Meet Latesha ~ A Teacher from Charleston!!

About the writer: Latesha is a native and current resident of Charleston, SC who teaches yoga for Embassy Suites Hotel. She also instructs at several community centers, while her yoga studio is under construction. Her focus is on ashtanga yoga and she plans to go to India next year, to meet the great Sharath Jois. She and I (Satyam) have been communicating about yoga & life and she has graciously accepted an invitation to share a little about her practice, how it has transformed her, and how she approaches teaching others.

Here then is Latesha’s guest blog post…


Growing up as the darkest person around wasn’t the easiest body to live in. However, I finally discovered my true self through the gifts of yoga, which allowed me to embrace myself and live without any feelings of insecurity about my skin color. Many struggle with their physical appearance, and desire to reconstruct the body they have. Yoga will help you tap into your inner-self, giving you the confidence your heart desires.

Note: Be sure to see more photos of Latesha below.


When I started practicing yoga I was not naturally strong: Neither physically, nor mentally, nor spiritually. However, I was deeply inspired by meditation, scorpion pose & its variations, and handstands. I was truly amazed how the mind could manipulate the body with such articulation. I soon discovered there’s a lot to learn about the human body and it’s easy to get overwhelmed.


As a yoga teacher, it’s helpful to remember that the biggest reason to discuss anatomy is to facilitate a healthy practice and help students understand what’s going on in their bodies. Keeping the integrity of the pose, with precise form and alignment, allows you to get all the benefits out of the asana [posture]. Following a path of personal development isn’t easy. Oh, it’s rewarding and can be life-changing, but it can also be confusing, challenging, and scary.


I don’t want to be just a good yoga teacher as I was a student. I want to be a great teacher who will shine light and love into the hearts of others. And we all know that the only way to become great on the path of yoga is by making others great. That is the secret to greatness. As a teacher, I place importance on form and alignment, along with breath with movement. By this method all can progress and become great. Remember, don’t ever be just good in life, be great!


With respect to what I do, I can say with confidence that I’m one of those who really does what they love, and loves what they do. This does not mean, however, that there’s no work involved – not by a long shot. Organization, planning, budgeting, marketing, travel, logistics, maintain a self-practice, training – and that’s just the prelude to actually teaching.

As I hone in on my specialization, I recognize that there remains much to learn, yet I can’t be afraid to proceed ahead and stand out. Only by this way – only by coming out, embracing challenges, and rising to the occasion – can I be in position to serve, flourish, and help make others become great.

Latesha Grant

Twitter: @ChokolateChick

Here are a few photos of Latesha in her practice…

Warrior 3

And here is a second photo – thanks for sharing Latesha!


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  1. What a wonderful story of finding your path! Clearly, you have found your true calling as a teacher. Thank you so much for sharing your story! Please follow up with us about the progress of your studio and your trip to India.

    1. Happy Holidays Liz,
      I am so grateful that you took the time to read my blog. Yoga has changed my life forever. It has helped me to be free and confident. Please use and share my story with friends and love ones. My mantra in life is “Don’t be afraid of being different, be afraid of being the same as everyone else 🙂
      Liz, I will keep you posted, regarding my wonderful journey called life. You can follow me @chokolatechick



  2. What a wonderful story! It is so interesting to hear a teacher’s perspective on yoga, and I love your goal of achieving greatness by making others great…it sounds like you are on your way! Our teacher, Satyam, has had such a profound positive influence on so many of our community; you are in good company. Please do share your experiences in India…it is one of my personal goals to make it there but I also enjoy armchair traveling!!! best wishes for a wonderful continuing journey.

    1. Greetings Annie!!

      It is with great pleasure to have you comment on my blog. First of all, I want to thank you for your time and acknowledgement. My heart is so greatly imbedded into my practice. I’m not sure how I would live without it at this point. I have a passion for teaching and helping other’s reach their highest potential. Your teacher ( Satyam), has guided me through this amazing blogging process with seamless instructions. He has also, given me confidence in way, probably unknown to him. I am grateful to have met Satyam on twitter and look forward to visiting him in the future. Please don’t allow anything to stop you from getting to India. Set your goals in life and execute. You only get one shot at it! I hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!


      Again, I appreciate your feedback and I ask that you share my blog with friends and family. Please follow me @chokolatechick


  3. Hello Tesha…thanks for your response! My daughter spent 6 months traveling in India on her own and promises me that we will get there before I turn 70 and I mean to hold her to it…we still have a few years! In the meantime my thinking is that if I can’t travel far, I will travel near and do all the yoga I can! It would be great to meet you some time, so put us on your itinerary…continued best wishes, and keep us posted!

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