
Early Life Reflections & Practice

Luke's chair yogaHere’s Luke attending to his yoga practice in his NEW chair!!

Question: Does this new chair that mom got me hold up to the rigours of my yoga practice?

Answer: Well, if there is one thing I have learned over my 180 days (roundabout) on this planet, it is this – always exercise patience before forming an opinion. Never rush to judgement. That said, this chair is under further testing and review.

While we await Luke’s well-informed views about that chair, let me tell you what is happenin’ on Saturday mornings at 9:45am. We’ve got our Strength & Fitness Yoga class for all generations.

Luke has been a regular the last two weeks, other stalwarts include Katie’s Amelia (4 months) as well as the occasional appearance of Monaca’s Amelia (4 months) and Penelope (approx 8 months).

They all hang out and gab while the big people go through an intensive yoga session complete with arm balances, inversions, lunges and, yes, the occasional diaper change.

Do join us Saturday’s for this dynamic experience – the babies would love to see you, as well as add to their own ranks.

Oh yeah, it is relaxing from my side also. I need not tell a story or say anything after class. Just I announce, “Now you can all hang out with the babies”, and everyone is quite satisfied…

See you there!!

(note: Here is a bigger, clearer picture of Luke in his new chair doing yoga.)

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