Chair Yoga Class (20x)
Chair Yoga Class (20x)
Here’s the types of things we do in Chair Yoga…
Audio source:

Here’s the types of things we do in Chair Yoga…
Audio source:
Status Update: A Return Onsite or Stay Put?? Here is an overview of where renyoga is at present,…
Art Opening: Aug 4, 1p – 4p; Artworks@7th Very pleased to share with you the upcoming opening of…
Tuesday Evening Schedule (Late Feb – Early Apr) We’ve got some changes coming up, and this might make…
This is the second offering / practice for the Abs Challenge (Nov ’14) – see podcast below. This…
Please welcome Baby Caroline – the latest and greatest addition to our yoga and human family. Born Caroline…
Baby Elephant Overcomes Fear of Water This is a heart-warming tale yet also a key point on the…
Status Update: A Return Onsite or Stay Put?? Here is an overview of where renyoga is at present,…
Art Opening: Aug 4, 1p – 4p; Artworks@7th Very pleased to share with you the upcoming opening of…
Tuesday Evening Schedule (Late Feb – Early Apr) We’ve got some changes coming up, and this might make…
This is the second offering / practice for the Abs Challenge (Nov ’14) – see podcast below. This…
Please welcome Baby Caroline – the latest and greatest addition to our yoga and human family. Born Caroline…
Baby Elephant Overcomes Fear of Water This is a heart-warming tale yet also a key point on the…
Status Update: A Return Onsite or Stay Put?? Here is an overview of where renyoga is at present,…
Art Opening: Aug 4, 1p – 4p; Artworks@7th Very pleased to share with you the upcoming opening of…
Tuesday Evening Schedule (Late Feb – Early Apr) We’ve got some changes coming up, and this might make…
This is the second offering / practice for the Abs Challenge (Nov ’14) – see podcast below. This…
Please welcome Baby Caroline – the latest and greatest addition to our yoga and human family. Born Caroline…
Baby Elephant Overcomes Fear of Water This is a heart-warming tale yet also a key point on the…