got her a table with an umbrella in the shade and she had her newspapers, magazines, snacks, and water. It was a good way to get outside, see folks, watch kids in the pool, and enjoy the weather.
We did get to the gym on Thurs (5/23), and mom did this workout:
.40 miles total on treadmill (15 min 50 sec) // .23 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
1 lap around the track
20 industrial steps down
Last year we went heavy on the pool and got a bit less gym work in so we will have to be mindful about that this year. Until mom starts getting into the pool, it would be good to go to the gym first and get on the treadmill for 20 min and then head over to the pool. Although it sounds like an easy plan, it is fairly difficult to accomplish. To date, we have had no such success with it. Let’s see…
On Tues (5/21), mom was around the house for the day.
Sun, May 19, 2024 (1:30pm) Escaping the Rain
Mom has had a fine, casual weekend with the most momentous experiences involved in escaping the rain.
On Fri (5/17), mom was around the house all day and then went out for the alley meeting for what seemed like a lovely, comfortable gathering. Within 25 minutes, the rains swept in out of nowhere and they all got caught in it. Friends led mom into the garage and our next-door neighbor came over for a visit. Then on Sat (5/18), mom and I walked to the gazebo and hung out there for a solid hour or so visiting with neighbors, as mom and I were the last ones to leave. Mom did a good job of hightailing it home as she made it back in the house just before the rains let loose.
On Sat morning (5/18), mom once again imposed her will on our yoga classes.
Mom deservedly slept in today (Sun, 5/19) as she was up quite early much of the week, and mom will be down for breakfast shortly.
On Thurs 5/16, we had an afternoon appointment for new kitchen windows. The sticker shock was enough to call in three more sellers this coming week for estimates.
Thurs, May 16, 2024 (10:35am) Grinding It Out
Yesterday, (Wed, 5/15), was a real “grind it out” day at the gym. Mom was amenable but certainly not keen on being there. When I said, “Let’s go the gym”, she retorted, “I’ll go swimming tomorrow.” Mind you, we have not been to the pool all year – (but hopefully soon). All that said, mom stuck with the program and got her basic workout done:
.42 miles total on treadmill (15 min 50 sec) // .16 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
3 laps around the track
Seated Rest
1 lap around the track
20 industrial steps down
Tuesday (5/14) was an extremely rainy day so mom was around the house all day, and on Monday (5/13) mom had a successful dental check-up. Let’s see what today brings…
Sun, May 12, 2024 (7pm) Mother’s Day Weekend
Here we had a fine Mother’s Day weekend. On Friday 5/10, mom was outside for much of the afternoon at the alley meeting, and then on Saturday (5/11) our friends came by for an early afternoon visit. Thereafter, mom and I headed out for a stroll around the gazebo – see video below.
And today (Sun, 5/12) mom slept in, showered, had her favorite vegan, open-faced, “egg” sandwich on homemade sourdough bread (shown below), and once breakfast was over she began fielding an array of phone calls and texts from family members and loved ones. All in all, she had a fine day….
Thurs, May 9, 2024 (9pm) Two Gym Days & More
Mom had a pretty casual day around the house, lounging, reading, eating etc. We contemplated (once again) of getting poolside just to stick our toes in but, alas, the afternoon escaped us and we were home all day. Here are mom’s two gym workouts from earlier in the week.
Wed, May 8
.59 miles total on treadmill (22 min 33 sec) // .50 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
3 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
Mon, May 6
.46 miles total on treadmill (17 min 37 sec) // .27 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
4 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
So both of the above were decent workouts. On Wed, she was cruising right along and could have kept going save for having to attend to natural call. And afterwards, she did not want to go back on. That said, in contrast to last week, we had an uneventful visit to the gym bathroom so that was a real plus. Mom is no longer having coffee of any sort (neither regular nor herbal) and that seems to be helping us tremendously.
On Tues (May 7), mom was hanging around the house most of the day, and she was out on the front porch while I was at the farmers’ market.
Sun, May 5, 2024 (5:50pm) Rainy Weekend
The outdoor pool opened yesterday for the summer season but I do not think anyone could take advantage of it given the rainy weekend we had. Of course, it was sunny and approach 90 degrees in the days before the opening. Anyway mom had a fine week. On both Mon (4/29) and Thurs (5/2) we took a neighborhood walk, and the the Thursday walk we were flagged down and re-routed to our friends’ place where we sat and visited and left with two big bags of salad greens and herbs from their garden. So that was a big score. In turn, we’ve been baking breads and sharing them all around this week. The big surprise was having the water in Fearrington shut off for several hours on Thursday evening, and some lost their water hours before we did. Fortunately, we keep gallons of RO water in water bags that we could rely on. And just when mom was getting ready to wash up and go to bed on Thursday – around 11pm or so – the water came back on. So her day was not affected at all.
We did get to the gym on Wed (5/1) and had a curtailed workout on the treadmill (.35 miles / 13 min 02 sec) before we had the adventure or all adventures in the restroom, which entailed me hustling back to the house to get some spare clothes. Fortunately, the gym is no more than a 1/4 from our front door!! On Friday (5/3), mom was on the front porch taking in the sights and visiting with neighbors before transferring to the back alley for the weekly alley meeting with a whole crew of neighbors.
All in all a fine week. Here are trends we are working on: rising earlier as opposed to sitting down for breakfast at 3p, avoiding herbal coffee (and all coffees!!) to remain accident-free, and getting our new swimsuits ready for the season.
Here is a peek at what we baked, made, shared, and received this week:
The below salad was made with greens and herbs exclusively from our neighbor’s garden.
Sun, Apr 28, 2024 (11:50pm) Quick Weekend Review
Today was getting on the warmer side, and mom and I took opportunity to take a casual stroll, leaving from the garage and circling around to the front. Thereafter, mom remained on the front porch for some time. On Fri (4/27) mom was outside for most of the afternoon as she attended the alley meeting. And on Sat, we were mostly around the house.
Fri, Apr 26, 2024 (11:15am) The “Work Week” Recap
Well, yesterday (Thurs, 4/25), mom pulled a fast one on me. She was lounging in bed all morning and finally took a shower in the early afternoon. And her clothes were all arranged for when she got dressed, but lo’ & behold she made an executive decision to forgo getting dressed and instead got a fresh, pair of pajamas and put those on. When I told her to get dressed in regular clothes so we could go for a walk, she stood steadfast that she would not take her pajamas off, only to have to put them on again in a few hours. So indeed it was a pajama day, even spending the late afternoon on the front porch in her pjs and a blanket!!
We did get to the gym on both Mon (4/22) and Wed (4/24). On both occasions, mom put up quite modest numbers, not the sky-high totals she was cranking out two weeks ago.
.42 miles total on treadmill (15 min 44 sec) // .27 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
3 laps around the track
Seated Rest
1 lap around the track
20 industrial steps down
.36 miles total on treadmill (13 min 20 sec) // .34 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
2 laps around the track
Standing exercises
20 industrial steps down
Tuesday (4/23) was a stay-at-home day, and mom sat outside for a bit.
Sun, Apr 21, 2024 (1:30pm) Weekend Wrap-Up
Had an absolutely wonderful visit with my 88-year-old aunt who is still very road worthy. On Thurs 4/18, the three of us did walk over the to gazebo and hang out for a while. It was a warm one at 86 degrees, but we were able to get some walking in and have a good conversation. And the rest of the visit went well; she left midday on Friday. That afternoon (Fri, 4/20) mom was outside with her friends for about 2 hours for the alley meeting, and then Sat (4/21) in early afternoon when mom was having breakfast (she slept through the entire morning as she did today as well!) our house was like grand central station as we had a grand stream of very welcomed friends come over to visit, some announced and some unannounced. Mom enjoyed them all. And today (Sun, 4/21, 1:30pm) at the time of typing mom is getting ready for the shower.
So we had a wonderful week of visitors and gatherings, but admittedly were not able to get to the gym or out for a very long walk, but we will pick up the slack on that this week!!
Thurs, Apr 18, 2024 (9:30am) Aunt’s Arrival
My aunt – mom’s co-pilot for decades and decades – arrived shortly before 7p yesterday evening. I kept telling mom over the last week or so that she was coming, and then mom would forget etc. And when she finally walked into the house yesterday evening and mom saw her she lit up like a lightbulb, animately exclaimed her name, and made quick attempt of standing up from her easy chair, but ultimately remained seated. It was a great and grand meeting, and I should have filmed it. Thereafter, we got my aunt checked in at the local Inn and we all spent the evening together eating dinner and catching up till about 10:30p or so. And she will be with us all today as well…
Wed, Apr 17, 2024 (6:15pm) Flowers & Sidewalks
The biggest news around here are the flowers that blossomed up the alley and the new brick sidewalk that was put in outside the house, both of which are pictured below.
On Mon (4/15) mom slept in and had a casual midafternoon breakfast on the front porch as she read the paper. Typically, this would have been a gym day, but I had to make a Costco run, and already most of the day was gone due to our late start. That said, mom and I did get out for a short walkJust for the record, it did get up to 90 today.
On Tue 4/16, mom was up and at ’em super early and she a fairly full day around the house. And then today, Wed (4/18), mom had a leisurely sleep-in and early afternoon breakfast. Typically, we would have gone to the gym today but we were waiting upon my aunt’s arrival this evening.
Sun, Apr 14, 2024 (9:15pm) Four-Day Recap
Mom has been quite fine and consistent over this span.
On Thurs 4/11, she did this workout at the gym:
– .51 miles total on treadmill (18 min 18 sec) // .43 initial miles without stopping
– 20 industrial steps up
– 2 laps around the track
– 20 industrial steps down
Both Fri (4/12) and today (4/14), mom was around the house and spent extended periods on the front porch, and on Sat (4/13) mom walked from the front side of the house to the gazebo and back. She also had good phone and Zoom calls with family. The warm weather (mid-80s) arrived today enabling mom to have a care-free day on the front porch, whereas when she was on the front porch on Friday she was buoyed by a blanket, gloves, a hand-warmer, etc.
Here are the breads we baked the last few days…
Thurs, Apr 11, 2024 (9:30am) Treadmill Workout
Yesterday (Wed, 4/10), mom outdid herself by not emerging from the bed until nearly 2p and then showering and putting on her pajamas again and going back to bed. Well, we put that saga to an end and ultimately made it down to the breakfast table by 4p, and pushed onwards to the gym at about 6:30p where she put in a valiant workout:
.70 miles total on treadmill (25 min 27 sec) // .60 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
2 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
Here is a mom on the treadmill during her workout yesterday.
But these very late wake-ups are becoming a problem. Actually, it is not when she wakes up, but when she will emerge from the warmth of her bed. Very pleased to report that today (4/11) mom has gotten up as I am typing here and is actively getting herself ready for the shower etc. So that is a very positive development!!
On Tues (4/9), mom was mostly around the house after a late wake-up….
Mon, Apr 8, 2024 (9:45pm) Eclipse & Evening Walk
Mom got a glimpse of the solar eclipse as the neighbors were out viewing it, and they were kind enough to come over to our sidewalk with some glasses so mom could also see. At first she did not look high enough in the sky but eventually she got it and could view it nicely. After spending a good portion of the afternoon on the porch (not looking at the sun), mom did make it out for a solid evening walk. We did not go too far but we were out for a while and mom was on her feet for approximately 45 minutes or so. We walked around the gazebo and this pom-pom tree.
Below are some olive baguettes that we made over the weekend….
Sun, Apr 7, 2024 (11:20pm) Front Porch Weekend
On Fri (4/5), mom and I did a modest walk outside but it was quite windy so it was just a fast jaunt, and then we were back. On both Sat (4/6) and Sun (4/7), mom passes hours on the front porch with her usual accoutrements: sunglasses, blanket, tissues, water, reading material, & hand warmers etc. Mom enjoyed her Saturday visit with friends, and due to a late wake-up mom did not make the alley meeting on Friday. All in all, doing just fine.
Thurs, Apr 4, 2024 (10:20pm) Treadmill Terminator!!
Before going to the gym this afternoon / evening, mom’s hip was bothering her, which can happen from time to time, usually after she’s been sitting for a while. So she was not all that keen to get to the gym. But once we got there she took no prisoners!! Mom topped out at .82 miles (29 min 53 sec) on the treadmill, including the initial .57 miles (20:27) without stopping!! So that was a solid treadmill workout. As it was late in the day, we did not climb the double staircase to the track.
Wed, Apr 3, 2024 (11:30pm) Marathon Walk II
Mom did a really great walk today, and we used the rollator which turned out to be a really great way to go. I think that is how we will proceed in the future. She walked to the gazebo, and on to West Camden, and then to Caswell and then on back home. We must have been gone for an hour, or close to it. She has to hunch a bit over her red outdoor rollator (which is on lone from Fearrington Cares), and we are going to try and get an upright model, even buying it if need be.
Yesterday, Tue (4/2), mom was around the house all day, and was up till 2am!! Needless to say, we got off to a bit of a late start today.
Mon, Apr 1, 2024 (6:30pm) Marathon Walk
Mom and I just got back from a 54-minute walk!! She was not keen to go to the gym, and it was such a nice day outside so we just took off from the front porch and did a big loop. We were not speedy, but she was steady. We took a few pauses or standing rests along the way, but she did not sit down at all until we returned back home. She has actually been on the front porch all afternoon, even having her lunch out there.
Sun, Mar 31, 2024 (10:45pm) Carolina Spring
Mom enjoyed the 80 degree weather this weekend. On Sat (3/30), she was out on the front porch for hours – taking her lunch and entertaining all kinds of passers-by. On Sun (3/31), she had a luxurious morning into the early afternoon in bed. Indeed, she was even late for our 3pm Zoom call with family!! But, on the whole, she has made solid strides with her wake-up times. On Fri (3/29), she was out of bed by 7:30am and on Sat (3/30) she was also up by mid-morning. On Fri (3/29), mom was outside her the crew for the alley meeting. So she got plenty of fresh air this weekend.
Here is mom’s Thurs (3/28) workout – a great culmination to a very impressive week on the treadmill wherein she hit at least .65 miles each time!!
.65 miles total on treadmill (23 min 15 sec) // .44 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
3 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
Wed, Mar 27, 2024 (10:45pm) Burning Up the Track
Mom has had some really great sessions at the gym to start the week!! On the downside we are not making much progress in mom’s wake-up / get-up times. Today she started he breakfast at 4pm!! And it was nearly 7:30pm when we finished our workout at the gym!! That is just too late to get the day going. That said, check out these eye-popping numbers!!
On Mon (3/25) mom really topped out!!
.79 miles total on treadmill (28 min 25 sec) // .69 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
1 lap around the track
20 industrial steps down
And then today (3/27) she again went at it:
.65 miles total on treadmill (22 min 59 sec) // .39 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
4 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
Both Sun (3/24) and Tues (3/26) were fairly quiet days around the house…
Sat, Mar 23, 2024 (9:45pm) A Full Week
Today (Sat, 3/23) has been a mostly quiet one as mom slept in, had a visited from her good friends, and took it easy most of the afternoon. Of late, we have been working on our wake-ups, i.e. trying to get out of bed earlier, but mom really likes being under those covers, often remaining in bed for extra hours!!! So let’s just call it a work in progress at this point.
Yesterday (Fri, 3/22) was a late, late get out of bed day – 1pm. It was so late that after mom showered and dressed she had to go directly out to the alley meeting without any breakfast. This was a special alley gathering as one of our longtime neighbors was moving so literally everyone came out for it. And the weather really cooperated. It was a grand gathering, and by the end mom was giving good-bye hugs to everyone telling them that she was also moving!!
On Thurs (3/21) mom got the following workout in at the gym:
.50 miles total on treadmill (18 min 58 sec) // .31 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
3 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
And we baked this sourdough:
On Wed (3/20), mom did a 45 min walk outside without stopping or sitting. She had a ski pole in her right hand, and she and I were mostly arm-in-arm on the other side. When we got back from the walk she happily plopped down in her chair on the front porch.
We also baked these olive baguettes…we shared the above sourdough and the below baguettes with our neighbors who are moving.
This guy (mourning dove) was also hanging around our feeder, which has been like grand central station the past month or so. But this fellow was just dipping his tail in our freshly filled water tray, and I told him he could dip his tail as much as he wants so long as he doesn’t poop in it as I had just cleaned the tray and changed the water.
Both Mon (3/18) & Tues (3/19) were low impact days. On Monday, we had a follow-up visit at the dentist to get mom’s new nightguard, and Tuesday was our busy farmer’s market day.
Sun, Mar 17, 2024 (9:15pm) Happy St. Patrick’s Day
Mom and I spent a wonderful two hours today at a very lovely neighborhood gathering hosted by our friends across the street. Mom really enjoyed going over there and seeing everyone. For those who remember, we were over at Tucker’s house, and good ol’ Tuck spent time sitting on both of our laps. In total, there were about 20 – 24 people there, and it was good to meet and connect with others in neighborhood who we see less frequently. On Saturday, mom and I were around the house and she sat outside for a good while. All in all a fine weekend, and we are ready for the upcoming week!!
Fri, Mar 15, 2024 (10:50pm) Spring Came & Left
Mom had a good go at the gym today, not record-setting but sufficient:
.50 miles total on treadmill (18 min 44 sec) // .30 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
3 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
On Tues, Wed, & Thurs, mom spent lots of time basking in spring on the front porch. Due to a busy schedule, we did not get out and walk, but mom sure did enjoy her time on the front porch.
Mon, Mar 11, 2024 (4:50pm) Back in the Saddle
Well, we got back to the gym today and while it wasn’t our best showing on the treadmill, mom did do some solid work on the track getting a total of 6 laps in. Here are the numbers:
.41 miles total on treadmill (15 min 11 sec) // .29 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
3 laps around the track
Seated Rest
2 laps around the track
Seated Rest
1 lap around the track
20 industrial steps down
Sun, Mar 10, 2024 (7:10pm) Blustery Sunday
It was a very blustery day, but in the late afternoon mom and I ventured out for a walk around the block. Not exactly the longest walk of the year, but, nonetheless, we got out and about for a bit – and that was good. In fact, for the last few days we have been homebodies. We did not get to the gym on Fri (3/8) as an old friend came over late Friday afternoon which mom really enjoyed, and then mom was treated to her usual Saturday morning visitors which was also very welcomed. So all is well around here. No major changes or updates, and we’ll take it. That said, we do need to get to the gym tomorrow.
Mom’s latest venture into yoga class in case you haven’t seen it: Mom barges through
Thurs, Mar 7, 2024 (7pm) Sunset Wonders
This below photo is actually from Mon (3/4) on my return trip from Costco…if you click on the image it will take you to IG to view the full series of photos taken.
Thurs, Mar 7, 2024 (11:45am) Excellent Check-Up
Well, she did it again!! On Tues (3/5), mom went for her local medical check-up and her bloodwork was excellent. Our wonderful doctor did a thorough analysis and ordered a serveral tests, and mom’s numbers were all terrific. And that is without any medicine to alter the results and / or cover-up what is really going on. So at 94.5 years of age, mom is in really good shape.
On Mon (3/4), we went to the dentist to fix a cracked tooth and get a new nightguard so that is another sphere of life that is in good order as by and large her teeth are in excellent condition. There are no ongoing issues or problems.
Here are mom’s gym numbers from yesterday, Wed (3/6):
.50 miles total on treadmill (18 min 22 sec) // .36 initial miles without stopping
20 industrial steps up
3 laps around the track
20 industrial steps down
Previous Updates ==> Sep 27, 2021 to Mar 3, 2024
Hi Satyam – feel for the both of you ! I know it put’s a lot of effort and responsibility on you. Just a note that we are sending thought’s, prayer’s and healing energy to your Mother and yourself. The care you have for your mother is beautiful. Hang in their brother.
Hi Greg,
Much appreciated – your kind words and thoughts are warmly welcomed and received.