Learning with Mom – 2 Things

As part of our personal story challenge, here is a recent lesson learned – from mom of course.

She arrived Tuesday afternoon and by that evening we had covered numerous topics – including my faltering eyesight. I had told her that it seemed like over the last 6 months or so I was losing the ability to make out fine print – when it was up close. Though, part of me was still contemplating how far this was really correct or not. Yeah, go ahead – call it denial.

Later that evening I was reading the ingredients of the vegan sorbet. I was holding the container in such a way – at a particular distance – mom only laughed (as only a loving mother could) and said, “Oh, you need glasses alright.” She added, “Come on, we’ll go tomorrow.”

Point taken – that was the confirmation needed. Glasses / eyewear (my first ever) on the list for Jan 2015.

The second thing I learned from mom is that before we go to NY on Friday I will be trimming my beard.


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