
Eliza: An Update 9 Months Later

Many of you may recall the pregnancy and birth of Eliza Jane (b. 4/23/11) featured here in this video. Well here she is 9 months later, thereabouts as some of the below photos are from late December.

IMG_1656Here is Eliza along with her father, Matt, at a park in Savannah, Ga (I believe). They took a family car camping trip from Maryland to the Florida Keys over the holidays.

Personally, I was very taken by Eliza’s posture and positioning, looking extremely steady and ready for a 9 month old. Not to mention her keen, clear-eyed gaze toward the camera. See this larger image.

While in Florida they did some sleeping out-of-doors. And here below is Eliza taking care of things in and around the tent.

IMG_1539So Eliza is being exposed to all kinds of life experiences including winter camping – even if it is in the south!

Here is a larger version of this photo.

Some of you may also recall that Eliza came to a yoga class not too long back – and a very short video clip was made of her time in class.

Finally, here we have mom, Ashleigh, along with Eliza at the beach. A great mother-daughter combo.

IMG_1669When Ashleigh and I spoke after yoga last Friday, she also informed me of a class she & Eliza are taking: Sign Language for children (or a similar type of title.)

The yogis say that there are 6 stages to language / communication. The first four are 100% non-verbal: Based on aspects like thought, ideation, inspiration, and feeling. Then it is only the 5th and 6th stage (vocal cords & tongue), where sound is involved. Teaching sign language then to an infant seems like an ideal way to further that unspoken communication link between parent and child.

Absolutely wonderful to receive this update on Eliza and family and we look forward to more in the future! Thanks so much for sharing…

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  1. Thank you, Satyam, for sharing our adventures! Hopefully Eliza can make another appearance at class sometime soon!

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