
Me & the Rentals: “On the Road!”

(Note: In a spontaneous flow, wrote and posted this Sunday night 1/22/12, then noontime Monday had second thoughts & deleted it from this blog and my computer, & created this post. Then that evening, after receiving very positive response from Ashleigh (“great…really funny & creative”), did an emergency retrieval of this original post, and here it is. Now there are two posts, two distinctly different styles of the same topic. Yes, of course, tell us what you think. Moral of the Story: Don’t freak out after writing a blog post.)

IMG_1656Hi remember me – I’m Eliza Jane. I’m older & bolder these days (b. 4/23/11) and can do much more.

For instance, the other day I took Dad to this great park in Savannah, Ga during our recent road trip to Fla. I really dig road trips and I am glad I could show him this park – it is a favorite of mine.

Here is a bigger picture of me if you would like to see…

Well, if you don’t mind I’d like to review a bit of ancient history. Oh no, not the Greeks, Romans or Phoenicians. I mean me! You know when I spent all that time rolling around in that pitch-dark cabin, no electricity, no on-line connection, nor wi-fi. Was that the dark ages or what?!?  I couldn’t see a thing and thought I would never get out. Oh come on now, you’re not gonna lay that line on me: You don’t remember that movie… Well then what are you waiting for – see it again. Don’t even tell me you did not see it once. Heck, I am a flippin’ and a flyin’ the whole time.


Like I was saying. We took this road trip over the winter holiday as I wanted to get m & d out of dodge. But check this out. After I got the tent set up (by myself!) – down in the Fla. Keys – then they (m & d) got plumb lost. I was looking everywhere – inside the tent, outside the tent. You name it and I checked there. Spent the whole afternoon tracking them down to make sure they were OK. Totally spoiled my afternoon surfin’ plans. But what can you do – that is part of the sacrifice of having parents. It kinda comes with the package – goes with the territory.

I made this pic big also…

On the whole though the trip was pretty great – I mean what’s not to like about going south in wintertime. Besides, I worked out a deal where I actually got them to do most of the driving – so I could just chill in my captain’s chair. When I am in that seat, I just totally call all the shots. It makes Captain Kirk look like a water boy.

IMG_1669Well you saw how I took the D-A-D to the park. Well, he just could not keep the dang thing secret. Next thing I know, the M-O-M is fussin’ this way and that about why she didn’t get to go to no park. She was prancin’ about saying: “I did not get to go to the park!”.

At that point my options were few…

To settle the score, my sole and only recourse was to take the M-O-M to the beach. Pretty killer spot!! Yep, she was much happier. See her smiling again. Still I could not get her to listen to a thing. I told her six times to wear her sun-hat, but the girl would not listen. Again, all part of the hassle of doing anything with the ‘rentals.

Well what can I say, at least they have come a long way in the last 9 months!! For that I am ever-grateful.

So that is life in a nutshell. Tell me what is up with you…

P.S. Oh wait, one last thing, I have recently enrolled the M-O-M in baby sign language classes because up until now she & Pop do not get all my lingo. Like most parents, they are just behind the times – communication breakdown! So I have sought to nip the problem in the bud! Is there any other way.

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  1. Ok, Satyam, since you speak baby so well, I’m gonna send you some pix of my dogs and see how you do!!! Loved it!

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