
Jean’s Creative Glass Work

Here is a piece from Jean in honor of the Self-Expression Challenge. She writes: “This is my work with sea glass and old bottles.”

Jean's Work

Jean is deeply involved in many things glass: sea-glass, glass bottles, and stained glass. What others might consider tossable or recyclable, she finds artistic expression. Thanks Jean for sharing this one with us!!

Oh, and by the way, she is also fairly adept at doing the splits…

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  1. This is amazing! Jeanie is so talented! I’m fortunate enough to have one of her pieces. It’s a unique star hanging in my window. It changes color as the sun moves across the sky.

  2. Jean – I love how you’ve incorporated the bottle into the stained glass. Reminds me of sunrise on the bay.

  3. Jean – we need to talk. We do a sea glass event at the Calvert Marine Museum and it would be so much fun to have you participate.

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