Beverage Challenge: July ’19

Beverage Challenge: July ’19

With the temps arising, we shall use this month’s challenge to hydrate and cool off….

Overview: Water is universally viewed as the beverage of choice. But sometimes, we may feel a need to spice it up a bit or create something entirely different. Hence the Beverage Challenge where we will take the month to explore healthy, refreshing options – definitely not alcoholic and preferably not store-bought.

Participation: You are highly encouraged to share with us your tried and true staples or your latest concoction. We will then collect and share all entries. Kindly email your beverage recipes to us (renyoga (at) gmail (dot) com) and by all means provide a photo as well!!

Starters: Till all your marvelous drink options come rolling in, here are a few that I have shared in the past:

Lemon Water

Cucumber Water

Homemade Apple Cider Detox

Mint Water: Another one I have been shown just recently is boiling a few mint leaves in a small pot of water, and then letting it cool down to a manageable temperature before drinking. I know it sounds more like a hot drink, but even then I found it quite refreshing. I have also placed mint leaves in a drinking vessel and let it sit for a bit (shown below).

Share: Let us know what you come up with or would like to share…

Our Collection of Great Summer Beverage Recipes

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