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Message from Dr. K.A. Williams – Cardiologist

Message from Dr. K.A. Williams – Cardiologist

Here is a message from the President of the American College of Cardiology to his peers…& (indirectly) to the rest of us as well…

Dr K. Williams - Cardiologist

But Dr. Williams was not always a vegan. In fact the first 49 years of his life he ate meat – even “just chicken and fish”. And he thought he was doing the right thing – until he noticed that his cholesterol levels were through the roof. At first, he could not believe it so he had his cholesterol checked three times in two days by three different companies. Then he realized that a change was in order. By that point he had already been a practicing physician for 20 – 25 years, and he turned to the literature and saw the answer to his problem was in changing his diet  – as written about in this New York Times article.

And here below is Dr Williams discussing the effect of diet on human health, and he includes an anecdote of his own life experience…

 Resources & Literature

So then what literature is Dr Williams referring to – well in his video he mentions “Ornish” and that is a reference to Dr. Dean Ornish who has done a lot of work with diet and heart disease.

For your easy access here are some resources you may find helpful:

There are just too many resources and too much literature for us not to be able to get the facts – and do something about it.

Feel free to write us with any thoughts or questions…


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