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Live Sitar & Yoga: A Blissful Afternoon

Below is a short video from today’s live sitar and yoga seminar. Together we ventured deep into a meditative flow and engaged in basic movements as well. We had a solid turnout – and more than that – those who came fully invested themselves in the program. That made it an extra special afternoon. And indeed thanks so much to Anthony for his absolutely wonderful playing. More about the program is noted below.

The above scene is from the opening segment of the program wherein we were all attuning our minds to a more subtle and tranquil flow. It was a time of transition: A time to leave behind the rigors of worldly life, relax the body, soak up the sweet sounds, and introvert the mind.

(As the “videographer” was also the lead instructor, it was only really possible to film  a scene with no movement and no speech – though there was plenty of both during the program.)

Thereafter we gently came to a seated position where did gentle neck stretches and explored aspects of the yogic breath. A few gentle seated poses got us loosened up and then again we returned to a seated meditative stance where we took our samkalpa (firm determination) embarked on our ideative journey using mantra.

With everyone’s deep involvement & Anthony’s seamless playing, the program only soared upwards from there. We went through some standing sequences accompanied by a narrative to keep us focused on the meditative journey. And indeed time and again we returned to that point of stillness within – in various ways and forms.

There is much more to tell – balance poses, relaxation, pranayama, guided meditation, reflection, story and more.

I certainly hope those who participated will share their tales and experiences.That will certainly help fill in the gaps.

As a co-presenter, all I can say is that I did not even look at Anthony once the entire afternoon. There was no need for even the slightest of gestures. The whole program  flowed from an inner feeling and understanding the entire way through.

Thanks everyone for coming out and creating such a sentient atmosphere where the mind was easily able to slip into that peaceful, meditative state.


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  1. Satyam,
    Many thanks for an amazing workshop! I’m still surprised at how strongly certain sounds seem to encourage meditation…it was totally mesmerizing and the fastest 2 hours ever…please pass our thanks on to Anthony…

  2. I have to say that this is the first time I felt I was being pulled into the meditative process by the music and by the words of our teacher, and the first time I did not want to stop and reground myself when the time came…A very gripping, intense response.

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