It Is Officially Spring!

"Spring-2" by Colleen Sabo (Friendship, MD)

Namaskar! It is officially spring and what an entry it was – absolutely picture perfect weather this weekend here in Maryland – well deserved after the rough winter.

Spring of course is a season of great significance in so many cultures and communities. It symbolizes growth, rebirth, renewal, regeneration, and so much more.

Some of the terms for spring in the yogic community are dolyatra and varnarghyadan.

Dolyatra refers to how life bubbles with joy in spring – gone is the gloom of winter and in comes the sunshine of spring. With joy people begin so many plans and projects to make their lives and their communities brighter and more beautiful. This creates a feeling of joy, inspiration and hope within the mind.

Varnarghyadan refers to the purity of spring. Varna means color; arghya means that which is offered; dan is the act of offering. According to the yogis, everything in this universe is made up of vibrations and each vibration has its own sound and color. Part of the aim of the yogis is to live a life of serene equipoise, where one is unaffected by the trials and tribulations of this world and keeps an ever-present feeling of bliss in the mind. Metaphorically speaking, spring signifies the offering of the colors or tendencies of one’s mind, wherein the aspirant becomes free of so many bondages (i.e. colors) and invites a greater sense of serenity and realization.

Please tell us with this rediscovery of joy and serenity, how do you plan to celebrate spring? What do you like best about this season? What are your plans and projects? In your sharing, you might just inspire someone else – so let’s hear it.

Why is your spring going to be so wonderful…

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  1. Yes, Spring is here! I’m going to thoroughly enjoy getting my hands dirty in the garden while I breathe in all the sweet smells of the earth waking up!

  2. I’m looking forward to tea drinking on my new deck-so far I’ve seen a beautiful cardinal walking around in my backyard and that brought a smile to my face!

    Other plans include the usual Spring cleaning of closets and “airing” the house out…this past weekend was a wonderful start and the house smells cleaner already.


  3. I plan to play outside with my children. Take long walks among trees (i love trees) and sit in the sun.

  4. For me, new beginnings in just about every aspect of my life. Good and exciting beginnings. And all has come right when Springs was starting. A true time of renewal! Plus,Springs means…..Summertime is coming. Happy Spring everyone!

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