Be as Humble as the Grass…

humble as the grassHere is a favorite teaching that has great social and spiritual import.

Like many or most yogic teachings it is given as a shloka. We invite you to share your reflections of this couplet as well.

Some of you may have heard this in class this week…

Trńádapi suniicena taroriva sahiśńnuná
Amáninaḿ mánadeyaḿ kiirtaniiya sadá harih.

Be as humble as the grass and as tolerant as the trees,
give respect to those whom no one respects,
and always do chant the name of the Divine.

(Caetanya Mahaprabhu, 16 century mystic)

The above shloka (couplet) offers practical guidelines in all realms of life: Individual, collective or social, and spiritual. When we are as humble as the grass and as tolerant as the tree we will keep ourselves free from arrogance and ego, and remain resilient to all kinds of problems in life. With such humility and modesty, naturally others will gravitate towards us and the relation will be sweet.

Giving respect to the disrespected provides a great psychic support to those who feel unworthy. In today’s materialistic society, many feel unwanted, inferior, alienated and lowly, yet it those people in particular who need our encouragement. When they are treated with dignity, honesty and respect, they gain their footing and can become assets of society. Giving respect to the those with high stature is not the need of the day; already they feel respected. Rather giving respect to the downtrodden is our responsibility. All should feel valued and loved on this earth.

Finally, we are to chant the name of the Divine, in whatever form we feel inspired. This frees us from worldly thoughts and helps elevate the mind toward a grander place. For the aspirant, having a spiritual goal is key to achieving success.

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