
Fascia Challenge: May ’23

Fascia Challenge: May ’23

Still today modern science is learning about this unique and pervasive substance throughout our bodies known as fascia…

Overview: For the month of May 2023, we shall explore, theoretically and practically, what exactly fascia is and what its role is in the body. After all, yoga is widely viewed as an excellent pathway for enhancing the health and condition of one’s fascia. At the same time, modern medicine continues to uncover exciting new elements about what fascia does. Initially, fascia was seen as a relatively static element in the body. That perspective has changed a lot in recent years. Fascia is looked upon as a highly dynamic and significant aspect of how our body functions and performs.

Here following are some resources for you as we together pursue this period of discovery about fascia. As the month progresses, we shall aim to deepen our understanding of this vital aspect of our human body. More posts and resources to follow….

Video: Intro to Fascia

I found this vital to be an informative and interesting piece. It is short, yet packed with info and well-presented. Please know that the last 65 seconds or so is promotional material so it is really just a 5 1/2 minute video – and well worth it.


I found the above video while reading this article on Physiopedia:


Like ligaments, aponeuroses, and tendons, fasciae are dense regular connective tissues, containing closely packed bundles of collagen fibres oriented in a wavy pattern parallel to the direction of pull. Fasciae are consequently flexible structures able to resist great unidirectional tension forces until the wavy pattern of fibres has been straightened out by the pulling force. These collagen fibres are produced by the fibroblasts located within the fascia. Read More…

More Articles & Resources

#1: This article from Healthline is all about fascia and pain-free movement and references stretching, mobility, and yoga as avenues for improving the health of your fascia:

#2: This article from WebMD offers a basic overview of fascia, different types of fascia, and fascial pain. This article also references yoga.

#3: This article from VeryWellHealth goes over fascial injury and rehab.

#4: This article from Yoga Journal gives insight on how a regular yoga practice affects fascia.

Moving Forward

I hope you find the above resources (video and articles) to be of value, and I look forward to incorporating info about fascia into our classes this month. Also keep an eye out for more blog posts about fascia.

Feel free to write us with questions or share your knowledge. Great to have you on board for this challenge.


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