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Glutes Practicum #1

Glutes Practicum #1

For this month’s Glute Challenge,  we engage in a simple stretch
and a strengthening series for the glutes…

Podcast: Home Practice (11 min 49 sec)

Here is a practice that focuses on the glutes for you to try at home. Kindly know that the practice begins in a chair and then quickly transitions onto your mat.

Listing of poses: Seated stretch in a chair -> balancing table -> stack hip -> balancing table (elbow to knee variation) -> pumping leg -> child’s pose -> balancing table (right angle variation (shown below)) -> child’s pose -> downward dog & 3-pointed plank sequence.

Hope you enjoy the podcast – let us know how it goes for you.

Special Promo: Free Abs Class

Truth be known, our Abs classes are great for strengthening the glutes. And as a promo, for those who have never been to our abs classes, if you come and say., “I want to strengthen my glutes”, then your first class is free.

And in our general yoga classes, we regularly engage in a wide range of poses (lunges, victory pose, pigeon etc) that stretch the glues.

Balancing Table Variation

The following graphic is the balancing table (right angle variation):

~ Image courtesy of Yoga Journal ~


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