
Home Cooking with Mom

Home Cooking with Mom

Here is a quick peak of a few of the many meals we shared together last week…
…all credit goes to mom – of course!!!

Classic Stir Fry

Here is a mom stir fry made to absolute perfection. Somehow they just seem to get better with age!! This one came out particularly well….

Mom orchestrated it all in the afternoon by prepping the veggies (napa / Chinese cabbage, bok choy, broccoli, zucchini etc) and frying the tofu. Then she had it in mind that I should make the peanut sauce. Apparently, she remembered when I came down years ago and made a sauce that everyone liked (i.e. the magic of cooking under mom’s roof!!!) so she insisted I make a peanut sauce again…and once again the charm of cooking in her kitchen yielded a favorable result. (Peanut butter, almond butter, balsamic vinegar, black pepper, fresh ginger, flax seed ground, soy sauce, water).

Finally mom whipped it all together cooking all the various ingredients to sheer perfection!!!

Farmer’s Market Fresh!!!

Sometimes the simplest dinners are the best dinners…….and it helps when the asparagus is the best you have ever had!!

Layered Vegetable Torte

Dinner on day 1 (arrival day) at mom’s place. An incredible layered vegetable torte!!!

At soon to be 91 she remains perfectly self-sufficient in all respects as well as a great vegan cook!!! Here she made eggplant zucchini tomato basil tortes, with Japanese breadcrumbs on top!!! They literally melted in your mouth!!!

We’ve been eating vegan food together for 30 years…. And still she comes up with new dishes that are incredibly good!!! Oh, and of course we started with her homemade borscht soup. What else on a summer day!!

And when she is not cooking she is making house calls and teaching families in need various home hospice care techniques. Can you say Wonder Woman!?!?!


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  1. Some of the many comments on Instagram:

    – Wow!!!! That looks so delicious! Eggplant is one of my faves.
    Your mom truly is a Wonder Woman. Do you think she will keep a seat open for me the next time she makes this?

    – She is Wonder Woman!! I know! Hello and hugs to you all. ❤️

    – Oh my gosh. Yes‼️ what a Wonder Women💖. Have a great time!

    – Wonder Woman!!!!

    – Wow!

    – Hey @vegan_sayj come take a look at this post when you get a minute….we should introduce our moms!!!! 😊👍

    – wow this looks amazing 😋😍💚

    – This looks delicious! My mom taught me so much about vegan cooking, too. 😋

    – Looks awesome!! 👏🏼

    – Please give your mom hugs from the Schaefers and from the horses and Harrison!! That meal looks delicious!!!!

    – Wonder Woman indeed!! If this tasted half as good as it looks, it must have been amazing🍆🍅❣I hope your Mom knows she has a Maryland fan club just waiting for some samples🤩

    – Hi, Looks delicious👌

    – You should probably visit more often.

    – What a treat‼️

  2. The dishes look so beautiful and delicious. I would gladly shop, help prep and clean up if she cooks like that for me. I wish I can get on the road to NC right now!!!

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