
Historic Gettysburg + Wedding Photos

Historic Gettysburg + Wedding Photos

Here are some scenes from our short walk around historic Gettysburg
as well as some photos of us dressed for the wedding (10/13/18) at the farmhouse…

On our wedding / weekend getaway, mom and I arrived in Gettysburg Friday late afternoon for a mid-afternoon wedding the following day. Here following are a few shots of our Saturday morning walk around historic Gettysburg. This was all within a short walking distance from our hotel – we even caught the beginning of a National Parks Service tour of the national cemetery.

As promised, at the bottom, are some wedding photos – i.e. mom and I dressed up for the occasion….

Wedding Photos

Prior to going to the wedding, some of you were asking me if I was going to dress up and / or if I was going to wear sandals etc. Well, all have been revealed below.

Here first is the view from underneath the wedding tent…..

Next, I broke in my new, winter black crocs for the occasion – they turned out to be very fitting shoes for the event as it was a bit chilly and a touch wet and muddy. So while I thought my comfort-cum-casual footwear might stick out a bit, they turned out to be the ideal choice given the conditions.

Following are a few shots of mom and I dressed for the occasion….


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  1. Satyam, you cleaned up nice! Your Mom is a pretty lady. Thanks for sharing the pics. I grew up near Gettysburg and visited the fields many times.

    1. hi Susan,

      Thanks so much for your kind words…

      What a great place to grow up – it is a very unique, historic, and pastoral area. Must have been a great childhood.

      Thanks again – btw, mom is 89 years of age!

      1. Your mom is great!, that means you have good genes. I can’t believe she is going to Patagonia and will be walking 2 hours a day! That is what it’s all about, staying healthy to enjoy life to it’s fullest. She is an inspiration to all of us.

        1. BTW, did you visit the Foxes Den when you at the battle grounds? or something Den (been so long I can’t remember), but I do remember it being one of my favorite places. Also, I’m anonymous not on purpose.

          1. Hi Susan – It is nice to by anonymous once in a while : -)

            Our time in Gettysburg was limited – unfortunately, but I just Googled Den in Gettysburg and I am coming up with the Devil’s Den – could that be what you are referring to?

            Hope to get back there at some point as it is a very neat place with lots to explore!!

  2. lookin Good! Your Mom Looks Great As Well! Glad you had a nice trip. Thanks for all the historic Pics. I love history.

    1. Many thanks Kerry – great hearing from you…

      Indeed for history enthusiasts, Gettysburg is quite the mecca. A small town filled with monuments, historic parks, guided walking tours – all within a few minutes walk one direction or another…

  3. Great pictures of the landscape.
    You look very handsome in your suit and tie! And I love the crocs! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™

    – Catrina

    Satyam in a suit! ๐Ÿ˜Ž Glad you had a nice trip

    – Amanda

    Love seeing you with your mom. It looks like it was a great day.

    – Kay

    Satyam out of the yoga classroom! In a field i once stood in and have alliums from! so nice to see

    – Liz

    1. Thank you Rebecca – very kind of you to say.

      While mom is a refined and finished product – I am still trying to hold up my end of the bargain – thanks for the encouragement!

  4. You and your mom look beautiful! She certainly does not look 89! What a pretty, healthy-looking lady at her age.

    1. Hi Mary Ellen: Thanks for your kind words.

      Actually, the beauty is all mom’s…and indeed she does not look 89 – nor does she act it. She is extremely active and has been in training the last 6 months for an upcoming 3-week trip to Patagonia, that includes 2-hours of hiking a day. She is full of vigor and vitality!!

  5. Satyam – Lovely, lovely pictures of your debonair self and your very youthful Mom! So wonderful for you to be her escort. Your self-deprecating humor made me chuckle. Just what I needed after slugging away on a word document for a couple hours. Your crocs would fit right in here in Colorado. Yes, I am still on your email list from years ago and still in yoga class 3-4 times a week. The earlier comments just show how well thought of you are by your students. You pulled it off and fooled them. Thanks for the pix and best of luck to your Mom on her new adventure.

    Jane, Colorado Springs

    1. How wonderful to hear from you Jane – thanks so much for checking in – you have been missed around here but know you are well settled and doing great things in Colorado.

      Thank you for your warm words and look forward to crossing paths again one day in one near or distant place. Till then, it is wonderful to know you remain on the mailing list and are following along : -)

      All the best to you in your practice and other endeavors!!

  6. The suit couldnโ€™t make me think of the Satyam Iโ€™ve known known no matter how much I tried. The love and tenderness in the way you were holding your mom told me it was really you and made my heart smile! !! The crocks made me laugh. A loud hearty laugh !

    1. Hi Ileana,

      Thank you so much for your kind reflections….

      …on a related note, to help with the situation, I shall start wearing a tie for a few minutes during each class!! Let’s see if that helps….

  7. Hello Satyam. I just saw the photos of the wedding and they are beautiful. You and your mom were very elegant.

    What a blessing to share those special moments with your mother. Love your crocs.

  8. Hi Satyam,

    Great wedding photos! Looks like you had a lot of fun. Your mom is an inspiration. When can I meet her?

    1. Hi Lynn,

      Kindly remind me about this – but if the weather is halfway decent come December, and if you are in town through the holidays, the three of us can go for a walk through Galesville when my mom comes up….how does that sound?


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